The best recipes for sinusitis with laundry soap

Constant nasal congestion and purulent discharge are a clear manifestation of sinusitis. An ointment for sinusitis with laundry soap will get rid of these problems forever. There are a lot of recipes, and they are all effective.

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The problem of sinusitis

Laundry soap for sinusitis: recipes, instructions for use

The therapeutic effect in getting rid of sinusitis is aimed at relieving inflammation, facilitating nasal breathing and removing mucus with pus components from the sinus cavities.
It is this mass that is an excellent environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Doctors prescribe nasal and other means to activate mucus secretion. Along with traditional pharmaceutical drugs, you can also use traditional medicine recipes. Treatment of sinusitis with laundry soap is considered an effective approach. This is a natural drug with a minimal range of restrictions and side effects.

Composition and medicinal properties of laundry soap

To alleviate the condition of patients suffering from viral sinusitis, formulations with laundry soap are used.

Soap has an anti-inflammatory, sanitizing, healing effect.

Laundry soap consists of 65% fatty acids. They are distinguished by their natural origin. In addition to saturated fatty acids, the composition contains:

  • vitamin components;
  • macro and microelements;
  • a complex of animal amino acids;
  • alkalis of natural origin.

Due to the presence of these components, there is a healing effect on the nasal mucous membranes affected by the inflammatory process. Tissue regeneration accelerates, the outflow of mucous masses along with pathogenic bacteria is activated. Stagnation of harmful components in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses is prevented. Fatty acids help sanitize nasal cavities.

At the same time, the ability of the mucous membrane to produce protective mucus components that counteract the development of pathogenic representatives of microflora increases.

Laundry soap ointment

A variety of simple and complex products made from laundry soap will help alleviate the patient’s condition. By using, for example, foam, you can overcome the manifestations of a runny nose at the very beginning of the disease.

That is why the preventive property is so important, limiting the onset of inflammatory changes in the sinuses. Local antiseptic effects help fight staphylococci and streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and other bacteria. The soap solution creates a strong protective barrier that will help prevent the development of ENT diseases.

Several recipes

There are a sufficient number of effective products, the main component of which is soap. Ointments for sinusitis with laundry soap, the recipe for which is given below, are highly effective.

Recipe No. 1

So, let's prepare:

  • laundry soap;
  • onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • natural honey;
  • ethanol;
  • milk.

Ointment for sinusitis

It is recommended to combine all the listed components in equal proportions and send the mixture to simmer in a steam bath. The ointment must be stirred constantly to ultimately obtain a homogeneous composition. Before using the ointment, you need to drip beet juice into each nostril. 15 minutes after instillation, cotton pads soaked in the composition are inserted into the nasal passages. Similar manipulations are done 3 times a day. The product prepared at home according to this recipe can be stored for no more than 7 days in the refrigerator.

There are other folk remedies for sinusitis using laundry soap.

Recipe No. 2

To prepare the medicine according to this recipe you will need:

  • fine shavings of laundry soap;
  • onion juice;
  • baking soda.

All components are combined in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly.

Recipe No. 3

The following recipe is popular:

  • soap shavings;
  • beet juice;
  • onion juice;
  • olive or sunflower oil;
  • propolis infusion.

All components must be taken in equal proportions (optimally 1 tbsp) and mixed thoroughly. Place in a water bath, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Gauze turundas moistened with the composition are inserted into the nasal cavity for 15 minutes three times a day. The duration of the course of therapy is 7 days.

It should be remembered that folk remedies are ineffective in advanced stages of sinusitis. It is impossible to cure advanced sinusitis without the use of antibiotics. Treatment of sinusitis in this case should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

How to treat sinusitis with laundry soap?

To effectively get rid of sinusitis, it is advisable to facilitate nasal breathing already at the initial stage, ensuring a rapid decrease in the viscosity of mucus. This is important because microorganisms quickly accumulate in these secretions. This problem can be solved not only with store-bought medicines.

Soap products in the form of ointments are applied to the mucous surface of the nasal passages several times a day. Another option is possible - organizing procedures with lotions soaked in the composition. It is advisable to start treatment if two conditions are met:

  • undergo an examination by an ENT specialist who will assess the patient’s condition and consider the possibility of using the specified prescriptions;
  • assess the risks of an allergic reaction to the components - the products can only be used if there is no intolerance to the substance.

Solutions with soap and ointments can be combined. The first ones are buried in 5-6 minutes. after applying the ointment to the nasal passages using turundas. After 12-15 minutes. After the procedure, a cleansing event is required - the nose is washed with a solution of salt or treated with a herbal decoction with antiseptic properties. The duration of treatment is up to 4 days. When using turundas or tampons with ointment in the nasal passage, they are introduced alternately so as not to cause discomfort to the patient.

If you plan to rinse your nose with a solution, then finely grated soap shavings are dissolved in hot water until completely mixed. The homogeneous liquid is cooled to a comfortable temperature. The procedure is carried out every 4-5 hours. The solution is drawn into a medical bulb. Then you need to stand in front of the sink or sit on a hard chair with a basin on your lap. First one nostril is treated, then the second. Incoming water should exit freely through the second nasal passage.

Folk remedy for sinusitis?



Ointment for sinusitis In equal parts: honey, milk, medical alcohol, onion juice, vegetable oil, dark laundry soap (grate on a coarse grater) Melt everything in a steam bath until the laundry soap shavings dissolve. Pour the contents into a glass jar and cool. The ointment is ready. Insert cotton swabs with ointment into each nostril 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Course 3 weeks. Repeat after 10 days (if necessary). Store the ointment in the refrigerator. 100% result. This is how I cured my son. Pus came out with every sneeze. No repeat was needed. They also suggested doing a puncture, but then one woman told me that there was such a recipe in a healthy lifestyle, I found it and did it. The ointment is stored for a long time, about a year. Suitable even for a runny nose. Try it, this is a proven recipe! ! Good luck and health!!

Roofer Best

Warm, warm and warm and blow the snot out of your sinuses, warm with anything, salt, egg, heating pad, even an iron through a towel.


With sinusitis, going to the hospital is the last thing! If you get a puncture once, consider that you have already registered there! People then do these punctures 10 times... . Try traditional methods...

Make this ointment. It helps very well + constantly rinse your nose with sea water or “Malavit”. I use it myself periodically.

We make a very simple ointment ourselves, which has already saved hundreds of people.

Pour one glass of vegetable oil into an enamel bowl, throw in wax the size of a matchbox and put it on low heat until the wax melts. Take out the yolk from a pre-boiled hard-boiled egg, take half of it, crush it with a fork on a saucer and gradually throw it with your fingers into a bowl with hot melted boiling wax. (In a bowl on the fire, the vegetable oil will boil, and you will hear lumbago. At this moment, throw it in! But not all at once, but gradually. With the first crumbs of the egg, the contents will begin to foam. Hold a rag in your hands. If the wax is yellow , (and this means the best for ointment), the entire contents of the bowl can end up (overboard) in one second... Pick up the bowl with a rag, remove from the heat for a while, let it rage to the side and continue stirring it all. And so on for three. That's it - the ointment is ready! All that remains is to strain it. I do this through nylon tulle, folded in half. Wax is capricious and gauze does not help here. And even with repeated use, the tulle remains as good as new. In a glass container, such an ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for up to ten months .

Monthly sinusitis is unlikely to resist this remedy

Melted in a tablespoon, and immediately filled with ointment into a pipette, I drip my nose with the most terrible sinusitis. Don’t be afraid, by the time you run to the bed to lie down and drip, the ointment will have already cooled down and will not be hot at all. On the contrary, it can immediately freeze while you choose a comfortable position. In this case, start running again. For monthly sinusitis, it is enough to apply the drops two times in a row with an interval of one hour. It hits, it all flies out at once! Do not forget that the ointment attracts pus with enormous force.

I also use this method to treat sinusitis! 15 drops of eucalyptus oil, a teaspoon of honey and freshly brewed tea, mixed it all and dripped it into your nose! The result is excellent, after 15 minutes the mucus left my nose and I began to breathe easily! and so I drip 4 times a day!! !

Steve Solidnov

It’s better to use dry heat, heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a handkerchief and put it on your nose, but before that drip aloe juice + honey into your nose in equal quantities (if you don’t have aloe, then ask your neighbors who have it; elderly people always grow this flower at home )

Angel in the flesh

Under no circumstances should you heat it, first find out what kind of sinusitis it is, it can be different, one can be warmed, the other can’t! the safest but most effective method is rinsing the nose with soda-saline solution • Catarrhal.

• Purulent.

• Allergic.

• Odontogenic.

Chronic sinusitis

• Edema-catarrhal.

• Purulent: (edematous, hypertrophic (granulosa), papillomatous).

• Mixed (mucopurulent).

• Allergic.

• Adontogenic.


I had sinusitis and it was very severe, I cured it with cyclamen (such a flower). Look for more information on the Internet, everything is described in detail there.

Tatiana Pronoza

I treated myself like this: equal amounts of aloe juice, honey, onion juice. Lying on my side, I drop it into one nostril, so that it gets into the maxillary sinus, and I lie there for about five minutes. Then I turn on the other side and also into the second nostril. The procedure is not very easy, because immediately after you drop it in, it burns, sometimes severely, even going to your head. But you have to endure it, no more than a minute, the burning goes away. But I recovered in three days. But the disease was not advanced and I was not treated with medications


Ointment No. 1: Take 0.5 tbsp. honey and vegetable oil, 2 tablets each of mumiyo and streptocide, 2 tbsp. l. Kalanchoe (or aloe) juice, 2 g of propolis and beeswax (half a matchbox). Heat the oil, wax and honey, stirring constantly over low heat. When the wax melts, remove from heat. In a cup, grind streptocide tablets, propolis and mumiyo into powder, then pour it all with a warm mixture. At the end add aloe juice. Stir everything well. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Lubricate your nose 2-3 times a day. Ointment No. 2: alcohol, milk, honey, onion juice, vegetable oil and dark laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. Take 1 tablespoon of everything, keep in a water bath, stirring until the soap dissolves. Wrap cotton wool around a match, dip it in the prepared ointment and smear it into each nostril 3 times a day for 15 minutes, then rinse. Medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect should be used internally, as well as antibacterial agents - antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs. Infusions of chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, sage leaves or a mixture of these plants have the greatest anti-inflammatory effect (pour 1 tbsp of each plant or 1 tbsp of their mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, good wrapped up; take 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day). Inhalation (breathing over steam) with infusions of these herbs is also recommended. You can add a few grains of menthol or a few drops of iodine to the infusions. You can use inhalations only with menthol (dissolve dry menthol in boiling water and breathe over the steam while evaporation occurs) or potato decoction (boil potatoes in their skins, drain the water, use it with a small amount of crushed potatoes). Chlorophyllipt oil is instilled, it draws out all the nastiness well. Make a 10% solution of mumiyo in peach oil. Place 5 drops into the nose 4 times a day. Another way to treat a runny nose: mix 0.1 g of mumiyo with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5 and drip this mixture into each nostril.

Homemade recipes for making ointments with laundry soap

There are many options for using folk remedies against respiratory diseases. The patient can, on the advice of a doctor, choose the most suitable recipe for sinusitis with laundry soap.

Recipe with cyclamen juice

The soap should be carefully grated on a fine grater. Take 1 tbsp. l. grate the shavings and mix with 1 tbsp. l. butter, keeping the composition in a water bath. Cool the mixture slightly until warm and add 1 tsp. cyclamen juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly again until the mass is evenly distributed.

Recipe with honey and aloe juice

Grate the soap and mix with honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture must be melted using a water bath. The composition should be homogeneous. Add 10-15 drops of aloe juice and the same amount of juice squeezed from black radish into it. Mix all ingredients well.

Propolis ointment recipe

If you want to prepare an ointment for sinusitis with laundry soap, the following recipe will help. The crushed soap is added to the same volume of vegetable oil. Heat the components using a water bath until dissolved.


An alcohol solution of propolis is poured into the resulting composition along with beetroot and onion juice. The resulting product cannot be stored for long periods of time, so it must be used within 24 hours.

Recipe with milk and honey

Soap shavings, milk and honey are slowly heated in a water bath. In this case, all components are gently mixed until dissolved. Then the composition is supplemented with onion juice and 1 tsp. ethyl alcohol. After mixing the drug, you can begin treatment. It is stored in a closed container.

Description of folk remedy recipes

At home, ointments and solutions used for rinsing the nose are prepared from soap shavings.

How are ointments prepared?

There are several recipes for sinusitis ointment with laundry soap that you can prepare yourself:

  • A bar of soap is grated and placed in a metal or ceramic container. Mix the shavings with liquid honey, fresh milk, onion juice, taken two tablespoons each. After thorough stirring, it is necessary to add a mixture consisting of fifty milliliters of any vegetable oil and alcohol or vodka. While stirring, heat the ointment components in a water bath for better dissolution. After cooling, the medicine is placed in the refrigerator, warming up before use.
  • A mixture made from laundry soap, food water and onion juice effectively fights bacteria.

See also

How to take Zinnat when treating sinusitis in adults and children?


  • Treatment of sinusitis is successful with red beets. And by mixing ten grams of beet juice with twenty grated soap and propolis tincture in alcohol, as well as vegetable oil (ten milliliters), you can prepare a remedy that has powerful healing powers.
  • Black radish juice mixed with grated soap and honey has a similar effect. The mixture must be heated to a boil and infused for 24 hours. It can only be used by adults and then with caution due to the hotness of the components.
  • An ointment made from Kalanchoe juice, onions, and crushed cyclamen roots quickly relieves nasal congestion, freeing the sinuses from accumulated secretions. In addition to soap, Vishnevsky ointment and honey are added to it.

the process of preparing an ointment based on laundry soap

Laundry soap is rarely used separately from other components. More often, to soften its effect, they take egg white in equal proportions with the detergent.

Recipes for sinusitis with laundry soap should only be used after consulting with your doctor. Be sure to check the body's reaction to the product, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

If a burning sensation, irritation in the nose, or a rash on the skin occurs, stop using the folk remedy.

examination by a doctor

Preparing the rinsing solution

At the initial stage of development of sinusitis, during exacerbation of chronic runny nose, and also for preventive purposes, wash the nasal mucosa with soap and water.

It is prepared by taking fifty milliliters of warm boiled water and a little soap, crushed into shavings. Stir until the detergent particles are completely dissolved. The amount of soap in the solution depends on the age of the patient and the condition of his mucous membranes. Children and those with damaged epithelial lining of the nasal mucosa need less soap shavings in the solution. The natural components of the product will lead to:

  • eliminating nasal congestion;
  • improving the outflow of purulent or serous secretions;
  • moisturizing the epithelium of the nasal passages;
  • formation of a protective film for the penetration of microbes;
  • saturating the mucous membranes and tissues of the nose with vitamins.

See also

Application and dosage of the drug Sextafag for sinusitis and sinusitis


The benefit of the solution is its safety for adults and children.

Contraindications to treatment with soap

This remedy is effective in treating sinusitis. However, recipes cannot be used in all cases. Traditional medicines based on soap are not suitable:

  • children under 5 years old;
  • allergy sufferers who are hypersensitive to components;
  • for long-term use - you cannot use the products for more than 2 weeks, since there is a high probability of irritation of the mucous membrane, itching and burning.

Laundry soap is used as part of complex therapy for sinusitis at the initial and final stages of the disease. Before rinsing your nose or using ointment, you should consult your doctor.

What is sinusitis

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) with localization of the pathological process in one or both maxillary sinuses. The nature of the disease is bacterial, fungal, viral or mixed. Contributing to the development of sinusitis are deviated nasal septum, weakened immunity, inadequate treatment of acute respiratory and infectious diseases, and chronic infection in the body.

The course of sinusitis is acute or chronic. Dangerous complications of the disease are inflammation of the membranes of the eyeball, encephalitis and meningitis. Treatment of sinusitis involves bed rest, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy, local procedures and surgical procedures. Otorhinolaryngologists allow the simultaneous use of traditional methods of treating sinusitis and folk remedies proven over dozens of generations.

The healing properties of laundry soap

Treatment of sinusitis with laundry soap is justified by the chemical composition of this popular household detergent. The following ingredients are used in soap production:

  • fatty acids of plant and animal origin;
  • animal fats and vegetable oils;
  • pine rosin;
  • table salt;
  • technical caustic soda (sodium hydroxide);
  • zinc white;
  • technical soda ash;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • titanium dioxide.

Thanks to this composition, laundry soap has a local irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, and also stimulates the production of secretions. As a result, the contents of the maxillary sinuses are liquefied and more easily removed. Natural components (juice of medicinal plants, vegetable oils) and beekeeping products (honey, propolis) added to recipes for folk mixtures provide anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antimicrobial activity of ointments.

Recipes for ointments based on laundry soap

To prepare the ointment, the laundry soap is grated and the resulting shavings are used. According to recipes for folk remedies, with laundry soap for the treatment of sinusitis, the ingredients are always taken in equal proportions. The amount of honey, juice, soap and other components during the preparation of the medicine is measured in tablespoons or teaspoons. The finished ointment is stored in the refrigerator and heated to a comfortable temperature in a steam bath before use. Apply to cotton-gauze swabs or turundas, which are inserted into the nasal passages and left there for the time specified in the recipe.

  1. In a water bath, bring to a boil a mixture of laundry soap, beet juice, vegetable oil, onion juice, propolis tincture, adding 3 drops of black radish juice. The course of treatment is 7 days, application time is 10 minutes, frequency is three times a day.
  2. Mix soap shavings, honey, celandine juice, black radish and aloe in a blender. Soak the product for 24 hours in a dark place. The course of treatment is 7 days, the frequency of procedures is three times a day for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Add onion juice and baking soda to the laundry soap. Duration of treatment – ​​1 week, frequency – three times a day.
  4. Ingredients (2 tablespoons each): soap, milk, olive or other vegetable oil, honey, onion juice. Add 50 ml of vodka to the mixture, bring the ointment to a boil in a water bath. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, frequency is three times a day for 30 minutes.
  5. Mix soap shavings with the juice of cyclamen, aloe, kalanchoe, onions, honey and balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky). Repeat the procedures (20–30 minutes each) three times a day for 20 days.
  6. Add cyclamen and onion juice, lard to the soap shavings, mix in a blender, leave for 24 hours. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, apply three times daily.
  7. A simple recipe: beat the white of one chicken egg and add enough laundry soap shavings to obtain a homogeneous mass of thick consistency. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days. Perform the procedures three times a day.
Two important points
  1. Before starting treatment for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses using non-medicinal means with laundry soap, be sure to obtain the approval of your doctor.
  2. Choose a recipe with ingredients that you are not allergic to.

Is it possible to use laundry soap for sinusitis?

We treat sinusitis with laundry soap - quickly and effectively!

Due to the natural composition of laundry soap, it has a minimum of contraindications and can be used by people of different ages with virtually no restrictions. It extremely rarely causes side effects and does not provoke negative reactions, but people with a tendency to allergies or sensitive mucous membranes should avoid this treatment.

Also, a recipe for sinusitis with laundry soap is not used for children under six years of age; it is not used to treat pregnant and nursing mothers. It should be used with caution by people with a sensitive and delicate sense of smell. When using, you need to take into account the possibility of a negative reaction not only to the soap itself, but also to the other components included in the formulation.

Using laundry soap is a very cheap and good method of treatment.

This soap is available in any household, it is easy to buy, it is sold everywhere and costs a penny. Laundry soap is a natural product with a very modest composition, so the risk of developing an allergy to the components is minimal. Anyone can make a cure for sinusitis at home.

However, it is necessary to understand that treating with soap alone is clearly not enough. To completely get rid of sinusitis, you need to listen to the advice of your doctor and follow all his recommendations. And recipes containing laundry soap should be used not instead of medications, but together with them, then the effect will be quick and the treatment effective.

Best Recipes

Proper preparation means effective treatment!

There are several options for ointments and remedies for sinusitis based on simple soap, but the most miraculous is considered to be a recipe for sinusitis with laundry soap and onions. To prepare it, you need to do the following: grind the laundry soap on a grater (you need to choose the darkest piece). Chop the onion (you can grate it). Mix grated soap, chopped onion, milk, natural honey and medical alcohol in equal proportions. With continuous stirring, this mixture is boiled in a water bath over low heat. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous mass.

It is very easy to treat with ointment. You need to take cotton wool turundas, dip them in a soap solution and insert them deeper into the nasal passages. Before using the ointment, the nose must be freed from accumulated mucus; it is advisable to wash it with soap and water. The treatment time with this remedy is about 20 days. Turundas are inserted three times a day. You can enhance the effect of the home remedy by first instilling a few drops of beetroot juice into each nasal passage.

You can learn more about the medicinal properties of laundry soap from the video:

Furacilin for sinusitis - purpose, contraindications and side effects

There are several more recipes with laundry soap that are just as easy to prepare. For example, you can take unsalted lard, grind it in a meat grinder, grate the darkest laundry soap, and make a puree from fresh onions. Mix the resulting ingredients and, as in the first recipe, turn into an ointment by heating in a water bath. The product is used in the same way as prepared according to the previous recipe.

Another type of ointment is very easy to prepare. To do this, you just need to grind the laundry soap, mix it with the white of a fresh chicken egg, let it dissolve and beat the mixture. Lubricate cotton pads with the resulting mass and insert them into each nasal passage. The duration of treatment and frequency of use of different ointments based on laundry soap are the same.

Treatment of sinusitis with laundry soap

There are many means for treating sinusitis, however, many prefer traditional methods of therapy.
For sinusitis, a good remedy can be an ointment prepared on the basis of ordinary laundry soap. However, before using traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor, as there may be certain contraindications. Soap consists of:

  • fats of animal origin;
  • vitamins D and E;
  • rosin;
  • alkaline components;
  • zinc paste.

These active components, upon penetration into the nasal sinus, have a good disinfectant and irritating effect, as a result of which inflammation is significantly reduced, the outflow of purulent contents is improved and rapid cleansing of the maxillary sinuses is observed.

Important! When using ointments against inflammation of the maxillary sinuses made with the addition of laundry soap, you need to check whether there is an allergic reaction to the components.

Also, such a product has a pronounced drying, mild astringent effect, reducing the amount of mucus secreted. In combination with medications, laundry soap for sinusitis gives very good results. Indications for such therapy include acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Nasal drops with laundry soap

Nasal drops with laundry soap help get rid of the main symptoms of sinusitis: swelling, bursting pain in the bridge of the nose and frontal lobe, discharge of a thick mucous component. There are several basic recipes:

  • Recipe No. 1. To prepare 1 tsp. fine soap shavings are combined with 1 tbsp. onion juice, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil, add 300 ml of clean water. All components are brought to a homogeneous mass in a steam bath, instilled into the nasal passages using a pipette 2-3 times a day. Place 4 drops in each nostril.
  • Recipe No. 2. To prepare the drops, you will need 50 ml of beet juice, 1 tbsp. soap shavings, 300 ml water, 2-3 drops of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. olive oil. After the composition is mixed until smooth, 4-5 drops are instilled into each nostril 2 times a day. The product has a pronounced antibacterial and regenerating effect.
  • Recipe No. 3. To prepare 50 ml of propolis aqueous tincture, 1 tsp. honey, 200 ml water, 1 tsp. the shavings are brought to a homogeneous mass, then poured into glass containers and used for their intended purpose.

Nasal drops have a short shelf life, only 3 days, so a new composition is constantly being prepared. The course of treatment is 10-14 days with a short break. After instillation, the nostrils are lubricated with vegetable oil.

Folk remedies with soap

Treatment of sinusitis using traditional methods using laundry soap is widespread. Such recipes are quite simple to prepare, and using them it is quite possible to cure even the most complex diseases. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is very difficult to treat. Even constant monitoring by a doctor does not fully guarantee that the disease will not progress to a chronic stage.

For sinusitis, you can wash the inside of the nasal passages using a mild soap solution. This is a fairly effective method used to prevent colds. In this way, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can be prevented. To prepare a soap solution, you need to pour warm water into a container and add grated soap. After this, the solution must be thoroughly mixed until smooth and a soap mixture is obtained.

Recipes for sinusitis

This soap is included in a large number of medicines for many diseases. These healing compounds were passed down from generation to generation. They are able to cope with both simple and complex ailments. To prepare miracle cures, it is advisable to use raw materials that will indicate 72%. Its action will be most optimal and strong.

Take a small piece and dilute it in warm water. Then soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution. Wipe each nasal passage three times, first wetting it over and over again each time. It can also be used to prevent infection after going to a crowded place.

INTERESTING fact: Living and dead water at home

Our grandmothers did the washing. Make some soap and dilute a teaspoon of it in a glass of warm water. Rinse your nose with it twice a day using a douche or syringe.

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Healing ointment

The most famous remedy is a recipe for sinusitis ointment with laundry soap. To prepare it, you need to mix in equal parts:

  • vegetable oil,
  • honey,
  • vodka,
  • onion juice,
  • dark soap,
  • milk.

The soap is grated on a fine grater. Everything is poured into a container and placed in a water bath. Dissolve everything until smooth. After the mixture has cooled, you can soak cotton swabs in it. Place them in your sinuses for a quarter of an hour. After that, remove and wash it. After the procedure, active secretion of mucus and pus may begin. You can enhance the effect with 3 drops of beet juice, which should be added before applying the ointment. If the disease is in a chronic stage, then it is worth taking a course for 10-14 days, 2 times a day, and then an interval after that. Can be repeated if necessary.

If the discharge is thick enough and cannot come out because of this, then you can use the recipes described here. Or you can try this method: take equal parts plant juice, butter, onion juice and finely grated soap. Stir everything well and let it sit for a day. Next, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Place 3 drops in your nose 2 times a day.

INTERESTING fact: Laundry soap for mastitis

Another effective way is to combine a tablespoon of grated soap with 1 whipped egg white. Soak cotton strands in the resulting product and place them in your nose for 10 minutes. You can add ½ teaspoon of soda to it. This will help enhance the effect.

Therapeutic tampons

Take in equal parts:

  • radish juice,
  • celandine juice,
  • aloe,
  • honey and grated soap.

Grind everything in a blender until smooth and put on fire. Bring to a boil and leave for 24 hours. Use as tampons for 15 minutes until complete recovery.

Folk recipes for sinusitis with laundry soap are easy to prepare and work effectively, but we should not forget that self-medication can aggravate the patient’s condition.

Health to you!

Ointment for sinusitis

An ointment for sinusitis with laundry soap is considered to be a fairly good and effective remedy. To prepare it you will need:

  • natural laundry soap;
  • onion juice;
  • milk;
  • honey;
  • alcohol.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions, mixed, and then heated in a steam bath. After you get a viscous homogeneous mass, you need to make turundas from cotton wool, moisten them in the prepared ointment, and then insert them into the nasal passages. Carry out the procedure every day for a month, 3 times a day.

To make the result more pronounced, before using a special ointment, you need to drip fresh beet juice into your nose. If the disease is chronic, then a similar procedure should be carried out once every 10 days. The ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Cyclamen juice is considered very useful in therapy. To obtain a more positive result, you can add this remedy to the other components. Ointment with laundry soap has very good reviews, as it is possible to quickly get rid of the pathological process.

Recipes for ointments based on laundry soap for pathology

There are more than a hundred different recipes for ointments for the treatment of sinusitis with laundry soap. Recipes for liniments, solutions, compresses and nasal drops are considered popular.

Recipes for medicinal ointments

The soap concentration should be 72% (according to GOST), the ointment is prepared from other natural ingredients to increase therapeutic effectiveness.

  • Recipe No. 1. To prepare, you need to grate 2 tablespoons on a fine grater. dark soap, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 50 ml vodka, 1 tbsp. melted honey, 100 ml of full-fat milk and the juice of half a medium onion. All components are kneaded into a homogeneous mass, placed in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, poured into a jar and placed in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to cotton wool and placed in the nasal passages 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the nose is washed generously with saline solution.
  • Recipe No. 2. For cooking you need 2 tbsp. grated soap, 2 tbsp. juice of cyclamen rhizomes, mix, add 1 tbsp. butter, juice of 1 onion and bring the composition in a water bath until the mass is homogeneous. Afterwards, the composition is infused for 24 hours and used 2-3 times a day for 10 days. The product perfectly relieves swelling, normalizes nasal circulation, and has an antiseptic and regenerating effect.
  • Recipe No. 3. To prepare the balm, you need 1 tbsp. radish or turnip juice, 30 ml celandine juice, 1 tbsp. aloe juice, a little soap shavings and honey, bring to a boil over low heat, then leave until completely cool, pour into a glass jar. The balm is applied using turundas or cotton swabs. The course of treatment is 12-14 days. It is unacceptable to use celandine juice if the mucous membranes of the nose are damaged.

Treatment with ointment relieves swelling, has a local anti-inflammatory effect, and improves nasal breathing. After putting turundas and medicinal compositions, it is recommended to rinse your nose with a soda-saline solution.


Laundry soap is considered a completely natural and safe product, however, it should not be used for therapy in children under 5 years of age, as there is a high risk of allergies.

It is also not recommended to use this remedy for allergy sufferers and during allergic rhinitis. There is also no need to overuse therapy with laundry soap. Therapy should be carried out for no more than 2 weeks, since too long use of soap can disrupt the alkaline balance and dry out the nasal mucosa.

Laundry soap and sinusitis

One of the popular means in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases is laundry soap. Many patients admit that even the best medications used to treat inflammation in the maxillary sinuses are less effective.

The use of such soap in the treatment of sinusitis is recommended by many ENT doctors, because it can relieve most of the negative signs of the disease and prevent its chronicity. The big advantage of this therapy is the cost of the main component and its safety (natural soap compositions in most cases do not cause side effects in humans).

Despite the large number of positive reviews about the effectiveness of soap preparations, the use of laundry soap for sinusitis is permissible only after consultation with your doctor. A specialist familiar with the diagnostic results and the general condition of the patient will be able to recommend the optimal composition and select a course for such therapy.

Beneficial features

The benefits of using laundry soap are due to the properties of the ingredients. Includes:

  1. Animal fats, which are the main component, vitamins E and D and fatty acids help soften and make the mucous membrane of the nasal passages elastic.
  2. Alkali promotes the rejection of hardened epithelium, which allows important microelements to penetrate into the deep layers of the epithelium of the nostrils.
  3. Zinc or titanium white contained in light laundry soap binds liquid exudate and dries the mucous membrane.
  4. Colophon resin (rosin) relieves inflammation, disinfects, and has a regenerating effect.

Always at hand

Alternative medicine can more easily cope with sinusitis using folk remedies. Folk remedies with laundry soap are especially effective.

And no wonder. After all, laundry soap consists entirely of natural ingredients. It includes:

  • animal fats;
  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins D, E;
  • alkalis;
  • rosin;
  • zinc white.

Treatment with laundry soap has virtually no contraindications. Remedies for sinusitis with laundry soap do not cause complications and have no side effects. People prone to allergies should be careful when using laundry soap.

Dark, almost black laundry soap has the greatest healing effect. Folk remedies such as soap solutions help relieve pus and nasal congestion during sinusitis, especially at the beginning of the disease. Here is the recipe for one of them. A small piece of soap is grated on a coarse grater. Hot water is added to the laundry soap. You need to let the soap dissolve. Using a syringe without a needle, rinse the nasal passages and sinuses. In a few days you will experience noticeable relief. Thanks to this recipe, many people got rid of sinusitis in the initial stages of the disease.

Always at hand

How to use laundry soap

From soap used for household purposes, many medicinal products are prepared that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the symptoms of a runny nose and inflammation.

  1. Various soap-based ointments with medicinal herbs and natural healing ingredients.
  2. Nasal rinsing solutions.

A popular recipe for sinusitis with laundry soap, which does not require preparation. Its meaning is that for sinusitis, you need to soap your little finger soaked in warm water with laundry soap and wipe the inner surface of the nasal passages with it. The effect will appear almost immediately: the person will begin to sneeze heavily, which will provoke the release of a large amount of mucus from the nose. After you finish sneezing, you should thoroughly rinse your nasal passages with saline solution. The procedure is performed up to 4 times a day.

Composition and effect of laundry soap

Laundry soap contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the damaged mucous membrane of the nasal cavity: amino acids of animal origin, a large number of macro- and microelements, natural fats, alkaline compounds, vitamins. Together, these components that make up the soap have a healing, anti-inflammatory and sanitizing effect. With their help you can:

  • accelerate the healing of damaged epithelial tissues;
  • increase the outflow of mucous exudate and prevent its stagnation in the maxillary sinuses;
  • cleanse the nasal cavity of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the progression of the disease.

Nasal rinsing

A good therapeutic effect for sinusitis is achieved by washing the inner surface of the nose with a weak soap solution. This method is effective both for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and for prevention. To prepare the soap composition, use only warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 60°C. The procedure for preparing the remedy will be as follows:

  1. 250 ml of warm water is poured into a convenient container with a wide neck.
  2. Soap (a light bar without fragrances is best) is grated.
  3. Soap shavings are combined with water and mixed well until completely dissolved.

The resulting solution is taken into a medicinal bulb, after which each nostril is washed in turn. The procedure is performed in case of severe nasal congestion throughout the day. The interval between washings should not exceed 3 hours. For chronic sinusitis that is in remission, this procedure is carried out once a week to prevent relapse. Dark soap cannot be used to prepare the product, because a solution from it may, instead of the expected benefit, cause a burn or irritation of the mucous membrane.

Ointment based on laundry soap

Soap ointments are considered a folk method for treating sinusitis, which effectively eliminates swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages. Applying them to the inflamed mucosa gives a therapeutic effect and allows you to eliminate the manifestations of the disease in a short time. Indications for the use of soap-based ointments are acute and chronic forms of the disease provoked by viruses or bacteria. For traumatic or allergic sinusitis, this method will not give the desired effect. The following homemade recipes for making ointments are considered the most popular:

  1. Soda-soap mixture. To make the ointment you need to take 1 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate, soap crumbs and onion juice. The components are placed in a glass or enamel container and mixed well. The finished product is used 3 times a day for a month.
  2. Soap ointment with onion juice and honey. A medium onion head is grated on a fine grater and the juice is squeezed out of the pulp. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. honey and olive or sunflower oil, as well as 1 tsp. 6% vinegar and place in a water bath. Soap crushed on a coarse grater in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. added to the heated mixture. After introducing the soap shavings, all these components are thoroughly mixed and left in a water bath for another 30 minutes.
  3. Soap composition with aloe and honey. Combine crushed soap and honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture must be melted in a water bath until completely homogeneous, and then add 10 drops of black radish and aloe juice to it. After adding all the components, the medicinal product is mixed well and heated for another 15 minutes.

Treatment of the maxillary sinuses with these remedies is performed using cotton wool turundas. The ointment is applied to their surface and inserted into the nostrils alternately for 5-10 minutes. During these procedures, you should lie down, since keeping the patient in this position allows the active substances to penetrate deeper.

Action, use and contraindications

Laundry soap is perhaps the only environmentally friendly product of modern chemistry and microbiological properties. It is an effective antibacterial and hypoallergenic agent.

Ointments based on it, due to the substances included in the composition, irritate the mucous membrane. This facilitates the outflow of fluid and pus - the sinuses are cleansed. In addition to ointments, it is recommended to wash your nose with a weak soap solution throughout the day to prevent colds and respiratory diseases during epidemics, as they can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the sinuses.

They wash after walking and visiting public places. Such a solution can fight even unstable strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Preparation will take a couple of minutes, this will require 50 ml of water heated to a temperature of 60 ° C and soap shavings, mixed until they are completely dissolved. You can rinse your nose with a blower every 2-3 hours (with your doctor’s permission). The solution, like ointments, is used as an adjuvant to the main treatment of sinusitis after consultation with a doctor.

The therapeutic antiseptic and analgesic effect of laundry soap is due to the components included in its composition. But for this you need to use simple brown natural soap, since many analogues contain artificial substances added to improve the smell and foaming properties, but their benefits are very doubtful.

Ointment and solution for sinusitis with laundry soap help:

  • Ointment in a jar
    eliminate nasal congestion,

  • improve the outflow of pus,
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa, which will facilitate and improve breathing,
  • have a destructive effect on pathogens,
  • form a protective film,
  • improve cell regeneration,
  • saturate the mucous membrane with essential vitamins and minerals.

Before applying the ointment, the nasal mucosa must be washed and cleaned of pus and dry crusts. You cannot insert the turundas too deeply - up to a maximum of 2 cm, otherwise the mucous membrane may be injured and bleeding may occur. Apply at least 2 times and no more than 4 times a day. Such products with soap have practically no contraindications and they do not cause side effects or complications.

This therapy can be used at all stages and for any severity of the disease.

To prevent the development of sinusitis and its transition to a chronic form, it is recommended to use a soap solution for washing, and in case of exacerbation, an ointment based on it will be effective.

Soap solution
People who are allergic to any of the soap components should be careful. Although this is a natural and safe product, it should not be used as a treatment for children under 6 years of age as it is highly irritating.

Sometimes doctors do not recommend such remedies for pregnant and lactating women. Such drugs are contraindicated for allergic sinusitis. Exceeding the duration of therapy using soap also poses a danger. Typically, the duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks, sometimes, with the doctor’s permission, 1 month; longer use causes an imbalance in the alkaline balance with drying out of the mucous membrane.


All ointments and solutions prepared according to traditional recipes should be used only after consultation with a doctor and in combination with traditional medicines. Products based on laundry soap have several contraindications:

  • children under 6 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sensitive nose and subtle sense of smell;
  • individual intolerance to soap components.

In all other cases, you can use the medicinal properties of laundry soap in the treatment of sinusitis.


Ointment for sinusitis with laundry soap and other medicinal products are prepared from a bar of detergent with a concentration of active ingredients of 72%. The medicinal properties of this product are more pronounced. There are many recipes for using laundry soap for sinusitis. All of them are quite effective and at the same time safe.

Classic ointment

To prepare this miraculous ointment, you should prepare the following components:

  • A little dark laundry soap.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Milk.
  • Vodka.
  • Honey.
  • Onion juice.

Rub the soap on a fine grater and measure out 2 tablespoons, which are then poured into a small bowl. 2 tablespoons of the remaining substances that are present in the recipe are also placed there. Place everything in a steam bath and boil until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then pour the liquid ointment into a jar with a tightly sealed lid.

Treatment is carried out in this order. Take two cotton swabs, moisten them in lukewarm ointment and insert them into the nasal passages for 15 minutes. After this time, the flagella are removed and the nose is washed with saline solution. After this procedure, pus and mucus drain well from the nose, making nasal breathing easier.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease. Acute sinusitis must be treated until complete recovery. And treatment of the chronic form of the disease continues for two weeks.

Treatment in this way will be more effective if beet juice is instilled into the nasal passages before using the ointment.

Ointment with cyclamen

If the nose is too stuffy and the mucus is difficult to clear, you can prepare an ointment based on soap shavings and cyclamen root juice . To prepare, take butter, onion juice, brown soap shavings and cyclamen juice in equal proportions. All components are mixed well and kept in a steam bath for 10 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous.

A day later, the composition is used for nasal instillation. The previously obtained product is diluted in half with water and the solution is dripped into the nose 2 times a day.

Cyclamen juice helps reduce swelling and inflammation, and also improves blood circulation in the nose.

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