Why does chronic tonsillitis occur?
The constant penetration of pathogenic microbes forces the defenses to work in constant “overload” mode. Particularly dangerous are the so-called beta-hemolytic streptococci, microbes that have the ability to severely allergize the body. The immune system usually copes with this problem, but as a result of various reasons it can sometimes fail. The problems are caused by:
- stress;
- constant hypothermia;
- poor nutrition;
- exposure to toxic substances;
- smoking.
As a result, defensive reactions may no longer cope with the constant “attacks” of microorganisms and those, without encountering much resistance, settle in the tonsils and begin to multiply there. The body includes reserve forces. An invisible battle begins inside the tonsils. But we already feel it: there is a sore throat, cough, swelling of the tonsils and throat, the temperature rises, and weakness develops. In most cases, the human body wins. The period of acute tonsillitis passes. Then comes recovery or... exacerbation again. And everything repeats itself again.
Please note: if a person does not help his defenses with proper treatment and a rational regimen, then sooner or later the immune system is greatly weakened and then tonsillitis becomes chronic, from which it will be very difficult to recover.
Causes of the disease
Chronic tonsillitis develops due to a persistent decrease in immunity and an increase in the population of pathogenic bacteria on the tonsils. Most often the disease is provoked by staphylococci, but other microorganisms can also be causative agents. In normal condition, the tonsils perform a protective function in the body, preventing the spread of infection. But under certain factors, lymphoid tissue itself can become a constant source of infection. The disease can be provoked by:
- frequent stressful situations;
- regular hypothermia, especially of the legs;
- unbalanced diet;
- constant inhalation of harmful substances, for example, in hazardous production conditions;
- abuse of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
At the same time, a person’s immune system is disrupted, and he becomes susceptible to various pathogens. Entering the human body through the respiratory organs, bacteria and viruses begin to actively multiply on the tonsils, thereby making them a source of chronic infection.
In young children, chronic tonsillitis mainly develops due to frequent respiratory diseases. In addition, chronic pathologies of the nose and ears can provoke the disease. This is explained by the anatomical proximity of all ENT organs.
If a person does not treat a sore throat properly and does not follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then a chronic form of the disease develops. You need to understand that treating chronic tonsillitis is much more difficult than the acute form of the disease.
At the first signs of a sore throat, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary treatment and give valuable recommendations.
Development of chronic tonsillitis, a form of the disease
As we have already noted earlier, the human immune system is weakened, and the constant presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the tissues of the tonsils leads to its “perversion.” Protective cells begin to “digest” not only microbes, but also their own tissues, reacting to them as if they were foreign. So-called sensitization occurs - hypersensitivity, allergic processes.
Tonsils, deprived of normal waste products - oxygen, vitamins, enzymes - begin to collapse, pus appears in them, then the dying lymphoid tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which can no longer perform protective functions. During the course of the disease, two forms are distinguished:
- compensated – manifested by local signs of chronic inflammation of the tonsils;
- decompensated - characterized by local signs aggravated by purulent complications in the form of abscesses (enclosed purulent foci), phlegmon (diffused purulent foci), complications of distant organs (kidneys, heart).
Some doctors distinguish simple and toxic (toxic-allergic) forms of the disease.
What are the complaints with chronic tonsillitis?
Chronic compensated tonsillitis in adults causes:
- sore throat of varying degrees of intensity;
- periodic increase in temperature;
- constant redness (hyperemia) and roller-like thickening of the edges of the palatine arches;
- purulent plugs in the lacunae of the tonsils;
- enlargement and tenderness of the maxillary lymph nodes (regional lymphadenitis);
- change in taste and bad breath.
When transitioning to the decompensated stage, the following are added:
- vestibular disorders (tinnitus, dizziness, headache);
- collagen diseases provoked by the presence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus - rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.;
- skin ailments – psoriasis, eczema;
- kidney problems - nephritis;
- blood diseases;
Varieties and atypical forms
There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth in the morning after waking up, a sensation of a foreign object in the larynx, and compaction of the submandibular lymph nodes.
Hyperthermia, as a rule, occurs in the evening, accompanied by increased sweating, headache spreading to the ear or neck. During an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, the symptoms intensify, the temperature rises to 39°, the tonsils are hyperemic, swollen, inflamed, covered with a whitish coating or small ulcers on top.
There are signs of general intoxication of the body: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, migraine, poor appetite. The pain syndrome intensifies, it is difficult for a person to swallow food, acidic foods cause burning of the mucous membranes.
Delayed diagnosis, improper treatment, non-compliance with otolaryngologist’s prescriptions - all this can cause an inflammatory process not only in the tonsils, but also cause complications in other human organs. The consequences of an exacerbation of the disease can be very severe and can trigger irreversible processes in the body:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system - rheumatism, arthrosis, joint diseases;
- pathologies of the cardiovascular system - high blood pressure, heart defects, ischemia, etc.;
- skin diseases - dermatitis, acne, acne;
- bronchopulmonary diseases - bronchitis, asthma;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers, etc.;
- vision problems;
- kidney diseases - for example, pyelonephritis;
- liver diseases;
- neurological disorders.
Separately, I would like to touch upon the topic of pregnancy and chronic tonsillitis. Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during the first trimester is fraught with the threat of miscarriage, and in the later stages - with the risk of premature birth. The disease can provoke pathologies in the development of organs and systems of the fetus. You also need to remember about the hereditary factor.
If the parents of the future baby suffer from chronic tonsillitis, then with a high degree of probability the baby will inherit this diagnosis. Therefore, during pregnancy planning, it is extremely important for both parents to undergo a course of treatment for chronic tonsillitis, to cleanse the body as much as possible of pathogenic microorganisms and eliminate the source of inflammation.
One of the characteristic symptoms of a chronic disease is the appearance on the surface of the tonsillitis plugs - purulent white or brown deposits in the lacunae of the tonsils. They are clearly visible upon visual inspection and emit a persistent, unpleasant, putrid odor from the oral cavity.
With an exacerbation of the disease, the patient notes pain in the throat, which increases during the process of swallowing. It happens that no pain is observed, but discomfort is felt in the throat, as if something is stuck in it. Patients compare this condition to the sensation of a lump in the throat.
Another symptom of chronic inflammation is increased body temperature, which stays at 37.1-37.5℃ for a long time. Of course, this condition provokes constant fatigue, irritability and malaise.
Against the background of the inflammatory process, symptoms such as pain in the joints, lower back, shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat may appear. The results of an electrocardiogram can reveal arrhythmia and tachycardia. Such symptoms are a good reason to contact an otolaryngologist, because they may indicate the development of complications in the heart, joints or kidneys.
During an exacerbation of tonsillitis, the patient’s immunity malfunctions and begins to intensively produce antibodies, but not to the causative agents of the disease, but to the cells of their own organs. As a result, the body fights with itself, causing complications in other organs.
At the first signs of the disease, you must contact an ENT doctor to confirm the diagnosis and receive effective treatment.
Most cases of morbidity are associated with acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Many adult patients, faced with sore throat, either neglect full treatment of the disease, or complete the course of therapy ahead of time, as soon as they feel better. But untreated tonsillitis is the most common cause of the development of a chronic disease.
Chronic inflammation of the tonsils can also be caused by:
- incompletely cured infectious diseases;
- frequent pharyngitis;
- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
- rhinitis;
- deviated nasal septum;
- carious teeth, pulpitis and other dental diseases;
- enlarged adenoids;
- reduced immunity;
- hypothermia;
- damage to the palatine tonsils (trauma, burns);
- stressful conditions, nervous overstrain.
During an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the patient experiences a lot of unpleasant symptoms that interfere with full functioning: fever up to 37.5℃, sore throat during swallowing, headache, weakness, bad breath. The smell occurs due to caseous purulent masses in the lacunae of the tonsils, which are waste products of bacteria, as well as the remains of dead leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms.
And if you can still try to tolerate a fever and a sore throat or treat it on your own, then it is the problem of persistent unpleasant odor that brings most patients to an otolaryngologist for treatment. Agree, it is very difficult to communicate normally with people, knowing that this symptom is noticeable to others.
Chronic tonsillitis can occur in four forms:
- simple recurrent;
- simple protracted;
- simple compensated;
- pathological - toxic-allergic.
The disease occurs in a simple form without a pronounced reaction. A person with this type of chronic tonsillitis experiences minor discomfort and local symptoms - sore throat, redness. The disease turns into a pathological form when general symptoms are added to the above - high temperature, enlargement of lymph nodes, complications in the functioning of human organs.
Chronic tonsillitis is divided into several stages:
- compensated,
- decompensated.
In the first case, the patient does not experience much discomfort. The infection lies dormant, without disturbing the general condition of the body, without provoking constant sore throats, which often affect people in the decompensated stage of the disease. Patients with the second stage often suffer from various kinds of complications. Due to tonsillitis, their ears and nose become inflamed, and problems with the kidneys and heart begin.
Symptoms of the disease in a simple form:
- The appearance of pus in the lacunae.
- Swelling of the tonsils.
- Foreign body sensation.
- Purulent plugs.
- Slight enlargement of lymph nodes.
- Specific odor and dry mouth.
- Discomfort when swallowing.
The above symptoms appear only during the period of exacerbation - up to 3 times a year. If during the acute stage a person gets a sore throat, then, in addition to the main symptoms, his body temperature rises, weakness, and headache appear. In this case, the recovery phase takes a long time.
Symptoms of the disease in the pathological form:
- All symptoms are simple.
- Heat.
- Joint pain.
- Heartache. However, the ECG readings are normal.
- Increased fatigue, physiological weakness of the body.
- Disturbances in the joints and internal organs - kidneys, heart, liver (with a complicated form of the disease).
Against the background of the pathological manifestation of chronic tonsillitis, especially in severe cases, a person may develop arthritis, rheumatism, genitourinary ailments and even acquired heart disease.
In the absence of adequate therapy, those suffering from chronic tonsillitis may experience serious complications:
- difficult nasal breathing is a consequence of constant swelling;
- peritonsillar abscesses;
- hemorrhagic vasculitis;
- phlegmon of the neck;
- dermatosis;
- chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis;
- rheumatism;
- lupus erythematosus;
- polyarthritis.
How to determine the presence of chronic tonsillitis, diagnostic methods
Making a diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis is usually not difficult. Typically, an otolaryngologist determines the presence of the disease based on the patient’s complaints. The survey is complemented by:
pharyngoscopy method - examination of inflamed tonsils. The doctor visually determines the contents of the lacunae and makes imprints of the tonsils for bacteriological examination for the presence of pathogenic flora;- a clinical blood test, which reveals signs of an existing inflammatory process with a high level of neutrophilic leukocytes, a decrease in the number of monocytes, an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), etc.;
- biochemical blood test with the study of immunity factors, determination of antigens to streptococcus.
Treatment of chronic tonsillitis
We recommend reading: - How to gargle with a sore throat
Therapeutic measures for chronic tonsillitis are aimed, first of all, at strengthening the human immune system. In case of exacerbation of acute symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, treatment is carried out:
- antiseptic compounds - irrigating the throat with medicinal solutions, aerosols, rinses, inhalations;
- mechanical cleaning of the tonsils;
- if necessary, drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
- warming the neck area with warm woolen items;
- in severe cases - antibiotic therapy.
In the stage of attenuation of the disease, therapeutic measures should not stop. The emphasis is on general strengthening methods of influence.
Conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis
Prescribed in all cases and stages of the disease, as well as in case of contraindications to surgical removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis. Based on the nature of the main effect, treatment is distinguished:
- measures aimed at improving the body's resistance: a rational daily routine, fortified nutrition, moderate physical activity, running in the fresh air, climatic influence. Tissue therapy, administration of serums, blood plasma, gamma globulin preparations, and administration of iron-containing medications are used;
- medications that reduce allergenicity (hyposensitizers). These include calcium supplements, vitamin C (ascorbic acid). In severe cases, they resort to hormones (corticosteroids);
- immunocorrectors - autoserotherapy, immunostimulants (levamisole, prodigiosan, etc.) They affect the tonsil tissue with a helium-neon laser. Injections of aloe extract, vitreous body, and FIBS are useful;
- means of a sanitizing effect on the tonsils: washing the lacunae with antiseptics and suctioning out the purulent contents. By introducing medicinal pastes into the lacunae (therapeutic filling), ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound therapy, exposure to an electromagnetic field, interferon ultraphonophoresis;
- methods of reflex action: blockades with novocaine, acupuncture.
Courses are carried out twice a year, usually during periods of possible exacerbations, that is, in autumn and spring. Properly organized therapy is effective in 85% of cases. If conservative treatment of tonsillitis fails, you can use:
- galvanocaustics;
- diathermocoagulation of tonsil tissue;
- cryotherapy (freezing);
- laser lacunotomy and tonsil destruction.
The abundance of methods is caused by the need to take into account the anatomical features of the structure of the tonsils, their location, and size when treating.
Surgical methods for treating chronic tonsillitis in adults
The indication for tonsil removal (or partial removal) is the failure of the conservative measures discussed above and acute purulent complications. The type and scope of the operation is decided each time on an individual basis. The operation for adults is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia.
Preparation for surgical treatment begins in the clinic with a complete examination of the patient: fluoroscopy of the lungs, blood and urine tests. The following problems are contraindications for surgery:
- severe degree of circulatory failure;
- stage III hypertension;
- severe form of diabetes mellitus;
- kidney disease in the stage of decompensation;
- blood diseases with a high risk of bleeding.
There are two main methods for removing tonsils:
- tonsillotomy - partial removal of the tonsils;
- Tonsillectomy – complete removal of the tonsils.
Operations are performed with a scalpel or laser technique, sometimes with the combined use of both techniques.
Important: a more modern, gentle and safe method for removing tonsils is laser tonsillectomy. The laser beam has the ability to clot blood, so the removal of tonsils is completely bloodless, while with a conventional tonsillectomy there are frequent cases of bleeding. In addition, unpleasant sensations are minimized, since the contact of the laser with the tissue is only a fraction of a second.
After the operation, the patient is prescribed bed rest. Bed with elevated head position. On the first day you are not allowed to eat. You can only take a few sips of water. Then liquid and non-hot food is taken. More details about the operation to remove tonsils are described in the video clip:
Drug treatment of tonsillitis
Treatment of chronic inflammation of the tonsils is practically impossible without taking antibacterial drugs. The patient may be prescribed the following drugs: Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, Azithromycin, Sumamed, etc. The choice of drug remains with the ENT doctor. The patient must strictly adhere to the dosage, time and duration of taking the medicine.
Relief usually occurs within a couple of days after taking the antibiotic, but this does not mean that the medication should be stopped. To avoid gastrointestinal disorders due to the action of antibacterial drugs, it is also necessary to take drugs to restore beneficial microflora - probiotics and prebiotics.
To relieve local symptoms, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (for example, the drug "Tonsilotren"). The use of Tonsilotren is also indicated during the period of remission, which will reduce the number of exacerbations.
A full course of drug therapy is not complete without means for gargling and irrigating the throat (Tantum Verde, Miramistin, Hexoral, etc.). Rinsing and irrigation can be done several times a day. After each procedure, you must refrain from eating and drinking for at least thirty minutes.
Lubricating the tonsils with Lugol's or Chlorophyllipt solutions, as well as taking immunomodulators (Imudon, IRS-19, etc.) show high effectiveness.
The ENT doctor decides which medications to treat - Tonsilotren, Chlorophyllipt or Imudon, which procedures will be most effective in each specific case.
Physiotherapy allows you to consolidate the effect of drug therapy and rinsing. Treatment is carried out in different ways: using laser, ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation.
Photodynamic laser therapy is carried out using a special substance (photosensitizer) that is sensitive to light. Under the action of a laser, this substance releases active oxygen molecules that destroy pathogenic microflora.
The use of an infrared laser can relieve inflammation, reduce swelling of the tonsils and relieve pain.
During ultraviolet irradiation, pathogenic microorganisms die.
Ultrasound therapy allows you to transform the medicinal solution into a “cloud”, which penetrates deeper into the affected tissue and speeds up the healing process.
You can conduct a full comprehensive course of treatment for chronic tonsillitis in our ENT clinic. The arsenal of the ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev has all the necessary equipment to carry out the entire range of procedures (Tonsillor device with a modified attachment, lasers for laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiators, etc.). Highly qualified ENT doctors at the clinic will perform all necessary procedures effectively and painlessly.
Therapy of chronic tonsillitis is our specialty!
Please, come!
When selecting a treatment regimen for chronic tonsillitis, the type of disease is taken into account; whether the pathology is currently in remission or exacerbation. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, relieving symptoms of illness, preventing the development of complications and reducing the frequency of relapses.
Treatment begins with the sanitation of foci of bacteremia - stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic otitis, sinusitis, filling carious teeth. If the cause of exacerbation is infectious, colds, or viral diseases, it is necessary to cure them.
Local therapy
To reduce swelling and redness of the tonsils, you should regularly gargle with antiseptics: Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan. At home, you can make a soda solution or add a few drops of iodine to water. The procedure must be repeated 5–6 times a day.
If there is purulent content in the tonsils, the lacunae are washed. The treatment is carried out by a doctor; to remove the blockages, the doctor draws antiseptic agents into a special syringe with a nozzle and carefully cleans out the necrotic areas. Then antibacterial drugs are injected into the cavity that has formed.
Also, rinsing lacunae in chronic tonsillitis is done using the Tonsillor vacuum device; this technique is more effective, the pockets are cleaned deeper even in hard-to-reach places. The combination of the procedure with ultrasound and phonophoresis ensures the liquefaction of purulent masses in the lacunae and the death of pathogenic bacteria. Ultrasound waves help therapeutic drugs penetrate deeper into the affected tissue.
Antibacterial agents for chronic tonsillitis are used only during exacerbations. Medicines are selected based on the results of bacteriological culture of a smear or broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.
For the treatment of acute sore throat, Ceftriaxone, Ampicillin, Ospamox, Sumamed, Amoxicillin, and bacteriostatic antibiotics (Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfamonomethoxine), which inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, are most often used. The dosage and duration of taking the tablets is selected by the attending physician individually for each patient.
Drugs | Photo | Price |
Ceftriaxone | From 26 rub. | |
Ampicillin | From 17 rub. | |
Ospamox | From 84 rub. | |
Sumamed | Check | |
Amoxicillin | From 57 rub. |
Antibiotics are also administered into the washed cavities of the lacunae after removal of purulent plugs. You cannot take pills on your own, as this may cause the development of bacterial resistance to a certain group of drugs, and further treatment will be ineffective, and the disease may become chronic.
To relieve acute pain and local inflammation, lozenges are used: Trachisan, Neo-angin, Strepsils, Faringosept. The preparations contain antiseptics, lysozyme, which enhances salivation and stimulates the natural barrier properties of the mucous membranes. Lollipops moisturize inflamed tissues, thereby reducing irritation, dryness, and sore throat.
Drugs | Photo | Price |
Trachisan | Check | |
Neo-angin | From 160 rub. | |
Strepsils | From 170 rub. | |
Faringosept | From 172 rub. |
Plant extracts and essential oils included in the tablets have a local anesthetic, bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect, freshen breath and improve blood microcirculation in the affected tissues.
Other drugs
For the toxic-allergic form of tonsillitis, the prescription of antihistamines is required, which suppress the histamine reaction, relieve itching, irritation of the mucous membranes, swelling of the larynx and palatine tonsils, and general intoxication of the body. Patients are prescribed Loratadine, Diazolin, Suprastin.
For high fever, body and joint aches, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nise. For irrigation of the pharynx, it is recommended to use Lugol, Orasept, Ingalipt. During the period of remission and relief of acute symptoms, it is useful to do inhalations with alcohol tincture of eucalyptus, calendula flowers, propolis, Malavit, Miramistin.
Immunomodulators increase the body's defenses, help fight bacteria and stimulate the natural regeneration process. Drugs in this group include Likopid, Arbidol, Derinat. It is contraindicated to take medications for autoimmune diseases, high temperature (above 38°) accompanied by fever, and pregnant women.
Drugs | Photo | Price |
Loratadine | From 63 rub. | |
Ibuprofen | From 17 rub. | |
Ingalipt | From 113 rub. | |
Lycopid | From 298 rub. | |
Arbidol | From 180 rub. |
Treatment of exacerbation of chronic inflammation begins with taking antibiotics. The drug is selected based on the sensitivity of the pathogen to the antibiotic. The course of taking the drug and its dosage is determined by an otolaryngologist. Finishing a course of treatment ahead of time, when the patient begins to feel better, can reduce the effectiveness of therapy and lead to complications.
During the period of remission, antibacterial drugs should not be taken!
In addition to antibiotics, antiseptics are prescribed in the form of sprays: Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Inhalipt, etc.
Drug therapy also includes special lozenges and lozenges that relieve pain symptoms in the throat (Faringosept, Strepsils, etc.).
To relieve swelling of the tonsils, take antihistamines - Suprastin, Zodak, Claritin, etc.
If an exacerbation is provoked by diseases of the nasopharynx, caries and other dental problems, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease so as not to provoke further relapses.
In combination with lavage of the tonsils and physiotherapy performed in the ENT clinic, drug therapy shows excellent results in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis and can significantly reduce the incidence of exacerbations of the disease and prolong the remission stage.
Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home
There are a lot of folk remedies for treating chronic tonsillitis. It is important to remember that all of them should be used as a complement to the main methods of treatment, but not in any way replace them. Let's look at some of the most interesting recipes that include honey and its derivatives:
To lubricate the tonsils, prepare a mixture consisting of 1/3 freshly squeezed aloe leaf juice and 2/3 natural honey. The mixture is carefully mixed and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the medicinal composition must be warmed to 38-40 degrees Celsius. Using a wooden or plastic spatula, the composition is carefully applied to the sore tonsils 1-2 times a day, at least 2 hours before meals. Repeat treatment daily for two weeks. Then the procedure is done every other day;- For oral administration, prepare half and half onion juice and honey. Mix thoroughly and drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day;
- mix chamomile flowers and oak bark in proportions 3:2. Pour four tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of hot water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Before turning off, add a tablespoon of linden flowers. Let cool, strain, add a teaspoon of honey to the solution. Mix thoroughly and gargle while warm.
Prevention of chronic tonsillitis
Includes general hygiene and sanitation (cleaning) measures. The most significant result is obtained by hardening. A diet that excludes spicy, cold and hot foods plays an important role.
Compliance with home hygiene rules reduces allergenic and bacterial factors. Sanitation of the tonsils is carried out by a doctor, who must be visited twice a year. If necessary, the doctor will perform medical procedures and prescribe immunomodulators, which are very effective in preventing exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis.
Timely and high-quality treatment together with preventive measures provide a positive prognosis for the disease.
Stepanenko Vladimir Alexandrovich, surgeon
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Prevention of exacerbations of tonsillitis
To prevent the development of a relapse of a chronic disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, take vitamins, immunomodulators, eat a balanced diet, avoid hypothermia, treat associated pathologies in a timely manner, give up bad habits, do hardening, and visit health resorts.
It is important to observe the rules of oral hygiene, to prevent the formation of deep caries, inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes. While taking antibiotics, you should additionally drink medications with live lactobacilli to maintain the natural balance of microflora.
Recurrent tonsillitis develops against the background of advanced acute tonsillitis; in rare cases, the chronic form is diagnosed initially. To effectively treat chronic pathology, local treatment of the tonsils is performed, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and painkillers are taken. In advanced cases, severe complications develop that affect internal organs.
To prevent recurrence of tonsillitis, patients should always monitor their nasal breathing, treat all ENT infections, caries in a timely manner, drink vitamins and gargle daily with water at room temperature.
To prevent exacerbation of chronic inflammation, you need to closely monitor your health and avoid factors that provoke relapse:
- do not get too cold;
- strengthen your immune system;
- observe the work and rest schedule;
- treat chronic and infectious diseases in a timely manner;
- Maintain oral hygiene and visit the dentist on time;
- eat a balanced diet;
- give up bad habits.
All these activities will help strengthen the immune system and reduce the number of exacerbations. If the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately contact an ENT doctor in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.
If you are faced with the problem of chronic tonsillitis, come to the ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev. Treatment of chronic inflammation of the tonsils is our specialty. In our ENT clinic, consultations are conducted by highly qualified otolaryngologists with extensive experience. In daily practice we use the most modern equipment and tools.
High-quality treatment at affordable prices is our operating principle, which thousands of patients have appreciated.
You can make an appointment for a consultation by calling the reception numbers and, or using the “Make an appointment online” service.
We will definitely help you!