Cold cough temperature how to treat

These signs are known to everyone; most often they are the result of acute respiratory infections, flu and other colds. Fever, cough, runny nose are symptoms of a cold. In this case, it is necessary to take medications that not only relieve symptoms, but also destroy the inflammatory process in the body.

Fever, cough, runny nose - symptoms of the disease and doctor’s recommendations

If you are going to be treated with medications for fever, runny nose and cough, then it is best for them to be prescribed by a doctor, go to an appointment with a therapist, let him examine you, listen to your lungs, prescribe tests, after which you can take the pills and be sure that their effect will be aimed at treating the cause of the symptoms.

Comprehensive treatment of fever, runny nose and cough as symptoms of the disease includes the use of a complex of vitamins and immunostimulating drugs that will help the body cope with the disease.

Experts advise lowering the temperature only after it has risen above 38.5 degrees; until this point, you need to give the body a chance to overcome the inflammation on its own. If you cannot bring down the temperature, but it continues to rise, call an ambulance immediately.

Fever, cough, runny nose also occur with respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If the disease is accompanied by a high fever, then it is most likely necessary to take antibiotics. However, you need to be careful, such drugs are very dangerous for the body, they destroy the natural microflora, so you should consult a doctor before taking them.

For acute bronchitis and symptoms of runny nose, cough, and fever, expectorants are taken to help remove mucus from the bronchi.

Using folk recipes for fever, cough, runny nose

Traditional methods of treatment for symptoms of the disease include:

Mandatory bed rest

The room needs to be ventilated from time to time so that you do not breathe in your own germs.

Drink plenty of fluids when you have a runny nose or cough, this will promote a speedy recovery and improve expectoration of sputum.

But mustard plasters and inhalations should not be done when your body temperature is elevated, and you should also not steam your feet.

It is useful for fever, runny nose and cough to drink warm milk with honey and a piece of butter, to dissolve propolis, which acts not only as an expectorant, but also as an immunostimulant.

If you feel the first symptoms of the disease, it is better to immediately go to bed and start being treated with folk remedies, this will kill the inflammation in the bud.

What can you do to help your body at home if you have a fever, runny nose or cough?

The first important point is that if your body temperature rises, do not try to immediately take antipyretic pills; experts recommend in both adults and children not to lower the temperature if it has not reached 38.5 degrees. Under these conditions, the body independently fights the infection, and if the temperature rises further, then it is necessary to take medication, but if it remains at this level, this means that the body is strong enough and itself resists the disease.

The exception is diseases such as tonsillitis, especially purulent tonsillitis. It is often accompanied by a dry cough, since the laryngeal mucosa is very irritated, and if a person’s temperature does not rise, this indicates a weakened body that is not trying in any way to fight inflammation. In such cases, you need to take antibiotics.

What medications can be used for fever, runny nose and cough

It is better to treat a cough with drugs that increase the production of sputum and promote expectoration of sputum; taking medications that inhibit the cough center, you risk that the sputum will remain in the bronchi and the disease may become chronic.

Pregnant women need to be especially careful; taking pills in the first trimester is very unsafe for the development of the fetus. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, fever, runny nose and cough, when a pregnant woman feels weak and chills, it is worth starting treatment immediately with the help of folk remedies.

Keep in mind that when you have a fever, you should never steam your legs, rub your chest, do inhalations, or put mustard plasters on. And pregnant women should not steam their feet under any circumstances, but if there is no fever, at the beginning of the disease, you should definitely do soda inhalations.

Temperature cough symptoms are as follows: if you develop them, you should consult a doctor; in case of high temperature, call a doctor at home. Only after consulting with a specialist can you start taking medications without worrying about your health.

Cough, runny nose and fever are typical manifestations of a respiratory disease. As a rule, pathological symptoms occur within a few hours after infection of the respiratory tract with viruses or bacteria.

cough fever and runny nose
Subsequent inflammation of the nasopharynx and irritation of the throat mucosa provokes the release of copious amounts of mucus, which leads to rhinitis and cough syndrome. Treatment methods for acute respiratory infections are determined by the type of infectious agent, the location of inflammation and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

In most cases, malaise, nasal congestion, fever and cough occur as a result of damage to the respiratory system by pathogenic viruses. To alleviate the course of the disease and speed up recovery, you need to take antiviral, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs.

The mechanism for the development of acute respiratory infections

Fever and cough are the main symptoms of the development of a respiratory disease that occurs when the upper or lower airways become inflamed. Hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, overheating, contact with infected people, decreased immunity, etc. can provoke the development of the disease. Most often, the causative agents of acute respiratory infections are:

bacteria (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, meningococci); viruses (herpes virus, adenoviruses, influenza virus, rhinoviruses); fungi (molds, Candida genus).

It should be understood that fever, cough and rhinitis are protective-adaptive reactions that “help” the body cope with the infection. In particular, a slight increase in temperature stimulates the production of interferon, which prevents pathogens from penetrating deep into tissues. That is why temperatures up to 38 °C should not be reduced by antipyretics. Forced normalization of temperature will only accelerate the development of infection, which will subsequently lead to complications.

A runny nose occurs due to abundant secretion of viscous mucus in the nasal cavity. It contains a large number of lymphocytes and granulocytes, which destroy the infection directly at the sites of inflammation. In turn, coughing promotes the evacuation of viscous mucus, pathogens and dust from the respiratory tract. Thanks to this, the drainage function of the bronchi is normalized and local immunity is strengthened.

Inadequate treatment of a cold is fraught with an even greater decrease in immunity and the development of side diseases - tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Taken together, the pathological symptoms negatively affect the patient’s well-being, so they must be stopped. But before using any medications and physiotherapeutic procedures, you need to consult an ENT specialist. Irrational use of medications can aggravate the course of the disease and cause side effects.

What to take for a cold

Usually we say a cold, we mean any ailment associated with a viral disease. The disease most often begins after hypothermia. It can occur with or without a rise in temperature. To help your body cope with a viral infection in a timely manner, you need to know what exactly you can drink when you have a cold. Let's look at what you can take to treat a cold.

Sometimes people are in no hurry to see a doctor, assuming that they can take Antigrippin, Aspirin, or another medicine for a cold at night, and by the morning the disease will subside. This is dangerous because the symptoms of a cold are very similar to those of common bacterial infections, such as a sore throat.

When tonsillitis develops, antibiotics are urgently needed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, preventing the formation of extensive lesions.

How to distinguish ARVI from a sore throat based on the symptoms to choose what would be better to drink for a cold in a particular case:

Mild malaise, chills.Severe fatigue, feverish condition.
Sore throat, mild pain when swallowing food.The pain in the larynx is piercing and severe.
Runny nose, sinus congestion. Cough. The nose doesn't run. There is often no cough.
The redness of the pharynx is insignificant; there are no structural changes in the tissues in the throat.Swelling, hyperemia of the tonsils, the appearance of plaque, follicles, and purulent plugs on them.

Enlargement (hardening of lymph nodes).

Principles of treatment

Cough, runny nose and temperature of 37 °C are classic symptoms of a respiratory disease. They accompany flu, colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. However, inflammation in the respiratory organs can be provoked by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Therefore, before using medications, it is necessary to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection. To do this, it is advisable to submit biomaterials (a swab from the throat and nasal cavity) for microbiological analysis.

Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, viral infections with antiviral agents, and fungal infections with antimycotics.

To ease the course of acute respiratory infections and improve the patient’s well-being, the following treatment methods are used:

pharmacotherapy – destroys infection and eliminates inflammation in the respiratory tract, which helps eliminate the symptoms of the disease; inhalation therapy – accelerates the regression of inflammation directly in the lesions and stimulates an increase in local immunity; physiotherapy – enhances tissue trophism, as a result of which the process of restoration of the mucous membrane in places of inflammation is accelerated; folk remedies - stimulate an increase in local and general immunity, as a result of which the recovery period is reduced.

As a rule, uncomplicated colds and acute respiratory infections are treated at home. If you stay in bed and take the necessary medications, the symptoms of the disease disappear within 4-5 days.

How to treat an adult for cough, runny nose and fever

Cough, runny nose and fever often indicate the development of an acute respiratory infection in an adult. These unpleasant phenomena often appear several hours after the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the human body. Such symptoms provoke a significant deterioration in general well-being and decreased performance. Sometimes the patient develops unwanted complications. To effectively overcome the disease, it is not recommended to resort to self-medication. Medicines should be taken after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision .

Treatment of a runny nose

A runny nose is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of a cold, which negatively affects the patient’s well-being. Nasal congestion often leads to headaches, watery eyes, weakness, etc. Copious nasal discharge occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membranes. To normalize mucus secretion, eliminate swelling and restore patency of the nasal canals, use local and systemic medications:

cough fever and runny nose

Nasal medications

Sprays, solutions and drops for intranasal administration are used to facilitate nasal breathing and relieve inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. They are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, viral and bacterial rhinitis, sphenoiditis, etc. To relieve nasal congestion and rhinitis, several types of nasal medications are used:

antimicrobial (Polydex, Bioparox) - reduce the number of bacteria in the nasal cavity and eliminate purulent inflammation; antiviral (“IRS-19”, “Grippferon”) - destroy pathogenic viruses and stop inflammation; moisturizing (“Physiomer”, “Marimer”) - cleanses the nasal passages of mucus and moisturizes the inner surface of the nasal canals and paranasal sinuses; mucolytics (“Rinofluimucil”, “Sinuforte”) - thin the mucus in the paranasal sinuses and promote its evacuation; vasoconstrictors (“Tizin”, “Galazolin”) - reduce swelling and mucus secretion, resulting in easier nasal breathing.

Important! Antimicrobial drops can only be used to treat bacterial rhinitis, and antiviral drops can only be used to treat viral rhinitis.

Tablets and lozenges

Tablet medications relieve runny nose and cough by eliminating inflammation in the respiratory tract. They contain substances that prevent the proliferation of infectious agents and accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes. As a rule, the following types of medications are used in the treatment of colds:

"Rinopront"; "Koldakt"; "Cinnabsin"; "Remantadine"; "Cetrin".

Some drugs contain antihistamines that help eliminate allergic reactions. Due to this, swelling in the mucous membrane is reduced, which helps restore the patency of the nasal passages and make breathing easier.

Why do fever, cough and runny nose occur?

It is especially not recommended by doctors to lower the temperature if it does not go beyond reasonable limits, because heat contributes to the rapid death of microorganisms that cause inflammation. A runny nose is also involved in the removal of microbes - in this case, from the nasal mucosa they have chosen.

. Many doctors are of the opinion that the body needs to be given a little time for the immune system to start working.

A slight fever, cough, runny nose - most often this combination is signs of an acute respiratory disease or rhinitis. But if the temperature is very high and does not decrease well even after taking medications, then we can talk about the flu.

In each individual case, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor. Runny nose, cough, temperature +37ºС - for such complaints, the doctor usually prescribes symptomatic treatment, which does not imply the immediate use of antibiotics.

The patient is encouraged to drink plenty of liquid, and it is best if it is tea with lemon or raspberry jam, herbal infusions, and even warm water with a few tablespoons of honey. If the patient's condition does not improve, then stronger drugs are used for treatment.

A low temperature during a cold is sometimes direct evidence of weak immunity. For diseases such as tonsillitis and purulent tonsillitis, antibiotics and antipyretics begin to be taken from the 1st day of illness.

In addition to influenza and ARVI, temperature +37ºС, cough and runny nose can be signs of:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • allergies.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms. First of all, it is chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath

At the moment when the disease just begins, such symptoms are not observed
. Their appearance is evidence of incipient pneumonia.

In this case, we are no longer talking about low temperatures. Vomiting, nausea, sometimes diarrhea along with high fever - all these are also signs of a cold, which manifests itself with such an unusual combination of symptoms

. Vomiting, for example, is the body's response to severe irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

If vomiting and diarrhea are associated with a cold, then the cause of inflammation in this case is an adenoviral infection. This form is dangerous because it is very often accompanied by a whole bunch of complications.

It develops especially often in children, whose treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If a cold is accompanied by frequent bowel movements and bouts of vomiting, this means that there is a large loss of fluid.

. In this case, drinking plenty of fluids is mandatory.

A cough, runny nose and temperature of +37ºС can be observed in the patient for quite a long time. But after 2 weeks, if there is no increase in temperature, all painful symptoms should completely disappear.

If the main symptoms do not disappear within a month, this indicates that the disease has become protracted. Moreover, for example, a cough may appear and then go away.

With a relapsing course, the patient’s condition constantly deteriorates throughout the 2 weeks of the disease.

With a chronic disease, all the main symptoms of a cold remain constantly, disappearing only for a short time. Most often, in the chronic form, cough and runny nose manifest themselves more actively, but there is no fever at all, even a slight one.

Cough treatment

You can eliminate a cough with the help of solutions for irrigation of the hypopharynx, as well as antitussives and expectorants. The parallel use of both drugs contributes to the regression of inflammation and the rapid elimination of cough syndrome. Depending on the nature of the cough, the following types of medications are used to treat adults:

Antitussives and expectorants

To stop a dry cough, you need to use antitussive tablets and capsules. They contain substances that inhibit the activity of the cough centers, thereby suppressing the cough reflex. This group of drugs is used exclusively in the absence of mucus discharge during coughing:

"Codelac"; "Falimint"; "Halixol"; "Ambrohexal"; "Stoptussin."

cough fever and runny nose
According to practical observations, antitussive medications can be taken for no more than 3 days in a row. Approximately 72 hours after infection of the ENT organs, mucus begins to be produced in the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, which, in the absence of a cough, will accumulate in the bronchi. Therefore, after 3-4 days, experts recommend replacing antitussive tablets with secretolytic drugs, i.e. expectorant action:

"Bronholitin"; "Doctor Mom"; "Mukaltin"; "Ambroxol"; Fluditek.

Important! An overdose of drugs leads to dizziness, increased blood pressure and nervous excitement.

Rinse solutions

Rinse solutions are prescribed to disinfect the hypopharynx and wash out pathogens from lesions. Local preparations have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effect. Therefore, regular sanitation of the throat with solutions accelerates recovery and restoration of local immunity. The most effective remedies for acute respiratory infections include:

"Stopangin"; "Potassium permanganate"; "Furacilin"; "Elekasol"; "Eludril."

To achieve the desired effect, rinsing must be done daily at least 3-4 times a day. Before use, the solution must be warmed to a comfortable temperature.

How to treat cough, runny nose and fever in an adult

To normalize the condition of a patient with rhinitis, cough syndrome and fever, various groups of medications are used. Treatment is carried out using:

  1. Antiviral agents (Aflubin, Arbidol, Grippferon, Laferobion). Taking such drugs provides a pronounced effect in the first 3 days of the disease.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs in drop form (Vibrocil, Nazol, Nazivin, Otrivin). Instillation of the listed products helps relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, improve nasal breathing, and eliminate allergies.
  3. Mucolytics that improve the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract (Amboxol, ACC, Mucaltina, Lazolvan).
  4. Antipyretic medications (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nise, Nurofen). The use of these products is indicated at high temperatures (more than 38.5-39 degrees). Adults take fever medicine in the form of powders or tablets.

The need to use antibiotics arises when the bacterial nature of a respiratory disease is confirmed. Most often, such drugs are prescribed to patients with prolonged rhinitis, body temperature that does not subside within 4-5 days. For runny nose, fever, cough in an adult, Sumamed, Amxicillin, Ospamox, Augmentin are used.

Traditional therapy

Folk remedies can alleviate the patient’s condition at the initial stage of the disease, in combination with effective drug therapy. Cough with rhinitis in an adult can be cured thanks to:

  • raspberry tea;
  • radish with honey;
  • foot baths with mustard.

To use the remedy from raspberry twigs and leaves, you will need to brew a small amount of dried raw material with boiling water and drink it throughout the day like a regular tea drink. The composition helps reduce fever, improve coughing, and clear snot from the nasal passages. It is also recommended to gargle with raspberry infusion.

Other useful liquids for colds include ginger tea with lemon, rosehip or currant infusion, and rich chicken broth.

Radish with honey is a “medicine” that has been proven for many generations, relieving sore throats, easing coughs, and strengthening the immune system. To prepare such a remedy, make a medium-depth notch in the root vegetable and place 1 tbsp in it. l. natural bee product. After a few hours, the radish will begin to secrete juice, which must be consumed orally twice a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Foot baths for runny nose and cough can be made by dissolving mustard powder in water (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of warm water). Next, the legs are lowered into a deep container with the resulting composition, covered with a towel on top. The procedure is performed for 20 minutes, after which they wipe dry and put on thick woolen socks.

At a low body temperature (not higher than 37.2 degrees), it is permissible to take baths with sea salt, do steam inhalations with linden or sage decoction, essential oils (orange, eucalyptus, menthol).

Supporting measures

The use of medications or alternative medicine recipes will bring maximum benefit if the patient and his family follow simple recommendations. For faster recovery and prevention of infection of others, you will need:

  1. Maintain bed rest during the first days of illness.
  2. Minimize contact of the sick person with healthy people.
  3. Provide the patient with a nutritious, vitamin-rich diet and plenty of fluids.
  4. Carry out daily wet cleaning in the room where the patient is.
  5. Organize frequent ventilation (avoiding the patient being in a draft).
  6. Rinse the nasopharynx with saline solutions several times during the day.

At the initial stage of the disease, which occurs with a cough, runny nose and fever, it is necessary to refrain from going outside . Walking in the fresh air can be resumed only after body temperature has stabilized.

How to normalize the temperature?

A temperature of 37, and a cough and runny nose indicate that the body is fighting an infection. According to experts, it is impossible to lower the temperature below 38.5 °C, as this will inevitably lead to a decrease in immunity and the rapid development of infection. If the fever lasts no more than 3-4 days, you should not use antipyretics.

It is advisable to use antipyretics only if the fever becomes febrile, i.e. when body temperature rises to 38 °C. To normalize the process of thermoregulation and prevent dehydration, you can use the following antipyretics:

"Ibuprofen"; "Aspirin"; "Paracetamol"; "Diclofenac"; "Nise."

To quickly get rid of the symptoms of a respiratory disease, it is necessary to start drug treatment on time. At the same time, we must not forget about compliance with a special therapeutic regimen.

For 3-4 days, it is recommended to avoid serious physical activity and eating fatty foods.

To prevent dehydration and remove toxic substances from the body, doctors advise drinking at least 1.5 liters of warm alkaline drink per day. For drinks, you can use herbal infusions, warm milk with honey, green or black tea with lemon.

If any disease occurs with a temperature above 37, this indicates that your body is actively fighting an infection.


Viruses or bacteria can provoke a cough, runny nose, or fever. The culprit of the body's increased sensitivity to pathogenic agents is reduced immunity, which is not able to withstand their effects. An increased threshold for the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections occurs in the spring or autumn, when there is a deficiency of vitamins in the body, which entails a decrease in immunity, as a result, defenselessness against pathogenic microorganisms.

Acute respiratory infections are most often caused by adenoviruses, influenza viruses (serotypes A and B), parainfluenza, syncytial viruses or enteroviruses. Infection by pathogens can occur in several ways, but the main route of transmission is airborne droplets.

We recommend reading: A child has a fever without snot or cough.

An elevated temperature is nothing more than the body’s reaction to a bacterial or viral infection, so if a patient has a runny nose, cough, or the thermometer readings are higher than normal, the patient most likely has an acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection. When the body temperature is normal, but a person is bothered by a dry or wet cough, or symptoms of rhinitis are present, the cause of this condition may be an allergic reaction of the body.

When you have a runny nose, fever is often a sign of sinusitis or a bacterial infection. In such cases, rhinitis will be present for a long time, accompanied by thick mucous discharge from the nose.

In infants, the appearance of fever and runny nose, as well as cough, may be the body’s reaction to the eruption of the first milk teeth. Temperature during teething occurs quite often, but generally it does not exceed 38.2°C. A runny nose during teething, as well as a cough, do not require serious treatment, since all symptoms will go away on their own after the tooth appears.

Good to know: Your child has a fever, but no runny nose or cough, what should you do?

Diseases that cause these symptoms

Cough, runny nose and temperature over 37 degrees can occur with bronchitis.

With this disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. A patient with bronchitis develops a strong barking cough, which causes breathing to become harsh. In addition, the patient constantly experiences discomfort in the chest area. It should be noted that bronchitis does not always occur with a dry cough. Very often, at a temperature of 37 degrees, as well as general weakness, the cough is released with sputum.

In order to eliminate such symptoms, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents. For example, you can use:

Flemoclav; Claforan; Suprax.

In order to reduce the temperature, antipyretic drugs, such as Paracetamol, are prescribed. If you have a severe cough, your doctor may prescribe expectorants that actively stop the mucus produced.


When a person has a cold, symptoms such as:

Cough, sometimes with sputum. Runny nose. Temperature 37 degrees or higher. In addition, a sore throat appears, and it is painful for the patient to look at bright light.

Treatment for colds should be comprehensive. Therefore, for a severe runny nose, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drugs, for example Otrivin. In order to stop coughing attacks, you can use the drug Ambrobene.

It is important that if the temperature during a cold is 37 degrees, then you should not bring it down. After all, such a temperature indicates that the body is trying to overcome the disease on its own. But, if it rises higher, then in this case it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, for example: Paracetamol. Traditional medicine can also be used as treatment. For example, use herbal decoctions in the throat, drip aloe into the nose. Carry out inhalations over potatoes or herbal teas.

Cough fever how to treat

A cough combined with a high temperature is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Dry cough is especially unpleasant. It causes a lot of anxiety to the patient at night. Fortunately, there are many methods to improve your condition. However, first of all, you still need to visit a doctor.

Instructions If you have a dry and painful cough, you can relieve your condition with the help of medications. They promote easy expectoration of mucus and suppress cough reflexes. Sage lollipops, Libexin, etc. have a good effect. For viscous sputum, drugs that thin it are prescribed, such as Lazolvan, Bromhexin. They not only relieve inflammation in the throat, but also eliminate spasms in the bronchi. Antibiotic treatment is prescribed when it is necessary to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. For example, with bronchitis, pneumonia. Before prescribing this or that antibiotic, the doctor must take a sputum test and also establish sensitivity to the components of the drug. You can cure a cough with antibiotics in a short time, but their thoughtless use can cause the development of other diseases. Cough is a consequence of problems with the respiratory system, so treatment can begin with inhalation. Breathe over a hot solution of iodine and soda. Take two drops of iodine and a teaspoon of soda per glass of water. Iodine destroys bacteria, soda thins mucus and makes breathing easier. This procedure is best done before bed for ten minutes. For inhalation, you can use various herbal mixtures. The most effective are calendula, sage and thyme. Bring the water with the herbs to a boil and breathe healthy. An excellent remedy, used for the same purposes since time immemorial, is boiled potatoes in their skins. Also, when coughing, you can use mustard plasters, jars, and medicinal cakes. Methods of fighting cough should be alternated: for example, today you put mustard plasters, and tomorrow you use cups. In combination with inhalations, a good and lasting effect is achieved. Drink more fluids. Or better yet, herbs that were used as inhalations. A wonderful remedy for cough is black radish with honey. Squeeze the juice from the radish and mix it with honey. Take a teaspoon twice a day. This mixture not only relieves cough, but also eliminates hoarseness. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that radish has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken by patients with heart, liver, kidney problems, or stomach ulcers. An equally effective remedy for cough is carrots boiled in milk with the addition of honey and butter. Figs are also brewed. Several berries are poured into a glass of milk and brought to a boil. When the drug is infused, you can begin treatment. How to treat cough with fever

Coughing is a kind of protective reflex. It occurs when an irritant appears in the body. Every person has to deal with cough several times during their life. The absence of this reflex cleansing of the lower respiratory tract could lead to consequences in the form of more serious pathologies. But this does not mean that such a condition does not need to be treated. Therapy is necessary, but it must be correct.

Types of cough

Coughing comes in different forms. In one patient, reflex contraction of the bronchi and lungs is accompanied by a dull and dry sound. Others suffer from coughing with phlegm. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better. But, according to prevailing opinion, treating a wet cough and fever is easier than eliminating a dry one (without additional signs of the disease). For example:

  1. A dry cough with a temperature of 37-39 degrees is accompanied by general malaise. The patient experiences laryngeal irritation. Coughing does not bring results, the symptom is debilitating and exhausting.
  2. A wet cough is characterized by easy expectoration of sputum. It may have a purulent, white or transparent tint. With this symptom, a person usually feels much better than his opponent with a non-productive cough.

A cough and temperature of 37.5 degrees most often indicate an acute course of the disease. Productive coughing can last on average up to three weeks. The fever, of course, goes away sooner. The cough ends with complete recovery. If the symptom persists for more than a month, then we are talking about a chronic cough. Most often, such patients have a low temperature. Periodically, an exacerbation of chronic cough occurs, similar to an acute infection. Any cough (wet or dry, acute or chronic, unproductive or productive) has its reasons. It will depend on them what medications your doctor will prescribe for you. In all cases, an unpleasant symptom (spasm) occurs due to irritation. The causative agent of the reflex is an infection (bacterial or viral), an allergen, dust and dirt. Frequent cough sometimes appears due to prolonged monologue, as the laryngeal mucosa dries out and hyperemia occurs. Lecturers, teachers, and doctors face this. Many of our readers actively use the Monastic Collection of Father George to treat coughs and improve their condition with bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis. It contains 16 medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of chronic COUGH, bronchitis and cough caused by smoking. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of cough. Many patients have questions even with determining the nature of the symptom. It is recommended to treat this unpleasant symptom together with a specialist. Incorrect treatment of dry cough can even lead to pneumonia, which is fraught with its own consequences.

Diseases that cause symptoms

A dry cough and fever are usually the first signs of an infectious disease. Around the same time, a runny nose may occur.

With proper adequate treatment, the symptom goes away on its own or turns into a wet cough.

Doctors count more than 50 pathologies that can cause reflex clearing of the bronchi. The most common pathologies are listed below:

  1. Cold or acute respiratory disease. Runny nose and cough during acute respiratory infections are caused by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, and MS infection. With such an illness, the temperature often rises to 39 degrees, which is easily reduced with antipyretics. The disease begins with a dry, debilitating cough. It may cause chest pain. But within a few days it turns damp. Correct treatment allows the patient to recover within a week. Residual symptoms of cough persist for up to 20 days.
  2. Bronchitis or tracheitis. From the name of the diseases one can understand that severe cough and fever are caused by an inflammatory process in the bronchi and trachea. These pathologies usually begin with a dry, debilitating cough. Attacks occur in the evening, as well as at night. When coughing there is pain in the chest. After a few days, the cough changes from dry to wet, and with adequate treatment it goes away without the use of antibiotics. Lack of therapy causes chronic bronchitis. With it, even a slight accumulation of mucus and sputum, a common runny nose, hypothermia - everything causes a new attack of coughing.
  3. Pharyngitis or tonsillitis. If the patient has a temperature of 38 and a dry cough, then we are talking about inflammation of the larynx, as well as the peripharyngeal ring. Feedback from our reader - Natalya Anisimova I recently read an article that talks about the Intoxic product for removing PARASITES from the human body. With the help of this drug you can FOREVER get rid of colds, respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, migraines, stress, constant irritability, gastrointestinal pathologies and many other problems. I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: worms literally began to fly out of me. I felt a surge of strength, I stopped coughing, my constant headaches went away, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. I feel like my body is recovering from debilitating exhaustion from parasites. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article. Read the article —> In this case, the doctor makes the following diagnoses: pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis. With these diseases, swelling, hyperemia of the throat, and inflammation of the tonsils are detected. Sore throat is accompanied by the appearance of plaque in the lacunae, and a runny nose is often present. With pharyngitis or tonsillitis, the spasm is caused by irritation of the throat. Since there is no sputum in the bronchi, there is nothing to cough up. Irritation of the larynx can bother a person for months. Therefore, to improve the quality of life, it is imperative to undergo treatment.
  4. False croup and laryngitis. A dry cough and fever in an adult or child may be a sign of inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx. Doctors call this disease laryngitis. With false croup (laryngotracheitis), severe swelling develops. This condition is accompanied by a low cough, reminiscent of a dog barking, a hoarse voice, and wheezing can be heard when inhaling. You cannot hesitate in this situation. Laryngitis and false croup are especially dangerous for children. Call an ambulance as soon as possible.
  5. Whooping cough. A few centuries ago, this pathology was very common. But later a solution appeared - a vaccine. To date, approximately 70% of the population has been vaccinated. But people who do not get vaccinated may well get whooping cough. With this pathology there is a high temperature and a severe cough. Often the spasm leads to vomiting. The first symptoms of the disease are: runny nose, low-grade body temperature, weakness.


If you have a cough and a temperature of 37, 38 or 39 degrees, then do not rush to grab medications. Consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and then prescribe treatment. Much will depend on the condition of your throat, the presence or absence of wheezing in the bronchi, and existing rhinorrhea. High temperatures should always be reduced with antipyretics. Fever is especially dangerous for children. If a child has neurological diseases, birth defects, or a tendency to seizures, then it is necessary to lower the temperature already at 37.5-37.9 degrees. If there are no such pathologies, then wait until the thermometer shows a value of 38.5. If adults feel well, they need to reduce their temperature to a thermometer level of 38.5-39 degrees. The safest means for this are Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Their derivatives will be Nurofen, Ibuklin, Panadol, Efferalgan. If the fever does not go away, then take Nimesulide or Analgin. Aspirin tablets should not be given to children under 16 years of age.

Treatment of cough always depends on its nature. If you are suffering from a debilitating spasm (with pharyngitis, laryngitis, false croup, at the beginning of tracheitis), then you will need antitussives.

These are drugs such as:

  1. Codelac NEO.
  2. Sinekod.
  3. Herbion with plantain.

For a wet cough, mucolytic and expectorant compounds are needed. It will help thin mucus and remove it from the body. Also, such medications will have a beneficial effect on a runny nose. Doctors usually prescribe Lazolvan, ACC, Mucaltin. For severe spasms (during bronchitis and pneumonia), inhalations with Berodual, Pulmicrot and other corticosteroids are prescribed. These medications dilate the bronchi and have an anti-inflammatory effect. If your dry cough is caused by throat irritation, then you need to treat your sore throat. Local medications are suitable for this:

  1. Tantum Verde.
  2. Inhalipt.
  3. Dr. MoM.
  4. Hexoral.
  5. Chlorophyllipt.

If laboratory confirmation of a bacterial infection is made, antibiotics are prescribed. They are selected taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms. The most commonly prescribed drugs are broad-spectrum drugs: penicillins (Augmentin, Ampicillin), macrolides (Sumamed, Azithromycin), cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Suprax). Taking antibiotics without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited!

Tips and tricks

The first step on the path to your recovery is the correct organization of your regimen and environment. You can’t bear the disease “on your feet.” Be sure to follow bed rest, so the body can quickly cope with the malaise. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink more (the liquid will help remove toxins faster and have a thinning and moisturizing effect on the respiratory system);
  • If you have no appetite, don’t eat (digesting food takes away the extra strength the body needs to fight infection);
  • The room temperature should not exceed 23 degrees (in warm and dry air, pathogenic microorganisms multiply at double speed).

You can also use your grandmother's proven recipes. It is important to do this very carefully. Self-medication and the use of traditional medicines are prohibited for children. Consider the following recipes:

  1. Milk and honey help cure a sore throat and relieve an irritating cough. Heat a glass of milk and place a teaspoon of honey and butter in it.
  2. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, and thyme will have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Pour two cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried herb and leave for 20 minutes. After this, strain and take half a glass three times a day.
  3. A shock dose of vitamin C will help quickly restore lost immunity. This substance is found in large quantities in parsley, cabbage, kiwi, oranges and lemon. You can consume these healthy products without restrictions.
  4. Goat and badger fat applied to the chest will warm the inflamed areas. Lubricate the sternum, throat and back with the mixture before going to bed. Don't forget to wrap yourself up warm.
  5. Echinacea and ginger root will help cope with viral infections and increase the body's resistance. Grind the plants 1 tablespoon at a time, add a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for two hours. Strain and use instead of tea.
  6. Hot inhalations will have a positive effect, but not for all diseases. For example, with laryngitis and false croup, such treatment will only aggravate the patient’s condition, further irritating the laryngeal mucosa.

If you have a temperature of 37 degrees and a cough for a long time, then the symptom has probably reached the chronic stage. It is not possible to cope with it on your own. In order not to trigger the pathology, consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease. Good health to you! Are you sure you are not infected with parasites? According to the latest WHO data, more than 1 billion people are infected with parasites. The worst thing is that parasites are extremely difficult to detect. We can say with confidence that absolutely everyone has parasites. Common symptoms such as:

  • nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances...
  • frequent colds, problems with the bronchi and lungs...
  • headaches…
  • bad breath, plaque on teeth and tongue...
  • change in body weight...
  • diarrhea, constipation and stomach pain...
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases...

All these are possible signs of the presence of PARASITES in your body. PARASITES are very DANGEROUS, they can penetrate the human brain, lungs, bronchi and multiply there, which can lead to dangerous diseases. Diseases caused by parasites take a chronic form. But is it possible to more correctly treat not the consequences of infection, but the CAUSE? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new method of Elena Malysheva, which has already helped many people cleanse their bodies of PARASITES and worms... Read the article Bondarenko Tatyana Expert of the project


A severe runny nose, general weakness, rashes on the skin, all this indicates an allergy. An allergic reaction can occur not only to flowering plants, but also to foods, polluted air, wool, and medications.

In order to eliminate allergies, you must first undergo tests that will help determine what exactly you are allergic to. After this, the doctor prescribes treatment. Most often, antihistamines help with allergies. They, in turn, are able to reduce the effect of histamine, which is what causes allergies. For severe runny nose, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictors.

Please note that such preparations must contain sodium chloride. Remember that vasoconstrictors can be used for no more than 5 days.

Very often, with allergies, especially if the cause is medications or dust, a dry cough or with sputum may occur. Therefore, the doctor will prescribe mastocytes. For skin rashes, corticosteroids should be used as treatment.

Possible complications

If a person has good immunity, then fever, cough, runny nose can be cured in 5-10 days. But when the patient does not take any therapeutic measures and does not comply with bed rest, then various complications may appear, such as:

  1. bronchitis;
  2. acute respiratory infections;
  3. measles;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis);
  6. angina;
  7. adenoiditis;
  8. flu;
  9. whooping cough.

For these reasons, if a runny nose and sore throat occur, accompanied by a temperature (37-38 degrees), you should not self-medicate and lead your usual active lifestyle.

Indeed, in this case, drug treatment and bed rest are prerequisites for a quick and successful recovery.

Causes of wet cough and fever

This form of productive respiratory attack is observed mainly in cases where diseases cause a huge amount of secretions in the lungs, or as a consequence of the action of expectorants. In any case, the causes of a wet cough are varied:

  • The effect of expectorants in bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, the last stage of whooping cough and other diseases.
  • The production of sputum in large volumes due to the activity of the immune system and infection also causes a wet cough. Accompanied by fever, headache and nausea, it becomes an annoying part of any disease.

Once the cough has turned into a wet form, it is usually no longer treated, since this is a process of natural cleansing of the lungs, and you should not be alarmed if you hear wheezing even when breathing. The reasons for switching to this form may be the following:

  • Inhalations, which are carried out using hot steam and medicinal additives, soften the throat and enter the respiratory tract, preventing not only dry cough, but also other annoying symptoms that can be eliminated in an average of 4 days.
  • Cough syrups with active substances that not only soften the throat, but also prevent the spread of infection and the complication of the disease.
  • Antibiotics and expectorants that kill the infection by allowing it to be cleared naturally through sputum. Usually already on the fifth day there is relief and the patient feels much better.

Treatment and prevention of cough at fever

Many people who do not know how to treat a cough with fever try to do it not very correctly. The most important thing in this matter is not to harm yourself and others. To do this, it is best to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If you notice symptoms of respiratory diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • After the diagnosis has been made, you need to take the medications prescribed by the doctor, adhering to his recommendations and the prescribed dosage.
  • Additional medications approved by your doctor may be used to relieve symptoms such as cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, and headache.

To protect yourself from the appearance of signs of respiratory diseases and the need to treat them, you need to use preventive measures:

  • Fortification, which must be carried out not only in winter, but also in summer, while consuming fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Strengthening the immune system with the help of natural immunostimulants, such as echinacea tincture, rose hip tea and others.
  • Avoiding crowded places during disease epidemics will not only save you from the threat of infection, but also eliminate the likelihood of infecting other people who are in the same room with you
  • Ventilating the living space and regular wet cleaning will help get rid of areas where bacteria and dust accumulate, which is an irritant to the respiratory tract in respiratory diseases.

Causes of cough and high temperature
If you find yourself with a respiratory disease characterized by the presence of the symptoms described above (low-grade fever, chills, etc.), you need to consult a doctor for consultation and determine an accurate diagnosis, as Dr. Komarosky recommends. Without this, there can be no effective treatment. Only a specialist will help identify the cause and properly eliminate it.

If you have a cough but no fever, it could be an allergic reaction or irritation due to excessively dry or dirty air. But in any case, you must contact a qualified specialist and solve this problem.

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