Causes of blocked ears when blowing your nose
A factor in the formation of congestion in the hearing aid is the location of the middle ear and the nasopharynx very close to each other. Inflammatory processes in the nasal passage freely pass into the ear tube.
Other reasons for a blocked ear may include:
- anatomical properties of the organ;
- a strong attempt to clear the nose;
- improper nose blowing - a person releases both nostrils at the same time;
- chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx;
- the patient does not use vasoconstrictor medications, which help eliminate secretions painlessly.
Any reason can lead to the penetration of sputum into the ear canal, which increases pressure on the eardrum itself. Clenching and swelling of the Eustachian tube, located in the middle of the middle ear and nasopharynx, provokes congestion and pain when blowing the nose.
A non-breathing nose and runny nose cause severe discomfort. To eliminate pathogenic mucus, you need to regularly clean the nasal passage. In the worst case, phlegm and pus clog the sinuses, causing microorganisms to move into the auditory tube.
If your ears become blocked when you blow your nose and you feel dizzy, this could indicate sinusitis. In addition, congestion is noted during the painful process and during full recovery. Added to this is high body temperature and difficulty breathing. Here it is imperative to take therapeutic measures, since the formation of otitis media is possible.
When wondering why your ears get stuffy when you blow your nose, first of all pay attention to whether you are doing it correctly. Intense nose blowing affects the middle ear , causing congestion in one or both ears. Proper nose blowing involves blowing your nostrils one at a time, not simultaneously.
Other causes of ear congestion when blowing your nose:
- With viral diseases, the lymph nodes often become inflamed. The resulting swelling, in turn, can lead to ear congestion.
- Rhinitis , as a result of which the sinuses fill with mucus, can cause blockage of the middle ear, preventing air circulation in it - this leads to unpleasant symptoms in the ears.
- Frequent illnesses destroy the immune system, and the human body weakens. As a result of decreased immunity, excessive sulfur production occurs, and, as a result, sulfur plugs form. In this case, blowing your nose only helps compact the substance.
- Otitis caused by a viral infection is also accompanied by stuffy ears. The nasopharynx is connected to the middle ear, and if you blow your nose incorrectly, bacteria can enter the ear canal, causing an inflammatory process - otitis media. It is very important to detect the disease in the first stages of its occurrence, since advanced otitis media can lead to purulent otitis media, and in the future to hearing problems.
- Inflammation of the facial nerve. In this case, the person feels not only congestion, but also pain on the side where the affected nerve is located. In addition to pain in the ear area, the patient feels pain in the affected part of the face and in the temples.
Important! If you have a stuffy ear after blowing your nose, to exclude the development of serious diseases and complications, you need to seek help from an ENT specialist. This is especially true if congestion does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by pain.
Ear pain during a runny nose
The reason why the ear hurts when blowing your nose may be that a person has otitis media, myringitis, or tympanitis.
The following signs will help you understand that there are abnormal processes:
- long-term congestion;
- feeling of tissue tearing;
- headache radiating to the jaw;
- gurgling in the ear;
- discomfort if you pull your ear back.
See also
Reasons why your ear gets stuffy in the morning after sleep when you get up and what to do
When you blow your nose, there is pressure on pathological tissues, which causes the ear canal to become blocked and begin to hurt.
Whistling and pain when blowing your nose
A characteristic whistling sound may also be added to ear congestion . If the patient feels that there is a whistling sound in the ear when blowing his nose, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will make the necessary diagnostics. Whistling can be felt as a sharp sound, ticking, clicking, and may be accompanied by pain.
Sharp pain in the ear can also be an independent symptom that the patient feels after the nasal passages are freed. Pain and whistling sharply worsen the patient’s condition, since they affect not only physically, but also psychologically.
The quality of hearing and general well-being decreases. Whistling and pain in the ear when blowing your nose occur due to improper blowing of your nose - sharp and strong exhalations when mucus is discharged, incorrect position of the head.
Important! Changes in the ear can occur from improper through-rinsing of the nose with various drugs (saline solutions, furatsilin, herbal mixtures that are poured into one nostril and poured out of the other at a certain tilt of the head).
How to rinse your nose correctly
Whistling during and after blowing your nose may indicate damage to the eardrum, the presence of a gap through which air penetrates . In addition, it can become a symptom of inflammatory or purulent processes in the ear, which require immediate medical attention.
Self-medication in this case will only complicate the course of the disease. A patient who reports pain in the ear when blowing his nose has most likely already acquired an inflammatory process and pain - a symptom of severe pressure disturbances in the middle ear. This is another sign of complications after viral and colds.
Correct nose blowing technique
The correct ability to blow your nose will prevent the formation of ear congestion. It is necessary to clean one nasal passage, then the second, two at the same time is prohibited. Otherwise, there is a possibility of transition of the nasal mucosa into the Eustachian tube, which combines the middle and outer ear.
If you blow your nose incorrectly, the mucus moves into the middle ear. Therefore, ear inflammation and otitis media are not excluded. The cleansing manipulation should be done easily, one at a time, no more than 2-3 times.
Earache - folk remedies
There are several unpleasant phenomena that occur when blowing your nose: stuffy ears or pain. They may indicate that bacteria have entered the Eustachian tube along with mucus from the nose, resulting in inflammation. If measures are not taken in time, otitis may begin, which leads to various complications. If you experience ear pain, you must consult a specialist, namely an otolaryngologist.
If you blew your nose too much and your ear hurts, most likely the infection from the nose got into the Eustachian tube along with mucus and inflammation began there.
Subsequently, this can lead to the development of otitis media with subsequent complications.
Ear pain after blowing your nose indicates an inflammatory process and requires immediate examination by a doctor.
Ear diseases are scary because of their complications, which can affect hearing in the future, and therefore require diagnosis at an early stage of occurrence.
Ear pain when blowing your nose indicates complications from a runny nose and requires a medical examination. Ear diseases are treated by an otolaryngologist. You can contact him immediately or after examination by a therapist.
Before a diagnosis has been made and without a doctor’s permission, folk remedies for ear pain cannot be used, as this can aggravate the pathology. Among the common methods that are often used in addition to the main treatment, we highlight the following:
- Instill a solution prepared from equal parts honey and propolis tincture into the sore ear at night, 2-3 drops each.
- Place crushed garlic placed in gauze into the ear canal.
- Putting a turunda made of cotton wool soaked in warm almond oil into the ear. ear hurts what to do
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Treatment methods
What to do if you have ear congestion? If you are unable to cope with the unpleasant feeling on your own with the help of simple exercises (warming with a blue lamp, using certain drops, pulling your ears to the sides, performing a kneading massage, etc.), you need to visit a doctor. Having established the cause of this manifestation, the specialist will give a prescription.
Drug therapy
To relieve symptoms you will need the following medications:
- Vasoconstrictor drops (Otrivin, Nazivin) - help eliminate swelling in the nose.
- Anti-inflammatory (Otipax) - will quickly relieve inflammation in the ear.
- Systemic and local antibiotics are prescribed for relapse of pathology.
- Medicines that relieve inflammation in the nose.
- Certain measures to cleanse the ear cavity of purulent contents and cerumen.
During the treatment process, you need to protect the ear canal from water using cotton swabs.
If improper cleansing of the nose causes tissue rupture, surgery (tympanoplasty) is performed.
Folk remedies
If your ear is clogged, you will need to do the following:
- to restore pressure (due to its fluctuations, congestion appears) - you will need to yawn widely, swallowing saliva;
- press your nose with your fingers, sucking in air through your mouth;
- Hold your ear with your palm, then quickly remove your hand;
- place something warm (but not hot) on your nose and an alcohol compress on your ear;
- inhale through your nose, then hold it with your hand - exhale quickly, removing your fingers, while swallowing saliva; the procedure is carried out at least 5 times a day.
Olive oil combined with propolis in a ratio of 4:1 can eliminate swelling when blowing your nose. Dip a tampon into the product and insert it into the ear for 36 hours.
Tea or an infusion made from lemon balm is effective for relieving whistling, pain, and congestion. It is recommended to take it for several weeks.
The doctor may also prescribe herbal infusions with a high content of microelements and vitamins, which help strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and improve blood circulation.
See also
What to do if your ear is blocked due to a cold, how to treat it at home
What to do if your ear gets blocked when you blow your nose?
To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you can use the following methods:
- You need to yawn widely and swallow saliva. Thus, you normalize the pressure, which was the cause of ear congestion.
- Apply dry heat to your nose. This could be a warm towel or diaper. You can also warm your nose with heated salt in a bag or a boiled egg.
- Warming the ear with an alcohol compress. This method should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
- Instillation of special drops into the ears (as recommended by a doctor).
- Inflating a balloon can help restore hearing.
- Close your nose with your fingers and try to breathe air through it. The procedure should be repeated 5-7 times or until a characteristic pop appears, indicating the restoration of hearing.
- Perform smooth head tilts to the left and right for 5 minutes.
Attention! Tinnitus with a runny nose is an accompanying symptom that will disappear when the cause of its occurrence - a runny nose - is eliminated. In any case, you need to consult a doctor so that he can conduct an examination and rule out inflammation.
Features of treatment in children
Treatment for ear congestion is almost no different from treatment for adults. There are several nuances here:
- the child is prescribed children's vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose (Naphthyzin, Nazol and Otrivin Baby);
- In children, drug-induced rhinitis quickly develops, so the products should be used only when absolutely necessary (no more than 5 days);
- For better fluid separation, the nasal mucosa should be moistened.
Under no circumstances should you place a hot compress on your ear or nose, as the swollen passage becomes very hot, the snot swells, and then a bacterial infection cannot be avoided.
Fighting ear pain
Above we looked at what can be done if your ears get blocked when you blow your nose. If pain occurs, it is necessary to simultaneously treat the ears and fight the runny nose. Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics or topical medications such as drops. In some cases, warming up may be necessary.
The situation is more complicated with damage to the eardrum. To preserve the ability to hear, you will have to resort to surgery, namely tympanoplasty. In some cases, the eardrum heals on its own, but this process must be under the supervision of a doctor.
Prevention and prognosis
Often, a runny nose plus ear congestion are symptoms of respiratory pathologies. To prevent their development you need to:
- give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle;
- eat healthy and healthy;
- move more;
- If necessary, perform vaccinations.
Then, even when communicating with an infected patient, the virus will bypass you. If these signs are caused by inflammation of the facial nerve, be sure to exclude stress, overwork, and frustration over trifles. This is the only way to avoid diseases of psycho-emotional origin. By following all the rules for blowing your nose and adhering to the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis for this condition is favorable.
At the time of cleansing the nasal cavity, the ears often become blocked, which is often caused by incorrect technique or inflammatory processes.
If the symptom does not disappear for a long time, is accompanied by pain, dizziness, and is not eliminated by home treatments, it is important to get a doctor’s prescription.
Drug treatment
Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment for the ear canals, having previously determined why the ears become blocked when blowing your nose. Most often, patients are prescribed drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect and relieve swelling of the Eustachian tubes (these are drops and sprays, for example, Sanorin, Tizin and Nazol), reduce inflammation in the nasopharynx, since they have an anti-inflammatory effect (usually These are ear drops "Otinum", "Otipax" and "Otirelax").
During a relapse, you need to take antibiotics (Amoxicillin or Clarithromycin). The doctor may prescribe procedures to cleanse the ears of wax plugs and purulent discharge.
Correct diagnosis – effective treatment
If your ear is congested, you should equalize the pressure while blowing your nose. You can do this by yawning or swallowing saliva. The congestion will go away. In this case, seeing a doctor is not required.
To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you can apply dry heat in the form of a heated diaper to the nose area. You can place an alcohol compress near your ear.
There are other ways to get rid of ear congestion:
- Place your palm on your ear and quickly remove it. The congestion may not go away the first time, so you should repeat the procedure several times.
- Using a cocktail straw, blow into it.
- Squeeze your nose with two fingers and inhale forcefully. In this position, you can try to exhale air 5-10 times, and you can hear a slight pop in your ear, which will indicate that the congestion has been relieved.
- It is recommended to chew toffee or chewing gum for a while.
Alternative medicine suggests warming the ear, but performing this procedure without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. You can make a mistake with the diagnosis and cause even more harm.
If you experience unpleasant symptoms in the form of whistling, pain, gurgling, clicking, then you should definitely go to an otolaryngologist. The doctor will accurately determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment:
- Vasoconstrictors are prescribed to make breathing easier. Before using them, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity. They reduce swelling of the nasopharynx, which allows you to restore the patency of the auditory tube. Vasoconstrictor drugs should be used strictly according to instructions
- In case of purulent discharge, antibacterial agents are used. The drugs are instilled into the ear canal.
Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise there is a high probability of the disease becoming chronic. This form requires long-term treatment, as well as the need to support the immune system.
- To prevent the development of ear congestion, hypothermia and the development of colds should be avoided. It is important to remember that curing blocked ears is more difficult than preventing a cold, against which this symptom appears.
- It is necessary to promptly treat infectious and allergic diseases of the nasopharynx.
- Ear hygiene should be treated with caution. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, you can easily damage the eardrum.
These simple recommendations will help prevent ear congestion and various diseases of the nasopharynx.
Often, a runny nose and ear congestion are signs of respiratory diseases. In order for these types of diseases to pass you by, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, move a lot, eat right and get vaccinated in accordance with the doctor’s requirements. Then, even if you come into contact with a sick person, viruses will not be able to harm your health. If a runny nose and nasal congestion are associated with inflammation of the facial nerve, then you should:
- maintain a daily routine;
- Healthy food;
- do not be nervous;
- do not overwork;
- don't get upset over trifles.
Then diseases of a psychosomatic nature will not be scary for you. A positive attitude in life helps to ignore various problems and take care of your nerves, and this allows you to avoid such diseases.
Remember that short-term ear congestion after a runny nose is a symptom that can be relieved at home. But if this problem remains, then seeing a doctor is the only correct solution. After all, the serving organs are a complex system that must be protected and looked after.
Stuffed ears when blowing nose: causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment
A runny nose is a fairly common occurrence among children and adults.
During this, you must clean your nose. Sometimes blowing your nose is accompanied by unpleasant sensations - people's ears become blocked. There may even be severe pain. For what reason does this happen, what can it indicate, and how is ear congestion treated? You will get answers to these questions from our material. There are several common reasons why ears become blocked when blowing your nose.
- Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
- Excessive or improper nose blowing. You do not need to clean both nostrils at once, but close them one by one.
- Refusal to use vasoconstrictor drugs, which promote painless removal of mucus from the nasal tract.
- Liquid from the rinsing solution or nasal secretion enters the auditory canal.
Below is a more detailed analysis of some of the causes of nasal congestion when blowing your nose.
If you have not been able to relieve the feeling of ear congestion with simple exercises, then a visit to the doctor becomes mandatory. After all, you yourself will not be able to determine the cause of this symptom. And they can be very diverse - from ordinary cerumen to ear inflammation. A timely visit to the doctor will save you from more unpleasant sensations and ear diseases. The doctor will find the cause of congestion. If the cause is untreated flu or tonsillitis, then initial treatment will be aimed at ridding you of these types of diseases. At the same time, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help prevent the development of inflammation in the ear area.
This is important: To avoid complications or the development of ear disease, you must follow all doctor’s recommendations.
If you quickly contact a specialist, the feeling of ear congestion is relieved with drops. The doctor determines the form and stage of the disease and prescribes the necessary drops. If the form is more advanced, then antibiotics for both internal and external use are required. Physiotherapy is possible, which is aimed at suppressing the pathogenic environment. Today, such procedures are widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases and have maximum effect. The most common types of such treatment are electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetic laser, etc.
The doctor can also recommend folk therapy that will harmoniously complement the overall course of treatment. Herbal decoctions that are rich in vitamins and microelements, herbal teas, and compresses for the nasal or ear area are often prescribed. These traditional medicines are aimed at:
- increasing human immunity;
- improved blood circulation;
- normalization of metabolism.
Often, an ENT doctor gives recommendations on both proper nutrition and daily routine.