Ointment for sinusitis in the nose for treatment

Treatment of sinusitis involves the prescription of many medications. You may be surprised, but in some cases ointments are also included in the treatment regimen for this disease. The most common ointments prescribed by ENT doctors are: Fleming, Ichthyol, Levomekol, Vishnevsky, Simanovsky, Doctor Mom. In addition to them, if you wish, you can independently prepare an ointment for sinusitis at home from available ingredients. The main thing before this is to coordinate the use of such a remedy with your doctor.

Liniment Vishnevsky

Everyone is probably familiar with this “fragrant” drug. But not everyone knows about its healing properties for sinusitis. Liniment consists of xeroform, birch tar and castor oil. Xeroform has strong antiseptic properties and effectively copes with most pathological microorganisms characteristic of purulent inflammation. Birch tar also has an antiseptic effect. In addition, tar increases local blood circulation, accelerating the resorption of infiltrates and the removal of purulent exudate. Castor oil improves tissue permeability and has a regenerating effect.

Vishnevsky ointment can be used in its pure form, but more often it is recommended to add additional components to it:

  • take cyclamen and aloe juice in equal quantities;
  • add a little honey and garlic juice.

It is important to make sure that the person being treated with this composition does not have hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with liniment, the resulting mixture is applied to cotton swabs and placed in the nasal passages for 10-30 minutes. If a strong burning sensation is observed, it is better to stop the procedure earlier so as not to damage the nasal mucosa and not to prolong the recovery period.

Using this remedy for sinusitis allows you to speed up the cleansing of the nasal passages and sinuses from pus and secretions accumulated there, eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce inflammation.

Monastic ointment for sinusitis - used when signs of sinusitis, nasal congestion appear, to quickly eliminate acute otitis media, sore throat and sore throat. The composition includes beeswax, natural Caucasian honey, mustard oil, laundry soap shavings, egg yolk, propolis, resin, sesame oil, sea buckthorn oil.

Monastic ointment for sinusitis perfectly fights viruses and bacteria, and also helps strengthen the immune system. Draws out purulent discharge, has a rapid anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the mucous membranes.

Directions for use: twist a flagellum from a bandage, dip it in ointment and insert it into the sinuses of the nose or ear, carefully without damaging the mucous membrane. To quickly relieve inflammation, heat the ointment to 45 degrees and drop 1 drop into each sinus. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for at least 7-10 days.

A series of Monastic ointments - folk remedies for the treatment of diseases. We treat not people, but diseases.

Recommended for use: when signs of sinusitis, nasal congestion appear, to quickly eliminate acute otitis media, for sore throat and sore throat.

Ingredients: Beeswax, natural Caucasian honey, mustard oil, laundry soap shavings, egg yolk, propolis, resin, sesame oil, sea buckthorn oil.

Active components:

Beeswax is a mixture of esters and alcohols of higher fatty acids and fats (75% of the total mass), as well as a small amount of carbohydrates (about 15%).

Natural Caucasian honey - perfectly fights viruses and bacteria, and also helps strengthen the immune system.

Mustard oil has cleansing properties. Effectively resists harmful toxins and waste found in the human body. The composition cleanses organs of pathogenic radionuclides and waste.

Propolis is capable of killing not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi.

Resin - heals wounds, bruises and burns, helps with radiculitis, mastopathy, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, fights insomnia, treats skin diseases, improves skin condition.

Sesame oil helps restore immunity and increases resistance to colds. The oil is beneficial for lung diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil will help quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and free breathing.

Valeria 05/21/20190 0

relieves congestion, makes breathing easier

Now we always use this ointment with the whole family. it relieves inflammation well and alleviates symptoms. Suitable for children, and the pleasant smell does not cause whims in the child

My mark:

Julia 03/02/20185 0
How to use for sore throat and sore throat?

My mark:

Elena 12/02/20171 0
At what age is it accepted? The child has a runny nose...Can we take it for a year old? Hardly inside. Firstly, all ointments are based on bee products, and secondly, there are ointments that are more gentle - for colds or Free Breathing. When children have a runny nose, they can be used externally on children - lubricate the nose and chest

My mark:

Olga 05/12/20170 0
Hello! At what age can the ointment be used in children? Is it possible at 5 years old? Yes, you can, if you are not allergic to bee products

My mark:

Vladimir 03/06/20170 1
Cool ointment, but how long should you keep the flagellum in your nose? Vladimir, it is possible and advisable to keep the flagellum for at least 20 minutes.
Galina 02/22/20171 0
I bought ointment in Gelendzhik. Before this, I suffered from sinusitis for several years, tried many treatment options - to no avail, the inflammatory process only worsened over time. After using the ointment it became much easier. The inflammation has gone down!!! Now, at the first sign, I use this wonderful remedy. Thanks a lot!!! The jar is running low... I really want to buy it, but delivery is more expensive than the product itself. Do you have sales points in Taganrog? Galina, thank you very much for your feedback! Good health to you! So far in Taganrog we do not have points of sale of monastery ointments.

My mark:

Vera 04.11.20160 0
An Orthodox exhibition came to us in Sevastopol, there I bought a jar for sinusitis... although a little different - 40 ml... it really helps with a runny nose, it’s a pity I just bought one... if they come again, I’ll buy more. Thank you, Vera, for your review! Good health and Guardian Angel to you!

My mark:

Margarita Osadchaya 12/03/20150 0
Victoria, thank you for recommending this ointment. My son's sinusitis was cured in a week! It turned out like this!!!! The ointment is a miracle, I highly recommend it! Thanks to your store!

Doctor Mom

Doctor Mom ointment is known for its positive effect on various colds. This ointment can also be used as part of complex therapy for sinusitis. Doctor Mom contains:

  • camphor;
  • thymol;
  • menthol;
  • turpentine, eucalyptus and nutmeg oils.

The ointment is applied to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. It has an irritating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, improves nasal breathing, and eliminates headaches. Using Doctor Mom, you can significantly reduce the number of uses of vasoconstrictor drops and experience noticeable relief from sinusitis.

Beneficial features

In folk medicine, wax is widely used as a basis for the treatment of almost all problems associated with skin diseases, joint pathologies and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Quite often, special recommendations relate to eliminating:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • fungal infections;
  • reducing the effects of varicose veins;
  • cleansing the skin and reducing the manifestations of the inflammatory process;
  • seasonal nutrition and protection from adverse weather conditions.

Wax is an excellent remedy for treating joints. Moreover, the form does not matter: you can make applications from heated, plastic pure wax, or you can smear sore spots with ointments and creams based on it.

Wax has long been used to warm the lungs, nose and throat. It is enough to heat it to the desired consistency and fix the plate on the inflamed area. And in the form of an ointment, it will also have a healing effect.

The wax itself contains more than 50 compounds, but the predominance of esters in it makes the substance a strong bactericidal agent.

By adding nothing to the wax, for example, tea tree or eucalyptus oil, you can get a strong antiseptic, and aloe extract or grape seed oil will make the ointment an indispensable nourishing cream.

In general, there are a lot of options for creativity, the main thing is to know the basic principle of making the ointment and its basic recipe. Then you can change the products at least every day.

Using wax as a natural base for ointments has important advantages: its use does not cause any side effects. Unlike synthetic thickeners, wax is absolutely harmless, and its properties have been tested by the thousand-year history of beekeeping.

Before use, you should find out if you have an allergy. This is the only contraindication for using wax. The composition may contain pollen, particles of honey or pieces of propolis. Inert in itself, wax can cause a negative reaction only due to their presence.

Beeswax based ointment

Fleming's ointment

This ointment for sinusitis appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently, but has already won the hearts of many patients. It's all about its natural composition, high efficiency and a minimum of side effects and contraindications. The drug contains:

  • witch hazel,
  • calendula,
  • horse chestnut,
  • zinc oxide,
  • menthol.

Thanks to the combined action of all components, Fleming's ointment for sinusitis has antiseptic, antibacterial and drying effects, helps eliminate inflammation, cleanses the nasal passages and restores nasal breathing, eliminates swelling and nasal congestion. The drug is applied in a thin layer directly to the nasal mucosa or to cotton swabs, which are placed in the nose for 5-7 minutes. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Miracle ointment with beeswax for the treatment of sinusitis: properties of wax

A miracle ointment with beeswax is considered a great panacea for all diseases (and especially for sinusitis, otitis and tonsillitis).
It's amazing how simple all the substances that make up it are. Everyone knows about the benefits of honey, even children. Honey is widely used to treat colds; there is also a known way to cure sinusitis with honey. But not everyone knows that honey is not the only beekeeping product. There are also other products obtained from the apiary, including beeswax .

Even in ancient times, the unique healing properties of this product were noticed; even then it was used as a medicine to facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing. Widely used in lactating women to increase milk retention. Even then, beeswax was used at home as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent, and fresh wax was always the most effective.

In the modern world, people have not remained indifferent to this product and various studies have been conducted that have confirmed the unique healing properties of the product.

The composition of beeswax still surprises scientists. What is not included in it! There are many different substances that give it healing power. Depending on their percentage, as well as on the number of “generations” of bees living in the hive, the wax takes on a different color - from very light to dark, almost black.

Beeswax ointment: components

The bactericidal properties of wax determine its use in pharmaceuticals. Healing creams, plasters, and ointments are made from beeswax. The most widely used miracle ointment is beeswax.

What's so wonderful about her?

Probably the most surprising thing is the area of ​​application of this ointment. Using an ointment made from wax, oil and yolk, sinusitis, abscesses, abscesses in the throat, purulent inflammation in the throat, ears, boils, barley, pain in the stomach and intestines, various female diseases such as mastitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc. are treated.

The second component of the ointment is vegetable or olive oil . It is used to absorb wax. Makes it quite soft and soluble. It also supplements the ointment with vitamins B, D and E, and polyunsaturated acids. Oil increases shelf life, which is important for medicine.


Levomekol ointment is famous for its antibacterial properties. Its use is justified for purulent forms of sinusitis. Main ingredients of the drug:

  • chloramphenicol,
  • methyluracil.

They actively fight many types of pathogenic bacteria, help cleanse the nasal sinuses and passages of purulent contents, reduce swelling, resulting in relief of headaches, restoration of nasal breathing and elimination of nasal congestion. The use of the medicine is quite simple: cotton wool is soaked in the ointment and placed in the nose for 10-15 minutes.

Levomekol for sinusitis

Important! The nature of this drug may cause allergies. Consultation with a doctor is required.

The main advantage of this ointment is the presence of Chloramphenicol and Methyluracil. If the first is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, then the second drug has a high restorative effect. That is why Levomekol for sinusitis will help you get rid of pain (completely forget about it for the duration of the drug’s effect) and begin to restore the damaged mucous membrane.

Mode of application

  1. Rinse your nose with water (preferably salt water)
  2. Make cotton wool tampons. Can be bought at a pharmacy.
  3. Soak the tampons with ointment.
  4. Insert the tampon into the nostril. Lie on the side into which the nostril you inserted the cotton wool. Leave for seven to eleven minutes. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

Complex ointment

From the name of this ointment you can guess that it has a complex composition. This medicine is prepared directly in the pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription.

  • Classic ointment for sinusitis contains: petroleum jelly, Levomycetin, menthol, petroleum jelly, Diphenhydramine and novocaine.
  • There is another version of this remedy: Protargol, petroleum jelly, Diphenhydramine, menthol, Streptocide.

The drug is used similarly to other local remedies of this type - applied to cotton swabs and placed in the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes. This medicine has an antiseptic, antibacterial, decongestant, analgesic effect, softens and moisturizes the mucous membrane, promotes its regeneration, dilutes accumulated secretions and facilitates its removal from the sinuses and passages.

Effect of ointment with wax

The miracle ointment for sinusitis based on beeswax consists exclusively of natural ingredients, so it is considered absolutely safe and very effective. Its main action can be described in a few sentences:

  • The product pierces the maxillary sinuses and draws out the purulent contents that have accumulated here due to the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Stops the inflammatory process that begins due to the penetration of a viral infection. In addition, it prevents the re-development of inflammation due to the complete destruction of pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  • Relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa. This can even be noticed by a person’s appearance, because with swelling, the skin turns red, swells, and the lesion is clearly visible.
  • Eliminates pronounced symptoms of sinusitis: pain in the bridge of the nose, headache, difficulty breathing, etc.
  • Restores damaged tissues and has a healing effect.

Ointment with wax relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa

This is a truly life-saving remedy in the treatment of sinusitis, since it allows you to speed up the healing process and is combined with many other therapeutic methods, enhancing the effect of medications.

At the same time, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the issue of preparing the ointment, because the product is made according to a specific recipe, and this is the only way it turns out useful and effective. It is also important to obtain recommendations from your doctor, because some people have an individual intolerance to the components of such a remedy, and in this situation it is better to refuse its use.

Homemade ointments

Traditional medicine has not avoided the problem of sinusitis. There are many recipes for making your own medicine for this disease. It is proposed to make ointments based on laundry soap. It is taken in equal quantities with vegetable oil, a little propolis or beeswax is added and heated in a water bath. Soak cotton pads with the resulting medicine and place them in the nose for about 5-6 minutes. The ingredients of this product have an antimicrobial effect, stimulate the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity, reduce inflammation and normalize nasal breathing.

The use of ointments for sinusitis is a fairly convenient and safe method of auxiliary therapy. They do not exclude the need to take other medications.
Therefore, you should not try to cure sinusitis on your own using ointment alone. It is necessary to consult a doctor who, after conducting research, will prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

Cooking method

Making the ointment does not require any special skills and will not take much time.

See also

The benefits of massage for sinusitis (sinusitis) at home



  • 1 cup olive, corn or other vegetable oil. It softens the wax and makes it soluble, and also allows you to extend the shelf life of the drug. It is also important that the oil enhances the beneficial properties of the wax by adding vitamins B, D and E to the ointment.
  • 30–40 grams of natural beeswax. It is safer to buy wax at a farmer's market or directly at an apiary.
  • 1 yolk of a boiled chicken egg. Egg yolk is a source of essential substances for restoration processes and the formation of new cells.

Place the yolk in a bowl and mash thoroughly with a fork or use a blender.

Place the oil and wax in an enamel container and place on the stove. Heat over low heat until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Beeswax melts when heated from 60 to 70 degrees, and when heated to 100 degrees it loses its beneficial properties.

Now you need to gradually add the yolk in pinches. Stir the mixture until smooth, remove from heat and cool for 15–20 minutes.

When the mixture has cooled, it must be strained. To do this, it is recommended to use nylon fabric rather than gauze. Next, the finished ointment should be transferred to a glass jar with a wide neck and closed tightly. The miracle ointment should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three months.

Types of pharmaceutical ointments for sinusitis

The type of nasal cream is selected depending on the form of sinusitis and the nature of the disease. In later stages of development, which are fraught with dangerous complications, otolaryngologists prescribe complex ointments. These are products that are manually prepared in a pharmacy from a mixture of several active medicinal components.

Such drugs include Simanovsky ointment. Depending on the preparation recipe, it has a local anesthetic or decongestant effect. The addition of an antibiotic is indicated for bacterial forms. The price of the composition depends on the cost of its ingredients.

In addition to pharmaceutical creams, hand-made by a pharmacist, for sinusitis, local products produced at pharmaceutical factories and commercially available are used. Based on their form of action, these drugs are divided into moisturizing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Complex action products are produced that simultaneously provide several therapeutic effects.


To treat bacterial or purulent forms of sinusitis in children and adults, medications containing antibiotics are used. Such a remedy is the drug Levomekol. Its main component is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. In this case, the medicine has a local anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, and is deeply absorbed into the tissues affected by the infection.

To treat the viral form of sinusitis, Oxolinic ointment is prescribed. Its active ingredient (oxolin) is effective against a number of viruses that provoke sinus inflammation. The medicine can be used for preventive purposes. The product is placed inside the cleansed nasal passages 3-5 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

In addition to antibacterial and antiviral ointments, nasal antiseptics are prescribed for infectious forms of sinusitis:

  • composition of Vishnevsky;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Protorhead ointment.

Fleming's ointment has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The medicine dries out the inflamed mucous membrane, relieves swelling and headaches. In addition to pharmacological compounds (zinc oxide and menthol), the product contains natural plant components - horse chestnut, witch hazel, calendula flowers.

Vishnevsky ointment is also a local antiseptic (the second name of the product is Balsamic Liniment). Its main components (birch tar, xeroform and castor oil) accelerate the resorption of inflammatory infiltrate and purulent discharge, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, soften and heal tissue affected by the pathological process.

Local preparations are placed as deep as possible into the nasal sinuses on cotton pads for 15-20 minutes, after first clearing the nasal cavity of mucus and snot.

Articles on the topic

  • Antibiotics for sinusitis in children and adults - review of drugs
  • Antibiotics for sinusitis for adults and children - indications and list
  • Levosin ointment - when to use, mechanism of action and analogues


Ichthyol ointment is an antiseptic with anti-inflammatory effect. Its component ichthammol is a sulfur derivative and has a pronounced effect. The product relieves inflammation without drying out the swollen mucous membrane, destroying the causative agent of infection. The dosage and duration of use are determined by the attending physician. The medicine is placed into the nasal passages up to three times a day, for 10-20 days.


Ointments for sinusitis in some forms of the disease should have a moisturizing effect. Since vasoconstrictor drops or a spray for a runny nose dry out the mucous membranes when used for a long time, proto-head or syntomycin ointment is prescribed in parallel with them. You can buy these inexpensive products at any pharmacy.

Before starting treatment, read the instructions, recommended method of use, frequency of doses and maximum dosage. The duration of the course, as a rule, does not exceed 14 days, or until the runny nose and other symptoms of sinusitis disappear.

Complex Simanovsky ointment

The treatment algorithm with pharmaceutical cream depends on the form of sinusitis. The composition of the product is selected in accordance with the etiology of the disease. Simanovsky's compound pharmaceutical ointment for sinusitis is prepared according to one of the following recipes.

For bacterial or purulent forms of sinusitis, a composition with an analgesic and antibacterial effect is prepared based on the following components:

  • antibiotic (Levomycetin, Erythromycin);
  • Lanolin;
  • Vaseline or petroleum jelly;
  • Novocaine or Lidocaine.

For chronic and infectious forms of sinusitis, in order to achieve a moisturizing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the product is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • silver preparations (for example, Protargol);
  • Streptocide;
  • Lanolin;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Diphenhydramine.

In case of infectious purulent form, Simanovsky’s complex composition with anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects is prepared on the basis of the following substances:

  • Cocaine hydrochloride;
  • zinc oxide;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Lanolin;
  • Menthol.

Simanovsky's complex ointment is a strong complex-action drug. The drug is placed inside the nasal passages on cotton pads or sticks for 15-20 minutes a day. The frequency of use is selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition (from 3 to 5-6 times a day).

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