Using camphor oil to treat ear

Instructions for use in the ear

You can treat your ear with camphor oil at home. This type of therapy is used for otitis externa and for diseases affecting the middle and inner ear. But to achieve a lasting and guaranteed result, you need to know the basic rules for using this medicine.

Required dosage

If the goal of treatment is otitis externa, then the product should be instilled very gradually, one drop at a time. The gaps should be small. To cure otitis externa, you need to drip 2-3 drops of the product. Otitis media can be cured by dropping 3-5 drops. Moreover, this is allowed only if there is no rupture of the eardrum. It is best to use tampons. It is necessary to instill in the ear for otitis media 3 times a day.

How to properly instill camphor oil into the ear?

1. Always check camphor oil for allergenicity before starting treatment. To do this, take a few drops of camphor oil and drop it on the elbow, wait a while to see if there is any irritation.

2.You also need to be sure of the quality of camphor oil. This product must be prepared from natural raw materials.

3.Always warm camphor oil before use.

4. Instill camphor into the ear using a pipette, and no more than 4 - 5 drops into each ear canal.

5.Leave the soaked cotton swab in your ear overnight.

6.Immediately after instillation, the ear must be covered with cotton wool, and a gauze bandage must be placed on top of it.

7.Never immediately after introducing drops into the ear, do not get up, lie on your side for 10-15 minutes.

8.Use camphor oil until all symptoms of the disease have passed.

6.We always advise that before starting any treatment with camphor oil, consult a specialist.

Ear pain, how to treat it! How to treat a sore ear with folk remedies.


To eliminate a specific ear disease, your own recipe is used. They should be used in combination with other medications prescribed by the attending physician. It doesn’t matter which recipe is right for your case, the sequence of actions will be the same everywhere:

  • Only drip oil if it is warm. Make sure the product is not hot. Heat in a water bath.
  • To perform the treatment procedure, use a pipette, a sterile cotton pad or a bandage. The patient should be on his side. After instilling the oil, cover the ear with a piece of cotton wool. Place a napkin folded from gauze on top.
  • The patient should lie on his side for about 15-20 minutes. Then repeat similar steps for the other ear. If there is a unilateral type of otitis media, then it is recommended to drip directly into two ears so that the infection does not spread further.

Drips of the product are allowed only if there is no runny nose.

Recipes for drops based on camphor oil

The presented product is an effective remedy for the treatment of inflammation in the auditory organ. It can be dripped into the ear during pregnancy and lactation. Similar treatment is also prescribed for children. Taking into account the type of otitis media that needs to be treated, there is an effective remedy and a recipe.

Inflammation of the outer ear

Heat camphor oil and drop 2-3 drops into the affected ear. If there is nasal congestion, then first you need to restore it, and only then start using camphor oil. To prevent irritation, do a test test in advance.

When otitis media is accompanied by a strong burning sensation, you need to combine camphor oil and almond seed juice in a 1:1 ratio. This remedy is applied to the affected part of the ear.

Inflammation of the middle ear

Take cotton wool and form turundas. Soak them in warm camphor oil, and then put them in the ear for otitis media. Walk like this for 5 hours. To achieve greater results, you need to make a bandage for fixation.

Inner ear inflammation

A compress on the ear will help cure this pathology. To do this, roll the gauze into several layers. Dip it in warm oil and place it on the affected ear. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a warm scarf. To fix the compress, put on a hat. Perform this procedure at night.


If there is a plug in the ear, you can remove it using a product with garlic. Grind a clove of garlic using a garlic press and then combine with 3 drops of camphor oil. Place the prepared mixture on gauze and roll it with a tampon. Place in the ear for 2 hours.

Purulent otitis media

The main component is to combine 0.5 dessert spoon with the juice of one onion. Add a dessert spoon of melted butter. Use the product for tampons that are placed in the affected ear. You need to walk with them for 3-4 hours.

Use of camphor oil for ear diseases

There are many ways to use camphor oil. The choice of treatment depends on the disease. Before use, make sure that the method of applying the oil is suitable for your case; Your attending otolaryngologist will come to your aid, who will make the correct diagnosis and tell you how to treat your ear with camphor oil.

Camphor oil for otitis externa

This disease is also called inflammation of the external ear. In this case, itching and burning are usually felt in the ear canal, but hearing loss does not occur. In this case, camphor oil is instilled into the ear canal. To do this, the patient must position himself so that the affected ear is horizontal.

Next, you need to drip camphor oil into the ear in the amount of 2-3 drops; If additional irritation, itching or burning occurs, use of the oil should be discontinued - obviously, your body has an individual intolerance to this substance.

After instillation, it is necessary to cover the sore ear with a warm cloth and remain in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes. Rubbing camphor oil mixed with almond oil into the auricle will help relieve pain.

Camphor oil for swelling of the Eustachian tube

You recognize eustachitis by a feeling of ear congestion. In this case, drops are inappropriate; camphor oil is used for compresses. It is necessary to fold a rectangle from several layers of gauze, make a hole in it for the ear and soak it in warm camphor oil (never heat the oil in a microwave oven, use water baths). The compress is applied to the sore ear and insulated. It is better to keep the ear under a compress overnight, but if you do not have this opportunity, a two-hour procedure will be enough.

Another method of using camphor oil for eustachitis is the use of tampons. To do this, a cotton cord or turunda is soaked in oil and placed in the ear canal. Camphor oil works best when warm, so it is recommended to cover the ear with a woolen scarf or down shawl.

Camphor oil for otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear is a more serious disease than otitis externa. In this case, a visit to an otolaryngologist is strongly recommended, since camphor oil is not omnipotent. The doctor will prescribe treatment with drugs that will have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. As an aid, you can resort to compresses with camphor oil. Self-medication can result in inflammation of the inner ear.

Camphor oil for inflammation of the inner ear

This disease is characterized by severe pain and a significant decrease in the ability to hear. Internal otitis requires immediate consultation with a specialist. Measures not taken in time can result in serious complications. To relieve pain, you can use a cotton swab soaked in heated camphor oil - it is inserted into the ear canal for 2-3 hours.

Camphor oil if it gets into the ear of an insect

If an insect gets into the ear, it must be removed from there without waiting for it to leave the ear on its own. Leaving this problem unattended can lead to perforation, that is, damage to the eardrum, which in severe cases can be treated through surgery.

Please note that the method below is only suitable for removing insects. If it is necessary to remove other objects from the ear, surgical intervention is required.

To get an insect out of your ear, you should drip camphor oil into your ear drop by drop and wait until the insect comes out.

Camphor oil for sulfur plugs

Ear wax can occur not only as a result of insufficient hygiene of the ear canal; they can be a consequence of internal or otitis media. When you need to soften the plug, drop camphor oil into your ears and wait a while, then remove the wax with a cotton swab.

How to make ear compresses correctly

Camphor oil has a warming effect. Compresses can be used only if there is no purulent process. Compresses are most often used for otitis media. The essence of the technique is as follows:

  • Take a bandage and fold it into 3 layers. You should end up with a square that completely covers the auricle.
  • Make a hole in the bandage for the ear. Then soak the napkin in oil. Apply to the affected auditory organ.
  • Insulate the compress with plastic film and bandage. Be sure to wear a thick hat on top for maximum support.
  • The duration of the procedure will be 2 hours. It will be better if you leave the compress overnight. But you shouldn’t lie on the side with a sore ear. If you don’t have gauze at hand, it doesn’t matter. You can use regular cotton fabric.

Benefits of camphor oil for ears

The properties of camphor oil are used in the treatment of hearing diseases. Its use for ear inflammation is justified:

  1. Oily liquid can lead to attenuation of the inflammatory process.
  2. If the infection is purulent, then the oil will have a bactericidal effect.
  3. Under the influence of the components of the product, blood circulation and metabolic processes in damaged tissues are enhanced.
  4. Camphor has a positive effect on the process of removing intercellular fluid, which helps normalize the condition of the Eustachian tube and its ability to drain exudate accumulating in the ear.

oil treatment

The drying effect of the drug will lead to rapid healing of ulcers that have arisen in the tissues of the ear.

Features of use in children

If camphor oil is to be used to treat small patients, then special care must be taken. If your child is not yet one year old, then using the drug is strictly prohibited. The reason is that all the components that camphor produces are very toxic. In such a small child, such treatment will lead to poisoning, because all the components of the oil will penetrate the body through the epidermis.

Instilling oil into the ear is not recommended for children aged 2-3 years. In this case, treatment will occur using turundas. In this case, the turundas must be additionally wrapped in a bandage. Direct contact of oil with skin should be avoided.

If the oil is used for the first time, then the tampons should not be inserted for long and the auricle should be inspected for irritation all the time. Similar actions should be taken after compresses. If the baby is found to have an individual intolerance to camphor, then such therapy will have to be abandoned.

About the healing properties of camphor oil

Natural camphor oil is obtained in a complex way from a number of plants, which include the bay tree. The resulting powder crystals are mixed with vegetable oils to obtain a healing liquid.

Synthetic camphor is made from fir oil, as well as turpentine, but it will have fewer healing properties.

The beneficial effect of the folk remedy on the human body is known. It is used for:

  • stimulation of nervous and cardiovascular activity;
  • heat accumulation in a certain area of ​​the human body;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • improving tissue nutrition at the cellular level.

Pharmacies offer a 20% solution of camphor oil in ampoules. It is used for parenteral administration when the patient has severe symptoms of cardiac and respiratory failure, areas of the brain are depressed, shock and collapse develop. Such situations occur during poisoning.

camphor oleagin

A 10 percent oily liquid in bottles is often used externally. It helps to cope with pain caused by rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, and sciatica.

Contraindications and side effects

Camphor oil has a powerful effect when it comes to fighting ear ailments. However, this treatment may result in unpleasant side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • poisoning by toxic components;
  • hearing loss.

Not everyone can use camphor. As a rule, this applies to patients who have scratches, injuries, or psoriasis on the eardrum. Treatment is unacceptable in the presence of a tumor and a foreign object.

Otitis is a very serious disease. His treatment must take a comprehensive approach. To guarantee victory over the disease, you first need to find out the cause of the inflammatory process, and only then put into practice treatment using camphor oil.

Treatment of the underlying disease

It often happens that the resulting otitis media and manifestations of hearing loss are only a consequence of another disease and act as complications. Such phenomena can cause sinusitis and nasal breathing pathologies. In such cases, camphor oil for ear pain will not help, since it is necessary to look for and treat the root cause, and not the consequence of the disease. Having freed the body from the main ailment, one can expect that complications will disappear over time.

camphor oil for ear pain

When otitis is provoked by some allergen, treatment is directed against it through elimination. And then medications are prescribed to relieve the allergic reaction.

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of ear inflammation, which is why it is necessary to consult a specialist in time for a correct diagnosis and further complex therapy, which most often includes camphor oil.

For such diagnoses, camphor oil will definitely be used:

  • inflammatory processes of the outer or inner ear;
  • otitis media, which causes ear pain and a burning sensation;
  • swelling of the eustachian tube;
  • insect penetration into the auricle, which contributes to inflammation and discomfort.

The oil should be instilled into the ear until the insect trapped inside crawls out thanks to the camphor.

The amount of oil, treatment time and dose are selected depending on the causes of the disease and its course. If, for example, a diagnosis of “otitis externa” is made, three drops are prescribed in the ear, and if it is “medium”, then five drops are prescribed. The doctor may suggest using turundas soaked in medicine instead of compresses.

You can bury the ear no more than three times a day, and the duration of these procedures does not exceed five days.

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