MASSAGE for sinusitis at home

Massage for nasal congestion: points of influence, procedure, reviews

In this article we will look at how massage is performed for nasal congestion.

The nose has very important functions. First of all, oxygen enters through it, without which it is impossible for a person to survive.

The inhaled air is warmed in the nose, which prevents hypothermia of other organs. The lungs are protected from dust and other harmful impurities, and, no less important, from pathogens. After all, the nose has an impact on how our voice sounds.

Nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose is a condition that is periodically observed in every person. Sometimes the disease goes away on its own, and sometimes it becomes a problem that disrupts the usual way of life.

In autumn, as well as in late spring, people are familiar with the feeling of a stuffy nose when it doesn’t breathe at all. This process can occur at any moment in both infants and the elderly.

Moreover, this does not always happen due to rhinitis, but such sensations are extremely unpleasant. This is the most common problem in the world.

How can you save your nose if you don’t have pharmaceutical drugs at hand?

What helps restore breathing with a stuffy nose?

When the nose is stuffy, the reasons for this condition are very different. And these are not just respiratory diseases. We can talk about allergies, and about the child’s small nasal sinuses, which become clogged extremely quickly. More often than others, this problem affects people who have nasal fractures and sinusitis.

The process behind which the nasal canal becomes clogged is very simple, and directly depends on the air temperature, the amount of dust in the air and other external factors. You can constantly use medications that help relieve the process itself, doing regular rinsing, and it is best to use a massage for nasal congestion in case of this phenomenon.

Features of the procedure

Acupressure for nasal congestion always produces a healing effect. Thanks to this, a preventive effect is also achieved. By applying pressure to the right points, in addition to massage for nasal congestion, you can improve blood circulation, activating the work of a number of certain organs.

Its use does not cause any harm at all and is suitable for absolutely everyone, including pregnant women and babies. Additionally, you can drip apricot oil into your nose. Thanks to nasal massage for nasal congestion, adults and children can improve their immune system.

This measure of influence for relieving nasal congestion also helps greatly in the presence of allergic rhinitis in combination with therapy. It’s a good idea to use recipes from traditional medicine instead of medicines, in addition to massage. Thanks to this, there will be no harm to the body.

Herbal juices with vegetable products are a great help in this matter.

Points of influence: which areas need to be pressed on

Massage for nasal congestion is done according to certain rules. For example, you need to press on points in the facial area. There are a huge number of such places in this area, from the eyebrows to the chin.

In addition, such areas have duplicates: points on the feet and body. The localization of such places is arranged in pairs. If there is a source of influence on one side, then it will also be on the opposite side.

For example, the points are located in the following areas:

  • On the wings of the nose.
  • Near the brow area.
  • Around the corners of the eyes.
  • On the earlobes.
  • Under the nostrils.

There are also single centers on the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, the central part of the forehead, and so on.

Massage for nasal congestion without a runny nose is best combined with massaging movements throughout the entire area of ​​the face, including the neck, cheekbones, area behind the ears and head.

Each of the points of influence, as a rule, is responsible for some organ, which means that with the help of pressure, pathologies of the entire human body as a whole are prevented.

Features of massage and impact points

Massage points for nasal congestion, which are located between the eyebrows, where the maxillary pouch often forms, are responsible for the problem that occurs with vision, the lower legs and the stomach. When applied to them with the help of pressure, you can help to even out vision, and at the same time improve the activity of the stomach.

As for pain in the legs, the course of massage can be increased to three days, which will completely eliminate such discomfort.

The points located at the root of the nose (in the corners of the eyes) are paired and can help in healing the visual organs, and are also recommended for restoring mental disorders and eliminating depression.

Even if you press on them in moments that cause nervousness, you can not only calm down, but also begin to look at all things with a more realistic look.

When a person, in addition to a runny nose, is also bothered by a painful sensation in the lumbar region, with the help of a thumb and pressure on the supraocular recesses under the eyebrows, they can be quickly weakened.

The points on the bridge of the nose are also considered important.

In addition to relieving tension and general fatigue, by applying pressure with your fingertips, you have a chance to help your stomach become healthier.

Procedure for performing nasal massage in adults

Before starting this procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and also cleanse the skin of your face. Any massage movements must be only light and pleasant. They are usually done in a circle strictly clockwise.

At each point, pressure is applied no more than ten times without any rough movement. This usually takes about one minute. After a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure to consolidate. Repetition is recommended by all laryngologists.

It is allowed to do massage independently and an indefinite number of times (until the desired effect occurs).

Immediately after the second session, you may feel a surge of strength and energy, and, in addition, you can breathe fully through your nose.

If a child has congestion in this organ, it is recommended to massage using similar movements until the symptoms disappear. We will talk about this in more detail below.

No less popular nowadays is the technique of tapping a key point.

To do this, you need to bend your thumbs, lightly tap the bridge of your nose for thirty seconds, and then go down the sides of your nose, performing a similar manipulation in this area for another fifty seconds.

Then you need to tap the left and right sides alternately. That is, they first process the left side for twenty seconds, and then move on to the right. Next, let's talk about the features of massage for children.

Massage for a child with nasal congestion

According to experts, when children have a runny nose, massage of the nose is not only allowed, it is even necessary. The technique for performing this procedure is extremely simple, but at the same time it is just as effective. During therapy, it is very important to understand which points need to be affected.

All areas that are located around the nose are considered the most effective. If a massage is done correctly for a baby with a runny nose, his condition will be greatly alleviated. By relieving congestion, the child's breathing will quickly improve.

Important points for massage for runny nose and nasal congestion in children are the following areas:

  • The area of ​​the wings of the nose.
  • The area located between the brow ridges.
  • The area is just above the nasal wings.

Carrying out a massage for a runny nose and nasal congestion can improve the overall well-being of the baby. This also facilitates the release of phlegm, and at the same time softens spasms. Among other things, blood circulation becomes more saturated, and the effectiveness of other treatment procedures is more obvious.

Any useful physiotherapeutic procedure has its strict contraindications. For example, performing acupressure for a runny nose and nasal congestion is not suitable for patients who have the following symptoms:

  • At a very high temperature, which manifests itself against the background of exacerbation of inflammation.
  • In case of unpleasant pain during massage movements.
  • Against the background of irritated skin in the area of ​​​​biologically active points (with allergic dermatitis, pustules, herpes, and so on).

Next, we’ll find out what people who have used it to get rid of nasal congestion write about this technique.

Reviews about this type of therapeutic massage


Soothing massage technique

Prescribed after the end of the acute purulent stage.
After suppressing the pathogenic bacteria that provoked the development of the disease, the recovery stage begins. Its duration depends on many factors, including the degree of weakening of the body. Acupuncture helps to mobilize the body's defenses and quickly remove residual effects. Areas that need to be addressed to get rid of sinusitis as quickly as possible:

  • On both sides of the spine, near the base of the skull, in the area of ​​the occipital protuberances. Warm up while sitting.
  • Above the maxillary chambers, on the cheekbones under the lower eyelid. The points are massaged simultaneously.
  • The superciliary areas are treated in a “lying” state.
  • Between the thoracic vertebrae (3rd and 4th vertebrae between the shoulder blades) 1-2 cm from the spinal column. The massage therapist performs manipulations, and the patient lies on his stomach.
  • On the wrist, 6 cm from the beginning of the thumb, on the extensor side.
  • Along the central part of the skull, 1 cm from the beginning of the hairline.

Along with therapeutic massage, you can influence other biologically active points located throughout the body. Their stimulation has a restorative and relaxing effect, relieves fatigue and malaise, and improves overall well-being. It is difficult to influence some points on your own, so it is recommended to ask someone close to you. Movements should be slow, relaxing, without strong pressure.

The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Symmetrical massage of the cheekbones.
  2. The area between the shoulder blades. The patient lies on his stomach. To massage this area, you need an assistant, since doing it on your own will not have the desired relaxing effect.
  3. The patient sits with his hands on the back of the chair and his head tilted forward. Gent rubbing is done along the hairline on the neck.
  4. Massaging the brow ridges is performed using stroking movements with light pressure.
  5. Inner surface of the wrist. Place one hand on the edge of the table and gently massage the inside of your wrist with the other. Then repeat on the other hand.

Acupressure for runny nose in children and adults

Acupressure for a runny nose can relieve the patient of symptoms familiar to everyone. Factors that contribute to itching and burning in the nose, excessive mucous discharge and sneezing have haunted a person since childhood. As a rule, rhinitis is most often provoked by viral and respiratory infectious diseases.

In addition, various types of allergic reactions can cause problems in the functioning of the nasal mucous membranes. Not every case of rhinitis can be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs. In addition, their improper use can cause drug dependence in the patient. The same cannot be said about acupuncture massage for a runny nose.

Benefits of the procedure

This technique is widespread not only for getting rid of a runny nose, but also as a complex treatment for chronic pathologies. Each point on the human body has a specific function. With the right treatment, you can even overcome advanced sinusitis or rhinitis of an allergic nature.

  1. Impact on the points during a runny nose does not require formal training. Even a child can master the basics of conducting a session.
  2. Carrying out a massage does not require any financial costs from you.
  3. The manipulation can be carried out at any time when required. You may be on the road, at your desk, or in a store at this time.
  4. In addition to achieving the main goal, acupressure will strengthen and accelerate the development of immunity.
  5. The procedure has no side effects and does not cause addiction.
  6. Can be used by both men and women, children and adults.
  7. Manipulation can be used as a preventive measure during a cold.
  8. If you suddenly have a stuffy nose, then acupuncture massage will help overcome the unpleasant symptom on the same day.
  9. It is an excellent way to treat both acute and chronic diseases. Helps fight allergies.
  10. No additional equipment required. The entire process is performed entirely by hand.

Important information! In order for the effectiveness of the massage to be as high as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for its implementation. To consolidate the result, the procedure must be performed systematically.

Rules for performing massage

In order to properly massage for nasal congestion, it is necessary to accurately determine where the active points for a runny nose during rhinitis are located. This is the name for places that are essentially bundles of nerve fibers located under muscle tissue.

Most of the points for treating a runny nose are located in the area of ​​a person’s face. However, we should not forget about massage of points that can be located far beyond its borders. Let's take a closer look at the rules for performing the procedure.

  1. Regardless of whether you are performing a regular or Chinese massage against a runny nose, you should have washed, warm hands.
  2. Before starting the procedure, you need to get rid of congestion (blow your nose or rinse your nose).
  3. If the points are paired, then you need to massage them with two fingers at the same time.
  4. At the beginning of the impact, the movements should be smooth, as if you were doing a warm-up. At the end - stronger pressure and tapping.
  5. Allow about 2 minutes of time for each zone.
  6. Areas located on the body require harsher treatment than those located within the face.
  7. To achieve a stronger effect, apply a little vegetable oil or pine extract to your fingers before massage.

Helpful advice! Do not burden yourself with work immediately after the session. The best solution is to relax in a position that is comfortable for you.


In order to become more familiar with the procedure, we will consider the entire process point by point:

  1. Start massaging the points located near the sinuses. Practice slowly kneading and then pressing on them. The effect lasts up to 2 minutes.
  2. After this, you need to move your fingers up your face by 1 cm. Continue synchronized massaging.
  3. Using the pads of your thumbs, massage paired points in the area between the eyebrows.
  4. By massaging the outer corners of the eyes, reduce pressure on the spots. This is necessary in order to avoid injury to the thin skin of the eyelids.
  5. Active massage of the area where the tragus is located not only helps relieve nasal congestion, but also relieves tension and increases attentiveness.
  6. After the basic manipulations, the impact begins on the point at the top of the crown of the head. At the end of the massage, the muscles on the back of the head are kneaded.

Many people are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to massage for nasal congestion? It will be enough to massage in case of acute inflammatory process up to 4 times a week. As a rule, nasal massage for a runny nose continues until the unpleasant symptoms go away. Effects on active massage points for a runny nose are performed for 30–60 days.

Children's massage for runny nose

It is necessary to carry out acupressure massage for an infant using the same technology as for an adult patient. The only significant difference is a decrease in pressure on active points. If the child is very small, then a person close to him should perform the massage. The issue of trust and psychological calm plays an important role in the procedure.

It is best if an adult can organize a massage for the baby in the form of a game. The treatment regimen should also include breathing exercises and rinsing of the nasal canals.

Start by gently touching each point in turn. After this, gradually increase the exposure time. You should not resort to manipulation if the baby does not feel well, is chilling or has convulsions.

Important point! The areas above the lip and around the nostrils are especially sensitive in babies. Take this into account so as not to accidentally cause unnecessary discomfort to a small patient.


Despite the fact that acupressure for a runny nose is considered a relatively safe procedure, it also has a number of contraindications. So, there are several situations in which you should not get carried away with massage:

  • if the cold turns into fever;
  • the patient has skin infections, suspicious moles in the affected area;
  • the appearance of pain at the end of the massage session.

If the patient has resorted to this method of curing a runny nose with acupressure, it is necessary to control his well-being. Usually improvements occur on the second day after the start of the sessions. If this does not happen, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Note! During an allergic rhinitis, a targeted effect will not bring the desired effect. The patient must take antihistamines.

The use of acupressure for snot in adults and children helps to quickly relieve nasal congestion and normalize the condition of the sinus mucosa. A competently carried out procedure will not only relieve the patient of discharge, but also calm him down. A targeted effect on the nasal area can quickly bring the patient back to his previous tone.

In addition, massaging the nose is a good chance to save money on the purchase of expensive medications. It is useful to resort to massage not only to treat rhinitis, but also to prevent this pathology. Prevention is especially important during seasonal colds.


Indications and contraindications

Is it possible to get a massage if you have sinusitis? This depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of complications. Acupressure for sinusitis is used in the following stages of the disease:

  • initial stage and recovery period of the acute period;
  • chronic sinusitis.

Massage of the maxillary sinuses for sinusitis is not recommended for children or adults if they have:

  • Purulent inflammation of the sinuses.
  • Skin diseases, large moles, warts on the face.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Benign or malignant tumors.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Complicated sinusitis.

Can I tolerate discomfort during the procedure? If severe pain or bleeding occurs, it must be stopped. After the procedure, you should not take a hot shower, drink coffee or alcoholic beverages.

Sinus massage for sinusitis has variations, depending on the effect on the nerve endings. There are the following types of impact:

Therapeutic sinus massage is indicated during the recovery period. It increases local immunity and prevents relapse. The soothing type is used for the chronic form of the disease. During the procedure, essential oils of chamomile, neroli, and rose hips are used.

Using acupressure, nerve endings are stimulated. This allows you to influence the autonomic nervous system and capillaries. With the segmental type, the spinal ganglia, which are responsible for certain areas of the face, are stimulated. All types are used 2-3 times a day. Treatment of sinusitis lasts up to 2 weeks.

How to get rid of sinusitis with the help of massage? It is carried out in a warm room with clean hands. It is also necessary to cleanse the skin on your face of cosmetics and dust. If there are moles, these areas are bypassed. The procedure is carried out against the background of the main treatment. 20 minutes after it you can do inhalation. This will increase its effectiveness for sinusitis.

The following areas are affected:

  • center of forehead;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • near the wing of the nose;
  • above the eyebrow;
  • on the zygomatic bone, perpendicular to the pupil;
  • at the base of the skull;
  • between the collarbone and sternum;
  • at the level of 3–4 lumbar vertebrae;
  • on the wrist, 6 cm above the thumb;
  • point yoti and tenchu.

The Yoti point is located on the back of the hand, in the center of the hand. It is affected for 3 seconds. A total of three cycles are performed. The tenchu ​​point is located under the bottom edge of the hair. It is massaged while exhaling for 5 seconds.

How to massage for sinus inflammation? Massage of points for sinusitis is carried out gently and smoothly, in a clockwise direction. Hands and face are massaged while sitting on a chair, back - lying on a hard surface. The best time to conduct it is in the morning. The procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Treatment with acupressure for sinusitis improves microcirculation in tissues and lymphatic drainage. Muscle spasms, swelling, and pain are also eliminated. With proper use of the points, improvement occurs within 2–3 days.

Nasal massage for nasal congestion and technique, contraindications

If you treat a cold at home, you need to know which points to massage when you have a runny nose. Symptoms of a stuffy nose can be relieved by pressing on the area located near the base of the wings of the nose, at the top of the nasolabial fold. The movements begin from points on the face, near the nose, moving to the middle of the bridge of the nose, rising a little higher.

Makes nasal breathing free by pressing on the depression under the back of the head. In relation to the runny nose, the area of ​​the depression located between the fingers, thumb and forefinger, under the cups of the knees, at the base of the big toe on the side of the sole, is active.

To simultaneously activate the vital forces of the body, cold points on the foot are activated using a massage mat. And the rest are massaged with kneading movements of the fingertips.

Massage for a runny nose in adults and children over six years of age is carried out in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of one session is no more than fifteen minutes. The course of therapy lasts from ten days for vasomotor rhinitis, and the chronic process is relieved by a month of treatment.

The rules of the technical side of massage for a runny nose include the following:

  1. Before performing massage procedures, you must thoroughly wash your hands and warm them up.
  2. The nasal cavity must be cleared of various secretions using rinsing and an aspirator.
  3. Massage movements are performed with the pads of the thumbs and forefingers. Symmetrical points on different sides of the body or face are massaged simultaneously.
  4. Massaging the point, carry out a series of movements in a clockwise direction. During the procedure, lightly press on the points when you have a runny nose. Finish by tapping on biologically active areas of the body with the bones of the thumbs of the upper extremities.
  5. When nasal congestion occurs, massage begins from the wings, moving to the tip of the organ, then rising smoothly to the active zone located in the lower part of the forehead above the line of the nose.
  6. During the procedure, press harder on points located on the arms and legs, and weaker on the head and face. For massaging, two minutes are allocated for each zone, carrying out kneading actions.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of acupressure, you can apply Zvezdochka ointment to active points before the procedure. And after the session, it is better to drink a glass of hot tea, brewing a few mint leaves and adding honey.

In a child, the activity of the points is affected in the same way as in adults, but more carefully and gently.

Features of the procedure for children

Returning normal breathing to a sick baby with nasal congestion is the main task for adults. The reflexogenic zones of children are massaged with less force than in adults. When pressing on the points to treat a runny nose in a baby, they try to distract him from the unpleasant procedure. It is better to carry out the movements in the form of a game, alternating them with breathing exercises and rinsing the nose.

Since during a cold, nasal discharge leads to drying and redness of the skin in the circumlabial area, the massage is carried out carefully, having previously lubricated the irritated area with Vaseline. . After massaging the facial area, be sure to force the little patient to thoroughly blow his nose and drip a saline solution into both nostrils for rinsing.

After massaging the facial area, be sure to force the little patient to thoroughly blow his nose and drip a saline solution into both nostrils for rinsing.

If pain occurs during action on the point between the eyebrows, immediately contact a specialist. Such sensations occur when the maxillary sinuses become inflamed.

How to get rid of nasal congestion - seven point massage

Today I will share how to get rid of nasal congestion using seven point massage. Autumn pleases us with its colors and excellent weather. I don’t know about you, but we still live in above-zero temperatures.

But there was some sad news - the cold season has finally begun. And with it a runny nose. What a torment it is when your nose can’t breathe, and the drops praised by caring advisers have completely stopped helping.

But I want to breathe!

It is a very common story when pharmacy drops and sprays refuse to help after some time. The body gets used to the drug, and the side effects after use are not at all as harmless as it seems. Many become dependent on the use of drugs, which is also bad: there is a need to constantly keep them at hand.

How to get rid of nasal congestion

Before you start a therapeutic massage, carefully read a few rules that you need to know and strictly follow:

  • Massage is done only with warm hands.
  • Apply pressure to the points gently using your fingertips.
  • Pressing on the points and rotating clockwise should be slow and continuous.
  • You will know that you are doing the right thing if you experience slight pain when pressing the points.
  • It is strictly forbidden to massage at high temperatures.
  • Massage to relieve sinus congestion should be done several times a day, preferably starting at the first sign.
  • To enhance the effect, soak your fingertips in a warming balm or ointment.

After performing the massage, drink some warm liquid. It is advisable to use decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs: lemon balm, linden blossom, chamomile, St. John's wort. Green tea is as good as these herbs.

Massage for nasal congestion

Everyone who has had a therapeutic massage says that sometimes there is a feeling of numbness, nasal distension, it seems that an electric current is piercing the nose, but most experience a feeling of lightness and a surge of warmth. But almost everyone agrees on one thing - the procedure is quite pleasant. By the way, it has been proven that the procedure causes the active release of endorphins - hormones of joy and pleasure.

The picture shows points that you can easily find yourself. Often they are located in pairs, in this case they need to be massaged simultaneously. Two points are missing in the photo, but you can find them without any problems.

  1. The first pair of points is located at the wings of the nose, in the recesses. Perform the massage with your index fingers for 1–1.5 minutes.
  2. You will find the second pair of symmetrical points under the nostrils, between the nose and upper lip. Feel the bumps and at the same time massage them with circular and gentle movements for a minute.
  3. The tip of the nose - this is where the third point is located, by massaging which you will get rid of nasal congestion. Apply gentle pressure, then make circular movements with your finger. Sometimes I even press my full palm on my nose and massage it in a circular motion.
  4. The fourth pair of points is located at the temples. Make light circular motions at a time for a minute.
  5. Fifth point. Located in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. Sometimes it is also called the “third eye”. First, apply pressure with your index finger, and then make circular massage movements clockwise for a minute.
  6. There is also a sixth point that helps with congestion, massage of which will effectively help. It is located at the inner corners of the eyes - a steam room, and you need to massage it at the same time by moving your fingers in a circle.
  7. The seventh pair of points is located in the recesses behind the earlobes. You need to press on the points simultaneously for a minute, then make several circular movements.

Don't be surprised, but the organs responsible for the breathing nose are not always located nearby. The points that you will find between the index and thumb (on the outside of the palm), at the junction of the neck and head, and even under the knees are responsible for the health of the nose.

Sometimes, instead of massage, you can use the tapping method - it is no less effective.

  • Tapping is performed with bent thumbs. Tap first on the bridge of your nose, then on the sides of your nose - you will feel relief almost immediately.
  • First, tap each side of your nose for 30 seconds, one at a time. Then on the bridge of the nose, and finish the session with simultaneous quick tapping on both sides of the nose at once.


Massage points

In order for the procedure to be effective, it is necessary to determine the points of influence:

  • between the eyebrows: pressing this point helps relieve headaches and reduce swelling;
  • in the center of the forehead: eliminates muscle tension and reduces the intensity of headaches;
  • in the cheekbone area perpendicular to the pupil: improves the discharge of the contents of the maxillary sinuses;
  • under the eyes in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses: improve blood circulation in this area;
  • at the wings of the nose: helps eliminate nasal congestion and restore nasal breathing;
  • at the base of the skull: reduces the severity of headaches;
  • between the sternum and collarbone: improves the outflow of secretions and promotes expectoration.

One of the important points is located at the base of the skull, influencing it can reduce the severity of headaches

In order to improve the general condition, you can additionally carry out a soothing massage: you should gently and carefully massage your cheekbones, avoiding the area close to the eyes, the procedure should be carried out lying down, the points are pressed simultaneously; sitting on a chair, lean your elbow on the table and lower your hand, palm down, gently massage your relaxed wrist; Massage the eyebrow from the side of the eye with light pressure.

Also effective is the effect on the area between the shoulder blades, between the third and fourth thoracic vertebrae. The massage should last 5–10 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.

Effective treatment of nasal congestion “Acupressure”

Not everyone who suffers from a runny nose knows about such a technique as acupressure. We usually treat congestion with various nasal sprays or drops.

Massaging the nose for a runny nose will be no less effective than medication, will help treat nasal congestion and completely eliminate the disease.

In addition to drug treatment and massage, it is recommended to use other techniques to quickly get rid of the disease and bring the body into working condition.

The effectiveness of acupressure for a runny nose

A unique method came to us from Asia, having proven itself on the positive side. Modern doctors also successfully use it, prescribing massage for patients with nasal congestion.

Its effectiveness lies in the fact that when exposed to certain points, the hidden resources of our body are activated.

Thanks to them, some biological processes are activated that improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and improve protective functions.

In addition to these properties, massage minimizes pain and reduces muscle tension. Targeted exposure has another positive side.

When using it, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result. However, it is also almost impossible to harm the body.

If you have not achieved recovery, then at least give yourself a pleasant, relaxing procedure.

How to perform acupressure against a runny nose

First you need to determine the area of ​​inflammation, in our case it will be the nasal cavity.

When exposed to points in this area of ​​the face, the patient will be able to relax and stimulate the nervous system, which normalizes the functionality of the tissues.

It is not difficult to detect pressure points in the area of ​​inflammation; when you press on them, you may feel pain, a feeling of heat, and possibly high sweating.

Some patients note that they felt symptoms such as numbness, bloating, aching, hot flashes or, conversely, chills.

Where are the impact points located?

To carry out a massage correctly, you need to know where the points are located, when exposed to which you will alleviate the condition.

They can be found both in the area of ​​inflammation (on the wings or tip of the nose and in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose), and near the site of inflammation: in the area of ​​​​the corners of the eyes, on top of the head or on the back of the head.

Even on the human body there are pressure points - on the outside of the knees, in the area of ​​the big toes or on the palms.

Having information about where the points of influence are located, you will be able to carry out the procedure with the best positive effect. Do not rush to start a massage; first, carefully study the affected areas of your body and the sensations when you press on them.

Massaging technique

Massage for a runny nose is done with warm hands. Pressing on acupuncture points should not be done too sharply or intensely. It is necessary to perform massage movements smoothly with medium force. During the procedure, slight pain may be felt, which means the effect is effective. One example of a step-by-step massage technique:

  • The wings of the nose - massage with light pressure from the outside with your fingers.
  • The outer corners of the eyes - in a circular motion.
  • The bridge of the nose - with circular movements or tapping.
  • Ear nodule - with light pressure.

You need to spend about a minute on a point, after completing the massage on all points, rest for 10-15 minutes and repeat the procedure to achieve the best effect.

Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands. The manicure should be as short as possible to avoid damage.

When making circular movements with your finger, do it clockwise using gentle pressure on the points. It is recommended to start a massage against a runny nose from the wings of the nose, then using its tip and only then moving on to all other areas of influence.

If you do not press on the affected area itself, but use points located on the body, the intensity of the pressure can be increased. And after completing all the manipulations, drink a cup of warm mint tea with honey to relax your body.

Acupressure for colds in infants

Every mother cares about her child and worries when the baby has difficulty breathing with a stuffy nose. The acupressure technique has proven itself to be the best, but the question arises: “Can it be done for infants who have an inflamed nose?” There are certain contraindications to the procedure. It should be performed only on the instructions of the attending physician.

This is due to the fact that massage for a runny nose during nasal congestion accelerates blood circulation in the body, and with it viruses and bacteria.

If the body of an adult is able to cope with them, then the baby has a weak immune system, which can lead to the development of a mild cold into a severe form of the disease.

Therefore, massage for nasal congestion is allowed only if there is a runny nose without other symptoms of the disease, but even in this case you must be very careful.

Features of the procedure for infants

The method of massage for a runny nose in an infant will not differ much from the way a massage is performed for a runny nose in adults. The points for influence are the same, the difference is in the intensity of pressure. It is enough just to barely touch the acupuncture points with your fingers, and then the massage will benefit the entire body.

Be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction when exposed to massage points. The child should not experience discomfort.

If he cries and is uncomfortable being touched, it is better to stop the procedure and contact your doctor for advice.

Types of massage for sinusitis

In this case, two types of influence are used.

  • Relaxing massage.
  • Acupressure, that is, segmental reflex.

Let's find out more about them.

Relaxing (soothing) massage

This type of intervention helps achieve results that are important to the patient.

  • Relax tense and spasming muscles, including those located in blood vessels, which improves local blood circulation, and therefore increases nutrition and oxygen supply to damaged tissues.
  • Relieve pain.
  • Make breathing easier.
  • Calm the nervous system.

Performing this type of massage for sinusitis does not require the use of special techniques. It is enough to do a regular relaxing massage of the head, neck, back and chest, which includes the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • kneading;
  • trituration.

Particular attention should be paid to the neck and nose area, as this is where muscle tension is localized.

Important! To achieve a greater relaxing effect, you can use the simplest aromatherapy method: mix a few drops of lavender oil with a gentle cream and apply to the massaged area. The aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the nervous system

The aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Important! To achieve a greater relaxing effect, you can use the simplest aromatherapy method: mix a few drops of lavender oil with a gentle cream and apply to the massaged area. The aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the nervous system. A relaxing massage can be performed in a professional’s office or independently, since it does not require special skill

To carry it out at home, you can buy special tools: massage attachments, brushes and mittens.

A relaxing massage can be performed in a professional’s office or independently, since it does not require special skill. To carry it out at home, you can buy special tools: massage attachments, brushes and mittens.


Acupressure is an integral part of therapy.

Acupressure is used for the following purposes:

  1. Simple manipulations can remove congestion in the sinus area. If you do not get rid of purulent accumulations, this leads to their compaction. As a result, a person cannot blow his nose.
  2. By pressing on the skin, the inflamed area is heated, and this stimulates the removal of mucus.
  3. If you massage the maxillary sinuses systematically, the pain will go away over time. The constant accumulation of mucus leads to the fact that it begins to put pressure on the skull, and this is the cause of pain. Light movements distribute pressure evenly, which allows you to alleviate the condition.
  4. The first procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But this is even good, since the presence of pain helps determine which of the sinuses is inflamed.

People who have had sinusitis know what mucus accumulation is like. A massage is a must. This approach helps a person feel better during the course of the disease. Over time, the mucus comes out and the patient begins to breathe fully.


The therapeutic effect during massage for sinusitis is achieved through the use of physical pressure on special points on the face and body. Each of them is an area of ​​concentration of nerve endings, when pressed, certain processes in the body are launched. As a result of acupressure, the tissues of the nasal sinuses are saturated with oxygen, which reduces acute negative signs of the disease and promotes recovery.

To obtain a positive effect, the patient should learn how to do the procedure correctly and which techniques bring maximum benefit to the patient.

There are 3 methods of performing massage:

  • pressing and massaging the points with your fingertips, starting with a light one and with increasing pressure on the tissue; according to Chinese technology, vibrating movements are also used, which increase the excitation of nerve endings;
  • using a nail prick (only with a short nail), after which there is a feeling of numbness or dull pain in the area;
  • kneading with the thumb with a helical movement, in which the top layer of skin moves relative to the subcutaneous tissues.

The procedure for performing it, or how to do a massage for sinusitis:

  • perform stroking movements using your fingertips, gradually increasing pressure on biological points;
  • movements must be repeated several times, without lifting your fingers from the desired place;
  • The duration of massaging the point is 3-4 minutes, but it depends on the individual sensations of the patient;
  • If a feeling of discomfort or excessive excitement appears, it is better to reduce the time.

Basic rules of treatment

Firstly, to be cured of sinusitis, the patient must see a doctor. Sometimes people think that the disease will go away on its own and do not rush to see a doctor. The patient must find out at what stage his inflammatory process is. If the form of the disease is already advanced, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Secondly, the patient is required to undergo additional examinations - tomography of the nasal sinuses. This method will help to identify further tactics in the treatment of sinusitis. If the patient has accumulated a lot of mucus and pus in the sinuses, the doctor will rinse.

The third rule involves treating the disease with a laser. The therapeutic goal is to relieve a person of symptoms and the development of inflammation. With an advanced form of the disease, the patient may be admitted to the hospital. This method is effective, since the patient is constantly under supervision and various medical procedures are performed. When sinusitis has become chronic, treatment is carried out with biodynamic current and inhalations are used.

Doctors recommend that their patients do acupressure for sinusitis, and advise entrusting this procedure to an experienced specialist.

During therapy, it is possible to improve the overall metabolism in the body, increase the body’s immune status and the ability to resist the penetration of bacterial infections into the body.

And also the technique of influencing the points - the result and measure of prevention of inflammation inside the nose. You need to massage them for at least 5 minutes. Important! To recover, the massage procedure must be carried out three times during the day.

Contraindications for massage for sinusitis:

  • allergic skin reaction;
  • tumors and polyps in the sinuses;
  • body temperature is high;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • period of bearing a child.

This list of contraindications is standard, since in the above cases absolutely any massage is prohibited.

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