How to understand that you have a cold. I have a cold, what should I do?

What else can you do when you have a cold?

In fact, among the people there are many recipes for the onset of a cold, with which you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

Some of them are quite unexpected. Everyone knows that you need to drink a lot, preferably warm and sour drinks. Most patients know that if they have a cold, they should apply mustard plasters and steam their feet.

But there is one more recommendation on how not to get sick and recover quickly if the infection does strike. You need to sneeze. Sneezing is a protective reflex of the body; with its help, it pushes viruses out of the body that have penetrated through the nasopharynx. Therefore, if the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections appear, you need to sneeze as much and as often as possible.

Sneezing can be provoked in the following ways:

  • Irritation of the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab. But it is important not to overdo it and not injure the mucous membrane.
  • Another method of strengthening the immune system and eliminating viral infections is massage. Some doctors recommend rubbing your hands and feet at the first sign of a cold. Pressing on certain points allows you to get rid of high fever and headaches.

    If, despite all the measures taken, the symptoms do not go away after 2-3 days, but rather intensify, you should consult a doctor and move on to more serious treatment. The video in this article will tell you what to do at the first signs of a cold.

    How to identify the influenza virus: diagnosis

    Thanks to the latest technologies, in our time it is possible to easily determine the type of influenza virus, as a result of which the treatment that will bring maximum effect is undertaken.

    • Specific diagnostics are aimed at identifying the virus and determining its genetic type. Sputum, smear, swabs from the mucous membrane of the nose, throat, and in extreme cases, cerebrospinal fluid are examined; the result is known within 1-2 days.
    • Inoculation of material on a chicken embryo - the study is carried out for 7 days.
    • Serological diagnosis using IFL or ELISA - the virus antigen is detected in the biomaterial.
    • Polymerase reaction (chain reaction) - viral RNA is identified in a matter of hours, used in large-scale epidemics.
    • The serological method allows you to detect antigens 2-3 hours after collecting biomaterial.
    • A quick test - ICA - reveals the ability of antibodies to adhere to antigens in a selective (specific) order. result in 10 minutes.

    A doctor must make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    How to know if you have the flu

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the situation as a whole. If, against the backdrop of another outbreak of the epidemic, a headache, drowsiness, or a sore throat arises, all the symptoms of the disease are present. When infected, swelling occurs, nasal congestion, weakness, and fatigue. Signs should be a signal to action - see a doctor and adequate treatment of all symptoms of the disease.

    I'm starting to get sick. What to do?

    You can get sick not only in winter, but also at other times of the year. All you have to do is get hypothermic while standing at a bus stop for a long time, get caught in the rain, or dress inappropriately for the weather, looking out the window and seeing the sun when it’s actually cold there. A cold does not appear immediately, but, as usual, after 2-3 days. In our rhythm of life. When we plan our affairs ahead, illness can seriously unsettle us from our usual rut. And so, we come home, in the evening we feel chills, the temperature begins to rise, and our throat hurts. You feel “I’m starting to get sick.” What to do? You need to take all precautions and try not to let the oncoming illness knock you down.

    If you have identified symptoms of a cold, try not to carry it on your feet. Give yourself at least one day and spend it leaving the house. Try to stay in bed. Drink plenty of fluids, it will help remove harmful substances from the body. A herbal decoction with chamomile infusion, ginger drink, or raspberry tea can help you here.

    I’m starting to get sick, what should I do
    before an important event?

    What to do if you get sick - 10 main tips

    In winter, low temperatures, lack of vitamins and viral epidemics send us on sick leave every now and then. What to do if you get sick and already feel the first signs of a cold? Here are some tips to help you avoid having a fever during the week.

    First, let's say a few words about the importance of timely detection of the first symptoms of a cold. In the frantic pace of life, we rarely pay attention to malaise until it reaches critical proportions.

    That is, when your body aches slightly, you get up in the morning exhausted and cannot find the strength to work, this is unlikely to be an alarm bell - you will most likely chalk it up to general fatigue and lack of sleep. But in fact, you may be developing a cold.

    In addition, be sure to notice if you have been in contact with infected people or were very cold outside. Now let's move on to advice on what to do if you start to get sick.

    Keep warm

    Have you stood at the bus stop for a long time waiting for the bus and feel your feet getting cold? When you return home, be sure to take a steam bath. If you can’t go to the bathhouse, at least bask in a hot bath and steam your feet with a bath of dry mustard. Drink tea with raspberry jam or honey, wrap yourself in a warm sweater or robe and avoid hypothermia so as not to aggravate the situation.

    Stay home

    If you have already noticed the first symptoms - fever in the evening, general weakness, cough, runny nose - stay home and get treatment. Many will argue that it’s not so easy to take one day off from work, you have to work, you’re stuck, etc. But believe me, it’s better to lose life for one day than to go on sick leave for at least a week and struggle with residual symptoms for a long time.

    Read also: 4 effective ways to deal with stress

    Give yourself a break

    Many people, especially women, feeling that they are starting to get sick with a cold, actually stay at home, but at the same time they begin to do all those things that they have not gotten around to.

    The very fact of going outside into the cold is not as important for health as giving the body a rest and maintaining strength to fight the disease. Therefore, there is no need to rush around the house with a rag and start general cleaning - lie down and relax.

    If you can’t do anything at all, it’s better to read a book or watch your favorite TV series. Don't waste the energy you need to defeat the disease.

    Take antiviral

    If you find signs of ARVI, take Arbidol, Amiksin, Lavomax or Viferon according to the instructions. These drugs are especially effective only in the initial stages of the disease. A pharmacist at a pharmacy will help you choose the most suitable medication if you do not have the time or desire to see a therapist.

    Try to sweat

    Drink hot tea with raspberries and honey, pull on a warm sweater and crawl under two or three blankets until you sweat. This procedure will help the body defeat viruses faster. At the same time, you can just sleep, but you sleep restlessly and have a habit of throwing off the blankets; it’s better to sit in front of the TV and stay awake.

    Drink more fluids

    The myth that water helps treat colds and flu is just that, a myth.

    However, the body suffers from dehydration during the period of illness, and even at the initial stage of the disease it is important to maintain the correct water balance.

    Try to drink clean water rather than coffee, tea or carbonated drinks. You can add a piece of ginger root, honey or lemon to the water, and also buy a bottle of medicinal mineral water.

    Eat right

    When the body is struggling hard not to succumb to illness, try not to overload it with fatty and heavy foods. Give preference to light soups, broths, and porridges. Eat fruits and vegetables, supply yourself with vitamins to maintain immunity, drink tea with lemon. And of course, don’t forget about chicken soup, the beneficial properties of which are, without exaggeration, legendary.

    Ventilate the room

    If you don’t do this, your apartment will soon turn into a breeding ground for your own germs and bacteria. And this not only prevents the body from fighting the disease, but also increases the risk of infecting your household members. Of course, ventilate the room when leaving it so as not to worsen your condition due to low temperatures - especially when it is frosty outside.

    Use disposable tissues

    Fork out for a pack or two of disposable tissues - they are not that expensive, but their benefits will be worth it. After several uses, an ordinary handkerchief turns into a cluster of microbes, and you will be tortured to wash it if you have a bad runny nose. And disposable handkerchiefs are hygienic and easy to use.

    Treat symptoms

    Everyone is well aware that it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 38 degrees so that the body can fight the infection. However, this does not apply to other symptoms.

    If you don't get rid of your runny nose, you will start breathing through your mouth and most likely your throat will hurt. And in principle there is no need to endure a sore throat and cough.

    Buy nasal drops, lozenges or cough syrup, or use folk remedies.

    Read also: How to run correctly in the morning - 6 rules

    We recommend that you watch the video “How to overcome a cold”


    The first signs of a cold - what to do, why it is important to start treatment as early as possible

    First symptoms of a cold

    However, there are symptoms that are characteristic of all colds. So, the main signs of a cold include the following:

  • feeling of chills;
  • decreased activity;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • body aches.
  • First steps for a cold

    How to treat the first signs of a cold? To get rid of this unpleasant disease, you should:

    Antiviral drugs will help your child recover faster

    Also, one of the newest medicines that can effectively prevent the onset of the disease is Kagocel. It can be taken by children from three years of age. This is an antiviral medication used for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). According to the instructions, this drug effectively protects against pathogens of ARVI and influenza when taken prophylactically over the next 30 days. You can also put Vibrocil drops into your nose if your nose is stuffy. Aqua Maris is quite suitable for rinsing the nose. This drug is made from sea water (saline solution) and effectively cleanses the nasal cavity.

    To ease breathing with a stuffy nose, the star ointment, familiar to everyone from childhood, and the Nozzle-patch for inhalation are also very helpful. It sticks to clothes. The nozzle patch contains essential oils, which, in turn, evaporate, help relieve cold symptoms and help the baby fall asleep easier. Oxolinic ointment also has a similar effect. Licorice root and some of the children's syrups like Nurofen are great for coughs.

    To maintain the child’s immunity, you should also immediately increase your intake of vitamin C. It’s also worth remembering about Ascorbic acid and Aflubin drops.

    Cold treatment

    There is something in the word “cold” from childhood memories: a woolen scarf around the throat, tea with raspberry jam, a paracetamol tablet under the tongue... And the attitude towards a cold is appropriate, not serious: in fact, it’s not the flu, not a sore throat, not pneumonia, - So, my nose is slightly stuffy, my throat is sore, I feel a little chilly. In fact, there is nothing terrible about a cold - except for possible complications if it is not treated or treated incorrectly.

    The common cold is popularly called acute respiratory disease (ARI). Severe hypothermia of the body contributes to the disease, which is doubly dangerous if the body is weakened and tired. You can catch a cold by first sweating and jumping out into a draft - it’s not without reason that after training it’s better to change into dry clothes, even if it’s summer outside and the walk is very close. There is nothing to say about the pool: after any water procedures, wait half an hour before getting ready for the trip.

    The direct culprit of a cold is pathogenic bacteria, which for the time being quietly live in the nose, throat and bronchi of each of us. These bacteria are not dangerous to a healthy person, but as soon as the immune system weakens, they begin to multiply, causing pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other unpleasant things.

    “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!” - this line from a once popular song should become a motto for everyone who wants to forget about colds. MirSovetov recommends walking barefoot more often, wrapping up less, and not neglecting morning exercises. run, swim and just try to walk more. Start small, gradually accustoming your body to endure winter cold, unreliable spring warmth, and dank autumn slush without consequences in the form of a runny nose or cough.

    Therefore, if you have a cold, you should NOT:

  • Reduce the temperature (if it does not rise above 38-38.5);
  • Take vasoconstrictor drops against a runny nose;
  • Take cough suppressants.
  • When our body temperature rises, our body produces interferon, a special protein that is equally good against bacteria and viruses. Moreover, the higher the temperature, the more interferon. They brought down the temperature as soon as it had time to rise - not enough interferon was produced. You will be sick much longer until your immune system finds other ways to fight the infection.

    Chills or fever

    You can quickly understand that you have a cold if you suddenly develop severe chills. Unreasonable trembling is one of the first signs of contracting a viral infection. Usually, with a chill, the temperature rises sharply, but it can appear alone.

    Signs of a cold also include:

    • cold hands and feet combined with redness of the facial skin and a feeling of heat,
    • sudden changes in body temperature - throws you either hot or cold,
    • causeless sweating, etc.

    If you feel chills, immediately set the thermometer and go to bed. Tremors usually occur when the temperature has already risen. In this case, the right tactic is to call a doctor and wait for his recommendations. It is useful to drink more before visiting a specialist. If the mercury on the thermometer does not rise above 38, you should do without antipyretics. If the chills are severe, you can cover yourself with a light blanket. At high temperatures, wiping with a damp cloth will help improve your well-being.

    How to reduce body temperature?

    Drink more. Everyone knows: the temperature will drop as soon as you sweat a lot, and drinking plenty of fluids promotes sweating. Suitable drinks include herbal decoctions, various compotes and fruit drinks, and ordinary water - the main thing is that they are neither cold nor too hot. The closer the temperature of the drink is to body temperature, the better - the faster it will work.

    Raspberry decoction has the best diaphoretic effect. Honey is also good, especially linden honey. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of tea or milk and go to bed, covered warmly - when you wake up the next morning, you won’t even remember about the cold. Just before using diaphoretics, make sure that the body has something to sweat: drink the same compote or fruit drink. By the way, cranberry juice has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

    The temperature also decreases as the inhaled air warms, so make sure the room is cool and fresh. Dress warmly and open the window slightly - believe me, you will feel relief almost immediately.

    If the fever persists, take a paracetamol tablet, but remember that the effect will be less if you don't drink enough fluids or if the room is too warm.

    Runny nose with a cold

    A runny nose is another way the body fights a cold. The symptom is usually a viral disease, so it may not be present with a common cold. A runny nose prevents the infection from penetrating further - into the throat, into the lungs, and the mucus itself contains special antiviral substances.

    They say that a treated runny nose goes away in a week, and an untreated runny nose goes away in seven days. Therefore, since you happen to catch a cold, it is now important not to let the mucus dry out. Various types of physiological solutions (Aquamaris, Salin and others drops) are excellent for moisturizing the nasal passages; ordinary boiled water with a small addition of salt will also work. Other options for treating a runny nose are sea buckthorn or rosehip oil, menthol oil or pinosol. Folk remedies include onion juice diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4.

    All! Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazol) are not necessary. Ultimately, they only make things worse. The runny nose will go away on its own.

    As with a runny nose, do not allow the mucus to dry out. Unless prescribed by your doctor, never take cough suppressants (for example, broncholithin). For dry cough at the onset of the disease, mucolytics are effective, increasing the amount of sputum and thinning it (pectusin, licorice syrup, and others). And when the cough becomes wet, expectorants (mucaltin, bromhexine, ambrobene). Don't forget to drink more warm liquids.

    Folk remedies can also help treat cough. Mix grated black radish with honey and leave for several hours - as a result you will get a healing drink that perfectly copes with dry cough. You can drink sweetened onion juice (2-3 tablespoons per day) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot juice and warm milk (1:1). An exotic recipe from Brazil: rub a couple of bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a spoonful of honey - by the way, and a great dessert!

    Inhalations are another proven remedy that enhances the discharge of sputum, thereby improving the condition of a cold. You can use a special inhaler or simply breathe, covered with a blanket, over a pan of brewed chamomile, mint or thyme. It is also useful to simply drink an infusion of coltsfoot or chamomile.

    Treating a cold with home remedies

    Your throat started to hurt, and the next day you developed a runny nose, cough and fever? Don’t rush to take pills; colds or flu can be cured using traditional methods at home

    . If your cold starts with a sore throat, raw garlic is an effective remedy. It can be consumed with food.

    Ginger tea helps

    . To do this, add hot water to the ginger root and bring to a boil. The drink turns out a little spicy. You can add a spoonful of honey, cloves and a slice of lemon to it.

    A good way to fight a cold is warmth and sleep

    Rub your feet with “Star” balm and put on socks. If you start to get sick, soak your feet in warm water with mustard. After any hot procedures, do not forget to wrap yourself up and go to bed. Try to get enough sleep
    during illness to avoid complications.

    We hope that our advice on what to do when you start to get sick

    , will help you maintain a strong immune system and overcome any cold.

    What to do if you feel like you are getting sick?

    None of us wants to get sick, except for those who like to laze around at home for a week or two. Most of us simply don’t have time to get sick, and secondly, we don’t want to. The illness unsettles us, since we do not work, and, as a rule, no one will do our work for us; it will accumulate until we leave the sick leave. In addition, when we go on sick leave, we receive contempt from our superiors, or we still go to work with a passion, or we do it in the same state, but at home. Spending several sick days in bed is not rest, since the body spends all its energy fighting the disease, and having recovered, on the contrary, it needs time to rest in order to recover. And even more so when a girl is sick - this is a difficult period for the existence of her husband and children. That is why we must take care of ourselves and not allow the disease to manifest itself.


    What flu prevention do doctors recommend?!

    There is no smoke without fire, and this also applies to illness. A person cannot just get sick, that is, there must be a reason for this. The cause depends on the type of disease.

    We call a cold or viral disease (ARVI) a disease. It is worth understanding that these are two completely different types of diseases that have different causes. Colds are caused by hypothermia

    As a result of such cooling stress for the body, the immune system weakens, and the opportunistic microflora that is constantly present in the body is activated, since there is no restraining factor in the form of a strong immune system - we get sick, this is a cold. A viral disease is caused by a viral infection entering the body
    . by airborne droplets, that is, you can get ARVI only when you inhale a viral infection. Now that you know that the word “disease” implies two different ailments, you understand that you can become infected with them for completely different reasons. Let's consider them.

    It is important to note that very often we confuse the condition of the disease with severe fatigue, when our body aches and burns and we feel weak. All these symptoms go away after a few hours of rest, but if this does not go away and you have more serious symptoms, then you need to take therapeutic measures.

    Try to eat, and if you have no appetite, then at least have a snack. Drink very warm, but not hot tea, preferably with honey and lemon. It is recommended to drink juices, preferably freshly squeezed or homemade, as they contain a lot of vitamins and no preservatives. Drink as much fluid as possible. If you have a homemade raspberry tincture, you can drink a tablespoon of it before bed. Of course, eat fruits: oranges, lemons, apples, kiwis, etc.

    In the morning you should feel more or less better and not get sick. If you are not sick, but feel unwell, then it is better, if possible, to take a day off, one more day for prevention. One day for treatment is not a week of lying with a fever, runny nose and cough, where the latter will bother you for a second week. This day should also be spent in a calm mode, following all the recommendations given above. Take care of yourself, our dear readers! We wish everyone the best health!

    What to do if you get the flu or ARVI?

    Flu and ARVI are precisely those health problems that occur most often in autumn, winter and spring. If these diseases are neglected, they can cause many unwanted complications for the entire body. Therefore, they should be recognized as quickly as possible and treatment should begin from the first days, then, most likely, you will get back on track in the shortest possible time. To get rid of flu or colds in a couple of days you need to:

    • Steam.
      A sauna would be a good option, but only if you don’t have a fever yet. This is an excellent solution if, for example, you are very cold or have wet feet.
    • Take a large dose of vitamin C.
      You can drink a couple of cups of warm (but not hot) tea with lemon and eat about 6-8 ascorbic acid tablets throughout the day.
    • Drink a lot of rosehip tincture or warm milk with butter.
      Add 10 grams of butter per cup, preferably homemade.
    • Take a medication that relieves symptoms.
      Special soluble powders, such as Coldrex, Pharmacitron, Teraflu and others with similar effects, are well suited for these purposes.
    • Eat.
      Even if you don’t feel like eating at all, try snacking on chicken broth and eating various fruits throughout the day.
    • Go to bed early, well covered.
      You can even put a heating pad in your bed. But it is better to open the windows so that there is fresh air in the room. If it’s very cold outside, just ventilate your room before going to bed. You'll sleep better in a refreshed room.

    Remember that you should not reduce the temperature low. If it does not rise above 38 degrees, do not rush to take antipyretics. Once you cope on your own, your body will become stronger.

    How to treat a runny nose and cough in a child using folk and traditional medicine

    Very often, a child’s runny nose and cough appear at the same time, causing him a lot of unpleasant sensations. In most cases, such symptoms indicate the onset of the development of a respiratory viral infection in the child’s body. The secretion of mucus is a protective reaction of the nasopharyngeal mucosa to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body. Over time, the mucus begins to sink down, irritating the back of the throat, and thereby causing coughing attacks. However, there are other reasons for the occurrence of such a pathogenic process in a child’s body.

    Abdominal pain

    It is worth listening especially closely to your body. If you have been feeling pain in the upper abdomen for some time, this may indicate lung problems, which are characterized by coronavirus. The lower part of the lungs is one of the most vulnerable during a virus, which means abdominal pain may indicate a virus. But you should understand that this is a very common symptom and it can only be said that it indicates coronavirus in combination with other signs of the disease.

    Causes of cough and runny nose in a baby

    As a rule, with colds, a child develops a cough from a runny nose, as a result of mucus dropping into the lower respiratory tract. Pediatricians identify several other factors that cause this condition in the child’s body. Experts identify the following reasons:

  • Allergies
    are the most common cause of a runny nose and cough in a baby.
    Allergic reactions can occur in children of any age; allergens are usually pet hair, pollen from certain flowering plants, chemicals, fluff, and dust. Mucus secretion and irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa will occur until the allergen is eliminated. In this case, the use of antihistamines, such as Claritin, Diazolin, Suprastin, Erius and some others, will help alleviate the child’s condition. The allergy is manifested by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, itching and burning in the nose, and sneezing.
  • Physiological processes.
    Up to the age of one year, when a child has a runny nose, coughing is sometimes considered a natural process, thus clearing the airways of excess mucus. This phenomenon is especially often observed in newborns, whose airways are cleared over a long period of time from mucus accumulated during intrauterine development. In this case, it is considered normal for the baby to cough up to 20 times a day. There is no reason to worry if the child feels well, is not capricious, plays, and sleeps at night.
  • Dry indoor air.
    In most cases, the air in the room where children are is excessively dry, which causes coughing. This problem is especially common during the heating season. To prevent drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to ensure good air humidity. To do this, the room must be constantly ventilated, and air humidifiers can also be used. To control the level of air humidity, a special device is used - a hygrometer; its readings should not fall below 40%. Also, parents should not forget about wet cleaning of the room.
  • Ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.
    While playing, children may choke on small objects or their elements. A runny nose usually does not occur in this case, but the cough is paroxysmal in nature. If the cough is caused by a foreign object, the child needs emergency medical attention. Usually, after removing the foreign body, the cough goes away immediately.
  • You should know that when a child has a runny nose, a cough is possible if the rhinitis is non-infectious.

    Stages of development of the inflammatory process

    Cough and runny nose, occurring simultaneously in a child’s body, have several stages of development that parents should know. At the first stage, dryness and burning of the nasal passages are felt, the mucous membrane becomes pale. The second stage is characterized by redness of the mucous membrane, the appearance of swelling, and during this period copious liquid snot begins to be released from the nose. At the third stage, the mucus thickens, becomes yellowish or greenish in color, nasal congestion occurs, which worsens the baby’s nasal breathing.

    It is important to treat the disease as early as possible, since laryngitis or pharyngitis may develop due to the fact that the baby breathes through his nose. If these diseases occur in a child, the cough becomes dry and suffocating, and mucus in the nose may not be released. The inflammatory process can soon spread to the bronchi and trachea, then the cough becomes dull and rough.

    Based on the fact that the child’s body is greatly weakened during this period, a secondary infection may occur, which often leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi and lungs. As a rule, the cough is hysterical and exhausting. If left untreated, a runny nose can cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Knowing how to treat a child’s cough and runny nose, these symptoms will soon go away without causing dangerous complications.

    How to understand flu or cold

    Influenza is one of the types of acute respiratory viral infections. Scientists have counted more than 250 types of viruses, including entero-, rhino-, adeno-, coronavirus, parainfluenza and other infectious microorganisms known to us. But the flu develops in a completely different way, and it can be distinguished from a cold by the following signs.

    How to find out: flu or cold

    1. Colds do not occur due to infection, but to a weakened immune system, cold, and drafts.
    2. A person who has a cold immediately develops sneezing, runny nose, and a slight cough.
    3. A worsening condition can only develop if the immune system is too weak; a cold can also provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. But generally it goes away within 7-10 days without causing complications.

    How to spot flu symptoms

    The disease is severe, causing dangerous complications. Acute respiratory infection occurs when infected through the air, when a sick person coughs or sneezes.

    1. Light form . The virus enters the body through the mouth, nose, and in rare cases through the conjunctiva, settles on the mucous membrane and multiplies. Therefore, the first symptom is a sore throat, dry cough, nasal congestion, and headache.
    2. Moderate form . The second step of pathogenic microorganisms is to penetrate the epithelium of the cell and spread throughout the body. Once the virus enters the bloodstream, the immune system begins to fight it. Destroyed viruses and some healthy cells are powerful toxins that poison our body. For this reason and due to the inclusion of protective functions, the following occurs: high temperature, increased headache, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, lacrimation, pain in the eyes.
    3. The severe and hypertoxic form manifests itself through temperatures above 40 degrees and severe pain. If the symptoms are accompanied by convulsions, a small, red rash all over the body, hallucinations, then there is a risk of a bacterial infection and complications in the form of meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, etc.

    Important: if the first symptoms appear - headache, lethargy, high temperature - immediately consult a doctor and undergo a course of adequate treatment.

    It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

    How to understand the flu or cold in a child

    ARVI is dangerous not by its symptoms, but by its exacerbations. At-risk groups include young children and the elderly. The former have not yet developed immunity, especially if the baby is bottle-fed. Those who feed on mother's milk, generally up to 6 months of age, do not develop acute viral pathologies, since milk contains all the enzymes, trace elements, minerals and vitamins that create protection against pathogens.

    We also recommend: Why do muscles hurt and joints ache when you have the flu?

    When a baby is infected, the problem is that he cannot talk about his feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points that should cause concern for parents:

    • The baby refuses to eat or drink - the symptom occurs due to pain and swelling in the throat.
    • The child constantly cries, tears flow from his eyes even at rest.
    • The skin turns pale, cyanosis occurs in the nasolabial triangle.

    Important: self-medication is strictly prohibited, especially in relation to children. Signs of any disease should alert adults and require medical intervention.

    Elderly people require a special approach when treating ARVI and colds. Due to age, their body is not able to resist a viral attack with all its might. In these cases, prevention and timely treatment of chronic diseases are important.

    How to cure a baby's cough and runny nose?

    When you see that your baby is starting to get sick, you need to carry out procedures to prevent further development of the disease. Intensive therapy at the beginning of the penetration of an infection or virus into the child’s body will allow it to resist pathogenic microorganisms. To do this, parents must know how to treat a child’s cough and runny nose.

    Traditional treatment

    Warming procedures have a good effect on a weakened body. To do this, you can steam the legs, apply mustard plasters, make a warming compress, but provided that the baby does not have an elevated body temperature. Thermal procedures improve blood circulation, which relieves inflammation in the bronchi and nasopharynx.

    For a warming compress when treating small children, you should use regular warm water. You need to moisten gauze in it, squeeze it lightly and place it on the upper third of the chest. Cover the gauze with oilcloth and wrap a warm scarf on top. This procedure should be done for 5 days each time at night, and removed in the morning. Throughout the entire period of the child’s illness, the child should be given warm drinks - milk with honey, herbal tea. To increase the amount of phlegm, it is useful to drink warm milk with mineral water or milk with honey, butter and a pinch of soda. You will be able to expectorate phlegm if you drink expectorant herbal teas made from licorice root, currant leaf and raspberry.

    To treat a runny nose, your baby needs to warm up the paranasal sinuses several times a day. To carry out the procedure, you need to heat coarse kitchen salt in a frying pan, pour it into bags, and apply it to your nose. Instead of salt, you can use heated sand or a boiled chicken egg. This therapy relieves inflammation in the nose, improves nasal breathing, and reduces the amount of mucus secreted.

    If a cold is not accompanied by general malaise, and the child does not have a fever, there is no need to forbid him to walk outside, fresh air will be beneficial.

    Traditional medicine

    Only a doctor should tell you how to cure a child’s runny nose and cough with the help of medications. If the mucus does not come out of the nose, medications are prescribed to thin it. Preparations based on sodium chloride have this property:

  • Salin;
  • Otrivin baby;
  • 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
  • At a time, you need to drop 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. Their main advantage is that such funds can be used as needed; there are no restrictions on their use.

    Pediatricians with severe congestion in a child's nose, which causes poor sleep and capriciousness of the baby, prescribe vasoconstrictor drops - Nazivin, Nazol baby, Tizin, Vibrocil. Such products cannot be used for longer than 5-7 days, since the mucous membrane becomes addictive. If a small child is sick and the mucus cannot be cleared from the nose, you can use a special device - an aspirator, which sucks out the snot.

    What to do if you start to get a cold: useful tips

    When the first signs of a cold appear, it is important to take timely measures to eliminate them and prevent a rapid deterioration in your health.

    There are effective pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies that help you not get sick at the first sign of a cold.

    All of them allow you to relieve the initial symptoms of ARVI, influenza, and avoid further development of the disease and possible complications.

    First signs of a cold

    The first symptoms of a cold are:

    • frequent sneezing;
    • itching and burning in the nasal cavity;
    • sore throat and discomfort;
    • dry cough.

    Soon they are joined by lacrimation, runny nose, nasal congestion, chills, headache, and general weakness. Sometimes the first sign of a cold is an increase in body temperature to 38˚C or higher.

    Children often experience vomiting, diarrhea, appetite worsens, and body temperature rises to high levels. At an early age, drowsiness, lethargy, and convulsions are noted.

    If a person starts to get sick with a cold, it is important not to waste precious time. Timely measures are highly likely to help avoid rapid progression of the disease.

    Pharmacy preparations for adults and children

    When you feel unwell, it is not always possible to decide what to do if you get a cold. In such a situation, complex treatment is required using effective and at the same time gentle drugs.

    At the first signs of illness in an adult, the following drugs will come to the rescue:

    1. Amiksin.
    2. Arbidol.
    3. Anaferon.
    4. Rimantadine.

    When the question “I have a cold, what should I do?” is tormented, it is worth providing the body with a shock dose of vitamin C. You can get it by taking ascorbic acid, or by eating several oranges (lemons) with honey.

    At the same time, it is necessary to begin treatment of the nose and throat - this is where the largest number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate. It is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity every 2 hours using pharmacy or homemade saline solutions. Nasal drops - Naphazolin, Sanorin, Tizin - will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

    To gargle, you should use tincture of calendula or propolis. You can buy tablets or lozenges for resorption - Faringosept, Falimint, Strepsils. If the temperature rises, you should take Paracetamol or Nurofen.

    For colds in young children, the following can be used:

    • Grippferon;
    • Viferon;
    • Derinat;
    • Ergoferon.

    To rinse the nose of the little ones, you should use Aqua Maris, Morenasal, for instillations and injections - Galazolin, Otrivin baby, Snoop.

    From 3 years of age, treatment can be carried out using Kagocel, Pinosol, Tantum Verde or Ingalipt sprays. To relieve elevated body temperature, Panadol, Ibuprofen, and Efferalgan are used.

    If there is no positive result from home therapy within 2-3 days, you must visit a doctor. If a cold develops in a young child, it is recommended to call a pediatrician at home.

    Available folk remedies

    Often, when the condition worsens, the question arises: I start to get a cold, what should I take from folk remedies? At the initial stage of a cold, alternative medicine recommends drinking:

    • raspberry tea;
    • rosehip infusion;
    • cranberry or viburnum juice;
    • warm milk with soda and honey;
    • green tea with ginger and lemon.

    The old method of heating with salt helps to quickly cure a runny nose and prevent the development of sinusitis. Salt is poured into a bag made of thick fabric, tied tightly, heated and applied to the bridge of the nose. It is also useful to take hot baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, steam your feet, put mustard plasters on your chest and back.

    Additional recommendations

    In addition to the methods already listed, what to do if you start to get a cold is recommended:

    1. Drink only warm or hot liquid.
    2. During the first days of illness, stay in bed.
    3. Avoid nervous tension and stressful situations.
    4. Periodically rub the chest, back and feet (with fir or pumpkin oil).

    It is useful to do breathing exercises in the morning and evening - inhale slowly through the nose and exhale, gradually increasing the speed. Do 30 repetitions, after which a minute break is necessary. Perform 5 approaches in one session.

    If you feel like you have a cold, you should do acupressure. During the session, pressure is applied to areas located between the index and thumb, on the side between the outer corners of the eyes. It is recommended to perform such manipulations daily for 10 minutes.

    Interesting video


    Preventive actions

  • wash your hands frequently, this should be done every time after walking or visiting public places;
  • exclude the child’s contact with infectious patients;
  • in the first year after the birth of the baby, all flowering plants, carpets, books and other objects on which dust accumulates should be removed from the house;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of the room, ensure the supply of fresh air;
  • to strengthen the baby’s immunity, the baby needs to be hardened from the first days of his life;
  • It is important to prevent smoking around your child.
  • By taking precautions, you can protect your baby from colds and respiratory viral infections. But if it has already happened that the baby is sick, it is important to know how to cure a child’s cough and runny nose.

    Immunity: what is it?

    The immune system is a protective barrier of the human body, in particular, it is a complex reaction that protects it from harmful agents:

    1. bacteria;
    2. parasites;
    3. viruses and their metabolic products;
    4. own cells that have changed due to pathological processes (oncology);
    5. donor tissues.

    The invasion of the body by an antigen provokes an immune cellular response, manifested by the synthesis of phagocytes - special cells that capture and neutralize foreign materials.

    There is also humoral immunity, according to which antigen neutralizes antibodies (chemically active molecules). They are serum blood proteins, also called immunoglobulins.

    The third line of protective functions that every organism has is nonspecific immunity. It is a barrier created by mucous membranes, skin, enzymes, and specific destructive organisms.

    If the virus does enter the cell, then an adult with good immune function will begin to produce interferon (a special cellular protein) as a response. This condition is always accompanied by a very high temperature.

    So, there are several ways to protect the body from aggressive bacterial and viral infections. But unfortunately, today few people have strong immunity.

    Why does this happen and what reasons contribute to this?

    How to treat a runny nose?

    Today, a large number of medications are available, the use of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of a runny nose. At the same time, many patients often do not know how exactly to treat the disease. Experts prescribe medications for rhinitis depending on its type and stage of progression.

    The most popular currently are vasoconstrictor drugs aimed at narrowing blood vessels in the nasal mucosa and relieving swelling. But do not forget about other medications that can effectively combat the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

    Vasoconstrictor drugs

    Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays represent the largest category of medications intended for the treatment of rhinitis. When they get on the nasal mucosa, they cause a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. As a result of use for a certain period specified in the instructions for a particular drug, swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved, as a result of which the patient’s breathing immediately improves.

    In addition, as the experts themselves note, the amount and speed of mucus produced in the nasal passages decreases.

    Vasoconstrictor drugs usually contain one of the following active ingredients:

  • xylometazoline;
  • oxymetazoline;
  • naphazoline.
  • Galazolin belongs to the group of drugs containing xymetazoline, which is prescribed for children and adults. The medicine can be available in the form of a gel, drops or spray, which makes it especially convenient to use.

    Also, many manufacturers of medicines for the common cold have begun to produce xylometazoline in the form of drops under such names as Dlyanos, Xymelin, Rinonorm. The duration of all medications that contain xylometazoline is no more than 4 hours.

    The active ingredient oxymetazoline is present in such medications for the common cold as Nazivin, Fervex, Nazol. Nazivin is produced with varying concentrations of oxymetazoline, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of children and adults. The duration of action of such drugs from the moment of their use is 10-12 hours.

    However, it is worth considering that oxymetazoline has its contraindications - it should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women, patients with diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, or children under 1 year of age.

    Sanorin lasts 6 hours and is considered the safest vasoconstrictor

    Another component of vasoconstrictor drugs may be naphazoline. Such remedies for the common cold include Sanorin and Naphthyzin - the cheapest medicines. Using them, you can relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa for 6 hours. Sanorin is considered one of the safest products in this category, since it contains eucalyptus essential oil and petroleum jelly, which enhance the therapeutic effect of naphazoline and reduce the likelihood of side effects.

    In addition to these three active ingredients present in vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, tetrizoline and pheninephril, which have the same effect on the nasal mucosa, can be used in the production of medicine for rhinitis.

    Remedies for viral infections

    If the cause of a runny nose is a viral infection, it is not recommended to use medications until the snot turns yellowish-green. The thing is that clear nasal discharge is an indicator of the body's fight against a viral infection. The main task of the patient or his loved ones in such a situation is to increase the body’s defenses.

    A humidifier will help reduce the thickness and viscosity of mucus.

    Complex drugs

    Complex and specialized remedies for the common cold, unlike vasoconstrictors, are aimed not so much at treating it, but at eliminating the causes of its occurrence. For example, if a certain allergen is the cause of a runny nose, it is easier to act on it than to take measures aimed at combating the formation of mucus.

    Vibrocil is one of the representatives of the combination of a decongestant with an H-1-histamine receptor blocker.

    In the production of such medications, a decongestant is combined, which has

    vasoconstrictor effect, and other active components:

  • Combination of a decongestant with an H-1-histamine receptor blocker. This combination helps to increase the effectiveness of the drug. In addition, the presence of an antihistamine helps relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Combination of a decongestant with a mucolytic. Combination with substances that thin and separate mucus allows you to get rid of a runny nose much faster.
  • Thanks to the complex effect on the body of such drugs for the common cold, rhinitis can be cured in a short time without causing side effects. That is why this group of drugs is considered the most effective for a runny nose.

    Essential oils

    Essential oils are a good natural antiseptic

    Quite often, when treating a runny nose, doctors prescribe medications based on essential oils to their patients. Such components have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects.

    As a rule, such products include extracts of mint, eucalyptus and pine. The most common medicine belonging to this category is Pinosol.

    Saline solutions

    Another type of drugs aimed at treating rhinitis are saline solutions. Their main effect is to wash away mucus and allergens that have entered the nasopharynx cavity. They also moisturize the nasal passages well, preventing the nasal mucosa from drying out.

    Their main advantage is the possibility of use even in the treatment of the youngest patients, since they do not cause addiction or side effects. Usually the following saline solutions are prescribed: Salin, Aquamaris, Humer, Marimer, Aqualor.

    Preparations for allergic rhinitis

    The effect of the drug begins 12 hours after administration

    For allergic rhinitis, in most cases, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed, but in addition to them, in some cases, hormonal drugs may be indicated for use. The most common among them include Beconase, Nasonex, Nasobek, Flixonase. To achieve a quick effect, it is better to use Nasonex; its effect becomes noticeable within 12 hours after use. The drug has a local effect, so it does not affect the entire body as a whole.

    Such medications are strictly contraindicated in cases of viral or bacterial origin of the disease. They should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and used only under his supervision. Long-term treatment with them can cause bacteria and fungi to multiply on the mucous membrane.

    It is important to know!

    Typically, all medications for the common cold have a vasoconstrictor effect on the nasal mucosa. When using them, significant relief occurs in a short time - the amount of mucus secreted decreases, swelling is relieved and the process of nasal breathing improves. It is at this moment that addiction to the chosen drug can often occur, which can soon lead to a loss of smell and a change in taste.

    That is why it is important to adhere to the following recommendations from specialists that will help avoid the occurrence of such a dangerous addiction:

  • Do not use nasal drops and sprays regularly;
  • they should be used only in extreme cases, when it is no longer possible to breathe through the nose;
  • If your condition worsens after using the medicine, you should consult a doctor.
  • You should choose medications for the common cold with special care and caution so as not to cause harm to the body.

    I have a stomachache

    If you have a stomach ache, especially periodically, do not rush to take painkillers. The thing is that our internal organs are penetrated by a network of pain receptors, and their irritation signals the brain about certain problems through pain.

    Lower abdominal pain

    - a signal about a disturbance in the functioning of the genitourinary system. You may be dealing with inflammation (aching pain and twitching), infectious diseases (tingling, sharp pain when urinating), or gynecological diseases (intermittent or constant nagging pain). In women, this may be a signal of disease of the appendages, in men - of the prostate gland.

    Pain in the upper abdomen

    indicates problems with the stomach or pancreas. Perhaps this is simple overeating, or a consequence of eating fatty foods. But if the pain recurs several times, consult a doctor and undergo a gastrointestinal tract diagnosis.

    Pain under the ribs on the left

    – most likely this is intestinal colic, but if it hurts in the right hypochondrium, you are dealing with problems with the liver or gall bladder.

    Acute pain in the lower abdomen on the right (less often on the left)

    - This is a sign of appendicitis. We advise you to call an ambulance. For those suffering from intestinal ulcers, such pain may indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

    In any of these cases, do not delay visiting your doctor. By taking a pill, you will relieve the pain, but the cause of its occurrence will not go away. And remember, a disease at an early stage can be treated easier and more successfully.

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