Crack in the nasal mucosa

Physiological causes of nasal peeling

  1. Unfavorable climatic conditions. Skin cells rapidly die and peel off under the influence of frost, heat, harsh wind, excessive dryness or humidity. The tip of the nose, which stands out on the face and is unprotected by clothing, suffers the most from uncomfortable climatic conditions.
  2. Unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products. Soap containing high concentrations of alkali, when used daily, dries out the delicate skin of the face and provokes cell death from lack of moisture. Alcohol-containing care products have a detrimental effect on the surface layer of the skin, making it dry and rough. Heavy nourishing creams and masks clog the sebaceous glands, as a result, metabolic reactions in skin cells are disrupted. A person with problem skin should stop using cosmetics and consult a dermatologist.
  3. Ignoring hygiene rules. If a person does not wash his face either in the morning or in the evening, then the skin independently tries to get rid of severe pollution. To cleanse yourself of harmful accumulations and dust particles, skin tissues begin to rapidly multiply and exfoliate, especially around the nose.
  4. Excessive sweating. If the skin is too wet and irritated, its cells quickly die and flake off.
  5. Excessively dry or oily skin. If the skin dries quickly or, conversely, becomes oily, then its top layer gradually thickens, becomes scaly, and actively flakes off.
  6. Changes in hormonal levels. Hormone surges during puberty and menopause certainly affect the condition of the skin and provoke rashes on the face, accompanied by itching, burning and peeling.
  7. Poor nutrition. In a person who regularly eats fatty foods, fried meat, baked goods, sweets, and alcoholic beverages, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted and metabolism in skin cells slows down.
  8. Skin aging. It is natural and inevitable that as the body ages, the appearance of the skin deteriorates. In old people, the skin on the face stretches, thins, becomes wrinkled and flaky.

Cracks in the nose: causes and treatment methods, what to apply

Cracks in the nose are a fairly common problem that is the result of a variety of disorders. To determine the causes of the disease, you should consult a specialist in a timely manner. The doctor will conduct a detailed diagnosis and tell you how to treat the pathology.

Causes of cracks inside the nose

Any damage to the mucous membranes should resolve within 1 week.

If the wound does not heal, there is a risk of dangerous consequences. Before starting therapy, it is important to determine the causes of nasal cracks.

Any self-medication options can cause negative consequences.

Cracks and other lesions of the mucous membranes may have a different appearance.

This is confirmed by numerous photos presented on the Internet. There are quite a few factors that cause such problems.

Damage to the nasal vestibule

This disorder is a consequence of chronic inflammation of the respiratory system.

The appearance of cracks is caused by loosening of the epithelium of the nostrils, which provokes a violation of the integrity of all layers of the epidermis.

Pathogenic microorganisms lead to similar problems.

Crusts in the nasal passages

This problem is caused by atrophic damage to the mucous membranes and bones.

As a result of this process, abnormal mucous secretions accumulate in the nose.

After some time, they acquire a hard consistency and transform into growths.

These formations prevent proper breathing. When trying to remove such crusts, there is a risk of cracks appearing.

The emergence of a problem is indicated by a complete or partial loss of smell, the occurrence of a foul odor from the nose and difficulty breathing. During the examination of the sinuses, the ENT doctor visualizes greenish or brown crusts, which often cover the entire surface of the mucous membranes.

Other factors

In most cases, patients turn to otolaryngologists with cracks in the vestibule of the nose. They occur when the integrity of the skin is damaged. Such formations are usually quite deep and painful.

Breathing problems can lead to disruption of integrity. In addition, the problem may be a consequence of the following factors:

  • side effects after using certain medications - most often problems arise after using vasoconstrictors, medications to lower blood pressure, vitamin complexes;
  • infectious pathologies of the nose;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membranes;
  • uncontrolled use of rhinitis medications;
  • allergy;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • exposure to dusty and dry air;
  • reduction in the amount of mucous secretions in the nasal cavity;
  • furunculosis - the cause of the disease is damage to the mucous membranes, which is localized under the nose or on its septum;
  • nostril sycosis is an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the hair follicles that is purulent in nature;
  • streptoderma is an infectious disease that is accompanied by the appearance of blisters filled with cloudy liquid;
  • eczema is a lesion of the nostrils caused by the development of rhinitis or allergies.

Also, the formation of cracks in the nose can be a consequence of a malfunction of the liver or pancreas. Therefore, the occurrence of such damage should become the basis for assessing the condition of these organs.

Treatment methods for cracked nose

To cope with the problem, first of all it is necessary to cure a runny nose.

The presence of mucous discharge significantly slows down the healing process.

Depending on the nature of rhinitis, the doctor can select an individual treatment regimen.

Treatment may include the use of a local antiseptic - a cream or ointment may be used for this purpose. Drugs with a regenerating effect are also prescribed.

Sometimes there is a need to use drugs to strengthen the immune system - immunomodulators. Antihistamines are often used. Drugs that help increase the body's resistance and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances may also be prescribed.

In addition to using traditional means, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Compliance with drinking regime. By drinking large amounts of liquid, it is possible to moisturize the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. The use of vitamin E. This substance ensures rapid skin regeneration.
  3. Maintaining optimal humidity parameters.
  4. Stopping or reducing the dosage of medications that cause dry mucous membranes.
  5. Performing inhalations based on herbal decoctions. Remedies made from chamomile or calendula help relieve inflammation and discomfort.
  6. Rinse the nose with saline solution. You can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made drug. At the pharmacy you can buy products such as aqualor and aquamaris.

Most often, essential oils are used to heal cracks in the nasal cavity. They can be used for inhalation or added to medicinal ointments. Essential oils of tea tree, pine, fir, and eucalyptus are highly effective.

For inhalation you need to use a steam bath.

Performing the procedure using a nebulizer is strictly prohibited, as it can cause pulmonary edema.

The mechanical flow of steam leads to the settling of oil droplets in the structure of the bronchi. This can cause dangerous complications.

To make a steam bath, just add a few essential oils to boiling water - just a few drops. It is recommended to inhale the vapors for a maximum of 15 minutes. First you need to cover yourself with a towel.

To make a medicinal ointment, take a couple of small spoons of Vaseline, melt over low heat and add 4 drops of eucalyptus oil. It is also quite possible to use several oils - for example, eucalyptus and tea tree. They are mixed in equal parts. The prepared ointment should be used 3 times a day.

Pathological causes of nasal peeling


An allergic reaction to pollen from flowering plants, household chemicals, decorative cosmetics, medications, and perfumes may be accompanied by peeling of the nose.
In a person suffering from allergies, the skin on the nose turns red and cracks, burns and itches, and becomes covered with spots or small blisters.

In addition to skin problems, allergy sufferers experience excessive lacrimation, coughing, sneezing, and throat discomfort.

Lack or excess of vitamins in the body

With vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis, a person may peel off the skin not only on the nose, but also on all other parts of the face: on the forehead, ears, cheekbones, chin. Also, with a deficiency of vitamins, bleeding gums are often observed, and angular stomatitis develops.

Endocrine system disorders

With diabetes, thyroid pathologies, obesity and other endocrine diseases, the functioning of skin cells worsens.
Hormonal fluctuations negatively affect the condition of the skin, causing burning and peeling.

Dermatological diseases

Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases can affect any part of the body, including the nose. In a sick person, the upper layers of the skin rapidly die and peel off; on the damaged area of ​​the body, the skin becomes pale, red or brown.

The skin often thickens, turns into a crust, and sometimes exudate accumulates under it. With dermatological pathologies, rashes may appear on the skin: blisters, papules, pustules.

Respiratory diseases

Rhinitis and sinusitis develop after pathogenic microorganisms enter the nasal cavity.
The infection irritates the mucous membranes of the nose, so a sick person is forced to use tissues and napkins to blow out the mucus.

Wet handkerchiefs rub against the tip of the nose, as a result of which the delicate skin becomes inflamed, red, cracks and flakes.

Cracks in the nose, how to treat the pathology and its possible causes

Cracks occur quite often. There are many reasons for this: prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, injury to the nasal mucosa, dust, dry air and much more.

As a rule, with this problem there is pain, itching, bloody and purulent discharge. To identify the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies, which will give an accurate picture of what is happening.

So, how to treat such a phenomenon as cracked nose?

Why do cracks occur?

If the mucous membrane is injured, complete healing occurs in at least a week. If even a small wound does not heal during this time, serious complications may develop. Before starting treatment for a pathological condition, it is recommended to find out the exact picture and its cause.

Self-indulgence can also lead to dire consequences.

There are indeed many factors influencing the occurrence of cracks and other lesions, and below we will try to analyze the most common ones.

Treatment methods for cracks

“How are cracks in the nasal cavity treated?” - this is a question you should ask your doctor. Coping with pathology is quite simple. First of all, you need to get rid of rhinitis. The constant accumulation of secretions only interferes with regeneration. A runny nose is treated purely individually based on its origin.

For therapy, local antiseptic preparations are used, usually a cream or ointment. Medicines with a healing effect are also prescribed.

Immunomodulators are often prescribed to enhance immunity. Antiallergic drugs are often used. Medicines that help the body resist and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used.


Diagnosis of skin pathology

Before starting treatment, you need to find out why the skin on your nose is peeling.
If you have problems with your skin, you should consult a dermatologist. If peeling of the nose happened once, the doctor will take a skin scraping from the patient, as well as blood and urine for a general analysis. Based on the test results, the medical specialist will prescribe the optimal therapy.

If a doctor suspects a patient has a dysfunction of the endocrine system or pathology of internal organs, he will definitely send him for an ultrasound, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and will also force him to do hormonal tests and donate blood for a biochemical analysis.

What to do and how to treat sores in the nose for various diseases

In fact, the answer to the question of what to do for sores in the nose can only be given by an experienced specialist after identifying the cause of the appearance of this symptom. This is due to the fact that full treatment is possible only if the cause of the appearance of this sign of trouble is eliminated. Therefore, if the pathology lasts for a long time (more than 5 days after eliminating other symptoms of rhinitis), you need to visit an otolaryngologist.

Now let’s talk a little about how to treat sores in the nose for various diseases that cause their appearance. Let's start with the simplest thing - excessive dryness of the mucous membrane after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops

It is important to restore normal blood supply in small capillaries. Therefore, first of all, we cancel nasal drops and replace them with regular rinsing of the nasal passages

You can use contrasting water temperatures for this: first irrigate with hot water, and then with cold. A light massage and lubrication with Methyluracil ointment can eliminate all unpleasant symptoms quite quickly.


Treatment of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages with iodine, salicylic alcohol, and other irritating alcohol solutions is strictly prohibited. This can cause the development of serious pathology

In the event that sores develop against the background of small blisters that tend to merge, then with a high degree of probability it is possible to diagnose a herpes infection that penetrated by airborne droplets. Here it is worth using complex treatment, since there is a high probability of dissemination of the herpes virus and its transition to the form of permanent carriage. If you suspect such an infection, you can do a blood test, based on the results of which complex antiviral treatment is prescribed. It involves taking an antiviral drug by mouth. For example, “Amiksin” or “Lavomax” is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • the first 2 days, 2 tablets per dose once a day;
  • 3rd, 5th, 7th day and subsequent odd days - 1 tablet 1 time per day.

The course of treatment is 30 days. In addition, Acyclovir ointment is prescribed locally, which is applied to the affected areas 3-5 times a day and left until completely absorbed. Vitamin therapy with the obligatory addition of zinc is important. This substance stimulates the immune system and helps it cope with a viral attack.

If sores in the nose have purulent contents, then there is a high probability of the presence of bacterial pathogenic microflora. In this case, treatment methods are selected depending on the patient's condition. If there is no fever, headache, difficulty swallowing or severe runny nose, then treatment can be local. For this purpose, ointments based on antibiotics (Levomekol, Tetracycline) are used. In addition, nasal rinsing with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solution is prescribed 4-5 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days.

For candidiasis, a fungicidal ointment is used (Nystatin, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole). If there is mechanical damage or a suspicion of an atrophic process, then the use of propolis, Methyluaracil, Actovegin ointments and lubrication of the mucous membrane with aloe juice may be indicated.

For the entire duration of treatment, a diet rich in protein and vitamins is prescribed, and the drinking regime is increased. The room should be subject to daily wet cleaning and regular ventilation. A universal remedy is Panthenol ointment, which can be used without a doctor’s prescription as a first aid remedy.

Otolaryngologist Marina Vlasova

The appearance of various sores in the nasal cavity and on the septum indicates some kind of disease or the penetration of an infection into the body. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly eliminate such manifestations to avoid complications.

How to get rid of peeling skin on the nose?

When the skin around the nose and nostrils peels, do not delay treatment.
And it's not even an aesthetic defect. The problem is that dry, red, flaky skin can be a symptom of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and establish the cause of the pathological condition of the skin. It is not advisable to self-medicate: you can only relieve the symptoms on your own, but you cannot eliminate the underlying disease that caused the peeling of the skin.

The treatment takes quite a long time, and a red, inflamed, scabby nose looks very unsightly. How to fix the situation? To easily and safely remove dead particles from the skin and restore your nose to an attractive appearance, you must follow the rules below.

  1. Under no circumstances should you scrape dead tissue from the dry surface of the skin with sharp tools. This way you can inadvertently get an infection.
  2. Dead skin can only be removed from the nose with a cotton pad or a soft hygienic sponge. Before the procedure, the skin must first be sprinkled with water and then lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  3. After removing the scabs, it is necessary to treat the skin with antiseptic agents. It is advisable to choose medicines based on herbal ingredients. Infusions of calendula and chamomile are best suited. Moisturizer should be applied to the nose treated with an antiseptic.

Recommended reading:

  • Why does the skin on the face turn red and peel?;
  • Causes of flaky eyelids and methods of solving the problem;
  • What to do if the skin on your palms and between your fingers is peeling.

Cracks in the nose

Many patients complain of cracked nose. They usually form at the beginning of the nasal area. The main reason for their appearance is dry mucous membranes, but in order to choose the right treatment you need to better understand this problem.

This condition can be triggered by various factors, for example, long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops, which leads to atrophy of the mucous membrane, infectious diseases and injuries of the nose, allergic reactions, inhalation of dry, hot or dusty air, or a prolonged runny nose. In addition, the process may be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, and ultimately this will lead to furunculosis, which will not be as easy to cure as cracks.

Note! Long-term use of nasal sprays risks drug dependence.

Treatment for cracked nose begins with eliminating the runny nose, which is the reason why healing does not occur. As therapy, the doctor may prescribe ointments and creams with an antiseptic effect in combination with drugs for external use. There are several recommendations to reduce excessive nasal dryness:

  • Drink more fluids, it prevents dryness in the nasal area.
  • Carefully read the instructions for all medications that you use as treatment, because many cause drying of the nasal mucosa.
  • Take products containing vitamin E, it improves skin regeneration.
  • Do inhalations yourself using a solution of chamomile or calendula or rinse your nose with saline solutions three times a day.

This change can be caused by many factors, but the result is the same - cracks appear in the nose. The causes and treatment of this pathology are determined only after diagnosing changes in the structure of the tissues of the nasal cavity.

Timely contact with a specialist will allow you to avoid serious complications, since the manifestation of such formations can be a signal of pathological changes in the internal organs.

If a crack in the nose does not heal in a person for quite a long period, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence.

, in order to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent the development of complications.

Otolaryngologists allow a week

, after which a diagnosis is made and a treatment regimen is prescribed.

The etiology of the appearance of cracks in the mucosa can be varied

, among the most common reasons it is worth highlighting:

  1. Lingering
    . The longer a person suffers from, the greater the likelihood of cracks occurring, since the constant use of vasoconstrictor drugs certainly leads to. Also, constant secretion prevents the healing of the mucous membrane. Medicine divides rhinitis into several types, but the most provoking type of manifestation of small ruptures is atrophic runny nose.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory processes
    affecting the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. These include -, sphenoiditis and ethmoiditis.
  3. Herpes
    . The localization of the rash (sometimes small cracks) can be varied - on the mucous membrane, the inner surface of the wings of the nose and at the very tip of the olfactory organ.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system
    quite often provoke the formation of small tears in the area of ​​the nasal vestibule (anterior section of the nasal cavity).
    The reason is a violation of the integrity of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue
    . The destruction of the skin is facilitated by pathological microorganisms that feed on muconasal secretions. In case of untimely treatment, there is a high probability of acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and subcutaneous tissue.

Often, dryness and cracks in the nose occur due to hypervitaminosis - excessive intake of vitamin preparations

How to get rid of nasal peeling using folk remedies?

  1. It is useful to clean a flaky nose with decoctions of sage and chamomile.
  2. It is recommended to treat damaged skin with solutions of vitamins A and E.
  3. To quickly and gently remove dead skin, you can apply castor oil to your nose in the evening before going to bed. In the morning, the skin will be softened; dead particles should be carefully removed from it, being careful not to damage healthy tissue.
  4. If your nose is constantly peeling due to unfavorable climatic conditions or uncomfortable air temperature, then you need to regularly lubricate it with an emollient cream.
  5. Take a teaspoon of melted butter and mix it with a teaspoon of liquid natural honey. A small piece of banana is mashed and added to the mixture. The components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting cream must be lubricated daily on the damaged nose until the skin is completely restored.
  6. Aloe juice is taken and mixed with freshly squeezed carrot juice, natural honey and sea buckthorn oil. The prepared mixture is used to treat sore skin.
  7. A teaspoon of glycerin is dissolved in a small amount of water. A few drops of ammonia are added to the solution. To ensure that the liquid has a uniform consistency, it should be shaken thoroughly. The resulting lotion must be applied to the skin and left for about 30 minutes. Then the medicine is removed from the face with a damp cotton pad.

All of the above folk medicines should be spread on damaged skin in a thick layer. Excess ointments that are not absorbed into the skin are removed with a cotton pad moistened with infusions of medicinal plants. It is recommended to store traditional medicine for a short time. In general, it is better to prepare them just before use.

Methods of using medications

When abrasions and cracks appear in the nasal cavity, it is also necessary to use restorative agents that stimulate tissue regeneration. This will prevent infection from penetrating through the damaged skin surface. Before applying them, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic. For sores in the nose, ointments or creams are used in the following ways:

  • rub in gently, covering with a thick layer;
  • spread on a piece of folded gauze or a cotton pad and apply to the wound as a compress;
  • generously lubricate a cotton swab with the medicine and insert it into the nostril (used if the wound is located deep inside the nose).

Sores in the nose often occur due to herpes, and it is treated with antiviral ointments.
If the disease that causes sores in the nasal passages is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, steam inhalations can be performed. This method of additional treatment will soften the crusts, speed up the healing process of cracks and improve the outflow of mucus. You can prepare a decoction of the herbs calendula, chamomile and sage. This composition will provide an antiseptic effect, reduce inflammation and cleanse the nasal passages.

When a lot of dense crusts collect in the nose, you need to soften them and remove them with a cotton swab. And for this, rinsing will be useful. The procedure will also have an antiseptic effect, but to obtain it you need to use special solutions. In addition, rinsing will facilitate nasal breathing, moisturize the nasal mucosa, eliminate excess mucus and relieve irritation.

Rinsing is carried out using a regular medical syringe or rubber bulb. To speed up the healing process, physiotherapeutic procedures are added to drug treatment. Although they do not affect the cause of sores in the nose, they will relieve unpleasant symptoms and promote healing.

The most effective are electrophoresis and ultraviolet irradiation (UVR). With the help of the first, blood circulation improves, which, in turn, stimulates the process of regeneration of damaged tissue. Ural irradiation has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation and stimulates the restoration of the mucous membrane. Contraindicated for purulent sores.

Prevention of skin on the nose

Constantly treating a sore nose is an unpleasant task. But what can you do to prevent redness and flaking of the skin on the nose in an adult and a child?

  • It is advisable for women to use high-quality cosmetics only from well-known and trusted manufacturers. You should not use soap when washing your face, as it dries out your facial skin.
  • It is recommended to wash with cool, soft water. If the water coming from the tap is too hard, then it is worth installing water filters.
  • An adult should drink at least two liters of water per day. Pure water not only normalizes metabolic reactions in the body, stimulates the urinary system, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • In winter in cold weather and in summer in sunny weather, you must apply a protective cream to your skin before going outside.

It is advisable to have the child examined by a doctor for the presence of dermatological diseases and disorders of the endocrine system.

Causes of ulcers and cracks on the nasal septum

Various reasons can contribute to the appearance of cracks and ulcers on the septum:

    Boils, carbuncles - represent an infectious,

Perforated ulcer on the nasal septum

purulent lesion of hair follicles. With the extensive development of the disease, the immune status decreases, as a result of which the infection spreads to the nose. More often, boils appear in childhood with poor immunity.

  • Sycosis of the nostrils is an inflammatory purulent lesion of the hair follicles, spreading to neighboring areas. Sores can spread to the septum, chin, lips.
  • The appearance of herpes - the disease appears when the herpes virus enters the body. It affects the vestibule of the nose and passes further. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles, which, when bursting, form erosions and bleeding sores.
  • Eczema in the area of ​​the entrance to the nasal cavity - occurs with a runny nose, sinusitis, and sinusitis. It is caused by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane due to frequent blowing of the nose.
  • Erysipelas is an inflammatory lesion of the skin that can appear around the nose. The disease develops with low immunity, the main cause is streptococcus.
  • Rhinophyma, acne , is an inflammatory skin lesion that is more common in the male population. If left untreated, it can lead to severe disfigurement.
  • Allergies are also one of the causes of cracks and ulcers on the septum. It is caused by the body’s response to various cosmetics and other nasal products.
  • Tumor formation - the development of malignant pathology can contribute to the appearance of cracks and ulcers on the septum. For example, nasal cancer is characterized by the appearance of bleeding ulcers.
  • Infectious pathologies - the formation of sores on the septum can occur when various infections enter the body - streptococcal, papilloma virus, etc. This occurs mainly in cases of reduced immune status.

Reasons for appearance

Dry skin under the nose is a symptom that may be due to natural causes.

Most often, the symptom appears due to the following factors:

  • wind, frost or heat outside;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics - dry skin near the nose can be associated with the use of foundation, powder, which contains dyes and flavors;
  • reaction to wet or dry wipes - for example, the product contains fragrances;
  • dry indoor air;
  • rapid temperature changes - for example, if a person enters a hot room from the cold;
  • skin contact with hard water;
  • skin reaction to a new cosmetic product;
  • non-compliance with the work and rest schedule;
  • use of a medicinal product - dry skin can occur as a side effect, this usually happens when using antibacterial and hormonal agents;
  • damage to the skin - with a burn, peeling and dry skin may develop;
  • squeezing out rashes on the facial skin (acne, pimples);
  • piercing – after the manipulation the symptom is normal, but if it does not go away within several days, you should visit a doctor, as inflammation is possible;
  • use of a breathing mask – when a person is at risk of developing bronchial asthma or apnea, a device is necessary;
  • frequent stressful situations;

    Dry skin under the nose, flaking, redness. Causes, care, treatment

  • prolonged runny nose - accumulation of mucus causes skin irritation, and the person constantly removes the mass with napkins, redness appears;
  • long-term use of nasal drops - this applies to vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, hormonal agents;
  • the influence of salon procedures - after ultrasonic, mechanical or combined facial cleansing, there may be dryness and flaking of the skin for 5 days;
  • adolescence – changes occur in hormonal levels;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • pregnancy - peeling and dryness are associated with changes in hormonal levels;
  • poor nutrition.
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