Bacterial throat infection: pathogens, symptoms, treatment

Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx constitute the largest group of daily calls for medical care in both children and adults. Prescribing antibiotics is not always justified, and treatment of a throat infection should depend on what pathogen caused a particular disease. Let's look at the most common infections, their manifestations and possible treatment for the throat.


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Viral infection is one of the main causes of sore throat. Viral throat diseases should be distinguished from bacterial ones, primarily streptococcal sore throat. The fact is that a viral throat infection cannot be treated with antibiotics. How can you understand that the cause of a sore throat is a viral infection?

Viral throat infections can be mild or severe, lasting for 3 days or 2 weeks, causing pain when swallowing, loss of voice, cough and other symptoms. This variety of clinical manifestations is due to the heterogeneity of viral infections that can cause throat diseases.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the types of viral throat diseases, the characteristics of their symptoms, diagnosis, and also talk about how to treat them correctly.

What is a viral infection?

Viral diseases are a group of disorders associated with the introduction into the body of very small, and at the same time highly contagious (i.e., infectious) infectious agents. Indeed, viruses are hundreds of times smaller in size than the smallest bacteria and fungi. Viruses can penetrate human cells and take control of all the molecular processes occurring inside it. As a result of this, the cell ceases to perform its inherent function and only does what helps the virus divide, i.e. form thousands of copies of itself.

Fortunately, most viruses are only able to penetrate a certain type of cell. For example, respiratory viruses disrupt the functioning of only the cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Within 3-7 days, the human immune system forms immunity to the virus in the form of specific antibodies. Thanks to this, respiratory viral infections bother a person for no longer than a week.

The danger is that during a viral disease, a large amount of sputum is formed on the mucous membrane. It is a good breeding ground for other infectious agents - bacteria. Bacterial complications of viral infections can be severe and have serious consequences. This is why it is so important to treat viral throat diseases in a timely manner.

How and why infection occurs

Every healthy person has many microorganisms that make up the usual microflora. Conditionally pathogenic bacteria “dormant” until a certain point - their destructive activity begins when immune functions are weakened, severe hypothermia, or neglect of personal hygiene. The protective properties may not be able to cope with pathogens that have entered from the outside upon contact with a sick person.

Staphylococcal infections quickly destroy the upper layers of the epidermis, inflammation begins, and a sharp allergic reaction is possible. Such pathogens rapidly mutate and become resistant to active substances that contain antibiotics if the medication is dosed incorrectly or the course of treatment is stopped on its own.

Such infections in the throat cause a violent reaction. They are easy to become infected with: resistant microorganisms survive even when boiled, they are stable with respect to saline solutions, and are not destroyed by hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, doctors warn: self-medication or inaccurate adherence to doctor’s recommendations in this case can be disastrous.

Infectious staphylococcus can cause severe intoxication of the body, and, once in the blood, cause sepsis. A bacterial throat infection is difficult for weakened people who have other chronic diseases - for example, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis and others. It is easy to introduce pathogenic active microorganisms if the mucous membrane is already damaged - there are microtraumas on it, or a chemical burn has been received.

What are the types of viral throat diseases?

Thus, according to the localization of the infection, viral throat diseases are divided into:

  1. Tonsillitis is a lesion of the tonsils. The symptoms are similar to streptococcal tonsillitis: the patient complains of acute pain when swallowing, decreased appetite, and weakness. When examining the throat, a significant increase and redness of the tonsils is noticeable. Their surface may be covered with a transparent or cloudy mucous coating.
  2. Pharyngitis is a lesion of the pharynx. If a virus has penetrated into the cells of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the throat hurts, there is a sore throat, and dryness.
  3. Laryngitis is a disease in which infection affects the larynx and vocal cords. As a result of inflammation of the vocal cords, the patient's voice changes - it becomes rough, hoarse or barely audible. With laryngitis, a superficial wet cough (sometimes called a “barking”) may be bothersome.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis can be part of the clinical picture of various diseases caused by the introduction of different types of viruses into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

It is known that throat diseases can be associated with infections such as:

  • influenza virus;
  • ARVI viruses (acute respiratory viral infections) that cause colds;
  • Coxsackie virus, which causes a very painful throat infection called herpangina;
  • Epstein-Barr virus, which causes infectious mononucleosis.


Depending on the type of virus that causes it, the symptoms of throat diseases will vary. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table, which presents the main symptoms, features and prognosis of the course of viral diseases affecting the pharynx, tonsils or larynx (see Table 1).

EpidemiologyEpidemics are often observed in the autumn-winter period.Outbreaks of infections occur during the cold season. Adults tolerate the disease more easily than children. Occurs mainly in childhood. Local outbreaks may occur in children's groups. Children and adolescents are most often affected. In the summer-autumn period, outbreaks are observed in children's groups.
Body temperatureHigh from the first day of illness (38-41°C).Can be high, especially in children (37-39°C). most often does not reach 38°C. It rises sharply during the first illness to 38-39°C.Body temperature is low-grade (about 37°C).
Throat conditionRedness and swelling of the soft palate and pharynx.Catarrhal form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis. The mucous membrane is swollen and reddened. The plaque is mucous or mucopurulent. In the first days - swelling and redness of the pharynx, soft palate, tonsils. Next, bursting ulcers form on the mucous membrane. Catarrhal tonsillitis - the tonsils are enlarged, reddened, covered with a transparent or cloudy coating.
A sore throatModerate.Sore throat is often mild, but can be severe.Constant, worsens when swallowing food.Sore throat is moderate.
Main symptomsSymptoms of intoxication are headache, weakness, aches in muscles and joints.Redness and sore throat, sneezing, runny nose.Mouth ulcers, sore throat.Swelling of the tonsils, cough, enlarged and painful lymph nodes throughout the body.
Associated symptomsIn addition to a sore throat, there is a cough, and sometimes indigestion. Runny nose – rare. Weakness, drowsiness. Conjunctivitis may occur (with adenoviral infection). Poor appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain.Severe fatigue for 2 weeks or more. Sometimes there is a red rash on the roof of the mouth and then on the skin of the body.
ForecastA deadly disease. When taking anti-flu medications, the disease subsides within a week. ARVI responds well to treatment. If treated incorrectly, bacterial infections can become complicated. The disease is severe, but has a favorable prognosis. Within a week, the patient develops immunity to the virus. Complications are rare, mainly due to improper treatment (taking antibiotics, aspirin).

Table 1 Viral infections that can cause throat diseases.

How is the disease diagnosed?

As we already know, a throat can hurt for various reasons. Depending on what kind of viral throat disease occurs, appropriate therapy is selected.

Thus, treatment of the throat should begin with an accurate determination of the causes of the disease, i.e. making a diagnosis.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of streptococcal tonsillitis are in many ways similar to viral tonsillitis.

It can be very difficult to say what kind of infection is developing in the throat based only on pharyngoscopy data. That is why the doctor who examined the patient can refer him to undergo clarifying tests. First of all, they resort to tests such as a general clinical blood test and bacteriological culture of a throat smear. These two tests are enough to find out what kind of infection is developing in the patient (fungal, viral or bacterial), how severe the inflammation is, whether streptococcus is present in the sputum of the throat, whether there is reason to believe that the patient is developing mononucleosis, etc.

In many cases, testing is not required. If the patient has all the symptoms of ARVI (runny nose, sore throat, sneezing), treatment begins immediately.

Additional tests may be required if the patient feels worse or the illness does not go away within 7 days. In this case, the attending physician may suspect the development of a bacterial infection against the background of a viral one.


Treatment for viral throat infections is similar to treatment for a cold.

If a patient develops flu-like symptoms - high body temperature, sore throat, cough, aching muscles and joints - you should call a doctor. Treatment of influenza is based on taking antiviral drugs.

In case of ARVI, antiviral drugs are not always used. They influence the course of the disease only if treatment is started on the first or second day of illness. For herpangina and infectious mononucleosis, antiviral drugs are ineffective.

The human body quite quickly, within 3-5 days, produces antibodies to the virus, and from that moment the patient begins to recover. Thus, the main thing is to support the body during the acute period (in the first 3 days of the disease). The acute period is the most dangerous; It is at this time that the patient may have a fever, severe sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, and indigestion. During the acute period, body temperature should be monitored and dehydration should be combated. Symptomatic treatment with topical drugs plays a supporting role. It is very important to adhere to bed rest during the acute period, since the body spends a lot of energy fighting the virus.

Thus, in the acute period of the disease the following treatments can be used:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • antipyretic drugs (if the temperature rises to 38.5°C or more);
  • drink plenty of fluids (give preference to warm herbal teas, mineral water);
  • sleep and rest;
  • eat light, fortified foods; you should not overeat;
  • local treatment - nasal drops, gargling, irrigation of tonsils with medicines, etc.;
  • with laryngitis, you should talk as little as possible, including in a whisper.

Starting from 3-4 days, the patient’s condition should improve significantly. General symptoms such as headache and fever recede into the background and gradually disappear; Only local symptoms remain - pain when swallowing, runny nose, cough. During this period, the main goal of treatment is to cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus and prevent the development of bacterial complications. For this purpose, the following procedures are recommended:

  • gargling with a water-salt solution or soda solution;
  • rinsing with decoctions of medicinal plants (if you are sure that you do not have allergies);
  • irrigating the throat with antiseptic drugs in the form of a spray (any antiseptic for treating the tonsils and pharynx is suitable - Ingalipt, Hepilor, Hexoral);
  • resorption of medicinal lozenges (Strepsils, Faringosept, Lizobakt) - not only has an antiseptic effect, but also reduces pain;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids continues to be relevant, and familiar dishes can be introduced into the diet.

Viral diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis are highly treatable and have a favorable prognosis. If home treatment does not work within a week, consult your doctor. The treatment regimen may need to be revised.

Features of treatment of infections of different etiologies

If the disease is caused by a bacteria, the doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics. Antihistamines are often prescribed to reduce swelling and cramping. To treat a viral illness, antiviral drugs and agents to enhance the immune response are prescribed. When fungus develops, antiseptics with an antifungal effect are prescribed.

The patient, regardless of the type of disease, must drink a lot. Additionally, rinsing is prescribed using a solution of soda and salt and chamomile. Today in pharmacies there are also special lozenges. They relieve pain from the throat and have a local antiseptic effect.

Treatment for a bacterial throat infection requires seeing a doctor. The specialist prescribes antibiotics from the penicillin group (Sumamed, Amoxicillin), lincosamides (Dalacin, Lincomycin), macrolides (Azithromycin, Josamycin) or cephalosporins (Cefuroxin), the course of which is important to complete, even if the symptoms of the disease go away earlier. Read more about taking antibiotics for sore throat →

In addition to antibiotic therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce high fever and eliminate sore throat (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). The use of sprays with an antiseptic effect (Tantum Verde, Hexoral), and frequent rinsing of the throat with Furacilin are also indicated. Read more about throat antiseptics →

Viral throat infections are treated on almost the same principle as bacterial ones, only instead of antibiotics the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs - Cycloferon, Kagocel, etc.

Treatment of a fungal throat infection should be comprehensive. The disease is treated taking into account the specific pathogen. The course of treatment also depends on the nature of the symptomatic picture. Antifungal medications are prescribed topically (Fluconazole, Clotrimazole), in severe cases - systemically in the form of tablets and injections.

Specific antifungal therapy must be supplemented with local antiseptic agents - these can be sprays and solutions intended for gargling. When a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics are indicated. In addition, it is important to pay attention to immunomodulatory treatment, vitamin therapy and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis.

Also, for fungal infections of the throat, physiotherapy is prescribed: electrophoresis, ultraviolet and laser. During illness, you need to follow a diet that excludes foods that irritate and injure inflamed tissues (salty, spicy, too hot foods). If you have candidiasis of the pharynx and oral cavity, it is recommended to avoid sweets and baked goods made from white flour. After eating, rinse your mouth.

The content of the article

Treatment for viral throat infections is similar to treatment for a cold.

If a patient develops flu-like symptoms - high body temperature, sore throat, cough, aching muscles and joints - you should call a doctor. Treatment of influenza is based on taking antiviral drugs.

In case of ARVI, antiviral drugs are not always used. They influence the course of the disease only if treatment is started on the first or second day of illness. For herpangina and infectious mononucleosis, antiviral drugs are ineffective.

The human body quite quickly, within 3-5 days, produces antibodies to the virus, and from that moment the patient begins to recover. Thus, the main thing is to support the body during the acute period (in the first 3 days of the disease). The acute period is the most dangerous; It is at this time that the patient may have a fever, severe sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, and indigestion.

During the acute period, body temperature should be monitored and dehydration should be combated. Symptomatic treatment with topical drugs plays a supporting role. It is very important to adhere to bed rest during the acute period, since the body spends a lot of energy fighting the virus.

Thus, in the acute period of the disease the following treatments can be used:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • antipyretic drugs (if the temperature rises to 38.5°C or more);
  • drink plenty of fluids (give preference to warm herbal teas, mineral water);
  • sleep and rest;
  • eat light, fortified foods; you should not overeat;
  • local treatment - nasal drops, gargling, irrigation of tonsils with medicines, etc.;
  • with laryngitis, you should talk as little as possible, including in a whisper.

Starting from 3-4 days, the patient’s condition should improve significantly. General symptoms such as headache and fever recede into the background and gradually disappear; Only local symptoms remain - pain when swallowing, runny nose, cough. During this period, the main goal of treatment is to cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus and prevent the development of bacterial complications. For this purpose, the following procedures are recommended:

  • gargling with a water-salt solution or soda solution;
  • rinsing with decoctions of medicinal plants (if you are sure that you do not have allergies);
  • irrigating the throat with antiseptic drugs in the form of a spray (any antiseptic for treating the tonsils and pharynx is suitable - Ingalipt, Hepilor, Hexoral);
  • resorption of medicinal lozenges (Strepsils, Faringosept, Lizobakt) - not only has an antiseptic effect, but also reduces pain;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids continues to be relevant, and familiar dishes can be introduced into the diet.

Viral diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis are highly treatable and have a favorable prognosis. If home treatment does not work within a week, consult your doctor. The treatment regimen may need to be revised.

A sore throat can also be caused by bacteria. This is a less common type of infection. Its cause may be pathogenic microbes penetrating from the outside, or excessive growth of opportunistic bacteria with weakened immunity or a sharp imbalance in the oral microflora. In particular, pain when swallowing may indicate infection with bacteria such as:

  • diphtheria bacillus (Corynebacterium diphtheriae);
  • whooping cough bacillus, or Bordet-Gengou bacterium (Bordetella pertussis);
  • mycobacteria (Mycobacteriaceae);
  • streptococcus (Streptococcus);
  • epidermal staphylococcus (Staphylococcus epidermidis) and others.

Bacterial toxins that cause symptoms of disease in humans are divided into two groups:

  1. Endotoxins. Formed when microbes die.
  2. Exotoxins. Produced by living bacteria. The most poisonous. May cause sore throat, foul odor, fever and other symptoms even after cell death.

Quite often, a bacterial infection develops against the background of a disease caused by a virus. In such cases, complex treatment is necessary.

Infection with bacteria occurs much less frequently; in most cases it occurs due to streptococci entering the body. Symptoms of this disease:

  • an increase in the size of the uvula and tonsils;
  • purulent plugs on the tonsils (“drips” and yellowish dots);
  • painful sensations of various types in the throat and soreness;
  • dry cough;
  • a significant (for sore throat) or low-grade fever (for tonsillitis) increase in temperature;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • drowsiness and general fatigue.

Streptococcal infection requires immediate treatment, as it leads to complications: heart disease, otitis media, sinusitis.

Staphylococcal infections are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • greenish mucous discharge;
  • dryness of the mucous epithelium of the nasal cavity;
  • fever;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • general weakness and body aches;
  • lack of appetite;
  • drowsiness.

Treatment of bacterial infections involves taking mandatory measures. The patient should not eat food that irritates the mucous epithelium of the throat. It is necessary to increase the amount of warm drinks, focusing on drinks that soften the throat, for example, milk with honey.

AmoxicillinFrom 63 rub.
CefuroximeFrom 1318 rub.
JosamycinFrom 506 rub.
LincomycinFrom 122 rub.

The course of antibiotic treatment is a week. To reduce pain and discomfort in the throat, aseptic preparations are prescribed (lozenges or lozenges, sprays for irrigating the throat).

Therapy for fungal throat diseases is somewhat different from the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. The treatment is complex, but first of all, doctors take care of increasing the patient’s immunity; for this, he is prescribed vitamins and immunostimulants. Additional measures include treating the throat with local antiseptic agents, rinsing with solutions to disinfect infected areas of the throat mucosa.

Additional procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day. Doctors also prescribe broad-spectrum antifungal (antimycotic) drugs, for example, Intraconazole, Fluconazole. Such drugs are prescribed only after the type of fungus has been determined through laboratory tests.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by a specialist taking into account the results of the examination. Severe forms of fungal throat infections are treated with injections and pills.

Physiological methods of getting rid of fungal diseases:

  • laser therapy;
  • ultraviolet;
  • electrophoresis.

Treatment requires mandatory adherence to a diet: avoidance of salty and spicy foods, too hot foods, sweets and products made from white flour.

Throat infections caused by bacteria have more severe symptoms compared to viral pathology. Most often, the disease develops due to the activation of staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococci.

Streptococci normally live in the human body without causing the development of diseases. However, with a decrease in immune defense due to hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic pathology or allergies, the opportunistic flora is activated and begins to multiply.

Pathogens can cause scarlet fever, rubella, measles, whooping cough, sore throat or erysipelas. If not treated in time, complications such as:

  • otitis (with damage to the middle ear);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • retropharyngeal abscess (as a complication of advanced tonsillitis);
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • osteomyelitis.

Throat infections

About antiviral drugs

Influencing the course of a viral infection is not as easy as it might seem. For many viruses, drugs whose effectiveness would be confirmed by research have not yet been developed.

For example, the Epstein-Barr virus and the Coxsackie virus are practically unaffected by any antiviral agents. The best medicine against these viruses is antibodies produced by the sick person’s own immune system.

Thus, treatment of mononucleosis and herpangina is mainly symptomatic (rest, antiseptic treatment of the throat, drinking plenty of fluids, etc.).

However, there are drugs that are effective against some viruses, such as the influenza virus. Since influenza poses a serious threat to human life, its treatment should begin with taking an antiviral drug.

Drugs actively used in the treatment of influenza can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Substances that disrupt the reproduction of the virus by blocking the neuramidase enzyme (drugs such as Zanamivir, Oseltamivir).
  2. Drugs that affect the metabolism of the M2 protein necessary for virus division (Amantadine, Rimantadine).
  3. Agents that stimulate the production of its own antiviral substance - interferon (drugs Arbidol, Amiksin, Groprinosin, Cycloferon).

Antiviral drugs, like any other medicines, may have contraindications and side effects, so before using them you should carefully read the instructions and consult a specialist.

Every day the human body encounters many pathogens. And not every immune system is able to withstand this attack. Throat infections are the most common among other diseases.

Infectious agents can be bacteria, viruses and fungi. Once on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, they multiply and attack the cells of the body, provoking an inflammatory process. The symptoms of the disease, their severity and treatment depend on the type of pathogen in the throat.


The following infections most often affect the throat.

Viral throat infection

From the name it is obvious that the infection factors are viruses - non-cellular microflora. To begin reproduction and active activity, viruses need living cells of the body. Various viruses show preference for strictly specific cells. For example, the influenza virus loves the cells of the larynx, which is why this disease is not without a sore throat.

It is also worth noting that viruses, when they penetrate living cells, change their structure in such a way that they themselves begin to multiply pathogenic microflora and are deprived of the ability to function correctly.

Outwardly, this manifests itself in the following symptoms of a viral throat infection:

  • discomfort and sore throat;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the pharynx;
  • general weakness;
  • increased body temperature, etc.

Any virus that affects the throat causes almost the same clinical picture of the disease, so the treatment will be similar.

Bacterial throat infection

Bacterial microflora, unlike viral microflora, is a fully formed and self-sufficient form of cellular life. That is, for a disease to occur, it is enough for pathogenic bacteria to enter favorable conditions for reproduction. And the mucous membrane of the pharynx meets these conditions.

Most often, bacterial infections in the throat occur due to the fault of streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, whooping cough and diphtheria bacilli, etc. The danger of the listed pathogenic bacteria is that many of them produce exo- and endotoxins. Treatment for bacterial throat infections should begin as quickly as possible, as complications of the disease can be severe.

Fungal throat infection

This infection option is much less common compared to the previous two. A fungal infection of the throat is not primary; more often it is a consequence of another disease that has become acute or has reached a certain severity.

Infection is usually caused by yeast or mold and is initially easily confused with a bacterial infection. A diagnostic swab from the throat will help determine the causative agent of the infection. An analysis carried out in a laboratory will determine not only the type of infection, but also further treatment tactics.


With a throat infection, symptoms will develop if the full mechanism of infection is followed:

  • the presence of an infectious pathogen;
  • transmission route;
  • the body's susceptibility to infection.

The source of infection is a person with an acute course of the disease or a carrier of the infection. Transmission routes for throat infections are limited to airborne, food and contact. The susceptibility of the body directly determines whether a person will get sick in principle, and what degree of severity of the disease he will have.

After the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, the first symptoms of infection will not appear immediately. This moment is called incubation.

All throat infections have common signs of intoxication - headache, general weakness, muscle aches and chills. At the same time, your body temperature may rise. Then specific signs appear that are characteristic of a particular type of pathogen, for example, sore throat, rhinitis, cough, etc.

A viral infection is characterized by catarrhal inflammation of the throat and the presence of clear mucous discharge from the nasopharynx.

A bacterial throat infection usually occurs with high fever, severe pain and purulent plaque in the throat, while nasal congestion is usually absent.

Individual diseases can have a fairly specific course: for example, whooping cough is characterized by debilitating coughing attacks, and diphtheria is characterized by the formation of films in the throat and larynx, which can cause spasm of the upper respiratory tract and an attack of suffocation.

Fungal infections of the throat can occur either acutely or long-term, manifesting as a cheesy coating in the mouth and pharynx, causing dryness and burning of the affected tissues. Read more about the causes of plaque in the throat →

Causes of infection

The causes of throat infections are factors that increase a person's susceptibility to these diseases:

  • Age. Throat infections are more common in children and teenagers. Adults get sick twice as often.
  • Smoking, including passive smoking. Tobacco smoke contains a lot of harmful chemical elements that disrupt the local immunity of the pharynx and nasopharynx.
  • Allergy. People suffering from any type of allergy (seasonal, food) have a sore throat more often than healthy people.
  • Chemical irritants. Household chemicals, fuel combustion particles and much more can irritate the throat mucosa, reducing the protective barrier.
  • Chronic nasal infections (sinusitis) can continually lead to throat infections.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene standards. Frequent and thorough hand washing can prevent any infection.
  • Weak immunity. Insufficient immune defense makes the body more susceptible to any kind of infection. Poor and monotonous nutrition, overwork, chemotherapy for tumor diseases, diabetes mellitus, hormone therapy, etc. have a negative effect on the immune system.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints made by the patient, examination results and additional examination methods, in particular instrumental ones. When dealing with any throat infection, the doctor, first of all, prescribes a general blood test, in which the leukocyte formula is of particular importance. With its help, you can determine the type of pathogen - a virus or bacteria.

In most cases, mandatory throat swab sampling is practiced. The collection is made with a sterile cotton swab or swab. A smear for microscopy will show whether fungal or bacterial flora predominates at the site of infection. In the future, the smear can be used for artificial colonization of bacteria or fungi, in order to determine their sensitivity to medications.

Treatment of throat infections

Treatment for a bacterial throat infection requires seeing a doctor. The specialist prescribes antibiotics from the penicillin group (Sumamed, Amoxicillin), lincosamides (Dalacin, Lincomycin), macrolides (Azithromycin, Josamycin) or cephalosporins (Cefuroxin), the course of which is important to complete, even if the symptoms of the disease go away earlier. Read more about taking antibiotics for sore throat →

In addition to antibiotic therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce high fever and eliminate sore throat (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). The use of sprays with an antiseptic effect (Tantum Verde, Hexoral), and frequent rinsing of the throat with Furacilin are also indicated. Read more about throat antiseptics →

Viral throat infections are treated on almost the same principle as bacterial ones, only instead of antibiotics the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs - Cycloferon, Kagocel, etc.

Treatment of a fungal throat infection should be comprehensive. The disease is treated taking into account the specific pathogen. The course of treatment also depends on the nature of the symptomatic picture. Antifungal medications are prescribed topically (Fluconazole, Clotrimazole), in severe cases - systemically in the form of tablets and injections.

Specific antifungal therapy must be supplemented with local antiseptic agents - these can be sprays and solutions intended for gargling. When a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics are indicated. In addition, it is important to pay attention to immunomodulatory treatment, vitamin therapy and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis.

Also, for fungal infections of the throat, physiotherapy is prescribed: electrophoresis, ultraviolet and laser. During illness, you need to follow a diet that excludes foods that irritate and injure inflamed tissues (salty, spicy, too hot foods). If you have candidiasis of the pharynx and oral cavity, it is recommended to avoid sweets and baked goods made from white flour. After eating, rinse your mouth.


It is impossible to protect yourself from throat infections, but it is quite possible to minimize the chances of infection.

To do this you need:

  • Stop smoking . Tobacco smoke weakens the local immune defense of the mucous membrane of the throat and nasopharynx, making them susceptible to the influence of external pathogenic factors.
  • Eat a varied diet . A poor diet results in the body receiving fewer essential vitamins and microelements. That's why doctors insist on a varied diet, with special emphasis on foods enriched with vitamin C - they strengthen the immune system.
  • Humidify the microclimate at home . Along with the heating season, dry air comes into our homes, which irritates the mucous membranes of the throat and nasopharynx. This can lead to the formation of microtraumas on their surface, which in the future will become an entry point for infection. A decorative fountain, a household humidifier, or just a damp sheet or towel on a radiator will help solve the problem of humidification.
  • Maintain hygiene . According to experts, infectious pathogens most often enter our body with unwashed hands. Frequent hand washing will protect you from illness.
  • Take multivitamin complexes during cold season . With the onset of the cold season, as well as with persistent ENT infections, it is recommended to start taking multivitamins and immunomodulators, which will improve the condition of the immune system.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather . Hypothermia of the body leads to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and disruption of the mucosal barrier, which should protect against infectious agents. The cold itself does not cause a cold, but it can trigger the onset of the disease due to decreased immunity.

Throat infection is the most common type of illness encountered these days. And if fungal infection is still a rare occurrence, then we encounter viral and bacterial microflora every day. To avoid getting sick, it is important to monitor your health, strengthen your immune system, and in case of infection, seek medical help in a timely manner.

Author: Olga Rogozhkina, doctor, especially for

Useful video about one of the factors in the development of throat and nose infections

What medications are effective?

The standard regimen of drug therapy for the throat, treating the existing cause and reducing symptoms includes:

  • Antibiotics that can suppress the activity of staphylococcus. Tablets and injections of penicillin-based drugs (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin) are still relevant; they are often replaced by drugs from the series of cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones. But staphylococci may be inert to the action of conventional means. Up to 10% of “methicillin-resistant” microorganisms appear annually. Then macrolides - Azithromycin, Aziclar, or a group of nitrofurans - Furazolidone may be effective. Vancomycin is considered one of the best; it destroys bacterial strains and, when used correctly, does not cause mutations.
  • To relieve swelling and reduce an allergic reaction to toxins, antihistamine tablets are indicated: Loratadine, Suprastin, Aleron.
  • Sprays and lozenges are used as anesthetics and antiseptics: spraying with Givalex, Orasept, Ingalipt gives excellent results. For resorption, you can buy tablets or lozenges: Chlorophyllipt, Adjisept, Islu, Anzibel.
  • The doctor can squeeze out purulent deposits and treat the affected areas with disinfectant solutions.


Antibiotics will help cure even complicated inflammatory processes. Other medications will have a beneficial effect on damaged mucous membranes and speed up recovery.

The drug Otofag is also recommended: it alleviates the course of the disease and prevents infection if the nasal cavity is treated with it. At home, anyone can squeeze 2-3 pumps into a spoon, distribute it throughout the mouth and swallow - this way you can restore the microflora that normally inhabits the larynx.

What does a sore throat look like in adults?

It is important to know!

EVERYONE should know about this! UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! Scientists have discovered a SCARY relationship. It turns out that the cause of 50% of all ARVI diseases, accompanied by elevated temperature, as well as symptoms of fever and chills, are BACTERIA and PARASITES, such as Giardia, Ascaris and Toxocara. How dangerous are these parasites? They can deprive health and EVEN LIFE, because they directly affect the immune system, causing irreparable harm. In 95% of cases, the immune system is powerless against bacteria, and diseases will not be long in coming.

To forget about parasites once and for all, while maintaining your health, experts and scientists advise taking.....

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A characteristic sign of any infection is redness of the pharyngeal ring; the back wall of the throat is often affected (see photo). In most cases, there are no ulcers or other spots on the tonsils. However, the throat is hyperemic.

With a viral infection, the palatine tonsils increase moderately in size. Although in rare cases this phenomenon is not observed at all.

But there are situations when the tonsils swell so much that they block the lumen of the larynx and do not allow the patient to breathe through the mouth and swallow food.

Anginas of different natures have their own specific manifestations:

  • In the influenza form of tonsillitis, redness of the larynx and pharyngeal ring is observed, but there are no abscesses.
  • In cases of hyperpetic etiology, reddish blisters appear on the surface of the tonsils, palate and uvula. Moreover, enlargement of the tonsils is most often absent.
  • The disease measles is accompanied by the appearance of small white spots on the inner surface of the cheeks. Uninformed patients sometimes confuse these spots with ulcers typical of follicular tonsillitis.
  • With infectious mononucleosis in adults, there is a significant enlargement of the tonsils, which are covered with a dirty white thick coating.

Since the external symptoms of viral sore throat are very diverse, diagnosing the disease is often difficult. But the good thing is that the signs of one form or another of the disease do not depend on the patient’s age, that is, they are always the same. It’s just that in adults the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced than in children. Sometimes ARVI in adults does not manifest itself at all.

Symptoms of a viral throat infection

The most common symptoms of infectious sore throat are familiar to everyone:

  1. Sore throat - without this symptom there is no sore throat. Any throat infection is accompanied by pain. The nature of the pain can be pressing, dry, stabbing, scratching, strong or weak.
  2. Increased body temperature. The thermometer readings may not be very high (low-grade fever) or jump to 40℃. But sore throat without fever is extremely rare.
  3. General deterioration of condition, fever, chills, muscle pain.

If the temperature is very high (39℃ and above), it needs to be brought down. If values ​​are below 38.5℃, taking antipyretic medications is not recommended, since an increase in temperature is a sign that the body is fighting an infection.

A viral infection in the throat is almost always accompanied by a cough and runny nose; this differs from bacterial sore throat, which usually does not involve a cough or runny nose. If we consider all viral diseases of the throat, a runny nose is atypical only for influenza, but with it there is almost always a cough.

Clinical symptoms of viral tonsillitis in laboratory tests:

  • Change in leukocyte formula. In some diseases, the concentration of leukocytes decreases, in others it increases. A bacterial infection is usually accompanied by an increase in white blood cells.
  • Increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  • Band shift to the left (minor).

With a viral infection, the ESR almost always remains normal. An increase in this indicator is typical for monocytic tonsillitis. Lymph nodes may enlarge or remain normal, it all depends on the nature of the pathogen.

For example, with measles they are always enlarged and painful, but with flu they retain their natural shape.

Specific symptoms of viral sore throat:

  1. Rotavirus infection is accompanied by indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
  2. Herpes sore throat and adenoviral infection are characterized by conjunctivitis, often unilateral.
  3. Chest pain is a sure sign of the flu.
  4. Infectious mononucleosis is manifested by rashes on the body, symptoms of jaundice and tarry stools. Snoring at night is another characteristic symptom of this disease.

Almost every virus has its own signs of damage to the pharynx. Doctors use this feature for differential diagnosis of the disease.

Based on the symptoms of viral tonsillitis, you can predict the severity of the disease and adequately prescribe treatment.

Overview of Infectious Throat Diseases

Our immune system faces infection every day.
It surrounds us everywhere, constantly attacking the body. Thanks to the resistance of the immune system, a person is able to resist pathogens, as a result of which the disease does not develop.

Throat infections in otolaryngology are quite common, because the tonsils are located in the oropharynx - the first protective formations that take an attack.

Tonsils are lymphoid collections that fight infection. Normally, the tonsils may enlarge, which indicates an acute course of infectious pathology. However, after the microbes die, they return to their previous size.

Most often, children suffer from infectious diseases of the throat, since they do not have such a strong immune system, and they are much more likely to come into contact with sick peers.

This is associated with the enlargement of the tonsils and the development of adenoids in children, because the tonsils hypertrophy with frequent attacks of pathogens or the presence of chronic infection, impairing breathing through the nose.

Often it is hypertrophied lymphoid formations that become a source of chronic infection in the oropharynx.

When a throat infection is suspected, the symptoms depend on the type of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease to develop. These can be bacteria, fungi, and viruses. They affect the mucous membrane of the throat, causing inflammation and the appearance of clinical signs.

Bacterial infection

Throat infections caused by bacteria have more severe symptoms compared to viral pathology. Most often, the disease develops due to the activation of staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococci.

Streptococci normally live in the human body without causing the development of diseases. However, with a decrease in immune defense due to hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic pathology or allergies, the opportunistic flora is activated and begins to multiply.

Pathogens can cause scarlet fever, rubella, measles, whooping cough, sore throat or erysipelas. If not treated in time, complications such as:

  • otitis (with damage to the middle ear);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • retropharyngeal abscess (as a complication of advanced tonsillitis);
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • endocarditis, myocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • osteomyelitis.

Complications of the disease develop if throat infections become generalized. Pathogenic microorganisms spread through the bloodstream, forming infectious foci in the internal organs. The released toxins affect the heart muscle, kidney tissue, joint structures, blood cells and skin.

Streptococcus is transmitted through the air, through household objects, dirty hands and when coughing from a sick person. A bacterial throat disease often manifests itself as a sore throat, which is characterized by:

  • febrile hyperthermia;
  • severe pain when swallowing;
  • plaque on the tonsils;
  • suppurating follicles in the tonsils;
  • purulent discharge in the lacunae;
  • malaise;
  • decreased appetite.

As complications develop, the following may appear:

  1. ear pain, hearing loss as a sign of otitis media;
  2. heaviness behind the sternum, interruptions in heart function - with myocarditis, endocarditis;
  3. pain in the joints, limitation of their mobility - with polyarthritis;
  4. pain in the lumbar area, when urinating - with kidney damage;
  5. pain in the neck, the formation of a purulent cavity or diffuse purulent inflammation - with abscesses, phlegmon.

A throat infection is diagnosed by examining throat swabs. Under a microscope or through bacteriological analysis, the type of pathogenic microorganisms and their resistance to antibacterial drugs are determined.

Staphylococcus has several types (aureus, epidermal, and also saprophytic). It refers to the opportunistic flora of the body, which only under certain conditions leads to the development of the disease. Infection occurs from a sick person through air, dust or household objects.

The pathogen can cause tonsillitis, tonsillitis, skin pathology (furunculosis, pyoderma), inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system, intestines, brain abscess, sepsis, or affect internal organs, forming infectious foci in them.

Symptoms include pain in the pharynx when swallowing, fever, cough and symptoms of intoxication.

For diagnosis, it is enough to conduct an ELISA test, examine throat swabs and perform a bacterial culture, in which a culture of staphylococci grows.

Fungal diseases

A fungal infection of the throat often leads to the development of pharyngomycosis. It is a chronic pathology because it is difficult to treat. Fungi can also cause rhinomycosis, otomycosis or laryngomycosis.

In most cases, the cause of the disease is Candida fungi, but mold fungi cannot be ruled out. Some types of fungi belong to the opportunistic flora, so they can normally be present on the mucous membranes.

Triggers for their activation can be long-term antibiotic therapy, dental caries, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and pharynx, diabetes and a temporary decrease in immunity after hypothermia or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Fungal infections in the throat manifest themselves:

  • curdled coating on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx;
  • dry mouth;
  • burning.

Diagnosis uses microscopic examination.

Viral pathology

Throat infections can be caused by viral pathogens. When the virus enters the body, it begins to multiply and typical symptoms appear:

  • nasal congestion, rhinorrhea;
  • body aches;
  • fever (less persistent compared to bacterial diseases);
  • sore throat;
  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing;
  • malaise.

Pathogens are transmitted through the air, by sneezing or kissing. Infection through household items is possible.

The likelihood of becoming infected with viruses in closed, poorly ventilated areas when in contact with a sick person increases significantly.

To distinguish a bacterial disease from a viral one, it is enough to examine swabs from the throat or nose.

Separately, I would like to say about herpes infection, often diagnosed in children. It causes stomatitis or sore throat. In adults, the infection manifests itself as a rash on the lips, nose, or eyes.

Symptoms develop after activation of the herpes virus type 1 during primary infection or its exacerbation against the background of decreased immunity. Children experience:

  • muscle pain;
  • low-grade fever;
  • sore throat, ears, or eyes;
  • blistering rashes.

The child’s fragile immune system defeats a viral infection in 10-14 days, while bacterial diseases can be bothered by residual manifestations (coughing, some nasal voice) for another week.

Treatment of infection

When a throat infection is confirmed, treatment is prescribed based on the type of pathogen. In case of a bacterial disease, bacterial culture of material taken from the oropharynx is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the resistance of the pathogen to antibacterial agents. Based on the results of the antibiogram, antibiotics are prescribed:

  • penicillin series - Augmentin, Flemoclav, Amoxicillin;
  • cephalosporin group - Cefepime, Cefuroxime, Cefataxime;
  • macrolides - Sumamed, Azitrox, Klacid.

Antibacterial drugs are used in tablet form, in powder form for intramuscular administration or solution for intravenous administration. The choice is made solely by the doctor based on the severity of the disease.

In case of a viral illness, you should not take antibiotics, as many of us do as soon as we see 38 degrees on the thermometer. Firstly, antibacterial agents are not effective against viral infections, and secondly, by indulging in antibiotics, resistance to them can develop.

As a result, in a more severe case of a bacterial disease, they will not have a detrimental effect on the bacteria.

For viral pathology of the throat, treatment should include taking antiviral drugs (Tsitovir-3, Remantadine, Amiksin, Arbidol, Aflubin).

Some antiviral medications have an immunomodulatory effect, which is also necessary for the disease. Fluconazole, Intraconazole or Pimafucin are prescribed for fungal infections of the mucous membranes.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor based on the examination results.

Local therapeutic effects are provided through:

  • solutions for rinsing the oropharynx - Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine;
  • spray for irrigation of the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils - Bioparox, Givalex, Kameton, Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt, Tantum Verde;
  • lozenges - Falimint, Faringosept, Decathylene, Strepsils.

In addition, for medicinal purposes, you can use herbal decoctions (chamomile, oak bark, sage) to prepare rinse solutions or carry out inhalations. Do not forget about vitamin therapy, regular ventilation, wet cleaning of the room, good nutrition and increased drinking regimen.

Throat infection is very common, so you need to immediately begin treating the disease, preventing the infectious-inflammatory process from becoming chronic. It is especially important for parents to completely cure the child in order to avoid surgery to remove the child's tonsils or adenoids.

Galaktionova Svetlana



How does the disease progress and what are the complications?

Viral and bacterial tonsillitis always occurs acutely. The disease develops rapidly, and its symptoms appear very quickly and disappear just as quickly. Moreover, they disappear even with the development of complications, and instead of them, symptoms of secondary pathologies provoked by ARVI appear.

Typically, viral tonsillitis lasts no more than 5-6 days, and normalization of the general condition occurs after another 2 days. This disease is not chronic and cannot last for weeks.

Meanwhile, with frequent contact with sick people, with weak immunity and other predisposing factors, the likelihood of frequent infection with new viruses is very high. Therefore, doctors are primarily at risk.

Complications of viral sore throat usually develop after the acute stage. They are especially characteristic of measles and influenza. Complications can be so serious that they lead to disruptions in the functionality of the nervous system and death.

Bacterial complications of a viral infection are normal. This is usually bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis. The cause of these diseases is most often weak immunity and activation of opportunistic microflora.

Staphylococci (most often this is what they are) live in a healthy human body. But when the immune system is weakened, these bacteria become more active and begin to multiply intensively. Their vital activity is manifested by thick green discharge and drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Bacterial sore throat develops much less frequently after infection of the throat by a virus. For its development, infection by its pathogen is required. However, a patient with ARVI, as a rule, stays at home and is limited in communication with people who could infect him. For this reason, viral-bacterial tonsillitis is a rather rare disease.

Fungal complications usually develop in cases where the doctor mistakes a viral infection of the throat for a bacterial sore throat and prescribes treatment with antibacterial drugs. In this situation, weakened immunity is accompanied by the destruction of one’s own microflora, which in normal situations does not allow opportunistic fungi to develop.

When fungi are deprived of competition, they begin to actively reproduce. Improper treatment of a viral sore throat may well provoke the formation of a white fungal coating on the patient’s tongue.

The most severe consequences of ARVI can be observed in patients with AIDS. In these patients, the disease progresses rapidly, leads to systemic damage and often ends in death.

Physiotherapy and traditional medicine

Quartz treatment will be an effective auxiliary procedure in the treatment of staphylococcal tonsillitis. But we must remember that such a physiotherapy procedure is possible only after the acute phase of the disease. Blockages in the throat can be removed by a tonsillor, which, using special attachments, draws out the exudate and treats the lacunae with antiseptics. Inhalations using a nebulizer are useful - they will soothe the epithelium, promote wound healing, and restore the water balance in the cells.

The introduced version of the infection - multiplying bacteria - can be washed out by rinsing. Traditional healers recommend (along with taking antibiotics and other medications) to gargle with decoctions of sage, calendula, and chamomile. A solution of iodine + salt + soda has a good disinfecting effect, the proportions are a glass of warm water, a quarter teaspoon each of salt, soda and no more than 3 drops of iodine.

Beetroot juice is considered a mild analgesic and decongestant: it can be used for rinsing or drunk slowly in small sips. This option is convenient for those who do not know how to gargle.

Sometimes alcohol solutions are used, but today doctors do not recommend resorting to such measures: if the mucous membrane is weak, you can get a chemical burn, aggravating necrotic processes.

An infusion of oak bark will also have an anti-inflammatory effect and help small wounds heal faster. And eucalyptus acts as an analgesic antiseptic, but it can only be used by adults - the plant can be a powerful allergen.

Infectious agents

The main cause of any viral throat disease is infection with a virus. As you know, the entry point for infection is either the nose or the mouth. Therefore, this is where the inflammatory process develops.

Moreover, in both the first and second cases, the entire nasopharynx suffers, so the disease is accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat.

The most common causative agents of viral sore throats are:

  • Influenza virus.
  • Rotaviruses.
  • Measles virus.
  • Adenoviruses.
  • Coxsackie viruses.
  • Epstein-Barr virus.
  • Cytomegalovirus.

The ability of the virus to gain a foothold in the tissues of the body depends entirely on the state of the immune system. A person encounters a huge number of viruses every day, but with a strong immune system they are not scary to him. The body's own microflora neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and the disease “passes by.”

Therefore, viral sore throats have secondary causes, which include:

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  2. The presence of other diseases that weaken the immune system.
  3. Treatment with certain medications that affect the immune system.
  4. Organ transplantation or treatment of cancer.
  5. Very strict and unjustified diets.
  6. Stress.
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