Dry, persistent cough in a child

How to treat a dry, persistent cough in a child

Cough in children, including very young children, appears quite often. This symptom not only accompanies a fairly large number of diseases, it also seriously exhausts the patient, preventing him, for example, from getting a good night's sleep. Naturally, because of this, the baby becomes capricious, irritable, and sometimes even aggressive. However, the most problematic is a dry, continuous cough in a child. In this case, the child must undergo a thorough examination to find out the reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom.

Persistent cough in an adult

When you cough, you need to take a saline solution once a day. For ¼ glass of water take 1/5 teaspoon of salt. Before and after taking the saline solution, you must drink boiled water. Salt relieves coughing and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

A persistent cough in an adult can be stopped with cedar oil. This oil should be taken on an empty stomach and not washed down with water. Cedar oil is rich in microelements, vitamins, proteins and amino acids; it relieves irritation, inflammation and is good for coughs.

In order to stop coughing, you need to finely chop the onion, put it in a plate and breathe with your eyes closed. Here it is important to ensure that the smell of onions does not take your breath away and regulate its quantity. A person inhales through his mouth, holds his breath for fifteen seconds and exhales through his nose. You need to breathe slowly so that the nasopharynx receives the maximum amount of phytoncides.

During any illness, you need to drink as much as possible. Drinking promotes a speedy recovery as it prevents dehydration. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Incessant dry cough in a child - what to do in such a situation

So, let's first look at the reasons that can provoke the appearance of this symptom.
This, according to all experts, including the famous therapist Evgeny Komarovsky, must be done first. As you know, periodic coughing in children is often quite normal. However, this phenomenon should not be permanent. If your child begins to suffer from an incessant dry cough, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. There is no need to try to stop attacks on your own with the help of medications, since it is very easy for a non-specialist to make a mistake with their choice. The appearance of a dry, continuous cough can be due to reasons such as:

  • foreign objects entering the respiratory tract or neoplasms developing there;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ARVI, influenza and a number of other diseases;
  • allergic reaction;
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • constant contact with harmful substances such as tobacco smoke;
  • disseminated processes in the bronchi and lungs;
  • aneurysm compressing the aorta.

In addition, this symptom may also indicate problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the cough will torment the child when he takes a horizontal position.

Generally speaking, there are a lot of root causes, and the main thing here is to identify them in a timely manner. After all, treatment will be most effective at an early stage. It is much easier to deal with almost any disease before it has time to progress.

If the root cause is external factors - for example, a foreign body in the respiratory tract, or dry air, then the problem will disappear after they are eliminated. This also applies to allergies. As a rule, the cough goes away after the child is protected from the source of the allergen. With helminthic infestation, the symptom will not subside until all parasites in the body are destroyed.

Be that as it may, in order to establish the root cause of an incessant dry cough, the child must undergo an examination. After all, just an external examination by a doctor in this situation is clearly not enough. Here it is mandatory to take tests - blood, urine, feces. An X-ray of the lungs is often required, which allows timely identification of many pathologies. Very informative diagnostic methods in this situation are spirography and tomography of the thoracic organs.

If a helminthic infestation is suspected, tests must be taken to identify worms or their larvae. In more serious situations, young patients are referred for ultrasound examination of the abdomen or heart. In the latter case, an ECG will also be needed. Suspicion of an allergic reaction makes it necessary to visit an allergist.

Once the cause of the cough has been identified, treatment can begin. First of all, you need to fight the underlying disease. However, unpleasant symptoms also need to be removed so as not to exhaust the child. In the case of a constant dry cough, the main task is to transform it into a productive one, when sputum begins to be released and then comes out. For this, expectorants are used, such as Gedelix or Pertussin. Their main task is to stimulate the process of mucus production.

In some cases, children are prescribed antitussive drugs that suppress the unpleasant symptom due to their direct effect on the cough center. Medicines in this group include Codeine, Libexin, Tusuprex. However, such drugs should be used with extreme caution - only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with all his recommendations.

Often the most effective option for combating an incessant dry cough is combination drugs. They have both an expectorant and weak antitussive effect. Drugs in this group include Bronholitin, Ascoril, Bronchosan.

Homeopathy, which has been very popular lately, is used quite rarely for frequent dry coughs. The thing is that this method of treatment is most effective for productive cough. In other words, you first need to convert dry to wet, and only after that start taking homeopathic medicines.

Folk remedies require mandatory consultation with a specialist. Many parents believe that an all-natural medicine cannot harm the child in any way. However, in reality this is not the case. An incorrectly selected combination of folk remedies and medications can provoke very serious complications. Therefore, amateur activity is unacceptable here. Honey, milk, marshmallow root, and decoctions of medicinal herbs are good for dry cough.

In addition, you can speed up the healing process by ensuring the patient drinks plenty of fluids. The main thing is that all drinks must be warm. Procedures such as inhalation or warming compresses are carried out only if the baby does not have a high temperature. You should also regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located, and periodically do wet cleaning there.

The child has a persistent dry cough

To alleviate the child’s condition and give him at least a good night’s sleep, it is necessary to take preventive measures during the day.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning daily.
  2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room to create comfortable sleeping conditions.
  3. Eliminate irritating odors, use only special children's products for washing things and cleaning the room. No smoking!
  4. Children should be dressed only for the weather. If the house is too hot or cold, you need to change your baby's clothes.
  5. It is advisable that parents master the basic techniques of chest massage, and if the child coughs at night, they can alleviate his condition so that it is easier for him to fall asleep.

In many babies, dry, unproductive attacks that seem to tear the chest apart are caused by emotional instability, which is provoked by parental scandals. There should be a calm atmosphere at home - especially when the baby is sick.

Constant cough in a child - causes

If your child suddenly coughs and the attack persists, you need to check to see if he or she has inhaled something inappropriate or is choking. At one or three years old, children, exploring the world, test it not only by touch, but also by taste. Additional symptoms of the condition: hoarseness, whistling when breathing, pale skin.

Frequent “cackling” appears with allergies. Contact with the allergen can be either respiratory or direct - irritation of the mucous membrane may occur when eating food that is not suitable. Reactions after contact with an allergen occur within 15 minutes - in children, metabolic processes are accelerated.

If in the evening the baby was lethargic and did not eat well, and at night a severe attack of dry cough began, this is an indicator that an infection has occurred and an acute respiratory viral infection has worsened.

If you conduct an examination, you will be able to see a swollen, reddened throat and the first discharge from the nose. The temperature may rise.

If a child has been sick and coughing for some time, and suddenly the attack intensifies, these are signs of exacerbation and the appearance of complications. A dry, unproductive cough is a symptom of the initial stage of bronchitis or pneumonia.

You should not be surprised by night attacks in bronchial asthma - they can lead to vomiting, shortness of breath, and respiratory failure. Asthma attacks can be triggered by: dry air in the room, a strong smell, allergies, the initial stage of acute respiratory viral infection or a bacterial infection.

Whooping cough, croup and diphtheria are dangerous diseases that cause a strong dry cough. The attacks appear suddenly and intensify at night, a whistling sound occurs when exhaling, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting appear... At the first signs of infection, you need to call a doctor - preferably an ambulance. In children, symptoms increase quickly - respiratory failure can occur within 2-3 hours from the onset of the disease.

Calling an ambulance is necessary when:

  • the child coughs incessantly;
  • the temperature has risen or dropped sharply;
  • a blue border appeared around the lips;
  • the skin began to turn pale;
  • whistling or gurgling is heard when breathing;
  • the cough is dry, but during attacks, blood vessels in the throat burst from straining or blood vessels in the eyes;
  • breathing became shallow.

It is necessary to call the pediatrician again if after treatment within 5-7 days the patient’s condition does not improve, sputum does not separate and the temperature does not drop or decreases for a short time.

Frequent cough in a child - how to treat it?

Without assessing the clinical picture, it is impossible to suggest how to treat attacks of incessant coughing. We can only advise what to do in this situation.

  • Foreign body in the respiratory tract. While the ambulance is on its way, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

The baby is bent over his own knee, sharply, but not forcefully, hit on the spine so that the blows are directed towards the mouth. You need to provoke a coughing attack so that the object pops out.

There is a specific Heimlich method: the child is turned to face himself and sharply pressed with a fist “in the pit of the stomach.” Doctors usually use this method when the patient is over a year old.

If you have already encountered dry, continuous coughing, parents can independently differentiate whether it is an allergy or irritation from dry air. In this case, you need to give the victim a warm drink - milk, rosehip tincture, berry juice, heated mineral water without gas, and then, depending on the cause of the attack: an antihistamine or a wet towel on the central heating radiator.

The same set of measures in the initial stage of ARVI or bacterial infection helps to alleviate the condition and stabilize breathing. The patient should be given a semi-sitting position so that he does not choke on the nasal secretions that continuously flow down the back wall of the larynx - place a pillow under his back. You can begin symptomatic treatment - drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, rinse the nasal passages. If there is no temperature, they do inhalation or carry out distracting warming - soaring the legs, putting compresses on the chest.

You cannot put mustard in your socks, make alcohol compresses, turn on an aroma lamp, or drip essential oils onto your pillow. Strong odors irritate the respiratory tract and coughing attacks may become worse.

The chest can be warmed with warm millet, boiled potatoes, and the legs can be steamed in chamomile infusion.

If the attack occurs against the background of whooping cough or false croup, first of all the little patient should be reassured. They take the baby in their arms and try to press them chest to chest in order to relax and warm them up as much as possible with their body.

The bathroom is filled with steam from hot water and the child is brought in there. Humid air usually normalizes the condition within 15-20 minutes. If you have the opportunity to do inhalations, you should not refuse.

Parents should know why coughing attacks occur and have an idea of ​​how to cope with them. Medicines to relieve cough should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Mucolytics and expectorants are ineffective during an acute attack - they act gradually. A lot depends on the parents - if the little patient can be calmed and stabilized, the medicine will work faster.

Recently, many colds, from which people previously recovered quickly, have now become more severe and prolonged, and the consequences and residual effects from them, such as cough, last for months, becoming chronic.

All this indicates a mutation of these diseases, which is a consequence of the development of increasingly new powerful antibiotics by pharmaceutical companies. Diseases are mutating due to the increase in uncontrolled use of these antibiotics by the population.

Let's consider a child's dry, acute cough that continues for months, which occurs after colds and can last up to three weeks or more. A dry cough occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and bronchi. It is this irritation that is perceived by the brain as a signal to action - to cleanse the pharynx, larynx and lungs of foreign bodies. The brain gives a command to the body - inhale and close the vocal cords. Then the respiratory muscles contract, which increases intrathoracic pressure, which reduces the lumen of the bronchi and trachea. After this, there is a command to open the vocal cords, as a result of which a sharp drop in pressure occurs. The body sharply pushes air out of the respiratory tract and a cough occurs - removing mucus and foreign particles with the air.

Chronic cough may occur due to allergies or asthma

But in our case, coughing does not occur, since there is no accumulation of mucus and foreign particles in the lungs, but only irritation of the mucous membrane. This cough occurs and remains for a long time after acute RVI (influenza, adenoviral infection, parainfluenza, acute respiratory infection). A dry cough has a paroxysmal nature and is especially disturbing at night, when the child cannot even sleep or constantly wakes up due to coughing at night. With this kind of incessant cough, there is a constant contraction of the abdominal muscles, which causes severe muscle pain in this area.

It is important to know that chronic cough is not always a disease of the respiratory system: - Cough can occur with cardiac pathology, when a child is affected by certain types of worms, or with stomach problems; — Chronic cough can also occur due to allergies or bronchial asthma; - Dry chronic cough with a metallic tint, with high frequency, can have a psychological stressful nature, occurring during the day and disappearing at night. It occurs in a child when there are problems in kindergarten, at school or at home, when there is a lack of attention to the child, when parents are nervous and irritable, or when parents pay too much attention to the child’s problems; - Adenoids can be the cause of chronic cough; - Sometimes a dry cough is caused by poor ecology (gas pollution), tobacco smoke, dry, very overheated air in a child’s room, increased dustiness in the room.

How to relieve coughing attacks and stop dry cough. First of all, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the causes of a chronic dry cough, prescribe tests and select the appropriate treatment. Secondly, it is necessary to exclude the above-mentioned irritants - dust, gas pollution, dry air, psychological stress, etc...

If the nature of your cough is a cold, and medications do not relieve attacks of a debilitating dry cough, then to relieve and get rid of attacks of dry cough, you can use simple remedies used for children from 3 years of age:

Buy honey with beebread and cranberries. It is important that the honey is not simple, but with beebread. If you can’t find ready-made honey with bee bread, then buy bee bread and dissolve it in water 1:1, and then mix with regular honey. Remember to prepare the product - honey, bee bread and cranberries cannot be poured with hot boiling water, as they lose their value, the vitamins in them are destroyed by high temperature, especially vitamin C. The water temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees.

- Pour three tablespoons of warm water into a container (bowl, deep plate) and add tbsp. a spoonful of honey with beebread and mix everything thoroughly. Then add a tablespoon of cranberries, after crushing the berries. Mix everything well and let the child eat half of the mixture on an empty stomach during a coughing attack. It is advisable not to drink the eaten mixture with water, so that it lubricates the throat well and the beneficial substances begin to be absorbed in the stomach, but if the child asks for water, you can give him 2 tbsp. spoons of water. After 15 min. You can give your child water as needed.

If the coughing attack does not subside, then after 30 minutes we give a second portion of the mixture. Cranberries with honey and beebread can be consumed up to 4 times a day; they help stop debilitating coughing attacks.

A contraindication is if the child is allergic to honey. In this case, replace honey with beebread with other products that do not contain honey.

During an acute illness, cranberries with honey and beebread will reduce the intensity of a strong cough and the child will be able to fall asleep at night. But to speed up the healing process you will need additional cough remedies:

— During a night coughing attack, give your child half a glass of herbal decoction from a mixture of anti-inflammatory herbs (linden, chamomile, calendula, pine buds, spruce needles) or just boiled water. Then take 1/5 teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in 1/4 cup of water. You can use the salt solution only after the child has drunk the decoction or water. Give your child a salty solution to drink, making sure to wash it down with water. You can use the saline solution once a day. Salt has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce coughing attacks.

— Additionally, in the morning on an empty stomach, let your child drink a teaspoon of cedar oil without washing it down with water. Cedar oil is rich in a large number of vitamins and microelements, essential amino acids and proteins, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and helps with coughs, soothing a sore throat and relieving irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

— Freshly chopped onions (one small onion), over which the child should breathe with his eyes closed, will help very well to reduce cough. Adjust the amount of onion according to age, first try to breathe for yourself (the onion should not take your breath away too much). You should inhale smoothly through your mouth, tilting your head as low as possible towards the bow, then hold the air in your lungs for 10-15 seconds and then exhale the air through your nose. At the same time, the air is inhaled and exhaled slowly so that as many phytoncides as possible enter the nasopharynx, larynx and lungs.

It is important to ensure that when a child is sick, he does not suffer from dehydration, as this provokes attacks and increased coughing. The daily water intake for a child over 3 years old should be at least a liter or even 1.5 liters of water per day.

It is also necessary to do wet cleaning more often, vacuum the carpets more often or remove them, eliminate the child’s exposure to harmful gases and tobacco smoke, humidify the air in the children’s room (humid air at night is especially important), ventilate the room more often during the day and before bedtime.

All the remedies described above are simple and effective. By using them, you can help your child recover from a debilitating dry cough.

Colds for many people are long-lasting and severe. The cough can drag on for many months and become chronic. Viruses mutate due to the fact that people use a lot of medications that are not able to cope with what has entered the body and prevents it from functioning normally.

The child coughs non-stop - reasons, what to do

Almost 70% of requests for help from a pediatrician are related to respiratory diseases. Most often, at a doctor's appointment, you can hear the question of what to do if a child coughs. In most cases, conventional drug treatment for a respiratory infection is prescribed. The exception is the condition of the baby, in which spasms occur very often, almost without stopping.

What else can cause a prolonged cough?

Often the environment becomes the source of dry barking spasms. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky recommends eliminating external negative factors in order to verify the pathological causes of the cough. Breathing problems arise due to an allergic reaction to dust, animal hair, indoor plants, and food.

A continuous cough that occurs at night may indicate an uncomfortable room temperature and insufficient air humidity. It is easy to eliminate such symptoms - just ventilate the room periodically. It would be useful to use household appliances (steam generators) and climate control systems (air conditioners).

What else does Dr. Komarovksy advise you to pay attention to:

  • entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract (in this case, the child coughs incessantly);
  • nervous spasms (sometimes in children with unstable mental health, chest spasms become a sign of overexcitation);
  • digestive problems (irritation of the mucous membrane may be due to acid from the stomach entering the respiratory tract).

If a child coughs without stopping and there are no accompanying symptoms (fever, runny nose, headaches), then you need to make sure that the cardiovascular system is functioning correctly. Komarovsky recommends examining the color of the nasolabial triangle (pallor, cyanosis).

Characteristics of persistent cough in children

A prolonged dry or wet cough in a child should alert parents. It is necessary to contact a competent specialist and undergo qualified diagnostics. In this case, at the appointment you will need to tell all the main points regarding the disease:

  • when and how often coughing attacks occur;
  • how long do they last;
  • nature of the cough: periodic coughing or severe cough, short-term or paroxysmal, dry or wet cough;
  • Are there other symptoms of the disease (fever, vomiting, sleep disturbances, etc.).

Typically, a child’s lingering cough is dry, hard, replacing a wet one. A dry cough occurs at the beginning of many diseases (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis), after which it is replaced by a wet cough with sputum discharge, and at the end of the disease it becomes dry again. A paroxysmal barking cough is a sign of laryngitis, and a strong dry cough leading to vomiting is a sign of whooping cough. If a child has a dry cough that does not go away for a long time and is not replaced by a wet cough with sputum, problems with the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, or allergic problems can be suspected.

How to help a child with prolonged spasms

It is necessary to understand that coughing without interruption is a symptom of a pathological condition. Temporary reflex contractions may be a sign of banal discomfort or irritation of the mucous membrane, and prolonged, painful spasms of the chest in any case indicate serious health problems. It is necessary to call an ambulance if you notice a sharp jump in body temperature, whistling, wheezing, difficulty breathing, symptoms of intoxication (vomiting, loss of consciousness, deterioration in coordination of movements).

How to help your child before the doctors arrive:

  • sit the baby down if the cough occurs at night or during daytime sleep;
  • perform a soothing massage of the chest and back;
  • check the airway clearance (exclude difficulty breathing caused by a foreign body).

Provided that the patient does not have symptoms of the inflammatory process, it is allowed to alleviate the condition with the help of inhalations (nebulizer), the use of warm compresses, and mustard plasters. Dr. Komarovsky advises humidifying the air (for example, breathing hot steam in the bathroom).

Cough without stopping - how to treat

The use of any medications must be approved by the attending physician. The pediatrician selects medications and traditional recipes, focusing on the manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of the little patient. Most often, coughing without interruption requires an integrated approach.

You can relieve a painful attack with the help of syrups and mixtures. The main thing is to accurately determine the nature of the chest contraction (dry, wet) and carefully study the contraindications and instructions. A child’s non-stop cough can be treated with “Mukaltin”, “Bromhexine” (thinning of sputum), “Gedelix”, “Broncholitin” (combat unproductive dry spasms), “Doctor Mom” (relief of flu symptoms).

In the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, there is often mention of inhalation therapy. The easiest way is to purchase a nebulizer. This device works on the principle of irrigating the respiratory tract with tiny particles of the drug. This softens the mucous membrane and eliminates irritation. Night attacks can be prevented by classic steam procedures (breathe in the fumes of herbal decoctions, boiled potatoes, essential oils).

Coughing nonstop means the body is trying to get rid of phlegm and irritation. In this case, folk recipes can help. If the child does not have allergies, treatment with herbal decoctions (chamomile, plantain), plant infusions (radish juice, beets), and honey is allowed. Warm compresses and drainage massage are helpful. The main thing is to understand that such therapy should be used in combination and under the supervision of a doctor.

How can you stop a child's cough?

How to stop a child’s cough worries all parents. Especially if the child coughs heavily, non-stop, and chokes. I want to stop this as quickly as possible and help my child calm down.

Cough problem in children

Cough is a symptom of various diseases . Severe attacks occur most often at night. How to relieve a child's cough? To help your baby correctly, you need to know the cause of the cough. And there can be many reasons, and they are not always associated with colds; a coughing child is a common sight at a pediatrician’s appointment.

Causes of cough

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body that allows you to clear the bronchi and trachea. Quite healthy children experience slight coughing up to 10-15 times a day (usually in the morning) and this is the norm. But when the disease is suspicious and painful for the child, then it is necessary to contact a pediatrician.

The problem in treating cough is that often parents do not take it too seriously and treat it themselves, especially when it is not severe and is not accompanied by any other symptoms. However, there is almost always a serious cause for a cough.

The main causes of cough:

  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • adenoids;
  • a foreign object lodged in the throat;
  • allergic diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive system (often gastroesophageal reflux);
  • heart disease;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • indoor air is too dry.

Only a doctor can figure out what is causing the cough by conducting an examination.

Types of cough and its treatment

It is customary to divide cough into dry and wet. In the first days of inflammation of the respiratory system, a mainly dry cough is observed, then turning into a wet one. But there are many varieties of both dry and wet cough. Depending on the reasons for its occurrence, it can be:

  1. Spicy. Its duration is usually less than three weeks. Typically caused by a viral disease, inflammation in the larynx (laryngitis), trachea, bronchi or lungs. At first it can be dry and intrusive. With tracheitis it becomes barking, with laryngitis it also has a sore throat. In case of pneumonia, it is immediately moist and deep. The main task when any signs of acute respiratory infections occur is to exclude pneumonia.
  2. Sudden. A sudden cough (sometimes accompanied by a whistling sound) may indicate the presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract.
  3. Protracted. Wet cough, most often after acute bronchitis. It also happens with adenoids and nasopharyngitis. It can last from a month or longer. A dry, lingering cough occurs in schoolchildren with tracheitis. Happens with whooping cough. It is paroxysmal and painful.
  4. Persistent or chronic. It is observed in chronic diseases of the respiratory system. It can be either wet or dry depending on the disease.
  5. Allergic. Dry, paroxysmal and painful. It most often occurs suddenly as a sign of an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is a harbinger of bronchial asthma. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from a cold cough. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.
  6. Psychogenic. Mostly dry. Occurs as a reaction to stressful situations. It is permanent in nature, usually begins with an acute respiratory infection, then becomes regular. It appears only during the day, does not occur during sleep, and an attack can be provoked by touching on a topic that is unpleasant for the child. Requires in-depth research and specific treatment.

Treatment of cough depends on the diagnosis. Basically, it consists of prescribing drugs that dilute sputum. To establish a diagnosis, the following tests may be ordered:

  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy (indicated for frequent pneumonia, bronchitis, to detect a foreign object);
  • sputum analysis;
  • blood tests, stool tests and others.

General recommendations for treating a common cold cough:

  1. Maintain drinking regime. When coughing, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes, water.
  2. Maintain optimal indoor air humidity. This is especially true in winter, when the indoor air is dry.
  3. Do therapeutic inhalations. It's good to buy a nebulizer. This device sprays the medicine, allowing it to immediately penetrate the bronchi. Do nothing without consulting a pediatrician.
  4. Use medications prescribed by your doctor. These are usually expectorants that remove phlegm, mucus and bacteria. They come in the following types: diluting sputum, stimulating its discharge, and combined (both diluting and stimulating).

When treating a child's cough, antitussives are not recommended, much less give them on your own. They act on the cough center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. This leads to stagnation of mucus, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease. But many people make the mistake of giving a child such a drug for a wet cough. Only a doctor can prescribe it, for example, for whooping cough or in preparation for surgery on the respiratory system.

Night cough in children

Basically, the disease worsens at night.
His attacks intensify, disturbing the child’s sleep. This happens because when lying down, the mucus does not dissolve and clogs the nasopharynx, which causes a cough. It is more difficult to cough at night, so it is intense and prolonged. The child becomes restless, sleeps poorly or cannot sleep at all. To reduce the number of coughing attacks in babies, you need to turn them from side to side while sleeping.

Air that is colder and drier than during the day can also trigger attacks. Therefore, it is important to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the children's room. Air it out before going to bed. It is recommended to turn on a humidifier or hang wet towels around the room.

Most often, night cough bothers children with viral infections, chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, adenoids, or after whooping cough (the disease itself is also characterized by night coughing attacks).

How to calm a child's cough

Attacks of acute cough are observed with laryngitis. Children have a different larynx structure from adults. It is located higher in them, the ligaments are thinner and shorter, the lumen is narrower. Therefore, swelling during inflammation occurs faster in them and is dangerous because it greatly complicates breathing. If it becomes very difficult for a child to breathe, you need to call an ambulance. Because of these features, coughing in children is much more frequent and lasts longer.

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child? There are several ways to stop a coughing attack, the following remedies will help:

  • drink;
  • honey;
  • children's cough syrup;
  • butter;
  • inhalation.

How to calm a child’s cough and stop an attack:

  1. For night cough. The child must be woken up, seated on the bed and given a drink of warm milk or mineral water, chamomile (sage) decoction, tea with jam. After this, the cough weakens and the sore throat goes away.
  2. You can give a little honey (if there is no allergy) or butter. Honey or oil should be absorbed slowly. This will soothe a sore throat. Buckwheat honey gives a very good effect.
  3. Sometimes children's cough syrups and mixtures work well. They contain essential oils and other components that help relieve cough.
  4. In some cases, inhalations are effective. You need to let the child breathe over hot water or use a special inhaler or nebulizer. But keep in mind that inhalations are contraindicated for newborns up to six months old. Air humidification is necessary. Dry air is a common cause of a sore throat, which makes you constantly want to cough up.
  5. You can steam your child’s feet or warm him up in the bathroom, or rub his chest. But only if there is no temperature.

If all else fails, call a doctor.

It is better to do all procedures in consultation with a pediatrician, since much depends on the age of the child, for example, young children are not recommended to have mustard plasters or rubbing.


Comfortable environment for the child

Do not underestimate the impact of external factors on the condition of the baby’s respiratory system. Often, a dry cough occurs as a consequence of improper organization of the child’s rest. The risk of attacks can be reduced carefully by controlling the microclimate in the room (humidity and air temperature), eliminating any irritants to the mucous membrane (wet cleaning against dust). To prevent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, it is recommended to balance the diet (absence of heavy foods that cause heartburn) and provide plenty of fluids (warm milk, tea, juices).

Types of cough in children

To understand why a cough does not stop for so long and how to deal with it, you need to understand its types. So, cough can be divided into the following types.

Acutely occurring

This condition occurs acutely and develops against the background of an inflammatory process in the upper or lower respiratory tract. For example, it may accompany laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.

Persistent cough

This cough lasts longer than half a month. It often appears against the background of remission of acute bronchitis. It can be caused not only by the inflammatory process, but also by excessive sputum production, as well as hypersensitivity of irritant receptors. A persistent cough also develops due to other diseases, such as heart disease and disorders of the central nervous system.

Recurrent cough

Recurrent cough appears against the background of the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma, when the cough appears in the form of an attack.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis, with the cough having a spasmodic and wet character.

Persistent, prolonged cough

This type of cough appears against the background of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system. The attacks can weaken and intensify.

Causes of persistent cough in children

Coughing is a normal physiological phenomenon of the body that allows you to clear the airways and lungs of mucus and foreign substances. In children, in most cases it occurs against the background of viral or bacterial infections. As the disease progresses, a wet cough develops into a dry cough and may bother the child for some time as a residual phenomenon. If, after a cold, acute respiratory viral infection, flu, or pneumonia, a dry cough does not go away for more than two to three weeks, this may indicate that the disease persists or has led to complications.

Possible causes of a persistent cough can be very different:

  • The disease that caused the cough has not yet been cured.
  • Complications such as tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Non-infectious diseases: bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergies.
  • Whooping cough, measles, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs caused by cigarette smoke or toxic fumes, dust, dry indoor air.
  • The presence of worms and other parasites in the body. If parasite larvae enter the respiratory tract, coughing attacks occur.
  • In babies under one year old, a dry cough can be a symptom of teething due to excessive salivation.
  • Psychological reasons: adaptation to kindergarten or school, problems in the family.
  • Diseases of other organs of the digestive and cardiovascular systems (heart failure, reflux gastritis, etc.).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract.

How to help with a persistent cough

In addition to timely treatment, the task of parents is also to help the child cope with the disease more easily and speed up recovery. For these purposes, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Strict adherence to all doctor's orders.
  2. There is no need to exceed or reduce the required dosage of medications.
  3. In order for mucus to leave the respiratory tract faster, you need to give your baby water more often.
  4. The general condition can be alleviated by giving the child inhalations, for example, with essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, mint, etc.
  5. It will be useful to frequently ventilate the room where the patient is located, as well as maintaining the level of humidity in it.
  6. All traditional methods of treatment can be used only after consulting a doctor.
  7. You should ask your doctor about ways to maintain your baby’s immunity; you may need vitamins and immunomodulators.

Treatment is medicinal

The goal of drug therapy is to make the cough productive with free expectoration. In this case, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. Expectorants.
  2. Mucolytics, to thin sputum.
  3. In some cases, antitussives may be needed.
  4. Antibacterial and steroid medications.

If the cough is not associated with a cold, then the treatment will be as follows:

  1. If poisoning occurs, detoxification therapy is carried out.
  2. Heart diseases are treated by a cardiologist.
  3. Stomach diseases and helminth infections fall under the purview of a gastroenterologist.
  4. For bronchial asthma, bronchodilators and antiallergic therapy are indicated.

All medications have their own dosages, indications and side effects, and therefore are prescribed only by a doctor.

How to treat a lingering dry cough in adults

In this case, the specialist will first assess the type of cough. If it is dry and persistent, you may need to prescribe antitussives. Sometimes such drugs are needed in the first days of a cold, and you can’t do without them for whooping cough. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe Sinekod , Bronholitin , etc.

As the cough becomes wet, such remedies should be discarded. If you continue to take them, they will make it difficult to remove phlegm from the bronchi and slow down recovery.

Treatment with folk remedies

When using traditional therapy, remember that some substances can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, consultation with a pediatrician is important. Until the child is three years old, it is better to abandon grandma’s recipes altogether.

If older children do not have allergies, then honey combined with pollen and cranberries will be useful. A spoon of this remedy is mixed with three spoons of warm water and taken 4 times a day. This remedy has a positive effect on the nature and intensity of cough.

The following traditional medicine recipes will also help relieve a dry and debilitating cough:

  1. Decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, linden blossom, pine buds. You can add a little honey to improve the taste.
  2. Preparing a salt drink that stops coughing. Dilute 1/5 of a spoonful of salt in 1/4 glass of water and drink. You can take this remedy once a day.
  3. In the morning, you can give your child a spoonful of cedar oil. Due to its rich composition, it relieves inflammation and promotes mucosal restoration.

For older children, compresses, mustard plasters, and steam inhalations over a decoction of boiled potatoes are successfully used.

Possible complications

If this condition is left untreated, the following complications will develop:

  1. Spread of infection to nearby organs.
  2. Spontaneous pneumothorax. Against the background of a constant cough, the serous membrane of the lung tissue is damaged, and air enters the pleural cavity. This condition can be life-threatening.
  3. Transition to a chronic condition that is difficult to treat.
  4. Herniation. This happens due to intra-abdominal pressure during intense coughing.
  5. If the cough appears due to a bacterial infection, then purulent-necrotic foci may form in the lung tissue. They cause bleeding in the lungs and spread of the infectious process to neighboring organs.

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky pays special attention to therapeutic massage. This remedy is especially effective if thick and viscous mucus has accumulated in the respiratory tract. Massage is allowed only after the acute attack has subsided and body temperature has dropped to normal.

Massage can be acupressure, cupping, drainage, vibration. Initially, all actions are shown by the attending physician, after which it can be done at home.

In addition, Evgeniy Komarovsky gives the following valuable advice on treating a prolonged cough:

  1. Children should not be given medications containing codeine. They may be contraindicated and cause various adverse reactions.
  2. Mucolytics, drugs for thinning sputum, are prescribed to children from 2 years of age.

You should not be frivolous with your child. If his cough continues for more than two weeks, tell your doctor. Perhaps this condition is a symptom of a serious pathology, which is very important to diagnose in a timely manner in order to begin treatment. If the doctor does not mind, then to eliminate the problem, use massage and traditional therapy methods in addition to medications.

How to treat wet cough in adults

With a damp (wet) cough with green sputum, the question of prescribing antibiotics may arise (especially if the general condition is impaired and there is an increase in temperature).

For a faster recovery, you may need to take medications designed to thin the mucus. With their help, the bronchi are restored from the inside and the removal of sputum is improved. Among such drugs, ACC , Lazolvan , Fluimucil , etc. can be noted.

What is dangerous about a child’s persistent cough?

Every mother encounters a child’s cough. More often it appears during colds and does not cause much panic, since it passes quite quickly and is cured along with other symptoms characteristic of ARVI or flu.

But sometimes the cough becomes persistent and does not go away after several weeks. In this situation, the mother should sound the alarm and immediately consult a doctor for help. A persistent cough may indicate not only the flu or ARVI, but also other dangerous diseases.

Dry, persistent cough in a child: tips and tricks

Children tend to get sick, and every mother sooner or later faces the problem of a protracted, incessant cough in her child. But not all parents know that a cough is not always a symptom of a cold; its causes and consequences can be much more serious and even dangerous.


Causes of persistent cough in children

Cough is a reflex defense of the body that helps clear the airways of irritants, foreign objects and mucus. But if a child’s dry cough does not stop for more than three weeks, this is an alarming signal indicating the need for a thorough examination.

In most cases, cough appears as a result of colds, as well as bacterial and viral infections. However, there are a number of less common causes of prolonged dry cough in children:

  • The causes of cough can be some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), as a result of which irritation of the throat mucosa will be provoked by gastric contents. Often, attacks of such a cough are accompanied by vomiting or excessive salivation and occur during or immediately after eating.
  • Attacks of dry cough that occur in a child only during sleep (in a horizontal position) may indicate heart failure.
  • Frequent obsessive coughing, accompanied by breathing problems and chest pain, may indicate the presence of a foreign body in the baby's respiratory tract.
  • A rare but lingering dry cough without a runny nose or fever is a common sign of helminthiasis and helminthic infestations in a child.
  • The cause of a long, debilitating dry cough in a child may be tuberculosis, the presence of tumors and neoplasms in the respiratory tract.
  • Prolonged coughing, either dry or wet, with an increase in body temperature can be a sign of pleurisy, tracheitis, pharyngitis and measles.
  • If a child constantly coughs, a hoarse whistling note appears in his breath, but the temperature does not rise, the doctor may suspect the presence of allergies or bronchial asthma.
  • A persistent dry cough in the absence of any other symptoms may be a consequence of disseminated processes in the lungs and bronchi, enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes, swelling of the respiratory tract, or compression by an aortic aneurysm.

The presence of a persistent dry cough in a child is an alarming symptom that requires proper diagnosis and timely treatment. Some diseases do not forgive us mistakes and delays, leading to serious complications and sad consequences.

At the doctor

Only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the cause of a depressing dry cough in children. You should not torment your baby with exhausting but ineffective self-medication, this can cause irreparable harm to his health.

When going to see a doctor, parents need to remember any changes in the child’s behavior and condition recently. Even minor little things will help a correct diagnosis, and you should definitely report them to your doctor.

After a general examination, the specialist may prescribe additional examination methods, including:

  • Blood or urine test
  • X-ray of the baby's lungs
  • Tomography of the thoracic organs
  • Spirography

If there are no pathologies of the respiratory system, a more thorough examination is carried out:

  • Immunological studies
  • Tests for worm eggs, staphylococcus
  • Tracheobronchoscopy
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • ECG or ultrasound of the heart
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Examination by an allergist

A caring mother and an experienced doctor are an excellent tandem that protects the baby’s health, and solving a problem alone is always more difficult and takes longer. Having identified the true causes of a child’s cough, the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment, taking into account the age and other characteristics of his little patient’s body.

Traditional treatment

Modern medicine offers a huge selection of cough medications for children. These medications are divided into four main groups:

  • Mucolytic agents that help thin sputum: Lazolvan, Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, etc.
  • Expectorant drugs, the action of which is aimed at removing phlegm from the baby’s respiratory tract: Pertussin, Gedelix, Linex, Doctor Mom.
  • Antitussives that act on the brain to reduce the cough reflex: Tusuprex, Libexin, Codeine, etc. They are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Combined drugs: Bronchosan, Ascoril, Broncholitin, etc.
  • Antibiotics and corticosteroids should also be calculated and prescribed exclusively by a specialist, as they have many side effects and can sometimes do more harm than help.

All pediatricians recommend creating the most comfortable conditions for a child suffering from a dry, incessant cough: a clean room and moist, fresh air. Even in past centuries, healers advised people with weak lungs to “go to the waters,” as the humid sea air contributed to their health and well-being.

Another useful tip: drink plenty of warm fluids, which thins the blood and, accordingly, phlegm. Moreover, an increase in the volume of fluid consumed will lead to more frequent urination, which means that the sick child’s body will quickly cleanse itself of viruses, bacteria and other irritants.

Famous Ukrainian pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that even the most expensive expectorant will not be more effective than “a pot of compote and a well-ventilated room.”

You should be aware that at the very beginning of treatment with mucolytics, the intensity of the cough may increase. As the phlegm thins, there will be more mucus, and the body will work harder to get rid of it. And of course, before using any children's drug, you must read the instructions and make sure that the product will not harm your baby.

Traditional medicine methods

Along with drug treatment, mustard plasters, rubbing, compresses and inhalations are widely used. However, these procedures are permissible only in the absence of an increase in body temperature and no allergic reactions in the baby to the components used. Don’t forget about the good old methods of traditional medicine. The most effective of them:

  • In a clean bowl, mix 3 tbsp. l. warm water (about 40 degrees), 1 tbsp. honey with beebread and 1 tbsp. grated cranberries. Give this mixture to the child 1 tsp. Like syrup, it tastes good, but it is not recommended to drink it with water.
  • Apply a thin layer of honey to a cabbage leaf, apply it to the baby's chest and secure with a wide bandage. This homemade mustard plaster can be left on your chest until the morning.
  • It will be useful to breathe over steaming boiled potatoes.
  • For dry coughs, herbal decoctions are effective: calendula, linden, chamomile and pine buds. You can make a proportional collection and brew 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water. If your baby doesn’t like the taste, you can add a little honey or sugar to the infusion.
  • 1 tbsp. pour marshmallow root with a glass of chilled boiled water and leave for at least an hour. Strain and sweeten with honey or sugar if desired. Children under three years of age can be given a teaspoon every two hours.

When choosing a folk remedy, it is also necessary to take into account the child’s condition, his individual and age characteristics. The course of treatment with folk remedies is no more than two weeks; if during this time the baby’s condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor for new advice and recommendations.

While watching the video you will learn about the treatment of dry cough.

The main task of the parents of a sick child is to create all the conditions for recovery: timely medical care, emotional and physical peace, fresh humidified air, clean dry linen, etc. The most effective medicine for a baby is the feeling of mother's love and care.


Types of children's cough

Cough can be a companion to many diseases, and in order to identify the cause, it is tedious to pay attention to additional symptoms

Cough is usually distinguished and divided into categories. Depending on its type, a possible disease is diagnosed. With colds, for example, there is a tendency for one type of cough to change into another and then completely disappear.

First, a dry cough appears, then it turns into a wet one and disappears completely at the final stage of treatment. But sometimes a cough appears suddenly, without visible signs of a cold or flu. Therefore, it is important for mom to learn to distinguish between types of cough and, if there are alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

Dry cough

A dry cough is considered one of the most dangerous, as it may indicate serious illnesses not related to a cold. With the flu, the child begins to cough hysterically, his throat is sore and sore. But then the body produces mucus and the dry cough turns into a wet cough. This is a typical course of influenza or ARVI. At the same time, the child’s temperature rises and a runny nose appears. This picture is familiar to everyone and everything is clear about it.

In some cases, the cause of a dry cough can be dry air in the apartment, tobacco smoke and strong chemical odors. Periodically, the child begins to cough hysterically. There is no fever or runny nose.

A dry cough can be caused by diseases such as:

  • Laryngitis
  • Whooping cough
  • Measles
  • Tracheitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Pleurisy
  • Allergy
  • False croup

All these ailments are accompanied by a dry cough. Therefore, it is very important to show the child to a good specialist. Only a doctor can correctly determine the nature of the cough and prescribe treatment.

It must be remembered that a cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of another ailment.

It is quite simple to distinguish a cold cough from a symptom of serious illness. A dry cough with ARVI or influenza quickly turns into a wet one. In this case, all the symptoms of a viral disease are observed - runny nose, fever, malaise, lack of appetite. Other pathologies are accompanied by slightly different symptoms - the child feels pain in

chest, which is not typical for a common cold. A dry cough is barking, spasmodic in nature, and a whistling sound is heard when exhaling. Hoarseness of the voice or even aphonia is also observed - a complete loss of sonority. If a dry cough continues for three weeks or more, see a doctor immediately.

The child's cough does not go away

Let us note right away that coughing is an absolutely natural and normal physiological phenomenon. There is no need to treat it. This is a reflex that allows you to ensure patency of the airways. To eliminate a cough, the cause that caused it should be identified and neutralized. However, it happens that the disease seems to be behind us, but the child has had an incessant cough for a month or more, which prevents him from sleeping, eating, or playing. The child suffers, becomes capricious and irritable. In such a situation, parents need to constantly monitor the baby. If there are signs of illness such as apathy, fever, diarrhea, drowsiness or runny nose, identifying the causes of prolonged cough in children should be entrusted to a doctor who will prescribe competent treatment.

Causes of persistent cough

If a child has a prolonged cough that does not go away after a sore throat, pharyngitis, sinusitis, acute respiratory viral infection or laryngitis, this may indicate an incompletely cured disease. In the first days, the cough is dry and irritating, and after a few days it turns into a wet one. With laryngitis, it barks, the child’s voice becomes hoarse. In addition, a persistent cough in a child is a sign of diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Be sure to check if your baby is sick with tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis! By the way, in such cases, the child’s persistent cough is usually long and wet. After all, the body is trying to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. If the cough is loud enough and there is pain in the chest, then most likely the baby is sick with tracheitis, and with bronchitis the cough is usually wet, with wheezing.

A prolonged dry cough in a child is often associated with non-infectious diseases. Its cause may be narrowing of the bronchi, that is, bronchospasms. They occur with obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma and allergies. In addition, a dry cough is provoked by liquid entering the respiratory tract and foreign small objects swallowed by the baby. However, the most painful and debilitating is the dry cough that accompanies the flu.

Another reason for a prolonged wet or dry cough in a child is worms. Worm larvae that form in the lung tissues irritate the respiratory tract, causing a constant cough. In this case, the larvae are coughed into the mouth, the child swallows them, thereby continuing the life cycle of the parasites.

Much less often, a lingering cough is associated with infection with chlamydia or candida fungi, and newborns sometimes have a cough in the presence of cytomegalovirus.

Fighting cough

If the medications prescribed by the doctor are ineffective and the baby continues to cough, it is necessary to conduct an examination in the laboratory. It is quite possible that a child’s body, weakened by illness, is unable to cope with pneumocystis and mycoplasma on its own. The baby’s quality of life is deteriorating, and the lack of

diagnosis can lead to serious problems.

If pathogenic microorganisms are detected in a child, then home treatment methods will most likely be ineffective. For this purpose, there are new generation antibacterial medications. 95% is the effectiveness of treatment with their help.

It is somewhat easier to eliminate a cough of allergic origin. To do this, it is enough to minimize the baby’s contact with aggressive allergens, which cause this cough.

Every, as it may sometimes seem, “frivolous” illness should not be ignored. Especially when it comes to kids. Cough must be dealt with by eliminating its cause and preventing the development of unpleasant consequences.


Why is a persistent cough dangerous?

A persistent cough indicates many diseases, the most dangerous of which is whooping cough.
But more often it indicates “undertreated” flu or ARVI, as well as allergies. A neglected allergic cough can lead to bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis. This is why it is so important not to let a cough last for more than two to three weeks. Mom needs to monitor the course of the flu or ARVI and, at the slightest suspicion of a prolonged cough, immediately consult a doctor.

Particular attention should be paid to sudden coughing attacks for no apparent reason. You should not ignore a nocturnal, hysterical cough with a whistling sound. If your child complains of pain when breathing in and out, seek help immediately. This may indicate serious pathologies.

The child has a persistent cough

After a cold, residual effects often occur that can manifest themselves for a long time. If a child has a persistent cough, then most likely an infection has settled in his respiratory tract and is not going to go away without a fight. If the cough does not go away for more than two weeks, you should go to the doctor. Further self-medication is unacceptable.

Pneumocystis, mixed infections, fungi and bacteria provoke a lingering cough. In order for the treatment to be correct and fast, you need to show the child to a good specialist, or preferably several.

The child has a dry, persistent cough

A cough can begin either at the beginning or at the end of the illness. At the beginning of the disease, it indicates that some kind of infection has entered the respiratory tract, and at the end, it indicates that the disease has not been completely cured. Sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and ARVI - all these diseases are extremely unpleasant, it is difficult to get rid of them, since they also leave a long tail of consequences.

The child has a dry, continuous cough that eventually becomes wet. You just need to help the body and make sputum appear and begin to leave. Laryngitis is characterized by a barking cough and a hoarse voice. In order to exclude the presence of such serious diseases as bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia, you need to show your child to a doctor.

Drug treatment of pathology

The doctor prescribes medications only after examining the child and identifying the cause of the cough.

Treatment of cough should be comprehensive and include not only taking medications, but also inhalations and compresses. Cough as such is not treated in isolation.

Treatment is prescribed for the underlying disease that provokes the cough. You can relieve attacks of dry or productive (wet) cough using traditional and folk methods.

Treatment for cough should only be prescribed by a pediatrician based on the diagnosis. Depending on the type of cough, therapy is selected, which will include either drugs that thin the sputum or suppress the cough reflex (wet cough).

  • Sputum-thinning drugs - Mucaltin, ACC, Bromhexine, Ambroxol.
  • If the cough is dry, drugs such as Gedelix and Bronholitin are more often prescribed.
  • For ARVI, combined drugs are prescribed, for example, Doctor IOM.
  • If the baby experiences bronchospasm, the doctor prescribes therapy, which includes bronchodilators.

In addition to medications, young patients are prescribed plenty of fluids, aerosols, and inhalations using a nebulizer. Prescribed medications are added to the inhalation solution.

Do not forget that such procedures are prohibited for children under one year of age. Drinking is often recommended to be combined with traditional methods. It is recommended to drink warm herbal infusions, milk with honey. The pediatrician will prescribe exactly the remedy that will most help cope with a certain type of cough.

Factors in the development of persistent cough

To understand how to eliminate a cough that does not stop for a long time, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. If you have just had some kind of illness, then most likely we are talking about a symptom after an illness, which will soon go away on its own. However, if the cough does not go away for too long, especially if other symptoms of illness begin to appear, then you should consult a doctor.

The causes of a persistent cough may be:

  1. Infections that provoke a long-term cough.
  2. Allergy, especially if a person has encountered it for the first time. In this case, the cough is dry and goes away when a person identifies the allergen and fences himself off from it.
  3. An undertreated disease, improper treatment, in other words, the symptoms have subsided, but the disease is not cured.
  4. Long-term human stay in places of environmental pollution.
  5. A combination of viral and bacterial infections.
  6. Smoking, which, with its tars and substances in the air, irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
  7. Residual phenomenon after pneumonia or bronchitis.
  8. Transition of the disease from acute to chronic form.
  9. Poisoning by toxins or vapors.
  10. Abuse of any medications.
  11. Diseases of the heart or blood vessels.
  12. Old age (treatment in this case will not completely eliminate the cough, but will help alleviate the symptom).
  13. Tuberculosis.
  14. Lungs' cancer.
  15. Alcohol abuse.
  16. Swelling of the throat.

If a child has a persistent cough, then you should pay attention to his ability to swallow food correctly. In infants, for example, this skill has not yet been well developed, so food particles often end up in the “wrong throat,” which causes a cough.

Naturally, a lingering cough manifests itself in all respiratory diseases. If a person is poorly treated for the disease, then the cough may continue until new symptoms appear.

If a cough is observed for a long time without a high temperature, then we recommend paying attention to the following factors:

  • Dry air in the room where a person constantly stays.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or pharynx.
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • The presence of a foreign body in the body.
  • Heart disease.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • The presence of harmful substances in the body.

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