Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut at home

Chestnut properties for sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut is carried out using the fruits, leaves, and color of the tree. Chestnut fruits are used most often. Horse chestnut causes an active runny nose, which clears the sinuses of pus and mucus and restores free breathing.

The healing properties of the plant do not end there. It contains:

  • vitamins B and K;
  • minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium);
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • essential oil.

The content of all these substances in combination gives the chestnut the following properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antimicrobial.

In addition, horse chestnut has a pronounced ability to reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, inhibit blood clotting, and increase the elasticity of red blood cells.

When treated with pharmacological preparations developed on the basis of chestnut, vascular walls are strengthened, micro-inflammatory processes are eliminated, wounds and cracks heal quickly, and pain relief is provided. Horse chestnut for sinusitis can be used along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

As with any means, you should not get carried away with it, and especially not self-medicate, neglecting the prescriptions of specialists. Treatment of children under 12 years of age is not recommended, and for adults, the method of using chestnut is chosen taking into account the general health of the patient.

Traditional medicine offers more than one recipe for how to treat sinusitis with chestnuts, there are many of them. The main thing is that this treatment can be carried out at home. There are many reviews about the treatment of sinusitis with chestnut at home, they are different, but still most are positive. Many people talk about relief after just a few procedures.

Basic rules for preparing medicine

Every patient for medical reasons can safely use chestnut at home. However, you first need to figure out which fruits are suitable for consumption and which ones turn out to be absolutely useless in the process of eliminating progressive sinusitis. So, useful information for the patient to note is detailed below:

  1. For treatment, use only young fruits, which contain a high concentration of substances beneficial to health.
  2. It is recommended to collect them in July and August, preferably in environmentally friendly places and regions.
  3. After collection, store in the freezer, using a new portion to prepare the medicine each time.
  4. Before starting to prepare the medication, consult your doctor to rule out potential side effects and contraindications.
  5. Do not disturb the daily doses and proportions during preparation of the medicine, otherwise the concentrated composition may become the main cause of an overdose.
  6. If we talk about the choice of fruits, preference is given to horse chestnut, since this variety is especially productive in treating the respiratory system.
  7. To treat sinusitis, you can use both the fruits themselves and the essential oil of this tree.

If you follow these simple rules, treatment of sinusitis with chestnut will be successful; Moreover, after a couple of days the patient will notice noticeable relief, begin to breathe normally and sleep peacefully at night.

Recipes for using chestnut for sinusitis at home

Using chestnuts you can prepare:

  • tinctures;
  • drops;
  • turundas;
  • ointments;

Essential oil is also extracted from chestnut. It can be bought at a pharmacy.

Tinctures are used to rinse the sinuses, turundas are placed in the nasal passages, and ointments can be used both for placement in the nasal passages and for massage.

The oil is used for inhalation and massage.

One of the recipes for chestnut tincture:

  1. Soak chestnuts in cold water for three hours.
  2. Peel off the skin.
  3. Grind the cores into powder.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of powder with one teaspoon of chestnut oil and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour 200 ml of mixture. warm boiled water.
  6. The resulting composition is infused for 24 hours and filtered through gauze.

Washing is carried out twice a day for a week. When carrying out rinsing, it is recommended to lie on your side and pour the solution into the nostril so that it enters the opposite maxillary sinus. This situation is very fortunate. In a different position of the body, the solution usually flows down the back wall of the pharynx and does not reach its destination.

Chestnut for sinusitis, prepared in this way, is very effective.

If the disease strikes while the plant is flowering, you can use fresh flowers from the tree. The juice is squeezed out of the flowers and instilled into the nasal passages, one drop each three times a day.

Turundas are cut from the core of the fruit and carefully inserted into the nasal passages for a short time. The effect of the procedure begins within a few minutes. Active sneezing promotes the outflow of mucus and pus from the maxillary sinuses. How to properly cut a chestnut when treating sinusitis can be seen in the video.

Useful properties of chestnut

Horse chestnut is used very often for sinusitis, as medicine based on this plant helps eliminate signs of the disease and improve well-being.

Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut involves the use of horse chestnut. Its fruits and leaves contain:

  • mineral salts;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins.

Horse chestnut is used very often for sinusitis, as medicine based on this plant helps eliminate signs of the disease and improve well-being. Among the useful properties are the following:

  • maintaining normal vascular tone;
  • thinning the blood and improving blood flow;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • anesthesia.

Important! There are many medicines for sinusitis that contain horse chestnut, but before using them, you should consult a doctor. In addition, chestnuts have pronounced bactericidal properties.

Recipes for medicines made from chestnut are quite simple to make and can be made independently at home. They have a beneficial effect on the maxillary sinuses. In addition, chestnut helps eliminate pathogens, as a result of which the inflammatory process is reduced.

In addition, chestnuts have pronounced bactericidal properties. Recipes for medicines made from chestnut are quite simple to make and can be made independently at home. They have a beneficial effect on the maxillary sinuses. In addition, chestnut helps eliminate pathogens, as a result of which the inflammatory process is reduced.

The irritating effect of chestnut provokes sneezing, which helps to quickly clear the maxillary sinuses of accumulated pus and mucus. Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut is indicated for any manifestation of pathology. However, it can only be used if you are in good health and have no concomitant diseases.

Chestnut turundas

Installing chestnut turundas in the nasal sinuses has its own characteristics and can have unpleasant consequences. Let's talk about this in more detail.

To make the raw materials (chopped sticks) prepared for the turunda easier to remove, they can be stitched with a strong thread, which you then pull, or pinned on toothpicks. Turundas are placed in the nose one at a time so as not to disturb the already difficult breathing.

Often using this method of treatment is not recommended. No matter how carefully the turundas are introduced, they injure the mucous membrane, contribute to its atrophy, and can contribute to the spread of infection to other sinuses.

Horse chestnut essential oil

Horse chestnut essential oil is good at eliminating congestion and inflammation in the sinuses. Using the oil, inhalations are prepared and massages are performed. It should be noted that if you have sinusitis, you must be very careful about hot steam inhalations and do not carry them out without a doctor’s prescription. Hot steam promotes the spread of pus into nearby tissues and can aggravate the course of the disease. But cold inhalations will not cause harm in any condition of the patient. Cold inhalations are carried out using an aroma lamp. If there is no lamp, a few drops of oil are applied to a napkin. Vapor inhalation procedures are carried out for 10 minutes.

Chestnut essential oil can also be used for massage. The oil is applied to the top of the nasolabial dimple, the point above the eyebrows, and the highest point of the crown. Massage points are massaged for 5 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times a day for a course of 7-10 days. Of all the recipes for using chestnut, massage is the safest. It does not damage the mucous membrane and does not provoke increased swelling.

Other uses of chestnut

The most famous thing is the production of turundas and inhalations with chestnut, but there are other methods. Gargling and acupuncture are used to treat a runny nose. Acupressure, which requires 8 ml of essential oil of the stomach, mixed with 40 ml of any other. The solution is rubbed into the following points:

  • whiskey;
  • center of forehead;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • maxillary sinuses;
  • wings of the nose.

The massage should be performed slowly for 5 minutes 3 times a day. You need to use the method for 10 days.

Points for massage for rhinitis

Nasal rinsing is done using this recipe. The peeled chestnut seed is ground to a powder. 1 tsp. pour a glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse overnight. After this, strain and rinse the nasal cavity twice a day for a week.

Traditional methods of treating sinusitis

You can rinse your sinuses using a decoction of tree bark. You need to take 50 grams. active substance, pour half a liter of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. After this, strain and use as intended.

An ointment made from the leaves or inflorescences of the plant will help clear mucus from the nose and relieve inflammation. Take 100 gr. raw materials and 2 cups of vegetable or other oil, mix and place in a water bath.

Bring to a boil and leave in this state for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then remove from the stove, strain and cool. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with the product 2 times a day or before going outside.

Alternative medicine does not lose popularity today. Treatment of ENT diseases with chestnut is effective and widespread. It can also be used for children.


Due to the presence in the plant of a large number of active components that affect the condition of blood vessels and the condition of the blood, as well as tannins, treatment with chestnut has a lot of contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • liver diseases;
  • disruption of the stomach and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypotension;
  • slow blood clotting.

Allergy sufferers should be especially careful when using the plant.

The use of drugs with chestnut in patients at risk can cause serious side effects that are dangerous to health and pregnancy.

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