How to pierce your nose without drops at home

Rhinitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and mucus discharges from it. Popularly this phenomenon is called a runny nose. It occurs when there are colds, a weakened immune system, or when dirt, dust and other allergens enter the organ.

How to relieve nasal congestion without vasoconstrictor drops

Even the older generation knew how to get rid of a runny nose in 5 minutes, but some still ask questions about it. There are several ways to make breathing easier. These include: rinsing the nasopharynx, steam inhalation, warming, massage, and physical exercise.


Even the ancient yogis thought about how to pierce the nose at home. They used irrigation to clear the sinuses. The advantage of this method is gentle and safe cleansing of the nose from mucous secretions and crusts.

How to rinse your nose at home

Most often, saline solution or water diluted with sea salt is used. You can also rinse your sinuses at home using a decoction of chamomile flowers, a solution with beet juice and honey, or a mixture of eucalyptus and calendula diluted with clean warm water. You can learn more about which solution to use for rinsing your nose by watching the video:

How to rinse your nose at home

This folk remedy helps eliminate mucus and pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal passages. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the following order:

  1. Prepare the solution. Warm the resulting product to room temperature.
  2. Gently inject the medicine into the nasal cavity. You can do this using a syringe, a kettle with an elongated spout, a syringe or other device.
  3. Before introducing the solution into the nasal cavity, tilt your head to the side. When tilting your head to the right, inject the solution into the left nostril; when tilting your head to the left, inject the solution into the right nostril. Be sure to breathe through your mouth. The liquid should enter one nostril and flow out through the other, completely rinsing the nasal passages.
  4. After rinsing, gently blow your nose and dry your nose.

Important! Do not perform the rinsing procedure if you have severe nasal congestion or a deviated septum. Possible risk of internal bleeding and inflammation of the middle ear

To correctly carry out the washing procedure, we recommend watching the video:

Lump in throat: causes and treatment

What to do if your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help. Stuffy nose, drops don't help - what should I do?

A runny nose is always accompanied by nasal congestion and the release of nasal secretions of varying consistency in varying quantities. This is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of colds, allergic diseases and a number of other pathologies - both infectious and non-infectious etiologies.

When a person is forced to breathe through his mouth due to difficulty in nasal breathing, this not only creates inconvenience, but also causes a deterioration in his general condition. Dizziness, headache appear, and there is a decrease in the ability to concentrate. In addition, the air entering through the mouth is not cleaned or warmed properly, and the mucous membrane of the mouth dries out.

When your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help, what should you do? What can you do to make breathing easier in this case?

Causes of congestion

  1. Development of drug-induced rhinitis.
  2. Development of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.
  3. Dry and dusty room.

Vasoconstrictor drops, also called topical nasal decongestants, quickly eliminate swelling and reduce mucus secretion. Although decongestants do not treat a runny nose, they successfully cope with its key manifestations, therefore they are extremely popular among patients and are included in the standard prescriptions for rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis as symptomatic drugs. However, with all the advantages, vasoconstrictors have many disadvantages. And one of the most unpleasant is the provocation of the inflammatory process and the development of drug-induced rhinitis with prolonged use of drops. In this case, the critical period is considered to be a period of use exceeding 10–15 days.

Drug-induced rhinitis is a common cause of persistent, decongestant-resistant runny nose.

My nose is stuffy - drops don't help. This is how you can briefly describe the clinical picture. The pathogenesis is based on dysfunction of the neuromuscular apparatus of the vessels of the mucous membrane, which leads to stagnation of blood in the nasal turbinates. The patient experiences a constant need for a decongestant, but cannot obtain the same effect of facilitating breathing even after frequent use.

In chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, hypertrophy of the intranasal elements is observed - mainly the turbinates. The more narrowed the nasal passages are, the more difficult it is for the patient to breathe. The effectiveness of vasoconstrictors also gradually decreases.

Dry, hot air and dust contribute to the drying out of the nasal mucosa, increasing the viscosity of nasal secretions and reducing the effectiveness of any measures aimed at combating a runny nose.

DIY cold drops

People who have had a cold for a long time often think about how to relieve nasal congestion without vasoconstrictors, if drugs of this type become addictive over time and stop working.

To alleviate the condition, replace pharmaceutical medications with aloe, kalanchoe, beet, garlic or onion juice. These homemade drops for the runny nose help relieve congestion, soothe inflammation and make breathing easier. Kalanchoe and aloe juice can be used in pure form (1-2 drops in each nostril), and onions, beets and garlic should be diluted with water.

Methods for treating a runny nose and relieving congestion

It makes no sense to talk about vasoconstrictors; everyone knows what drops exist and how to use them; moreover, those who suffer from chronic rhinitis most likely have them with them all the time. Is it possible to get rid of a runny nose if there are no drops, especially since there are no drops that would treat a runny nose, they all just relieve symptoms? Of course, with rhinitis, sometimes drops are really necessary, but if you use them constantly, the hypertrophied mucous membrane will bring even more problems.

Therefore, if there is no need to immediately remove congestion, you can try other remedies, such as saline solution. To prepare it, you will need sea or table salt and water. For 1 glass of boiled warm water you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt, which must be dissolved very well; if crystals remain, there is a risk of injuring the delicate mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with them. The solution should be poured into a syringe, a teapot with a long spout, or simply drawn into a syringe. Lean over the sink and tilt your head to the side. Pour the solution in a thin stream into the nostril that is on top, then clean your nose and repeat the same with the other nostril. Now you can blow your nose. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 3 hours. Such washings are completely safe. They can be done even if the child has a fever.

Treatment of a runny nose at home can be done using inhalations. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs or herbs and inhale their steam. You can use a nebulizer, or you can simply lean over a hot (but not scalding) broth and cover your head with a towel. To prepare decoctions, you can use calendula, eucalyptus, sweet clover, linden, chamomile, yarrow, sage, wormwood and many others.

If you have the opportunity to devote more time to your health, then it would be good to undergo physiotherapy or massage sessions. You can do the massage yourself at home.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice have proven themselves well. It cleanses the nose well and has a bactericidal effect on the mucous membrane. Pick a fresh leaf of the plant and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then squeeze the juice out of the leaf and drop it into your nose - 2-3 drops into each nostril. Children need to dilute the juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.

During rhinitis, you need to drink a lot of fluids, especially if your child is sick. Children can be given tea, compote, infusions of medicinal herbs, juices, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction. Many people benefit from hot foot baths before bed, to which you can also add medicinal herbs or essential oils. You can rub the chest with various warming ointments.

Warming up

The essence of warming up is to dilate blood vessels, normalize blood flow, accelerate metabolism and relieve swelling. To warm your nose, heat salt in a frying pan, carefully wrap it in flannel or cotton and apply to your sinuses for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to lie on your back during the procedure. Instead of salt, you can use buckwheat, eggs, potatoes.

Important! Warming the nose with a runny nose at home cannot be done at high temperatures, purulent nasal discharge, sinusitis and polyps.

Punching the nose with folk remedies

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with contraindications to the use of drugs, sometimes have no choice but to find unconventional methods for treating the nose. Traditional medicine for piercing the nose will also help in situations where drops could not do this. In the absence of high temperature at the initial stage of a cold, various types of warming will help greatly:

  1. Boil an egg and wrap it in a cotton napkin. Apply the egg to the area of ​​the wings of the nose and hold until it cools.
  2. Pour water into a basin, making it so hot that your feet can stand it. Pour mustard into a basin (about a tablespoon per 2 liters of water), steam your feet for 10-15 minutes, regularly adding boiling water.
  3. Place 2 mustard plasters in boiling water for 10 seconds, squeeze them out, place them on the heels, and wrap them with a bandage. Put on socks, lie down in bed for 2 hours under the covers.
  4. Brew a teaspoon of linden in a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, then add a tablespoon of raspberry jam. Drink the tea hot, but not scalding.
  5. Boil thick millet porridge, put it in a linen bag, apply it to the maxillary sinuses for 10 minutes.

To pierce the nose, you can make various means for instillation into the nasal passages. All of them should be used warm, 3-5 drops in each nostril:

  1. Squeeze the juice from Kalanchoe, combine with water 1:1. If the juice is well tolerated in adults, you can not dilute the juice with water. Instead of Kalanchoe, you can use aloe and beet juice.
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of honey in a glass of saline solution and apply it in the nose. You can rinse your nose with the same product.
  3. Squeeze the juice from fresh coltsfoot leaves, drip without dilution, or add a little water.

See how you can get rid of nasal congestion using eucalyptus essential oil.

There are other traditional medicine methods for severe congestion that are no less useful for the nose:

  1. Dilute half a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of water, add the same amount of propolis tincture. Rinse your nose with this solution.
  2. Take one dry stalk of garlic, remove the skin and set it on fire. Inhale the steam from the stem as it goes.
  3. Grate the garlic and onion equally and inhale the vapors from the vegetables for at least 10 minutes.
  4. Boil the potatoes and breathe over the steam for at least 10 minutes.

Among other things, you can get rid of severe nasal congestion by massaging the wing area. If you do it regularly, the swelling goes away within a couple of days. This method is very effective, especially since it will not cause any financial costs at all.

Physical exercise

Moderate physical activity is needed in order to improve blood supply to tissues and saturate them with oxygen. The following exercises are good for this purpose:

  • squats, leg swings, jogging up the stairs;
  • walk quickly from side to side. While moving, pinch your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and hold your breath for a while. Exhale only at the moment when the need for it becomes strong;
  • concentrate on breathing while sitting, straightening your back as much as possible;
  • Take several deep breaths in and out, keeping your mouth closed and your shoulder and chest muscles relaxed.

How to restore the nasal mucosa?

After the congestion goes away, you can additionally rinse the nasopharynx with saline solution.

Important! At high temperatures, physical activity is strictly prohibited; in other cases, it can be done for no longer than 5-10 minutes.


Massage for nasal congestion is another way to cope with the problem. You need to treat the following areas, pressing lightly on the skin and performing circular massage movements clockwise:

  • the tip of the nose and the recesses located at the wings;
  • the area that is located between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip;
  • temples and grooves behind the earlobes;
  • center of the forehead (just below the eyebrows).

Gymnastics for the nose during congestion strengthens the muscles located in the nasopharynx area, improves blood circulation, which in turn reduces swelling of the mucous membrane.

Traditional methods

Home remedies tested by our ancestors can also relieve nasal congestion. True, they will not remove the cause of the disease, but alleviate the symptoms .

Warming up

In the collection of popular advice, this method is one of the most popular. Our grandmothers also warmed the bridge of the nose and sinuses with a hot boiled egg, hot salt in a frying pan, wrapped in a sock (you can use buckwheat instead).


A method of cleaning the sinuses, given to us by ancient yogis. It helps not only to clean the nasal passages, but also to remove crusts and bacteria from the mucous membrane.

Remember how mom made us breathe over the steam, and how our noses immediately started to drip? In this case, the principle is the same. Boil some potatoes and sit over it with a towel on your head. Or heat water in a saucepan, drop in eucalyptus essential oil, menthol or a piece of “Star” balm. You can brew sage or chamomile and breathe in this beneficial vapor. If your nose is clogged, then steam will do the job perfectly, and snot will flow like a river.

How to rinse?

We wrote about this in detail here.

In short, the solution is:

Laundry soap

Strange as it may seem, this remedy can quickly remove snot and dry out the mucous membrane. Lather your finger with the darkest soap, lubricate it from the inside, after a minute rinse everything well.

Or rather, a liquid based on it. Pour a glass of boiled warm water over two finely grated cloves of garlic. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Rinse your sinuses with this liquid, as described above.

What to drip with?

So, no drops or nasal sprays. But you can still drop something useful into our nose, and the swelling will immediately subside.

  • Kalanchoe and aloe with nasal congestion with a bang. Keep these plants in your house - if not for beauty, then at least for health.
  • You can drip beet, onion or garlic juice. In some cases, their juice is too strong and must be diluted with a small amount of water.

Hot drink

Drinking plenty of hot tea (or with lemon or raspberries) is a great way to get rid of the first symptoms of a cold.


The same “Star” balm - we lubricate the wings of the nose and temples with it and breathe, breathe deeply!

Useful tips

To cope with congestion without drops or other medications, follow these recommendations:

  • rub your chest with camphor oil;
  • lubricate the temples with “Star” balm;
  • give your feet a steam bath using mustard powder;
  • if the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, avoid contact with the allergen if possible and drink any sorbent (atoxil, enterosgel, polysorb);
  • ventilate the room regularly;
  • use devices to humidify the air.

Aromatherapy for a runny nose

At home, you can use aromatherapy to relieve nasal swelling. How to pierce your nose with essential oils? First you need to know what properties this or that oil has:

  1. Chamomile, sage, and juniper have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. If the runny nose is viral in nature, then mint, lemon balm, and geranium oil are suitable.
  3. Anise, frankincense, lavender and geranium have a general strengthening effect.
  4. To strengthen the immune system, chamomile, pine, juniper, and eucalyptus are used.
  5. Cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus, and chamomile oils work well against bacterial runny nose.
  6. If you have a fever with a runny nose, then lemon oil, as well as tea tree, mint, chamomile and eucalyptus, will help.
  7. Eucalyptus oil helps relieve nasal congestion.

It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of oils, especially when it comes to pregnant women, children and the elderly.

It is not recommended to use the same oil for more than 3 weeks. It must be natural and of good quality, otherwise negative consequences may occur.

Before using oils, you should consult your doctor, the fact is that some oils enhance the effect of antibacterial agents and interfere with the action of homeopathic medicines.

You can use essential oils using an aroma lamp; they can be applied to the skin, dripped into baths, inhaled, rubbed, disinfected, and even mixed in small quantities and dropped into the nose.

There are contraindications for the use of essential oils: bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system. In rare cases, side effects occur: headaches, dizziness and allergic reactions. If they occur, aromatherapy treatment should be stopped.


To prevent a runny nose, it is important to take care of your health and prevent the occurrence of ARVI and other diseases. To do this you need:

  • eat right and follow a daily routine;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • harden the body;
  • Avoid hypothermia and frostbite.

Irina Alexandrovna

ENT doctor

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