How to treat a runny nose in an adult if it does not go away for 2 weeks
There are many ways to quickly treat rhinitis.
However, it is difficult to cure the disease in one day. Much here depends on the type of runny nose, how far the disease has progressed, the age of the patient, and the state of his immunity. For many people, the disease goes away on its own without special treatment, within a day, while for others, despite all the efforts made, it is not cured, and rhinitis becomes chronic. The treatment strategy (for the bacterial form) has three main directions:
- reduction of inflammation,
- fight against pathogenic microflora,
- mucus removal.
A common runny nose in an adult can be caused by prolonged exposure to the cold or infection. Despite the fact that this condition cannot be called pleasant, it does not pose any particular danger if treatment is started in time. But there are cases when rhinitis does not leave the human body for a long time. This can be influenced by various reasons, which will be discussed below.
You can find out how to treat a runny nose in a newborn by reading this article.
What contributes
The cause of prolonged rhinitis may be allergies, prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, untimely treatment, or the transition of a runny nose to a chronic form.
When a runny nose does not go away for 2-3 weeks, there is no need to panic, since it definitely does not go away in a week. During this time, it is very important to understand the reason for its formation and continue the symptomatic treatment that was prescribed by your doctor.
How to use the spray for allergic rhinitis correctly is indicated in this article.
If more than a month
Now, if rhinitis bothers you for a month, 2 months or more, then this is already a reason for concern. But don’t panic and start self-therapy. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor so that he can re-clarify the diagnosis. Very often, the reason for such prolonged rhinitis is its transition to the chronic stage. In this case, the doctor can diagnose vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.
You can find out what to do when you have a sore throat and runny nose from the article.
Normally, difficulty breathing and mucus secretion subside within 7-10 days and do not require special drug treatment. If a runny nose lasts longer than a week, one of the following reasons is to blame:
- allergy;
- dry indoor air;
- untreated infections;
- hormonal imbalances (including during pregnancy);
- failures in the regulation of vascular tone also lead to a prolonged runny nose in adults;
- deviated septum as a result of trauma. As a rule, in this case, breathing through one nostril is difficult;
- inflamed adenoids and their uncontrolled growth;
- bacterial pathogens.
To cure a long-term runny nose completely, complex therapy is necessary: eliminating severe symptoms, local effects and strengthening the immune system. For prolonged rhinitis, it is important to follow the treatment procedure: rinse the nose at least 4 times a day, instill drops 5-7 times. Antibiotics for persistent rhinitis are usually taken twice a day. A prolonged runny nose in an adult requires treatment with vitamins C and P - they will strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Approximate diagram:
- Place vasoconstrictor drops in your nose three times a day.
- When breathing improves, rinse both nasal passages with saline solution.
- Washing and home inhalations are best done in the morning.
- At a temperature not higher than 37.2, you can steam your feet before bed.
- If nasal congestion occurs, apply vasoconstrictor drops again at night.
By taking the following preventive measures, you can get rid of a long runny nose in a few days:
- hardening;
- walks in the open air;
- balanced diet;
- taking vitamin supplements.
A prolonged runny nose is a rather unpleasant pathology that interferes with the patient’s normal life. If an adult's snot does not go away for more than a week, the problem becomes a real torment. A runny nose can be caused by improper treatment of respiratory diseases. Untreated rhinitis occurs quite often, since the modern rhythm of life does not always make it possible to consult a doctor in a timely manner at the first signs of a cold.
The use of vasoconstrictor drops for longer than 2-3 weeks may interfere with the normal functioning of the blood vessels in the nasal passages. The capillaries dilate, causing nasal congestion and increasing the amount of discharge. In fact, such remedies should not be used for more than 5 days, even if the runny nose does not go away for more than a month.
Prolonged rhinorrhea without cold symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction of the body, which could occur to medications, pollen, or household allergens. In this case, a runny nose can last up to 2 months if treatment is not prescribed and exposure to allergens is not eliminated. However, the most common cause of a prolonged runny nose may be its transition to a chronic form.
A prolonged runny nose can cause serious pathologies. What to do if your runny nose doesn’t go away? Timely diagnosis will help avoid serious complications. To determine the cause of rhinitis, a whole range of diagnostic measures will be required.
If the runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks or more, you will need to take a general blood test with a detailed formula. An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. In addition, the doctor may prescribe an immunofluorescence analysis of prints of the nasal mucosa. This research method will help identify viral agents in the body.
PCR analysis may also be required. With its help, a large number of pathogens that contribute to the development of many diseases are identified. In this way, mycoplasma or chlamydial infection can be detected.
- Rhinoscopy. This is one of the most informative ways to diagnose diseases of the sinuses, nasal turbinates and cavities. Most often, anterior or posterior rhinoscopy is used. In the first option, a small nasal speculum and a forehead reflector are used for inspection. For posterior rhinoscopy, a nasopharyngeal speculum and a spatula are used. In this case, the nasopharynx, nasal cavities, inferior conchae and visible openings of the Eustachian tubes are examined.
- Endoscopic rhinoscopy is a modern technique that is prescribed if the development of sinusitis is suspected. Using a flexible endoscope, you can examine the nasal cavities more thoroughly.
- Diaphanoscopy - transillumination of the paranasal sinuses. This is one of the simplest and most informative diagnostic methods used today. The procedure is carried out as follows: a bright light source is applied to the upper or lower sinus. If there is pathology, the air sinus will not transmit light well. This technique is now used instead of radiography.
Examination of the patient, history taking and the results of a comprehensive examination help to correctly establish the diagnosis. Thanks to this, the most effective treatment will be selected.
How to cure a persistent runny nose? Therapeutic tactics are developed by the doctor based on the established diagnosis. Depending on the cause that provoked the pathological condition, a comprehensive course is selected, including the use of medications and folk remedies, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.
A mandatory technique used for almost all types of runny nose is rinsing the nasal cavities. This hygienic procedure helps to flush bacteria, viruses, and pathological secretions from the body. For this, doctors advise using products with a solution of sea salt:
- Salin;
- Aquamaris;
- Quicks;
- Dolphin."
Salin Aquamaris Quicks Dolphin
How to treat a prolonged runny nose caused by exposure to pathogenic agents? The disease responds well to treatment with complex herbal remedies containing essential oils. They have an antiseptic as well as mucolytic effect, facilitate nasal breathing and promote more active mucus discharge. Such means include:
- Kameton;
- Pinosol;
- Pinovit;
- Vitactiv.
Kameton Pinosol
In addition, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs may be required. The maximum period of treatment with such drops is 5 days, since longer use can lead to addiction, as well as the development of drug-induced rhinitis.
If the cause of a prolonged runny nose is exposure to allergens, then first of all you need to try to identify it and eliminate it. For the period of treatment, it is necessary to remove feather pillows, soft toys, curtains from the house, and also temporarily relocate pets to another place. Daily wet cleaning is recommended to prevent exposure to house dust.
In addition to the above measures, treatment with antihistamines will be required. They are prescribed in the form of tablets and drops. The most effective tablets are:
- Suprastin;
- Cetirizine;
- Loratadine.
Suprastin Cetirizine Loratadine
Vibrocil nasal drops will also help alleviate the patient’s condition. They relieve nasal congestion well, eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, and normalize nasal breathing.
With this type of protracted runny nose, symptomatic therapy is most often used. Depending on the cause of the pathological condition, the following methods are used:
- Rinsing the nasal cavities. The procedure is carried out with preparations containing sea salt or ordinary sodium chloride.
- Use of corticosteroids. Special hormonal sprays will help to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations. The course of treatment with such drugs should be at least 30 days. Thanks to the cumulative effect, a gentle effect on the body is ensured. Another advantage of such drugs is their local effect without absorption into the systemic circulation.
- Nasal blockade. This is a special procedure that involves the injection of novocaine into the nasal cavities, as well as long-acting glucocorticosteroids. It helps reduce inflammation and relieve swelling.
- Antihistamines. Antiallergic drugs are the basis of the entire treatment complex. They help cope with heavy discharge, sneezing and other unpleasant symptoms.
How to treat a long runny nose with irrigation?
We should not forget about such a procedure as irrigation, which is washing the nasal cavity in order to cleanse it of pathological contents - mucus and pathogens. The following solutions are most often used for irrigation:
- saline solution - ½ tbsp. warm boiled water, use 0.5 tbsp. l. sea or regular salt;
- chamomile solution – 1 tbsp. l. salt per glass of chamomile infusion;
- eucalyptus solution – 1 tsp. eucalyptus oil per glass of boiled water.
The procedure is effective for allergic, viral and bacterial rhinitis. After its implementation, nasal breathing improves and the amount of mucus secreted decreases. For irrigation, you can also use seawater-based sprays or a special Dolphin device.
Knowing how to cure a long runny nose, you can avoid the development of many complications.
Against the background of prolonged rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases often occur.
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on ““Prolonged runny nose in adults: causes and treatment””
- Rosa Syabitova:
08/03/2017 at 12:16
When we went on vacation, we took more nasal chamomile with us and no long lingering runny nose, otherwise the sea was cold, many were sick
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- Hope:
11/14/2016 at 14:59
But I don’t like all these washings at all. Maybe, of course, I did something wrong, but the fact remains that I somehow washed out my nose before otitis. That is, everything went into the ear ((Then I was treated for another month. So now I treat runny nose exclusively with evamenol ointment. Its composition is completely safe and it helps just fine. And it doesn’t cause any side effects.
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- Yana Leikina:
05/05/2016 at 12:15
Inna, sprays only irrigate the nasal mucosa, they wash out the bare minimum. The nose must be washed according to all the rules with special means. Dolphin, for example. I’ve been using it for a couple of years for runny noses - it always helps, after the first rinse my nose breathes easier, plus all the mucus, dust, germs, etc. are washed away. A few days - and no runny nose.
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- Maria Loseva:
08/04/2016 at 18:23
Don't know. I personally use morenasal spray, and it cleans and moisturizes my nose perfectly. Our spray is domestic at a low price, that’s why I use it...
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10/13/2016 at 00:08
Yes Yes. I also use morenasal. The spray really effectively fights the runny nose. I also like that it is dosed and doesn’t spill anything extra, and the plastic bottle is also very convenient, you can easily carry it with you.
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- Ludmila Bogdanova:
02/29/2016 at 14:44
Our entire family gave up vasoconstrictor drops a long time ago; they are of no use, they are just addictive. We treat a runny nose with dolphin, its composition is not harmful to the body and it actually heals, and not just relieves swelling.
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- Irina Gorlova:
05/05/2016 at 13:33
I need to try it, otherwise the drops are really not safe
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- Christina Ray:
02/28/2016 at 03:49
That year, my runny nose did not go away for a long time, and my throat also hurt a lot, and I persistently self-medicated. Then I went to the doctor and they prescribed Bioparox. I bought it at the pharmacy, came in, read the instructions and began to use it. So I used it to treat a sore throat and a runny nose too. As a result, I recovered quite quickly. It turned out to be a good spray, it quickly relieved the inflammation.
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- Inna Yashina:
11/16/2015 at 02:07
I just want to add that I also saved myself with chamomile decoction before, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect is excellent. Now again I have a runny nose with green sniffles, a bacterial one, and Morenasal spray with chamomile has appeared, you don’t have to worry about brewing it, you can carry it with you. The ingredients are all natural and made in Russia. I recommend! Children and pregnant women can, which is important.
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Tip 1: How to cure a persistent runny nose
Regardless of the factors that provoke the disease, it is necessary to follow the general treatment regimen. It necessarily includes strengthening the immune system and preventing relapses. To cure a prolonged runny nose, first of all, favorable conditions for the body are necessary:
- optimal microclimate in the apartment;
- limiting stressful situations;
- minimum communication with patients;
- good sleep;
- daily walks in the fresh air.
Long-term nasal congestion requires complex treatment, which includes the use of medications, folk remedies and procedures.
The use of medications should be under the close supervision of an otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe medications to restore the mucous membrane, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the inflammatory process.
If outpatient treatment does not bring results, the patient is sent to a hospital. Visible improvements can be achieved by manipulation with the influence of physical factors (ultrasound, current, heat). The following types of procedures are used in ENT departments:
- inhalation. They soothe inflamed mucous membranes, relieve swelling, and promote the removal of thick mucus. Herbal infusions, pine extracts, and citrus oils are suitable as a solution for the treatment of prolonged runny nose;
- ultraviolet irradiation. Suitable for heavy nasal discharge. The course of treatment is up to 5 days, 0.5-2 minutes in each nasal passage daily;
- laser therapy. Prescribed for serious damage to the mucous membrane. Usually 2-3 sessions of several minutes are enough;
- UHF therapy. During the procedure, ultra-high-frequency waves are directed to the affected area. Deep tissues are heated. To eliminate acute rhinitis, you need 3 procedures every day, for vasomotor rhinitis - 1 time per day for 7-10 days;
The most radical solution for persistent runny nose in adults is surgery. They resort to it if conservative treatment does not produce any results. This could be a vasotomy, removal of adenoids, polyps, or straightening of the nasal septum.
Vasotomy is used to treat vasomotor rhinitis. During the operation, a dissection is made at the junction of the mucosal and periosteal vessels. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia and takes no more than 10 minutes. Within a few hours after vasotomy, a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane is observed.
If the snot does not go away for a long time, you need to urgently look for the cause. It happens that the patient’s torment lasts up to six months. Purulent and mucous discharge from the nose, constant congestion most often appear with various types of chronic rhinitis:
- catarrhal;
- vasomotor;
- hypertrophic;
- atrophic.
A runny nose that appears against the background of respiratory diseases is not uncommon. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx often lead to profuse nasal discharge. With a mild form of the disease, developed rhinitis goes away quite quickly. Usually a few days are enough for complete recovery.
If a runny nose does not go away for a week, two, three, this is evidence that the pathology has developed into a chronic form. This condition is characterized by periodic exacerbations and attenuation of the disease for six months or more. During the period of remission, mucous discharge may stop, but itching, sneezing attacks, and dry mucous membranes appear. The reason why a runny nose becomes chronic is most often due to improper treatment.
If a runny nose does not go away for a month, vasomotor rhinitis may be to blame. The causes of this pathology are still not fully understood. It is reliably known that this type of disease is not characterized by an inflammatory process in the nose. Most often, the problem develops due to poor circulation in the mucous membrane of the inferior nasal concha. As a result of excessive vasodilation, swelling develops and mucous discharge appears that does not go away for months.
Vasomotor rhinitis can be recognized by the color of the mucus. It is liquid, transparent and has no odor. Such snot lasts a long time and interferes with normal life. To alleviate their condition, patients have to constantly use vasoconstrictor drops, which is absolutely forbidden to do. As a result, instead of improvement, you can only get complications.
This type of rhinitis occurs due to thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. As a result, the normal mucous membrane is replaced by denser fibrous tissue, which leads to compression of blood vessels and poor circulation. A runny nose caused by this pathology can last up to six months.
Why does a runny nose not go away for a long time in such a situation? The cause is regular inhalation of caustic chemicals, for example, at work, as well as a deviated nasal septum due to injury. There is no specific treatment; the situation is resolved through surgery.
Warning: the photo may be unpleasant to view.
If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, the cause may be thinning of the mucous membrane. Patients complain of constant pain and a burning sensation, especially when instilled. This disease is often accompanied by bloody discharge and heavy bleeding.
- Ultrasound therapy. This method helps stimulate metabolic processes, increases blood flow at the site of exposure, and accelerates cell renewal.
- OKUV - irradiation with short ultraviolet waves. The procedure has a destructive effect on microbes and fungal microorganisms. The waves penetrate the cell and lead to changes or destruction of DNA.
- Endonasal electrophoresis. Evacuation of a medicinal substance under the influence of weak electric currents directly to the source of inflammation. Medicinal solutions used for therapy are much better absorbed into the tissue, which significantly speeds up recovery.
- UHF – ultra high frequency therapy. This method is based on the effect of an electromagnetic field on the body. Blood flow and lymph flow accelerate, resulting in a larger volume of immune cells reaching the site of inflammation.
The question of how to cure a persistent runny nose in an adult, so as not to provoke complications, is one of the most popular among those asked by patients at an appointment with an otolaryngologist. After all, every adult is familiar with such a condition as a runny nose, which appears due to hypothermia or as a result of a viral infection.
Traditionally, a runny nose lasts one to two weeks, but there are times when it turns into a protracted process, then this becomes a cause for concern and see a doctor.
Only a specialist can understand the true causes and prescribe treatment for a runny nose that does not go away for a long time. In order to obtain a complete clinical picture of an existing disease, you need to conduct a thorough laboratory examination, which is prescribed by a doctor.
The main causes of a long-troubling runny nose can be:
- developing inflammatory process in the body (sinusitis, sinusitis);
- sensitivity to various types of allergens;
- a mental condition in which a runny nose periodically appears and disappears;
- high dryness of indoor air and drafts.
Prolonged runny nose (rhinitis) appears as a result of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the sinuses. It is characterized by such manifestations as constant congestion of the nasal passages, deterioration of breathing, discharge of clear or purulent mucous fluid from the nose, accompanied by a burning sensation and irritation in the nose. Often, a protracted illness is accompanied by headaches, sleep disturbances and decreased performance.
The nasal cavity performs several important functions. When air enters the nose, it warms, moisturizes and cleanses it. As a result of exposure to certain unfavorable factors, inflammation of the nasal mucosa begins. This could be bacteria, dust, cold air, allergic irritants and much more.
Regardless of the reasons for the development of rhinitis, the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity has common characteristics. Due to the fact that there are many blood vessels in the nasal cavity, due to the disease, blood circulation is disrupted and blood stagnation is formed, the nasal mucosa swells, making nasal breathing difficult. As a result, a runny nose with characteristic discharge appears.
Modern medicine classifies several subtypes of rhinitis: acute, chronic, catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic, vasomotor and medicinal.
The most common is acute rhinitis, which in an adult begins with several manifestations at once: lacrimation, itching, headache and fever. The duration of this stage is up to two days. The second stage is accompanied by nasal congestion and impaired sense of smell. The danger of this type of runny nose is its rapid transition to a chronic form with delayed treatment and complications: bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and pneumonia.
With catarrhal rhinitis, the immune status decreases, which is characterized by frequent colds, with moderate nasal congestion and slight difficulty breathing. When antibacterial ointments and antiseptics are used for a short time, the disease recedes.
Hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized by increased nasal discharge and severe nasal congestion, which contributes to headaches and inhibition of the sense of smell. All this occurs due to the narrowing of the nasal passages and the expansion of the nasal turbinates. As a rule, surgery is prescribed for this form of the disease.
Atrophic rhinitis is manifested by dryness and crusting in the nose, a feeling of tightness, and the appearance of infrequent bleeding. Conservative therapy is prescribed: mainly softening, disinfecting and irritating drops or ointments.
Vasomotor rhinitis develops against the background of diseases accompanied by impaired vascular tone. Its main characteristic is alternating congestion of the nasal passages. With the help of nasal blockades, ultrasonic disintegration, submucosal vasotomy and a number of other procedures, the disease is cured. Drug-induced rhinitis develops as a side effect as a result of taking certain medications, by eliminating which the patient recovers.
What contributes
Treatment of chronic runny nose with streptocide
I dreamed of when this terrible runny nose would finally leave me, but treatment with folk remedies quickly faded away - all methods turned out to be ineffective.
However, the desire to be cured grew stronger every day, and I persistently searched for “my” recipe that would save me from many years of suffering. And a miracle happened!
The pediatric ENT specialist, a surprisingly pleasant and open woman, saw my red, swollen nose on a hot August day, gave me a folk remedy for a runny nose and told me in detail how and what to do. More precisely, this method of treating rhinitis is more homemade than folk, since ordinary soda and a cheap and familiar medication are used.
Even a chronic runny nose, which, in fact, I had, can be treated this way. The doctor said that even sinusitis is treated this way, but I can’t confirm.
I can say that my terrible stream from my nose stopped on the third day of intensive treatment, and then disappeared for... three years. Yes Yes. I haven’t had any runny nose at all for three whole years, even with a cold.
When I got sniffly again with an unexpected flu, treatment was started immediately, and the runny nose disappeared again for several years.
This recipe is already more than 10 years old - I started using it in 2004, and during all this time rhinitis has bothered me 3-4 times, and only during ARVI. Without exaggeration, I will say that for me this is the best folk remedy for the runny nose, which cures quickly, safely and for a long time.
Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, persistent rhinitis is a reason to consult a doctor. The disease can have a completely different etiology, and therefore the ENT decides how to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult.
You should visit an otolaryngologist if:
- runny nose persists for more than 10 days;
- unpleasant sensations appeared in the sinus area (above the eyebrows or around the nose);
- rhinitis is accompanied by acute headache;
- hearing has decreased or a characteristic “clicking” sound is observed in the ears.
A prolonged runny nose in an adult is not a diagnosis, but simply a symptom of an illness, perhaps even a chronic one. At the first signs of the disease, professional diagnosis is necessary. The specialist will select the optimal course of therapy that will help get rid of unpleasant sensations in the shortest possible time.
How to treat a persistent runny nose in a child?
A runny nose in a child that persists for a long time always causes great concern among young parents.
As a rule, it occurs as a result of damage to the child’s body by a bacterial infection or becomes a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Regardless of what exactly triggered rhinitis, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible. In this article, we will tell you how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child in order to solve this problem in the shortest possible time.
Other home treatments
Therapy for a prolonged runny nose is carried out simultaneously in the following areas: impact on the nasal mucosa, elimination of the cause and provoking factors, stimulation of the body's immunity, prevention of relapses. If prolonged rhinitis is a consequence of untreated colds or infectious diseases, the choice of drug for treatment depends on the symptoms and health status.
If the runny nose has an atrophic form, which is manifested by thick and scanty discharge from the nose, you need to use antibacterial drugs (Pinosol drops, Bactroban ointment, Polidexa spray). You should also rinse your nose with saline solutions or use special sprays (Aqualor, Salin, Aqua Maris). A persistent runny nose that lasts several months is treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, laser, and surgery.
Treatment of a prolonged runny nose due to allergies should begin with stopping contact with the substance that causes negative symptoms. Obvious manifestations of allergic rhinitis are the sudden onset of the disease, the absence of signs of a cold, the presence of characteristic symptoms (lacrimation, profuse nasal discharge, repeated sneezing, difficulty in nasal breathing), and the ineffectiveness of conventional remedies used for a runny nose.
Home treatment
You can treat a long runny nose at home, but only after consulting a doctor. Main directions of therapy:
- eliminating the cause of rhinitis (stopping contact with the allergen, fighting infection);
- nasal rinsing;
- prescription of medications;
- use of folk remedies;
- carrying out warming procedures;
- prescription of inhalations;
- performing massage;
- compliance with the nutritional regimen.
A cold begins with sneezing, nasal discharge and general malaise. As soon as signs of the disease are noticed, treatment must begin. The nasal rinsing procedure can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Her task:
clean the surface of the mucous membrane from dust and microbes;- normalize secretion;
- improve drainage function;
- moisturize the mucous membrane;
- reduce swelling;
- restore nasal breathing;
- increase immune defense;
- prevent the accumulation of mucus.
The following solutions can be used for treatment:
- ready-made preparations, for example, Humer, Marimer, Dolphin;
- saline;
- still alkaline water;
- a solution of salt (4 g), two drops of iodine and warm water with a volume of 300 ml;
- decoctions of herbs (oak bark, sage, calendula, St. John's wort). To prepare, you need to pour 15 g of herb with 260 ml boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the healing properties of the solution, you can add 30 ml of aloe juice;
- Peeled, chopped garlic cloves (4 pieces) should be poured with 650 ml of boiling water, left for half an hour, covered with a lid. Before rinsing, you need to add aloe juice. The ratio of infusion and aloe juice (3:1);
- fresh beet juice should be diluted with water 1:10, add a couple of grams of salt.
How to cure a persistent runny nose?
If an adult’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, home recipes are also considered to be an effective addition to the drug course of treatment. Using many of them, you can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with prolonged rhinitis. How to treat such a pathology, which of the recipes are considered the most effective?
If a runny nose does not go away in an adult, inhalations at home will help. Decoctions of medicinal plants are considered effective:
- calendula;
- chamomile;
- eucalyptus;
- pine buds.
To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of plant material into half a liter of boiling water. After which they breathe over the steam, wrapping their heads in a towel.
Nasal drops
If a prolonged runny nose in an adult does not go away for a month, then you can use nasal drops prepared at home. If you are not allergic, you can prepare drops from the juice of carrots, beets, and onions. To do this, the squeezed juice is diluted with vegetable oil or clean water in a 1:1 ratio. Juices from home plants aloe or Kalanchoe are no less effective.
If the runny nose persists, put 2-3 drops of homemade remedies into one nostril. Frequency of application – up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.