Treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, and similar diseases is carried out in several ways. One of the most effective is the “cuckoo” nasal rinse.
Of course, this is not a medical name, but it accurately reflects the essence of the method. While rinsing the nasal passages, the patient must repeat the syllables “ku-ku” without stopping. Manipulations performed by an experienced otolaryngologist bring noticeable relief from the accumulation of pus and mucus in the sinuses. The cuckoo procedure is an excellent alternative to piercing the maxillary sinuses.
General information about the procedure
The technique was developed by the American scientist Proetz. Patients often call nasal rinsing "cuckoo".
The essence of the method:
- using a special apparatus, a medicinal solution is supplied to the sinuses;
- when moving liquids (supply with a syringe, pumping out using a pump), the doctor removes purulent masses and accumulated mucus from hard-to-reach areas: the maxillary and frontal sinuses, the ethmoid labyrinth;
- the soft palate should be lowered. This is not difficult to achieve: the patient says “cuckoo” throughout the entire session. The movement of the epiglottis plus the drooping soft palate prevents choking;
- after treatment, even the farthest corners of all nasal sinuses are cleared, inflammation is reduced, and the patient breathes more freely;
- mucus and pus will not stop accumulating immediately. To achieve the effect, it requires from 4 to 10 procedures;
- “cuckoo” washing gives the patient less discomfort than the notorious puncture of the maxillary sinuses in the treatment of frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, and other diseases of the nasopharynx;
- without surgical intervention, which is associated with a certain risk, the patient gets rid of nasal congestion and inflammation of the deep sections.
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Read about the first signs and symptoms of rubella in a child on this page.
Executing the procedure
Washing takes no more than 15 minutes. All this time the patient is in a supine position on a hospital couch.
Immediately before the procedure, the doctor instills a vasoconstrictor into the nose. This is necessary to reduce swelling and facilitate rinsing. Then the patient lies down, his head is tilted back 450. A special pillow placed under the neck will reduce tension in the vertebrae and make it easier to stay in this position for a long time.
The procedure is performed according to the following algorithm.
- A vacuum suction is inserted into one nostril, and a medication is injected into the other. At the same time, a special device is turned on, with the help of which the purulent contents are sucked out.
- For sinusitis, the doctor alternately pinches each nostril for a few seconds after administering the medicine. This allows you to remove even thick purulent contents of the sinuses.
- Periodically, the doctor moves the suction to the other nostril. Interestingly, for unilateral sinusitis, only unilateral treatment can be performed.
The patient says “ku-ku” all the time. The procedure is painless, but quite unpleasant. The first time it is difficult to do without throwing the medicine into the larynx, as a result of which the patient begins to cough. It is important to understand: the doctor will not let the patient choke. If something goes wrong, you definitely need to tell a specialist about it.
Preparations for rinsing
As a rule, washing is carried out using antiseptic solutions - furatsilin, chlorhexidine, and less often - miramistin. For sinusitis, the doctor may recommend the use of antibacterial agents - Decasan, Cefatoxime.
To treat a runny nose and prevent complications from adenoiditis or otitis media, a furatsilin solution is used. This product has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect and has virtually no contraindications.
Antibacterial agents for washing with sinusitis are selected after a comprehensive examination and identification of the causative agent of inflammation.
As a rule, rinsing dries the mucous membrane. Despite the fact that “cuckoo” quickly eliminates the symptoms, after 3-5 hours they return again and are aggravated by dry mucous membranes. Special moisturizing drops help eliminate discomfort. Doctors always prescribe such drugs to everyone who is indicated to rinse their nose with a vacuum method.
Benefits and Benefits
The procedure has many advantages:
- the non-invasive method does not involve puncture or surgical intervention to free the sinuses from mucus and purulent masses;
- medicinal solutions are supplied directly to the area of inflammation;
- the procedure is suitable for use in children of all ages;
- If you follow the recommendations, the discomfort is minimal, there is no pain;
- high efficiency of the technique, active removal of stagnant purulent masses.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of the method for sinusitis are obvious - elimination of inflammation by removing purulent contents without puncture. Other benefits include:
- removal of dust and allergens from the sinuses,
- preventing upper respiratory tract infections,
- restoration of sense of smell,
- normalization of nasal breathing.
Cleansing allows you to reduce the frequency of using vasoconstrictor drops for sinusitis and other diseases affecting the nose.
Disadvantages of the "cuckoo":
- discomfort during the procedure,
- risk of complications if rinsing is performed incorrectly,
- long course.
An important role is played by the qualifications of the specialist who rinses the nose. Improper manipulation can cause complications. If sinus contents enter the auditory tube, there is a high risk of developing middle ear inflammation.
In addition, if the nose is not washed correctly, there is a high probability of deterioration in health and the spread of infection to the upper respiratory tract.
Cuckoo nasal rinsing cannot be done on your own at home. Few people have a special device at home to carry out the procedure. In addition, in practice it is impossible to wash yourself using this method.
The use of vacuum suction can lead to a number of complications. The procedure should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.
At home, it is not prohibited to use the same solutions that the doctor uses, but only after agreement with the otolaryngologist. You can rinse your nose with a syringe without a needle, a watering can or a medical bulb.
Indications and contraindications
The modern procedure is recommended for young patients over the age of 5 years. For children, rinsing of the nasal passages using the Proetz method is not carried out due to the structural features of the nose at an early age.
At an appointment with an ENT doctor, similarly, tell us about the symptoms that are tormenting the child. The technique has limitations: take this point into account.
- polyps;
- runny nose;
- mild form of sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
- adenoiditis;
- allergic rhinitis;
- tonsillitis.
- frequent nosebleeds;
- epilepsy;
- high blood pressure;
- mental disorders.
Indications for visiting “Cuckoo”
The method is used to combat inflammatory processes in the nose and maxillary sinuses. The medicinal solution flushes out pathogenic organisms from various parts of the nose, which leads to a quick recovery.
The procedure is prescribed for the following diseases:
- chronic runny nose;
- infections that have entered the nasal passages;
- allergic rhinitis;
- tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
- polyps;
- inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil.
The method is actively used to treat various forms of sinusitis: frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis, polysinusitis. The procedure is often prescribed for pregnant women, but does not always produce the expected result. In children under 5 years of age, rinsing is almost impossible - due to the structure of the nose, it is ineffective and even dangerous.
What is needed for the procedure
An otolaryngologist rinses the nasal sinuses using certain instruments, devices and medications. Doctors prohibit rinsing the nasal passages using the “cuckoo” method at home.
Professional medical devices, which should only be operated by a specialist, are not available to patients. The types of medicinal solutions, the concentration of drugs, and the duration of the session are determined by the doctor.
For the procedure, the otolaryngologist uses:
- vasoconstrictor nasal drops: Sanorin, Nazol, Evkazolin, Nok-spray;
- ENT combine Azimuth, other devices of a similar type;
- syringes with a volume of 20 ml;
- antiseptic solutions: Miramistin, Ceftriaxone, Furacilin;
- chamomile decoction with a mild anti-inflammatory, softening effect;
- saline solution The product does not cause allergic reactions and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane. Sea salt containing beneficial microelements is recommended.
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Nasal rinsing: cuckoo method at home
One of the most unpleasant diseases of the nose and nasal cavity, in which the sinuses become inflamed, is sinusitis. In order to quickly and, most importantly, effectively cope with inflammation and relieve unpleasant symptoms, a long-proven effective method of therapy is prescribed - “cuckoo” rinsing. What this technique is will be discussed in today’s article.
"What's in a name?"
Most patients involuntarily smile when they hear the name of this method. In fact, the medical name of this technique is vacuum lavage of the paranasal sinuses by moving fluid, and it bears the name of the famous American otolaryngologist Arthur Proetz - “Proetz lavage”, who invented this method of treating sinusitis at the beginning of the 20th century.
But in everyday communication between an ENT doctor and a patient, you can often find another name - “cuckoo”. No no! This method is in no way connected with ornithology; more precisely, this connection is very conditional.
During the procedure, the patient simply needs to pronounce the phrase “cuckoo, cuckoo” with a certain frequency, which is similar to the singing of the well-known forest bird.
And “cuckooing” is necessary so that the liquid does not simply flow into the nasopharynx and the patient does not choke on the washing liquid.
“Cuckoo”: description of the technique
This technique is used to treat sinusitis and other types of sinusitis as an alternative to maxillary sinus puncture (puncture). Its essence is to clear the nose with a medicinal solution from mucous masses, pus and relieve swelling.
It is also necessary to rinse the nasal sinuses to remove pathogens and dust from the surface of the mucous membrane. To rinse, you need to create negative pressure in the nasal cavity using a special suction and thereby extract the pathological secretion.
Antiseptics or antibacterial solutions are used as washing liquid.
It is recommended to rinse your nose using this method in the clinic. The procedure should be performed by an experienced otolaryngologist. Treatment at home is also possible, but the person doing the “cuckoo” must know all the features of the method, and most importantly, be fully aware that self-washing can never replace treatment with a doctor.
How is the procedure performed?
Before the start of the physical procedure, the nasal cavity is irrigated with a vasoconstrictor solution using an ENT combine. Then it is necessary to reduce the mucous membrane in the area of the anastomosis.
The patient sits comfortably in a chair in a supine position, with his head tilted back slightly.
During the manipulation, you should not turn your head, try to get up and interrupt the process: there is slight discomfort and pressure in the nasal sinuses during rinsing, but the therapeutic effect of rinsing is worth a little patience.
A disposable plastic syringe without a needle is inserted into one nostril, through which an antiseptic solution is supplied into the nasal cavity, and a special suction is inserted into the other nostril, where the purulent contents separated from the sinuses are released. It is important to create the necessary pressure so that the antiseptic effectively rinses the entire nasal cavity and sinuses. An experienced ENT doctor will certainly cope with this task. Afterwards the manipulation is repeated, but on the other side.
The rinsing waters at the outlet are cloudy, and you can often see whole clots of purulent masses and purulent plugs in them. As soon as the washed-out liquid becomes clear, the procedure can be completed.
On average, it takes about fifteen minutes to rinse both sinuses. At first there may be a feeling of pressure, but as the swelling subsides, this discomfort goes away from session to session.
To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, it is necessary to carry out from three to ten washes.
When administering fluid, the patient needs to pronounce the sound “ku-ku” so that the rinsing solution along with the purulent contents does not enter the pharynx.
Do not allow the solution to get into the ear - this can lead to otitis media.
If the procedure is carried out in the cold season, you need to refrain from going outside for a couple of hours; in warm weather, it is enough to stay indoors for at least half an hour. Hypothermia will only make the situation worse.
Despite the obvious effect of the “cuckoo” test, many patients are in no hurry to undergo it. This is rather due to psychological factors.
But there is no need to be afraid of washing, much less panic before the session. When it is performed by an experienced ENT doctor, the feeling of discomfort is minimized. We assure you! Your sensations will be very similar to the feeling of water entering a swimming pool. And this is quite bearable!
Indications and contraindications
Sinus rinsing is performed for diseases such as:
- sinusitis;
- sinusitis of other localization (ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis and combinations of these conditions);
- vasomotor rhinitis (neuro-vegetative form), when mucus is no longer produced by the sinuses, but by the inferior turbinates;
- allergic rhinitis, in order to wash away the allergen located in the nasal cavity as much as possible;
- polyps and other formations in the nasopharynx;
- overgrown adenoid vegetations and adenoiditis, in order to quickly extinguish inflammation and effectively wash the nasopharynx;
- infection in the nasal passages;
- tonsillitis.
The cuckoo method is recommended for children over five years of age and pregnant women.
In young children, the structural features of the nasal cavity will not allow the procedure to be carried out effectively, and it will be difficult to explain to children how to behave correctly at the time of rinsing.
Treatment of preschool children and primary schoolchildren should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an ENT doctor. For preschool children, “cuckoo” can be performed while sitting on their parents’ laps. Then the child feels protected.
But you definitely need to make a reservation! The more horizontal the position of the head, the more effective the procedure will be.
But, despite the apparent universality of the technique, the procedure has its contraindications. It is not performed in cases of high body temperature, nosebleeds, severe swelling of the mucous membrane, acute and chronic otitis media, and if the patient suffers from epilepsy.
What to do after the procedure
After rinsing, it is not recommended to get up immediately, so as not to provoke a nosebleed. You need to stay indoors for another twenty minutes to prevent hypothermia in your sinuses. After the first procedure, nasal congestion subsides, breathing is restored, and the patient feels noticeable relief.
When the therapy is carried out by an experienced doctor, the patient does not experience any unpleasant consequences after the procedure.
The only thing you need to be prepared for is the unexpected and spontaneous leakage of washing fluid from the nasal cavity.
This happens because the anastomosis contracts on its own from time to time, and the remaining fluid flows out of the sinus. Therefore, a handkerchief should always be ready.
Carrying out the procedure requires highly qualified otorhinolaryngologist and extensive practical experience. Therefore, choose reliable clinics with competent specialists.
"Cuckoo" at home
Doctors do not recommend performing Proetz rinsing at home, only regular nasal toilet. For rinsing, you can use a solution of sea salt - “Dolphin”, “Aqualor” and others. Ready-made wash kits sold at pharmacies are suitable.
They include a so-called irrigator - a container with a nozzle into which the washing solution is poured, and a bag of antiseptic. It should be dissolved in water before the procedure.
Vacuum suction, which otorhinolaryngologists use in their practice, is not included in such kits.
The preparation of the rinsing solution must be carried out strictly according to the attached instructions, otherwise the effect of the procedure will be reduced. Before using the irrigator for the first time, it must be treated, for example, with Miramistin or washed with soapy water.
Then pour a bag of antiseptic into it and add boiled water according to the instructions. Mix the antiseptic with water by shaking the container several times.
The washing solution must be diluted immediately before the procedure, and after it the container must be rinsed again with soapy water.
If you don’t have such a special kit at hand, you can make do with improvised means. In this case, you will need a syringe (rubber bulb) or a small teapot with a spout. Saline sodium chloride solution can be used as a rinse liquid.
Features of the procedure at home
If you are using a irrigator, insert the tip into one nasal passage, hold your breath and press the dispenser several times. Blow out the mucous masses along with the solution from the other nostril.
Repeat the same steps on the other side. If everything is done correctly, the rinsing solution will flow out of the second nostril along with the contents of the nose.
It is first recommended to irrigate the nasal cavity with vasoconstrictor drops.
If you are using a syringe or teapot, tilt your head to the side so that one nostril is higher than the other. Slowly pour liquid into the nostril located above, which will flow out from the other nasal passage. As you exhale, say “kuku, kuku.” Then repeat similar steps on the other side. When finished, blow your nose to remove any remaining solution and secretions.
- If you notice that the solution enters your mouth and does not flow out of the second nostril, then you are doing the rinsing incorrectly.
- There is no need to rinse overnight, as liquid will continue to flow out of the cavities for some time.
- The liquid must be poured very carefully. Otherwise, it, along with pathogenic microorganisms, can flow into the ears, causing severe inflammation there.
- Cleaning your sinuses too often is also harmful. ENT doctors advise performing no more than seven procedures.
Possible complications
Complications after lavage may occur with severe swelling without the use of vasoconstrictors. In this case, contaminated fluid can enter the middle ear cavity and cause inflammation of the auditory tube or the transition of sinusitis to a more complex form.
As we see, home conditions are not always conducive to sterile and safe washing. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and skills, leave this work to specialists. By seeking professional help, you will speed up your recovery, and inept manipulations and actions can only harm you.
If you are faced with the problem of a constant runny nose, if you have sinusitis or other inflammatory processes in the nose, please come. Our experienced ENT doctors in Moscow will definitely help you!
How to do a cuckoo nasal rinse
Contact an ENT doctor. The specialist will examine the nasopharynx, assess the condition of the sinuses, and clarify the diagnosis. Special preparation consists of a simple operation: vasoconstrictor drops need to be instilled into the nose.
Allow a couple of hours for the procedure in the summer, 3 hours in the winter. The actual session does not last long, but after treating the nasal passages the patient should lie down or sit quietly. It is forbidden to immediately go outside, engage in physical exercise, or give the body high loads.
Procedure steps:
- the doctor checks whether the drops against nasal congestion have worked: the patient should breathe freely;
- the patient lies on the couch, position - on his back, head angle - 45 degrees;
- Using a special device, the doctor slowly pumps the medicine into one nostril, and using a special pump, the liquid is removed from the other nostril;
- along with the medicine, purulent masses and excess mucus go away;
- a noticeable difference in pressure ensures high-quality treatment of all sinuses;
- the patient must constantly say “ku-ku”, otherwise the liquid will get into the throat and the person may choke;
- You cannot turn your head, stand up, or turn around while treating the nasal passages;
- It is important to breathe evenly. There is no need to panic: the doctor’s competent actions will bring tangible relief;
- If the environment of the ENT doctor’s office makes a depressing impression, there is strong excitement, nervous tremors, calm down, ask to explain the procedure. Understanding that the Proetz technique often replaces sinus piercing is inspiring to many people;
- complications most often develop when the rules are not followed: the patient throws his head back excessively, interferes with the doctor, refuses to constantly say “ku-ku-ku”;
- when the epiglottis moves during continuous “cuckooing”, the palate lowers, thereby blocking access to the throat of the escaping liquid;
- Some people experience discomfort from the unpleasant taste of the antiseptic solution. Some drugs slightly irritate inflamed mucous membranes;
- each nostril requires 100 to 120 ml of solution;
- Sometimes an experienced doctor complicates the technique of rinsing the sinuses: he closes one nostril for 3 seconds, then sharply removes his fingers. This creates additional pressure, the medicine penetrates inside more actively;
- if the doctor uses a more complex technique, it is important to know that in most cases a nagging pain will appear in the forehead area;
- After the session, rest, do not get up suddenly. You are allowed to go outside every 30–40 minutes in the summer; in winter, sit in the clinic lobby for an hour or longer.
To carry out the procedure, a special apparatus is required that supplies and/or sucks out liquid under pressure. This could be an ENT combine or a vacuum aspirator. If there is no special equipment for manipulation, rinsing can be done using a large-volume syringe (without a needle) to deliver the solution into the nostril and a syringe (“bulb”) to suck out the contents from the nose.
Before rinsing, it is necessary to remove swelling of the nasal mucosa. To do this, vasoconstrictor drops (Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Xylometazoline, Sanorin) are instilled into both nostrils. The patient is seated in a chair in a semi-sitting position or placed on a couch with his head thrown back. Children can be placed on their side. The end of the tube for supplying the solution is inserted into one nostril, and the end of the aspiration tube into the other. Similarly, the tip of a syringe can be inserted into one nostril, and the tip of a syringe into the other.
Fluid for rinsing is supplied under pressure through a supply tube (or syringe). At the same time, this liquid with dissolved nasal discharge is sucked out from the other nostril. To prevent liquid from entering through the nasopharynx into the pharynx, the patient must say the phrase “ku-ku-ku” during the entire procedure. In this way, the soft palate is raised, which prevents fluid from entering the respiratory tract. In some cases, during the procedure, the doctor may close one of the patient’s nostrils several times for 2-3 seconds, and then suddenly release it. This is necessary in order to increase the pressure in the nasal cavity. More often this technique is used for frontal sinuses, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis. In this case, the rinsing solution better enters the sinus cavity.
For the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, precautions must be followed. The patient should not move during the procedure. His breathing should be even, and the phrase should be pronounced without stopping. The head should not be tilted back more than 45° to prevent the rinsing solution from flowing through the auditory tube into the middle ear.
Before the manipulation, you need to instill vasoconstrictor drops, which will facilitate the suction of fluid and prevent possible bleeding. The rinsing solution should correspond to body temperature (35-36°C). All instruments, devices and rinsing solutions used must be sterile.
It is very important to create a slow and as constant flow of rinsing fluid as possible. After the manipulation, the patient should sit for several minutes with his head tilted forward so that the remaining fluid flows out of the nose.
For half an hour or an hour after rinsing, hypothermia and physical exertion should be avoided, since the nasal mucosa should “rest” after the procedure, and blood circulation in it should be restored. If this rule is not followed, nosebleeds are possible.
The entire procedure lasts from 5 to 10 minutes (with the hardware method) or 5-6 syringes with a volume of 20 cc (with the manual method). It is absolutely painless for the patient.
A full course of treatment requires from 4 to 10-12 procedures, which depends on the disease itself. The number of necessary rinses is determined by the doctor and may change during treatment. You can also rinse your nose using the Cuckoo method using a syringe and syringe at home.
Correct implementation of the procedure provides excellent results:
- already after two or three procedures using the Proetz method, constant nasal congestion disappears, less mucus accumulates;
- Headaches that suffer from sinusitis, sinusitis, and other diseases of the nasopharynx gradually subside;
- children who could not blow their nose at all finally get the opportunity to clean their nasal passages quite calmly;
- many parents noted that after the course of procedures the child did not get sick for a long time; with a cold, there was no such nasal congestion as before;
- according to patients who have experienced the effect of the “cuckoo” in the treatment of colds, the technique is the most effective: pus, mucus, bacteria are removed from the sinuses themselves, and not just from the nasopharynx.
Look for a clinic with modern equipment. New devices provide minimal discomfort. Parents planning a visit with their child to rinse a very clogged nose should heed this recommendation. The use of outdated equipment significantly increases the discomfort during the active movement of fluid inside the nasal passages.
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Duration of treatment and results
The course of treatment averages from 5 to 10 procedures, depending on the severity of symptoms and the nature of the disease. In case of severe inflammation, it is recommended to rinse the nose for 10 days. Immediately after the first procedure, patients notice relief. A runny nose and congestion go away for an average of 3-4 hours, but then return again. It is important to remember: the “cuckoo” procedure does not cancel taking medications for sinusitis. The congestion goes away completely after 2-3 procedures.
Sinusitis is often accompanied by headache. Patients note that after the first procedure the pain intensifies. This is due to irritation of the sinuses due to exposure. As a rule, the pain goes away completely after the second procedure.
Despite the discomfort during manipulation, “cuckoo” is recognized as one of the effective minimally invasive methods of treating sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs.
Possible side effects
Most often there is no discomfort. The situation is more complicated with young patients: children are afraid, spin around, and interfere with doctors. The risk of side effects increases.
Conducting a session by an inexperienced doctor sometimes causes negative manifestations:
- nosebleeds;
- sneezing for half an hour or more;
- headache;
- stuffy ears;
- burning, irritation of mucous membranes;
- damage to the nasal passages by medical instruments.
Look for an experienced otolaryngologist whose qualifications you are confident in. The interaction between the doctor and the patient will ensure a positive result.
Useful tips for parents
Children often catch colds, are not good at blowing their noses, and do not always follow doctor’s orders. The otolaryngologist often prescribes a “cuckoo” for the nose if other measures have not helped much.
To ensure that the session does not turn into a difficult test for the nervous system and that washing provides maximum benefit, it is important to follow certain rules. Listen to the advice of ENT doctors and parents who attended the session with their child, otherwise a trip to the treatment room threatens to turn into a scandal.
Psychological preparation
- carefully study the information about the method, ask your doctor about the details: you must understand how the procedure is carried out, its advantages and results;
- Explain to your child what the “cuckoo” is for and how to behave. Due to their age, children cannot immediately understand the benefits and “benefits” of active nasal rinsing. They need to be told in a clear, accessible way that their nose will breathe better and their headaches will go away;
- many children are afraid of white coats, strange instruments, strange objects that are inserted into the nasal passages. It is important to explain that “the medicinal water will flow, the doctor will immediately take with him all the microbes that are tormenting the nose”;
- one cannot say that the child will not feel anything: the deception will quickly be revealed. Next time you won’t lure your son or daughter into the procedure;
- many children, whose parents have not psychologically prepared for the procedure, often scream during the session (not from pain, but from fear, lack of understanding of the situation). Setting up a small patient is the task of adults;
- Many mothers advise promising a reward for calm behavior. A Kinder surprise, an original toy, a trip to the zoo or a play center often inspire children to behave normally when rinsing their sinuses;
- If the children are not capricious, do not scream, or break out during the session, then there are no problems, the discomfort is minimal. After the first “cuckoo”, the little patient feels that the rinsing really helps, and proceeds to the second procedure more calmly.
Choosing a doctor
Take note:
- Find a good otolaryngologist who is sympathetic to children. Many parents say that the doctor was friendly, distracted the young patient, talked with the baby before the session, and no problems arose;
- if children trust a “good aunt” or a “good uncle,” then the behavior is quite acceptable, there are no whims or screams;
- go around two or three clinics, find out the opinions of mothers about local doctors who know the Proetz technique;
- A mistake when choosing “your” doctor costs parents a lot of nerves and discourages children from further treatment.
Next video. The famous doctor Komarovsky about rinsing the nose:
What is the essence of nasal rinsing according to Proetz?
This procedure in the treatment of sinusitis makes it possible to almost completely cleanse the maxillary sinuses of their contents. A special medicinal solution is injected into the nasal passages under pressure. It flushes out pathogens, mucus, pus and viral agents from all corners of the sinuses.
Despite the fact that this procedure is very effective, it is very important to correctly draw up a treatment regimen; rinsing should not be a panacea; in parallel, you should definitely take medications prescribed by the doctor.
This procedure is much more effective than simply rinsing the nose. After just a few sessions, a person’s condition becomes much easier, and unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.
Important! This method was developed by the American doctor Arthur Proetz. This procedure is especially effective in the treatment of sinusitis.
Such manipulations prevent the solution from entering the respiratory tract. Not all people are suitable for cuckoo for sinusitis, so only a doctor can prescribe such a rinse.