What to do if the ear has difficulty hearing but does not hurt reasons

Causes of sudden or gradual hearing loss

In most cases, when people turn to an otolaryngologist with this problem, they complain that it is the right ear that has poor hearing. Not only an ENT doctor, but also specialists such as neurologists, audiologists and traumatologists will help to find out the etiology of the disease and find out the true causes of these symptoms.

In fact, there are many reasons for the deterioration or complete disappearance of hearing in both adults and children. However, the main factors that can lead to such undesirable consequences are complications of a cold.

The thing is that many people are accustomed to self-medication, which leads to uncontrolled use of various medications that cause side effects such as partial or complete hearing loss.

When a person independently, without a doctor’s recommendation, takes hormonal or potent antifungal agents, as well as antibiotics from the group of diuretics and aminoglycosides, the level of toxicity of which is quite high, this leads to complications. The danger of uncontrolled use of such drugs is that they lead to irreversible changes in the hearing abilities of both one and both ears, up to complete deafness.

Also, hearing problems often appear when various neurological diseases occur.


Quite often, the cause of hearing problems is the appearance of the following diseases in a person:

  1. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and other neurological diseases associated with brain activity. Mostly such diseases develop gradually, with age, and are characteristic of older people.
  2. Also, the reasons why two or one ear has stopped hearing include wax plugs in the ear canals, which occur after severe infectious diseases. Due to the cerumen plug, the ear canals are blocked, and this, in turn, prevents the penetration of sound to the eardrum.
  3. Flu and ARVI can also affect hearing impairment, since during these diseases the nasopharynx, directly connected to the ears, is the affected area of ​​the virus. Due to swelling of the mucous membranes, a person’s perception of speech and other loud sounds is impaired.
  4. In rare cases, hearing abnormalities have been observed during radiation exposure and chemotherapy.

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After MRI

The procedure of scanning a person in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner sometimes causes temporary hearing loss. This is due to the peculiarity of the procedure, since a person finds himself in a confined space and is exposed to loud, sharp sounds. In medical practice, there have been cases where it was MRI that caused hearing impairment due to the sharp loud sounds that accompanied the procedure.

How to treat if the ear does not hear and is noisy

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the specialist conducts an examination of both the whole body and the ear organ.

Be prepared for the fact that you will need to donate blood, as well as undergo otoscopy, audiometry, and radiography.

If your hearing deteriorates immediately after taking water procedures, water may have gotten into your ear.

Try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, hop on one leg with your head tilted to the side.

In addition, wipe the outer ear and ear canal with a gauze bandage or insert a turunda soaked in olive oil into the outer canal.

There is another method of getting rid of water. Pull the earlobe down and make five swallowing movements. Remaining liquid should be collected with a cotton swab.

If the ear hurts and the patient experiences hearing loss, the cause may be a change in pressure. At this time, it is necessary to massage the ears, as well as swallow saliva and imitate chewing. Chewing gum is suitable for the same purposes.

In case of ear problems caused by otitis media, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment. It includes not only drug therapy, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

For treatment, experts prescribe:

  1. Ear drops with or without antibiotics - Otipax, Otinum, Otofa, Sofradex and others.
  2. Ointments – “Levomekol”, Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drugs “Nazivin”, “Otrivin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Tizin”.
  4. Antibacterial drugs - Anauran, Cipropharm, Flemoxin, Ospamox, Azitral, Tsipromed, Augmentin, Spiramycin, Cefuroxime.
  5. In addition, it is important to reduce inflammation with the help of anti-inflammatory medications and bring down the temperature with antipyretics.

In some cases of otitis, alternative medicine methods are prescribed . So, in case of inflammation of the outer ear, doctors can recommend tinctures of propolis or chamomile, as well as various lotions and dressings using onions, hawthorn and other plants.

It is necessary to use these treatments only after consultation with a doctor, since in some types of otitis, alternative medicine can only worsen the situation.

In some cases, pain and
hearing problems occur due to allergic reactions.
At this time, it is important to identify the reason for its appearance. This may be due to long-term use of antibiotics.

In this case, it is necessary to stop the course and prescribe other procedures.

In some cases, allergies appear to earrings and other jewelry on the earlobe.

The inflammatory process spreads to the tragus and the entire ear. To get rid of this type, it is necessary to replace the jewelry or remove it altogether. In order to avoid allergic otitis media, the patient is prescribed antihistamines and antiallergic drops.

How to cure an ear if it cannot hear due to the formation of
wax plugs ?
To do this, the ear must be rinsed with Remo-Vax or A-cerumen.

The wax plug in the ear must first be softened with hydrogen peroxide and then rinsed with medication.

In the case of an old plug of dark colors, this operation must be entrusted to a doctor, since removing the plug yourself can cause perforation of the eardrum or damage to the integrity of the ear canal.

In some cases, the cause of hearing loss lies in the development of hearing loss . Treatment in this case should be complex and quite lengthy, since the pathologies in this case are subject to surgery and drug treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is a sharp or gradual decrease in hearing, depending on the cause and factors affecting the body.

When one or both ears begin to hear poorly, this is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Regular complaints of the patient about noise or ringing in the ears.
  • There is a slowdown in the perception of what others say.
  • The person begins to often repeat what he was just told.
  • Almost always, a person’s ears become blocked.
  • In rare cases, dizziness is observed.

Sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss (sensorineural hearing loss) is the second type of hearing loss. This disease affects the inner ear, the auditory nerve, or the central parts of the auditory analyzer located in the brain. Because of this, hearing loss is often irreversible and ends in deafness.

With sensorineural hearing loss, there is not only a decrease in the volume of surrounding sounds, but also a loss of intelligibility when a person hears one thing and responds differently. This condition is sometimes incorrectly called "nervous deafness." There are no effective medical or surgical treatments for this disease, and the development of the disease can only be delayed at stage 1.

People with sensorineural hearing loss speak loudly and usually have trouble understanding what others say to them. It is especially difficult for them to understand what is said in the presence of extraneous noise. Often, hearing loss in these people is accompanied by intolerance to loud sounds. Unfortunately, lack of sound clarity for people with sensorineural hearing loss cannot be corrected by increasing the volume. This is the main difference between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

The following reasons can provoke sensorineural hearing loss:

  • Loud sound (loud music in headphones, explosion, working in a noisy enterprise).
  • Head injury.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Autoimmune diseases of the inner ear.
  • Heredity.
  • Aging.
  • Incorrect formation of the inner ear.
  • Meniere's syndrome.
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Tumors.
  • Some ototoxic medications can also cause permanent hearing loss.

Particularly dangerous is sensorineural hearing loss resulting from a head injury, after a blow or barotrauma due to a sudden change in pressure. In this case, the structures of the inner ear are damaged and fluid leaks into other parts, which can cause damage to the inner ear. Surgery can sometimes improve the situation.

Acute hearing loss due to viral infections, when deafness occurs in one ear or both, is treated with corticosteroids. Drug therapy for hearing loss due to Meniere's disease includes a low-sodium diet, diuretics, and corticosteroids.


It is usually not difficult to diagnose hearing loss in an adult. People who frequently communicate with a patient notice obvious signs of a problem, for example, a person speaks a couple of tones higher. He often repeats what he is told and becomes absent-minded and inattentive. If you contact a qualified doctor if hearing problems are detected in a timely manner, serious consequences can be avoided.

But if a child’s ear cannot hear, but does not hurt, then diagnosing the problem in a timely manner is much more difficult, especially if the baby is very young.

Most often, parents begin to notice something wrong already when the child is behind in development. To avoid possible hearing problems, parents are advised to visit an otolaryngologist with their child every six months. Until the child reaches five or six years old.

Alternative methods of hearing restoration

  • Ear massage can improve blood supply to the inner ear and cerebral cortex. Its variety is acupuncture massage or qigong techniques, borrowed from Chinese medicine. Auxiliary. Which in itself does not solve the problem.
  • Microcurrent reflexology is a physical treatment that does not radically solve the problem.
  • Audio games can expand the range of perceived sounds. More suitable for training healthy ears.
  • M. Norbekov’s method of pronouncing consonant sounds pushed from the oropharynx into the ear, as well as training with sound-reproducing devices, is harmless entertainment at the stage of independent study. From the moment you are attracted to paid courses - sectarianism is harmful to your health and your pocket.

Thus, hearing loss is a serious problem that can and should be combated. In case of acute hearing loss, the most correct tactic is to immediately consult a doctor. After all, lost time can result in permanent hearing loss.

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Noticing hearing loss, many people do not rush to see a doctor, but hope that the unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own. Sometimes a person simply does not know what to do if his ear does not hear, and he gets lost in such a situation. Meanwhile, actions must be timely, otherwise the outcome may be complete deafness.

If one ear begins to hear poorly, or hearing is reduced in both ears, this may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Hearing loss in children can be difficult to diagnose if the ear hears worse but does not hurt. Parents often notice that a child has become deaf at an early age, for example, after a cold, only when a delay in speech development begins.

But there are also some signs that can alert parents, and by which one can understand that an infant has difficulty hearing. Following is noteworthy:

But what to do in this case? All these signs are a serious reason to contact a pediatrician.

First aid

Let's look at several factors that can cause hearing loss:

  1. Fluid entering the ear cavity. This usually happens while swimming in a bathtub or diving in an open body of water. When water gets into the ear canal, a sharp deterioration in hearing occurs, while the ear does not hurt, but if the water is not removed from the ear in a timely manner, then after a few days pain will certainly be added to the deafness. In order for the water to come out of the organ, you need to tilt your head towards the ear in which the water is located and shake it thoroughly or jump.
  2. If your hearing is lost due to exposure to sharp sounds, such as an explosion or too loud music, the main thing is that the eardrum is not damaged. Usually, if after sharp sounds the ear does not hear, but does not hurt, such deafness is temporary, and the victim simply needs to be isolated from the source of loud sounds.

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Instructions for using camphor alcohol in the ear, can it be dripped for children and adults


Raising the hearing threshold

Most often, the right or left ear has difficulty hearing due to the occurrence of wax plugs blocking the auditory canal.

A person experiences unpleasant pressure in the ear cavity.

Often, an increase in the size of the plug leads to complete deafness in one ear.

Interestingly, a large percentage of plugs occur among people who pay great attention to ear hygiene.

Cotton swabs clean the outer area of ​​the ear, compressing the wax that is deep. The presence of sulfur itself is not a deviation; sulfur has protective properties, preventing harmful bacteria and dust particles from entering the brain.

The main sign that the amount of wax in the ear canal has reached its limit is hearing loss. The best thing to do would be to make an appointment with an ENT doctor who will carefully and safely relieve you of the traffic jam.

If for some reason you can’t visit a doctor, you can try to remove the plug yourself by purchasing oil-based drops or suppositories at the pharmacy, under the influence of which the plug softens and is removed from the ear canal.

Treatment of hearing loss

When a patient experiences a sudden or gradual decrease in hearing, he needs to visit an otolaryngologist to receive qualified medical care. Also, as an additional therapy, people use traditional methods in the fight against deafness.

Traditional medicine

Traditional methods of treating deafness include medications that improve blood circulation in the brain and auditory organs. These are tablets for complex internal use and ear drops for local treatment. When deafness is a complication of certain diseases, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. For otosclerosis, in addition to the main course of treatment, vitamins A, B and E are prescribed, as well as trace elements of calcium, bromine and phosphorus.

For tinnitus, doctors prescribe a physical procedure - iodine electrophoresis. For age-related hearing impairment, general restorative therapy is prescribed. The following drugs are usually indicated: Piracetam, Glycine, Vinpocetine.


In addition to traditional medical treatment, there are folk remedies, but their use as primary therapy is not recommended. In addition to the main course of medication, a cotton swab soaked in propolis tincture or tar is placed in the sore ear. Onion juice or bay leaf decoction also helps.

Prevention of complications

Monitor for complications of otitis media early in the disease. Then the prevention of complications will be easier, since in most cases, perforation of the eardrum can be avoided in the initial stages.

Avoid injury to the ear - do not insert prickly or sharp objects. Dry your ears thoroughly after showering or water activities.

If you suffer from private ear inflammation, use specialized oils to protect the skin. This is especially true in the summer season with frequent swimming in reservoirs. Prevention of otitis media includes hardening the ears, taking vitamins and medications that support the immune system. It is also important to promptly treat nasal diseases, which are the main causative factor of middle ear inflammation.

Preventive actions

People face a problem when they stop hearing due to a sudden change in pressure. This happens while flying in the air on an airplane, riding in a car, or riding in an elevator. To get rid of such deafness, you need to open your mouth wide and yawn or quickly swallow a couple of times. They also perform simple movements from special warm-up gymnastics: move the lower jaw left and right five to six times, and then forward and backward.

However, you should do this exercise carefully to avoid a visit to a traumatologist.

Despite all preventive measures, at the slightest suspicion of hearing loss and the first signs of deafness are detected, it is better to immediately contact an otolaryngologist to eliminate hearing problems.

Why is only one ear hard of hearing?

The situation when a child cannot hear in one ear is relevant and arises for the following reasons:

  • a foreign object in the ear or a wax plug formed. It occurs mainly in young children, who, due to restlessness and curiosity, can unknowingly harm themselves. When visiting an otolaryngologist, a visual examination is performed to determine the exact cause of hearing loss;
  • viral infectious disease. These include otitis media or exudative otitis media. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum, which creates strong pressure on the fragile membrane. As a result, auditory performance is significantly reduced, leading to short-term or long-term hearing loss;
  • hearing loss due to circulatory disorders;
  • the occurrence of a purulent abscess or other inflammatory process in the auricle.

The remaining causes of childhood deafness in one ear are extremely individual. This may be a short-term phenomenon (due to a draft or liquid entering the auditory organ). But if characteristic signs are present for a long time, pain occurs, constant malaise, drowsiness, signs of irritation and lack of timely perception of the auditory signal, you need to contact the inpatient department to provide competent assistance.

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