When you have a cold, the patient’s general condition leaves much to be desired, and the first sign of an impending disease is the unexpected appearance of rhinitis. A runny nose can be treated with conservative methods, but many patients choose time-tested alternative medicine recipes. Beetroot juice is especially effective for this symptom, for a runny nose - this is the best remedy at all times.
Before preparing and using it, for medical reasons, it is recommended to consult a doctor and choose the right recipe.
Ways to fight a runny nose
There are many remedies for a runny nose.
But most of them only relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and do not fight infection. In addition, after 2-3 days the body gets used to the drug, and the medication becomes ineffective. Therefore, it is better to use traditional methods of treatment: there is no addiction, and thanks to natural ingredients, such a drug is safe for children. Before treating your child with these methods, find out if he is allergic to any ingredients. The risk is minimal, but to be sure, it is better to consult a specialist.
Traditional methods of treatment:
- An excellent option is to instill Kalanchoe juice into your nose 2-3 times daily, using a freshly picked leaf of the plant.
- Breathe over freshly cut onions 2-3 times a day - this method is good for clearing up nasal congestion.
- Drops of beet juice are very effective.
- Inhalations from herbal decoctions: sage, eucalyptus or chamomile. You can add a few drops of iodine to the decoction. Cover the bowl or saucepan with the broth with a large towel and let the child breathe over it for 5-10 minutes. Suitable for children over 4 years old. The steam should not be too hot, otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane may occur.
- Lubricate the nasal cavity with a mixture of honey and mint oil in a 2:1 ratio 3-4 times a day. Peppermint oil can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Is it possible or not to put beet juice in your nose?
Beet juice for a runny nose should not be given to children if there is an individual intolerance to the components. In addition, if you decide to give beets to a teenager or an adult along with honey, then first check whether the patient is allergic to honey. It is not advisable to give honey and beets to young children.
We recommend that you read
- What are the beneficial properties of pomegranate peels?
- Walnut peel - application, traditional medicine recipes
- How to prepare garlic tincture with vodka?
In addition, keep in mind that children, especially infants, have very sensitive mucous membranes. This means that if adults do not get worse from using various nasal medications, then a child may suffer greatly. Therefore, try to start treatment with small dosages and weak solutions. Remember not to use medications more often than directed, even if it involves taking harmless vegetables or herbs. We also recommend that you read the following article about the beetroot diet - if you treat it, then treat the whole body!
Treatment of sinusitis with beet juice
Treatment of sinusitis with beet juice has its own characteristics, so in the absence of consultation with a specialist, the clinical picture of the disease can only be complicated.
Ideally, beetroot liquid penetrates the maxillary sinuses, liquefies the viscous secretion and promotes its rapid removal through the nasal passages. At the same time, it increases immunity, that is, it eliminates the risk of re-infection. There are no contraindications, with the exception of increased sensitivity of the body to red root vegetables, berries, and vegetables. There are no age restrictions, so you can safely use beetroot juice for children with a runny nose. For women in an “interesting situation,” such a folk medicine for progressive rhinitis will also not harm.
It is very easy to use beetroot juice for a runny nose in children, because preparing medicine does not require effort, and the vegetable can be found in every home. The presence of a large amount of vitamins, natural antiseptics, and microelements makes it possible to prescribe a vegetable remedy for medicinal purposes. Beetroot juice for a runny nose in children provides the following effect:
decongestant. Please note that in children the nasal passages are narrower than in adults, as a result of which even slight swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to impaired nasal breathing; reducing the viscosity of mucus, thereby restoring its outflow, preventing the accumulation of secretions and their infection; moisturizing the mucous membrane. The enveloping property of the juice allows you to reduce the irritating effect of surrounding factors on the mucous membrane and reduce the risk of injury to it.
Regular hydration is especially important in the atrophic form of rhinitis, when the mucous membrane becomes dry and its integrity is compromised; dilation of the blood vessels of the nasal passages. As a result, the delivery of immune components is improved and the protection of the mucous membrane is increased.
With mucosal atrophy, tissue nutrition is normalized and their structure is restored.
To achieve the desired result, you need to choose the right beets. To prepare the medicine you will need a dark burgundy colored vegetable, slightly oblong in shape. Beetroot without whitish streaks is best suited for treatment, which increases its healing properties.
Beetroot juice for the common cold is widely used in folk medicine due to its high content of iron, copper, potassium, iodine, and zinc.
Medicinal properties of beet juice
Beets have a fairly rich chemical composition, which contains a number of useful vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other beneficial substances. Beetroot juice contains vitamins B, C, PP, carotene, as well as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, and organic acids. Beets are rich in iodine and amino acids. Beets have a moderate anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulating effect, improve the rheological properties of the blood, and not only help relieve rhinitis, but also other health problems.
Not only beet juice for nasal drops, but also its ingestion will be beneficial for the child. When using beet juice for a runny nose in children, it is important for parents to remember that before instilling the mucous membrane, it must be diluted with water, since in its pure form this product can increase the risk of allergic reactions.
Beetroot juice for a runny nose can be used by children from 1 year of age, but before using this product, you need to consult a pediatrician and also study the recipes well. This product has proven its effectiveness not only in the treatment of runny nose of viral or bacterial origin, but for the treatment of sinusitis and adenoids. Thanks to the unique composition of the juice, it allows you to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, relieve inflammation and swelling. Beetroot drops thin mucus well, relieve congestion, activate the body's defenses, dilate blood vessels and have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.
Side effects of vegetable therapy
We should not forget about the risk of adverse reactions. Possible complications include:
- severe burning, itching in the nose, increased swelling, which may indicate an allergic reaction;
- an increase in the volume of secretions, which is due to the dilation of blood vessels;
- increased fever. The increase in temperature is due to the spread of infection and increasing intoxication.
If complications occur, you should immediately rinse your nasal cavities with water. Further use of this medicine is not recommended. If the runny nose does not decrease within three days during vegetable therapy, you should consult a doctor.
Traditional recipes are allowed to be used only in combination with traditional methods of therapy.
In childhood, saline solutions, drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, as well as homeopathic remedies are prescribed. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can quickly relieve your child of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea and difficulty in nasal breathing.
Throughout the treatment, do not forget about drinking regime and proper nutrition. Taking into account the preferences of children, you can give not very sweet juices, compotes, tea or still water. Sufficient fluid intake into the body allows you to speed up the elimination of toxins, reduce the viscosity of secretions and prevent their accumulation in the paranasal sinuses. As for nutrition, you need to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Beetroot juice can only be used for colds. As for the allergic and infectious origin of rhinitis, this medicine will not lead to recovery. If a runny nose accompanies serious illnesses such as diphtheria, pneumonia or measles, it is better to forget about traditional therapy.
We emphasize that natural medicines can help one child and harm another, so during the treatment process you need to closely monitor the condition of the little patient. https://youtube.com/embed/ooLklwn0RGY
To treat a runny nose, there is a huge selection of drugs for the common cold on the pharmaceutical market. Most of them have some restrictions on use and side effects. Alternative medicine methods are considered safer. One of the effective remedies for a runny nose is beet juice.
Medicine recipes
To prepare beet drops, it is better to take a vegetable of the “Cylinder” variety.
It should be a bright burgundy rich color. The beets need to be washed well and cleared of the top layer. After such sanitary treatment, the root vegetable should be grated on a fine grater. A juicer can also be used for this. The grated beets must be squeezed out using gauze.
Sometimes boiled vegetables are used to prepare a remedy for the common cold.
The steps are the same, but it is important to note that boiled beet juice is less effective
To treat a runny nose, the following recipes for preparing beet drops can be used:
- Beetroot juice solution. The prepared concentrate is mixed with warm water in equal proportions. To treat children with a runny nose, the ratio of water and juice for preparing drops should be 3:2.
- Honey-beet drops. To prepare the medicine, take beet juice and honey in a ratio of 3:1.
- A product based on two juices - carrot and beetroot, taken in equal parts. Vegetable oil is poured into the mixture - twice as much as juice alone. Also, to destroy pathogenic organisms in the nasal mucosa, you need to add a couple of drops of garlic juice to the solution.
- Carrot-beet drops with added honey. Juices from carrots and beets are taken in equal proportions. Three times less honey is added.
- Beetroot and carrot remedy with the addition of propolis tincture. The ratio of beet juice, carrot juice and propolis tincture (ten percent) is 2:2:1. Such drops are considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.
- Canned beet juice. The prepared juice in its pure form is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.
The correctness of actions and compliance with the specified proportions of the drug increases its therapeutic effect.
Rules for using the product
Proper use of beet juice for a runny nose is the key to a quick recovery
There are some features of using beet juice for nasal instillation. These include:
- Freshly prepared juice should not be instilled into the nasal passages. To begin with, the product must stand in the refrigerator for several hours before use to eliminate various pathogenic microorganisms from it.
- Pure concentrate can cause burns to the nasal membranes and soreness of the nasal passages. Therefore, the product is not recommended for use in its pure form.
- For the best effect, it is advisable not only to bury your nose, but also to gargle with this folk remedy.
- Drops can be used after thorough cleansing of the nasal passages - for this the patient needs to rinse the nose. For this purpose, a solution of ordinary salt, or better yet sea salt, is useful.
- Dosage of any beet drops: for adults - from one to three drops in each nostril, for children - one drop using a pipette in each nasal passage.
- In addition to instillation of the nose, cotton wool is moistened with the above medicines and inserted into the nose for about twenty minutes.
- This method can also be used for a runny nose - rinsing the nose with a decoction of the fruit.
Before using drops during pregnancy and for treating children, you must first obtain the approval of a specialist.
You can learn more about how to treat a runny nose with beet juice from the video:
When treating with beet drops, it is important to adhere to the necessary conditions for a speedy recovery, namely:
- Frequently ventilate the room
- Air humidification
If these rules are followed, the effectiveness of treatment increases several times, and the recovery process accelerates.
Contraindications and adverse reactions
The advantages of beet juice are that it has virtually no contraindications and does not cause side effects.
There are few restrictions on the use of beetroot nasal drops. The only contraindication is individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy) to this root vegetable.
The use of products containing honey is contraindicated for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to this ingredient.
There is also a small list of side effects when using beet juice in the treatment of a runny nose:
- Allergies in the form of swelling, itching, sneezing, redness of the skin.
- Burning sensation in the nasal passages.
- Increased mucous discharge from the nose.
- Increased symptoms of the disease.
The list of contraindications and side effects is kept to a minimum, but it is better to consult with a specialist about the possibility of treating a runny nose with beetroot juice.
Rules for using beet drops for adults
It is very difficult to overestimate the enormous benefits of this natural product. For adults, single instillation doses can be increased to 5 drops, but doctors recommend keeping a portion of 3 drops, but not diluting the concentrate with water.
If, after using the drops for medical reasons, the patient experiences side effects, further therapy must be stopped immediately. Possible anomalies include increased discharge from the nasal mucosa, a burning sensation in the nasal cavity, allergies, and, less commonly, fainting and loss of consciousness. In practice, such clinical pictures are extremely rare.
Before using any prescription, you must consult your doctor. A folk medicine can not only worsen the general condition, but also trigger the pathology itself. To prevent this from happening, the approach to the problem must be comprehensive. Superficial self-medication is completely excluded.
Treating a runny nose with beet juice
The therapeutic process for eliminating a runny nose with beet juice is absolutely identical for both adults and children. This will be discussed in this section of the article.
To prepare beetroot healing drops, you need to take a raw vegetable. Try to choose an oblong fruit with a rich color, since it contains the bulk of useful and necessary microcomponents.
If a patient suffering from rhinitis does not have an allergic reaction to the product used, then to enhance the effectiveness, it can be supplemented with fresh vegetable juice and other ingredients, which we will talk about a little later.
Washing the nasal sinuses with vegetable broth can be very effective, thanks to which you can remove dust or mucus accumulated in the cavity. For this purpose, pharmaceutical saline solution, saline solution, as well as beetroot decoction are suitable. To prepare the latter, it is enough to boil the peeled vegetable for at least four hours, and the resulting liquid should be strained and cooled. The decoction must be used to rinse the nose at least 3 times a day.
Due to its safety, the described natural folk remedy is considered practically harmless (except for allergies to the product itself).
The composition can be used for the following diseases of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity:
The indication for the use of medicinal beet juice is a strong nasal discharge, accompanied by symptoms of diseases such as:
- ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
- laryngitis;
- tracheitis;
- tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis);
- nasopharyngitis;
- bronchial asthma.
The juice of the described vegetable is a fairly effective home remedy for nasal congestion, mucus discharge from the nasopharynx of varying consistency and shade, as well as difficulty breathing. Moreover, this composition can very effectively treat adenoids accompanied by atrophic rhinitis. Also, with the help of this healing composition, you can treat a runny nose of an allergic nature.
What are the benefits of beet juice?
The unique composition of the vegetable makes beets indispensable in the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. The root vegetable contains a large amount of essential amino acids, vitamins and important microelements. Here are some of them;
phosphorus;- potassium;
- iron;
- iodine;
- folic acid;
- Apple vinegar;
- oxalic acid;
- cellulose;
- mineral salts;
- carotene;
- boron;
- manganese;
- zinc;
- B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6);
- tocopherol;
- vitamin PP;
- vitamin A;
- beta carotene.
The beneficial properties are due to the action of beet juice at the cellular level. A drink from the plant eliminates nasal congestion, improves the condition of the mucous membrane and activates local immunity. In addition to rhinitis, beetroot drink is used in the treatment of influenza pathologies, sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis and acute respiratory infections.
When therapy is started in a timely manner, beets allow:
- reduce swelling of the nasal cavity;
- reduce the amount of mucus;
- promote rapid regeneration;
- prevent the proliferation of pathogenic agents (bacteria, viruses and fungi).
The therapeutic effect of juice therapy depends not only on the positive qualities of the main ingredient, but also on how correctly the raw materials are prepared.
Recipe for oil drops with beet juice
- 1 teaspoon beet juice;
- 2 teaspoons of natural vegetable oil.
Freshly squeezed beet juice is mixed with vegetable oil in a 1:2 ratio. Most often, olive oil is used to prepare oil drops, but refined sunflower, peach, corn, and sea buckthorn oil are also suitable. Oil drops can be used every 3 hours. One option for this recipe is drops with carrot juice, beet juice and oil. Their preparation and use are similar to those described above.
Product effectiveness
Absent. It is impossible to use a remedy against bacterial runny nose - if there is snot in the nose, such drops will disrupt the functioning of the mucous membrane. If there is no snot, and the nose needs to be moistened, then either an aqueous solution of beetroot juice is used for this, when there are no crusts in the nose, or oil separately, if such crusts appear. It makes no sense to instill both oil and juice at the same time.
Such drops should not be put into the nose if there are no dry crusts in it.
Vegetable oil can be dripped only if the nasal mucosa dries out
The ingredients in this recipe contradict each other. The only situation when such drops can be used is when the mucous membrane completely dries out. In this case, you don’t have to add juice to the oil - the effect will be the same.
Healthy recipes
Beetroot can be used not only for nasal drops, but also for rinsing cavities. We will describe in detail several recipes:
- Vegetable juice must be diluted with distilled water to obtain a 50% concentration. You need to rinse your nasal cavities twice a day;
- Children over 10 years old can use a combination of several juices. To prepare a healing product, you need to peel the garlic, carrots, beets, chop the ingredients and squeeze out the juice. The recipe requires equal amounts of carrot and beet juice, as well as half the amount of garlic juice. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, add three drops of olive oil. Instill a drop twice a day;
- to 20 ml of a mixture of carrot and beet juice, taken 1:1, you need to add 5 ml of melted honey and dilute with water (1:1).
Beetroot remedy does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, so you should not expect a decrease in rhinorrhea. It is especially effective for atrophic rhinitis, when hydration of the mucous membrane is required.
Rules for using beetroot remedy
There is nothing complicated in preparing a remedy for rhinitis. You need to choose a quality product and mix it with additional ingredients. Before use, the root crop is subjected to sanitary treatment - it is thoroughly washed and the top layer of the peel is cut off. To treat a runny nose, concentrated beetroot juice is prepared.
- Wash the root crop and pour boiling water over it.
- Peel, grate on a fine grater, squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth;
- Leave the resulting juice in the refrigerator for 1 hour and warm it in your palms to room temperature before drinking.
- For adults, concentrated juice is used, for children aged 3-6 years it is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2, and from 0 to 3 years the proportion is 1:3.
- Drops should be instilled into a cleansed nasal passage, 2 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day for adults and children over 6 years old. For children from 0-6, 1 drop 2-3 times a day.
- Store the drops in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
The therapeutic effect will be noticeable after 3-4 days, and for complete recovery the course of treatment is 7 days. There is a slight difference in treatment with beet juice for adults and children. For children under 6 years of age, the juice is diluted with boiled water 1:1 or 1:2. Adults use a concentrated composition during illness.
Important! When preparing drops for children, beet juice is diluted with water and then mixed with other ingredients!
Treatment of ENT diseases, how to use
Let's look at the most popular ENT diseases and how to treat them.
- Sinusitis. Beet juice is often used as an additional treatment against drug therapy. It is effective in treatment at the initial stage of the disease and for the prevention of chronic sinusitis with frequent exacerbations. Drops from freshly squeezed or boiled root vegetables are suitable. The question remains, how to use it for sinusitis, should it be diluted or instilled with pure juice? It is recommended for adults to take 2-3 drops up to 4-5 times a day, and for children diluted with water, 1 drop 2-3 times a day.
- Cold rhinitis. More often, for colds, children and adults prepare beetroot-carrot drops with honey or beetroot-honey drops according to simple recipes. The medicine is made at the rate of 3 tsp juice and 1 tsp honey, leave to settle for an hour. For adults, 2-3 drops, for children, 1 drop.
- Chronic runny nose. To treat chronic rhinitis, you can use another healing composition. To do this, mix carrot and beet juice in equal proportions and add propolis tincture. The drops are suitable for adults and children.
- If you have sinus congestion, you can use any recipe, because the vegetable relieves swelling and thins mucus.
- Adenoids. A childhood illness that often causes a runny nose. In this case, we use diluted beet juice without additional additives. They need to rinse the nasal cavity. Before rinsing, you should clear the nasal passages of mucus with saline. Procedures are carried out 2-4 times a day.
Beetroot juice is an excellent drop for treating a runny nose for children and adults. Drip for 4-5 days. If the disease does not go away during this time, you should see a specialist. In general, beetroot remedy will promote a speedy recovery in combination with drug therapy.
Beets are one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals among vegetables, which are not lost during cooking or heat treatment, and at the same time have a positive effect on our body and in particular on the blood. Read materials from our experts about whether the red root vegetable increases hemoglobin and how to take it correctly for stomach and duodenal ulcers, oncology, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, constipation, gastritis and to cleanse the entire body, including the liver .
Methods for preparing vegetable drops
Beetroot juice for a runny nose can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other natural ingredients.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the child is not allergic to the products used.
To check for allergies, just apply a few drops of the medicine to the back of the wrist. The results of the allergy test should be assessed within an hour. If rashes, tissue swelling, itching or redness appear, the drug should be discontinued.
The recipe uses only fresh vegetables, because after heat treatment some of the nutrients are lost. Before preparing the medicinal product, you first need to prepare the vegetable:
- The beets should be washed under water and doused with boiling water. Peeling the vegetable should be gentle, grasping a thin layer of peel. Remember that most of the vitamins and nutrients are found under the peel;
- Using a regular grater, you need to chop the vegetable and squeeze out the juice through a gauze cloth. To make your work easier, you can use a juicer;
- We leave the resulting juice in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which we take it out and wait until it warms up to room temperature on its own;
- It is not recommended to instill concentrated beetroot juice into a child’s nose, so it must be diluted before use. Purified water is used for dilution. To 20 ml of juice you need to add 15 ml of water;
- for children 3-6 years old, instillation of 1 drop into each passage is indicated. At an older age, 2-3 drops are used. The treatment procedure is repeated twice a day;
- The prepared juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.
The therapeutic effect of using a saline solution is no worse than using beet juice. Given this fact, parents are recommended to give preference to solutions based on sea or table salt. They have no side effects and are allowed from the first days of life.
Beetroot for children with a runny nose can be used in combination with other natural ingredients. Here are some recipes:
- concentrated freshly squeezed beet juice should be diluted with water (2:1) and measured out 15 ml. Add 5 ml of liquid honey to the resulting diluted juice. The healing mixture is used to instill a drop into the nose twice a day;
- Vegetable juices (carrots, beets) should be mixed in equal volumes, add olive oil (1:2). The product can be used for atrophic rhinitis to moisturize the mucous membrane and easily remove dry crusts. To do this, you need to lubricate cotton pads with the medicine and insert them into the nasal passages for 7 minutes. You can also put drops in your nose;
- when chronic rhinitis bothers you, it is recommended to use a mixture of vegetable juices with propolis extract (10%). After mixing the same volume of juices, you need to add propolis (3:1). Place a drop in the nasal passages twice a day.
Adding garlic juice or apple cider vinegar to vegetable juice should be done with caution due to the high risk of burning the nasal mucosa.
Benefits of the product for children and pregnancy
For small children and pregnant women, this product is of great benefit. In this section we will explain to you in detail why the described root vegetable is so effective.
The juice of a fresh vegetable contains a large number of elements that, after penetrating the nasal sinus, begin to have a positive effect on tissues and cells.
This natural healer can provide the following therapeutic effects:
- resist various seasonal infections that enter the nose and nasopharynx;
- prevent the formation of blood clots;
- make the accumulation of nasal secretions less thick;
- help remove mucus from the nose;
- favor the rapid progression of the disease.
Why is this root vegetable so useful? Answering this question, we inform you that the vegetable contains a large number of B vitamins, as well as a whole range of macro- and microelements that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Our ancestors have used this method of treatment for a long time, and many still use this folk method to combat nasal runny.
You should remember some subtleties and be sure to pay attention to the following points:
- You should not use beet juice directly after preparation, as the product must be allowed to sit on the refrigerator shelf for at least 3-4 hours.
- If you are allergic, you should not use this concentrated fresh juice to treat rhinitis.
- If you are going to treat a child’s runny nose, be sure to dilute the composition with water.
- If any allergic reactions occur after using the product externally or internally, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor for advice.
- When therapeutically treating childhood rhinitis with the described juice, other ingredients such as garlic or honey should not be added to the product. The listed components are very powerful allergens, which in some cases can provoke swelling of the throat (Quincke). For little fidgets, it is enough to drop the juice of this vegetable, diluted with water, into the nose.
- Dilute the juice of fresh root vegetables with water. For an adult, it is enough to dilute the product with liquid in a ratio of 1:1, and for a child - 1:2, respectively.
While pregnant and breastfeeding, you should not take medications to eliminate severe nasal flow, as their use can adversely affect the fetus and newborn baby. For this purpose, you can use a safe and proven remedy that our grandmothers knew about. The expectant mother, as well as the new mother, should instill a diluted solution into the nose at least 5-6 times a day.
How to properly treat a runny nose with beetroot juice
There are many different recipes for using beet juice, not only as an individual folk preventive remedy, but also using additives.
We bring to your attention some recipes for effective treatment of a runny nose with beet juice:
1. Place 1-3 drops of fresh beet juice into each nostril 3-4 times. Before carrying out such a procedure, we thoroughly clean the nose. If unpleasant sensations occur, for example, burning, you can dilute beetroot juice with water (the ratio is chosen arbitrarily);
2. Mix one teaspoon of honey with 3 teaspoons of beet juice. We use the prepared product 2-3 times a day. Thanks to its disinfectants, it kills harmful microorganisms;
3. Mix beet and carrot juices in equal parts, add two parts of garlic juice, as well as vegetable oil, mix the components thoroughly. The prepared medicine can be used 2-3 times a day;
4. Combine 1 part honey with 3 parts fresh beet juice and mix. Use as directed 2-3 times a day.
It can be used externally to improve the body's immunity. In case of individual intolerance to this drug, restrictions on its use are omitted, or this folk remedy is replaced with another method of treating a runny nose.
Reviews from those who have already tried on themselves and their loved ones the treatment of a runny nose with beetroot juice indicate the safety and effectiveness of this remedy. Beet juice for a runny nose can also be recommended for children because it does not cause injury to the nasal mucosa.
It is important to note that beet juice is not addictive, therefore, it can be used repeatedly
What are the healing properties of beet juice?
If we analyze the positive characteristics of beet juice, it is important to mention that in ancient times beet juice was already used to treat sore throat. Runny nose, cholelithiasis, constipation, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system
The maximum benefit comes from beets that are dark burgundy in color and have a cylindrical shape. It has much more useful substances than lighter root vegetables. Beetroot juice contains vitamins and microelements that are actively involved in the body’s metabolic process and can have a beneficial effect on the activity of internal systems and organs:
- Due to the presence of iodine in beet juice, the activity of the thyroid gland is normalized;
- The presence of potassium helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and relieve vascular spasm;
- The iron present in beet juice helps maintain blood hemoglobin;
- The presence of zinc ensures normal levels of insulin in the blood;
- Copper cations contained in beet juice contribute to normal hematopoiesis, tissue growth, entrances, and the construction of proteins;
- Beetroot juice contains a significant amount of vitamins C. E, A, and fiber, so beets have a laxative, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory effect.
If you have problems with normal breathing, if there is discharge from the nasal cavity, or if you have severe headaches, you can use beetroot juice to eliminate these symptoms.
Rules and methods of using beet juice for a runny nose
So, if the patient has decided on a treatment, and the attending physician supports this decision, it’s time to proceed to intensive care. Beetroot drops for a runny nose must be used diluted, since concentrated liquid can only burn the mucous membrane.
Instill an aqueous solution into each nasal passage in the morning and evening , not more often.
If these are not drops, you can use beetroot tampons, pre-moisten them in the healing liquid and place them in each nasal passage for a few minutes. The solution is concentrated, so perform one session for a limited period of time - no more than 7 minutes.
If the disease is prone to chronicity , and there is no positive dynamics for more than 7-10 days, it is necessary to combine carrot or beet juice for a runny nose in one container. Such drops provide an enhanced effect, dry out the nasal passages, facilitate breathing, and help normalize the sleep stage.
To prepare homemade medicine, you can use raw or boiled beets, but in the latter case, the resulting liquid loses a number of beneficial properties, and the therapeutic effect is mediocre. Drops from this root vegetable are best used for everyday prevention of runny nose.
Before starting treatment with beet juice, you need to study the contraindications so that after the first procedure you do not complicate your condition. If the patient has a tendency to food allergies, it is better to choose another, no less effective remedy for rhinitis and other symptoms of a cold.
Doctor Komarovsky about treating a runny nose with beetroot juice - video
Terms of use
Before obtaining the juice of the described root vegetable, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules of use, and then get down to business.
How to properly prepare the product:
- Wash the root vegetable under running water and then scald it with hot water.
- Using a knife, remove the beet skin in a thin layer.
- To obtain juice from a fresh vegetable, you need to use a juicer, blender or an ordinary grater.
- The resulting fresh juice should be sent to a cold place for 4 hours.
- After the specified time, remove the product from the refrigerator, and then allow the beet juice to reach room temperature.
- Dilute the product with purified or filtered liquid in a ratio of 1:2.
- Use a pipette to instill the prepared homemade mixture into the nose. A child over 3 years old should take 3-4 instillations per day for 6 days, and for a child under 3 years old, 1-2 drops of the product will be enough. For a child over 6 years old, 3-4 instillations per day are enough.
Do not forget that with the help of alternative medicine you can quite effectively fight rhinitis, however, there are forms of runny nose that are difficult to cure with beetroot juice alone. In order to avoid worsening the situation, as well as the occurrence of a relapse of this disease, it is necessary to first find out the real reason for its occurrence. Only after this can appropriate measures be taken to eliminate the disease. If you managed to find the source of nasal congestion, then with appropriate treatment the recovery process will occur much faster.
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Beetroot drops for runny nose for children
If parents choose alternative methods when treating their baby, the best remedy for rhinitis is beetroot drops. Before preparing the medicine at home, it is worth emphasizing that the recipe should not contain allergens, alcohol, or toxic substances. Only in this case will there be favorable changes in general well-being that will provide the little patient with long-awaited relief.
The main question immediately arises: how to drip beetroot juice into a child’s nose so as not to harm it? Before starting treatment, parents should remember the following rules:
The prepared beet juice should be infused in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, after which it must be brought to room temperature.
Place beet juice in children's noses according to age. So, for children under 3 years of age, a single dose is 1 drop; after 6 years, you can pour in 3-4 drops at a time.
The duration of the chosen treatment is 5-6 days, after which you will have to abandon the selected prescription and choose a more effective analogue.