Traditional methods of treating sinusitis

Eucalyptus is deservedly considered one of the most useful plants in the world. Its healing properties help with many diseases - in particular, it is an excellent remedy for the fight against sinusitis. To treat this disease, eucalyptus oil is usually used, which is found in large quantities in its evergreen leaves. Eucalyptus oil contains a special substance - cineole, which has antibacterial, healing and astringent properties.

Interesting fact: eucalyptus belongs to the so-called giant plants. Its average height is about 20 meters. At the same time, eucalyptus grows the first 2-3 meters in the first year.

The most effective oils

Essential oils for sinusitis help remove secretions from the sinuses, protect and moisturize the mucous membrane, and allow damage to heal. The drugs improve nasal breathing and eliminate headaches.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn contains linoleic, stearic, oleic and palmitic acids. It also contains a lot of vitamins - group B, nicotinic and ascorbic. Flavonoids and microelements were found in the oil. These substances are extracted from the pulp of the plant or seeds.

Sea buckthorn oil heals the surface of the mucous membrane, disinfects, and relieves pain. The product improves blood flow, resulting in faster metabolism and improved availability of other drugs.

Thuja oil

Thuja contains pinene, cedrol, finene, resin, cardiophyllene, and tannins. It has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Vasoconstrictors.
  • Astringent.
  • Healing.
  • Tonic.

Tea tree oil

Using tea tree oil helps fight bacteria, relieves swelling and reduces mucus. Its components, turpentine and cineole, are responsible for the implementation of these properties.

Healing composition of essential oils

Essential oil is a plant material characterized by a specific smell and taste, components, and liquid form. Essential oils of various origins contain significant quantities of hydrocarbons, terpenes, organic acids and alcohols. Each of these components provides a certain effect, providing the healing properties of plant materials. For example:

  1. Terpenes are representatives of hydrocarbons and have pronounced antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

  2. Organic acids are actively involved in metabolic processes, regulation of vascular tone and maintaining energy balance. Among other things, they are a powerful antiseptic.
  3. The main beneficial effect of substances from the group of alcohols is antiseptic.

Thus, essential oils for sinusitis provide sanitization of the focus of chronic inflammation, as well as normalization of metabolic processes.

What is the difference between sea buckthorn oil and thuja oil? Why they are recommended for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis, we will consider below:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is rich in organic acids, with oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic and linoleic acids dominating in the composition. Sea buckthorn is rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A), as well as B vitamins. Biologically active substances, in particular flavonoids, perfectly complement the healing composition. The oil has powerful bactericidal effects, protects mucous membranes (in the case of sinusitis - the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and maxillary sinuses), improves tissue trophism and helps accelerate their regeneration.

  2. Thuja oil is distinguished by its content of organic resins, tannins, saponins and some specific components, such as tuin and pinin. These components have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, provide protection to the mucous membranes and sanitize the upper respiratory tract. Specific components are biologically active substances that stimulate local immunity.

So, we have looked at the main component features of essential oils that can be used to treat sinusitis. But before you start taking these medications, you need to familiarize yourself with the main indications and contraindications for their use.

Indications for treatment with oils

The main indication for the treatment of sinusitis with essential oils is the presence of an inflammatory process that could not be eliminated with the help of basic therapy prescribed by a specialist. When choosing an oil, there are a number of factors to consider:

  • if you are allergic to sea buckthorn, you should give preference to thuja (of course, if you are not allergic to the latter) and vice versa,

  • sea ​​buckthorn is preferred in cases of chronic sluggish sinusitis, developing against the background of severe general exhaustion, immunodeficiency states,
  • It is preferred in cases where there is a tendency to respiratory infections, a person often suffers from colds, has a chronic cough, etc.

It is important to understand! The use of herbal remedies cannot serve as a basis for the treatment of sinusitis.

The basis should be medications selected and prescribed by a qualified specialist. And essential oils play only a supporting role, complementing and enhancing the medicinal effects.

Contraindications to treatment with oils

The main contraindication to the use of any essential oil is the presence of allergies. This contraindication is relevant for both external and internal use of plant materials. If you do not know whether you have an allergy (this is possible, for example, if you have never eaten sea buckthorn, drunk sea buckthorn tea, etc.), then do a small test before using the oil.

You need to apply 1-2 drops of the tested raw material on the inside of the forearm, then wait up to 5 minutes.

If during this time a skin reaction (redness, itching, any other signs of irritation) does not appear, then you are not allergic to the tested raw materials. But when the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, you should thoroughly rinse the skin under running water to stop contact with the allergen. In the vast majority of cases, this turns out to be enough, but if the skin reaction does not go away on its own, or signs of deterioration in general health appear, then you will need to urgently seek help from a doctor.

Other contraindications to treating sinusitis with essential oils include:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period (breastfeeding),
  • acute cholecystitis,
  • cholelithiasis in the acute phase,
  • acute pancreatitis,
  • hepatitis.

If the above contraindications are excluded, you can use oil formulations. Next, we will tell you about the most effective recipes, using which you can solve the problem of sinusitis once and for all, as well as improve your health.

Methods of application

Before using the oil, you need to wash your hands, remove crusts from the nasal cavity, and rinse your nasal passages with saline or sea water. The product should be at room temperature. Next, you can apply medicinal preparations. After instilling the oil, press the finger to the wing of the nose and wait 1-2 minutes. It is advisable to be in a horizontal position.

Sea buckthorn oil for sinusitis can be used in the following ways:

  • Place in the nose.
  • Carry out inhalations.
  • Drink with herbal tea.
  • Inject on cotton pads.

When inserted into the left nostril, you need to lie on your left side, when inserted into the right nostril, you need to lie on the right side. You must remain in this position for the entire duration of exposure.

Inhalations are carried out using a steam bath. Add 50 ml of oil to 1 liter of water heated to 85⁰ C. After this, you need to cool the solution a little. The steam is inhaled for half an hour. This method allows the medicine to penetrate not only into the paranasal sinuses, but also into the throat and trachea. Sea buckthorn can be used for a long time. Treatment is stopped when symptoms disappear completely.

Thuja oil is used in the form of inhalations in a similar way to the above. Warm boiled water is poured into a glass and 2 drops of the drug are added.

Pure oil cannot be used for instillation. It is diluted with vegetable matter in a ratio of 1:7. The resulting solution is instilled 1-3 drops 3 times a day, depending on age. The drug can be added to infusions and herbal decoctions for rinsing the nose. Take 15-20 drops of medicine per 1 liter of solution. The instructions indicate that thuja oil for sinusitis is prescribed for 1 month.

Tea tree oil for sinusitis is also administered through the respiratory tract using inhalation. Take 2 drops of the drug and add to hot water. The procedure is carried out within 5-7 minutes. The nasal cavity is also washed with the drug. Add 5-6 drops of the product to 100 ml of warm water. For the procedure, take a syringe without a needle into which the solution is drawn. Wash each side in turn.

The instructions contain all instructions for use. To avoid adverse reactions, you must strictly follow them. Herbal components help speed up recovery. They must be taken in combination with other drugs.

Author: Natalya Nikulina, doctor, especially for

Who is at risk

In order to see the symptoms and respond to them in time, you need to clearly know and understand who is susceptible to this disease.

First of all, these are children. At the very beginning of his life, a person’s immune system is just beginning to form. In this regard, at an early age, resistance to diseases transmitted by airborne droplets is practically absent.

Even babies still get common colds every one to two months. The airways have not yet fully formed, which creates favorable conditions for inflammatory processes. The airways also become clogged much faster.

Secondly, these are older people. Due to old age, a person's respiratory organs deteriorate. In particular, the glands that produce secretion, which leads to drying out of the respiratory tract. In addition, cartilage deforms with age, which somewhat changes the direction of air movement. The body's reflexes, for example, cough and gag, weaken or are lost. With age, immunity weakens significantly. All of the above creates a favorable environment for the occurrence of various respiratory diseases. Including bacterial sinusitis. Treatment for older people will also be difficult.

Treatment options

Eucalyptus oil is used for a runny nose in various ways:

  1. For rinsing the nasal passages. The procedure involves drops of oil (5), salt (2 tsp), water (0.5 l), everything is thoroughly mixed. The nose is washed three times a day. Another method: eucalyptus (2 drops), chamomile infusion (1 tbsp), pharmaceutical solution of chlorophyllipt (2 tsp) are combined into one liquid, the nasal passages are washed 3 times a day for 7 days. It is permissible to replace the chamomile infusion with sea salt. The composition is effective in complex cases of rhinitis and prevents the development of complications.
  2. For instillation. Mix vegetable oil (1 tbsp.) with oils - eucalyptus and any other coniferous oil in equal parts (0.5 tsp.). Instill 3 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.
  3. For cotton swabs. Turundas are moistened with eucalyptus, a similar composition of mint and lavender in equal parts, and inserted into the nasal sinuses. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  4. For Bath. When taking a bath, add 0.5 tsp to the water. eucalyptus composition - receive an effective treatment procedure at home.
  5. For massage of bioactive points. Mix the components: olive oil – 50 ml; rosemary, pine, geranium, eucalyptus (oils) - 1 drop each; mint, eucalyptus, geranium - 4 drops each; pine – 2 drops. The resulting composition is used to massage the maxillary sinuses, forehead, and wings of the nose. As a prophylactic. If a cold starts, apply the product to the skin between the nose and upper lip.
  6. In the form of an ointment, as one of the components of the drug.
  7. Eucalyptus oil is included in Sunoref, a remedy indicated when acute respiratory viral infections develop into a chronic condition.

How to use essential oils?

It is useful to know that there are two groups of essential oils. The first includes eucalyptus, geranium, pine, peppermint, tea tree, cedar, etc. The main representatives of the second group: sandalwood, cloves, lavender, lemon, chamomile, basil, fir, rosemary, etc.

To treat sinusitis, one or a mixture of essential oils is used during inhalation, massage, and compresses.

So, here are folk recipes that will help cure sinusitis:

  • For warm inhalation, you can make a mixture of oils from 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of thyme, 1 drop of mint. Another option is 2 drops eucalyptus, 1 drop mint and 1 drop pine. You need to dissolve the resulting oil mixture in water (1 liter) and inhale over steam, closing your eyes. The procedure lasts for 20 minutes, once a day, for 5-10 days.
  • If you want to use essential oil to treat sinusitis through massage, you need to take 3-8 drops of rosemary, thyme, mint, geranium or pine, and rub them into the back (neck-collar area) or into the maxillary sinuses area. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times during the day, the course should last at least 5-10 days.
  • Compresses made from essential oils are very effective. Add 3-8 drops of oil to the water, soak gauze or a towel in this solution and place the compress on your face in the nose and forehead area. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times a day for two weeks.

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