My ear is blocked, but I hear well. What to do if you have ear congestion at home. What to put in, how to remove the plug. Stuffed ear - find out the reasons

The feeling of a stuffy ear is quite unpleasant for anyone. It doesn’t seem to hurt or be fatal, but it’s a terribly disturbing and annoying feeling, as if something is stuck inside and won’t come out.

And if you don’t know how to get rid of it, then you can suffer with this trouble for quite a long time. As they say, he who is forewarned is armed. So let's find out what to do at home if your ear is blocked. Apart from this, we will also look at the possible causes of this condition.


Let's consider the symptoms of ear congestion, in accordance with concomitant diseases:

  1. — (purulent discharge, headache, ear pain, increased body temperature);
  2. Turbotitis, eustachitis - (swallowing saliva causes ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus);
  3. Vascular diseases - (irrhythmic, rapid heartbeat, sudden change in body position, simultaneous congestion of both ears);
  4. Malfunctions in the functioning of the auditory nerve - progressive gradual deterioration of hearing.

Depending on the cause of ear congestion, what to do at home will differ significantly.

During pregnancy

Ringing in the ear and congestion can also occur in women during pregnancy. In most cases, pregnant women notice congestion in the right ear. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. The symptom can be expressed at any time during pregnancy. As usual, everything stops with the birth of a child.

Most women during gestation, approximately in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, periodically experience ear congestion. The occurrence of the problem is often caused by hormonal changes and a decrease in the body's resistance. The production of excess amounts of progesterone and estrogen leads to malfunctions of the detoxification organs. For this reason, excess moisture accumulates in the tissues, as a result of which the mucous membranes of the ENT organs begin to swell.

Tissue swelling helps to reduce the internal diameter of the auditory canal, which prevents normal ventilation of the tympanic cavity. Due to low pressure in the middle ear, the eardrum is pulled inward, which leads to discomfort.

Causes of ear congestion

Currently, this problem has received sufficient attention and it has been determined that there are a number of reasons that can cause ear canal congestion.

The main and most common of them are considered to be the following reasons:

  1. A cold is the first and main reason why a person may have one or both ears blocked. Most likely, the infectious process is either at the peak of its development or has caused post-morbid complications.
  2. If you have a blockage in only one ear - left or right, then the cause of this phenomenon may be hidden behind a cerumen plug. When the ear does not hurt, but there is a feeling of pressure, stuffiness, and unpleasant itching, then it is necessary to check the ear canal.
  3. Blocked ears due to increased pressure in elevators, during air travel, or when diving to depth. In this case, the ear does not hurt, but simply creates an unpleasant sensation, and in some cases, ringing in the ear.
  4. Ear congestion can occur as a result of diseases that occur in the human body. This could be Miniere's syndrome, middle ear cyst, neuroma,.
  5. It also happens that after swimming or after a shower the ear becomes blocked - this is due to moisture getting into the ear canal. Foreign fluid can easily come out, limiting hearing for an extremely short period of time, but there are also more complex circumstances under such conditions.

Due to the existing close connection between the nasopharynx and the ear canal, the resulting ear congestion requires an integrated approach to treatment. Among the wide variety of treatment methods used to relieve ear congestion, the most common is the use of medications. Their purpose depends on the identified cause of ear gold.

Congestion without pain even during swallowing

If such an unpleasant symptom occurs systematically, but it is not accompanied by any malaise or accompanying pain, then it may indicate the development of external otitis or aerootitis. This phenomenon may also be a sign of sensorineural hearing loss or the formation of a benign tumor. And if this discomfort does not go away within a few days, you should visit a specialist and undergo an examination.

Congestion may occur when swallowing. This indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the nasopharynx. When the left side is blocked during swallowing, then the cause may be swelling of the ciliated epithelium. Typically, this pathology appears with sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and adenoid. Drops of vasoconstrictor action, which instantly reduce the resulting tissue swelling, will help relieve this unpleasant symptom.

What to do with a stuffy ear at home

Do you know what to do if you have a stuffy ear and how to quickly get rid of this problem at home? It should immediately be noted that without the true cause of this phenomenon, it will be difficult to eliminate it. Ear congestion can occur as a result of ordinary water ingress or a serious inflammatory process. Therefore, it is better to resolve this issue with a specialist.

In some cases, traditional medicine will help with the problem of congestion and pain in the ears:

  1. If there are no special ear drops, you can soak a cotton swab in a tincture of calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus. These herbs have both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  2. Wash the raspberry roots well, peel and chop. Take two tablespoons of roots (chopped) and pour boiling water (1 liter), wrap and let it brew for 12 hours. Take the resulting tincture orally 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Place a few drops of onion or garlic juice in each ear: they are excellent natural antibiotics.
  4. Pinch your nose and try to exhale forcefully through it. A popping sound inside the ear will mean that the pressure has returned to normal.
  5. In the old days, they got rid of ear congestion in the following way: take a clean piece of material, dip it in warm melted butter and place it in the ear overnight.

Stuffed ear: what to do? It is necessary to fight the cause, and not just its consequences. Treatment with folk remedies does not replace the obligatory visit to the doctor.

Ear congestion when a foreign body enters an organ

The source of this symptom may be a foreign body that has entered the ear. Unwittingly, an adult can harm himself, and thereby cause ear congestion, by carelessly cleaning it with a match with cotton wool wound over it. The match may break, and its tip along with the cotton wool will remain in the ear canal. It is also not uncommon for an insect to fly or crawl into the ear, which is also the cause of congestion. It is impossible to remove a foreign object from the ear on your own. Only an experienced specialist can do this! Failure to do so may cause eardrum damage and more serious health problems.

If you are sure that there is an insect in your ear, you can drip warm oil, which will suffocate it, and then shake it out by jumping on one leg with your head lowered to the side. But experts recommend not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital. To summarize, it is worth saying that congestion in one or both ears is not always a natural phenomenon. It is better to consult a doctor in such cases than to deal with negative consequences later!

How to treat stuffy ears when you have a cold

When you have a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane develops, which can cause the Eustachian tube to narrow and even become completely blocked. Thus, the pressure in the middle ear cannot adapt to the air pressure outside and becomes constant. In this case, the eardrum begins to bend inward, which is what causes stuffy ears when you have a runny nose.

In the treatment of ear congestion due to a cold, the doctor, as a rule, along with cold and antibacterial drugs, prescribes:

  • ear drops (Anauran, Otipax, Otium, Sofradex, etc.);
  • ointments (Oxycort, Hydrocortisone)
  • solutions based on sea salt for rinsing the sinuses (for example, Rivanol);
  • phytocandles for ears (Reamed, Tentorium, etc.);
  • therapeutic compresses for the parotid area.

In order to alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor, you can use some simple techniques. For example, pinch your nostrils with your fingers and exhale forcefully through your nose. This procedure helps equalize pressure in the middle ear.


Why is my ear stuffy? What to do if you have congestion? According to statistics, very often discomfort occurs due to the development of eustachitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane in the ear canal, the diameter of which does not exceed 2-2.5 mm. Catarrhal processes in the tissues lead to swelling and a decrease in the lumen in the auditory canal, as a result of which negative pressure is formed in the middle ear.

In most cases, eustachitis occurs as a result of infection of the upper respiratory tract by pathogens. The danger of ENT disease lies in the high risk of pathogens entering the auditory analyzer through the tube. This can lead to the development of acute otitis and severe complications leading to persistent hearing loss, mastoiditis, meningitis, etc.

What to do if your ear is blocked due to high blood pressure

When atmospheric pressure suddenly changes dramatically, our internal pressure cannot keep up with it. This is exactly what happens when an airplane takes off or lands, on rides that involve ups and downs, or when using an elevator.

To get rid of congestion at this time, use one of the following methods:

  1. Make several strong swallowing movements, while straining your larynx. During one of these sips, hearing should be restored.
  2. Try chewing gum.
  3. Yawn widely and sharply several times in a row.

If your ear is blocked precisely because of a pressure difference, then as a result of pressure redistribution, the load on the ears will decrease.

Pathogenic cases of congestion

The first cause of congestion in this group will be the cause associated with sulfur. By itself, earwax serves to clean and lubricate the ear canals, and also provides protection against bacteria, fungi and insects, but if you do not maintain ear hygiene, or do it incorrectly, then the sulfur can cause harm to the ears, and there will be so-called ear plugs form. Often people may come across the fact that it is in the morning that their ears are blocked, and they wonder why exactly this happens in the morning. The fact is that the wax plug can change its location during sleep, and thereby block the ear canal.

The easiest and safest way to do this is in a hospital, where they will be removed using washing and other minor manipulations. There are various medicinal drops that can easily remove small wax plugs, but it is recommended to remove large ones in the hospital, after examination by a doctor.

There are also other methods for removing ear plugs, most often they use hydrogen peroxide and simply instill it in the ear, but you should not do this, because it is very dangerous, and you can only worsen the situation and fill the blocked ear with liquid. It is recommended to put a couple of drops of peroxide on cotton wool and place this cotton wool in the ear opening for about an hour, after which time the ear plug will dissolve.

What to do if your ear is clogged due to wax plug?

If the ear is blocked from wax, treatment should consist of its safe removal. Under no circumstances should you use sharp objects - the risk of damaging the eardrum is extremely high.

When a visit to the doctor is postponed for objective reasons, and ear congestion does not go away and causes discomfort, use hydrogen peroxide (3%). Place 2-3 drops into your ear; after a few minutes, the excess will dissolve and flow out. After this, clean your ear with a cotton swab.

If these tips do not help, consult an otolaryngologist. No one can remove wax plugs better or more professionally than a specialist. It's fast, reliable and not painful at all.

Anyone can have blocked ears. The causes may be harmless and easily removable, but ear congestion may be one of the symptoms of a serious illness.

The ear is an organ with a complex structure, responsible for the perception of sound and balance of the body. Consists of the outer, middle and inner ear. The Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the pharynx.

The most common causes of blocked ears:

The cause of congestion can be rare diseases: sinusitis, acoustic neuroma, etc. These diseases can only be diagnosed in a medical facility, so if ear congestion occurs, it is better to consult a doctor.

Other reasons

Listed below are several more reasons why ear congestion occurs without pain:

  1. Sulfur, or rather its accumulation in the ear canal. This may occur due to a malfunction of the nervous system of the human body.
  2. Formation of a large amount of dirt. It is clear here that the reason for its accumulation is lack of hygiene for a long time. Or a person is in places with increased pollution.
  3. There are also various pathologies that can occur in the ear canal. In this case, there is no pain. One of the factors by which the presence of pathology can be determined is whistling. The patient hears it in his ear.

Why is my left ear stuffy? Hearing loss associated with a feeling of fullness in the ears is not always associated with dysfunction of the auditory analyzer.

Malfunctions of the hearing organ may be associated with diseases of other organs and systems, which include:

  • Cholesteatomas are benign neoplasms consisting of keratinized epithelial cells, cholesterol crystals and keratin. Occur mainly with the development of chronic purulent otitis, accompanied by otorrhea;
  • Meniere's syndrome is an otolaryngological disease characterized by the accumulation of endolymph in the cavity of the inner ear. Excessive fluid creates pressure on the hair cells, resulting in decreased hearing and a feeling of congestion;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint - inflammation of the joint capsule, accompanied by damage to the neurovascular bundle that provides innervation to the middle ear;
  • otosclerosis is a pathology characterized by the proliferation of bone tissue in the mastoid process; leads to damage to the structures of the sound-conducting system, which can lead to hearing loss and blocked ears;
  • skull injuries - contact damage to soft tissues and the chain of nerves in the auditory analyzer, which leads to the development of auditory dysfunction.

If your ear is blocked and does not go away, you need to seek help from an ENT doctor to undergo a differential diagnosis. An audiological examination will allow you to accurately determine in which link of the sound-conducting chain the disturbances have occurred, which will facilitate the correct choice of the appropriate course of therapy.

Reasons for the frequent occurrence of symptoms

The frequent occurrence of a symptom that causes constant discomfort is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor, as it may indicate a number of serious diseases. Finding the cause on your own will most likely not work, and self-medication in this case can lead to negative consequences.

Only a doctor can diagnose the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. Of course, the cause may be ordinary fatigue, but it is better to consult a specialist to rule out serious pathologies.

The cause of the frequent manifestation of the symptom may be hypertension, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or blood clot.

It is important to be able to listen to your body’s signals, the main one of which is pain. Congestion in the ears, accompanied by dizziness, can be triggered by stress, an unbalanced diet, intoxication of the body, overheating in the sun, and stuffiness.


Ear pain can occur due to many different reasons. Some diagnoses may be considered highly unlikely.

An unpleasant feeling in the ears during or after an illness is a fairly common phenomenon. Many can remember how they once laughed until their ears hurt. Similarly, muscles tense when coughing. So if you have the flu, sore throat, or other illnesses that affect your respiratory tract, it may be due to muscle tension. Moreover, due to the underlying disease, this phenomenon is accompanied by a sore throat. But, at the same time, there may also be a problem with the nasal or ear cavity. In this case, it is appropriate, without hesitation, to contact an otolaryngologist.

Cervical spine

The culprit of ear pain may be the cervical spine. It is worth considering the need for regular physical training of the cervical spine in order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. If you feel pain when turning your head, most likely the spine is the cause. A visit to a doctor is inevitable, who will conduct the necessary research and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Pain may accompany inflammation along with redness of the skin and increased temperature in the affected area. It is not uncommon to have a sore throat. The reasons may be as follows:

Inflamed nodes

There are nodes behind the ears. In case of inflammation, an accompanying symptom may be ear pain. Inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes may also occur as a lump or lump forms behind the ear. An enlarged lymph node acts as an indicator of inflammation.

Unilateral and bilateral congestion of the ear canal

Often a person may feel stuffy in both ears in the morning if there are untreated colds in the nasopharynx, when mucus accumulates on the back wall of the throat during sleep. Then the mucus enters the auditory tubes, blocking the passage of air.

Two ears can become blocked at once due to a sharp jump in blood or atmospheric pressure. But the cause can also be bilateral otitis media. Children under three years of age often suffer from otitis media.

Pregnant women often complain of a feeling of fullness in the right ear. This symptom goes away after the baby is born.

A feeling of stuffiness can occur when a foreign body enters the auditory canal. This could be an insect that could crawl into the ear at night, especially if the overnight stay was outdoors.

There may also be wax in the ear or residual water from swimming. Often, two ears become clogged at once during an airplane flight or during normal travel in an elevator or even in the subway.

Ear congestion may be a symptom of increased intracranial pressure.

Why do my ears get blocked during training?

Ear congestion during sports is a rather unpleasant symptom that brings discomfort to a person. Most often, this symptom goes away after finishing the workout, but if ear congestion is a constant phenomenon, it may indicate a specific health problem. The reasons may lie in:

  • improper breathing while playing sports;
  • unsuitable exercises;
  • poor physical fitness;
  • changes in blood pressure.

You can prevent the appearance of such a symptom during training as ear congestion by following some simple recommendations.

First of all, it is necessary to observe proper breathing during exercises, as well as pre-warm up. It is important to maintain a drinking regime during training.

Which doctor should I contact if my ear is blocked and my head hurts?

A blocked ear and a headache are quite common occurrences that do not occur by chance. It is important to find out and eliminate the cause.

Elderly people often complain of these symptoms, especially after physical exertion and emotional stress. This happens in hypertensive patients - people with high blood pressure.

In children and adolescents, this disease is rare, mainly due to obesity. At risk are people who abuse smoking, alcohol, and fatty foods. Stress and disruption of sleep and rest patterns contribute to the development of the disease.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in the acute phase can cause these symptoms, especially if combined with inflammation of the cervical vertebrae.

If headaches, dizziness, nausea, darkening in the eyes and congestion in the ears regularly appear, then you should urgently visit a therapist.

If you constantly experience headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, heart pain and ear congestion, you should consult a cardiologist.

A simple runny nose can also cause these symptoms. The nose is stuffy, and not enough oxygen reaches the lungs and brain, which causes headaches and congestion in the ears. In this case, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist (ENT).

What is the connection between ear, nose and throat diseases?

All these organs are an outpost of the human body. They are the first to take the blow of “enemies” - viruses, bacteria and allergens. To verify this, we will offer you just one fact: advanced tonsillitis provokes at least 120 different diseases - the heart, kidneys, joints and nervous system are at risk.

Often, when you have a sore throat, a sore throat, a sore throat, and a runny nose, you need to understand how to treat them correctly. Only comprehensive treatment and regular prevention will help:

  • maintaining a daily routine - it is important to get up and go to bed at the same time and avoid chronic fatigue and stress;
  • proper and balanced nutrition without excesses in the form of fast food and alcohol, sweet and fatty foods;
  • physical activity - from daily walks and jogging outdoors to fitness 2-3 times a week;
  • hardening the body - pouring cold water or a contrast shower will increase immunity;
  • Regular ventilation of the premises, maintaining cleanliness in the house/office.

Stuffed ears: what to do at home

First of all, you should figure out what is the cause of ear congestion, and then begin to eliminate the symptom.

If you feel a piercing pain in one or both ears and your body temperature is very high, call an ambulance immediately.

If you feel discomfort in your ear, and it is not possible to get examined by an otolaryngologist, use the following recommendations:

Remember, money can’t buy health, so listen carefully to all the signals from your body and consult a doctor on time.

The following video shows very clearly why ears may become clogged.

Against the background of various diseases and under the influence of external influences, a condition may arise that manifests itself in blockage of the ear canal - ear congestion


When the ear is blocked, a person experiences not only discomfort.

In severe cases, this condition is accompanied by pain.

Often, such a problem can be a consequence of the anatomical features of the structure of the auditory organ and disruption of the blood vessels.

But the main cause of this condition in medical practice is the influence of external factors that contribute to disruption of the functioning of various organs and functions of the human body.

Blocked ears: reasons

What causes stuffy ears? There is a category of people whose ears often become blocked when climbing to great heights or descending under water. The reasons for this lie in the individual sensitivity of the human body. Some people's hearing aids do not have time to adjust to fluctuations in external pressure. As a result, the eardrum is pressed into the Eustachian tube, causing ear congestion.

The most common reasons for blocked ears are:

  • Inflammation of the ear during colds, caused by sinusitis, the formation of polyps in the nasal passages, adenoids or a deviated nasal septum.
  • Damage to the auditory nerve causing hearing loss.
  • Diseases of the heart and brain.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • A foreign body that has entered the outer sector of the hearing aid.
  • If your ear is blocked with water.
  • The formation of adhesions on the eardrum, the cause of which is otitis media suffered in childhood.
  • Wax plug in the ear.

One of the most dangerous causes is considered to be ear infections that get into the ear with water, and the pressure in the ears increases, blocking the ear canal. If not treated promptly, it can lead to deafness and infection of the brain area.

Not knowing the causes of ear congestion, many people begin to self-medicate, which in most cases leads to serious consequences. It should be remembered: only an otolaryngologist can identify and eliminate the true cause of the disease.

There are rare cases where the ear gets blocked after an airplane. People who often encounter this problem can get rid of it by sucking on lollipops or making swallowing movements while inhaling - this helps. Riding in an elevator causes a similar condition in some people.

The most effective way to get rid of ear congestion is to blow it out. You should pinch your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and try to forcefully exhale air through your nose.

Cases in which the ear is blocked after being in the subway, on noisy highways, during fireworks and loud screaming nearby are not isolated. They are associated with a pressure mismatch between the inner ear and the external pressure in the environment. People with this reaction should avoid very noisy places.

Stuffed ear, what to do when you have a cold

When the ear is blocked due to a cold and the patient is one hundred percent sure that this is the main reason for this condition, it is necessary to adhere to the strictly established recommendations of a specialist doctor. If ear congestion is caused by classic inflammation, it is treated with regular heating using alcohol compresses.

In the case where the cause is the initial stage of otitis and there is a condition in which the ears and nose are blocked, warming should absolutely not be used. This can cause an abscess to break out and lead to severe consequences, including hearing loss and disability.

A much more serious condition is when the ear is blocked and there is pain in the cheek and temple area on the left or right side. This is a pronounced symptom of inflammation of the facial nerve, which is accompanied by ear congestion, runny nose and fever. In this condition, timely and adequate therapy is necessary. Otherwise, the treatment and rehabilitation process may take a long period of time.

It is mandatory to undergo a full course of treatment for a cold. The cause of ear congestion may be an untreated runny nose, as a result of which mucus accumulates in the nasal canal and passes into the ear. Rinsing your nasal passages with saline will help clear them and prevent mucus from spreading further.

As soon as the ear is blocked due to a runny nose, it is advisable to use vasodilators - three times, 2-3 drops each, for three days. In this case, it is good to do special exercises: hold your nose, exhale, relax. Repeat 5-10 times a day.

Why do ears get clogged during pregnancy?

Women expecting the birth of a child experience plugging of one or both ears throughout pregnancy. Ears become clogged during pregnancy due to pressure surges that affect many expectant mothers.

In women whose condition depends on meteorological conditions, intracranial blood flow is disrupted and as a result, ear congestion occurs. Most often, this condition is observed in the hot season and when taking an elevator.

There are cases when blocked ears occur due to colds, which are accompanied by complications such as sinusitis or otitis media, which are closely related to the auditory canals. If your ears are blocked and you feel dizzy for a long period of time, you should consult a neurologist. The reason for this may be hidden in the pathology of the blood vessels of the brain, which requires serious examination and further treatment.

The condition of a pregnant woman does not allow for such therapeutic measures as warming up or the use of vasodilators, so if your ear is blocked and does not go away, you should try some simple manipulations:

  • yawn several times;
  • closing your nose and mouth, hold your breath;
  • Drink a glass of water in short sips.

Sometimes during pregnancy, such discomfort can be caused by rapid weight gain, which is not uncommon in women in this condition. To normalize their well-being, pregnant women should see a doctor. If the cause of the problem is an imbalance in the circulatory system, it is necessary to begin therapeutic measures to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and blood pressure. It is recommended to rest more, spend time outdoors more often, and control your psycho-emotional state.

The condition of a pregnant woman is worsened by rapid breathing during fast walking, physical exertion and vigorous activity. There are times when the ear becomes blocked for no apparent reason. Your further state of health will tell you what to do in this situation - sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon and passes very quickly. In a situation where ear congestion is accompanied by headaches and other malfunctions of the body, medical consultation is necessary.

How to deal with stuffy ears

There are situations when you have a headache, stuffy ears, and a person who is alone with the problem gets lost and doesn’t know what to do. It is not always necessary to contact a specialist if you have problems with blockage of the ear canal. In some cases, you can eliminate this inconvenience yourself, knowing exactly why your ear is blocked.

What to do at home if the cause is sulfur plug? It is necessary to drip a few drops of a solution of boric acid or hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal. After a few minutes, carefully remove the plug with an ear stick using rotational movements.

A sharp change in atmospheric pressure causes ear congestion, which in mild form goes away quickly and painlessly. If you get a stuffy ear while taking off on a plane, diving underwater, or riding an amusement ride, you need to take a few sips or yawn. In this situation, the Eustachian tube opens, and the pressure in the eardrum and outside is equalized.

As soon as the main symptoms of respiratory diseases include a condition where the ear is blocked, only a doctor can competently answer what to do at home. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated. Before visiting an ENT doctor, you need to follow the instructions for the treatment of the underlying disease, use local medications to relieve the painful process of the upper respiratory tract.

It is definitely recommended to see a specialist if your head and ears are blocked. In case of migraine, the ear is blocked on the side where the painful focus is observed. As soon as the headache is eliminated, all accompanying symptoms disappear along with it.

Ear congestion often occurs as a result of fluid entering the ear canal during water procedures or diving under water. Many patients fall into a state of panic when they cannot pour water out of their ear when tilting their head, believing that it has made its way deep inside.

These fears are sometimes not unfounded. If, after removing the water, you are concerned about ear congestion and hearing loss, some complications are possible. This can cause ear plugs that only a doctor can treat. Inflammation of the external auditory canal may occur, which can be treated with medication.

Very often the inflammatory process is accompanied by itching, pain and discharge. If water enters the Eustachian tube and reaches the middle ear, a pain similar to a lumbago appears.

You can get rid of water that has entered the ear canal by jumping on one leg with your head bowed in the area of ​​the stuffy ear and pressing your palm against your ear, creating a vacuum.

You can try lying on your side, with your ear holding the water at the bottom. Make a few swallowing movements and try to move your ears. These manipulations help water drain out of the ear canal faster.

An equally effective method is to insert a twisted cotton cord into the ear. In this simple way, you can absorb all the water that gets into the ear canal.

The ears are one of the main organs of the human body, helping to keep in touch with the outside world. Good hearing is the key to productive and high-quality communication and development. If hearing function is impaired, a person feels inferior and loses meaning in life.

Despite the seeming, at first glance, harmlessness of the problem of congestion in the ears and easy ways to eliminate it, the wrong approach to solving it can lead to the most severe and disastrous consequences.

Do not neglect the help of qualified specialists, saving on treatment. A little time spent on a visit to the doctor will help prevent the most irreparable mistake, the price of which is your own health.

Everyone has at least once encountered the problem of blocked ears, but not everyone knows why this happens. The reason for this may be either the environment or an ordinary disease. To understand this issue, you need to know how the human ear works.

The ear of any person consists of interconnected elements, the combination of which allows us to perceive different sounds. The ear begins with the concha, which is connected to the middle ear using the ear canal, closed at the junction by the eardrum. When the pressure in the middle ear and in the ear canal is the same, a person does not experience discomfort, but if these two values ​​differ, noise appears in the ears. To normalize pressure, an Eustachian tube is provided, which connects the nasopharynx and middle ear, providing air circulation between them. The main symptoms of ear congestion include ringing or tinnitus, a loud echo of your own voice in your head, headaches, and partial deafness. All the reasons that cause these terrible sensations can be divided into groups - natural and depending on our health. The first category includes pressure changes, wax plugs and water that has entered the ear canal, thereby creating increased pressure in it. To restore hearing during changes in atmospheric pressure, take a few sips of fresh air, this will equalize the pressure inside the ear and restore your hearing. To remove water, use a cotton swab - the cotton wool will absorb the water, freeing the ear canal from this obstruction. To prevent wax build-up, clean your ears weekly. This can be done at home with a cotton swab or by consulting a doctor. Often the cause of ear congestion is a person’s illness. The most common of them is eustachitis, accompanied by inflammatory processes on the eardrum and ear canal. It is not uncommon for the ears to become blocked during otitis or heart disease. A long-term cold can serve not only as a source of short-term congestion, but also cause internal inflammatory processes. There are frequent cases of blocked ears in pregnant women. This is a natural process that should not be feared. To relieve congestion, try swallowing saliva or drinking small amounts of liquid in small sips. If the desired result cannot be achieved, lie down on the sofa or use chewing gum - chewing movements normalize the pressure inside the ear.

If your ears sometimes get blocked, there is nothing wrong with that, but if it is systematic, consult a doctor immediately, as the reason for this may lie in the unsatisfactory state of your health.

Blocked ears are just so rare; most often, ENT diseases, colds and flu contribute to the appearance of discomfort. Treatment of an unpleasant symptom is usually carried out at home.

Ear congestion most often occurs due to the development of diseases

When your throat and ears hurt due to fever

Very often, a sore throat radiating to the ear and accompanied by an increase in temperature may be a sign of diseases such as:

  • Otitis;
  • Tubotite;
  • Acute pharyngitis;
  • Measles;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Chicken pox;
  • Angina;
  • Diphtheria.

With acute otitis media, the throat and ear hurt at the same time, and such pain usually worsens in the evening. Often this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as general weakness of the body, loss of appetite and high fever. Sometimes pus may leak from the ear, which indicates the presence of a type of this disease called purulent otitis media. If a person gets tubotitis, then he also experiences an increase in body temperature, a sore throat and ear. Additional signs of this disease are often heaviness and noise in the head. Acute pharyngitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat radiating to the ear;
  • Dry cough;
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • Sore throat;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat area.

Pharyngitis can often be a consequence of bronchitis, general intoxication of the body or rhinitis. As a rule, in the case of this disease, the throat and ear hurt, mainly when swallowing. Scarlet fever, measles and chicken pox are more common in children. The main symptoms, in addition to sore throat and ears, can be considered high body temperature and the appearance of a rash. Since the signs of these diseases are largely similar, it is very difficult to independently establish a diagnosis: if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. The throat and ears hurt at fever, also in the presence of a disease such as tonsillitis. This infectious disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and oropharynx. Often, against the background of a sore throat, purulent processes develop in the body. In addition to high fever, additional symptoms include a yellowish coating on the tongue, pain in the muscles and sometimes in the heart area, chills and bad breath. Diphtheria is a rather serious diagnosis, since this infectious disease is often life-threatening. The main signs: the throat and ears hurt at the same time, the temperature is high, and an inflammatory process is observed at the site of the cut on the skin. Since diphtheria can cause intoxication of the body and damage to the cardiovascular system, at the first symptoms of the disease it is necessary to call a doctor. In the initial stages of the disease, exacerbations can be avoided by frequent gargling. If the disease is prolonged, in this case the doctor, as a rule, prescribes antibiotics. For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to maintain bed rest and avoid hypothermia. Remember: when your throat and ear hurt, you should avoid drinks and foods that irritate your throat. Usually this is soda, especially chilled, various alcoholic drinks and solid food. It is recommended to drink teas with honey and lemon more often. For prevention purposes, you should eat foods rich in vitamins to strengthen your immune system.

Causes of stuffy ears

Periodic deterioration of hearing, especially in the morning, due to a blocked left or right ear - many people face this problem. Sounds become muffled, a person hears his own voice, sometimes he begins to feel dizzy and headache, coordination deteriorates, there is pressure in the ear, itching, noise - these are the main signs of congestion. The degree of their intensity depends on the factors that caused the discomfort.

Natural causes

In such cases, ear congestion most often occurs without pain, without a runny nose, they are easiest to eliminate, you can do without drug treatment, and complications rarely arise. Tinnitus (tinnitus) occurs in those who like to listen to loud music, often use headphones, and in people whose work involves constant exposure to loud sounds on the hearing organs.

Why are ears clogged?

  • a traffic jam has formed due to improper hygiene procedures, increased secretion of sulfur - congestion appears suddenly after water procedures, when the sulfur swells;
  • a sharp change in atmospheric pressure during a flight, in the mountains; in weather-sensitive people, similar symptoms occur when the weather changes;
  • water getting into the ear canal when diving or swimming - this is a problem that often occurs in children;
  • intense physical activity;
  • foreign body in the ear canal.

A common cause of congestion is ear plugs.

During pregnancy, one or both ears may become blocked for the whole day due to pressure changes; most often the problem occurs in the hot season. The cause of discomfort may be excess weight, low hemoglobin levels, or high blood pressure.

Ear pathologies are the main cause of a feeling of stuffiness

Ear diseases are almost always accompanied by hearing impairment - the problem can be observed in the right, left, or both ears. With such pathologies, severe pain often occurs - there are many nerve endings on the Eustachian tube, which are irritated by pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to pain.

What causes ear congestion:

  1. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube - the patency of the auditory tube worsens, creating rarefied ear pressure. Causes: infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus. The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, a person feels as if water is overflowing inside him, heaviness occurs in the head, and unpleasant symptoms do not go away for a long time.
  2. Inflammation that affects the mucous membrane of the eardrum. The reason is a malfunction of the auditory tube, deterioration of ventilation in the tympanic cavity. The disease is often diagnosed in children due to the anatomical features of the structure of the hearing organs. In the exudative form, mucus and fluid accumulate in the ear cavity, while in the purulent form, pus accumulates. The disease is accompanied by high fever, insomnia, and due to severe pain when swallowing, appetite deteriorates.
  3. Otitis externa. An inflammatory process of a bacterial or fungal nature that affects the skin and walls of the external auditory canal. The disease is accompanied by itching and swelling, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen. Without proper treatment, a purulent process develops.
  4. Otosclerosis is the growth of tissue in the ear region, which connects the inner and middle ear. A rare disease that most often occurs in women during menopause. During the pathology, hearing loss develops - at first the person hears low sounds poorly, then he ceases to perceive high frequencies. The main symptom is Weber's paracusis, deterioration in speech perception occurs when walking, while chewing.
  5. Meniere's syndrome is a pathological change in the tissues of the middle ear that occurs in older people, begins on one side, and gradually affects both hearing organs. Signs: dizziness, impaired hearing and coordination, ringing in the ears, a feeling of pressure in the cavity of the inner ear. During an attack, headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting occur.
  6. Neuromas are benign neoplasms of the auditory vestibular nerve; the disease is genetic in nature. Signs: decreased hearing function, tinnitus, dizziness, loss of stability, and when pressure is applied to the facial nerve, tingling and numbness occurs.

If your ears are constantly blocked and you feel dizzy, it is necessary - such symptoms often occur with pathologies of cerebral circulation.

Otitis media causes hearing problems

Other diseases

The nose, ears and ears are closely interconnected - the inflammatory process from one organ can spread to another. Therefore, with the flu, a severe runny nose, sinusitis, pharyngitis, after a cold and sore throat, a complication often appears in the form of stuffy ears, and the unpleasant sensations often intensify after sleep.

What diseases can cause ear congestion:

  • Ear congestion is often caused by high blood pressure, causing noise and dizziness;
  • functional disorders of the maxillofacial joint;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • brain tumors.

Ears may become clogged due to a deviated nasal septum.

Temporary hearing impairment, which is accompanied by a feeling of a lump in the throat, occurs with diabetes, pathologies of the thyroid gland and blood, as a result of edema due to allergies, during exacerbation of osteochondrosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If your ears become deaf or a noise disturbs you, this may indicate problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems; similar symptoms occur after injuries or long-term use of certain medications.

Temperature and pain in the throat and ear

It is important to know!

EVERYONE should know about this! UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! Scientists have discovered a SCARY relationship. It turns out that the cause of 50% of all ARVI diseases, accompanied by elevated temperature, as well as symptoms of fever and chills, are BACTERIA and PARASITES, such as Giardia, Ascaris and Toxocara. How dangerous are these parasites? They can deprive health and EVEN LIFE, because they directly affect the immune system, causing irreparable harm. In 95% of cases, the immune system is powerless against bacteria, and diseases will not be long in coming.

To forget about parasites once and for all, while maintaining your health, experts and scientists advise taking.....

..” The throat often hurts, and there is discomfort in the ear. Often the temperature rises, which may indicate the presence of:

  • chicken pox,
  • Corey,
  • Pharyngitis,
  • Scarlet fever,
  • Diphtheria,
  • Tubotite,
  • Otitis,
  • Sore throat.

With acute otitis media, the ear hurts and at the same time you feel a lump in the throat, and the condition worsens in the evening. In many cases, the disease is accompanied by:

  1. General weakness and loss of strength,
  2. Loss of appetite,
  3. Heat.

Sometimes there may be pus in the ear, which indicates the presence of purulent otitis media. If there is tubotitis, then the body temperature also rises, there is a lump in the throat and ear pain. Additional manifestations of the disease include heaviness and noise in the head. Acute pharyngitis is accompanied by:

  • Sore throat that radiates to the ears,
  • Dry cough
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes,
  • Tension in the muscles,
  • Lump in throat
  • Increasing temperature.

Pharyngitis in many cases is a consequence of bronchitis, rhinitis or general intoxication of the body. Typically, with this disease, the ear becomes blocked, and a lump in the throat is felt when swallowing. Measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever are most often reported in children. Important symptoms, in addition to pain in the ears and throat, are the appearance of a rash and high fever. Since the symptoms of the diseases are largely similar, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. If any of the above symptoms appear, you should seek medical help. With a sore throat, the throat and ears also hurt, and there is an elevated temperature. This infectious disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of the oropharynx and tonsil mucosa. In many cases, purulent processes appear against the background of sore throat. In addition to high fever, accompanying symptoms include:

  • Yellowish coating on the tongue,
  • Uncomfortable sensations in the muscles,
  • Sometimes pain in the heart area,
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • The appearance of white purulent plugs on the tonsils.

Diphtheria is a rather serious disease, since this infectious disease can cause serious consequences for the body. Main features:

  1. Low temperature
  2. The ear and throat hurt at the same time,
  3. There is an inflammatory process at the site of the cut.

Since diphtheria can provoke intoxication of the body and damage to the cardiovascular system, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms. At the beginning of the disease, you can avoid exacerbation if you gargle frequently. When the disease is prolonged, in this case, the doctor will, in most cases, prescribe antibiotics. In order to recover quickly, you need to constantly be warm and strictly adhere to bed rest. It must be remembered that if your nose is stuffy, there is a lump in your throat and your ears hurt, you need to avoid foods and drinks that irritate your throat. We are talking about the following products:

  • Carbonated drinks,
  • Alcohol,
  • Solid food.

It is useful to drink tea with lemon and honey. For preventive purposes, you need to eat foods that are rich in vitamins.


If your ear is blocked just like that, it doesn’t hurt, there are no signs of a cold or other unpleasant sensations, then there is no point in resorting to medications; simple manipulations will help you cope with the situation.

What to do if you have temporary ear congestion at home:

  • yawn widely several times;
  • close your nose, hold your breath, exhale without opening your nostrils;
  • drink a glass of water slowly;
  • chew chewing gum.

Drinking a glass of water slowly can help relieve ear congestion.

These simple methods will also help if you have a stuffy ear on the plane or when going up to the mountains. If your ears are blocked after swimming, you need to create a vacuum - place your palm firmly on your ear, sharply remove it, jump on one leg on the side of the blocked hearing organ, apply a warm heating pad for a quarter of an hour. If there is no improvement, you can drip 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.


To relieve ear congestion, various medications are used in the form of drops and tablets, depending on the cause of the discomfort. All preparations for external use should be heated to 36–37 degrees before instillation.

Main groups of drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution - for rinsing the ear;
  • antibacterial drugs in tablets - Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, prescribed for otitis media, which is accompanied by severe pain and high fever;
  • antibiotic drops - Otofa, Polydexa, are necessary for the treatment of mild otitis;
  • anti-inflammatory drops – Otipax, Otinum;
  • vasodilating nasal drops - Sanorin, Nazivin, eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • Sofradex ointment is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent for the treatment of external otitis;
  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Cetirizine, help with allergies, eliminate swelling;
  • products for softening ear plugs on a water or oil basis - A-cerumen, Aqua Maris Oto, Vaxol.

Furacilin is used to rinse the ears

If nasal congestion occurs due to a runny nose, an alcohol compress will help - mix vodka and water in equal parts, moisten gauze folded in several layers in the solution, and fix it on the sore ear for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once a day.

If there are signs of purulent otitis media, suspicion of a violation of the integrity of the tympanic septum, or a tumor, instillation and heating of the ear should not be done.

Features of the treatment of certain diseases

For otosclerosis, an effective treatment method is surgery, but even after surgery the problem often returns again.
Meniere's syndrome is considered an incurable disease; anti-nausea medications, antihistamines, and diuretics will help improve the condition. Betahistine is considered the best remedy, as it helps dilate blood vessels in the inner ear. In advanced cases, injections of Gentamicin and Prednisolone are given into the middle ear.

For neuroma, if it does not increase in size, tablets are prescribed. Diuretics (Furosemide), anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen), painkillers (Ketorol), cytostatics (Methotrexate). If the tumor is actively growing, surgical intervention is indicated.

To avoid ear congestion, you should blow your nose correctly and promptly treat colds, flu, and otitis media. When cleaning the hearing organs, you should not insert a cotton swab into the ear canal; you can only clean the outer parts.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant symptom such as ear congestion during pregnancy, a woman needs to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Compliance with hygiene standards that minimize the likelihood of wax plug formation,
  • During water procedures, you should cover your ears with special earplugs and a rubber cap to prevent water from entering the ear canal,
  • If there is a deviated nasal septum, consultation with an ENT specialist is necessary, since elimination of the pathology during pregnancy is not recommended.
  • Monitor blood pressure levels,
  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition to reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight,
  • Stressful situations that lead to undesirable consequences should be avoided,
  • Regular physical activity, walks in the fresh air.

In most cases, blocked ears during pregnancy are not a dangerous condition. But the regular manifestation of an unpleasant sensation, the addition of additional symptoms, should not be ignored. You should contact a medical specialist who will identify the cause of the pain and conduct a full examination. This is the only way a pregnant woman can receive effective treatment for ear congestion.

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