The newborn body is very vulnerable to the environment, so often a baby at the age of two weeks may develop a runny nose. The problem is quite serious, since due to nasal congestion the baby suffers from sleep and eating disorders. This is explained by the fact that the newborn does not yet know how to breathe through his mouth.
Undoubtedly, the appearance of rhinitis in a baby causes parents to panic, but there is no need to worry and treat the child in every possible way. Young mothers should know that up to ten weeks of life, newborns experience a physiological runny nose. However, you still need to rule out the allergic and infectious nature of the disease by visiting your local doctor.
Runny nose in a newborn for 2 weeks
Details about the types of rhinitis in newborns
Parents must distinguish physiological runny nose, which is a completely normal phenomenon, from other types of pathological conditions. Therefore, if a child has infectious rhinitis or allergic manifestations, which are accompanied by a runny nose, then in no case should you resort to self-medication - this can cause irreparable damage to the child’s health.
While in the womb, the child is completely protected from external factors, but when born, his body must adapt to the influence of the environment. In addition, a newborn needs to learn to breathe through his nose. During intrauterine development, the nasal glands do not perform their direct functions at all, since the environment in the womb is humid. Therefore, after birth you have to adapt to unusual conditions. The mucous membrane begins to secrete an uncontrolled amount of secretion, which provokes a physiological runny nose. When diagnosing this phenomenon, it is worth considering that the discharge is liquid and transparent, while the baby is no longer bothered by any pathological symptoms. Therefore, this adaptation period is called wet.
With a physiological runny nose, the discharge is liquid and transparent and the baby is no longer bothered by any pathological symptoms
The 12th week of life is characterized by complete adaptation to the external environment, so nasal discharge practically stops.
Note! Some parents may be mistaken and begin to aggressively treat physiological rhinitis as a cold. Basically, standard vasoconstrictor drugs are used, which lead to complete drying of the mucosa. The body's reaction determines the therapy as a threatening action, so the mucous membrane begins to more actively secrete mucus. As a result, the baby may acquire chronic rhinitis.
How can you diagnose yourself?
The pathological condition is easily distinguished from normal physiology. The first thing you should pay attention to is breathing. The baby breathes easily through his nose and does not refuse the breast. The consistency of the discharge is liquid and transparent, and the body temperature is normal.
When a child’s body is affected by an infection, there will be a cough, high temperature, loss of appetite, poor sleep, and moodiness. In addition, the discharge will be thicker.
With a physiological runny nose, the baby breathes easily through his nose and does not refuse the breast
Attention! There is no need to treat physiological symptoms; after a month the baby will fully adapt and excessive nasal discharge will disappear. Parents can only facilitate adaptation.
When pathogenic microbes enter the nasal cavity of a newborn through airborne droplets, infectious rhinitis occurs. This disease will develop gradually.
Stages | Characteristic symptoms |
I | Defined as the fastest stage, during which the following symptoms are observed: 1. Dryness of the nasal mucosa. 2. The occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and burning. 3. Vessels narrow |
II | The duration of the stage is three days. During this time, the vessels begin to dilate, but nasal breathing becomes difficult |
III | At the third stage, the baby loses his appetite, has difficulty latching on the breast, is mischievous, and mucus is released from the nasal sinuses |
IV | This stage occurs if the child has not received timely treatment. It is determined by the discharge - it becomes viscous and purulent in nature (evidence that a bacterial infection is beginning to develop). Therapy for advanced rhinitis is quite long |
When a child has an infectious runny nose, the baby loses appetite, it is difficult for him to take the breast, and mucus is released from the sinuses
It is important! If infectious rhinitis is detected, you must consult a pediatrician; only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment without harm to the child’s health, otherwise self-medication may lead to complications.
Allergic manifestations in newborns occur extremely rarely. Along with the inhaled air, irritating allergens penetrate through the nasal passages. Consequently, an inflammatory process occurs on the irritated mucosa, which leads to abundant mucus secretion. Characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis include swelling and nasal congestion.
The question arises of how to protect a newborn from an allergic rhinitis and what can cause it. First of all, this is household dust, that is, the room where the child is located must be ventilated and cleaned. During wet cleaning, no aggressive chemicals are used (this can also lead to irritation of the mucous membranes). During the adaptation period, limit the baby from pets, since wool can also act as an allergen. And parents are not recommended to use strong odors (perfumes). Also, during breastfeeding, all mothers must adhere to a strict diet so that the child does not develop allergies.
Characteristic signs of allergic rhinitis include swelling and nasal congestion.
The child's runny nose does not go away
When faced with such a nuisance as a child with a prolonged runny nose, parents will be able to understand how to treat it correctly only after finding out the cause. Often, improper treatment contributes to long-term symptoms. Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops can cause addiction and, as a result, long recovery. Such drugs can be used, strictly observing the dosage, even in cases of lack of nasal breathing. Treatment of a viral disease with antibiotics also leads to a protracted recovery process. When an allergic reaction is the cause of a long-term runny nose, the disease can only be completely eliminated by eliminating the allergen.
As a rule, treatment of a prolonged runny nose is aimed at increasing the baby’s immunity. He should be given fresh fruits and vegetables to eat and herbal teas to drink. The apartment must have favorable conditions for recovery. The mucous membrane of the nose should not be allowed to become dry. Should be washed periodically with saline solution. You should purchase any medications in consultation with your doctor and only after identifying the cause of the disease.
Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose? Fresh air helps to moisten the airways, which makes breathing significantly better. When a runny nose is not accompanied by other severe symptoms, and the weather is good outside, then walking will only be beneficial. You should not take your baby to a place where there is a large crowd of people, since the immune system is still weak and there is a chance of contracting a new disease.
Is it possible to bathe a child with a runny nose? There is no clear opinion on this issue. However, the absence of fever, weakness and other unpleasant signs of illness allows the bathing procedure to be carried out, but subject to certain conditions:
- the temperature in all rooms should be the same;
- drafts are unacceptable;
- the water temperature should be warmer than always;
- do not take any medications or eat before swimming;
- after bathing, avoid freezing; the baby needs to be dressed warmly;
- Washing your hair unless absolutely necessary is not recommended.
It is useful to add sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath. Frequent bathing is not recommended for the reason that not only various toxins are washed off from the skin, but also beneficial microorganisms that protect the body from external influences.
Can I help my baby on my own?
Despite the reasons that led to a runny nose in a newborn, parents will be tasked with providing timely assistance and alleviating the condition of their child. For this it is recommended:
- Regulate the temperature of the room in which the newborn is staying (the temperature should be within 23 degrees).
- The room must be ventilated.
- It is necessary to monitor the air humidity in the room (about 60%), if there is no humidifier, then during the heating period you can place a container of water on the radiator.
- The child's nose should be regularly cleared of mucus. For this purpose, aspirators and saline solutions are used to instill the nasal sinuses. In this way, the secretion will be released better.
- To help with the natural discharge of mucus, experts recommend raising the head of the crib by 40%.
ARVI in a child
This term stands for “acute respiratory viral infections.” Under it lies the designation of a group of pathologies caused by viruses, and the target of damage, most often, is the respiratory system. In addition, when infected with the virus, intoxication of the body is noted. According to pediatricians, the incidence of ARVI in children accounts for about 90% of all infections. Children aged 2–14 years are most susceptible to this disease. This is explained by the fact that they regularly visit places where there are large concentrations of children (schools and kindergartens).
In childhood, ARVI is more severe than in adults. Often a viral infection is accompanied by a bacterial infection or various chronic pathologies are exacerbated. If acute respiratory viral infections occur frequently enough, this leads to a significant decrease in immunity, which can result in the development of chronic diseases. Not only the respiratory organs can be affected, but also the heart, kidneys, joints, and nervous system. Viral pathologies can become a predisposing factor in the development of allergies, lead to bronchial asthma, or cause a delay in the mental and physical development of the baby.
There are several classifications of viral infections depending on the characteristic by which different types are distinguished:
- by etiology - adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, rhinovirus infections, as well as parainfluenza and influenza;
- according to the form of manifestation - typical and atypical;
- according to the course - complicated and uncomplicated;
- according to the severity of the disease - mild, moderate and severe;
- at the site of the lesion, ARVI in children manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, including the possibility of developing false croup, pharyngitis, otitis and tracheitis.
Causes of the disease
The following groups of viruses can cause ARVI in children:
- influenza, C, B and A types;
- rhinoviruses, of which there are more than 110 types;
- PC viruses;
- parainfluenza viruses;
- DNA genomic adenoviruses, they are distinguished by more than 40 serotypes;
- reoviruses.
In some cases, the disease may be caused by coronaviruses, enteroviruses, bocavirus or metapneumovirus.
All of the above types of infections are considered very contagious and highly contagious. In other words, they are easily transmitted from one person to another. The route of transmission, as a rule, is airborne droplets, in rare cases - household contact.
The predisposition to frequent acute respiratory viral infections in children is due to the immaturity of the immune system and the insufficient manifestation of the body's protective reactions. Babies lose maternal passive immunity. But at the same time, their own immune system is not yet ready enough to fully protect against infections. After a viral infection, children do not develop long-term, stable immunity to this disease. In addition, due to age, a cross-protective reaction to other types and types of respiratory viruses is not formed. Therefore, ARVI often appears in children several times a year, this number can reach 10 or more. Epidemiologists note that the number of children who regularly suffer from acute respiratory viral infections can be 20–50%.
The greatest number of respiratory diseases is observed during the cold period of the year, that is, from approximately October to March. Other predisposing factors for the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections are a poor environmental situation, the child suffering from an intrauterine infection, the presence of somatic pathologies or allergic reactions, unfavorable perinatal development of the baby and the impact of various negative factors during this period.
Viruses that cause ARVI in children penetrate the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the upper parts of the respiratory system and begin to multiply there. As a result, inflammatory processes and dystrophic changes are observed. At the same time, different types of pathogens gravitate to different localization sites, that is, they predominantly affect different organs. Thus, the parainfluenza virus most often causes diseases of the larynx, adenovirus usually affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and also often spreads to the conjunctiva of the eyes and lymphoid formations. With rhinovirus infection, inflammation of the nasal cavity is observed, with influenza - the trachea, and with infection with the RS virus - the bronchi at various levels.
The entry of virions into the blood can lead to allergic and general toxic syndromes, as well as suppression of humoral and cellular immunity. Some types of ARVI cause characteristic changes in lymphoid tissue or other organs in children. In addition, a significant decrease in local immunity caused by a viral infection can lead to activation of opportunistic microflora. This often becomes the reason for the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, increased inflammation and the transition of the disease to a more severe form.
The need for drug therapy
Parents should remember that if there is a suspicion of a runny nose in a baby, it is strictly forbidden to independently select medications. To make a diagnosis, you need to contact an ENT specialist or therapist.
You cannot use vasoconstrictor drugs for babies, as adults are used to doing. These drugs are permissible only at the age of one or two months only as a last resort.
Nazivin Baby , Nazol are allowed to be used as prescribed by a doctor . It is necessary to drip one drop into each nostril before going to bed. The duration of such treatment should not exceed three days, because longer use is fraught with dysfunction of the nasal mucosa.
Tips for eliminating a runny nose in a newborn
Basically, the doctor prescribes the use of antiseptics in the prescriptions. Among the most popular is Protargol . Grippferon and Viferon should be highlighted . Depending on the baby's condition, the immunostimulant Derinat . If you do not start timely treatment of infectious rhinitis, then among the possible complications are:
- Bronchitis.
- Otitis.
- Ethmoiditis.
How to cure a runny nose in a child: medicinal methods
If we talk about runny nose in children under 6 years of age (including newborns), then in reality parents are quite limited in the use of medications. Most often, pediatricians recommend only two main categories of products to moms and dads - saline solution (also known as saline solution) and vasoconstrictor drops.
Let's start with the second one. Vasoconstrictor drugs are wonderful because they are fast - they really instantly relieve a child of a runny nose. But their significant disadvantage is that they have a number of side effects and are also addictive. However, this is by no means a reason to disown them.
Vasoconstrictor drugs are indispensable in some acute situations, and should certainly be present in every home medicine cabinet as an emergency aid.
But parents should know exactly in which cases the use of these drops is justified and necessary, and in which it is better to refrain from using them.
Can a baby have medicinal rhinitis?
This is the case when, out of ignorance, parents begin to treat their baby with vasoconstrictor drugs. For example, long-term use of Sanorin or Vibrocil . Initially, the use of these drops leads to drying of the mucous membrane. The body will react to this as a danger and will begin to secrete even more mucus. At the same time, using vasoconstrictor drops for five days will lead to addiction. The result after such treatment is simple: stopping the use of the drug will lead to complete sinus congestion, and upon resumption - short-term relief.
Drug-induced runny nose is a pathological condition that does not go away until treatment is stopped. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. In the first days after stopping medication, the child will breathe through his mouth, and then the condition will return to normal.
How to properly bury a child's nose
Note! It is very important that at the time of stopping the drug the child does not have an inflammatory process in the throat.
Causes of coughing in a child's sleep, how to provide first aid during an attack
An unexpected strong cough in a child at night is a cause for justified concern for parents. The main cause of concern is those cases when the baby behaves normally during the day, looks healthy, but sleeps poorly and coughs at night. We urgently need to take action.
First of all, when a child coughs in his sleep, you will need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disturbance. Coughing in children in a dream indicates the body’s fight against infection or inflammation. Coughing at night is not a cause, but a consequence of a lesion.
Etiology of nocturnal attacks in children
80% of cases develop due to penetration of the virus into the body or complications as a result of its activity. The remaining 20% include gastrointestinal pathologies, allergies, etc. This small part of the reasons should also be taken into account during diagnosis.
Eruption of baby teeth
In such a situation, the child coughs in his sleep due to pain that develops in the gums. At the same time, it becomes difficult for the baby to swallow saliva and coughing occurs. In this situation, parents should put the child to sleep on his side, placing a small pillow under his head so that he cannot choke on saliva.
Viral pathologies of respiratory diseases
When a child's cough during sleep is caused by the development of ARVI, his attacks at night can be explained by the accumulation of mucus in the lungs. When inhaling, the lungs contract and the baby coughs. Also, when you have a cold, your nose is often stuffy and you can only breathe in and out through your mouth - this further increases coughing at night.
A cough with sputum becomes a reason to suspect the development of a viral infection. But it can also be triggered by sinusitis, pharyngitis or rhinitis. Another reason is the onset of asthma. At the very beginning of its development, the disease manifests itself only in nocturnal attacks under the influence of spasms in the lungs. Also, when inhaling through the mouth, a characteristic whistle appears.
In asthma, a dry cough develops at night due to the fact that the lungs are at rest and respond more quickly to external and internal irritants.
Coughing at night causes the onset of whooping cough. Vaccination against this disease is routine in children at an early age.
In this regard, a child’s cough during sleep can be caused by vaccination, but it goes away safely after a few days and should not be a cause for concern.
If a child has unexpected coughing attacks during sleep, one must also take into account a possible cause such as an allergic reaction. It is also accompanied by a rash and runny nose. The causes of an allergic cough are:
- poor-quality bed linen fabric;
- new tansy or bedding that was not washed before use;
- buying a new washing powder;
- plants near the crib;
- filling in duvets and pillows;
- synthetic and plastic toys and other interior items in the nursery;
- soft toys, because dust accumulates in them.
An allergic cough in a child during sleep can be easily distinguished from another by the following signs:
- slight swelling of the face and nose;
- runny nose;
- drowsiness or, conversely, refusal to sleep;
- increased sweating;
- redness of the eyes;
- lacrimation.
Allergic coughing never occurs along with intoxication and chills. If you give your child an antihistamine and move him to another room, the attack will go away.
Gastro-food reflux
If a child coughs while sleeping, this may also indicate gastroesophageal reflux. The condition is complemented by prolonged daytime heartburn. Such disorders are most often associated with congenital pathologies, inflammation of the esophagus or stomach, the way the body works, or overeating before bed.
Few take into account the fact that helminths in the body can also cause a child to cough while sleeping. When they damage organs, a rejection reaction occurs. And irritation from parasites is manifested by coughing.
How to calm a bad cough at night
At night, if a child has a cough during sleep, then for an unknown reason, it is not recommended to give any medications, so as not to mistakenly harm the body that is not fully formed. If you know the causes and establish the allergy, you can give antihistamines - Fenistil, Zyrtec.
Up to 6 months, these drugs are prohibited, and the attack can be stopped with warm drinks.
To facilitate coughing at night with ARVI or other diseases of the lower respiratory tract, it is recommended to give plenty of fluids and use the following methods:
A lot of water helps soothe irritated mucous membranes, thins mucus and makes coughing less debilitating.
- Milk and soda help well during an attack. But this remedy can only be used in children over 5 years of age. 100 ml of warm milk should be mixed with a quarter of a teaspoon of soda.
- Cough with rhinitis or sinusitis is well relieved by rinsing the nose with saline solution. Children also have their noses cleaned using aspirators; this should be done carefully so as not to further injure the nasal mucosa.
- Place a pillow under your head to make breathing easier, and to increase the concentration of oxygen in the air, you need to ventilate the room.
These methods will help you feel better and sleep well until the morning. Some parents, without a doctor’s testimony, are at a loss and do not understand how to carry out treatment or at least alleviate the condition. So, you should call an ambulance during a coughing attack if it is accompanied by the following signs:
- strong increase in temperature;
- whistling when coughing;
- coughing up blood;
- cough with vomiting;
- complaints of severe pain;
- appearance of rashes.
If there are no symptoms listed above, then you can use the tips described above and wait until the morning.
The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says that cough is the body’s defense, so it is necessary to establish its cause and treat it first.
But at the same time, do not forget to relieve coughing, which causes severe discomfort. This is very easy to do by drinking plenty of fluids and frequently airing the rooms.
Preventing cough at night
Parents should pay attention to the prevention of attacks. When a child coughs during sleep, it interferes with proper rest and recuperation, which are very necessary for normal growth and development. To prevent attacks at night, you should do the following:
- Before going to bed, ventilate the room.
- Be sure to do wet cleaning at least 2 times a week.
- Prevent contact with potential allergens.
Aromatherapy with tea tree, laurel, mint and eucalyptus oils has a good effect on the body before bed. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Also, proper care - a healthy diet, organizing a daily routine will help prevent severe fatigue and unnecessary worries before bedtime.
A child's illness causes a lot of anxiety among parents. At night, you need to stop the attack of severe coughing as quickly as possible and try to understand what could have caused it in order to prevent and correct similar conditions in the future.
Prolonged runny nose in a newborn
The situation is much more complicated when the baby is diagnosed with prolonged rhinitis. There are two main reasons for its development: ineffective treatment and the use of drugs that cause complications. For example, when a runny nose is treated with homeopathic remedies, the infection in the nasal sinuses progresses and provokes an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. The resulting inflammation can even affect the auditory tubes.
Sometimes folk remedies can only contribute to the development of infection. These cases include the use of:
- Milk and honey.
- Onion-garlic juice.
- Oily products.
How to properly treat a runny nose in children
With aggressive juice drops, the mucous membrane is burned, and the inflammation only becomes more complicated. And the use of oily preparations can block the ability to quickly remove mucus, which will lead to the spread of infection to the nasopharynx.
To get rid of a long runny nose, you can use seawater-based instillations. Such drugs can be used in infants up to six months of age. A saline solution that is instilled into each nostril, two drops, works well against the infection After this procedure, it is necessary to free the nose from mucus using an aspirator.
Thus, rhinitis in a newborn can be both normal and pathological, so you should not self-medicate.
Folk remedies for the treatment of runny nose in infants
When using folk recipes to treat a runny nose in infants, you should follow the same rules as in the case of medications - consult a doctor and be careful. The body of infants up to six months is so vulnerable that even the most harmless means can cause serious harm to it.
- Many parents use herbal decoctions of calendula and yarrow to treat rhinitis in children. They are prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of herb into a glass of boiling water, steam in a water bath, cool and drop ½ pipette into each nostril.
- Another common remedy that our mothers and grandmothers used is breast milk, which is also instilled into the baby’s nasal passages. It should be noted that many doctors are skeptical about such treatment, since the nutrient medium of milk can create favorable conditions for the development of viruses and bacteria.
- To make breathing easier for a baby, freshly squeezed beet or carrot juice is instilled into the nose, diluted with water or olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 1. This product not only kills germs, but also moisturizes the nasal mucosa well. Sea buckthorn oil works in a similar way.
- Dilute aloe or Kalanchoe juice with boiled or still mineral water (10 parts water to one part juice) and drop drops into the child’s nose 5 times a day. It is strictly not recommended to use pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures for this recipe.
- Irritations that can form due to leaking mucus or because the baby rubs his nose with his fists should be lubricated with baby cream.
A runny nose is a common phenomenon that every second mother of a baby encounters, so there is no need to panic in any case. With a balanced approach to treatment, you can get rid of the problem as quickly as possible and without consequences. Read on our website for causes of pain near the navel on the left in women.
Runny nose in an 8 month old baby
Runny nose in an 8 month old baby
Runny nose in an 8 month old baby
- Try a simple remedy, KTR was previously used for all young children - interferon 2 drops 6 times a day and sodium sulfacyl 20% 3 times a day. You drip interferon for 3 days, and sulfacyl for 5 days. It helps a lot. Instead of Nazivin, I would recommend Otrivin for children, it moisturizes the mucous membrane and is effective for 12 hours.
- I completely agree about Kalanchoe. Tested from personal experience, my child categorically does not blow his nose. If the sputum is thick, I give ACC for three days to thin it out. And after Kalanchoe everything goes away without a trace. Besides, we really like to sneeze.
- In infants and infants, a runny nose leads to severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, which in turn almost completely eliminates nasal breathing for some time; The nasal cavity in babies and infants is much smaller and narrower than in adults, so blocking of the nasal passages during a runny nose occurs much faster in them than in adults (therefore, vasoconstrictor drops are required, but no more than 3-5 days of one type!) Runny nose in newborns or infants it can often lead to the development of various complications (for example, sinusitis, pharyngitis). This is due to the fact that the immune system of a newborn baby or child of the first year of life does not work very well, and therefore various infections in children develop much faster and spread much more widely than similar infections in older children or adults (THUS RUNNY is a disease! ) If a child refuses to eat or drink because of a runny nose, the child may lose weight and become weak; If a runny nose continues for more than two weeks, then run to an ENT doctor, but better sooner. No BACTROBAN (it will destroy staphylococci and the baby cannot take it without a prescription), Isofra is also used (an antibiotic) for purulent discharge. About mother's milk. it is impossible, because it has been proven that it curls up when it gets into the sinuses and this is a good environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. 1. Apply vasoconstrictor drops, wait 10 minutes 2. Clean with salted water (either apply it yourself and with a pipette, or Salin, up to 6 times a day, 3 times with vasoconstrictors), remove mucus 3. Drip medicinal drops (Kalanchoe carefully, Allergy is possible!) If you have severe nasal congestion or a severe runny nose, you can drip aloe extract (sold at the pharmacy) into your nose. aloe juice diluted with water or chamomile infusion. Drop 2 drops into the nose 3 times a day for a child from 6 months to a year of interferon or influenza; Vitaon-lux oil helps a lot with nasal congestion. After six months, you can give your child chamomile infusion 1 spoon 3 times a day after meals. Irrigate the throat with Tantum Verde spray (since the sniffles infect the throat). Mother's milk is a good disinfectant; give your child a cold breast more often. In general, you need to give your child water more often during a cold. Children older than six months can be given anaferon for children to treat and prevent colds. Vitamins. It would be nice to have an inhaler: inhalation with mineral alkaline water without gas, soda solution or saline solution; with herbal decoctions. Get well!
- You need to torture it - it’s better to rinse your nose with chamomile or aquamaris. This is the only way it helps my 6 month old. Lament: ((((, what should I do?
- I gave beet or carrot juice to a child at this age. and they all react so much to suction and drops!
- We had a similar situation a month ago (we were also 8), except for Nazivin, I washed my nose with Humer spray for children under one year old, not just once a day, but 3-4.2 times a day, Viferon suppositories in the ass, Tantum Verde syrup. Our pediatrician prescribed these medications to us, but in general you should see a doctor. There are different types of runny nose. In 5 days we were cured. Be healthy and take care of yourself and your baby!
- Anastasia is absolutely right. If you are breastfeeding, place breast milk in each nostril. The child will sneeze. If he sneezes, he will sneeze out his sniffles. Breast milk contains everything you need for treatment and immunity. Drip 3-5 times a day. If there are no further symptoms of the disease, then that is enough. Just be patient, everything will pass. And some more qualified advice for the future: the book “Conversations of a Children’s Doctor” by A. M. Timofeev (a famous Moscow pediatrician with 50 years of experience). 4th edition revised and expanded. Moscow 2006. page 25 section “how to steam feet” “It is very good for children over 9 months to steam their feet when they have a runny nose. This procedure is done only when there is a slight rise in body temperature (up to 38 degrees). First, you need to immerse the legs in warm water, and then gradually add hot water, bringing the water temperature to 40-41 degrees. As soon as your feet turn red, it is very good to pour cold water over them, and then put them back in hot water. Repeat this three times and after the third dousing with cold water, put on woolen socks and put the child to bed. If he is afraid to hover his legs, you can also hover his arms. You can hover both arms and legs. “The main thing to remember is: you can’t pour cold water on cold, unheated feet. It’s better to find the book itself. There is a lot of very simple and common sense advice on many children's problems.
- Hold in your arms so that the baby can stand, sleep standing up, and drip tea leaves rather than medicine.
- If you have a cold, it is recommended to rinse your child's nose. It is better to do rinsing with special children's drops, but ordinary saline solution is also suitable, which can be easily prepared at home using ordinary salt and boiled water, in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. You should instill a few drops constantly, for several days, once an hour. Any disease requires serious treatment. A common childhood runny nose can lead to complications leading to a wide variety of chronic conditions. There are, for example, children who walk around with a wet nose all winter, the so-called frequently ill children. In such children, a vicious circle is formed: against the background of an already weakened immune system, the child becomes ill with acute respiratory infections, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result, an “ordinary” runny nose turns into much more serious problems... Treatment of a runny nose A usually occurring acute runny nose, if the child’s condition remains satisfactory, in the vast majority of cases, does not require intensive treatment. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air in the room: regularly carry out wet cleaning, use special devices for air humidification. At elevated temperatures, the baby should be offered boiled water at room temperature often, but little by little. You should not force feed your child; poor appetite is the body’s natural biological reaction to illness. If your baby refuses to breastfeed, you can give him expressed milk from a bottle through a nipple, preferably from a spoon. In case of milk intolerance, it can be replaced with fermented milk products (mixtures, but their use should be discussed with a pediatrician). It is important to regularly remove accumulated mucus from the nasal passages. To relieve the symptoms of a runny nose, but not to eliminate the causes of a runny nose, including in children under one year of age, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs: BRIZOLIN, VIBROCIL (drops, nasal spray). NAZIVIN, OTRIVIN and others. Each age group has its own dosage of the drug indicated on the package. For infants, it is better to use nasal drops. The maximum time for using vasoconstrictors is 5-7 days. It should be remembered that vasoconstrictor drops introduced into the nasal cavity are quite quickly absorbed into the blood and, in addition to local, can have a general effect on the body, and in some cases, after instillation, the child experiences pale skin. Therefore, you should use medications prescribed by your doctor and strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage. If bacterial inflammation has occurred (this can only be determined by a doctor). including children under one year of age, it is recommended to use the following antibacterial agents: ISOFRA nasal spray, BACTROBAN ointment 2% (placed in the nasal passages). aerosol BIOPAROX (there is a nozzle for injecting the drug into the nose), etc. You can also use the immunomodulator DERINAT (0.25% solution for instillation into the nose). In addition, DERINAT can be used as a prophylactic against colds or for early signs of a runny nose, in order to try to prevent it.
- if you have Kolanchoe viviparous at home (it has large leaves). squeeze out the juice. First, spread a drop of a drop on your hand and check for allergies. If there are no reddening blisters or rashes and you feel good, then dilute 2 drops of juice in 3 drops of water and drop it into each nostril. there should be a strong sneezing. she sneezes everything out. Of course at first he will cry. but don't look at it. let him sneeze to his heart's content. the rest can be sucked off with a pear. and there is also a new little device. from the company Otrivin Baby. something like a suction. The Otrivin Baby aspirator is called. it is better than other aspirators. there the principle is a little different
- Just don’t use vasoconstrictor drops….
- If you are breastfeeding, spray milk into your nose every feeding! We are 11 months old and it helps a lot. I didn’t buy any drops!
Runny nose in an 8 month old baby
Darya Master (1603), closed 5 years ago
The baby has a severe runny nose. His nose is clogged, he sleeps very restlessly, wakes up every 5 minutes. It seems like he wants a pacifier, and he can only breathe through his mouth and can eat too badly.
Hold in your arms so that the baby can stand, sleep standing up, and drip tea leaves rather than medicine.
Elena Uminskaya Student (222) 5 years ago
You need to torture it - it’s better to rinse your nose with chamomile or aquamaris.
This is the only way it helps my 6 month old. Lament: ((((, what should I do?
Elena Uzlova Sage (11286) 5 years ago
If you have a cold, it is recommended to rinse your child's nose. It is better to do rinsing with special children's drops, but ordinary saline solution is also suitable, which can be easily prepared at home using ordinary salt and boiled water, in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. You should instill a few drops constantly, for several days, once an hour. Any disease requires serious treatment. A common childhood runny nose can lead to complications leading to a wide variety of chronic conditions. There are, for example, children who walk around with a wet nose all winter, the so-called frequently ill children. In such children, a vicious circle is formed: against the background of an already weakened immune system, the child becomes ill with acute respiratory infections, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. As a result, a “normal” runny nose turns into much more serious problems. Treatment of a runny nose
Typically, an acute runny nose, if the child’s condition remains satisfactory, in the vast majority of cases, does not require intensive treatment.
It is necessary to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air in the room: regularly carry out wet cleaning, use special devices for air humidification.
At elevated temperatures, the baby should be offered boiled water at room temperature often, but little by little. You should not force feed your child; poor appetite is the body’s natural biological reaction to illness. If your baby refuses to breastfeed, you can give him expressed milk from a bottle through a nipple, preferably from a spoon. In case of milk intolerance, it can be replaced with fermented milk products (mixtures, but their use should be discussed with your pediatrician).
It is important to regularly remove accumulated mucus from the nasal passages. To relieve the symptoms of a runny nose, but not to eliminate the causes of a runny nose, including in children under one year of age, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs: BRIZOLIN, VIBROCIL (drops, nasal spray). NAZIVIN, OTRIVIN and others. Each age group has its own dosage of the drug indicated on the package. For infants, it is better to use nasal drops. The maximum time for using vasoconstrictors is 5-7 days.
It should be remembered that vasoconstrictor drops introduced into the nasal cavity are quite quickly absorbed into the blood and, in addition to local, can have a general effect on the body, and in some cases, after instillation, the child experiences pale skin. Therefore, you should use medications prescribed by your doctor and strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.
If bacterial inflammation has occurred (this can only be determined by a doctor). including children under one year of age, it is recommended to use the following antibacterial agents: ISOFRA nasal spray, BACTROBAN ointment 2% (placed in the nasal passages). aerosol BIOPAROX (there is a nozzle for injecting the drug into the nose), etc. You can also use the immunomodulator DERINAT (0.25% solution for instillation into the nose). In addition, DERINAT can be used as a prophylactic against colds or for early signs of a runny nose, in order to try to prevent it.
Nina Student (210) 5 years ago
I gave beet or carrot juice to a child at this age. and they all react so much to suction and drops!
How to treat a runny nose and colds in general for an 8-month-old baby
how to treat a runny nose and colds in general for an 8 month old baby
- masseur... and not only the back, but also around the nose.
It really helps.
- We were prescribed protorgol, nasal drops with silver, we need to do a back massage so that the lungs do not stagnate. We also warmed them with a blue lamp and put dry mustard plasters in the socks at night, you can spray the neck with Tatum Verde and a teaspoon of chamomile decoction several times a day.
- If there is no temperature, then you can also have warm tea with raspberries. And also apply the “star” to your nose, only lightly, otherwise you might burn your skin.
- aromatic oils (fir, spruce, pine) next to the baby.... quartz the room every 2 hours for 15 minutes.... hold it in the mother’s arms more often - the child definitely recovers better, woolen socks, rinse the nose with sea water (do not oversalt).... on the tip let's suck on a teaspoon of honey (if there is no allergy)
- kupit v apteke ot nasmorka voditsku s morskoi soljui kapat emu.
- for snot, first drip with aquamaris, and after 10 minutes with drops for a runny nose. and for colds anaferon
- The best remedy if you are still breastfeeding is your milk. Using a pepetka, express a drop into each nostril. There are no contraindications, use in unlimited quantities. The same thing applies to conjunctivitis only in the eyes.
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September 10, 2020
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