What to do if water gets into your ear

Many people are familiar with the situation when, after water procedures, water gets stuck in the ear. Getting rid of it is not so easy. This not only brings serious discomfort, but can also be the cause of some ENT diseases. Water stuck in the ear (especially from a dirty pond or swimming pool) contains germs, bacteria, and chlorine. Stagnation of this water in the ear can lead to various inflammatory processes in the outer ear. This is an occupational disease that affects many swimmers. Before we find out how to get rid of water in the ear, let’s try to understand the sensations in this situation.

How to tell if water has gotten into your ear

Here are some symptoms that may indicate that there is some fluid stuck in your ear.

  1. The sound of the surrounding world is altered as sounds travel through the water cushion. In this case, there is a noticeable pressure exerted by the liquid on the eardrum.
  2. There is a feeling of fullness in the ear, as if it is “stuffed up”.
  3. The ear contains a large number of nerve endings and receptors, so many people literally feel the transfusion of fluid in the ear. It's quite unpleasant.
  4. Often, water in the ear causes resonance from one's own voice. Perception becomes distorted.
  5. If water remains in the ear for more than 4 hours, this can lead to inflammation, ear pain, and fever.
  6. Often, prolonged exposure to water in the ear leads to headaches.

Those who have wax plugs in their ears are at risk. The fact is that the sulfur plug swells under the influence of moisture and begins to put pressure on the eardrum. This is a very painful feeling. Sometimes water from the external meatus can enter the middle ear through microscopic lesions in the eardrum and cause otitis media. Water in the ear is also dangerous for people whose ear canal walls are too thin. As a rule, inflammation develops much more intensely on irritated skin, and you won’t have to wait for it if the water was soapy or dirty. By the way, water can also get into the middle ear through the nose - this is also fraught with the development of otitis media.

To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to quickly and safely get rid of water in the ear.

how to get rid of stuffy ears

How to remove water from your ear

A feeling of gurgling in the ear canal, congestion, a sharp deterioration in hearing - these are the signals notifying that there is water in the ear. If the accumulated fluid is not removed in a timely manner, the patient may experience headaches, noise in the ears, extraneous sounds, increased body temperature, and weakness.

It happens that water comes out of the ear on its own (you can shake it out by moving your head from side to side), but it happens that the victim requires immediate medical attention.


How to understand that there is water in the ears and cannot come out:

  • a feeling of stuffiness (occurs due to the fact that water presses on the eardrum);
  • lowering the threshold of hearing (water is a mechanical barrier to the passage of sound waves);
  • autophony (cerumen plug in the ear canal causes a distorted perception of one’s own voice);
  • tinnitus (water puts pressure on the eardrum, causing it to vibrate, which are identified as extraneous sounds);
  • painful sensations in the organ of hearing.

Accumulations of fluid in the ear canal, according to experts, should be feared in the following cases:

  • if a sulfur plug has formed in the Eustachian tube, this is fraught with damage to the integrity of the soft tissues and the development of external otitis;
  • patients with otitis media - with perforation, the eardrum may heal, moisture flows into the middle ear cavity;
  • in case of immune failure - if the water is not removed, the pathogenic microorganisms present in it can cause an inflammatory process;
  • in case of skin hypersensitivity - the liquid may contain potential allergens that cause a local immune reaction and lead to swelling of the mucous membrane in the ear canal.

Emergency measures

How to remove water from your ear at home without causing harm to your health? First of all, you need to blot the auricle with a dry cloth, consistently take a deep breath and exhale (with your mouth open), repeat the manipulations with your lips closed. If the actions are performed correctly, there will first be a sensation of water in the ear, then a characteristic click will appear, the liquid will flow out, and hearing will be restored.

A simple massage helps to get water out of the middle ear: tilt your head slightly to the side and make rotational movements with your palm on the auricle. Such manipulations allow you to remove fluid (due to the pressure difference) that is stuck in the ear canal.

If pain, noise and congestion in the ears bother you for more than 3-4 days, consult a doctor

How to remove water from your ear after swimming: you need to stand on one leg, throw your head to the side, and do a few jumps. The described actions are repeated on the other leg.

How else to get water out of your ears if the liquid does not come out on its own: lie on your side, first placing a towel under your head, imitate chewing, yawn.

You can make a cotton tourniquet and put it in your ear (cotton wool is a hygroscopic material, so it will quickly absorb accumulated moisture and help cope with discomfort).

ear blocked with water

If you cannot cope with the problem using the methods described, it is recommended to squeeze your ears tightly with your palms, hold them in this position for several seconds, then suddenly release them. Perforation of the eardrum is a direct contraindication to the use of these techniques.

Feeling of fluid in the ear

Recipe for fish soup with vodka:

  • the head is tilted to the side so that the “affected” ear is on top;
  • preheat 5–10 drops of vodka (boric alcohol);
  • The medication is instilled into the ear and held for 5 minutes.

Thanks to the interaction of alcohol and water, the latter will evaporate. To consolidate the effect after the procedure, it is recommended to insert a turunda soaked in tea tree oil into the ear canal. If, after water got into it, pain appears in the ear, most likely, a cerumen plug has formed.

Upon contact with liquid, it increases in size, swells and occupies up to half the volume of the entire ear canal. In this case, doctors recommend getting rid of the fluid using the drugs Remo-Vax, A-cerumen. These pharmaceutical drops will dissolve the wax plug and ensure the removal of water from the ear.

You can drop any pharmaceutical vasoconstrictor drops into your nasal passages. After this, you need to lie on your side so that the stuffy ear is on top. Within 10 minutes, the accumulated liquid should flow out through the nose. If discomfort in the hearing organs does not go away within 3-4 days, it is recommended to seek help from an ENT doctor.

Improper mechanical cleaning of the ear canal is a common cause of the formation of wax plugs and moisture accumulation in the ears.

What not to do when taking water out of your ears:

  • use a hairdryer (dry the “affected” ear);
  • drip heated alcohol into the ear canal;
  • Use cotton swabs to remove wax plugs.

You should not use local painkillers without consulting an otolaryngologist. Pain is a symptom of the presence of an inflammatory process, the fight against which must be comprehensive. The course of treatment includes external and systemic anti-inflammatory medications, as well as drugs with regenerative and antiseptic effects.

When to sound the alarm and immediately call an ambulance:

  • the temperature rose sharply;
  • the ear canal turns red;
  • parotid lymph nodes have increased in size;
  • there was severe pain and noise in the ears;
  • hearing has deteriorated significantly or disappeared completely;
  • when palpating the ear tragus, the patient feels pain;
  • pus appears from the ear canal.

Important! These symptoms indicate the occurrence of an infectious inflammatory process in the organ of hearing, so untimely medical care can result in progressive hearing loss and other complications for the patient.

To avoid having to look for a way to pour water out of your ear, it is better to take care in advance to ensure that the liquid does not get into the ear canal. To this end, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • before taking a shower (bath) or swimming in the pool, it is advisable to place tightly rolled cotton swabs in the outer ear;
  • you can lubricate the outer ear canal with cosmetic Vaseline;
  • You should remove wax from your ears several times a month.

Earplugs are an excellent device for protecting the ear canals from liquids.

Pharmacies and specialized stores sell earplugs - special inserts in the form of balls, fungi, silicone pads designed for swimming and diving. Such devices should fit snugly, but put pressure on the soft tissues of the ear.

It is recommended to give preference to single-use rather than reusable products (especially when it comes to children). Divers should purchase earplugs equipped with internal ear and water pressure stabilization features.

A pool cap is another tool that will help protect a person from water getting into their ears while swimming.

In modern stores you can buy waterproof tapes - they are made of neoprene (an elastic, comfortable, wear-resistant synthetic material).

Latex and silicone pool headbands are smooth and comfortable to wear, equipped with special recesses for the ears. You can purchase both a cap and a ribbon, the top layer of which is made of silicone, and the bottom layer is made of soft fabric.

As you can see, accumulated water in the ears not only causes physical discomfort, but also often causes serious health problems (in particular, it can lead to partial or complete hearing loss).

To prevent complications, when swimming you should use earplugs, caps, tapes, and bandages to prevent moisture from entering the ear canals.

With the onset of the swimming season, there are no fewer visits to the doctor with problems related to the ears. Unlike the winter period, when the main reasons for visiting the ENT are colds and viral diseases, in the summer the ears suffer from water entering when swimming, which can lead to serious consequences: inflammation, otitis media, and even abscesses.

What to do if your ear is blocked with water? First of all, you should immediately consult a doctor. But sometimes situations arise when this is not possible. Then you need to help yourself.


Help depends on which part of the body the liquid has penetrated into. So, when water gets into the outer ear, a person has the feeling that it is overflowing, as if in a vessel.

In this case, it is necessary to tilt the head so that the auditory tube takes a vertical position. The water should flow out under the influence of gravity.

To improve the result, you can hop on one leg several times.

Dry heat

Sometimes, water getting into the ear can cause pain. If pain occurs, apply a warm pad filled with sand to the problem area.

If you don’t have one at hand, you can use a piece of cloth or a handkerchief with heated salt, tied in a knot. Another option is to apply a heating pad.

Thanks to such manipulations, the heated liquid will flow out much faster.

Fluid retention occurs in people who are predisposed to ear wax buildup or chronic ear disease. A person who has suffered an illness such as otitis media may have damage to the eardrum in the form of cracks or holes. Because of this, water easily penetrates into the middle ear when bathing.

If the fluid gets into the middle section, then headache, nausea, and less often vomiting often occur. The only option in such a situation is to consult a doctor. And before the visit, you need to take a number of measures aimed at preventing the development of complications:

  • Apply an anti-inflammatory drug or insert a tampon soaked in the medicine. You can use boric alcohol. But there is one important condition: the drug needs to be warmed up a little.
  • Be sure to apply a warm compress to the affected ear.
  • If you experience pain, it is recommended to take any painkiller.


How to get rid of water in the ear

We have collected for you the most effective ways to cleanse the ear canal of unwanted moisture.

  1. Jumping on one leg.
    This is the most popular way to get rid of water in the ear. Tilt your head towards the “wet” ear and jump on one leg as high as possible. Why on one? The fact is that during a jump on one leg, the amplitude of the oscillations is slightly higher, since a person cannot fully control the body, than during a jump on both legs. Be careful when doing this - it is better to hold on to a chair or the edge of a table, since during intense jumps you may feel dizzy. If you move your head while jumping, the water will come out faster.
  2. Lying position.
    To remove water in this way, you need to lie with your back on a horizontal surface. Do not use a pillow, keep your head straight. Slowly turn your head in the direction from which the water has clogged. The physiological structure of the ear canal will allow water to flow down the side surface of the ear canal at this moment. If the water does not come out, repeat the action several times.
  3. Cotton turunda.
    Make a small cotton ball from clean, sterile cotton wool and place it in the ear canal. In this case, the auricle should be pulled to the side and slightly upward. This way the ear canal, where the water is stuck, will be as open as possible. Never put hard objects into your ear - this can damage your eardrum.
  4. Finger.
    This is the easiest way to remove water from the ear, as it does not require additional items. Tilt your body and head towards the stuffy ear and stick your finger into the ear. Move your finger vigorously from side to side without changing position. After several active movements, you will feel the water come out.
  5. Palm.
    Place your hand tightly to your ear and quickly tear it away. In this case, the head should be tilted towards the stuffy ear. When you suddenly remove your hand, a small vacuum is created, which draws fluid out of the ear canal.
  6. Drink.
    For this method you will need a flat surface and a glass of water with a straw. Lie on your side so that your stuffy ear is on the bottom. In this position, start drinking water through a straw. Swallowing movements will push water from the ear canal to the exit. After all, it is jaw movements that contribute to the natural removal of wax from the ears. If it is uncomfortable to drink water, simply make swallowing movements, imitating the drinking process.
  7. Gum.
    Active chewing movements will help remove water from the ears. Chew chewing gum for 10 minutes and the problem will solve itself.
  8. Exhalation.
    If water gets into your ears, take a deep breath and try to exhale it, while holding your nose and mouth. This is usually done when getting rid of stuffy ears. Sharp pressure on the eardrum will force fluid out of the ear canal.
  9. Boric alcohol.
    This is another effective way to get rid of water congestion in your ears. Turn your head to the side so that your ear, which is clogged with water, is on top. Place 2-3 drops of boric alcohol inside. Firstly, it will disinfect the liquid and prevent inflammation. And secondly, boric alcohol will help the water evaporate much faster. Thus, within an hour there will be no trace of fluid left in the ear.
  10. Water.
    This is a rather dubious method that can only be used as a last resort. It consists of filling the ear with an additional portion of water. We tilt our head so that the ear filled with water is at the top. We pour water into it with a syringe, and then sharply turn our head so that the water flows out. The fact is that water molecules adhere perfectly to each other, and the poured water will come out along with the stuck water.

These are the 10 most effective ways to remove water from the ear canal.

how to properly rinse your ear at home

How to get water out of your ear

Surely everyone in this life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as water getting into the ear cavity. This situation is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant gurgling sounds, but gradually painful sensations of a different nature may arise.

In addition, there is a danger that an infection has entered the ear cavity along with the fluid and this can cause the development of an inflammatory process. It is for this reason that it is important to have information on how to expel water from the ear and prevent the development of unpleasant consequences.

Complication when water gets into the ear

In the cavity of the outer and middle ear there is an eardrum, which is a kind of barrier for water getting inside the ear. It is for this reason that you should not panic and worry that water will penetrate into the ear opening and removing it from there will be very problematic.

Most often, water entering the ear cavity of a healthy person does not cause any problems or complications, and its removal ends very successfully.

However, they occur in a situation where various complications begin and their clear manifestation is noise in the hearing organs and a feeling of congestion.

  1. The liquid that got into the ear led to the swelling of the cerumen plug, and the result was the development of unpleasant sensations and discomfort. To eliminate this problem, you just need to remove the wax plug by rinsing the ear canal with special preparations. Of course, you can carry out such a procedure yourself, however, it is best to entrust this procedure to a specialist. Removal of wax plugs in a medical facility is carried out using special tools. If you have a history of ear pathologies, you should avoid washing your hearing organs yourself, for the reason that this can provoke the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. If the water has been safely removed from the ear cavity, the cause of the appearance and complications may be the development of an inflammatory process in the ear canal and middle ear.

This pathological process is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • The appearance of a feeling of congestion
  • Unpleasant pain
  • Severe itching
  • Discharge from the ear cavity mixed with pus

This condition is quite dangerous and requires immediate attention to a specialist.

How to get water out of the outer ear

If fluid gets into the outer ear, the person begins to complain of a feeling of discomfort. In this case, there are no painful sensations, and the feeling is created that water is gurgling in the ear.

In such a situation, extracting water from the outer ear does not pose any difficulty. The main solution to this problem is to simply hop on one leg with your head slightly tilted.

To eliminate the fluid, you need to slightly tilt your head so that the ear with the water is at the bottom.

about how to “drive” water out of the ear.

Removing water and ear can lead to the development of pain and treatment in this case can be carried out using heating:

  • For this purpose, salt, slightly heated over a fire, is poured into a small cloth bag.
  • After this, it is necessary to place the patient on a pillow and carefully place a warm bag under his ear.

Most often, such procedures allow you to get rid of fluid in the hearing organ. Usually it does not flow from the outer ear into the deeper parts, since the eardrum is a barrier to this.

How to get water out of your middle ear

When fluid gets into the middle section, pain develops, as well as a feeling of stuffiness and arrows. In young children, the main route for water to enter the middle ear is through the sinuses, through which it draws water into the nose.

If fluid stagnates in the middle part of the hearing organ, this can provoke the development of serious pathology.

It is for this reason that if pain and discomfort occurs in the ear area, as well as severe congestion, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

If water gets into the middle ear, the following procedures can be performed:

  • You should get rid of the fluid in the same way as with pathology of the outer ear, that is, jump on one leg or perform a vacuum massage.
  • You can remove water using a cotton wool band, which is inserted into the ear cavity to absorb water. However, in such a situation it is necessary to use a tourniquet, since using a cotton swab will not bring the desired result.
  • Frequent swallowing movements can destroy the water plug that has formed in the middle ear.
  • If painful sensations are observed, you can take painkillers or apply a warm compress to the ear.

However, even if you can solve the problem yourself, you need to see a specialist.

Useful tips

To prevent fluid from entering the hearing organ and the development of unpleasant complications, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. If liquid gets into the ear cavity during bathing, you must dry them thoroughly with a towel.
  2. It is best to clean your baby's ears after bathing, not before.
  3. In the event that fluid gets into the ears and the development of the inflammatory process is observed quite often, then to identify the pathological condition, you can use an ear monitor, which is sold at the pharmacy.

It turns out that earwax has special water-repellent properties, and its presence in the hearing organ before bathing prevents liquid from penetrating deeper. The normal condition of the hearing organs is one of the conditions for a comfortable human life and it is for this reason that it is necessary to pay special attention to their condition.

Water can get into the ear anywhere - in the sea, in the pool, in your own bath. Depending on the intensity of swimming, the amount of fluid surrounding a person and the health of his own ears, water may linger in the external auditory canal, or may go further to the middle ear area.

Penetration of water behind the eardrum usually occurs during diving and occurs through the Eustachian tube, located deep in the nose.

The external auditory canal refers to the area of ​​the outer ear. Getting into it, the water reaches exactly to the eardrum. She can't go any further. Therefore, despite all the unpleasant sensations, such as gurgling or transfusion “inside the head,” liquid that gets into the ear, as a rule, does not pose a threat to health.

Fluid entering the middle ear is usually accompanied by painful symptoms. When an inflammatory process occurs, “shooting” pain may be observed. Usually they indicate otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), which occurs under the influence of infectious microbes brought in with water.

What to do if the water does not come out

Very often, water does not find a way out for a long time if it is located in the middle ear. If water gets into the middle ear, you need to put any drops into your nose that will remove and allow the fluid to get out - for example, Naphthyzin. After instilling a vasoconstrictor, you need to wait for the medicine to take effect and lie on your side so that the water flows out of your nose. You can get rid of water from the middle ear with the help of a spicy and spicy dish. The sharp taste causes the muscles to reflexively contract, and this promotes the removal of fluid. If pain occurs or there is a “shooting” in the ear, you need to put in ear drops and contact an ENT specialist.

You should also seek help from a doctor if water does not come out of the ear canal for more than a day. Often this occurs due to the presence of sulfur plugs. In this case, you need to drip sunflower oil into your ear to soften the plug and go to the doctor. Self-cleaning will not help here - ear sticks only compact the wax and push it even closer to the membrane. The doctor will easily remove the plug and save you from suffering.

When to see a doctor

Under no circumstances should you use cotton swabs or earplugs, as they may push water trapped in your ear further.

If you have tried all these steps and do not know how to remove water from your ear after swimming, then consult a doctor. Don't wait a few days. During this time, ear inflammation may begin. Contact your doctor when you begin to experience signs of infection, such as pain, swelling, or redness in the ear canal.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Yellow, yellow-green pus or foul odor from the ear.
  • Ear pain that increases when you pull on the outer ear.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Itching of the ear canal or the ear itself.

The ear is an organ in direct contact with the environment. The auditory canal is a tube twisted in several planes, which is limited from the middle section by the eardrum. The secret of the epithelial cells of this canal is a viscous and rather thick liquid that traps dust particles, dirt, etc. All these precautions are needed by nature in order to protect the eardrum from any mechanical influences.

But if water gets into the ear, all precautions are pointless. It can easily reach the eardrum through a curved canal and enter the middle ear if its integrity is compromised.

How not to get rid of water in the ear

There are some recommendations that are not only useless - they can be dangerous.
Under no circumstances should you dry your ear with a hairdryer. Firstly, hot air simply will not reach the area with water. And secondly, such drying can burn the thin skin of the ear canal. Also, you should not get water with ear sticks or other hard objects - this can lead to injury to the eardrum. In addition, if the skin of the ear canal is scratched, it often ends in inflammation. If you can’t cope with water in your ear, consult a doctor. To prevent water from getting into your ears, they need to be protected. Wear earplugs when swimming or showering. Choose the right size so that the earplugs fit snugly into your ear and cover the ear canal. Be sure to wear a swimming cap in the pool. If your work involves frequent exposure to water, use special ear drops that swimmers use - they have a water-repellent effect. After bathing, dry your ears with the edge of a clean cloth or handkerchief. By taking these simple precautions, you can protect your ears from water getting into them.

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