Treating bronchitis and cough with baking soda at home

Who can drink the drink?

Milk and soda are used to treat coughs and throats by adults and children. Parents often wonder at what age can they drink milk and soda? As mentioned above, it is not recommended to treat cough in children under 1 year of age with this remedy. For children over 1 year of age, the dosage of the ingredients used is significantly reduced.

It should be noted that pregnancy is not a contraindication to treatment with this drug. Milk with soda during pregnancy is useful not only for treating coughs, but also for eliminating heartburn, which often occurs in women “in an interesting position.”

During breastfeeding, this drink is allowed for use, of course, if there are no contraindications.

The main rules for using soda cough remedies

There are several requirements for the use of sodium bicarbonate-based formulations, which are recommended to be strictly followed. The results of treatment depend only on the correct use of home medications.

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Basic rules for treatment with sodium bicarbonate:

  • strictly adhere to the dosages specified in the recipe, do not exceed the amount of product, refuse dangerous experiments;
  • use solutions immediately after preparation; even short storage is enough for the effectiveness to decrease and most of the active elements to completely evaporate;
  • do not take solutions on an empty stomach - it can easily cause discomfort in the digestive organs;
  • if sodium bicarbonate-based liquid is used for oral administration, it is advisable to drink the last portion immediately before going to bed;
  • it is allowed to supplement treatment with other home remedies, the main thing is not to take them at the same time;
  • control the amount of soda - at elevated temperatures, an excess of the active component can provoke dehydration of the body;
  • If you notice a deterioration in your general condition and well-being after using the drugs, immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Another rule to remember is that soda is often used as a laxative home remedy. People suffering from frequent indigestion or intestinal disorders are advised to reduce the amount of the active ingredient in recipes.

Even if such a precaution did not help, and frequent visits to the toilet could not be avoided, the use of anti-diarrhea drugs is prohibited. In combination with soda solutions, such experiments can result in undesirable manifestations.

Operating principle

The components that make up this drink have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the larynx. Warm milk gently envelops the mucous membrane; this action is due to the presence of fats in milk. Thus, milk can eliminate a sore throat and acute pain.

Please note that the milk should never be hot.

Soda, in turn, has an expectorant effect. It penetrates the respiratory tract and thins mucus. In tandem with milk, you get a fairly effective cough remedy.

Drink the drink until a wet cough appears.

Various components are also added to the drink:

  • Butter.
  • Honey.
  • Chicken yolk.
  • Cacao butter.
  • Raspberries.
  • Iodine.
  • Onion.
  • Figs

All of the above components have an anti-inflammatory or expectorant effect, help relieve throat irritation and relieve painful coughs.

Indications for use

A direct indication is a cough accompanied by the presence of sputum in the respiratory tract. But even for coughs of other etiologies, many recipes with milk will be useful, reducing its severity and intensity.

As a rule, a cough with sputum (both dry and wet) is observed with a viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract: colds, flu, and so on.

Milk, with different ingredients, can be used both as the main (and only) remedy, and as a “drug” used in the complex treatment of an illness, including under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be noted that with many viral or bacterial diseases, cough is far from the only symptom. They are accompanied by fever, loss of strength, psychological imbalance, deterioration not only of well-being, but also of appearance, and so on.

So, honey, as well as milk and soda, have a complex therapeutic effect, fighting the pathogens of the disease “on all fronts”!

Classic recipe for cough milk and soda

For which cough should I take this drink? Milk and soda are used for dry and barking cough. The drink will help cure dry cough if the dosage and preparation sequence are followed accurately.

This remedy is recommended for adults with smoker's cough. The action of two components contributes to the removal of stagnant mucus in the bronchi.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare the drink at home:

  1. Take 1 glass of cow's milk, preferably fresh. It is worth noting that it is advisable to use homemade milk rather than store-bought milk.
  2. Heat the milk to 40 degrees. Under no circumstances should you boil it, the goal is to warm it up. Boiled milk loses its beneficial enveloping properties.
  3. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per glass of milk and mix thoroughly for 2 minutes.

How to use? This drink should be drunk twice a day, preferably in the morning and before bed.

If we are talking about a child under 12 years old, it is necessary to reduce the dosage by half. That is, take half a glass of milk and add 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

With daily use of the drink, already on the second day after the start of use, a dry cough turns into a wet one.

Prohibitions on the use of soda solutions against bronchitis and cough

Despite the safety of sodium bicarbonate, there are a number of prohibitions on the use of home remedies. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to understand the limitations and contraindications.

Sodium bicarbonate-based formulations should not be used in the following cases:

  • age (for children, perform procedures or give homemade medicine internally only with the permission of a doctor);
  • negative reaction to lactose;
  • intestinal upset (prolonged diarrhea);
  • wet cough with copious mucus discharge;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs;
  • chronic cough in the acute stage.

Even if there are no restrictions, during the continuation of treatment, carefully monitor the general well-being of the patient - at the first alarming signs of the body, immediately stop steam manipulation or ingestion of the compositions.

Other effective recipes

In addition to the classic recipe for cough milk and soda, there are also products with various additional components. Let's take a closer look:

Milk with soda and butter

To prepare we will need:

  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.
  • A small piece of butter (2 grams).

Heat the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees, add butter. Stir the drink until the oil is completely dissolved. Add soda and mix again.

Drink a glass of milk with soda and butter in the morning and before bed. For a child, the dosage is reduced by half.

Milk with soda and raspberries

  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 3-4 fresh raspberries.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

Heat the milk and turn the raspberries into puree. Mix the ingredients and add soda. Mix thoroughly and consume twice a day.

It should be noted that you should not drink this drink at elevated body temperature.

Milk with propolis

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 15 drops of propolis oil tincture

Heat the milk to 40 degrees and add propolis oil. It is recommended to add 15 drops for adults, and 7 drops for children.

Take twice a day or during a severe coughing attack.

Milk with cocoa butter

  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa butter.

Place the oil in a separate container and dissolve it until liquid in the microwave. Add to milk and mix.

Take 2-3 times a day. Children should drink the drink in a smaller dosage - 1/2 or 1/3 glasses, depending on age.

Milk with soda and honey

  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 1 teaspoon liquid flower honey.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

Heat the milk and add honey and soda. Mix thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved. This drink should be drunk twice a day.

If the drink is intended for a child, the dosage should be halved. Milk with soda and honey for coughs is not recommended for use at elevated body temperatures.

Milk with honey and soda for children

Traditional medicine does not deny the possibility of using this remedy in children. The preparation method is the same as for adults, but the dosage when consumed is 2-3 times less. Please note that despite the positive effect, there may be side effects.

Caution: before starting treatment for your child, it is best to consult a pediatrician. Do not use products before the age of 3 years!

In addition to the recipes presented above, milk with figs is used to treat cough. Dried figs are used to prepare it.

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky believes that first of all it is necessary to find out the cause of the cough. If this symptom bothers a child due to a cold, milk and soda will be an excellent effective remedy, provided that the cough is dry. The ingredients of this drink have enveloping properties.

In addition, Komarovsky believes that a child can and should be involved in preparing the drink. So that the baby himself puts a piece of butter into warm milk or adds berries himself. This will not only help get rid of the cough, but will also be an excellent teaching moment for the baby.

Useful properties of soda

Soda is considered a universal remedy that is widely used in everyday life, cosmetology and folk medicine. With its help, it is possible to cope with alcohol addiction, poisoning and joint pathologies.

In addition, soda is widely used to treat severe coughs due to bronchitis. The desired effect can be achieved due to the mucolytic and antibacterial properties that sodium bicarbonate has.

Soda has an alkalizing effect, and when interacting with sputum, the acidic environment is neutralized. The stomach contains receptors from which impulses travel to the vomiting center of the brain.

Soda affects them, relieves nausea and enhances expectoration of mucus without a gag reflex.

Under the influence of the local alkaline environment, many fungi and bacteria die, so sodium bicarbonate is widely used in the treatment of pathologies such as stomatitis, tonsillitis and thrush.

When treating bronchitis with soda, the consistency of mucous secretions changes, and they are eliminated without problems. Over time, the cough disappears and the patient's condition improves markedly.

When fighting cough due to pathologies of the respiratory system, sodium bicarbonate can be used as an independent remedy or serve as an effective component of complex therapy.


Doctors' opinions on the treatment of colds and coughs with soda are mixed. Some believe that such a remedy goes well with medications and even enhances their effect. Thanks to gargling and inhalations, you can quickly eliminate the disease and prevent the development of complications. Others, on the contrary, have a negative attitude towards the treatment of any disease, in particular ARVI or bronchitis, with traditional medicine. There is no evidence of the effectiveness of such drugs and no research results on the effect of soda on the body.

Many people who have themselves treated or treated coughs with soda-based products in children are satisfied with the results. Inhalations and gargling are popular. Some people prefer to take solutions internally. A milk-soda mixture is especially effective and healthy. But there are also those who believe that sodium bicarbonate cannot cure influenza or ARVI. Distrust in unconventional methods is caused by incorrect use of compounds or the occurrence of unwanted reactions due to drug abuse.

Features of treatment

During therapy, it should be remembered that soda is a chemical compound that must be handled with care.

Inappropriate use of funds is fraught with:

  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malaise;
  • sleep disorder

To prevent unwanted effects, any procedures should be agreed with your doctor. Cough therapy with soda in an adult and a child is somewhat different.


Washing, gargling, inhalation, as well as taking medications orally, are used carefully and after consultation with a pediatrician. Therapy is not given to children under 3 years of age.

The best options for using soda for babies are inhalation and rinsing. Doctors strongly recommend limiting the use of the nebulizer. Due to the concentrated penetration of the substance into the respiratory system, dysfunction of the ciliated epithelium is possible. For inhalations, it is better to take a saucepan or kettle.


Treatment with sodium bicarbonate during pregnancy is not prohibited. But therapy must be agreed upon with a gynecologist. It is most advisable to rinse and inhale. But if an uncontrollable cough occurs or the heart rate increases, the procedures are stopped. It is forbidden to breathe vapors during toxicosis. Taking soda orally is not recommended for pregnant women.


These procedures thin out secretions and cleanse the bronchi. It is carried out in 2 ways - using a container and a nebulizer. The inhaled steam should have a temperature of no more than 57 degrees, and for children under one year old - no more than 30 degrees. For adults, the procedure time is about 10 minutes, and children are allowed no more than three minutes.

They are excluded in case of fever, heart disease, hypoanacidic gastritis, and are not done after meals.

Application of garlic

Chop 5-6 cloves of garlic and boil in a liter of water. Then boil for about five minutes. Add a teaspoon of soda and, covered with a blanket, breathe over the steam.

Impact of iodine

Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of boiling water and add a couple of drops of iodine. Do the procedure for 8 minutes.


Despite the wide range of uses of soda in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before starting treatment. These include:

The use of soda for hypertension is contraindicated

  • individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

When ingesting large volumes of soda solutions, nausea and vomiting may occur. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take sorbent preparations (activated carbon) and seek help from a medical facility. You should be careful when storing soda.

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