Is it possible to do inhalations for sinusitis?

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Green Elena Stanislavovna

Otolaryngologist of the second category

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Often, a disease such as otitis media is accompanied by swelling of the nasopharynx, so the complex therapeutic treatment of the disease includes inhalation procedures. However, their use is not always justified. In some cases, inhalation actually helps eliminate a deeply penetrated infection, in others, on the contrary, it aggravates the inflammatory process in the ear cavity. Inappropriate use of such treatment leads to complications of the disease. The patient should know the general contraindications of the procedure in order to determine whether inhalations can be done for otitis in a particular case, and which types should be used.

Inhalations for otitis media - how they work

Inhalations for otitis media target the source of infection in a targeted manner. Sprayed particles of the drug fall directly on the inflamed soft tissue. Thus, pathogenic microflora does not spread further, and the recovery process occurs faster.

Is it possible to do inhalation for otitis media? If so, which method is better, and with what drugs will inhalation for otitis media be effective? The doctor gives answers to these questions specifically. Based on general symptoms, the patient’s condition, his age and stage of the disease.

When inhalation is really necessary and correctly selected, its effect will be as follows:

  • swelling in the ear cavity decreases;
  • the inflammatory process slows down;
  • microbes stop multiplying and spreading to other tissues.

If you have taken inhalation for otitis and at the same time feel a deterioration in your health. You should stop the procedure immediately and report the reaction to your doctor.

Inhalations with a nebulizer

If you are thinking about how to treat tracheitis, how to do inhalations, one of the answer options is a nebulizer. This is a modern device that can be used by a child, and it is technically safe.

The purpose of procedures with a nebulizer is to relieve cough symptoms, make sputum less viscous and facilitate its removal. Thanks to the technical device, the nebulizer has advantages: deep breathing is not required, the medication is supplied without interruption during the procedure, small particles penetrate the respiratory tract. The therapeutic goal is achieved faster and more efficiently.

What to do with inhalation for tracheitis? There are several medications that are prescribed by a doctor depending on the patient’s condition and the advanced stage of the disease. All medications dissolve in saline solution.


This antiseptic stimulates regenerative processes and reduces signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is recommended to take saline solution in a volume 10 times greater than the volume of the medicine.


Reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its rapid removal. The amount of saline solution must be taken 1:1.

Eucalyptus tincture

About 10 drops per 200 ml of saline solution. For one session, 3 ml of diluted medicine is enough, the procedure should be done 3 times a day.


Berodual for tracheitis is used when difficulty breathing or severe cough caused by bronchospasm is diagnosed. This drug should not be used without a doctor's prescription. Berodual for inhalation for tracheitis is prohibited during pregnancy and with cardiovascular pathologies.

The following dosage of Berodual is used for one session:

  • age up to 6 years – 0.5 ml.
  • age from 6 to 12 years – 1 ml.
  • from 12 years and adults – 2 ml.

Only a portion of the medications used with a nebulizer are presented; there are many more. Prescribing a particular drug is the responsibility of the doctor.

Indications for use

Is it possible to do inhalations for otitis media? The procedure can be performed in the following cases:

  • at the initial stage of a cold, when inflammation occurs in the nasopharynx;
  • when affected by an infection of the upper respiratory tract;
  • when otitis media is viral and is in the initial stage;
  • when coughing as a symptom of an inflammatory process;
  • when the paranasal sinuses are infected.

To make a decision on prescribing inhalation for otitis, the doctor pays attention not only to the course of the disease, but also to what should be used to carry out the inhalation procedure. A deep impact on the inflammatory process, without concomitant tissue damage, is a priority when choosing a method. Different inhalers are used for inhalation, but it is best to carry out the procedure with a special tool - a nebulizer.

Is it possible to do inhalations during treatment of otitis media?

When treating otitis, the question arises whether inhalations can be done, because the disease has a special specific course of the inflammatory process and its effect on the body. On the one hand, spraying the medicine in this way allows you to penetrate hard-to-reach areas and eliminate the infection, but on the other hand, the steam itself can harm the patient and aggravate the situation. That is why it is important to find out in advance when inhalation really cures, and when it can cause serious complications.

The principle of inhalation effects

Inhalations are often used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but for otitis media they can also have a positive effect. The ear-nose-throat system is characterized by the close connection of its elements. This means that diseases of the throat and nose can have a direct impact on the development of ear inflammation.

Inhalations are prescribed to actively influence inflamed, infected organs. The principle of the procedure is that the medicine is broken down into finely dispersed particles, in this form it is able to penetrate into distant parts of the system. In addition, small particles are more easily absorbed and go directly to the source of infection.

Inhalations can be carried out in different ways:

  • breathe over a bowl of hot water;
  • using a teapot;
  • special inhaler devices.

There are several main groups of procedures:

The most effective and modern are nebulizer inhalations. Inhalations using this device represent the last group – ultrasonic. The breakdown of the drug into small particles occurs due to the influence of ultrasound. This ensures deeper penetration of the drug into the affected organs. Despite the fact that it is still unlikely to be able to reach the ear cavity, inhalation with a nebulizer has a more effective effect on neighboring tissues, reducing their swelling, relieving inflammation and destroying pathogenic microflora.

Is it possible to do inhalations for otitis media?

Inhalations for otitis media can be done, but only as prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication leads to a number of complications. The doctor sees the advisability of carrying out a procedure when it does not worsen the situation, but rather improves the patient’s condition, for example, makes it easier to breathe during a cold. Since swelling in the nasopharynx decreases, and mucus comes out more freely when coughing. In this case, there is no direct effect of steam on the ear cavity, especially when using a nebulizer. The actions of inhalation are aimed at eliminating the root causes of the disease and improving the patient’s condition. The negative side is associated with a number of contraindications, age restrictions in children and the specific course of the disease.

Why breathe with a nebulizer for otitis media

The disease goes through several stages of development.

  1. Initially, you are worried about tinnitus, congestion, and hearing impairment.
  2. There is a sharp pain, heat in the face, and the temperature often rises to 39 degrees Celsius.
  3. The sharp pain subsides, discharge from the auricle appears - serous, purulent, sanguineous. The presence of droplets of blood means damage, rupture of the eardrum.

To reduce tissue swelling and reduce stress on the sore ear, drops and nasal sprays are prescribed. Most often these are antiseptic, vasoconstrictor, decongestant drugs. Hormonal agents are actively used - Flix, Nasonex. Medicines quickly stop inflammation and relieve tissue swelling. Very rarely, inhalations are prescribed for otitis media for these purposes.

Prescribed medications

Breathing procedures are carried out with antiseptic agents that destroy pathogenic microflora and stop the inflammatory process. It is advisable to carry out an inhalation event when the source of ear disease is an inflammatory process in the lower respiratory tract, and less often in the upper. Moreover, the procedure does not directly affect the condition of the Eustachian tube or eardrum, and is used as an auxiliary method of treatment.

Preparations and solutions for inhalation

Inhalation procedures for otitis media at home are best carried out with a special nebulizer device. Traditional methods with a saucepan and a kettle can worsen the patient’s condition. With such inhalation, high-temperature steam can enter the sore ear, causing increased swelling inside. There is no such problem with a nebulizer. The inhaler sprays medications directly onto the infected area and reaches hard-to-reach places without steam entering the ear cavity. Solutions that can be used for inhalation when a patient is diagnosed with otitis media:

  • Miramistin;
  • Rotokan;
  • Chlorhedexine;
  • Dekasan.

Solutions for nebulizer therapy should be diluted with 9% sodium chloride. The ratio of solutions is determined by the doctor. Procedures should be carried out 3-4 times a day, 5 minutes for a child and 7-10 minutes for an adult.

Effective types of inhalations

Inhalations are carried out in different ways:

  • inhaling steam over a bowl of hot water;
  • using a teapot;
  • use of inhalers.

Not each of these methods is allowed for otitis media.

Important! In case of ear inflammation, doctors allow the procedure to be carried out only through a nebulizer. This way, the source of inflammation will not be affected by hot medicinal vapors.

Important! Procedures performed using a nebulizer are classified as ultrasound. The drug is broken down into tiny particles under the influence of ultrasound. It is this nuance that ensures the high efficiency of this method.

The procedure has the following effects:

  • destruction of painful microflora;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • reduction of swelling of connective tissues.

When to refuse the procedure

The main reasons for refusing to carry out inhalation procedures for otitis media.

  1. Otitis with purulent formations. When pus appears during a disease, any type of heating is prohibited. Inflammation spreads to other tissues. The healing process is delayed.
  2. The procedure cannot be performed on a child under 1 year of age. Such manipulations worsen the baby's condition. Discharge from the nasopharynx becomes softer, and swelling in the ear increases. The infection is growing.
  3. Elevated temperature from 38 degrees is a contraindication for otitis media of any form.

You should also be wary of the following consequences when inhaling during otitis:

  • in a warm and humid environment, the infection spreads from affected areas to healthy ones;
  • narrow passages in the ear cavity become clogged;
  • some of the medicine from the inhaler does not reach its destination.

How to treat otitis media with a nebulizer

Otitis media is usually accompanied by swelling of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity. It is they who provoke disruption of the auditory tube. Doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor medications and inhalation with a nebulizer through the nose. The simplest way (breathe over a saucepan) cannot be used to treat otitis media. The steam has a high temperature, and this is considered a contraindication for ear inflammation.

Important! The best option in the treatment of otitis in a child is the use of a nebulizer. This unique medical device is capable of converting liquid medications into aerosol form without heating them. Such procedures are allowed for a child even with elevated body temperature.

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