Pull the bone out of your throat. Fish bone stuck in throat: how to get it out, signs, treatment

A fish bone stuck in your throat is not a problem. How to get rid of it and what to do? Can a fish bone come out of the throat on its own over time?

These questions puzzle people who often eat fish dishes. For example, a fisherman’s family receives it on their table almost every other day.

And as we all know, river fish have the smallest bones!

Why is a fish fragment in the throat dangerous?

Once the fish bone is lodged in the throat, it continues to be held in place by the folds of the vestibular and vocal apparatus . With involuntary forced exhalations (coughing, sneezing), it moves and is localized in the pear-shaped pockets between the folds and walls of the larynx, less often in the subglottic region.

The nature and severity of symptoms of a bone fragment are determined by its parameters, depth of the lesion, anatomical location.

The initial period is sudden, and is manifested by the following symptoms :

  • redness and cyanosis of the face;
  • shortness of breath;
  • stenotic breathing with difficulty inhaling;
  • voice function disorder;
  • paroxysmal cough, which may be accompanied by hemoptysis, vomiting;
  • stabbing pain radiating to the projection of the ear;
  • localized pain in the chest space during coughing, with sudden movements.

Upon visual examination of the pharynx, a wound site with a fragment of a fish skeleton bone opens. If the bone has moved, there are several damaged areas. In some clinical cases, the palatine tonsils are swollen and hyperemic, the throat is red . If it is impossible to conduct a mirror examination and localize the foreign body, direct laryngoscopy is indicated.

You can find out how to get rid of a lump in your throat here.

Prolonged aspiration of a foreign object precedes the development of an inflammatory process with local signs of intoxication . Patients report headache, febrile fever, general malaise, and tender lymph nodes.

For reference! When reflex acts are exhausted, a latent course of aspiration of a foreign substance occurs, when the patient does not experience discomfort.

When a fish fragment remains fixed for a long time, there is a risk of granulation, which is why laryngeal stenosis can develop after scarring of the tissue structures. A sharp piercing object, when moved, causes superficial or deep damage to the mucous membrane. The consequences of injury will be the formation of ulcers and perforation of the esophageal wall .

What to do after removing a sharp object from your throat?

It happens that all these methods turn out to be useless. What to do in such a situation? If you realize that you cannot remove a sharp object from your throat on your own, then immediately go to the hospital to see an ENT specialist or dentist. The doctor will do this quickly and painlessly.

You can drink teas, compotes, juices, but not sour ones, so as not to irritate your throat again. If it seems to you that the injury is behaving somehow strangely (tonsils are swollen, very painful, bleeding), do not delay and go to the hospital right away. Perhaps there is an infection inside that needs to be treated with more serious methods.

Well, that's all, dear readers. Now you know what to do if a bone is stuck in the tonsils. I hope my tips will help you if something similar happens in your life.

First aid

Before removing the bone from the throat, it is recommended to evaluate its size and location . Most often, a foreign body affects elements of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring in the projection of the nasopharynx and oral cavity (palatine tonsils and lateral walls), and the root of the tongue.

The main principle of emergency care is not to aggravate the primary position of the bone fragment, not to provoke its movement deeper into the esophagus. You must act carefully, starting with atraumatic methods.

Advice! If the bone is clearly visible, you can remove it with tweezers pre-treated with an antiseptic. To avoid damaging the tissue, it is recommended to perform the procedure in good lighting, in front of a mirror, with the tongue pressed tightly against the lower palate.

How to remove a bone from a person's (adult) throat:

  1. The inner part of the bread (crumb), when chewed, captures the bone fragment and is subsequently disposed of from the mucous membrane. Only suitable for removing small bones.
  2. Liquid . When the fish bone is located superficially, water helps displace it.
  3. Soft foods : banana, marshmallows, marshmallows, marshmallows, boiled potatoes. They act like a “needle cushion”, envelop foreign substances, and help remove bone. They should be moved around in the mouth, but not washed down with water, and not brought to a mushy state.
  4. Rusk . Stale bread should catch the bone and push it further into the gastrointestinal tract, where it no longer poses a health hazard.
  5. Vegetable oil, honey . Liquid substances help the fish bone slip into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, where it is completely dissolved under the action of hydrochloric acid.
  6. Black pepper, tobacco . Inhalation of volatile components provokes sneezing, when the bone can be released with a stream of air.

These manipulations will be effective and useful for extracting minor bone fragments . Removal of a large foreign body is carried out by an otolaryngologist using bayonet-shaped tweezers or a Hartmann forceps under visual control.

Advice! Young children should not be offered fish in its pure form; it is better to give preference to fish cutlets or fillets.

If a child has a fish bone stuck in his throat, medical attention will be required . The baby is taken to a specialized medical institution, where the necessary conditions have been created for endoscopic procedures under anesthesia. The child must remain upright or sitting at all times . If it is impossible to manually remove a foreign object, a surgical operation is performed.

With a slight violation of tissue integrity, the recovery process will be quick and complete. If the wounds are deep and inflammation persists, rinsing with antiseptic agents or herbal decoctions is carried out as prescribed by the doctor.

Wet bread

Wet bread will help as well as marshmallows. Take a small piece of bread and dip it in water or warm milk. Then roll the pulp into a ball small enough to swallow in one piece. Most likely, the stickiness of the bread will help the fish bone to come off the throat. Some people advise eating a crust of bread “dry.” In this case, the hope is that the hard crust will catch the bone and pull it out of the mucous membrane.

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Prevention of complications

Small, thin bones do not actually cause harm to the throat. But if the fish bone was large enough and hard enough and scratched the mucous membrane, it is necessary to take measures against possible inflammation.

To do this, you need to gargle with some antiseptic solution. Can be used:

  • decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, yarrow, etc.);
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Rotokan.
  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine.

The rinse liquid should be at room temperature.

You should not use products that can severely irritate the mucous membrane, for example, hydrogen peroxide. After all, a tough fish bone caused a wound, so treatment of the throat must be done delicately.

If you don't want to rinse, you can use an antiseptic spray. The drug Tantum Verde works well in this case.

In cases where you don’t even have a spray at hand or it’s inconvenient to use, you can suck on lozenges for sore throats - Strepsis, etc.

In the first time after being wounded by a bone in the throat, it is advisable to eat only warm, soft food: mashed potatoes, tender meatballs, soups. Eliminate everything hard from your diet, especially crackers and bread, sour and spicy foods.

Prohibited actions

  1. If the victim begins to cough heavily and strain the throat muscles, the stuck bone moves down into the esophagus. This digestive organ is very delicate. Perforation of the wall of the digestive tract often leads to fatal consequences.
  2. Independent use of available materials to remove bone is strictly prohibited. Toothbrushes, spoons, forks, and matches injure the mucous membrane of the throat even more.
  3. External massage of the injury site is also undesirable. It will lead to deeper penetration of the bone into the mucous membrane.
  4. If the bone is not removed, but left in the throat for a long time, the site of injury will become infected. Inflammation and bone suppuration will develop in the throat.
  5. Swelling of the respiratory tract and suffocation are reasons to visit a medical facility or call an ambulance at home.
  6. It is forbidden for patients with chronic processes in the oral cavity to independently remove bone from the throat: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. This can lead to the formation of deep wounds, which quickly become infected and are complicated by the formation of abscesses. These are serious diseases that are difficult and take a long time to treat. Often, antibacterial therapy does not help cope with the pathology. In such cases, surgical intervention is resorted to.
  7. It is also undesirable to remove the bone from the throat yourself in patients with impaired functioning of the heart and lungs. Such manipulations in the throat, which contains many nerve endings, lead to reflex dysfunctions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to remove a bone from a child’s throat at home.

It is important not only to know how to remove a fish bone from your throat, but also how not to do it.

Moreover, often knowledge of what measures should not be taken is more important, since incorrect techniques for removing a foreign object from the larynx can lead to serious complications.

  1. It is forbidden to cough forcefully, straining the muscles of the larynx. Coughing movements can push the bone lower into the wall of the esophagus, which can be fatal. It is also prohibited to induce vomiting and severe sneezing.
  2. To remove a bone from the throat, you cannot use such improvised means as forks, toothpicks, toothbrushes, fingers wrapped in gauze, etc. All these devices either injure the larynx, or push the bone even deeper into the mucous membrane, or cause a gag reflex, which is bad.
  3. Under no circumstances should you use melted wax. This can cause a severe burn to the throat.
  4. You should not forcefully massage the neck from the outside, as this may promote further penetration of the bone deeper into the mucous membrane.
  5. It is well known among the people that if you swallow a fish bone, the first thing to do is to follow it with a piece of stale, unchewed bread or crust. This technique often helps. But doctors consider it wrong. It is especially dangerous to swallow unchewed bread crusts, as their edges can scratch the mucous membrane. Often, after such “treatment,” the victim does not feel relief, although the bone has come out. But since the scab wounded the throat, the pain remained the same as it was. And perhaps it has intensified.
  6. Swallowing honey is not a good solution to the problem. Yes, honey is sticky. And he can take the bone. But it irritates the mucous membrane. This provokes a cough, which is undesirable.
  7. One of the popular tips on how to remove a bone from a person’s throat at home says that you need to rinse with water and coarse grains. This advice should not be followed under any circumstances. Gargling with any liquid, even with the smallest solid particles, is prohibited, as it leads to injury to the mucous membrane. What can we say about large grains?

When to pull it out and when to see a doctor?

You can solve the problem yourself if a small fish bone is stuck in your throat and it is located superficially. Often such a bone comes out on its own or is easily swallowed without any effort or dangerous consequences.

  1. If a chicken bone or a large fish bone with thin sharp edges is stuck in your throat, you should consult a doctor to remove it.
  2. If a bone gets into the throat due to acute or chronic diseases of the oropharynx and/or tonsils, then it should not be removed independently, since incorrect manipulations can lead to the spread of infection. The only thing you can do is swallow something soft and viscous, such as a banana. If this does not help, you should consult a doctor.
  3. The presence of severe pathologies of the heart and/or respiratory system in a person, as well as early childhood, are sufficient grounds for removing a fish bone, even a small one, from the throat not at home, but in a clinic.

Strict indications for seeking emergency medical care are:

  • extremely severe pain in the throat that cannot be tolerated;
  • bleeding from the throat;
  • suffocation.
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