Many people recommend warming your nose with an egg when you have a runny nose. This is an old folk remedy for rhinitis that can show positive results if used correctly. Can be used for children and during pregnancy. But due to people’s lack of awareness, many are faced with the fact that the procedure results in complications and deterioration of their condition.
Is it possible to warm your nose with an egg when you have a runny nose?
This folk remedy really shows good results. At the same time, due to the heating of the surface of the nasal cavities, blood vessels dilate and blood and lymph flow improves.
This helps relieve nasal congestion, eliminate swelling, and reduce secretion production.
It is also worth considering that a local increase in temperature allows you to fight pathogens, since they are accustomed to a certain temperature regime.
The result is their death, albeit in small quantities, but still the remedy really helps. But, like any folk procedure, this method has its pitfalls.
Indications for heating with eggs
Before you figure out whether you can warm your nose if you have sinusitis, you need to find out whether the person actually has this disease.
This can be determined by the following symptoms such as:
- Pain in the nose, which intensifies in the evening;
- Headache, often only on one side;
- Severely stuffy nose;
- Nasal voice;
- The patient can only breathe through his mouth;
- A runny nose appears with mucus that is difficult to blow off;
- Acute sinusitis can be identified by high temperature;
- The patient is diagnosed with sinusitis;
- Weakness and fatigue appear;
- An unpleasant pain or heaviness is felt in the area of the maxillary sinuses;
- Mucus from the nose may be mixed with pus;
- Coughing attacks are possible;
- The patient suffers from chills;
- There is redness on the adenoids;
- There is a loss of smell;
- There is swelling in the nose area;
- Unpleasant sensations when tilting your head down;
- The taste of food is distorted;
- The maxillary sinuses are so congested that a person feels their distension and pressure.
IMPORTANT: Most often, treatment for sinusitis consists of physiotherapy and rinsing the paranasal sinuses.
The procedure is effective only for viral rhinitis. That is, when there are the following symptoms:
- Nasal congestion;
- Swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- Itching, sneezing;
- Discharge of clear mucous secretion.
The best effect is achieved only in the first two days of the development of the pathology or at the end. In the first case, the main symptoms are relieved, their manifestation and impact on human life are reduced. But in recent days it allows you to consolidate the results of treatment.
Is it possible to warm up?
For many, warming the nose is a popular way to treat the disease. But not everyone knows that if you warm the nose in this way, you can only cause an exacerbation of the disease and aggravate its course.
When the nasal area is exposed to heat, the blood vessels that are located near the respiratory tract dilate. Blood flow to them increases, and mucus begins to actively secrete.
This leads to even more severe congestion and makes it difficult for a person to breathe. The patient begins to breathe only through his mouth, experiencing unpleasant side effects.
Due to the heat, the mucus begins to increase in volume and clog the passages, causing swelling. Infection occurs with microorganisms that penetrate into the deep layers of the respiratory system. Therefore, any heating is strictly contraindicated for people with purulent sinusitis.
Before treatment with heat, the patient should visit a doctor to find out whether or not he has purulent sinusitis.
IMPORTANT: You can only warm up your child if he has a runny nose.
The rationality of the procedure for sinusitis
There are a number of conditions in which warming your nose with an egg is not only useless, but also dangerous. These include, first of all, sinusitis.
The danger is that warming up the sinuses leads to even greater proliferation of pathogens. As a result, the secretion of purulent secretion increases, and more extensive intoxication of the body occurs.
The result of such exposure is often deeper penetration of not only pathogens, but also pus into tissues (including bones), the development of sepsis, abscess, meningitis, and so on.
And such complications are already dangerous not only for health in general, but also for the life of the patient. Therefore, experimenting with diseases that are bacterial in nature and have purulent manifestations is strictly prohibited.
The procedure will be useless for allergic rhinitis. It will not bring any benefit, and delaying the start of normal therapy will also lead to the development of complications. allergic rhinitis is in many ways similar to viral rhinitis, and therefore if in the first days the procedure does not produce results, it is worth thinking about the cost of treatment.
Is it possible to warm your nose if you have sinusitis? Watch our video:
The benefits and harms of warming up
With sinusitis, mucus collects in the sinuses. In this state, it provides an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microbes. Due to stagnation of discharge, pus accumulates. When warmed up in this case, bacteria will multiply with a vengeance. This will only make the situation worse.
Other treatment methods (medical and surgical) can become the main ones if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. But to the question of whether it is possible to warm the nose with sinusitis, there is only one answer: such a procedure can become a successful auxiliary therapy. It is worth remembering that for sinusitis, antibiotics are practically useless, since specific bacteria are invulnerable to their influence. Such treatment may cause harm instead of benefit. Therefore, regular warming will be more beneficial than using the most expensive antibiotics. The use of such drugs is especially unacceptable in case of acute sinusitis, which will resolve after 1-2 weeks.
If you have this disease, you can warm your nose by rinsing it with salt solutions, injecting hot steam, or inhaling. In the latter case, the water must be brought to boiling water. You can apply a hot towel to the nose area as dry heat. Anti-edema medications will help with these therapeutic measures. Doctors also recommend using bags of heated salt or sand, hard-boiled eggs. It is necessary to keep these remedies until you feel that the heat has reached the inner sinuses of the nose.
In earlier treatment options, it is permissible to use blue light. A special incandescent lamp is mounted in a reflector and directed to the sinus area, while the heat flows towards the nose. If warming does not help within two weeks, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. In this case, they no longer resort to warming up.
General recommendations
There are a number of recommendations for warming the nose with an egg. In general, these points are suitable for any type of manipulation related to warming up:
- The temperature of the applied egg should not be higher than 55 degrees;
- You need to boil the egg until hard;
- Next, let it cool until warm, wrap it in a thin towel;
- Heat is applied to the upper part of the nose for 15 minutes;
- After this, it is recommended to lie in bed for half an hour in a draft-free room;
- You cannot go out into the cold for 2 hours.
The procedure should be done three times a day for the first two days at the onset of the disease, as well as in the last two days of the disease.
Warming up methods
Home remedies for warming the nose for sinusitis include:
- Blue lamp (Minin reflector). Many people have this simple heating device. Its action is based on infrared radiation, which warms tissue to a depth of 3 cm from the surface of the skin. The blue color of the lamp is necessary so as not to irritate the eyes through closed eyelids. Dry heat promotes the removal of mucus residues, restoration of epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses, and activation of local blood circulation. The lamp is kept at a distance of about 20 cm from the nose area for 15-20 minutes, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
- Seasoned salt. This method can be classified as a folk recipe; it is familiar to everyone. 100 g of coarse salt is heated in a frying pan; you can also use other bulk materials (sand, fine grains). The heated material is placed in a bag made of thick fabric and applied to the sore sinus for 15 minutes. There should be no burning sensation; if necessary, you can put a handkerchief or towel under the salt bag.
- A hard-boiled egg is another source of dry heat. The hot egg is wrapped in a linen napkin and placed in the projection area of one or both sinuses. Hold until the egg has cooled.
- Paraffin applications. Heated paraffin is applied with a brush on the sides of the nose in a layer of 0.7-1 cm. Place paper and a towel on top. After an hour, the paraffin is removed.
- Hot compresses. A piece of soft cloth or gauze folded in several layers is soaked in hot water and placed over the sinus. Polyethylene is placed on top and the face is covered with a towel. The compress is changed as it cools. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.
- Steam inhalation is a method of warming the nose for sinusitis, familiar from childhood. You can breathe over soda-salt solutions, herbal decoctions (chamomile, bay leaf, St. John's wort, sage), and freshly boiled potatoes. To enhance the antiseptic effect, add a few drops of tincture of iodine, propolis, and essential oils to herbal and saline solutions. You need to sit in front of a ladle with hot liquid, cover yourself with a large towel. Inhale the steam through your nose (if there is severe congestion, drip a vasoconstrictor), keep your face at a distance at which you do not feel discomfort and burning of the upper respiratory tract. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
If you use the method for viral rhinitis three times a day in the first two days, the symptoms in a child or adult are noticeably alleviated. If the procedure is carried out in the last days of the disease, the therapeutic effect is consolidated for a long time. But when performing the procedure during an exacerbation of purulent pathologies, the risk of developing side effects and complications, and quite serious ones, increases. Therefore, before the procedure, consultation with an ENT doctor is necessary.
How to warm your nose with sinusitis
Contraindications for warming the nose for sinusitis
For sinusitis, you can warm your nose depending on the form and course of the disease itself. It is not recommended to carry out medical procedures for the following pathologies:
- mycetoma of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis of fungal origin);
- sinusitis resulting from meningococcal infection;
- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to exposure to Haemophilus influenzae;
- sinusitis caused by injury;
- hyperthermia;
- rapid development of purulent inflammatory processes;
- the presence of neoplasms in the nasal sinus;
- chronic form of sinusitis;
- feverish condition;
- bloody discharge from the nose;
- high body temperature;
- presence of cancer;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diabetes mellitus
Treatment methods
Warming up can be done at home. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days, the duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.
Warming can be done with a hard-boiled egg.
It is not shelled. Be sure to cool it to 43 degrees. The egg must be wrapped in cloth and applied to the sinuses and bridge of the nose. It is not recommended to press hard. This procedure is carried out once a day. If the patient has frontal sinusitis, you can massage with eggs. To do this, not only the maxillary sinuses, but also the bridge of the nose and the forehead area are lightly massaged with hard-boiled eggs. 2-3 minutes is enough for this.
The salt procedure helps a lot. It must be poured into a frying pan and heated well to a temperature of 50 degrees. Then it is poured into a pre-prepared cotton bag. It is applied to the maxillary sinuses for 10-15 minutes. The salt must be hot. To warm the sore areas well, it is recommended to use coarse salt.
IMPORTANT: The procedure can be done three times a day.
It helps the problem well if you breathe over potatoes.
To do this, you need to boil it in their uniforms, drain the water, and crush the potatoes themselves with a mortar. Cover your head with a terry towel and breathe in the steam.
The procedure is recommended to be carried out up to 2 times a day.
Pour two cups of boiling water over a couple of bay leaves. Let the broth brew, and then put it on the fire and let it cook for another 3 minutes. Soak a cloth in the liquid and apply it to your nose. The nose area should be heated for at least 15 minutes. The procedure can be performed twice a day.
Herbal inhalations
Pour a liter of boiling water in equal proportions of calendula, sage and chamomile and put on fire. Then pour it into a container, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam for 5-7 minutes.
IMPORTANT: Avoid burns or discomfort.