What to take for food poisoning

What to buy at the pharmacy when you have ear pain?

The drugs listed below are successfully used for ear pain during colds. They clean the mucous membrane of the organ from pus during inflammation, liquefying the masses accumulated in the cavity of the drum. The hole in the eardrum closes within a week, although this does not mean that recovery has occurred. Ear pain often occurs due to infection entering through the nasopharynx. Therefore, one of the main conditions in the treatment of such a disease is clearing the nasal canal of mucus. To do this, you need to drip sodium sulfacyl (5%) and drops into the nose to narrow the blood channels, for example, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Xylometazoline, etc.

To eliminate ear pain, topical medications are used, which are released in the form of drops. However, the antibiotics they contain cannot penetrate the eardrum, so other antimicrobial drugs must be taken. This is done orally to prevent viruses from entering the ear again.

It should be noted that if there are holes in the eardrum, it is not recommended to use drops, since it can damage the inner ear.

The most commonly used drugs that are used for ear diseases:

  1. Anauran is prescribed for acute and chronic ailments affecting the ear. These are combined drops that eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and fight fungi. They have no side effects. For babies under one year of age and pregnant women, Anauran is prescribed only in extreme cases.
  2. Garazon is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of effects. Consists of gentamicin and betamethasone. Relieves inflammation. Garazon is more effective than many medications, so when using it, you can use a reduced dosage.
  3. Otinum - drops for local action, which relieve pain due to the presence of choline salicylate in their composition. The medicine has the ability to influence enzymes that support the inflammatory process. Children under one year old and pregnant women should not use these drops.
  4. Otofa contains rifampicin (an antibiotic that inhibits staphylococci and streptococci). These drops can be prescribed to pregnant women and infants. Otofa causes allergies very rarely. It causes itchy skin or a red rash around the ear.
  5. Otipax - painkillers, disinfectant drops. They contain phenazole and lidocaine. These drops do not damage the eardrum and reduce swelling. They have a small number of contraindications, so the medication can be used in the treatment of infants. The drug kit includes a pipette.
  6. Polydexa is a drop for treating ears that has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. The medication can be used by pregnant women and infants. The course of therapy with this medication lasts from a week to 10 days.
  7. Sofradex contains antibacterial agents such as framycetin sulfate and garamycin. These components have a wide range of effects on various viruses. Sofradex produces an antiallergic effect, relieves inflammation, and eliminates itching. However, doctors do not recommend using the drug for a long period, since it contains the hormonal drug dexamethasone, which can cause serious problems.

Drops against rhinitis: review of the best

All nasal drops differ in composition and have different properties.

For acute rhinitis of infectious origin, two groups of medications are used:

  • drops based on sea water
  • interferon preparations

In some cases, before a doctor arrives, vasoconstrictor drugs can be used to treat a runny nose in children. It is allowed to resort to their help only if a runny nose greatly bothers the baby.

The first remedy for any rhinitis of infectious origin is a saline solution, which will not harm the allergic rhinitis. Typically, sodium chloride solution or sea water is used for this purpose.

If a child has a runny nose, it is necessary to start instilling such medications as soon as possible.

Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid drying out of the mucous membrane, improve the discharge of mucus and remove pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity. It is best to use sprays rather than drops. The fact is that sprays are able to penetrate deeply into the nasal passages and are evenly distributed throughout the nasal mucosa. Overdose of such drugs is excluded, and they do not have any side effects.

The following drugs have a good effect in treating a runny nose:

  • Otrivin Baby
  • Aqualor
  • Quicks
  • Marimer
  • Aqua Maris
  • Salin

For a viral runny nose, human interferon preparations are prescribed in the first three days after the onset of the disease. Thanks to the use of such drugs, it is possible to eliminate the main cause of pathology - viruses.

The interferon contained in the medications has a local effect and helps neutralize viruses that are present in the nose and have not yet penetrated the blood. If you start using such drugs at a later period, their effectiveness will noticeably decrease.

Useful video: how to cure a runny nose with aloe juice

Protargol for infants: basic recommendations for use

The fact is that when viruses enter the blood, interferon no longer acts as effectively and helps to achieve only a weak immunostimulating effect. It is for this reason that human interferon preparations are recommended to be instilled into the nose immediately when the first signs of the disease appear before the doctor arrives.

Review of effective drugs:

  • Nazivin is a vasoconstrictor drug that can help reduce the amount of mucus and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. It is recommended to start using such drops at the very beginning of the pathology, when a large amount of clear mucus is released from the child’s nose. It is important to remember that a child is allowed to drip Nazivin only after consultation with a specialist, since it can cause side effects.
  • Aqualor Baby is a medicinal product based on natural ingredients, which guarantees its safety during use. This remedy allows you to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, clear the nose of mucus and strengthen the child’s immune system. Aqualor Baby can be used to treat newborns, instilled into the nose up to 4 times a day.
  • Otrivin Baby is a sterile isotonic saline solution, which in its composition resembles saline solution. The drug is completely harmless to the child’s body and helps to effectively clean and moisturize the nasal mucosa. Otrivin Baby can be used to treat colds in children after one year of age by instilling it into the nose as soon as necessary.

How to use ear drops correctly?

To quickly heal your ear, you need to know the rules for using these drops:

  1. Before use, the drug should be left for 5-6 minutes in a container in warm water. At the same time, the contents warm up, and the patient’s ears will not feel cold or burning.
  2. The drops must be administered using a pipette, which should be boiled before the procedure for the purpose of sterilization.
  3. To free the ear canal, the ear itself is pulled back and then upward. If the patient is an infant, the last operation is performed in a lower direction. With such actions, the auditory canal straightens.
  4. The medicinal composition is taken into a pipette and instilled into the diseased organ. Usually 3-5 drops are enough.
  5. Use a cotton swab to massage the ear tragus.

You can not drip the medicine into the ear, but soak a cotton wool flagellum with the medicine and place it in the shell canal. The sequence of actions for this method is as follows:

  1. First, twist a tight rope of cotton wool (2 cm or more).
  2. Warm up the drops by placing the bottle in warm water.
  3. The number of drops that need to be placed on the flagellum is the same as with the above method.
  4. Using a rotational movement, the tourniquet is inserted into the patient’s ear, which is pulled back to free the auditory canal.
  5. You need to leave a small part of the tourniquet outside so that it can be pulled out freely later.
  6. Every 4 hours, a drug is dripped onto a cotton bud to maintain moisture.
  7. The cotton wool needs to be changed every day.

What to take for food poisoning

Foodborne toxic infection is caused by the action of a toxin that is released by a pathogenic pathogen upon penetration into the body.

Poisoning with low-quality products leads to dehydration of varying degrees of severity.

In case of food poisoning, a dropper normalizes water and electrolyte balance, increases urine volume, thereby accelerating the removal of toxins from the body, and restores blood acidity levels.

Indications for placing an IV include repeated vomiting and profuse diarrhea, voluntary or forced refusal to take fluids, acidosis (increased acidity), a violation of the quantitative ratio of sodium, chlorine, and potassium ions.

Absolute contraindications for drips are acute heart failure (cardiac asthma, cardiogenic shock), anuria (lack of urine), pulmonary edema.

Functions of a dropper in case of poisoning

The system allows you to inject pharmacological drugs or biological fluids into the bloodstream by drop or stream.

The purposes of placing an IV for food poisoning:

  1. Replenishing lost fluid.
  2. Restoration of circulating blood volume.
  3. Ensuring complete microcirculation.
  4. Stabilization of oxygen and transport functions of blood.
  5. Adjustment of plasma concentration in the blood.
  6. Prevention of blood thickening.

During intoxication of the body, a dropper, depending on its chemical composition, performs different functions. It can be basic, replenishing a person’s physiological needs for water and electrolytes (salts). Also, the dropper can correct changes in homeostasis indicators - the constancy of the internal environments of the body:

  • restoration of protein balance;
  • replenishment of micronutrient deficiencies;
  • normalization of the concentration of water spaces.

Main groups of solutions for droppers

Drugs for intravenous infusions are divided into two main groups.

The first group is solutions of salts (electrolytes) and sugars (glucose). They are:

  • isotonic;
  • hypertensive;
  • hypotonic.

Sugar solutions are the main source of water for the body . They are prescribed for hydration therapy - fluid restoration in case of dehydration of the body. They correct the deficiency of free water (not containing salt). The minimum physiological daily requirement is 1200 ml. In case of poisoning with severe dehydration, this figure increases.

Electrolyte solutions replace salt losses . They are placed when there is a large loss of intercellular fluid.

Drugs for dropper:

  1. Isotonic sodium chloride solution 0.9% (saline). Increases diuresis and is a source of sodium and chlorine for the body. It increases the volume of circulating blood, but only for a short time, as it is quickly eliminated from the blood. Therefore, the medicine for shock or blood loss is less effective; it is prescribed in order to cleanse the body of toxins.
  2. Ringer's solution. This is a saline solution that contains several components. Used for dehydration, with acidosis with large loss of fluid.
  3. Glucose solutions. This is a universal antitoxic agent. It is a source of parenteral (intravenous) nutrition.
  4. Trisol or disol - normalize the balance of electrolytes and regulate blood composition.

The second group is solutions containing high molecular weight substances. They retain fluid in the vascular system and restore plasma metabolism, which is why they are called plasma substitutes.

In case of large fluid losses or blood loss, these medications quickly increase blood flow to the heart, restore heart filling, and stabilize blood pressure.

They are used as a source of parenteral nutrition when physiological feeding is not possible, since they contain amino acids, glucose, and lipids.

  1. Hemodez, this water-salt solution is used for severe intoxication poisoning caused by intestinal bacteria and liver diseases. It has a plasma-substituting and antitoxic effect.
  2. Polyglucin is an anti-shock plasma replacement drug used for blood loss and intoxication. Replenishes blood volume, prevents blood elements from sticking together.
  3. Reopoliglucin is a plasma substitute. Improves capillary blood flow and microcirculation.
  4. Reogluman is a blood substitute. Reduces blood viscosity, inhibits the adhesion of blood cells, removes toxins. Prescribed to cleanse the blood during intoxication.

Dropper at home

A common reason for placing an IV at home is alcohol poisoning. At home, a drip is placed in cases of acute and chronic intoxication of moderate severity, in the absence of increasing symptoms of deterioration . Being able to place an IV at home has its advantages. This allows you to anonymously provide help with alcohol addiction.

Functions of a dropper in case of poisoning:

  1. Removing toxins. Alcohol breakdown products linger in the body for a long time, leading to morphological changes and functional disorders of internal organs.
  2. Restoring salt balance. Alcohol reduces potassium and magnesium levels, posing a risk of heart problems.
  3. Restoration of acid-base balance. When drinking alcoholic beverages, acidosis develops, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes.
  4. Thinning the blood by increasing its volume.

Drugs administered intravenously are prescribed by a doctor . They act quickly and specifically due to their bioavailability. During alcohol intoxication, several medications can be administered simultaneously as part of a dropper, the choice of which depends on the severity of the poisoning:

  • antiemetics;
  • hepatoprotectors (liver protection);
  • supporting cardiac activity;
  • normalizing blood pressure;
  • improving blood supply to the brain;
  • sedatives, sleeping pills;
  • antihistamines;
  • vitamins.

Contraindications to placing an IV are severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma, type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent), drinking alcohol for more than two weeks, and old age.

Complications after IV drip

Complications may occur after an IV. The reason is a violation of the manipulation technique, multiple infusions, and a violation of the rules of asepsis .


  1. Hematoma or diffuse bleeding under the skin. Occurs when the vein puncture technique is violated. To eliminate the hematoma, use a warming semi-alcohol compress.
  2. Vein spasm during puncture.
  3. Necrosis. Necrosis of an area of ​​soft tissue when strong irritating drugs get under the skin. The reason is the inept execution of intravenous placement of a needle for a dropper.
  4. Thrombophlebitis. Inflammation of the vein with subsequent formation of a blood clot. Occurs with frequent punctures of the same vein.
  5. Air embolism. Air entering a vein due to improper administration of medications.
  6. Sepsis. Blood poisoning as a result of gross violation of asepsis .
  7. Damage to nerve trunks. It can happen in two cases: when the puncture site is chosen incorrectly and when an irritating substance enters. The severity of this complication varies, from neuritis to paralysis.

Many people believe that after the solution in the dropper runs out, the air in the system will enter the vein and lead to an air embolism. It is a myth. Air will not enter the vein, since it has its own pressure.

Monitoring a person’s condition during a dropper in case of poisoning

Throughout the entire period of intravenous infusions, it is necessary to continuously assess the patient's condition :

  • heart rate;
  • color of skin, lips, nails;
  • body temperature;
  • arterial pressure;
  • depth of breathing;
  • kidney function.

Conduct laboratory clinical studies. Before starting infusion therapy and as a control, a blood test is taken to determine the content of protein, urea, glucose, and microelements (K, Ca, Na, Cl). The rate of blood clotting, prothrombin level, and urine density are assessed. The more severe the poisoning condition, the more often tests are done.

Increased monitoring is established for children, pregnant women, elderly patients, as well as people with renal, cardiac, and pulmonary insufficiency.

It is important to monitor the patient's weight loss daily . In case of food poisoning, it should not exceed 0.5 kg per day. The average is 200-300 g.

For infusion therapy, the composition of medications, their dosage and infusion rate are determined.

A drip for food poisoning is prescribed taking into account clinical and age characteristics, and the degree of risk for the patient. It is the main method of treating patients with food intoxication. The dropper allows the body to recover from a serious condition, after which the patient can safely continue drug treatment.


Droppers for poisoning: in what cases are they prescribed and their composition

Indications for placing an IV include repeated vomiting and profuse diarrhea, voluntary or forced refusal to take fluids, acidosis (increased acidity), a violation of the quantitative ratio of sodium, chlorine, and potassium ions.

Absolute contraindications for drips are acute heart failure (cardiac asthma, cardiogenic shock), anuria (lack of urine), pulmonary edema.

Human homeostasis and its disruption during poisoning

The concept of “homeostasis” means a state of the human body in which conditions are created for its most effective functioning.

To maintain it, a balance of vital systems and indicators must be maintained. First of all, we are talking about maintaining the required concentration of electrolytes and fluid volume in the body.

Their significant deviations are detrimental to the key organs of the body - the heart, kidneys and brain.

Why do these disorders occur in food poisoning? Diseases begin to develop when a pathogenic pathogen or its toxin enters the intestinal lumen. There, bacteria or viruses pass into the wall of the organ, where they begin to multiply intensively, causing a local inflammatory reaction (see Intestinal poisoning).

They also disrupt the normal process of digestion, absorption of water and nutrients.

The toxins that bacteria produce enter the human systemic bloodstream, causing the main clinical symptoms of the pathology - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general fatigue, abdominal pain of varying intensity and increased body temperature.

Find out how to relieve intoxication after poisoning. Medication assistance.

Find out why glucose solution is so necessary for children in case of poisoning? How to prepare glucose solution at home.

It is the pronounced symptoms of the disease that lead to an imbalance in the human body in case of food poisoning, which requires the use of a dropper.

In the first few days of pathology, the patient may lose several liters of water, and with it a huge amount of potassium, sodium, calcium and chlorine ions.

As a result, the development of several processes is possible: disruption of the sinus node, conduction of impulses and contraction of the heart myocardium. Another dangerous condition in case of poisoning is dehydration shock, which is complicated by the presence of bacteria and toxins in the blood.


Infusion therapy for food intoxication is basic, as it is capable of eliminating the main homeostasis disorders in a short time.

It is possible to identify several basic goals that the use of this therapeutic technique helps to achieve:

  • replenishment of the required volume of circulating blood;
  • elimination of microcirculation deficiency;
  • reducing the toxin effect and removing them from the diseased body;
  • drug support for pulmonary, cardiac and renal function;
  • reaction to any types of changes in the victim’s condition;
  • reduction of blood pressure indicators to normal;
  • progress in major perfusion organs;
  • battle with shock mechanisms of a pathogenetic nature;
  • monitoring blood clotting;
  • the likelihood of introducing antibacterial medications as quickly as possible.

Source: https://hpt-kld.ru/chto-kapat-pri-pischevom-otravlenii/

How to treat yourself at home?

To do this, you can use a variety of methods:

  1. You can wash sore ears with oxaline solution.
  2. If you experience stabbing or shooting pain in your ear, you can drip warm almond, sunflower or olive oil into it. After this, put a piece of cotton wool soaked in the used product into your ear and bandage your ears with a warm scarf.
  3. If there is pus in the ears or the beginning of the inflammatory process, you can use honey and propolis (tincture). They are mixed and used in the morning and before bed.
  4. If the middle ear is inflamed, you need to mix a 40% alcohol mixture of propolis and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4. A cotton swab is soaked in this mixture and inserted into the ears. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The course of therapy consists of 10-15 procedures.
  5. Is it possible to drip vodka? If there is no boric or furatsilin alcohol, which must be warmed up before inserting into the ear, you can use vodka. The patient will feel a slight burning sensation. He must lie down during the procedure. To prevent the liquid from spilling out, you need to put cotton strands in your ears.
  6. You can use lemon. The juice of this citrus fruit should be dripped into the ears, 2 drops every 5-6 hours. This relieves swelling well and eliminates pain.
  7. If possible, 2-3 leaves are plucked from the walnut tree. The juice is squeezed out of them and poured into the ears (3 drops per day).
  8. If acute otitis has developed, you can fight it with the help of walnuts. They are freed from the shell and the oil is squeezed out of the fruits. It is mixed with 1 drop of tea tree oil solution. The mixture is instilled in 3 drops. The course of therapy is 3 days.

What to drip in

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000.

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drip - See the flow does not drip over us. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. drip, flow, ooze, remind, accrue, prove, fall, sharpen, fiscal, sneak,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

DRIP - DRIP, drop, drop, and (colloquial) drip, drip, led. just drip, d.n.v. only dripping (dripping, led. drip simple), imperfect. (to drip). 1. without additional To pour, to fall in drops. Tears were dripping from her eyes. Sweat is dripping from my forehead. “Poison drips through... ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

DRIP - (drip and drop), drip and drip; drip (see also dig) m drip, fall in drops, in a bursting stream; | what, lower, drop in drops, pour drop by drop; | 3rd person about a thing: let drops pass through, let it flow. Rain drips onto the roof and ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

drip - DRIP, ay, ay; nesov. 1. to whom (or to pick on the brains of whom). Constantly, methodically remind someone. what l.; try to influence someone 2. to whom to whom, where. Report on someone. 3. without additional About money: gradually arriving, accruing... ... Dictionary of Russian argot

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