What do you need to know about each stage of the development of a runny nose in children and adults?
A runny nose is the name given to copious mucous discharge from the nose, which is caused by irritation of the inner lining of the nose.
This is how our body protects itself from diseases and cleanses itself of microorganisms. They can come from the outside, or be the cause of the development of opportunistic microorganisms that are present in every person. During the inflammatory process, local immunity on the mucous membrane reduces its defenses, and the necessary conditions are created for the development of bacteria. Like any disease, rhinitis has its own stages of progression. They are characterized by certain distinctive features. At the same time, otolaryngologists distinguish only acute rhinitis by stages. Its chronic form has no stages of development. Therefore, if we are talking about the stages of a runny nose, then an acute course of the disease is suspected. How long the disease lasts largely depends on the immune defense and its ability to resist infection. If the body is strong, a runny nose goes away in three days and will end in the first or second stage of the disease. If the immune system is insufficient, the body does not resist pathogenic factors, and the illness lasts three or four weeks. The main symptoms include an increase in body temperature above 38 0 C. Rhinitis acquires a chronic stage with improper treatment, which does not eliminate the problem, but suppresses it and relieves the symptoms of the disease.
It is very important to distinguish between the stages of this disease. This makes it possible to recognize the disease in the early stages and prevent the development of complications in time. Knowing the stage of a runny nose in children helps to take action and consult a doctor in time for help.
Prevention of sinusitis
Stuffy nose, headaches, cough... Similar symptoms are familiar to every person. Very often, a common cold and runny nose, the treatment of which was chosen incorrectly, develop into sinusitis. In the practice of otolaryngologists, this diagnosis is quite common. This disease is insidious in that its acute form can easily develop into a chronic form, which is much longer and more difficult to treat.
So, what is sinusitis?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which can occur in both acute and chronic forms. When a person is healthy, the sinuses are filled with air, but with some colds, fluid accumulates in the sinuses. This leads to the proliferation of microbes and becomes the cause of an infectious disease.
The causes of sinusitis are:
- ARVI, unfinished treatment of a cold.
- Hypothermia of the body.
- Microbial infection.
- Inflammatory dental diseases.
- Changing the shape of the nasal septum.
- Allergic reaction.
Sinusitis is divided into different types, depending on which part of the sinuses was damaged:
- Sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus).
- Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus).
- Ethmoiditis (inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth).
- Sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus).
Sinusitis usually begins with an ordinary, prolonged runny nose, which appears after a cold or flu. Symptoms of sinusitis include:
- Nasal congestion.
- Copious nasal discharge.
- Headache.
- Increased fatigue.
- Pain in the face.
- Cough.
- Temperature increase.
The first priority for preventing sinusitis is prompt treatment of colds, flu and runny nose. Of course, before treating a cough or runny nose at home, it is better to consult a doctor, since a lot depends on the selection of the right therapy.
And, of course, we should not forget about the simplest methods of prevention: hardening the body will help avoid not only sinusitis, but also other colds.
Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins will strengthen the body and help fight viruses and infections more easily. Moderate exercise will help keep the whole body in good shape and increase resistance to many diseases. A positive mental attitude is the best prevention of all diseases! Smile more often and drive away sad thoughts, and you will not give diseases a single chance!
The initial stage of rhinitis in children and adults
When breathing, the nose cleans and warms the incoming air. He is the first to guard against all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Once in our nasal passages, microorganisms begin their life activity. If our immunity is weakened, favorable conditions are created for bacteria and viruses to live in, and they actively develop. The nose produces mucus, which is designed to remove pathogenic microflora from the cavity. This is the first stage of rhinitis. As a result, a runny nose appears as a reflex reaction of our body to external factors. It can also be observed under other influences:
- sudden change in ambient temperature;
- allergen exposure;
- Strong smell.
The initial stage of a runny nose in a child is difficult to identify. Since it is usually difficult for him to explain what is wrong with him and his feelings. But parents can see this by the child’s slightly changed behavior: constant scratching of the nose, sneezing, mouth breathing. If you miss this moment, then it will no longer be possible to prevent a runny nose at an early stage, since rhinitis in children often becomes clearly noticeable already in the later stages of the disease.
In an adult, the first stage is characterized by the following symptoms:
- a feeling of dry mucous membranes or excessive mucus secretion;
- itching or burning sensation in the nasal passages;
- headache;
- heavy breathing through the nose;
- sneezing.
A runny nose at the first stage of this disease lasts from several hours to two days. In many ways, this difference in time depends on our immunity. If measures are not taken to improve health and prevent the development of the disease, then rhinitis moves to the next stage.
Functions of the nasal cavity
The nasal cavity performs many useful functions:
- Respiratory. Allows air to pass into the respiratory tract and removes carbon dioxide from the body during exhalation.
- Protective. The structure of the nasal cavity is quite complex: the mucous membrane has many cilia, which, when dust or small particles of other substances enter, begin to push them out. Mucus envelops microelements that the body does not need and removes them through the larynx; the ciliated epithelium also clears the bronchi of mucus, which serves as drainage for the upper respiratory tract. An important part of clearing the nose of foreign substances is the process of sneezing.
- Moisturizing. Everyone knows that the nose is constantly wet, but not everyone knows that to moisturize the mucous membrane, the body secretes up to 0.5 liters of interstitial fluid per day. Moisture wets the cilia of the epithelium. When the nasal cavity is inflamed, the body releases much more moisture - up to 2 liters per day.
- Thermoregulatory. The air passing through the nasal cavity is warmed by many blood vessels and capillaries.
- Olfactory. At any stage of a runny nose, everyone can feel a violation of the olfactory function of the nose.
- Resonator. Since the nasal cavity has many hollow paranasal sinuses, when speaking, the air resonates in these voids, creating a special sonority for the voice, giving it a special timbre, tonality and color. You can identify any person by the sound of their voice, since everyone has their own structural features. When you have a runny nose, your voice becomes nasal.
Third stage of rhinitis
At this stage of a runny nose in adults and children, a bacterial infection is added to the general inflammation of the mucous membrane.
A characteristic symptom of the third stage of rhinitis is viscous mucus with a special yellowish or greenish color. It often has an unpleasant odor. This kind of mucous discharge from the nose is abnormal for a healthy person. Their appearance is associated with dead bacteria. And the unpleasant odor is aggravated by the increased level of leukocytes in the discharge. The third stage of rhinitis does not last long and usually ends with the person’s recovery and normalization of the nasal mucosa.
It is possible to prevent rhinitis in the early stages.
If we talk about general methods of combating acute rhinitis, there are quite a lot of them, from drops to inhalations. In many ways, the choice of treatment depends on the stage of the runny nose. But otolaryngologists say that rhinitis in the early stages can be treated very easily and quickly.
If a runny nose begins, it can be prevented by rinsing the nasopharynx with saline solution or sea water. It disinfects the mucous membrane well and moisturizes it. At the same time, the action of sea water does not irritate the delicate membrane of the nasal passages. This procedure is done up to 5 times a day. You can also cure a runny nose at the initial stage with the help of folk remedies: instilling juice from carrots, beets, and aloe. Warm inhalations of soda or medicinal herbs (chamomile, linden flowers) also have a good effect.
If rhinitis is the result of hypothermia, then the best way to prevent a runny nose is to take a breather and a warm hour with medicinal herbs and honey.
Treatment of a runny nose in a two-year-old child differs from this process in an adult. But the initial stage is cured in the same way. It is important for adults and children to ensure complete rest and plenty of fluids. The room where the patient is located must be ventilated and ensure normal air humidity. Its indicator is very important, since dry air provokes drying out of the mucous membrane and complicates recovery. If a runny nose begins in a child under one year old, then the best method to prevent its development is to instill the mother's breast milk into the nose.
The appearance of rhinitis can also be prevented by general strengthening procedures. It has already been said that the duration of the disease largely depends on our immunity. Therefore, general strengthening procedures and certain measures are carried out to strengthen local immunity.
Causes and types of runny nose
Everyone knows what a runny nose is: both adults and children. But not everyone understands the mechanism of its appearance. But in order to understand how to quickly get rid of it, it is worth taking an interest in this issue.
The inner lining of the nasal cavity produces mucus, which has an antiseptic effect, killing many harmful microorganisms that enter with the air. Ciliated cells of the nasal mucosa with microscopic cilia ensure the continuous movement of this fluid in the direction from the nasal openings to the larynx, therefore, in the absence of diseases, a person does not notice the operation of this mechanism. However, as soon as an infection or allergen takes over the immune defense, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs and the brain “gives the command” to increase mucus secretion. The eyelashes stop doing their job and that’s how a runny nose occurs. In addition, sometimes under the influence of pathogenic factors the number of mobile cilia decreases - this can become a reason for a protracted disease.
There are several types of runny nose. Among the main ones are the following:
- Acute rhinitis. Occurs as a result of an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane. It has several stages: the first is characterized by dryness and burning in the nose, the second by congestion of the nasal passages and a large amount of liquid mucus, the third by the appearance of purulent nasal discharge resulting from the response of the immune system. After this, the symptoms gradually disappear. The whole process can take 2–3 days or longer depending on the characteristics and condition of the body.
- Chronic rhinitis. This is a disease that can be characterized as a long-term persistent runny nose with periods of remission (disappearance of symptoms). It occurs as a result of a poorly treated disease or its complex course.
- Allergic rhinitis. Occurs due to the body's immediate reaction to a specific allergen. Often seasonal.
Regardless of the cause, a runny nose can lead to serious health problems.
Where does...a runny nose lead?
Perhaps everyone has heard the saying that if a runny nose is treated, it goes away in 2 weeks, and if not, in 14 days. Perhaps this is what happens sometimes. But sometimes an untreated runny nose leads directly to the occurrence of much more dangerous and unpleasant diseases.
Mucus that clogs the nasal passages stagnates and promotes infection through the respiratory tract. As a result, a harmless runny nose can develop into sinusitis, i.e. inflammation of the sinuses. If left untreated, this can lead to more dangerous diseases.
By the way, prolonged nasal congestion can cause headaches, fatigue, and general malaise.
Incorrect therapy or its absence threatens to turn an acute runny nose into a chronic one. This means that recovery is postponed indefinitely. To prevent the disease from developing, measures should be taken.
How to treat a severe runny nose?
Before choosing a medicine for adults, you need to know exactly the cause of rhinitis. Depending on it, one of the following medications may be required:
- Antiallergic medications . They are based on an active substance that blocks the reactions of histamine, which is responsible for the manifestations of allergies. They can be produced both in the form of tablets and in other forms, for example, nasal sprays. The indication for use may be allergic rhinitis, including year-round rhinitis.
- Antiviral drugs . Can be used both for the prevention and treatment of runny nose in adults in the initial stages, in the first days of the disease. The action of the drugs is aimed at stimulating the immune system or directly attacking the virus. There are nasal forms of antiviral medications. They are used for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and colds.
- Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) . The use of antibiotics for a runny nose can be rational only when combined with the usual cause of rhinitis - a viral infection - and a complication in the form of a bacterial infection. Antibiotics may be prescribed for chronic runny nose or if inflammation spreads to the paranasal sinuses.
- Glucocorticosteroids . These are hormonal agents that have anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory and antiallergic effects. Topical preparations - drops or sprays - are suitable for the treatment of a runny nose. They are used for chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, polyps, allergic rhinitis.
Each of these remedies can be called “heavy artillery” in the treatment of runny nose in adults. They have certain contraindications and side effects, so these medications cannot always be used without a doctor’s prescription.
There are two other types of medications that are widely used to treat rhinitis caused by various causes. These are vasoconstrictors that resist runny nose of almost any etiology, as well as preparations based on sea water. Let's take a closer look at them.
Vasoconstrictor drugs
The popularity of these drugs is due to the rapid onset of the effect: a decrease in swelling of the nasal mucosa, which causes a feeling of “stuffiness”.
Vasoconstrictor medications reduce blood flow to the tissues of the mucosal surface, due to which their swelling quickly subsides.
Such medications are relevant for severe nasal congestion, which significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life - it interferes with normal sleep, work, study, etc.[1]. The duration of action of nasal vasoconstrictors is on average 3–8 hours, but there are also “longer” options - up to 12 hours. Often available in the form of drops and nasal sprays, sometimes gels and ointments.
Doctors do not recommend using vasoconstrictor nasal drops for more than 3–5 days[2]. This is due to the possible development of an addictive effect. However, in cases where it is necessary to get rid of congestion as quickly as possible and for a short time (for example, during a business meeting), vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose can be very relevant.
There are several active ingredients that constrict blood vessels, being common components of drops and sprays against nasal congestion:
- Xylometazoline . The effect of drugs based on it lasts up to 8–10 hours, manifesting itself a few minutes after administration[3]. The main representatives of the market in the high price category are Otrivin and Ximelin sprays, and in the affordable category - Rinostop and Snoop.
Note: The drug “Snoop” contains sea water, but as an additional component. Therefore, its effect can be expressed rather weakly.
- Oxymetazoline . The duration of action can reach 12 hours; the drug is not recommended to be taken for longer than 5–7 days, as are drugs based on xylometazaline. Trade names that can be found in pharmacies are “Rinostop Extra”, “Afrin”, “Nazivin”.
- Naphazoline . This active substance relieves swelling for up to 4–6 hours. With regular use, addiction to the drugs can occur within 7 days[4]. One of the well-known representatives of the market is Naftizin.
By the way, the effect of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops may be weakened due to the painful condition of the nasal cavity. Therefore, before using them, it is recommended to rinse your nose with a solution of sea water - it will clean the surface of contaminants and increase the bioavailability of the medicine.
Preparations based on sea water
Rinsing your nose with salted water at home is no longer relevant. Now on the shelves of pharmacies you can find special solutions of natural sea water of different concentrations, each designed to solve specific problems. Why is it good for the nose? The mineral composition of natural sea water is close to the composition of blood and other body fluids, and therefore does not cause irritation or dryness of the mucous membranes. In addition, sea water contains many useful microelements that restore the internal protective membrane of the nose. Such products dilute mucus, facilitating its easy removal, and also cleanse the nose of pathogenic bacteria, infectious agents and allergens.
Sea water solutions for the nose are usually available in the form of sprays and drops. Suitable for treating any type of runny nose or nasal congestion, both in adults and children - the main thing here is to choose the right concentration of the solution:
- An isotonic seawater solution contains 0.9 g/l of sodium chloride contained in seawater, which is almost the same as its concentration in the blood. Cleanses and moisturizes the mucous membrane, removes mucus, fights inflammation, restores the functions of the nasal mucosa. Suitable for complementing the treatment of acute and chronic runny nose, allergic rhinitis, as well as for the prevention of these diseases and daily hygienic care of the nasal cavity, as well as to combat the feeling of dry nasal mucosa. In pharmacies you can find isotonic solutions from the “Rinostop Aqua” line - they are presented in three types: “Rinostop Aqua Soft” (for daily hygiene and hydration) and “Rinostop Aqua Norm” (for the prevention and treatment of rhinitis and colds), as well as “Rinostop Aqua Baby" - for daily care and nasal irrigation in children from birth.
- A hypertonic solution has a more serious concentration - over 0.9 g/l of sodium chloride in seawater (usually about 2.2 g/l). It is designed to combat nasal congestion, that is, tissue swelling. Unlike vasoconstrictors, a hypertonic seawater solution “draws out” the fluid that has accumulated here, resulting in reduced swelling [5]. In pharmacies you can find such drugs called “Aqualor Forte”, as well as “Rinostop Aqua Forte” - they can help even with severe nasal congestion. A positive aspect of hypertonic seawater solutions is the possibility of their long-term use without the risk of developing addiction, as occurs with the use of vasoconstrictors.
How to choose an over-the-counter drug for a runny nose?
First of all, pay attention to the composition of the remedy for the common cold; for example, natural sea water has different healing properties from water based on sea salt. The latter has a reduced amount of useful minerals due to their production technology[6]. Age restrictions must also be taken into account.
Not every spray is suitable for a child, because at a young age, the nasal septum is more vulnerable - it is necessary to use special nozzles with a restrictive ring to determine the depth of introduction of the spray into the child’s nasal passage, as well as those that involve gentle spraying for gentle and non-traumatic irrigation of the cavity.
You shouldn’t take a runny nose lightly - this common disease can cause quite serious complications if you don’t get rid of it in time. But, as we found out, there are different groups of remedies to solve the problem of a runny nose: vasoconstrictors and remedies based on natural sea water. The former constrict the vessels of the nasal mucosa and thereby reduce nasal congestion. Their use is advisable for no more than 5–7 days. Products based on sea water act gently and naturally. Moreover, they can be used for a long period of time, as well as for preventive purposes. This is especially important for those who know firsthand that illness is easier to avoid than to treat.
Stages of development of a runny nose
Like any other pathology, the stages of a runny nose have their own characteristic symptoms. The processes occurring in the nasal mucosa have 3 stages of development. If at some stage in the development of the pathology it was possible to stop the infection process, then some stages of rhinitis may remain invisible to the patient or may not occur at all.
As a rule, in otolaryngology it is customary to distinguish 3 stages of disease development, which a specialist can easily recognize. It is thanks to the expressed signs that the doctor will be able to determine which stages of the development of the disease are taking place at the time of the patient’s treatment. After all, the manifestation of symptoms during the development of rhinitis is associated with the causes and stage of the pathological condition.
As you know, rhinitis is divided into several types, the most common being infectious, vasomotor and allergic. However, the disease can have an acute or chronic form.
Causes of a runny nose
There are probably no people who have not encountered a similar problem at least once in their lives. A cold affects the entire body. Rhinitis is a reaction to all kinds of irritations. When viruses or pathogenic bacteria get on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, discharge begins.
Their occurrence is facilitated by frequent hypothermia and high air pollution. They can provoke the appearance of acute infectious diseases such as influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria.
Another reason why it can start is allergic reactions. Allergens entering the nasal passages cause nasal congestion, which is classified as allergic.
Initial stage of rhinitis development
The inflammatory process in the nasopharynx at the very beginning of development is called the reflex stage. It should be characterized as the body’s reaction to external unfavorable factors. The symptoms of the reflex stage of a runny nose in adults appear especially clearly if the patient has moved from cold to warm conditions. Strong odors can also trigger rhinitis.
At this stage, patients exhibit the following signs of the disease:
- dryness of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ;
- feeling of burning and itching in the nasal cavity;
- the appearance of headaches;
- difficulty breathing through the nose;
- sneezing.
As for small patients, the development of the initial stage of a runny nose in children is not always possible to recognize.
After all, such patients cannot talk about the symptoms of the disease that have arisen. And fathers and mothers notice the development of the inflammatory process when the pathology has already acquired more pronounced symptoms. Only in some cases, when the baby’s body temperature reaches 37-37.5°C, do parents begin to sound the alarm and contact their doctor. Under such conditions, it can be assumed that already at this stage of a runny nose in a child, the painful condition will be cured. If we talk about the duration of the reflex stage of the pathology, then for each patient it can last differently and vary from 2 hours to 2 days. After the specified time, the disease moves into the second stage of development.
Causes of a runny nose
Rhinitis can have different causes. These are infectious, that is, a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body to the ingress of microbes, bacteria, fungi, viruses that attack the body. A runny nose can also be caused by allergic reactions, injury to the nasal passages, ingress of foreign bodies or gases - dust, smoke, etc.
When a foreign body enters the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, the body's first reaction will be the release of mucus, which envelops the foreign substance from all sides. Then the cilia of the epithelium begin to move and push this mucus out, transporting it from the nasal cavity. In this way, our body fights foreign bodies, be it a speck of dust or a bacterium.
The second stage of rhinitis development
If the first stage of the disease is called reflex, then the second is called catarrhal and can last several days. During this stage, the symptoms of the pathological process increase. At this stage of the development of the disease, a characteristic symptom for both children and adults is swelling of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ and its shells. Experts identify the following signs of the disease at this stage:
- a small amount of mucous discharge appears from the nasal cavity;
- nasal breathing becomes almost impossible due to congestion of the olfactory organ;
- loss of olfactory abilities develops.
Another symptom of the disease, which has become more protracted, is excessive lacrimation caused by the inflammatory process of the eye mucosa. Inflammation occurring in the nasopharynx area quickly spreads to the mucous membrane of the organ of vision, since they are very closely related to each other. In the overwhelming majority of cases, there is a change in the timbre of the patient’s voice, as the inflammatory process also develops in the vocal cords.
The third stage of rhinitis development
The third stage of the development of a runny nose, as a rule, begins on the 5th day. At this stage, a bacterial infection joins the inflammatory process. It can be recognized by the fact that the contents of the sinuses of the olfactory organ acquire a viscous consistency and a yellow, yellow-brown or green tint, as well as a repulsive odor. Often, parents realize that their children have developed a runny nose at this stage.
The indicated shade of mucous discharge is due to dead bacteria that have penetrated into the patient’s nasal cavity. The same reasons and the presence of leukocytes can explain the unpleasant odor. After the appearance of this symptom, the pathological process does not last long, and the patient very soon begins to recover. By the end of the third stage, adults experience an improvement in their general condition and normal nasal breathing.
The duration of the inflammatory process in both young patients and adults depends on the state of immune defense and the body’s resistance to infection. If the patient’s body is sufficiently hardened, then rhinitis goes away within 3 days and ends at stage 1 or 2 of development. If the patient’s immune system is weak, when the body is not able to resist adverse effects, the disease will drag on for a longer time and will pass only after 4 weeks. In this case, the patient may experience an increase in temperature up to 39°C. If the patient is not provided with qualified medical care or there is no treatment at all, the pathological process may become chronic.
Prevention of a runny nose
As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to put a lot of effort and time into healing. Experts cite a lot of different measures aimed at preventing rhinitis. They are designed to exclude harmful factors that can become a catalyst for the development of the disease. The main preventive measures are as follows:
- You should avoid a sudden transition from warm to cold conditions, exclude the presence of drafts, and do not drink drinking water or any other cold drinks;
- Regular exercise is very effective;
- you should adhere to the principles of a nutritious and balanced diet, you need to consume fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible;
- in order to eliminate the possibility of the spread of harmful microorganisms, you should wet clean the room more often and ventilate it;
- During the spring and summer seasons, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to sunbathing, which helps strengthen the human immune system.
Treatment of rhinitis
If it was still not possible to avoid a runny nose and the virus has infected the human body, then at the initial stage it is necessary to reduce the degree of swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore normal nasal breathing. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed vasoconstrictor nasal drops. It is not recommended to use this product for more than 5 days. Otherwise, addiction may occur. Nevertheless, it is still not worth abandoning the use of such a remedy. When treating a runny nose that does not go away for more than 7 days, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed, as well as local antibiotics.
Runny nose in an adult: symptoms and treatment | How to treat a runny nose in adults
The immunity of an adult is usually quite strong, especially if you make some efforts to ensure that it remains in good shape. However, a runny nose in an adult is not at all uncommon. Firstly, because rhinitis is a reaction of the body that protects a person from infection in the respiratory tract. And secondly, if the virus turns out to be stronger than the protecting cells and it overcomes the body in the form of a cold, it is difficult to resist the disease.
The most important thing is not to joke with a runny nose. Yes, it tends to pass without effort on your part, but this only happens when no infection has entered the body and the feeling of danger from the outside disappears.
- https://elaxsir.ru/simptomy/nasmork/stadii-nasmorka.html
- https://fb.ru/article/385673/stadii-nasmorka-u-detey-i-vzroslyih—osobennosti-opisanie-i-lechenie
- https://allergolog.neboleite.com/informacija/stadii-razvitija-nasmorka-u-detej-i-vzroslyh/
- https://NosGid.ru/bolezni/nasmork/stadii
- https://prostudnik.ru/proyavleniya/nasmork/stadii.html
- https://orvimed.ru/stadii-nasmorka-u-vzroslyh.html
Traditional medicine in the fight against rhinitis
Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes that allow you to get rid of a runny nose in the shortest possible period:
- Lemon is a very effective remedy. You should squeeze the juice out of it and suck the resulting juice through your nose. After this, tampons soaked in a solution of table salt should be inserted into the nostrils.
- A very good remedy is honey with rose petals. To do this, you need to grind rose petals and mix with honey. The product should be infused for a week and then lubricated with it on the nasal passages, repeating the procedure several times during the day.
- A very simple but effective way to get rid of a runny nose is a mixture of soft rose hips, aloe juice and honey. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. Eucalyptus oil should be added to the resulting composition in a 2:1 ratio. The resulting medicine should be moistened with tampons and inserted into the nostrils, repeating the procedure 2-3 times during the day.
Rhinitis is a manifestation of the inflammatory process. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease may become chronic or various complications may develop. Therefore, it is very important to be more attentive to your condition and take appropriate measures to eliminate the pathological process.
First stage
A person is most often exposed to the virus when their immune defenses are weakened—for example, through hypothermia. In the first hours after infection, a person feels dry nose and itching. At this time, the mucous membrane has not yet begun to actively produce secretions, but leukocytes begin to concentrate in the lesion.
The influx of blood causes swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the nose becomes stuffy and a headache may occur.
This stage of the disease can rarely be detected in young children, since they are not yet able to explain what exactly is bothering them.
What can be done at the first stage?
As soon as you notice the symptoms of the dry stage, begin treatment.
First of all, rinse your nasopharynx with saline solution. You can also use pharmaceutical rinsing drops based on sea water - they have exactly the same effect. Salt water washes out particles that have entered the nasopharynx and has a disinfecting effect. You can also do inhalation with mineral water and eucalyptus essential oil. If you are hypothermic, try to warm yourself up. In the midst of epidemics, it would be appropriate to take an antiviral drug.
The duration of the first stage varies - for some patients it lasts only a couple of hours, while for others it can last several days.
Treatment of a runny nose in the heat
Summer rhinitis is especially unpleasant. Firstly, its appearance “out of season” is more annoying than in winter; secondly, it is more difficult to identify the causes of the disease, and therefore to choose the optimal treatment. How to get rid of a runny nose in the heat?
The cause may be a sudden cold snap or staying in a room with very cool air (basement, cellar, air-conditioned office or workshop). The nose reacts to noticeable hypothermia with a runny nose like water. Usually it goes away on its own - just change the microclimate to a more comfortable one. You should not abuse such jumps so that the runny nose does not become chronic.
Another reason is dry nasal mucosa. It is very vulnerable to the action of any irritants, both viral-bacterial and allergic. In this case, humidifying the air in the room or irrigating the inside of the nose with seawater-based sprays will help.
In case of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to determine what exactly causes it and follow the doctor’s prescriptions.
Second stage
The wet stage, also called catarrhal stage, is more pronounced:
- copious discharge of clear liquid mucus;
- swelling of the mucous membrane;
- a stuffy nose distorts the sound of the voice, a person “speaks through his nose”;
- tears may flow;
- the patient feels unwell and is unable to concentrate.
At this stage, the body is actively fighting the virus.
The sputum secreted by the mucous membrane contains lysozyme, interferon and other substances that inhibit viruses. At the same time, it is at this stage that the virus actively multiplies.
This stage is the most dangerous for others, since the patient is a carrier of an acute infection. It is best to stay at home during this time.
How to alleviate the condition of a patient at the wet stage?
It is important to prevent the mucus from drying out. The protective substances in sputum are active only when they are in a liquid medium. Therefore, try to drink more and provide clean, moist air. Rinse the nasopharynx, clearing it of excess mucus and microorganisms.
You need to blow your nose carefully, without exhaling sharply through your nose or rubbing your skin. Blowing your nose too harshly can lead to rupture of blood vessels or the entry of phlegm into the sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts. For young children, if they do not yet know how to blow their nose, they need to suck out the mucus from the nose using a special bulb.
Stage three
The final stage can be distinguished by a decrease in the activity of sputum secretion and its thickening. Usually the patient feels much better. However, despite this, at this stage there is a high risk of bacterial complications.
Viscous mucus in the nasal cavity is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Inflammation of the sinuses is especially dangerous - sinusitis and sinusitis.
The migration of microorganisms through the nasolacrimal canal can lead to conjunctivitis, and entry into the ear canals can lead to otitis media. Bacterial infections require immediate treatment, often with antibiotics.
The addition of a bacterial infection can be noticed by a change in sputum - it becomes cloudy, yellow or greenish in color, with a purulent odor.
If at the same time there is an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, consult a doctor immediately.
What should I do?
Since at this stage the activity of mucus production decreases, it is important to prevent it from accumulating in the nasal passages and drying out. Continue to clean your nose with saline and inhalation. In the presence of an acute bacterial infection, the use of inhalations is prohibited.
If bacterial inflammation is detected, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in tablets or spray form. Always take antibiotics strictly following the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. Do not stop taking it when the condition first improves, otherwise the infection may return.
In the absence of complications, the third stage ends approximately 10 days after infection. If the pattern of development of a runny nose differs from that presented or if it does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor. Perhaps your disease is non-infectious in nature, such as vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.
Onset of the disease
The initial stage of a runny nose or reflex is characterized by a rapid period of progression. For some people it may go away in a few hours, for others it may go away in a couple of days. Therefore, it is very important to notice the early stage of a runny nose in order to begin treatment procedures as early as possible. If rhinitis appears in adults, then the person feels dryness in the nasal cavity, greater sensitivity when inhaling, a burning sensation, itching of the mucous membrane appears in the nasal passages, you want to scratch your nose, sometimes sneezing occurs, and congestion appears. These sensations cannot be ignored, which are especially vivid when the ambient temperature changes, for example, when a person enters a warm room from a cold street. The condition is often accompanied by a headache.
The initial stage of a runny nose in a child is more difficult to notice, since he cannot tell his parents how he feels. Usually, the mother can notice the appearance of rhinitis already when nasal discharge appears. But if you pay more attention to your baby, you will notice that the child begins to scratch his nose, becomes more restless, begins to breathe through his mouth, and lethargy appears.