Is it possible to eat citrus fruits with a sore throat?

Features of the diet for tonsillitis

For inflammation of the tonsils - tonsillitis, as well as for pharyngitis, a diet is indicated, which, in combination with therapeutic measures, is aimed at strengthening the immune system, relieving inflammation and removing allergens from the body. Food should be moderate in fat and protein.

Spicy seasonings and spicy foods are unacceptable. Preference is given to stewed and boiled dishes. Meal intake is fractional up to five times a day. Diet No. 5 fully satisfies these requirements:

  • dairy products;
  • cereal porridge;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetables, fruits and juices from them;
  • rosehip based decoction.

If you have tonsillitis, you should not eat anything that is rich in essential oils: garlic, horseradish, pepper, radish. It is also not recommended to eat rich meat and fish broths, pickled dishes, and alcoholic drinks are strictly contraindicated.

What and why you shouldn’t eat if you have a sore throat

Sore throat and problems with swallowing are a specific problem of sore throat. With purulent sore throat, the problem with food is aggravated by the heavy load on the liver. It is overloaded, as it removes toxins (waste products of microorganisms that form pus).

For many, the first question is what to eat when you have a sore throat, since “forbidden” food causes an exacerbation of pain and sometimes contributes to an increase in body temperature.

Among the foods that are not recommended to eat with a sore throat are the following.

Fatty and fried foods They should not be eaten so as not to overload the liver. This food requires a lot of energy to process it, which is needed to fight the disease. Referred to her.

  • Lamb, pork, fatty fish;
  • Any fried foods;
  • Fatty soups and sauces based on fatty meat or mushroom broths;
  • Over-salted fatty cheeses, cheese with various additives;
  • Heavy cream and sour cream;
  • Homemade or high-fat milk in large quantities;
  • Cakes and pastries with lots of buttercream.

Dishes containing vinegar and fruit acids

They will irritate a sore throat, increase pain, and can cause digestive disorders. This:

  • canned foods with vinegar;
  • homemade pickles;
  • citrus and other sour fruits;
  • juices, smoothies from sour fruits and berries.

Spicy and smoked dishes

They cause digestive disorders, increase the load on the liver, and aggravate a sore throat. These should be included.

  • all types of smoked meats;
  • herbs and spices, including onions, garlic;
  • bitter vegetables, such as radishes.

Products and dishes made from them with a high content of coarse fiber

These are useful products at other times, but harmful during a sore throat.

  • Dishes with legumes (soybeans, peas, beans);
  • Dishes made from raw carrots, cabbage, beets;
  • Barley and pearl barley (in any form);

Fresh or too dry bread

It causes bloating and can make your sore throat worse.

Harmful drinks for sore throat

Undesirable drinks include not only fruit sour juices, but also:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea;
  • strong coffee.

And further. During illness you cannot eat, so as not to cause an exacerbation of pain:

  • seeds;
  • popcorn;
  • chips;
  • nuts with spices;
  • rough biscuits;
  • crackers.

Diet for chronic tonsillitis

A feature of chronic tonsillitis is an almost constant inflammatory process in the area of ​​the lymphatic ring. Therefore, nutrition should first of all help remove toxins from the body, increase its vitality and protective forces. Diet No. 13 fully satisfies these requirements. Dishes for the dietary table are prepared boiled or steamed; preference is given to purees, porridges, and liquid foods. As in the previous diet, food is taken in small, fractional portions.

If you have tonsillitis, you can eat dishes whose temperature is not lower than 40-45°. Here is a list of foods that are eaten for tonsillitis:

  • any stale bread, except rye;
  • lean beef, duck, chicken or rabbit;
  • low-fat fish;
  • fermented milk products, except whole milk and sour cream;
  • vegetable decoctions, soups, purees;
  • eggs, cooked, soft-boiled;
  • milk soups, rice porridge, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, puddings;
  • unrich broths;
  • fresh ripened tomatoes;
  • fruit purees, baked apples;
  • jelly, compote, fruit drink, rosehip infusion, green tea;
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • honey, jam, jelly, mousse.

If you have chronic tonsillitis, you should not eat:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • pastries from butter dough, pastries, cakes, ice cream;
  • sausage, ham;
  • smoked meat products;
  • canned meat or fish, marinades;
  • legumes;
  • pasta;
  • fruits and vegetables with a high content of coarse fiber - cucumbers, radishes, white cabbage;
  • sauces and spicy dishes;
  • borscht, strong broths;
  • chocolate;
  • grape juice.

Features of nutrition for various types of tonsillitis

During illness, liver work increases due to toxins released by pathogenic bacteria. Heavy food will make it even more difficult for the organ to function, therefore, the body needs a different, gentle diet. To remove toxins, the patient should drink warm drinks (for example, herbal teas).

It is necessary to exclude foods containing coarse fiber, as well as fatty and salty foods. Doctors recommend steaming dishes and grating foods so that they are better absorbed. After every meal you should gargle.

Some types of tonsillitis require a special approach to the diet, which is associated with the vital activity of pathogens.

Fungal tonsillitis

The menu for candidal tonsillitis, the causative agent of which is the candida fungus, should include liquid and puree foods. In this case, you need to eat at least 5 times a day. For breakfast, doctors recommend eating pureed porridge with milk or water, drinking yogurt or herbal tea with honey.

For second breakfast, chopped and processed berries or fruits are suitable. For lunch, vegetable or chicken puree soup or broth is recommended. For drinks, give preference to juices.

Formation of a tonsillitis plug in the throat

For an afternoon snack, you can offer cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt. Dinner should be rich in proteins and carbohydrates. You can offer boiled and chopped eggs and rice.

Chronic sore throat

Nutrition for chronic tonsillitis should be based on the recommendations of dietary table No. 13. A sample menu might look like this: For breakfast, prepare semolina porridge with milk and tea with honey. Second breakfast may consist of jelly or fruit soufflé.

For lunch, prepare noodle soup or any cereal, vegetable puree with steamed cutlets or meat soufflé. For an afternoon snack, you can safely eat unsweetened cookies with juice or herbal tea. For dinner, aspic of lean meat, boiled vegetables and herbal tea are suitable.

To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and ensure a regular supply of vitamins and minerals from food.

For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese with sour cream and berries or pureed porridge with cottage cheese. The next meal is fruit and kefir or prepare a healthy cocktail based on them.

For lunch, vegetable puree soup is suitable, and for an afternoon snack, fruit salad dressed with yogurt. And for dinner you can cook any pureed porridge with milk or water. For purulent sore throat, you can drink herbal teas, decoctions, infusions, fruit and vegetable juices (not sour), kefir, milk and low-fat yogurt.

Table No. 13 contains a reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates; a smaller reduction concerns proteins. Dietary nutrition during a sore throat involves a predominance of liquid and viscous foods. From the whole variety of foods, choose those that are easy to digest and assimilate and do not cause bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Food is prepared in chopped and pureed form, steamed or boiled in water. The temperature of the dish when serving should be in the range of 12–60°C.

From everything that can be eaten with a sore throat, a menu is compiled for a sick child or adult. Immediately after the sore throat has decreased, you should stick to a gentle diet for 3-4 days.

  • The patient needs to be fed 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Food should be tasty and aromatic.
  • If the patient does not want to eat, he should not be forced. It won't do him any good.
  • The total amount of protein should be approximately 70 g/day, fat - 60 g/day, and carbohydrates - 300 g/day.
  • You should not give the patient foods that he has not tried before.
  • During treatment, it is necessary to exclude allergenic foods.
  • It is necessary to give the patient juice and teas rich in vitamins and especially vitamin C, but with a small amount of sugar. It is also useful to eat honey (if you are not allergic to it).

Baby food for sore throat requires special attention. Sick children often refuse to eat; it hurts them to swallow. In this case, the baby should not be force-fed.

It is better to give the child the opportunity to sleep or rest, perhaps over time he will ask to eat or try feeding again after a while.

The food should be the baby’s favorite, the kind that he likes, but always in compliance with all the rules and restrictions described above.

Do not introduce new complementary foods when children are ill.

Do not give allergenic foods, even when they are very useful for sore throat, here the possible harm will outweigh the expected benefit.

Diet plays an important role along with the right foods. Grinded food is easier to digest and has no negative effect on the throat. Many experts, in the process of creating a menu for a sore throat, recommend using a grater, blender and other similar devices during cooking. Increase the number of meals and reduce the portions. Such nuances are relevant for tonsillitis and many other diseases.

How to make weak chicken broth?

  • chicken;
  • carrot;
  • peppercorns;
  • bulb onions;
  • salt to taste;
  • Bay leaf.
  1. Cut the chicken into pieces and place in a pan.
  2. Cut carrots and onions into cubes.
  3. Place onions, carrots, and peppers in a pan. Salt and add bay leaf.
  4. Fill the contents of the pan ⅔ full with cold water.
  5. Place the pan on the stove.
  6. After boiling, reduce the heat and skim off the foam.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for an hour.
  8. When the chicken is ready, remove the pan from the stove and strain the broth.

Healthy foods

If you have tonsillitis, your diet must contain a large amount of vitamins. In addition, products must:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • relieve the inflammatory process;
  • high-calorie.

The patient’s body must receive the required amount of proteins, a lot of vitamins, fats, and calcium salts. At the same time, it is worth significantly reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and table salt.

All prepared dishes should be consumed boiled, steamed, or stewed. During this period, it is necessary to consume mainly liquid food or food that will not cause significant difficulties in chewing and swallowing. That is why it is recommended to consume compotes, soups, ginger tea and vegetable purees.

Absolutely any food should be consumed exclusively warm, since in this case it warms the tonsils, kills pathogens, and also eliminates the inflammatory process.

How to properly consume citrus fruits for throat diseases

In the acute stage of the disease, a person experiences severe sore throat, as well as swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsils.
It is not recommended to eat citrus fruits in the acute phase of a sore throat, including tangerines during the acute phase of a sore throat. During this period, it is better to squeeze juice from fruits. Dilute it halfway with water and then drink. When the acute stage has passed, the patient can begin to eat exotic fruits, several slices at a time. People who know for sure that they are allergic to citrus fruits should not eat such products. In the acute period, you should not eat fresh oranges, tangerines or grapefruits . The mucous membrane is already very inflamed, and if acidic juice gets on it, the irritation will be even greater.

It must be remembered that sour juice has a bad effect on tooth enamel, so it is advisable to drink such drinks through a straw, and then immediately rinse your mouth with warm water.

During illness, it is necessary to limit the consumption of citrus fruits for children under 5 years of age, as well as for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. It is worth considering that grapefruit is not recommended for people who take antidepressants. This fruit contains special components that destroy the active ingredients of such drugs.

You can eat citrus fruits without any fear only at the initial stage of the disease, when the throat is not very inflamed and the pain is mild. If there are no contraindications, then the patient can eat half the fruit in one sitting, but should not wash it down with anything. After 3 hours you can eat your other half. Citrus juice effectively washes the mucous membrane and relieves inflammation.

Since you can’t eat fresh tangerines when your throat hurts badly, you can prepare various dishes based on them.

  • You can make aromatic jam from grapefruit pulp. Carefully remove the pulp from two fruits and grind it with a glass of sugar. Add grated zest to this mixture and place in the microwave for 15 minutes. After cooking, add 3-4 lemon balm leaves and half a teaspoon of pink peppercorns to the mixture. This jam is very healthy; it retains all the beneficial qualities of the fresh fruit.
  • Juice is squeezed out of any citrus fruit, which is diluted with warm water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of fresh juice per glass of water. This composition is drunk to lower the temperature.
  • A tablespoon of any fresh citrus juice is diluted in a glass of warm water. The composition is used for rubbing at high temperatures and treating the throat.
  • The peel of citrus fruits contains a lot of essential oils, so they are recommended for inhalation. The peel is poured with a small amount of boiling water and the vapors are inhaled, covered with a large terry towel.

It is worth remembering that steam inhalations are strictly prohibited at elevated body temperatures!

It is customary that patients with colds or infectious diseases are visited with a bag of citrus fruits. But not all diseases can be eaten without fear. During the acute phase of a sore throat, oranges and tangerines should be consumed with great caution.

Harmful and dangerous products

There are certain foods that are strictly forbidden to eat if you have tonsillitis. These products include:

  • salt, sugar;
  • products with strong essential oils;
  • alcoholic and carbonated soft drinks;
  • spicy and smoked dishes;
  • products that provoke food allergies.

In addition, drinking too hot or cold is strictly prohibited, as it can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Some solid foods can cause damage to the tonsils when swallowed. Excessively hot food and drinks will provoke blood flow to the tonsils, which will cause them to become even larger and swollen.

What children should not eat with a sore throat

There are no too strict dietary restrictions for angina (except for observing the temperature regime of food and drinks), however, refusing or limiting the consumption of certain foods during illness will help speed up recovery. Such products include:

  1. Food containing sugar, dyes, harmful additives.
  2. You cannot eat any fast food. This is fast food, semi-finished products, canned food, instant noodles, chips, crackers, salted peanuts.
  3. Food prepared with a lot of spices and vinegar, which can become an additional irritant to the throat.
  4. Not all fruits are good for a sore throat: you should exclude all citrus fruits (except lemon added to tea) during the illness.
  5. It is advisable not to eat fried or too fatty foods.
  6. Fermented milk products can disrupt the Ph balance of an already sore throat. It is better to drink regular or baked milk.

You will have to give up sausages.
When choosing products, you should pay attention to the content of harmful components. The most dangerous additives include:

  • tartrazine E 102;
  • amarzant E123;
  • boric acid E284;
  • Quillaja extract E999;
  • sodium tetracarbonate E285;
  • gluconic acid E574;
  • erythrosine E127;
  • polydextrose E1200;
  • tin chloride E512 and a number of others.


Chronic tonsillitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils. In this case, the tonsils swell significantly and painful sensations appear, which provokes some kind of problems when talking, consuming food and liquid.

In this case, the infection can spread completely to the entire body, and then almost all internal organs suffer. That is why it is necessary to carry out timely treatment to prevent complications from occurring.

A diet for chronic tonsillitis involves consuming large amounts of fruit. Since the process of chewing and swallowing is somewhat difficult for the patient, it is worth crushing them first. It can be absolutely any fruit, as well as natural juices, however, it is still better to give preference to apples and grapes, as they are rich in vitamins.

For tonsillitis, consumption of milk and dairy products is indicated, which must first be slightly heated. Sometimes doctors also recommend thawed ice cream and frozen potatoes, as this is an excellent remedy that helps kill pathogens and prevents them from further multiplying.

The food must be soft and healthy, and it is also necessary to ensure that a fairly large amount of liquid is supplied during the treatment process. However, you should not consume kvass and kefir, as they promote even greater growth of bacteria.

Diet for adults

A diet for tonsillitis for adults should be balanced and include all groups of vitamins and microelements. It is very important to pay special attention to the nutrition of pregnant women who suffer from this disease.

During pregnancy, it is necessary that the body receives a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it is necessary to carefully select the means for therapy, as well as food, since this disease can cause complications.

During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is significantly weakened, which is why pathogens and viruses easily penetrate the body, which provokes the occurrence of tonsillitis.

Nutritional features for children

A diet for tonsillitis for children requires special attention, since the children's body is much more susceptible to infection. If this disease is present, the child has no appetite, so you should not force him to eat a lot; it is better to have several meals a day in small portions.

For children, it is advisable to select only soft foods so as not to cause harm to a damaged throat. It is good for children to eat honey as it helps kill pathogens and also helps boost immunity.

If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, then it is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet.

If you have tonsillitis, you must follow a diet, since only in this case can you get rid of the disease much faster.


Lemon for a sore throat can be eaten either unchanged or as part of various recipes. It is advisable to eat citrus fruit with the peel, since the zest contains no less vitamins and nutrients than lemon pulp.

Treatment with lemon and honey

You can also be treated using this method. Cut a small slice from the lemon, dip it in sugar and place it on the tongue. Slowly dissolve for 15 minutes, then chew what is left.

Rinse with lemon juice

For sore throat in an adult, a rinse solution made from lemon juice can be supplemented with a tablespoon of vodka. Rinsing is carried out 3 times a day.

Composition for lubricating tonsils

You can make a paste from lemon juice and honey to lubricate your tonsils. To do this, take a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice and two spoons of liquid honey, mix everything well and lubricate the tonsils with this medicine. If the mucous membrane is severely inflamed, the amount of juice can be reduced slightly.

Lemon juice with honey cleanses the tonsils well from purulent plaque and softens the mucous membrane. Lubricate the tonsils using a cotton swab.

Tea with lemon

You need to drink this drink in small sips, several times a day. The last time you drink hot tea with lemon is while lying in bed. After this, it is advisable to rub the patient with any vegetable rub or goat fat.

To strengthen the immune system

Using a lemon drink can boost your immunity. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  • Take a small lemon, wash it and cut it into pieces.
  • Pour in a liter of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove, leave, add sugar or honey to taste. You can also add a sprig of mint to taste.

You should take this drink every 3 hours, a tablespoon. This recipe is especially helpful for children who have been ill for a long time.

Doctors recommend eating lemon for a sore throat to boost immunity and replenish vitamin reserves in the body. This citrus fruit can be eaten either unchanged or as part of various potions.

Diet for tonsillitis: basic rules and recommendations

Tonsillitis (sore throat) often causes a sore throat when swallowing, fever and chills, and pain in the ear or jaw.
To speed up recovery and reduce tonsil infections, patients with tonsillitis (as well as sinusitis and other infectious diseases) are advised to consume nutrient-rich foods. Below is a list of basic foods you can eat or drink if you have a sore throat.

  1. Apple or grape juice. Stay away from tomatoes or citrus fruits (lemonade, orange or grapefruit) as they may cause some discomfort and worsen your sore throat.
  2. Fruits: a diet for tonsillitis allows you to eat any fruit, pureed. For example, applesauce. Baked fruits and vegetables, such as baked pumpkin and pears, are also good choices for tonsillitis sufferers.
  3. Milk and milk drinks (chocolate milk, cocktails): can you drink them if you have tonsillitis? It is possible and even necessary, including for sore throat.
  4. Soup: any soup that does not include any hard ingredients.
  5. Desserts: You can eat ice cream, pudding, jelly, custard, sorbet and yoghurt.
  6. Drinks: decaffeinated teas, chicken broth. When treating tonsillitis at home, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of body hydration. If you are dehydrated, the healing process may take longer.

You can eat food either warm or cold (room temperature). However, cold food for sore throat is sometimes even preferable. The fact is that under the influence of cold, the blood vessels of the tonsils narrow, which reduces the area of ​​inflammation. For the same reason, many doctors allow you to eat slightly melted ice cream when you have a sore throat.

But hot food and drinks are not included in the diet for tonsillitis, as they can irritate an already sore throat.

Once you feel better, add some of the foods listed below to your diet. You can consume them for two weeks before returning to your regular diet. Stay away from fried or hard foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, chips, pretzels and popcorn.

  1. Fruits: Eat canned and soft fresh fruits such as melons and bananas. Stay away from citrus fruits and juices.
  2. Breads and starches: You can include grain breads without seeds or nuts, muffins, cookies, pancakes, French toast, donuts, pasta (mac and cheese or spaghetti), rice and mashed potatoes.
  3. Meat and proteins: Meat, poultry and fish can be eaten ground or finely chopped. It is also not prohibited to eat eggs and cheese if you have a sore throat.
  4. Vegetables: any, but only in soft form.
  5. Soups: warm.
  6. Desserts: You can eat pies and chocolates without nuts. Avoid desserts containing citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit or lime).

Why are citrus fruits good for sore throat?

Citrus fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which is very necessary for sore throat. Thanks to ascorbic acid, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and local immunity is increased. Vitamin C protects cells from the negative influence of the environment. Citrus fruits contain a lot of B vitamins. These substances improve sleep, strengthen the heart muscle and have a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system as a whole.

Ripe tangerines, oranges and grapefruits contain a huge amount of phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on many pathogenic bacteria.

Tangerines contain fewer nutrients compared to other fruits in this group.
But these citrus fruits are also useful to eat for respiratory diseases, as they cleanse the respiratory tract well. Grapefruit is considered the most useful . It contains many vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems in the body. This fruit normalizes body temperature and also quickly restores strength after an illness. This product is low in calories, it consists mainly of water and contains only 7% sugar. Grapefruit seed extract is considered a natural antibiotic that helps treat many infections.

Eating oranges for a sore throat, like other citrus fruits, is very useful, as they have the following therapeutic effect:

  • Eliminate swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Reduce the severity of sore throat.
  • They have a detrimental effect on viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Helps reduce temperature.
  • Reduce inflammation and increase immunity.

In addition, citrus fruits improve metabolism in the body and activate the liver.

Citrus fruits should be eaten in moderation. These products are considered highly allergenic.

Nutrition for sore throat.

Dietary table N 13 Diet for sore throat and ARVI Indications for use: sore throat; infectious diseases in the acute febrile period. General characteristics of the diet: the protein content in the diet is at the lower limit of the physiological norm, moderate restriction of fats and carbohydrates. An increased amount of fluid is administered in the form of fortified drinks. Food is given pureed with moderate chemical irritants. Cooking technology: food is prepared chopped and pureed, boiled in water or steamed, served hot or warm. It is recommended to add wheat bran to dishes to prevent constipation and use more vegetables. Diet: at least 6 times a day in small portions. Allowed: * Tea with lemon, weak tea and coffee with milk, juices of fruits and berries, vegetables diluted with water, decoction of rose hips and wheat bran, fruit drinks. * Wheat bread made from premium or 1st grade flour, dried or crackers, dry unsweetened cookies and biscuits. * Fermented milk products, kefir, fresh cottage cheese and products made from it, grated mild cheese, low-fat sour cream. Milk and cream can be added to dishes. * Weak low-fat meat and fish broths with egg flakes, quenelles, pureed meat soups, mucous decoctions of cereals with broth, broths or vegetable decoctions with semolina, rice or oatmeal, noodles, vegetables. * Soft-boiled eggs, in the form of steam and egg white omelettes. * Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry in finely chopped or pureed form, cutlets, meatballs, puree, soufflé. * Low-fat fish without skin. The fish is prepared in pieces or in the form of minced meat or cutlets. * Butter, up to 10 g of refined vegetable oil is added to dishes. * Mashed, well-cooked semi-liquid and semi-viscous porridge with the addition of milk, broth, and also in the form of puddings, soufflés, semolina, ground buckwheat, rice, rolled oats. Boiled vermicelli. * Potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, ripe tomatoes. Can be prepared in the form of mashed potatoes, potato zraz, soufflé, pudding. * Ripe soft fruits, berries, sweet or sweet and sour, preferably pureed, baked apples, mousses, jelly, compotes, jelly, milk jelly. * Sugar, honey, jam, jam, pastille, marmalade. * For appetizers – aspic from pureed meat and fish, caviar. Prohibited: * fresh bread, baked goods, pastries; * fatty meats and poultry, lamb, pork; * fatty broths, cabbage soup and borscht, legume and millet soups; * canned meat and fish, smoked meats; * fatty cheese and sour cream, cream and whole milk; * corn, pearl barley and barley cereals, pasta, millet; * hard-boiled and scrambled eggs; * mushrooms, cucumbers, white cabbage, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic; * fruits with rough skin and rough fiber; * cocoa, chocolate, cakes.

Prohibited foods for sore throat and tonsillitis: what not to eat

According to all of the above rules, at the first sign of a sore throat and sore throat, the following should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • Bread and bakery products (except crackers), baked goods, cakes and sweet confectionery.
  • Canned products;
  • Sausages, frankfurters, semi-finished meat products, smoked meats;
  • Fatty meat (pork, duck, lamb).
  • Rich soups and borscht.
  • Vegetables that cause flatulence and gas formation: cabbage, radishes, peas, onions, garlic).
  • Sweet and fatty desserts (creams, mousses, chocolate).
  • Homemade milk, fatty dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, cream, sour cream.
  • Pasta, cereals and porridges that create excessive stress on the digestive system: pearl barley, wheat, barley, corn.
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • Sour fruit with hard skin.

All food should not contribute to irritation of a sore throat, gas formation, diarrhea and belching. It is also worth remembering that some water-soluble vitamins (for example, vitamin C, necessary for diseases) are not absorbed with fats, so fatty foods are also temporarily excluded from the menu.

In the first days, when there is severe hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx, all food should be served warm (not hot!).

Products containing caffeine are also excluded, as they put extra strain on the heart.

Sore throat and pharyngitis tonsillitis

Many have encountered diseases such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis, tonsillitis, but not everyone knows how the first disease differs from the second. Usually, when we go to the mirror and open our mouth, we see a red throat. The first thing that comes to mind is a sore throat. Most often, having made such a diagnosis for themselves and their loved ones, patients begin self-medication, which in some cases can lead to complications, because doctors strongly recommend not to overuse self-medication, but to immediately make an appointment with a qualified specialist.

What is a sore throat? It covers the entire body, affecting not only the mucous membrane of the throat, but also in some cases the heart and joints. The causative agent of the disease in most cases is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The virus has the ability to produce toxins that enter the blood during the course of the disease. At the same time, the body begins to produce antibodies to fight the infection, but they are not applied to the virus, but to the heart muscle and connective tissues, trying to destroy them. Naturally, this rarely happens, but with self-treatment it is inevitable. Treatment of angina occurs with the help of antibiotics and antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to include hot broths in the diet, since when a patient has a sore throat, it is difficult to swallow, and it is necessary to maintain vitality.

As for an infection such as pharyngitis, it is caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. In other words, infection occurs through drinking cold drinks and staying in cold air for a long time. In almost 85% of the population, pharyngitis tonsillitis is a chronic disease. The treatment is quite easy and without any complications.

It is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

In acute pharyngitis, the disease begins after exposure to an infection on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, while chronic tonsillitis is a consequence of an untreated acute form of the disease, and also occurs with prolonged irritation of the mucous tissues.

Symptoms of pharyngitis are very diverse: they include dryness and discomfort in the throat, malaise and high temperature (38-39 ° C). It is important to prevent infection, especially if you have a family history of chronic pharyngitis. Prevention occurs by hardening the body, humidifying the air in the room and proper nutrition. Treatment is more symptomatic and includes diet, warm compresses and steam inhalations.

Tonsillitis pharyngitis was initially treated and can only be treated with folk remedies, so you need to drink water with honey, tea with rose hips or jam, take hot baths and compresses, and you also need to reduce the amount of fatty and floury foods until the body fully recovers.

It is difficult to answer the question of how to distinguish a sore throat from pharyngitis, since both diseases have the same symptoms, but the treatment is completely different. How to distinguish between these two viruses?

The first difference between a sore throat and pharyngitis is that with the first disease the throat usually begins to cause discomfort in the late afternoon, while with pharyngitis it becomes dry and itchy after the patient wakes up. If you have pharyngitis, each meal is not accompanied by pain, as with a sore throat. If all the symptoms point to a sore throat, then do not waste time and immediately consult a doctor; under no circumstances try to treat yourself, otherwise you will acquire a heart defect after such treatment.

A month after treatment, take a cardiogram.

As you have already seen for yourself, the differences between a sore throat and pharyngitis are noticeable. If you catch a sore throat or tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pay special attention to the symptoms, as this will help you determine the probable infection of the body and immediately begin a course of treatment.

However, we remind you that if you have signs of a sore throat, you should urgently make an appointment with a specialist.

What to do if you have a severe sore throat | First aid for sore throat

Tonsillitis, also known as tonsillitis, is an acute infectious disease that is highly contagious. The disease begins to form due to a decrease in the strength of the immune system. Bacteria such as streptococci or staphylococci can also provoke a sore throat. Timely first aid for sore throat will help shorten the period of illness and reduce its symptoms.

If your sore throat is caused by viruses or bacteria, it is likely that your immune system will need to clear the infection within a few days. There are a number of things you can do to help yourself or your child with a severe sore throat.

Severe sore throat can be easily treated at home.

To relieve pain and swelling due to tonsillitis, gargle with warm salt water.

If your sore throat is severe, drink plenty of hot liquids, such as soup or tea, to prevent dehydration and to soothe your throat.

Decongestant lozenges can also be used as a first aid measure for a sore throat to help soothe a sore throat.

Make sure you have enough to eat and drink, even if it hurts to swallow. Fasting leads to dehydration, which can lead to other symptoms such as headaches and fatigue, which is even worse.

You can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to relieve symptoms such as pain, headache and fever. When taking medications, always follow the directions on the package to make sure you take the right dose at the right times. Do not take Ibuprofen if you have a severe sore throat, if you have stomach problems, indigestion, asthma or kidney disease.

There are also other sore throat treatments that can soothe a sore throat, such as sprays. Just remember that if you have a sore throat, you should not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes.

What to do for severe forms of sore throat?

Most cases of sore throat are caused by a virus, and they do not respond to antibiotics. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial sore throat. Studies have shown that antibiotics can reduce the time of illness by about a day. They may also reduce the risk of complications such as rheumatism, although complications are rare in any case.

Antibiotics sometimes cause minor side effects, such as stomach upset, diarrhea, or rash.

What if your symptoms are particularly severe and you have recurring bouts of tonsillitis? Surgery may be an option. If you have recurring attacks of tonsillitis (five or more episodes a year), it is serious enough that your doctor may suggest having your tonsils removed. For these purposes, an operation known as tonsillectomy is performed.

What should you not do if you have a severe sore throat?

You should not try to be treated with dubious witchcraft methods. For example, there is a supposedly quick treatment: bring a large frog to the patient's mouth and let the patient breathe directly on it. The frog's heart begins to beat faster. And the patient feels improvement almost immediately. After 8-10 minutes, according to the stories of traditional healers, the disease passes and is transmitted to the frog. The patient fully recovered in the shortest possible time.

Often such treatment begins when the patient not only cannot eat, drink, but also talk. Minutes count and there is a risk of serious complications of the disease, so it is better to choose more reliable home remedies as a first aid measure. They will be discussed further in the article.

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