The child began to hear poorly after a cold

Hearing impairment in children

If a child's hearing has become worse, an otolaryngologist will most likely diagnose hearing loss.
This is a disorder of auditory function in which the perception of sounds is somewhat difficult. In Russia, such a disorder is typical for more than 600 thousand children, while in 0.3% of young patients the problems are congenital in nature, in 80% hearing loss manifests itself in the first three years of life. Hearing loss at an early age is associated with the development of intelligence and speech function, so identifying and restoring children with hearing loss is an important task in practical pediatrics.

The specifics of therapy depend on the type of disorder and the causes of hearing loss. Did your child become hard of hearing at 3 years old? This condition may be temporary, but there are more serious situations, so you need to consult an ENT doctor to understand the problem.

What you should pay attention to

You should be wary immediately when a child stops responding to sounds or words. If he ignores your speech, but behaves quite adequately to other sounds or calls, everything is fine. Otherwise, you should understand what exactly led to the deterioration of your hearing and consult a doctor.

Pay attention if your child begins to constantly ask you questions, asking you to repeat what was said, or complains about an incomprehensible noise in the ears. Discomfort or pain in the ears may also be a reason for immediate action.

The last warning sign will be the child's louder intonation when talking and his constant attempts to make the sound of the TV or music in the player louder.

If the baby is very small, it is more difficult to confirm his fears on his own, since he will not really explain what is bothering him. You can talk to a more independent child, unobtrusively finding out what’s wrong and whether there really is a problem.

Children with impaired hearing stop turning their heads towards the source of sound. The child becomes quieter, stops babbling (starts muttering), because he cannot hear himself.

Be careful if your child becomes hard of hearing after being treated with strong antibiotics, recovering from a cold, or suffering a related injury. In any case, as soon as your suspicions regarding the deterioration of the child’s hearing are confirmed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of hearing loss in a child

Many different reasons provoke problems with the hearing aid. Below is a list of the most common factors:

  • exposure to loud noise at high or low frequencies (listening to music with headphones at high volume);
  • pathological deviations that occur during the development of a child;
  • the presence of serious viral or infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes resulting from previous incompetent treatment of the disease;
  • heredity, deviations at the genetic level;
  • acquired hearing loss or deformation of the auricle as a result of injury or serious damage;
  • side effects of pharmacological agents.

Other provoking causes appear on an individual basis. Often, children experience hearing problems as a result of nasopharyngeal disease, which becomes infectious and spreads to the hearing aid.

Hereditary pathology

If parents are diagnosed with hereditary deafness, the likelihood of a similar problem in newborns will be high. If one parent has hearing loss, the risk is halved. In hereditary pathology, abnormal development of the external ear is often diagnosed.

Congenital deafness

Doctors consider complications during pregnancy and childbirth to be the causes of congenital deafness:

  1. Threat of placental abruption.
  2. Toxicosis.
  3. Rhesus conflict.
  4. Treatment of pregnant women with antibiotics.
  5. Use of drugs and alcohol by the expectant mother.
  6. Active and passive smoking during pregnancy.
  7. The rapidity of childbirth.
  8. Prolonged labor.
  9. Intracranial injury.

When there is a lack of oxygen during intrauterine development, the baby develops deafness.

Acquired disease

The development of pathology occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Contamination of the ear canal. Contamination occurs with earwax, and small objects may enter. After contacting an otolaryngologist for a cleansing procedure, hearing is restored.
  2. Inflammation of the middle ear. Due to untreated otitis media, the eardrum is damaged and deafness develops.
  3. Acoustic trauma. If the eardrums are exposed to a loud sound, either sudden, short-term or long-term, it often leads to hearing loss.

Often the cause of hearing loss will be infectious diseases:

  • Meningitis;
  • Paratyphoid;
  • Measles;
  • Whooping cough.

Pediatricians advise that after each illness from the list above, the child must be given a medical examination, including an examination by an otolaryngologist.

Depending on the location of the pathology, types of hearing loss are distinguished:

  1. Neurosensory – damage to the sound-receiving apparatus of the inner ear.
  2. Conductive – damage to the sound-conducting apparatus of the outer ear, auditory ossicles.
  3. Mixed – simultaneous disturbance of sound transmission and sound perception.

Why can a child's hearing deteriorate?

Deafness is not a sign of age-related changes and is quite common in children and adolescents. This is a fairly common phenomenon that doctors encounter - a sudden deterioration in hearing in a child.

Genetic predisposition sometimes manifests itself even after a generation, but acquired hearing problems arise due to an infectious disease of the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy. These antibiotics can cause deafness in a newborn if taken during pregnancy:

  • Neomycin;
  • Kanamycin;
  • Streptomycin and some others.

Why is only one ear hard of hearing?

The situation when a child cannot hear in one ear is relevant and arises for the following reasons:

  • a foreign object in the ear or a wax plug formed. It occurs mainly in young children, who, due to restlessness and curiosity, can unknowingly harm themselves. When visiting an otolaryngologist, a visual examination is performed to determine the exact cause of hearing loss;
  • viral infectious disease. These include otitis media or exudative otitis media. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum, which creates strong pressure on the fragile membrane. As a result, auditory performance is significantly reduced, leading to short-term or long-term hearing loss;
  • hearing loss due to circulatory disorders;
  • the occurrence of a purulent abscess or other inflammatory process in the auricle.

The remaining causes of childhood deafness in one ear are extremely individual. This may be a short-term phenomenon (due to a draft or liquid entering the auditory organ). But if characteristic signs are present for a long time, pain occurs, constant malaise, drowsiness, signs of irritation and lack of timely perception of the auditory signal, you need to contact the inpatient department to provide competent assistance.

With otitis media, the child cannot hear

Typically, otitis media presents with shooting pain in the ear and fever. However, sometimes there may not be an increase in temperature, and patients regard the pain as tolerable.

With a very severe infection, pus forms in the ear. Over time, the eardrum can rupture, causing further inflammation.

Purulent otitis media is especially dangerous for young children. If a child has a fever for a long time, cries for no reason, does not allow his ears to be touched, or throws away his pacifier during feeding, he must be shown to an otolaryngologist.

Another sign of otitis media is decreased hearing. In this case, the person is bothered by constant noise and congestion in the ear. This malaise can continue for quite a long time, up to 3-4 weeks.

Situations are often observed when, after suffering from otitis media, a child begins to hear poorly. Similar consequences arise against the background of disruption of the normal functioning of the organ and swelling of the tissues. In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, it is possible to completely restore hearing in children.

Possible complications in children that arise after otitis media are largely related to the specific type of disease. In some cases, partial loss of hearing quality is completely natural and is eliminated on its own as the body recovers from the illness. In other situations, any delay can lead to the development of irreversible destructive processes.

  • Outer. It affects the external auditory canal and mainly leads to hearing loss during the period of illness. After swelling and inflammation are removed, all functions are restored. At the same time, there remains a risk of narrowing the passage for one reason or another.
  • Average. This is what is most often observed in children. Swelling and accumulation of discharge leads to blockage of the canal and congestion in the ear. This affects the quality of sound perception. When the fluid is removed and the pressure in the ear normalizes, the child hears normally again. It is important to prevent the infection from spreading further, as well as rupture of the eardrum or destruction of the auditory ossicles.
  • Interior. The most dangerous otitis media, as it affects hard-to-reach parts of the organ. In addition, the reason that hearing began to deteriorate may be the destruction of hair receptors. They are not restored, and therefore such processes cannot be allowed.
  • Otitis is inflammation and swelling of the ear, causing extremely unpleasant sensations. According to statistics, children most often suffer from otitis media, but by the age of three, 80% of children experience it. Most people are puzzled by the question: after otitis media, the ear has poor hearing, what to do? It is known that after this disease, serious problems arise due to violations of the integrity of the membrane in the middle ear. Often, partial hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss subsequently occurs.

    The fastest way to treat otitis media is to use antibiotics. The course must be taken for up to 10 days. In addition, for a better recovery effect, doctors recommend using ear drops and physical therapy at the same time.

    It is important to remember that self-treatment can significantly harm your health. Only an otolaryngologist should prescribe a course of medications and complete treatment for otitis media.

  • The blocking of the ear canal in the outer part of the ear, therefore the possibility of sound penetration is limited.
  • Accumulation of pus in the middle part of the ear. This interferes with the natural functioning of the hearing organ.
  • Suppuration in the inner ear. This usually causes an erroneous perception of sounds and creates the impression of deafness.
  • If you decide to carry out treatment procedures yourself, carefully read the instructions for the medications.

  • Untreated otitis media. If the disease is not fully treated, swelling will be felt and the inflammatory process will continue until the final treatment.
  • Sulfur plug. Wax can accumulate in hard-to-reach places and interfere with the passage of sounds through the ear canal.
  • The middle ear drainage is damaged. There may be a concentration of fluid in the eardrum. Usually it flows out. In this case, the patient experiences malaise and partial deafness.
  • Disorder in the inner ear. Labyrinthitis is a common disease after otitis media. It manifests itself in inflammation of the inner ear and, in the absence of medications and proper treatment, leads to a complete absence of hearing.
  • Syringitis. Eustachitis causes deafness and can later cause blockage of the eustachian tube. The patient has a feeling that his ear is blocked.
  • These deviations cause deterioration in health and, as a result, hearing loss. B vitamins, nicotinic acids and aloe plants are used for healing and positive effects.

    If, after suffering from otitis media, your ear has stopped hearing completely, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

    Often with otitis media the ear does not hear and patients wonder when the noise in the ear will go away. It should be remembered that medications may help one person, but may not have a healing effect on another. In all cases of treatment of a diseased ear, there may be exceptions.

    Before starting treatment for a sore ear on your own, be sure to undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist using a light-conducting device that allows you to visually examine the ear canal. After checking, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Ear congestion as a symptom of disease

    Often the cause of ear congestion lies in the development of some disease. Among the most common are the following.

    Runny nose

    The nasopharynx is connected to the ear through a special canal - the Eustachian tube.

    If the child is not sick, air moves freely through this channel, and in the middle ear the pressure level is equal to atmospheric pressure.

    With a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane develops. This leads to nasal blockage. The air is no longer able to move freely. The pressure in the middle ear cavity increases by several points. This provokes a feeling of ear congestion.

    Often, mucus from the nasopharynx enters the Eustachian tube, which can also lead to a feeling of stuffiness.

    A child has difficulty hearing after otitis media or a cold

    Many parents are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as deterioration of their child’s hearing after an ENT pathology, a respiratory infection of viral, fungal or bacterial origin, or allergic rhinitis. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what to do if after otitis media the child has difficulty hearing?

    Causes of hearing loss

    After a cold, allergies, or nosebleeds, which doctors had to stop with tamponade, children’s hearing often deteriorates. This is due to inflammatory processes in the auditory tube (eustachitis/tubo-otitis). This pathology can be chronic and acute. The chronicle develops gradually, against the background of constant problems with the ENT organs:

    • Tonsillitis.
    • Rhinitis.
    • Sinusitis.
    • Presence of adenoids;
    • Otitis.

    In this case, hearing loss is difficult to notice without special examination. Acute eustachitis, which leads to a sharp and significant hearing loss (fortunately, temporary) occurs against the background of:

    • Hay fever.
    • After a sore throat (staphylo-, streptococcal).
    • Scarlet fever and other childhood diseases that occur with a runny nose and cough (measles, whooping cough).
    • ARVI and influenza.

    Coccus infection most often causes hearing loss in children. Less commonly, specific infections (tuberculosis bacillus, fungus, chlamydia, syphilis) can lead to this.

    The risk of temporary hearing loss in children after an infection of the ENT organs is higher if they have any anomalies and pathologies of the airways:

    • Neoplasms (pharynx and nasal cavity).
    • Bone deformities.
    • Atresia (cartilage overgrowth) of the choanae, etc.

    A rare pathology associated with dysfunction of the Eustachian tube can cause the development of aerootitis. When there are sharp fluctuations in pressure in the atmosphere, the hearing organ does not have time to react in time.

    As a result, the mouth of the auditory tube is compressed and the structures of the middle ear are injured. This effect can be obtained by clearing the nose by blowing it when the nasal passages are very blocked.

    Therefore, it is not recommended to empty them often or blow hard during rhinitis. People call this condition “puffed ears.”

    If you suspect that a child is losing hearing, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. He will help deal with this problem.

    Development mechanism

    The cause of hearing loss in a child is:

    • Narrowing of the ear canal and obstruction of the Eustachian tube.
    • Reducing the amount of air entering the tympanic cavity (TU).
    • Retraction of the membrane due to decreased pressure in the BP.
    • Exudation of transudate containing a protein-fibrinous component.

    With the development of the pathological process, an active inflammatory process begins, ending with full-fledged otitis media. This form of the disease is called catarrhal.

    If the child is weakened by the illness he has just suffered, he may well develop a purulent form of the pathology. Therefore, if you notice that your baby has difficulty hearing during illness or immediately after recovery, you need to take him to an ENT doctor. Even if you have just had a sore throat or otitis media treated by this specialist.

    First symptoms

    In addition to hearing loss, children may experience:

    1. Ear congestion on the affected side.
    2. Feelings of hearing his own voice in his head (autophony).
    3. Feeling of fluid transfusion in the ear area.

    If the child is already talking and the parents notice a deterioration in hearing, you should try to ask the child about these additional signs.

    If there is periodic deterioration and then restoration of hearing, you should not calm down. Still, show the baby to a specialist. In some patients, hearing is temporarily restored after swallowing saliva.

    Because the muscles contract and create a temporary dilation of the Eustachian tube.


    Diagnosis of this condition includes objective and subjective examination methods. If the child is small, then the doctor is limited to a visual examination and hardware methods. In older children, it is possible to carry out standard tests designed to establish the patency of the Eustachian tube (Valsava, Toynbee, “empty throat”, tuning fork).

    In a child, an otolaryngologist using an otoscope can detect transudate sweating and narrowing of the auditory opening. If necessary, the following is carried out:

    • Impedance and audiometry.
    • Collection of biological material from the nasopharynx and pharynx.
    • Rhino- and pharyngoscopy.
    • CT or x-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses.

    If otitis media is cured, but hearing does not recover for a long time, this is a reason for a more thorough examination of the child and identifying the causes of the disease.


    The following therapeutic measures are used to treat hearing loss associated with tubootitis:

    1. Local medications.
    2. General drugs.
    3. Physiotherapeutic methods.

    If the child begins to hear poorly, but the process has not reached otitis media in a purulent form, use:

    • Oral antihistamines (the choice of drug depends on the patient’s age): Loratadine, Zodak, Erius.
    • Vasoconstrictors in the form of nasal drops: Oxymetazoline, Naphazoline, etc.

    If the process takes the form of purulent otitis, you cannot do without antibacterial drugs.

    The following may be prescribed as physiotherapeutic measures:

    • Micro- and ultrawave therapy.
    • Ultraviolet irradiation.
    • Myostimulation of the corresponding muscles with electric currents.

    Massage of the eardrum using the pneumatic method shows excellent results. This method returns the membrane to its natural elasticity, prevents the formation of scars and, accordingly, prevents permanent hearing loss.

    If there is a large amount of transudate containing a lot of protein in the ear, catheterization may be recommended. The method involves inserting a miniature catheter through the eardrum. This allows the introduction of proteolytics and dilution of accumulated fluid.

    Quite often, with eustachitis, it is suggested to “blow out the ears.” Politzer blowing is, in general, an effective procedure. But in the acute stage of the process and in the presence of foci of chronic infection in the pharynx, it is not recommended.

    Since when it is carried out, it is possible for sputum infected with harmful microorganisms to be thrown from the pharynx and nasal passages into the middle ear cavity and reinfection. You should not blow heavily through your nose if it is stuffy and thick purulent mucus accumulates in the nasal passages.

    Because this can also cause the contents of the nasal passages, contaminated with bacteria, to be thrown into the middle ear.

    The blowing procedure itself is very simple and boils down to inserting an olive into the patient’s nasal passage, connected by a tube to a rubber bulb.

    The other nostril closes, and the patient takes a sip of water and says the words that the doctor asks him to say. The soft palate rises, the doctor uses a pear to blow air into the auditory tubes.

    The procedure is done voluntarily and is difficult for many children to do because of their reluctance or fear.


    A preventive measure is timely treatment of the underlying disease (removal of tumors and adenoids), therapy for acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

    When you have a runny nose, you need to drip vasoconstrictor medications and properly remove mucus from the nose. Allergic diseases that accompany seasonal hay fever also require adequate therapy.

    If you let the disease take its course, you can get serious complications and even lose your hearing.



    If the cause of your child's hearing loss is unknown, certain types of tests may be necessary. The diagnostic series consists of the following activities:

    • laboratory research. Prescribed if there is a suspicion of infectious or viral diseases causing hearing loss. It is mandatory to give blood and urine for a detailed analysis;
    • visual examination and questioning of the patient. Using special instruments, an otolaryngologist or ENT specialist “palps” the affected ear. If the reason lies in a foreign object or a formed sulfur plug, the problem is quickly solved;
    • instrumental and hardware examinations. These include fluoroscopy (mandatory), MRI or CT;
    • As an additional diagnostic measure, an audiogram is performed to determine whether the eardrum reacts to extraneous sounds or low frequencies. Helps determine whether the patient can independently distinguish extraneous signals, as well as determine their exact location.

    How to help your child get rid of congestion?

    What should parents do to relieve their child of discomfort if his ear is blocked? In order not to harm the baby, first of all, determine the reason why the baby’s ears are blocked. When everything becomes clear to you, start treatment:

    1. Sulfur. The cause of ear congestion can be wax accumulated in the ear canal. Otolaryngologists deal with this problem quite quickly. The procedure is quick, unpleasant, but painless. Ear wax is not fraught with health hazards, but in order for the child to hear well, it must be removed.
    2. Damage to the eardrum. This means that you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Of course, perforation causes congestion in the ear. The ear is reconstructed surgically. Support your child, and he will hardly be afraid.
    3. Otitis. This is the case when antibiotics are needed urgently. Remember - medications are prescribed by a doctor. He will write you a prescription, according to which you can easily obtain the medicine. Consulting a doctor is necessary, even if the ear does not hurt. For otitis media, it is prohibited to do home procedures such as warming up or washing the ears. These actions can aggravate the inflammatory process and lead to bad consequences.
    4. To avoid health problems in the future, ask a specialist about the possibilities of eliminating congenital developmental features. There are quite a few such pathologies. Chronic adenoiditis, as well as a deviated nasal septum, may require surgical intervention.
    5. If your blood pressure is abnormal, contact your pediatrician and undergo the necessary tests to identify the cause of this health condition, which leads to ear congestion. Regulate the child’s daily routine and diet, encourage him to spend frequent time in the fresh air, take walks with the child, and cultivate in him a love for an active lifestyle and physical activity. Sport will strengthen your soul and body. The child should know that doing exercises in the morning is beneficial.

    To help your child and bring the ear back to normal, you need to contact a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis, and then adhere to the treatment and prevention plan for ear problems prescribed by your doctor.

    The child began to hear poorly: causes, diagnosis, treatment

    The good performance of analyzers is very important not only for children, but for all people. Hearing helps to recognize speech and adapt in society, develop as a person and personality.

    That is why, having noticed that something is wrong, parents need to promptly contact specialists for advice and treatment.

    In most cases, hearing problems can be solved, thus providing your child with a normal life, because hearing loss negatively affects a person’s development in childhood and his activities in adulthood.

    The child's body is quite fragile. It happens that even the most common cold can cause hearing loss.

    Very often, parents come to the doctor and claim that their child has become hard of hearing after an illness.

    Is it worth sounding the alarm in this case? What preventive measures should be taken to ensure that perception remains intact? What specialists should I contact if my child becomes hard of hearing?

    What to do?

    So, the child began to hear poorly. What to do if parents suspect hearing loss? You must immediately contact a specialist at a medical facility. Timely diagnosis of pathology increases the likelihood of full restoration of hearing ability. You can't hesitate. Because lost time can lead to serious consequences, including complete hearing loss.

    Conductive hearing loss

    Conductive hearing impairment is often caused by an inflammatory process occurring in the middle ear cavity. The cause of decreased sound perception is often chronic otitis media. Hearing loss caused by the formation of wax plugs in the ear cavity also refers to this type of hearing impairment.

    Ways to solve the problem

    Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the cause of the pathology and the characteristics of the child’s body.

    Most often, when hearing loss is not associated with a pathology of the nervous system, a specialist prescribes complex treatment, which includes taking and courses of reflexology.

    The latter activate the speech areas of the brain. The doctor prescribes vascular medications, nootropics, B vitamins, and diuretic herbs.

    If complex treatment does not produce results, a specialist will select a hearing aid for the child. Regular classes with a speech therapist and visits to a psychologist will help your child to ensure full communication with peers, as well as to adapt well in society. These are important steps in overcoming hearing loss.


    Hearing problems can be eliminated in two ways - drug treatment and traditional therapy. They are used based on the primary causes of the problem, the symptoms present and the degree of development of the disease. It is important to remember that only a healthcare professional can prescribe medications. Below we will look at what needs to be done if a child cannot hear in one ear for a long time.

    Drug treatment

    It should be noted that deafness, which manifests itself against the background of otitis media, goes away some time after the disease is cured. A feeling of heaviness accompanied by blockage can be felt for about 10 days.

    In cases where swelling and congestion do not go away for a long time, auxiliary therapy will be required. Hearing function after ear inflammation can be restored quickly, but how long it will take depends on the technique used.

    As a radical method to relieve ear congestion, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed. Taking medications with antibacterial action is prescribed for incompletely cured purulent or acute otitis media.

    Types of Hearing Impairment

    Nowadays, there are two key groups of types of hearing loss:

    1. Neurosensory – the basis for the dysfunction of the hearing aid is dysfunction of sound perception. The pathological process is formed in the inner ear - in the “cochlea” itself, which is why the work of hair cells is disrupted. The reason for the formation of this phenomenon may be:
    • birth injury;
    • vascular diseases;
    • increased ICP;
    • taking drugs of an ototoxic nature.

    But the overwhelming majority of causes of sensorineural deafness do not find a medical explanation.

    1. Conductive – violation of sound detection. A more common type than sensorineural hearing loss. The course of this condition is milder and benign, and therefore easier to treat. It affects the external elements of the middle ear, which take part in the conduction of sound waves.

    We will not discuss the issue of sensorineural hearing loss, since these are rare and complex pathologies that require serious treatment. Children usually receive this type of disorder at birth.

    Conductive hearing loss often develops in children after a severe cold or other illness that is treated with antibiotics. A prolonged runny nose or respiratory infection is sometimes accompanied by hearing problems.

    — Reduce the number of sources that are playing at the same time.

    - Give clear and short instructions.

    -Look into the child’s eyes and stand so that the child can see your face and mouth.

    — Learn to listen to sounds of different frequencies.

    —Listen to therapeutic music. It is generally accepted that this is the music of Mozart, Strauss, Gregorian and Orthodox chants.

    — Take hearing therapy in trusted places, if you have certificates for the equipment; the Tomatis method should be carried out on equipment with analog sound.

    - Give visual reinforcements (drawings, diagrams, notes in the margins), repeat the instructions yourself and ask the child to repeat, speak slowly and clearly.

    — Think about where to organize a work area at home. This should be as quiet a place as possible, with the absence of objects that make certain sounds, even if they seem insignificant to us. At school, a child should be able to be alone. If it is possible to organize a relaxation room in an educational institution, then teach your child to visit it.

    — The child should have time for rest, as well as errands and responsibilities.

    —Organization of the regime. Stick to a clear schedule, respecting the time frame. You can connect timers for the first time so that your child learns to alternate intervals of rest and activity. Make sure your child goes to bed and gets enough sleep at the same time.

    - Watch your diet (children's table). You may need to be tested for food intolerance, and monitor your bowel movements regularly.

    — If a child does not play sports, then physical activity should be organized.

    —Stress is always an additional aggravating problem. Make sure that the child does not end up in situations where he cannot cope on his own; be on the child’s side and support him.

    — hearing therapy;

    — sensory integration classes;

    - music lessons;

    - development of tempo and rhythm;

    - development of auditory perception;

    — follow other recommendations of specialists.

    Complications and consequences of a stuffy ear

    For the most part, hearing loss that occurs in a child is quite dangerous, since if you ignore its treatment or do the procedures prescribed by a specialist incorrectly, it takes on a chronic course and can threaten the development of serious complications :

    • The most dangerous situation is when parents ignore ear congestion caused by an inflammatory process. In this case, the inflammation takes on a recurrent nature and threatens to end in meningitis, purulent damage to the child’s brain.
    • Another complication of the pathological phenomenon may be a rupture of the eardrum, which can lead to complete loss of hearing and open access for pathogenic microflora to the membranes of the brain.
    • Incorrect or insufficient treatment provokes the development of persistent hearing loss, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

    Important! In order to prevent dangerous complications, parents whose children often have blocked ears should consult a doctor about any therapeutic measures taken independently, and strictly follow all the doctor’s treatment recommendations. Only in this case there is a real chance to relieve the baby of ear congestion without causing any complications.

    What to do if a child begins to hear poorly after a cold, and other consequences of the disease

    A cold does not always go away without a trace. It often happens that for two weeks after recovery, a child is bothered by the residual effects of the disease: the ears hurt, hearing is impaired, and the temperature persists. In this article we will talk about the most common consequences of a cold and their treatment.

    General characteristics of the consequences

    A cold lasts no more than 4-7 days , and then, if the outcome is favorable, the little patient recovers. But situations arise when, after a week of carrying the virus, the child’s body begins to “attack” bacteria.

    A weakened immune system is unable to fight pathogens. As a result, the following complications arise :

    1. Sinusitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses. It appears 7-10 days after a cold. This complication is characterized by purulent discharge from the nose, a rise in temperature to 37.5-38 degrees, pain in the projection of the sinuses, and headaches. The above symptoms increase gradually.
    2. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear. This complication develops when the infection has penetrated into the middle ear. The following symptoms are characteristic of otitis: pain and noise in the ears, “lumbago”. A recovering child suddenly experiences a deterioration in general health, and the temperature rises to 38 degrees.
    3. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. It can be recognized by the presence of a productive cough with wheezing and a fever of up to 39 degrees. The cough is accompanied by secretion. Sometimes the child complains that it is difficult for him to take a breath and shortness of breath appears.
    4. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. This complication of colds in children is considered one of the most severe. Symptoms can be very different: from pain in the side to problems with the heart. The child is weak, has a fever, cough with sputum.
    5. Sore throat is a disease that occurs against the background of a bacterial infection caused by streptococci. A sore throat causes fever and severe pain in the throat, which makes it difficult for the child to swallow food.

    The baby has difficulty hearing

    The main cause of impaired hearing in a child after a cold is otitis media. Parents should contact an ENT specialist as soon as possible , otherwise it will be difficult or impossible to restore hearing later.

    Otitis media can affect either one or two ears. For treatment, medications are prescribed such as:

    • Otipax,
    • Nasonex,
    • AB Tsedex 4 ml once a day.


    If after a cold a child complains of pain and tinnitus, then the first thing parents should do is call a doctor. This signal indicates that the cold has become a complication, and the infection is about to affect the middle ear .

    Before the doctor arrives, you can give your child a pain reliever (paracetamol or ibuprofen). And also rinse the auricle with 3% hydrogen peroxide by dropping 8 drops of it into the affected ear with a pipette.

    relieve ear pain that occurs after a child has a cold:

    1. Otinum . The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
    2. Otipax . The drops have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Their active components disinfect the ear and stop viral agents.
    3. Sofradex . This is an antibacterial drug with a wide range of effects. Its action is reduced to the suppression of pathogenic microflora and its elimination.

    The dosage and duration of treatment with these drugs is determined by the doctor, taking into account the age of the child and the severity of the inflammatory process.

    Runny nose doesn't go away

    A runny nose after an acute respiratory viral infection can be observed for another 2 or more weeks . The reason for this phenomenon is increased secretion of sputum in the nasopharynx of the baby . If mucus is released and there are no purulent impurities, then there is no reason to worry. But for prevention, it doesn’t hurt to consult a pediatrician.

    The main cause of a prolonged runny nose after a cold lies in bacterial rhinitis . The addition of a bacterial infection is associated with weakened immunity in the nasopharynx due to acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.

    If a child has a persistent runny nose, the doctor may recommend a nasal culture. This test is completely painless and well tolerated by children. If bacterial culture reveals the presence of bacteria, the appropriate antibiotic will be selected for the child.

    Parents should not let the disease take its course, as this can lead to chronicity. But the following drops will help :

    • Noxprey for children;
    • Nazol Baby;
    • Nazol Kids.

    Residual cough

    If your child’s cough does not go away after a cold, this is normal. But if it lasts more than 2 weeks, then you should consult a doctor.

    A cough may indicate the development of complications such as:

    • pneumonia;
    • whooping cough;
    • bronchitis.

    Only a pediatrician will be able to determine the origin of the cough, and also understand whether it is a sign of a dangerous disease or whether it is a residual phenomenon of a cold.

    A post-infectious cough will bother the child for 1.5-2 months. The following recommendations will help get rid of this complication :

    1. Drink plenty of fluids . You can give your baby tea with raspberries, warm milk with honey. Such drinks quickly evacuate phlegm.
    2. Proper nutrition . The child's diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits.
    3. Inhalations . This procedure requires a special device - a nebulizer. After 2-3 procedures, the sputum will become liquid and its discharge will become easier.
    4. Mucolytics . This includes the following drugs: Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil. They dilute mucus, facilitating its rapid removal.
    5. Expectorants , which help make the cough wet. The following drugs are prescribed: Bromhexine, Bronchosan.

    The last two categories of drugs are selected exclusively by the doctor.

    Temperature is maintained

    After a cold, a child may have a fever for 2-3 days . If its readings are 37-37.5 degrees, and the child is active, there is no sore throat or runny nose, then this is the norm in medical practice.

    A temperature of more than 38 degrees is a manifestation of an infectious disease . A pediatrician will be able to help the child, who, in addition to drug treatment, will advise you to follow the following recommendations:

    1. The child should not visit public places.
    2. In the process of restoring the child’s body, exclude difficult-to-digest foods and consume more fruit juices and compotes.
    3. Give your child herbal decoctions made from mint, linden, and blackcurrant leaves.


    During water procedures, insert a piece of cotton wool into your ear.

    To exclude the possibility of relapse, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • When bathing, insert cotton wool into your child's ears. In this way, you can protect your ears from water getting into them;
    • Do not walk with your child in the cold season without a hat, and also for more than 30 minutes. Hypothermia causes ear disease;
    • The child should sleep on a flat pillow. Otherwise, deformation of the auricle may occur;
    • consult a specialist and he will prescribe you preventive medications.
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