Is there always a fever with sinusitis?

What does temperature mean in adults and children?

A person with sinusitis has febrile readings from 37.1 to 38ºC - a moderately severe illness. It is important to listen to the body. You should seek help from a doctor at the initial stage of the disease. The specialist will prescribe an effective treatment course. After 2-3 days there will be no fever. There are different temperatures that occur during illness.

Low-grade fever

An adult does not feel a low temperature, but a child does not feel it. The specialist measures it.

There are:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • mild nausea;
  • headache;
  • no appetite.

When the patient has +36.9-37.6°C - an abscess in the nose, in a nearby organ, is sluggish. With an exacerbation, the fever will increase.

Why does a febrile fever rise?

When the temperature is above +38°C and rises to +39°C, it is considered the acute phase of the disease. A person has pus coming out of his nose, which is a sign of purulent sinusitis. Pathogenic organisms enter the blood, causing general intoxication in a person.

You definitely need to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe antibiotics. On average, they are taken for 10 days. The fever decreases on days 2 and 3 after taking the medication.

Seeing a doctor is where you start to avoid complications:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • blood poisoning.

If you do not start to relieve the fever, then the heat exchange in the body will continue to be disrupted. The pathology will affect the nerve endings. The adult and child will begin:

  • lose consciousness;
  • convulsions will occur;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • Sensitivity in the arms and legs will decrease.

It is difficult to predict how a particular organism will react to fever . Everything is individual, depending on the person’s immune system, age, state of health (presence of chronic diseases), and his internal strength.

Temperature tail

Most people think that a person's normal body temperature is +36.6ºС. Based on their own experience, doctors say that people’s indicators are individual.

The tail temperature is called low-grade fever. After unilateral sinusitis, another infectious disease, the temperature may remain elevated for 2 months to six months. It is important not to confuse the condition with chronic inflammation, which begins with renewed vigor in another organ.

Can the disease occur without fever?

Sinusitis does not raise the temperature of adults with a stronger immune system. Over the years of life, their body has developed many antibodies that can resist various viruses, with strains living in the microflora of the nasal mucosa and other organs.

The otolaryngologist will notice certain signs in the patient:

  • discharge of mucus from the nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the organ;
  • accumulation of mucus at the mouth of the ethmoid bones;
  • nasal congestion.

Find out why ear congestion occurs with sinusitis here.

No elevated temperature is observed - a rare norm. People's bodies are different.

Why and when does the temperature rise with sinusitis?

Temperature with sinusitis occurs due to infection in the body. By spending just a few minutes measuring this indicator, you can immediately determine the severity and stage of the disease.

At the very peak of the disease and the active proliferation of microbes, the patient has a temperature of around 38-39 degrees. When adequate therapy is prescribed and taken, the thermometer will drop to 37 degrees. If there is no treatment, then after a couple of weeks sinusitis can progress to the chronic stage. In the advanced stage, all symptoms are less pronounced, and a person’s body temperature can be 37-37.5 degrees or even normal.

With moderate sinusitis, the temperature is within 37-38 degrees.

A mark on the thermometer above 39 degrees indicates the addition of a bacterial infection and is a reason for urgent hospitalization of the patient.

Should there be a temperature for sinusitis?

55% of sick adults with sinusitis have a fever. Average temperature is from +38 to +39ºС. How much it rises in a particular person depends on the immune system and internal forces. An abscess in the body develops gradually.

At the beginning of the disease, when some people have not yet been diagnosed with sinusitis, the thermometer may show from +36.7 to +36.9ºС . There is no fever, when pus does not flow from the nose, it means that the disease arose due to allergies.

How many days does it last

For the sick person, the doctor prescribes a treatment course that must be followed. When the patient follows the doctor's instructions in a disciplined manner, the fever lasts from 3 to 5 days. Every day the temperature drops, the condition of the child and adult returns to normal.

How many days a person’s fever will last depends on the person’s body. Those who take medication return to normal faster.

Is it necessary to shoot down

It does not matter how many days the patient has a fever. It is knocked down only when it is above +38.5°C . Some doctors believe that no +39°C - patients do not need to take antipyretics. For children, elderly and weakened people, it begins to be reduced to +38.5°C.

How to bring down a high

Fever allows the body to produce interferon. The latter is considered a powerful immune defense substance. Destroys infectious pathogens and bacteria. If the low-grade fever is constantly reduced, the disease drags on and enters the chronic stage.

An exception is made when the patient has symptoms:

  • convulsions began;
  • nausea, with chills, general weakness - signs of personal intolerance to hyperthermia;
  • child up to 5-7 years old.

Then the fever is removed as soon as the thermometer shows +38°C. High thermometer readings can be reduced with antibiotics and other medications. Well proven: Nurofen, with Panadol. They are not the only ones used. The doctor prescribes medications that relieve inflammation and other signs of the disease.

If you have a prolonged fever, you should contact your doctor. If a specialist prescribes an antipyretic, they immediately treat the illness.

It is not advisable to choose, buy, or use medications at the pharmacy on your own. Treatment will be most effective and quick when prescribed by a specialist.

A person recovers when:

  • symptoms are relieved;
  • pathogens are destroyed.

If you have sinusitis, you can warm your nose only when the temperature is normal. While the disease progresses, you should abstain and continue taking medications.

You will find all the information about what catarrhal sinusitis is in this article.

How to lower your temperature

First of all, this is achieved by treating the underlying disease. After all, bringing down the temperature does not mean being cured. Perhaps the person will feel better, but this will not speed up the therapy process itself. Typically, the thermometer readings return to normal after the contents of the maxillary sinuses are released. When they are punctured and the pus is evacuated, normalization of body temperature occurs in the evening or within 24 hours.

Make an appointment with a doctor
If conservative treatment is used, it is most likely rinsing, vasoconstrictor drugs, and taking vitamin C. Sometimes antiviral drugs are prescribed. At high temperatures, you can use paracetamol and aspirin.

To prevent acute sinusitis from becoming severe and causing complications to develop, the disease must be treated immediately. It is necessary to remove swelling from the excretory anastomosis.

You can rinse your nostrils either with ready-made pharmaceutical products or with saline solution. For this it is better to use sea salt.

If there is an urgent need, the otolaryngologist prescribes antibiotics. These are strong medications that alleviate the condition and at the same time normalize the patient’s body temperature.

Is it possible to have no temperature?

If the patient’s body temperature is not higher than +36.9°C, this is within normal limits. If there is no fever, then the patient has high immunity, which is found in adults.

In case of an allergic reaction, after taking medication a person feels better without a fever; allergens continue to accumulate in the blood. It is fraught with complications. It is important to diagnose the cause of inflammation in time and prescribe effective medications.

Symptoms of latent: no runny nose

Most often, when the maxillary sinuses are inflamed, a runny nose occurs. It does not happen in one case, when acute inflammation is relieved, the disease continues in a chronic form. During the period of remission, a person has scanty or no nasal discharge . There is a sluggish abscess in the maxillary sinuses. Inflammation will provoke mucus secretion.

Symptoms of a hidden disease:

  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • slight increase in temperature at night (+37.0-37.2°C);
  • decreased concentration and others.

The chronic course of the disease most often occurs for hidden reasons, due to:

  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • polyp, several;
  • cysts;
  • problems with teeth and gums (a visit to the dentist is required).

What is sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses . This type of sinusitis can be either acute or chronic. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in the wet season, in autumn or early spring, during periods when there is an epidemiological peak. It first appears against the background of an incompletely cured runny nose and often develops into a chronic form.

Why a runny nose developed into sinusitis is not at all difficult to guess: it is enough to take reduced immunity against the background of a cold, add to it a nasal septum crooked after an injury and several diseased teeth - and here they are, ideal conditions for worsening the outflow of mucus and the proliferation of bacteria.

Answers to popular questions

Someone has had sinusitis since childhood; they had polyps removed, etc. The patient knows the symptoms of the disease. It is important to immediately begin taking measures to eliminate it . Another person's colds go away without any particular complications. The adult and the child do not know what symptoms to pay attention to. Let's look at the popular questions that patients ask doctors.

More details about polypous sinusitis are described here.

Why does it persist after treatment?

Patients have their sinuses pierced and the pus removed. 14-21 days pass, an adult and a child have a slight fever in the evenings +37.0-37.2°C. A complication has arisen. The source of inflammation must be looked for in another organ. Often inflamed:

  • eyes;
  • membrane of the brain;
  • general intoxication of the body occurs.

A person should contact their doctor for advice. The specialist will refer the patient to:

  • blood donation;
  • Ultrasound;
  • MRI and other procedures.

The specialist determines in which organ the chronic disease occurs and takes measures to normalize the condition. The doctor prescribes medications, next visit.

Is it possible to take a steam bath?

When a person gets sinusitis at the initial stage, it looks like ODS. A man, a woman, a child visits the bathhouse. Hot steam and essential oils have a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa , kill pathogenic bacteria, ease the condition of the nose, and organize the body to fight the disease.

If sinusitis is in the acute stage, or a person has a fever, you should wait a while before visiting the bathhouse. You can't steam. Water treatments can worsen the abscess.

This material will tell you what to do if your ear hurts after washing your nose.

Is it possible to play sports

When a person has sinusitis, it is difficult for him to breathe when doing exercises or running. The body does not receive enough oxygen, oxygen starvation occurs.

With intense physical activity, the disease can cause complications. Pus spreads to organs located near the nose.

Inflammation may occur:

  • membrane of the brain;
  • eyes;
  • nerves, etc.

Doctors recommend that athletes be treated with medications prescribed by the doctor, undergo tests, and make sure that the inflammation has passed. Only then should you resume training without fear of complications. If you are not careful and do not give up playing sports, the disease can develop into bilateral sinusitis, and later into the chronic stage. It will be more difficult to cure.

Should I lower the temperature?

An increase in temperature indicates that a person is developing an inflammatory process. At a body temperature of 37.5 degrees, the body’s defense reaction is triggered and interferon begins to be produced. Interferon fights viruses and bacteria that cause the disease. Interferon is produced by the body as long as the human body temperature is below 38.5 degrees. Therefore, we conclude: “There is no need to lower the temperature to 38.5 degrees.”

If the body’s defenses are not enough to cope with the infection on its own, and the temperature remains at 38.5 degrees or higher, then you need to take an antipyretic drug (Panadol, Nurofen) and immediately consult a doctor for advice. Since a bacterial complication of sinusitis may have arisen. And purulent mucus began to form in the maxillary sinuses. And this can lead to an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, which poses a threat to the patient’s life and is a reason for his immediate hospitalization.

Bottom line

Based on the above, we draw conclusions:

  1. In addition to fever, the doctor must diagnose why the person is sick; whether it is viral sinusitis, infectious, bactericidal or fungal. Fighting the causative agents of the disease, the specialist prescribes medications that relieve inflammation and the adult and child recover.
  2. When the standard treatment course of 10 days is completed, and the patient has poor tests and fever, this means that the disease is severe. The doctor can choose different treatment regimens for sinusitis. It is important to admit mistakes and prescribe a different treatment regimen. For example, he wrote in a prescription a smaller dose of a medicine, a weaker remedy, instead of a strong one. Correction and diagnosis of complications in the nose and other organs are required.
  3. Not everyone completely trusts doctors. People are used to self-medicating. Dangerous. There are many contraindications. People make mistakes with medicine, doses. Then the low temperature will not last for 10 days, as happens during the normal course of the disease, but for 2 months. up to six months. A temperature tail will appear. The patient will not be able to diagnose inflammation in another organ on his own. It is especially dangerous when the lining of the brain becomes inflamed. Without receiving timely medical care, some are in serious condition and die.
  4. In the fight against inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, timely diagnosis is important. Then the adult, the baby recovers quickly. The disease does not develop into a latent chronic form, with states of remission and exacerbation. Adequate therapy is required, then the abscess in the nose will go away faster, the epithelium of the nasal mucosa will be completely restored.
  5. If the patient’s condition is advanced, prompt diagnosis of one or several complications is needed: osteomyelitis, with meningitis, blood poisoning, with encephalitis.
  6. Strong medications can mask the problem. Medicines will not quickly remove the focus, several where the abscess occurs.
  7. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics when the patient is +38.5ºC or higher. Experts believe that the body of an adult who has not reached the mark must fight on its own. A child or an elderly person is prescribed antibiotics when his temperature is +38.0ºС or higher.

When a doctor begins to treat a patient, a correct assessment of his condition is required. Acute sinusitis is pronounced, but chronic sinusitis, when inflammation begins in neighboring organs, requires experience in making diagnoses, knowledge that helps to correctly diagnose the disease and detect complications. After diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

The influence of age and immunity on the course of sinusitis

Girl's temperatureSinusitis does not occur only in infants, because these babies have not yet formed the maxillary sinuses. Older children may well become ill with this disease, because they often suffer from a runny nose for a long time, as they become infected with respiratory infections in groups .
In children with maxillary sinusitis, hyperthermia is expressed in different ways. The child’s immunity is in the formative stage, and it all depends on what immunoglobulins have already been produced in the fragile body. One child may experience this illness without fever, while another may suffer from fever.

If we talk about older people, they usually have low-grade fever with sinusitis. This is due to the fact that most elderly people suffer from several chronic diseases, and this, of course, suppresses the immune system. The body cannot fight at full strength, so the source of infection slowly smolders at a temperature of 37-37.5 C.

The reaction to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in an average adult with normal immunity is as follows:

  • high temperature 38-39.5 in the acute form of the disease and during exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • subfebrile temperature 37-37.5 with catarrhal and chronic sinusitis, which manifests itself as a result of a previous cold, if the runny nose is not completely cured.

Once you get sinusitis, you have to constantly monitor your health and strengthen your immune system . If a respiratory infection is not treated properly, sinusitis will occur again and again.

Measure your body temperature as often as possible when you are sick! The fact is that some people may not feel hyperthermia, but the thermometer shows 37-37.5 C. If the runny nose does not go away and the temperature rises to such levels, this is a sure sign of a complication.

How long does the temperature last

Many people are interested in how many days the temperature lasts with sinusitis, since the activity of the inflammation largely depends on this. With competent, carefully thought-out treatment of sinusitis, the temperature can only persist for the first few days, which indicates the active proliferation of bacteria.

With competent, carefully thought-out therapy for sinusitis, the temperature can only persist for the first few days.

Subsequently, if antibacterial therapy is carried out correctly, it begins to gradually decrease, which indicates the gradual elimination of bacteria and viruses that provoked the onset of the disease. It can remain high for a longer time, which may indicate that the pathological process has not been completely cured or has progressed to a chronic stage. This is due to insufficiently good cleansing of the maxillary sinuses from purulent contents.

In the acute period of the disease, puncture of the maxillary sinuses greatly improves the patient’s well-being. When purulent contents are eliminated, heat and fever quickly go away, and local signs of the disease, such as headache and heaviness, are eliminated.

Important! There is a temperature with sinusitis in children, and in the acute period it can reach significant levels, which is why it is important to carry out therapy in a timely manner.

Children tolerate fever much worse than adults. If the pathology occurs against the background of a viral infection, then due to the pronounced signs of fever it is very difficult to recognize the presence of the disease. That is why, if a child develops a fever or fever, you need to consult a doctor who can select the means for therapy.

How to reduce a fever

What kind of temperature occurs during sinusitis worries many patients, since often a strong fever appears for no apparent reason. During the course of this disease, there is almost always an elevated temperature, however, if it is less than 39 degrees, then there is no need to lower it with the help of medications.

This is due to the fact that during a fever, the body begins to produce a fairly powerful immune defense substance - interferon. It is this substance that actively fights infectious agents.

That is why a decrease in low-grade fever is undesirable, since this will only contribute to the protracted course of the disease and its progression into a chronic form. The only exceptions can be neurological pathologies, childhood, poor tolerance to hyperthermia. In this case, you need to take antipyretic drugs at around 38 degrees.

Only competently carried out therapy will achieve elimination of the pathogen, as well as complete recovery. In addition, it is important to remember that absolutely any thermal procedures can be carried out only after the fever has been eliminated.

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