How to cure green snot in a child Komarovsky video

Green snot in a child, treatment according to the method of Dr. Komarovsky

Experienced parents are accustomed to the fact that their child regularly suffers from rhinitis. Therefore, the fact that the child is again weighed down with snot does not cause them any panic at all. But you should not consider a runny nose a harmless ailment, because it can threaten the development of many pathologies.

Therefore, before you start giving your child drug therapy, you will need to carefully study the consistency of the mucus secreted from the nose. The fact that the snot has an unpleasant green color will indicate that bacteria have appeared in the child's nose. Dr. Komarovsky will help you figure out how to treat green snot in a child.

How to treat green snot in a child

A runny nose is accompanied by various illnesses in a child, but if the mucus from the nose turns green, the discharge itself becomes thick and viscous, this indicates a bacterial etiology of the cold. On the question of how to treat green snot in a child, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends determining it individually.

Why does a child have green snot?

The appearance of green mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial runny nose; it is often complicated by the penetration of viruses and becomes viral-bacterial. The change in color of the discharge is due to the accumulation of dying bacteria and neutrophils in the mucus, which fought against the infection using the child’s immune system. The more pronounced the green color of the snot, the more signs of mixed type rhinitis.

The green color of thick mucus secreted from children's noses indicates the onset of various diseases:

yandex_ad_1ARVI. Always accompanied by a runny nose, if it is not treated in a timely manner, the discharge quickly thickens and turns green.

Physiological runny nose. It often happens in newborns, it is considered a natural process, it only requires rinsing the nose with saline, which quickly relieves the baby of a runny nose.

Purulent rhinitis. This is a complication of a respiratory cold of viral etiology. The disease weakens the defenses of a child’s poorly formed immune system, so secondary bacterial damage occurs, the mucus thickens and turns green.

Sinusitis. A dangerous pathology that appears if a runny nose of a primary nature has started. With sinusitis, green thick discharge quickly clogs the maxillary sinuses, children complain of pain in the bridge of the nose, along the upper jaw. Dark circles appear under the eyes.

Allergy. The untreated form leads to thickening of the mucus and a change in its color. Then an acute infection quickly sets in, causing the formation of green mucus.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of thick green snot in a child can help in the question of how to treat rhinitis. According to Komarovsky, only the doctor should find the causes and choose the right direction of treatment.

Nasal mucus is taken for bacterial culture, and laboratory assistants determine the true disease based on the quantity and quality of protective cells.

Folk remedies

Komarovsky suggests treating green snot in a child with folk recipes. The doctor believes that if the discharge has taken on a green tint, it means that dead neutrophils are accumulating in it - and this is a sign that the baby’s own defenses are working well.

Recipes for folk remedies against green runny nose:

Carrot and beet juice are natural antiseptics. Application: instill juice into the nose, diluted 1:1 with boiled water, 2-3 drops several times a day. At 2 years old, green snot in a child is treated by drinking additional pure juice, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Chamomile and calendula drops. Preparation: take 50 g of dried chamomile and calendula flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil, rosemary, and 20 drops of olive oil to the cooled broth. Application: instill into the nose 2-3 times a day.

Pure aloe and kalanchoe juice. It is used to treat green snot in a child when he is already 3 years old. Application: drop into the nose 2-3 times a day.

yandex_ad_2Green snot in a child is treated with folk remedies, for example, rinsing the nose:

A solution of sea salt with iodine. Preparation: take a glass of warm water, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. sea ​​salt, add 1 drop of iodine. Application: rinse your nose 1-2 hours after instillation of any drops. Any rinsing, following a couple of hours after instilling the drops, quickly relieves the baby of thickened mucus.

Infusion of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. Preparation: take 1 tbsp. l. each herb, mix them. Take 50 g from the mixture, add 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then strain. Use: as a solution for rinsing the nose.

A solution of fresh aloe juice in warm water. Preparation: take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. juice, stir. Use: as a rinsing solution.

How exactly to treat green snot in a child using folk remedies is recommended by healers and herbalists. They advise using the products in alternation, so it will be clear which of them is most effective and quickly helps the baby.

How to treat green snot in a baby

A runny nose with green discharge should be treated with the help of a doctor who determines the cause of the disease and, accordingly, chooses the direction of therapy. The goal of treatment is to exclude the occurrence of serious complications in the form of prolonged otitis media and sinusitis, which are difficult to treat if the child is under 5 years old.


If a child under 1 year of age has a green runny nose, it is necessary to consult a doctor on the same day, and under no circumstances self-medicate.

How else to treat green snot in a child

The doctor chooses which medications to use in each specific case. How exactly to treat green snot in a child depends on the reasons for its appearance and the onset of the disease. Usually these are nasal drops, inhalations, rinsing, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Treatment with antibiotics

Parents often ask whether antibiotics are needed for bacterial rhinitis. Sometimes doctors prescribe drops with antibiotics - Framycetin, Isofra. They are effective, but there is no need to use them. Ordinary purulent rhinitis, even with a severe course, is well treated with antibacterial drops. They are combined with nasal rinsing and breathing exercises.

Antibacterial drops are selected after a laboratory analysis, which shows which bacteria have infected the child’s nasal cavity. Without testing, antibiotic drops are not prescribed to a child; Dr. E. Komarovsky recognizes such treatment as inappropriate.

Is it necessary to treat with vasoconstrictor drops?

Drops that constrict blood vessels, such as Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Phenylephrine, Nazol, always become addictive when used in treatment for longer than 3-5 days. Pediatricians prescribe them when a child has severe nasal congestion, for a course of no more than 5 days.

Doctors are cautious about prescribing them, given that each of these drops has a whole list of side effects.

Medicines in this group are prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. All of them only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on the causes of rhinitis, says Dr. E. Komarovsky.

Local antiseptics

Medicines containing essential oil - Pinosol, Kameton are considered local antiseptics. The result of their use is that nasal congestion goes away and bacterial rhinitis is cured. A good local antiseptic is a solution of water with fresh celandine juice: for a glass of water you need to take only 2 drops of juice, freshly squeezed from a green plant.

This remedy is used in children over 5 years of age, with caution, because the plant is poisonous. But in a situation with a green runny nose, it helps to easily cope with thickening of mucus and cleansing the child’s nose. Doctor E. Komarovsky usually recommends using this plant in older children.


The use of antihistamines is considered mandatory in the practice of treating children with persistent green runny nose. They help relieve swelling, lacrimation, and sore throat.

The purpose of taking these medications is to minimize complications after exposure to viruses, infections, and allergens.

All antihistamines have the following effect:

against itching;

local anesthesia;

against edema;

against spasms.

Taking antiallergic medications helps prevent spasms in the bronchi, which cause thick mucus to flow along the back wall of the larynx. From the age of 1 month, babies are allowed to be given Fenistil; for older children, the pediatrician prescribes Suprastin injections.

Their analogues are Pipolfen tablets, Diprazine, Clemastine, Tavegil. Medicines are selected based on their tolerance to children, taking into account existing contraindications.

Warming ointments, patches against green snot

Many kids don’t like mustard plasters, instillation, or breathing in a nebulizer. They are saved by safe patches that are effective for rhinitis. Their effect is the evaporation of essential oils, facilitating the child’s breathing.

Types of patches:

"Breathe"; based on essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, fir, lavender, turpentine oil, levomenthol of plant origin;

"Snopelka"; based on camphor and eucalyptus oils;

Magicoplast, and its variants - “For a runny nose”, “To ease breathing during a cold”. Developed with essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, cedar and plant levomenthol.

Patches are transdermal products intended for external use. Some of them are glued to the skin, others - to clothing or bedding. The effect of any patch is 8 hours.

There are many ointments for external use that can be used to rub the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose when there is a runny nose, preventing contact with the eyes. You can also rub the chest, but be careful in your movements on the nipples.

Types of ointments that treat green snot in children:

"Doctor Mom";


"Teddy Bear";

"Golden Star".

Ointments for a thick runny nose and green snot in a child are treated with folk remedies. They have a warming effect and are used as an addition to drug therapy. The pediatrician prescribes ointments for children according to age, type of drug, and special instructions for its use.

Doctor Komarovsky about green snot in a child

Evgeniy Komarovsky insists on treating thick green runny nose with bacterial preparations and excludes the use of antibiotics.

The doctor recommends not taking sick children to kindergarten or school until the green runny nose is cured. At home, the composition of mucus in the child’s nose should be normalized; sometimes this does not require medication, but favorable conditions will be created - humidified air, an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, no more than 20 degrees.

Long walks in the air, according to E. Komarovsky, are an equivalent substitute for antibiotic drops. The child needs to drink a lot, wash out the mucus from the larynx, liquefy it so that it is naturally removed from the nose.



Green snot in children may indicate the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • Sinusitis. In addition to the green snot of the child, there is an increase in body temperature, nasal congestion and complaints of pain in the paranasal sinuses and head;
  • Sinusitis. If the disease is present, the child will complain of pressure in the eyes and maxillary sinuses;
  • Ethmoiditis. A complication after a runny nose, accompanied by a rise in temperature and pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • Frontit. This inflammation manifests itself as pain in the forehead, as it is localized in the child’s frontal sinuses.

Green snot may also indicate that a complication has developed after suffering from the flu or an infectious disease.

How to treat GREEN Snot in a child quickly? The most EFFECTIVE methods

A runny nose in children is a common phenomenon. The trouble is that the child has difficulty breathing normally through the nose, he cannot sleep normally, a cough, headache and other related problems appear.

As a result, the baby loses his appetite, cannot concentrate on anything interesting for himself, and quickly gets tired. At the same time, due to impaired respiratory function, oxygen starvation of the brain develops.

It is especially bad when green snot is observed in a child; the doctor will tell you how to treat it, since this is a symptom of an inflammatory disease.

Why does snot turn green?

If parents notice that green snot is flowing from their child's nose, most likely it is a bacterial infection. Normally, the discharge should be clear or slightly yellowish. Dead bacterial cells give nasal discharge a green tint. As a rule, infection with Staphylococcus aureus or streptococci leads to the appearance of this symptom.

It is important for parents to know that green snot never appears due to allergies. Of course, an allergic reaction can appear simultaneously with an infectious disease. However, allergies are accompanied by the appearance of clear snot.

Features of the appearance of a runny nose

When an infection enters the body, mucus begins to be actively produced in the child’s nose, which is the body’s local defense.

Snot is a signal about the growth and reproduction of pathological microorganisms. Once clear mucus begins to be produced in large quantities, this continues for several days.

After a while, instead of clear discharge, stringy green snot appears.

During the secretion of stringy, thick green mucus, pathogens of the disease begin to actively develop in the nasal cavity, during this period they remain in the same environment with the microflora of the respiratory canals. Next, swelling of the mucous membranes gradually occurs, these processes manifest themselves in nasal congestion.

If green snot is not treated, various complications of the infectious process appear, this can lead to inflammatory reactions in the middle ear, sinusitis, and sinusitis, which over time can become chronic. Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about these consequences of a runny nose, so treatment of a runny nose should be carried out in a timely manner so as not to provoke the development of complications.

Diseases accompanied by the appearance of green snot

Most often, green snot appears in a child in winter and autumn, as well as in early spring. During these periods, due to vitamin deficiency, immunity decreases, and therefore the body’s resistance to infectious agents decreases.

Green snot appears in a child due to the following diseases:

  • sinusitis – inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It appears when the child is not accustomed to blowing his nose correctly and often sniffs, pushing secretions into the sinuses. Sinusitis is accompanied by pain in the sinuses, headache and cough, which worsens at night;
  • ethmoiditis. In this case, you can notice not only the appearance of green snot, but also an increase in body temperature, as well as pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • sinusitis. The child complains of pain between the nose and upper lip, as well as headaches. Sometimes, with sinusitis, children develop noticeable dark circles under the eyes;
  • nasopharyngitis. This disease develops when a common runny nose has not been fully treated. Snot, which should normally be blown out, flows down the back of the throat, causing it to become inflamed. The main symptoms of nasopharyngitis include: a burning sensation in the throat, a feeling of inability to blow your nose completely and a severe night cough;
  • otitis media, in which mucus from the nose gets into the ear. In children, they are a common complication of a runny nose, because the canal connecting the ear and nasal sinuses is quite short.


The use of antihistamines is considered mandatory in the practice of treating children with persistent green runny nose. They help relieve swelling, lacrimation, and sore throat.

The purpose of taking these medications is to minimize complications after exposure to viruses, infections, and allergens.

All antihistamines have the following effect:

  • against itching;
  • local anesthesia;
  • against edema;
  • against spasms.

Taking antiallergic medications helps prevent spasms in the bronchi, which cause thick mucus to flow down the back wall of the larynx. From the age of 1 month, babies are allowed to be given Fenistil; for older children, the pediatrician prescribes Suprastin injections.

General recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky

Komarovsky says that he does not deny the use of medications in the treatment of purulent rhinitis. He indicates that if there is a threat of developing otitis media, vasoconstrictor drops can and should be used. However, it is strongly recommended not to engage in such therapy on your own - such drugs can cause addiction and dependence.

When treating bacterial rhinitis, there is no way to do without antibiotics, but the doctor recommends doing bacterial tests before doing so.

As practice shows, most often the appearance of green snot in children is caused by viruses. In this case, the use of antibiotics or vasoconstrictor drops will be ineffective - they do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only relieve the symptoms.

Doctor Komarovsky about green snot in a child

Evgeniy Komarovsky insists on treating thick green runny nose with bacterial preparations and excludes the use of antibiotics.

The doctor recommends not taking sick children to kindergarten or school until the green runny nose is cured. At home, the composition of mucus in the child’s nose should be normalized; sometimes this does not require medications, but favorable conditions will be created - humidified air, an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, no more than 20 degrees.

Long walks in the air, according to E. Komarovsky, are an equivalent substitute for antibiotic drops. The child needs to drink a lot, wash out the mucus from the larynx, liquefy it so that it is naturally removed from the nose.

Simple recommendations for the prevention of purulent rhinitis

  • systematically ventilate the baby’s room;
  • The air in the child's room should be sufficiently humidified. For this purpose, you can purchase a special air humidifier. If this is not possible, you can use improvised means - hang several wet towels in the room or place a basin filled with water;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room where the baby is;
  • Take walks with your baby every day. Fresh air moisturizes the mucous membrane, saturates it with oxygen, and improves the baby’s general condition and mood. Ultraviolet rays saturate the body with vitamin D and destroy pathogenic flora;
  • regularly rinse the spout;
  • Give your child more fluids.

It is important to know that in order to combat a child’s illness, it is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive drugs at the pharmacy; sometimes it is simply enough to provide those favorable conditions that will help the child recover faster.

Why does a child have green snot?

The appearance of green mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial runny nose; it is often complicated by the penetration of viruses and becomes viral-bacterial. The change in color of the discharge is due to the accumulation of dying bacteria and neutrophils in the mucus, which fought against the infection using the child’s immune system. The more pronounced the green color of the snot, the more signs of mixed type rhinitis.

The green color of thick mucus secreted from children's noses indicates the onset of various diseases:

  1. ARVI. Always accompanied by a runny nose, if it is not treated in a timely manner, the discharge quickly thickens and turns green.
  2. Physiological runny nose. It often happens in newborns, it is considered a natural process, it only requires rinsing the nose with saline, which quickly relieves the baby of a runny nose.
  3. Purulent rhinitis. This is a complication of a respiratory cold of viral etiology. The disease weakens the defenses of a child’s poorly formed immune system, so secondary bacterial damage occurs, the mucus thickens and turns green.
  4. Sinusitis. A dangerous pathology that appears if a runny nose of a primary nature has started. With sinusitis, green thick discharge quickly clogs the maxillary sinuses, children complain of pain in the bridge of the nose, along the upper jaw. Dark circles appear under the eyes.
  5. Allergy. The untreated form leads to thickening of the mucus and a change in its color. Then an acute infection quickly sets in, causing the formation of green mucus.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of thick green snot in a child can help in the question of how to treat rhinitis. According to Komarovsky, only the doctor should find the causes and choose the right direction of treatment.

Nasal mucus is taken for bacterial culture, and laboratory assistants determine the true disease based on the quantity and quality of protective cells.

How to treat green snot in children

Komarovsky says that parents should not immediately grab antibiotics. These drugs can harm a fragile child’s body. Komarovsky recommends first using proven folk remedies that relieve intoxication and restore the nasal mucosa. And only if the child’s green snot does not go away for a long period of time, it is worth turning to medicinal methods of treatment.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers simple but effective ways to speed up the healing process. However, you should not stuff your child with everything on your own; you should consult with the doctor who is seeing the baby.

  1. Rinse the nasal sinuses with saline solution. For one glass of water you need 5 g of salt.
  2. Olive oil helps soften dried crusts. The nasal passages are lubricated with a moistened cotton swab, making sure that no excess remains.
  3. Place Kalanchoe or aloe juice into your nose 5-6 times a day.
  4. Fresh onion, beet or carrot juice diluted with water helps disinfect the nose and relieve inflammation.
  5. Potatoes boiled in their jackets, aromatic oils, and infusions of medicinal herbs will be an excellent remedy for nasal inhalation.

Procedures should be carried out with special caution in children under 2 years of age - they can provoke allergies.


Treatment in a physiotherapy room is one of the most common and effective methods. Depending on the cause of the disease, the pediatrician prescribes the following procedures:

  • UHF;
  • treatment using a magnet;
  • electrophoresis;
  • hardware inhalations;
  • quartzing of the nasal sinuses.

You should also warm up your child at home, the main thing is that the inflammation is not too severe and the body temperature is normal. You can warm your baby's feet using warming ointments or a basin of hot water. Applying a cloth bag with warm salt to the bridge of the nose is also considered effective.

All procedures should be carried out extremely carefully, monitoring the child’s well-being.


For children 1-2 years old, the following nasal drops are recommended for the treatment of green snot:

  • Sulfacyl sodium - fights microbes of the nasal cavity;
  • Protargol - silver ions included in the drops eliminate nasal congestion;
  • Vibrocil, Polydexa - drugs with a combined effect;
  • Aquamaris and Aqualor based on an isotonic solution are used to rinse the sinuses;
  • Naphthyzin, Phenylephrine, Sanorin - have a vasoconstrictor effect and are used only if nasal congestion is too severe.

Green snot in a child

A runny nose is accompanied by various illnesses in a child, but if the mucus from the nose turns green, the discharge itself becomes thick and viscous, this indicates a bacterial etiology of the cold. On the question of how to treat green snot in a child, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends determining it individually.

Why does a child have green snot?

The appearance of green mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial runny nose; it is often complicated by the penetration of viruses and becomes viral-bacterial. The change in color of the discharge is due to the accumulation of dying bacteria and neutrophils in the mucus, which fought against the infection using the child’s immune system. The more pronounced the green color of the snot, the more signs of mixed type rhinitis.

The green color of thick mucus secreted from children's noses indicates the onset of various diseases:

  • ARVI . Always accompanied by a runny nose, if it is not treated in a timely manner, the discharge quickly thickens and turns green.
  • Physiological runny nose . It often happens in newborns, it is considered a natural process, it only requires rinsing the nose with saline, which quickly relieves the baby of a runny nose.
  • Purulent rhinitis . This is a complication of a respiratory cold of viral etiology. The disease weakens the defenses of a child’s poorly formed immune system, so secondary bacterial damage occurs, the mucus thickens and turns green.
  • Sinusitis . A dangerous pathology that appears if a runny nose of a primary nature has started. With sinusitis, green thick discharge quickly clogs the maxillary sinuses, children complain of pain in the bridge of the nose, along the upper jaw. Dark circles appear under the eyes.
  • Allergy . The untreated form leads to thickening of the mucus and a change in its color. Then an acute infection quickly sets in, causing the formation of green mucus.
  • Knowing the reasons for the formation of thick green snot in a child can help in the question of how to treat rhinitis. According to Komarovsky, only the doctor should find the causes and choose the right direction of treatment.

    Nasal mucus is taken for bacterial culture, and laboratory assistants determine the true disease based on the quantity and quality of protective cells.

    Folk remedies

    Komarovsky suggests treating green snot in a child with folk recipes. The doctor believes that if the discharge has taken on a green tint, it means that dead neutrophils are accumulating in it - and this is a sign that the baby’s own defenses are working well.

    Recipes for folk remedies against green runny nose:

  • Carrot and beet juice are natural antiseptics. Application: instill juice into the nose, diluted 1:1 with boiled water, 2-3 drops several times a day. At 2 years old, green snot in a child is treated by drinking additional pure juice, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile and calendula drops. Preparation: take 50 g of dried chamomile and calendula flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil, rosemary, and 20 drops of olive oil to the cooled broth. Application: instill into the nose 2-3 times a day.
  • Pure aloe and kalanchoe juice. It is used to treat green snot in a child when he is already 3 years old. Application: drop into the nose 2-3 times a day.
  • Green snot in a child is treated with folk remedies, for example, rinsing the nose:

  • A solution of sea salt with iodine. Preparation: take a glass of warm water, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. sea ​​salt, add 1 drop of iodine. Application: rinse your nose 1-2 hours after instillation of any drops. Any rinsing, following a couple of hours after instilling the drops, quickly relieves the baby of thickened mucus.
  • Infusion of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. Preparation: take 1 tbsp. l. each herb, mix them. Take 50 g from the mixture, add 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then strain. Use: as a solution for rinsing the nose.
  • A solution of fresh aloe juice in warm water. Preparation: take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. juice, stir. Use: as a rinsing solution.
  • How exactly to treat green snot in a child using folk remedies is recommended by healers and herbalists. They advise using the products in alternation, so it will be clear which of them is most effective and quickly helps the baby.

    How to treat green snot in a baby

    A runny nose with green discharge should be treated with the help of a doctor who determines the cause of the disease and, accordingly, chooses the direction of therapy. The goal of treatment is to exclude the occurrence of serious complications in the form of prolonged otitis media and sinusitis, which are difficult to treat if the child is under 5 years old.

    If a child under 1 year of age has a green runny nose, it is necessary to consult a doctor on the same day, and under no circumstances self-medicate.

    How else to treat green snot in a child

    The doctor chooses which medications to use in each specific case. How exactly to treat green snot in a child depends on the reasons for its appearance and the onset of the disease. Usually these are nasal drops, inhalations, rinsing, and drinking plenty of fluids.

    Treatment with antibiotics

    Parents often ask whether antibiotics are needed for bacterial rhinitis. Sometimes doctors prescribe drops with antibiotics - Framycetin, Isofra. They are effective, but there is no need to use them. Ordinary purulent rhinitis, even with a severe course, is well treated with antibacterial drops. They are combined with nasal rinsing and breathing exercises.

    Antibacterial drops are selected after a laboratory analysis, which shows which bacteria have infected the child’s nasal cavity. Without testing, antibiotic drops are not prescribed to a child; Dr. E. Komarovsky recognizes such treatment as inappropriate.

    Is it necessary to treat with vasoconstrictor drops?

    Drops that constrict blood vessels, such as Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Phenylephrine, Nazol, always become addictive when used in treatment for longer than 3-5 days. Pediatricians prescribe them when a child has severe nasal congestion, for a course of no more than 5 days.

    Doctors are cautious about prescribing them, given that each of these drops has a whole list of side effects.

    Medicines in this group are prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. All of them only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on the causes of rhinitis, says Dr. E. Komarovsky.

    Local antiseptics

    Medicines containing essential oil - Pinosol, Kameton are considered local antiseptics. The result of their use is that nasal congestion goes away and bacterial rhinitis is cured. A good local antiseptic is a solution of water with fresh celandine juice: for a glass of water you need to take only 2 drops of juice, freshly squeezed from a green plant.

    This remedy is used in children over 5 years of age, with caution, because the plant is poisonous. But in a situation with a green runny nose, it helps to easily cope with thickening of mucus and cleansing the child’s nose. Doctor E. Komarovsky usually recommends using this plant in older children.


    The use of antihistamines is considered mandatory in the practice of treating children with persistent green runny nose. They help relieve swelling, lacrimation, and sore throat.

    The purpose of taking these medications is to minimize complications after exposure to viruses, infections, and allergens.

    All antihistamines have the following effect:

  • against itching;
  • local anesthesia;
  • against edema;
  • against spasms.

Taking antiallergic medications helps prevent spasms in the bronchi, which cause thick mucus to flow along the back wall of the larynx. From the age of 1 month, babies are allowed to be given Fenistil; for older children, the pediatrician prescribes Suprastin injections.

Their analogues are Pipolfen tablets, Diprazine, Clemastine, Tavegil. Medicines are selected based on their tolerance to children, taking into account existing contraindications.

Warming ointments, patches against green snot

Many kids don’t like mustard plasters, instillation, or breathing in a nebulizer. They are saved by safe patches that are effective for rhinitis. Their effect is the evaporation of essential oils, facilitating the child’s breathing.

Types of patches:

  • "Breathe"; based on essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, fir, lavender, turpentine oil, levomenthol of plant origin;
  • "Snopelka"; based on camphor and eucalyptus oils;
  • Magicoplast, and its variants - “For a runny nose”, “To ease breathing during a cold”. Developed with essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, cedar and plant levomenthol.

Patches are transdermal products intended for external use. Some of them are glued to the skin, others - to clothing or bedding. The effect of any patch is 8 hours.

There are many ointments for external use that can be used to rub the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose when there is a runny nose, preventing contact with the eyes. You can also rub the chest, but be careful in your movements on the nipples.

Types of ointments that treat green snot in children:

  • "Doctor Mom";
  • "Badger";
  • "Teddy Bear";
  • "Golden Star".

Ointments for a thick runny nose and green snot in a child are treated with folk remedies. They have a warming effect and are used as an addition to drug therapy. The pediatrician prescribes ointments for children according to age, type of drug, and special instructions for its use.

Doctor Komarovsky about green snot in a child

Evgeniy Komarovsky insists on treating thick green runny nose with bacterial preparations and excludes the use of antibiotics.

The doctor recommends not taking sick children to kindergarten or school until the green runny nose is cured. At home, the composition of mucus in the child’s nose should be normalized; sometimes this does not require medications, but favorable conditions will be created - humidified air, an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, no more than 20 degrees.

Long walks in the air, according to E. Komarovsky, are an equivalent substitute for antibiotic drops. The child needs to drink a lot, wash out the mucus from the larynx, liquefy it so that it is naturally removed from the nose.



Reasons for education

By the appearance of snot, you can determine the causes of its occurrence: allergies, viruses or bacterial infections. Some of the factors in their appearance do not pose any threat to health, while others, without proper treatment, can lead to chronic runny nose. The causes include:

  • The final stage of a cold. Snot that is easily blown out and is light in color indicates that the child is beginning to recover. The yellow tint of mucus is given by substances that act as a virus neutralizer. This is usually observed when the elevated temperature has subsided and, apart from a runny nose, nothing bothers the body.
  • Lack of moisture. Thick, cloudy discharge appears as a result of drying out of the nasal mucosa. This may occur due to a lack of fluid intake and dry air in the room.
  • Sinusitis. If the discharge from the nose has become bright yellow or orange, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. As a result of a bacterial infection, the nasal mucosa becomes very dry and thin, and discomfort may be felt when inhaling. Discharge of brown clots from the nose may indicate damage to blood vessels due to dryness.
  • Yellow, thick snot in a child, which over time acquires a green tint, may indicate an acute stage of a bacterial infection. The unnatural shade of mucus is given by pus, which occurs due to the active proliferation of bacterial cells.
  • Allergy. Increased secretion is a direct reaction of the body to irritants. Allergens can be dust, pollen, animal hair, fluff, and feathers. If you do not isolate your child from the allergen, a runny nose can be a constant problem and it will be quite difficult to cure.

In most cases, yellow snot in newborns cannot be detected immediately.

The physiological structure of the baby's nose, namely the narrow nasal passages, does not allow thick mucus to escape on its own. Therefore, the well-being of a small child should be monitored most carefully.

How to treat green snot in a child

A runny nose is accompanied by various illnesses in a child, but if the mucus from the nose turns green, the discharge itself becomes thick and viscous, this indicates a bacterial etiology of the cold. On the question of how to treat green snot in a child, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends determining it individually.

Why does a child have green snot?

The appearance of green mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial runny nose; it is often complicated by the penetration of viruses and becomes viral-bacterial. The change in color of the discharge is due to the accumulation of dying bacteria and neutrophils in the mucus, which fought against the infection using the child’s immune system. The more pronounced the green color of the snot, the more signs of mixed type rhinitis.

The green color of thick mucus secreted from children's noses indicates the onset of various diseases:

  1. ARVI . Always accompanied by a runny nose, if it is not treated in a timely manner, the discharge quickly thickens and turns green.
  2. Physiological runny nose . It often happens in newborns, it is considered a natural process, it only requires rinsing the nose with saline, which quickly relieves the baby of a runny nose.
  3. Purulent rhinitis . This is a complication of a respiratory cold of viral etiology. The disease weakens the defenses of a child’s poorly formed immune system, so secondary bacterial damage occurs, the mucus thickens and turns green.
  4. Sinusitis . A dangerous pathology that appears if a runny nose of a primary nature has started. With sinusitis, green thick discharge quickly clogs the maxillary sinuses, children complain of pain in the bridge of the nose, along the upper jaw. Dark circles appear under the eyes.
  5. Allergy . The untreated form leads to thickening of the mucus and a change in its color. Then an acute infection quickly sets in, causing the formation of green mucus.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of thick green snot in a child can help in the question of how to treat rhinitis. According to Komarovsky, only the doctor should find the causes and choose the right direction of treatment.

Nasal mucus is taken for bacterial culture, and laboratory assistants determine the true disease based on the quantity and quality of protective cells.

How to treat green snot in a baby

A runny nose with green discharge should be treated with the help of a doctor who determines the cause of the disease and, accordingly, chooses the direction of therapy. The goal of treatment is to exclude the occurrence of serious complications in the form of prolonged otitis media and sinusitis, which are difficult to treat if the child is under 5 years old.

If a child under 1 year of age has a green runny nose, it is necessary to consult a doctor on the same day, and under no circumstances self-medicate.

How else to treat green snot in a child

The doctor chooses which medications to use in each specific case. How exactly to treat green snot in a child depends on the reasons for its appearance and the onset of the disease. Usually these are nasal drops, inhalations, rinsing, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Treatment with antibiotics

Parents often ask whether antibiotics are needed for bacterial rhinitis. Sometimes doctors prescribe drops with antibiotics - Framycetin, Isofra. They are effective, but there is no need to use them. Ordinary purulent rhinitis, even with a severe course, is well treated with antibacterial drops. They are combined with nasal rinsing and breathing exercises.

Antibacterial drops are selected after a laboratory analysis, which shows which bacteria have infected the child’s nasal cavity. Without testing, antibiotic drops are not prescribed to a child; Dr. E. Komarovsky recognizes such treatment as inappropriate.

Is it necessary to treat with vasoconstrictor drops?

Drops that constrict blood vessels, such as Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Phenylephrine, Nazol, always become addictive when used in treatment for longer than 3-5 days. Pediatricians prescribe them when a child has severe nasal congestion, for a course of no more than 5 days.

Doctors are cautious about prescribing them, given that each of these drops has a whole list of side effects.

Medicines in this group are prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. All of them only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on the causes of rhinitis, says Dr. E. Komarovsky.

Local antiseptics

Medicines containing essential oil - Pinosol, Kameton are considered local antiseptics. The result of their use is that nasal congestion goes away and bacterial rhinitis is cured. A good local antiseptic is a solution of water with fresh celandine juice: for a glass of water you need to take only 2 drops of juice, freshly squeezed from a green plant.

This remedy is used in children over 5 years of age, with caution, because the plant is poisonous. But in a situation with a green runny nose, it helps to easily cope with thickening of mucus and cleansing the child’s nose. Doctor E. Komarovsky usually recommends using this plant in older children.


The use of antihistamines is considered mandatory in the practice of treating children with persistent green runny nose. They help relieve swelling, lacrimation, and sore throat.

The purpose of taking these medications is to minimize complications after exposure to viruses, infections, and allergens.

All antihistamines have the following effect:

  • against itching;
  • local anesthesia;
  • against edema;
  • against spasms.

Taking antiallergic medications helps prevent spasms in the bronchi, which cause thick mucus to flow down the back wall of the larynx. From the age of 1 month, babies are allowed to be given Fenistil; for older children, the pediatrician prescribes Suprastin injections.

Their analogues are Pipolfen tablets, Diprazine, Clemastine, Tavegil. Medicines are selected based on their tolerance to children, taking into account existing contraindications.

Warming ointments, patches against green snot

Many kids don’t like mustard plasters, instillation, or breathing in a nebulizer. They are saved by safe patches that are effective for rhinitis. Their effect is the evaporation of essential oils, facilitating the child’s breathing.

Types of patches:

  • "Breathe"; based on essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, fir, lavender, turpentine oil, levomenthol of plant origin;
  • "Snopelka"; based on camphor and eucalyptus oils;
  • Magicoplast, and its variants - “For a runny nose”, “To ease breathing during a cold”. Developed with essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, cedar and plant levomenthol.

Patches are transdermal products intended for external use. Some of them are glued to the skin, others - to clothing or bedding. The effect of any patch is 8 hours.

There are many ointments for external use that can be used to rub the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose when there is a runny nose, preventing contact with the eyes. You can also rub the chest, but be careful in your movements on the nipples.

Types of ointments that treat green snot in children:

  • "Doctor Mom";
  • "Badger";
  • "Teddy Bear";
  • "Golden Star".

Ointments for a thick runny nose and green snot in a child are treated with folk remedies. They have a warming effect and are used as an addition to drug therapy. The pediatrician prescribes ointments for children according to age, type of drug, and special instructions for its use.

Doctor Komarovsky about green snot in a child

Evgeniy Komarovsky insists on treating thick green runny nose with bacterial preparations and excludes the use of antibiotics.

The doctor recommends not taking sick children to kindergarten or school until the green runny nose is cured. At home, the composition of mucus in the child’s nose should be normalized; sometimes this does not require medications, but favorable conditions will be created - humidified air, an air temperature of at least 18 degrees, no more than 20 degrees.

Long walks in the air, according to E. Komarovsky, are an equivalent substitute for antibiotic drops. The child needs to drink a lot, wash out the mucus from the larynx, liquefy it so that it is naturally removed from the nose.


Treatment options

ARVI, sinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis, rhinopharyngitis - this is not the entire list of diseases that can cause yellow snot in a child. Why they appeared can be determined by a doctor after a complete diagnosis and thorough examination. If there is no temperature, you can resort to proven means that you can use independently:

  • Inhalations. Their systematic implementation will help thin the snot and improve the outflow from the nasal cavity.
  • Use of saline solutions. Their action is similar to that of inhalers, but not as deep. The number of uses will depend on the air humidity in the room: 5-6 times in a ventilated room, more than 6 times in dry air. 10-15 minutes after using the saline solution, the child should clear the nasal passages on his own, or his mother can help him using an aspirator.
  • Instillation of natural drops - aloe juice, Kalanchoe, chamomile decoction. These products are antiseptic and help quickly get rid of a runny nose. Their use is possible only if the child has no allergies.

How else to treat green snot in a child

The doctor chooses which medications to use in each specific case. How exactly to treat green snot in a child depends on the reasons for its appearance and the onset of the disease. Usually these are nasal drops, inhalations, rinsing, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Treatment with antibiotics

Parents often ask whether antibiotics are needed for bacterial rhinitis. Sometimes doctors prescribe drops with antibiotics - Framycetin, Isofra. They are effective, but there is no need to use them. Ordinary purulent rhinitis, even with a severe course, is well treated with antibacterial drops. They are combined with nasal rinsing and breathing exercises.

Antibacterial drops are selected after a laboratory analysis, which shows which bacteria have infected the child’s nasal cavity. Without testing, antibiotic drops are not prescribed to a child; Dr. E. Komarovsky recognizes such treatment as inappropriate.

Is it necessary to treat with vasoconstrictor drops?

Drops that constrict blood vessels, such as Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Phenylephrine, Nazol, always become addictive when used in treatment for longer than 3-5 days. Pediatricians prescribe them when a child has severe nasal congestion, for a course of no more than 5 days.

Doctors are cautious about prescribing them, given that each of these drops has a whole list of side effects. Medicines of this group are prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age.

All of them only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on the causes of rhinitis, says Dr. E. Komarovsky

Medicines in this group are prohibited for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age. All of them only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not have a therapeutic effect on the causes of rhinitis, says Dr. E. Komarovsky.

Local antiseptics

Medicines containing essential oil - Pinosol, Kameton are considered local antiseptics. The result of their use is that nasal congestion goes away and bacterial rhinitis is cured. A good local antiseptic is a solution of water with fresh celandine juice: for a glass of water you need to take only 2 drops of juice, freshly squeezed from a green plant.

This remedy is used in children over 5 years of age, with caution, because the plant is poisonous. But in a situation with a green runny nose, it helps to easily cope with thickening of mucus and cleansing the child’s nose

Doctor E. Komarovsky usually recommends using this plant in older children.

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Treatment of yellow snot in a child according to Komarovsky differs in many ways from the standard recommendations of doctors, who in most cases try to prescribe a large number of medications. Evgeniy Olegovich believes that the parents themselves are often to blame for the appearance of thick snot: they did not provide the most comfortable conditions that would allow the child’s body to cope with a runny nose on its own. Basic recommendations from the pediatrician:

  • When snot appears, it is necessary to monitor the conditions in the room: the temperature should be in the range of 18-20 degrees, and the humidity should be 60-70%. Fresh cool air will have a positive effect on the condition of the nasal cavity: snot will not thicken, which will facilitate rapid cleansing.
  • Provide plenty of fluids and do not overfeed the child.
  • In the absence of elevated temperature, you need to walk in the fresh air more often.

The use of vasoconstrictor medications should be infrequent, and only in case of urgent need - before bedtime.

When comfortable conditions are created, the child’s body is able to cope with a runny nose on its own within 7-8 days.

Prolonged green snot in a child Komarovsky video

  • The child needs a warm drink, you can give milk with honey, linden decoction, tea, breastfeeding.
    Do I need to take antibiotics for green snot?


    A runny nose in children accompanies a great variety of diseases and is rightfully considered one of the most common “childhood” symptoms. All parents know that it can be very diverse - from dry to profuse, and in the color of nasal mucus - from transparent to gray and yellow-green to purulent.

    Often parents do not know what to give their baby if he has green nasal mucus. And with this question they turn to the famous children's doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky.

    A runny nose in children happens so often that it no longer causes panic among experienced mothers and fathers. However, you can’t relax either, since timely help with rhinitis (that’s what doctors call a runny nose) will help avoid serious complications. Based on the color of nasal mucus, it is quite easy to determine the origin of a runny nose and even guess its causes. This knowledge will make it possible to treat the baby correctly. Let's look at why a child's snot may be green.

    And Dr. Komarovsky will help us more clearly understand the reason for the formation of nasal mucus in the next video.

    In 9 out of 10 children, a runny nose is caused by viruses. Viral rhinitis is the undisputed leader among childhood illnesses. The fact is that viruses enter a child’s body most often through the nasopharynx and very rarely through the eyes. Natural defense is designed in such a way that immediately after penetration, mucus begins to be produced in the nose, the task of which is to stop the invasion and prevent further penetration of viruses. In this situation, a lot of mucus is produced, it is transparent and liquid. At the very beginning of a respiratory viral infection, parents talk about this phenomenon “from the nose.”

    Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that abundant liquid mucus is completely harmless to the baby, the main thing is not to allow it to thicken or dry out. Because dried mucus contains such an amount of protein that it becomes very susceptible to various bacteria. This is where the color of the snot changes.

    Thick and green mucus indicates the bacterial nature of the runny nose or its mixed nature - viral and bacterial. The color in this case is due to the presence of dead bacteria and neutrophils killed in battle, which were thrown by the immune system to protect against infection. The greener the color palette of nasal discharge, the higher the likelihood of mixed rhinitis. Yellow-greenish snot always speaks only of the bacterial form of the disease.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the next issue whether it is necessary to take antibiotics for green snot.

    In case of a viral runny nose, lymphocytes predominate in the mucus, in a bacterial case - neutrophils, in an allergic case - cells - eosinophils. Knowing this allows, according to Komarovsky, to find the true cause of prolonged rhinitis and difficult to respond to one or another treatment. Mucus is taken from the child’s nose for a culture tank, and by the number of certain cells - defenders - they determine what exactly the baby’s body is trying so hard to protect itself from.

    As already mentioned, the green color of mucus appears when dying neutrophils secrete a special substance, which gives the snot this color. Therefore, Komarovsky recommends that the appearance of green snot be considered a rather favorable sign - it indicates that the protective cells have already begun to fulfill their immediate duties.

    It usually occurs after parents failed to maintain the liquid consistency of nasal mucus during a viral infection. But sometimes bacteria are the only ones to blame for the appearance. This type of rhinitis is characterized by some special symptoms: at an early stage, the nose “itches”, the child begins to sneeze and scratch his nose, as if he had an allergy. This stage, unlike the allergic form of the disease, does not last long - about 2-3 hours, after which liquid transparent mucus is released from the nose for 3-5 days, which quickly begins to thicken.

    Nasal congestion appears, the child has difficulty breathing through the nose due to swelling inside the nasal passages, lacrimation and headaches may begin, appetite decreases, and the ability to distinguish odors completely or partially disappears. At the final stage, you can observe the same green and yellow nasal discharge, which has already become quite thick.

    In infants, especially at the age of 1-3 months, a runny nose can also be physiological, due to adaptation to a new environment . All procedures for such babies should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician, but the general approach to treating infants is the same as when treating older children.

    How to treat a runny nose accompanied by green discharge can best be told by a doctor who can determine the true cause of the disease. It could be pharyngitis or tonsillitis. The task is to prevent complications, which can be quite serious - otitis media and sinusitis quite often appear precisely after a bacterial runny nose, which was treated incorrectly or not treated at all.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to clear mucus from a child’s nose in the next video.

    Mothers have a rather polar attitude towards snot: some consider it a very serious illness and immediately begin to demand antibiotics, others are sure that a handkerchief in their pocket will completely cope with rhinitis, and you can even take such a baby with green snot to kindergarten.

    Evgeny Komarovsky calls on parents to be prudent. There is no need to go to the above extremes. It is possible to treat a bacterial runny nose without antibiotics, but it still needs to be treated.

    It is better to postpone visiting a kindergarten or school during a runny nose with yellow and green snot until better times. And start normalizing nasal mucus. This does not require expensive medications, says Evgeniy Olegovich; sometimes it is enough just to create favorable conditions.

    The mucus will not dry out and thicken if the parents try to create humidified air at a level of 50-70% in the room where the baby lives. This can be done using a device - a humidifier. It is not cheap, and if the financial capabilities of the family do not allow you to buy it, then you can get a special battery-operated valve in the winter, and in any season you can hang wet towels, put a bowl of water so that it evaporates freely, in the end, Buying a small aquarium with fish will be both educational and useful.

    In a hot room, the snot also dries almost instantly and the infection begins to progress very quickly. Therefore, you should purchase and hang a room thermometer and make sure that the air temperature in the room does not fall below 18 degrees and in no case rises above 20 degrees.

    Fresh air will also help you cope with a bacterial runny nose. Instead of instilling antibiotics, Dr. Komarovsky advises going for a walk. The more time the baby spends outside (of course, in the absence of elevated body temperature), the faster the mucous membranes will become moist again, and the body will be able to fully resist bacteria.

    And one more “medicine” available to everyone is water . If the child drinks more, the mucus will soon become liquid and will be easily removed naturally from the nasal passages. Komarovsky recommends giving drinks at a temperature that is equal to the child’s body temperature. This way, the liquid will be quickly absorbed and absorbed by the intestinal walls, which means that the result will not take long to arrive.

    Parents think about pharmacy drops and sprays for a runny nose first of all, as soon as their child’s nose gets stuffy, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. In fact, this does not need to be done without special instructions and prescriptions from a doctor. The most common cause of runny noses is viruses, and therefore 90% of rhinitis in children should not be treated with any medications, the doctor believes, because antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, and neither are vasoconstrictor drops.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to treat your nose in the episode below.

    Without exception, all pharmaceutical remedies for the runny nose only temporarily eliminate the symptoms, but in no case cure the cause of rhinitis , says Komarovsky. Vasoconstrictor drops (“Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”, Nazol”, etc.) can generally cause drug addiction if used for more than 3-5 days. They require great caution in use, as they also have a number of side effects. Many drugs in this group are prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

    You can often come across recommendations for a bacterial rhinitis, be sure to start dripping medications with antibiotics, such as Framycetin, Isofra and others. These are good and effective drugs, says Komarovsky, but sometimes they are completely unnecessary. More precisely, in most cases absolutely unnecessary. If a child has severe purulent rhinitis, the doctor, of course, in addition to recommendations about rinsing the nose and walking, will prescribe antibacterial drops, and maybe even complex drops that are prepared in pharmacies that have a prescription department, strictly according to the doctor’s prescription. But he will do this only after conducting a bacterial test in order to know exactly which specific bacteria need to be defeated as soon as possible.

    If a doctor just like that, without preliminary tests, prescribes drops with antibiotics, and the child does not have purulent discharge from the nose, and all complaints are limited to green snot, then Komarovsky considers such treatment inappropriate.

    The only reason to start selecting a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical drug is allergic rhinitis. But even in this case, this should definitely be done together with a doctor, and in no case on your own.

    Green snot can be completely prevented if you respond promptly and correctly to the liquid and clear nasal discharge that appears at the initial stage of rhinitis. Parents need to create the “correct” microclimate conditions mentioned above, and often additionally moisturize the nasal passages by rinsing the nose with saline solution or instilling drugs to moisturize the nose - “Pinosol”, “Ectericide” and the most common saline solution, which can be purchased for pennies at any pharmacy. Preventing drying out, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, is only possible with intensive instillation - half a pipette every hour into each nostril. There will be no harm.

    You need to teach your child to blow his nose as early as possible. This skill will be very helpful in treating rhinitis. However, when a baby has a runny nose, you should not fall into despair because the baby, due to his age, cannot clear his nose of snot. Pharmacies sell small aspirators that will help quickly pump out excess mucus from the nasal passages.

    If a runny nose with yellow-green or green snot occurs simultaneously with a cough, you can “kill two birds with one stone” during treatment, says Komarovsky. Drugs such as “ACC”, “Ambroxol”, which you can give your baby for a cough to thin the mucus in the bronchi, will also effectively moisturize nasal mucus, since these medications act on the mucous membranes of all respiratory organs.

    medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children


    A runny nose is a common accompaniment of childhood illnesses. The color of mucous discharge from the nasal cavity depends on the type of infection. Transparent or yellow, thick or liquid - whatever they come in.

    But it’s the baby’s green snot that worries young mothers; how to treat it is a serious question. This symptom indicates the presence of a respiratory disease in the baby’s body, the elimination of which requires an integrated approach.

    The mucous membranes of the cavity provide a comfortable environment for the life of bacteria, viruses and infections. In the body's environment, they multiply rapidly, infect the nasopharynx, cause swelling and the greenest discharge.

    A characteristic feature of bacterial rhinitis is that harmful microorganisms spread to the respiratory tract and circulatory system, resulting in an increase in temperature and intoxication. In most cases, rhinitis is a complication of an untreated cold.

    But the main cause of bacterial infection is cocci bacteria. A child’s body does not have a strong immune system, so it is easy for viruses to penetrate it.

    There are several other external reasons:

    • Contact with the patient.
    • Hypothermia.

  • Unsuitable climate.
  • A lingering cold that turned into chronic rhinitis.
  • The inflammatory process, caused by the settlement of harmful bacteria in the nasopharynx, occurs as follows:

    First stage

    The onset of the disease lasts a day. During this time, bacteria spread through the membranes. The baby feels itching and burning in the nasal cavity, often sneezes, and the temperature rises sharply.

    Second phase

    The most difficult period to bear. It lasts 2-5 days. Liquid mucus gives way to green, thick discharge. Severe congestion, swelling in the bridge of the nose and high temperature accompany rhinitis in a child. Conjunctivitis is not unlikely against the background of a general inflammatory process.

    Third stage

    A week after the onset of the disease, the symptoms subside. The temperature returns to normal and the swelling subsides. Remnants of the infection are removed from the body, so nasal discharge has a rich green color and an unpleasant odor.

    Note: Infants also endure all stages of rhinitis, but their nasal discharge is purulent in nature, and conjunctivitis is completely inevitable.

    If you notice the first symptoms of infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosis of bacterial rhinitis is carried out by external examination, x-ray of the sinuses and nasopharynx, and analysis of mucous secretions for the presence of microorganisms. A successful option for eliminating rhinitis is the method of the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky. Thanks to him, eliminating colds and its consequences has become much easier.

    General ways to eliminate the disease:

    1. Rinse the nose with sea water or saline.
    2. Water. One of the reasons for thick nasal discharge is dehydration. Water helps thin mucus and remove it easily from the body. The water temperature should be equal to the child's body temperature.
    3. Regular humidification of the children's room. It will be useful to humidify the air until it reaches 60% of the mercury column. A humidifier is a rather expensive device. You can replace it with wet towels hung around the room or several bowls of water, which will evaporate during the day.
    4. Balanced healthy diet.
    5. Normalized sleep pattern.
    6. Air temperature regulation. Bacterial microorganisms feel comfortable in a hot room. It is necessary to control the temperature and try to fix it at 20 degrees. Walks. Treatment of green snot using the Komarovsky method involves prolonged exposure to fresh air. Outside, the baby's mucous membranes will moisturize faster, and the swelling will noticeably subside.

    Note: intensive nose blowing should be avoided; there is a risk of mucous substance getting into the middle ear cavity.

    For inflammation of the nasal cavity, complex treatment is prescribed, which involves taking antibiotics and other drugs. Antibiotics in the form of drops and sprays (Polydex, Tobrex), antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. Complex of vitamins (Vitamishki, Alphabet), nasal rinsing sprays (Aquamaris, Aqualor), antihistamines.

    Green thick snot is a phenomenon that, if the disease is ignored for a long time, develops into a chronic condition. Discharge appears more often from one nostril. For what reasons are they formed?

    In our body there are cells that have a special purpose - leukocytes. Their main task is to fight harmful microorganisms and viruses. During a fierce “fight” with the pathogen, leukocytes also die. And green snot is a large number of dead bodies of “fighters”.

    Common causes of snot:

    Penetration of bacterial pathogens into the body during acute viral infection of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Decreased immunity as a result of hypothermia or taking certain medications and, as a result, the proliferation of affected microflora. Close contact with someone who has a cold. Chronic type of inflammation of the respiratory system. Sore throat, laryngitis and other bacterial foci of infection. Burn of the pharyngeal mucosa of a thermal or chemical type.

    Specific cases in which a child is found to have secretions from the nostrils:

    • Bacterial cold. During it, swelling of the respiratory tract, nasal cavity, headache, fever, and general weakness in the baby occurs.
    • Inflammation of the sinuses or sinusitis. This disease is caused by a prolonged runny nose, an unpleasant sensation in the bridge of the nose, lethargy of the child, difficulty breathing and restless sleep. ARVI and acute respiratory infections. Groups of respiratory viral infections are necessarily accompanied by coughing, sneezing and green snot.
    • Bronchitis. Prolonged inflammation of the bronchi causes not only a strong wet cough, but also a purulent runny nose.
    • Meningitis. Inflammation of the membranes of the brain is a serious illness that is accompanied by chills, hand tremors, high fever, dizziness and migraines, and yellow nasal discharge.
    • Pharyngitis. An acute inflammatory process of the pharyngeal mucosa also produces snot, discomfort in the throat and weakness of the body. Often develops into pneumonia.

    But these are not all cases of the formation of foreign substances in the nostrils. To make an accurate diagnosis, a lengthy examination and study of tests is necessary.

    As stated earlier, green discharge is a vague symptom that relates to many types of infections and inflammations. But they are all associated with the entry of cocci into the nasopharynx.

    Note: extremely thick consistency of discharge is a signal of an acute cold.

    The appearance of snot indicates either a type of rhinitis (from a simple runny nose to serious swelling of the respiratory tract) or adenoids (purulent inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils).

    All these pathologies are accompanied by yellow snot. Thickening of mucus occurs due to decreased immunity or exposure to the following:

    • Dental caries and other dental problems;
    • Frequent outbreaks of mild colds;
    • The body's susceptibility to stress;
    • Regular overexertion and physical activity;
    • HIV infections.

    If you identify one of them, contact an otolaryngologist.

    An unsystematized approach to getting rid of bacterial diseases with antibiotic drugs kills both harmful and beneficial microflora of the body and leads to serious complications.

    Dr. Komarovsky in his television program gives some advice on preventing rhinitis and methods for quick recovery.

    In the initial stages of bacterial rhinitis, the snot is clear and has a liquid consistency. If you detect them in time, you can avoid even minor difficulties in the form of thick discharge in a child.

    Mothers need to create favorable conditions in the room where the sick baby is, regularly moisturize his dry nasal cavity with saline or a drug recommended by the doctor. Avoiding drying out of the mucous membrane, following the advice of the country's chief pediatrician, is only possible with regular instillation.

    When fighting rhinitis, an important aspect of removing snot is blowing your nose. Try to teach your baby to blow his nose at an early age, and you will make the process easier.

    Note: infants who cannot yet free their nose from secretions on their own need to use a device - an aspirator that pumps out the excess.

    When a cold includes not only snot, but also a cough, it is necessary to use medications such as ACC or Ambroxol. These drugs not only alleviate the general condition and help remove mucus from the bronchi, but also moisturize the nasal mucosa.

    A bacterial test is necessary to prescribe a course of medications. If an otolaryngologist prescribes antibiotic drops without a preliminary analysis, and the baby has no complaints other than green snot, pediatrician Komarovsky does not consider this method of eliminating rhinitis to be correct.

    You should be careful when using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays as a means to alleviate the child’s condition. Using many of them for more than a week causes the fragile body to become addicted. Such drops are prohibited for children under 1.5 years of age.

    Note: before purchasing a vasoconstrictor, study all the side effects; they occur quite often.

    For infants under 4 months of age, a runny nose accompanied by green snot is a common physiological adaptation. Treatment of infants should proceed under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. And the general approach to eliminating the disease is indistinguishable from treating adults.

    Treatment of green snot is a complex that involves taking medications, traditional methods, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is prohibited to plan treatment for a child without a preliminary examination by a doctor.

    A small child has difficulty learning to blow his nose. To help him remove excess mucus from the cavities, it is necessary to rinse. This procedure moisturizes the membranes of the nasopharynx, helps thin the secretions, which include a variety of bacteria, and makes it easier for the baby to breathe.

    For rinsing, both saline solution and an antiseptic drug (Aquamaris, Dolphin) are used. They help clear mucus and stop the proliferation of pathogens.

    Also, a cheap analogue of Aquamaris spray is a well-known product that is used to rinse the nose, this is Sodium Chloride.

    The price of such a drug varies from 25-60 rubles (and the volume is 400 ml), while Aquamaris costs from 130 rubles. (and its volume is 30 ml.).

    If a child is often sick for a long time, then you can go broke buying Aquamaris.

    The bottle of this spray is very convenient to use. It opens and closes easily and sprays the medicine well.

    For a homemade antiseptic, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 0.5 liters of warm water. Aloe leaf or onion juice is also suitable in the amount of one spoon per glass of boiled water.

    Technique for rinsing the baby's nasal cavity:

    1. Blow your nose thoroughly before the procedure;
    2. Rinse using a pipette, syringe or syringe;
    3. Take the previously prepared solution and inject it into the nostril;
    4. During the procedure, the child's mouth should be slightly open to prevent the child from choking;
    5. If the head is positioned correctly, the solution, having washed the nasopharynx, will flow out of the other nostril;
    6. Washing should be done 3-5 times a day.

    Note: under no circumstances make the liquid too concentrated, as there is a risk of irritation of delicate mucous tissue.

    Vasoconstrictors are drugs that cause spasm of blood vessels due to their effect on the receptors of the vascular walls.

    Note: The use of such drops does not lead to recovery, but only temporarily relieves symptoms.

    A doctor can prescribe a vasoconstrictor for a newborn, but only when the process of breastfeeding is difficult due to severe nasal congestion in the baby. His mouth is occupied by a pacifier or bottle, and there is no ability to breathe through his nostrils. Because of this, the baby breaks away from food to take a sip of air. A large amount of air enters the intestines, which leads to colic and discomfort in the tummy.

    Vasoconstrictors make the baby’s breathing easier for a couple of hours, and their use can be used for no more than five days. Good drugs of this type include Rinofluimucil, Nazivin, Snoop, Tizin and others.

    Note: vasoconstrictors dry out the nasal mucosa, so their combination with a moisturizing rinse is necessary.

    Physiotherapy is a set of activities that include the influence of various types of physical factors on the affected area of ​​the body.

    Physiotherapeutic methods for eliminating diseases are quick and effective treatment. It is used in combination with medications to get rid of sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other inflammations due to infection.

    The course of treatment consists of 6-7 procedures. Physiotherapy does not bring discomfort to the baby. The only difficulty is that you need to sit still for a long time.

    Advantages over other types of treatment:

    • Strengthens general immunity.
    • Affects only a specific area.
    • Has no side effects.
    • In case of chronic disease, it reduces the risk of exacerbations.
    • Affordable and painless.

    If an otolaryngologist prescribes a course of physical therapy, it is recommended that you undergo it. Thanks to it, the treatment time and rehabilitation period will be significantly reduced.

    Taking antibiotics for green snot is not necessary, except in cases where:

    • A bacterial infection is confirmed by a doctor and is accompanied by severe inflammation of the mucous membrane;
    • The discharge is not just green, but purulent.

    The main task of antibiotics is to prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

    The child’s attending physician is responsible for the choice of these medications. Based on the symptoms and the results of a thorough examination, he makes a diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate remedy. If the disease is mild, the pediatrician will try to avoid taking antibiotics.

    Local antibiotics in the form of sprays, the most common for treating children from snot:

    • Isofra. Antibacterial spray approved for use by children over 1 year of age. An active drug in the fight against infections.
    • Polydexa. A complex drug that contains two types of antibiotics, a vasoconstrictor and a hormonal agent. This medicine not only destroys harmful microorganisms, but also relieves symptoms and normalizes breathing.
    • Sulfacyl. Children's drops with a slight antibacterial effect. The main function is the treatment of eye diseases. But this drug also copes well with the outflow of thick green snot.

    In addition to local ones, there are systemic antibiotics. A common cold is not a serious reason to take them. Such drugs are prescribed for acute bacterial infections of the pharynx and nasal cavity.

    Penicillins are a group of antibiotic substances produced from mold fungi. They have a quick effect on harmful microorganisms and have no side effects. Amoxiclav and Flemoclav are widely used.

    But sometimes the action of penicillins is not enough. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe cephalosporin antibiotics. They have a natural composition, cope well with viruses and bacteria, and do not cause damage to the child’s microflora.

    Some of them: Cefixime, Cefotaxime, Cephalexime.

    In cases where the baby is allergic to the components of the drugs, he is prescribed mild antibiotics called macrolides. They do not fight against all types of bacteria, but they do fight against the most common types of bacteria. They have mild anti-inflammatory properties.

    Treatment of green snot with folk remedies is a truly effective method that is beneficial in most cases.

    Note: Before resorting to traditional medicine for a child, be sure to consult a doctor and make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction. Be extremely careful when using these remedies when eliminating colds in newborns. Their fragile immunity may unexpectedly react to natural mixtures.

    All folk recipes are groups:

    1. Warming the sinuses or tonsils with warm foods wrapped in a scarf.
    2. St. John's wort, linden, rose hips - they all produce an excellent antiseptic effect as a means for washing.
    3. Drink plenty of fluids; instead of water, use warm milk with honey, pharmaceutical breast milk or raspberry tea.
    4. For children over 2 years old, rubbing with ointments such as Doctor Mom, Vicks is suitable.
    5. Children over 3 years old will recover much faster if they are treated with inhalations with essential oils. For this, room temperature water is mixed with a few drops of tea tree or mint oil. The child should breathe over the steam for about 15 minutes.

    Note: the use of essential oils is acceptable when treating an infant. You need to add a few drops to the pillow.

    Other effective folk remedies:

    Kalanchoe is a plant that does not contain any toxic substances. It is suitable for getting rid of bacterial rhinitis even in children. Kalanchoe juice has an antiseptic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect.

    Eliminating a runny nose using this plant:

    Freshly squeezed juice. To do this, wash the Kalanchoe leaves, chop them with a knife, squeeze the pulp out of the leaves in several layers of gauze.

    Diluted. To treat infants, freshly squeezed medicinal liquid is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water to obtain less concentrated drops.

    Decoction of leaves. Pour a liter of water over a few leaves crushed into porridge and bring to a boil. Strain after 20 minutes of infusion. To enhance the effect of the product, it is recommended to use aloe, honey or herbal decoctions with it.

    Used for several types of prophylaxis. Applicable only when the child’s skin is not hypersensitive.

    Mustard plasters are applied as a compress to the heels, on which warm socks are put on. A foot bath with mustard powder also promotes healing.

    The juices of many vegetables have a good effect on the child’s immunity. They are used as drops, compresses, inhalations.

    Beetroot liquid in equal proportions with water is a decongestant. A cotton swab is moistened with the resulting preparation and inserted into the nostrils for several hours. Also, beet juice in combination with honey serves as drops that thin out thick secretions.

    Inhalation with onions, boiled in advance, for 20 minutes will quickly relieve cold symptoms. Chopped onions to the consistency of porridge are placed in gauze and applied to the wings and bridge of the nose to relieve inflammation. Onion juice mixed with vegetable oil is a means to lubricate the nasal passage.

    You can also use some folk tips for washing:

    • A salt solution with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
    • A decoction containing equal amounts of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort.

    Some simple drops recipes for babies and children under 1 year of age:

    • A mixture of calendula and yarrow in equal proportions is poured into 0.5 liters of water and infused for half an hour in a steam bath.
    • Concentrate of carrots and beets in a 1:1 ratio.
    • Squeezed liquid of aloe and onion.

    A common runny nose, if complex treatment is not started in time, leads to a number of serious complications.

    The anatomical structure of the nasal cavity of infants does not allow severe congestion. In case of a runny nose, the narrow nasal passages become filled with thick mucus. This phenomenon leads to sleep disturbances, anxiety, and refusal to eat. In extreme cases, suffocation occurs.

    A serious complication of colds in newborns is otitis media. Inflammation of the middle ear is painful and severe. Discomfort in the ear haunts the child. If this disease is not detected during the initial stage, there is the option of allowing the formation of pus in the ear and, as a result, rupture of the eardrum. Any injury to the eardrum impairs or completely eliminates hearing.

    For older children, the main complication is the transition of the disease to a chronic form. It occurs as a result of a runny nose with prolonged thick discharge, injuries to the nose, or abnormalities in the structure of the nasal cavity. Chronic rhinitis manifests itself in the form of frequent exacerbations.

    The appearance of green snot from a child’s nose is a problem even in 2019. She requires a visit to an otolaryngologist. Elimination of signs and symptoms of the disease at home begins only after consultation with a specialist.

    It must be remembered that the most harmless runny nose leads to dire consequences, the neglect of which will be much more difficult to cope with. Be healthy!


    Preventive measures

    Treatment of yellow snot can take a long time, so the right thing to do is to try to prevent its appearance. Preventive measures include:

    • Strengthening the child’s immunity: walks in the fresh air and a healthy diet will have a beneficial effect on the formation of immunity. Fruits and vegetables will help saturate your child’s body with useful microelements.
    • Multivitamin preparations. Their use is especially appropriate in the autumn and winter, since the body may feel a lack of nutrients due to the small selection of vegetable and fruit products.
    • Hardening. Proper implementation of such procedures will help the baby grow strong and healthy.
    • Selecting clothes before a walk. It is very important that the child feels comfortable outside and dresses in accordance with the air temperature: the body should not freeze or overheat, shoes should not get wet.
    • Immunomodulators. A doctor can prescribe medications when assessing the child’s health status if a weakened immune system is suspected.

    When treating a runny nose, the main thing is to prevent the chronic form of the disease. If the use of home methods does not improve the child’s well-being, then it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his recommendations.

    Komarovsky green snot in a child without fever

    April 23, 08:22

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    Anna Sonkina-Dorman – pediatrician (Russian State Medical University), Pediatric PainMaster-Class fellow at the Minneapolis Institute of Palliative Pediatrics, USA (2011), holder of a Diploma in Palliative Medicine from Cardiff University, UK (2012), participant in an intensive course in bioethics "Suffering, Death and Palliative Care" Erasmus Mundus University, Holland (2011). Nurse at the First Moscow Hospice (2003-2006), consultant physician for palliative care at the Podari Zhizn Foundation (2008-2011), researcher at the department of palliative care for children at the Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Care for Children (2011), currently a consultant physician for palliative care Orthodox service… Read more →

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    Doctor Komarovsky: how and how to treat yellow snot in a child

    The occurrence of a runny nose in a child can be due to completely different reasons. Snot is one of the signs of the disease and can be viral, bacterial or allergic in nature. Otolaryngologists identify white snot in a child with allergization of the body, and a non-cold runny nose may well be the cause of their appearance. In this case, the disease has a non-bacterial origin.

    It is by coloring that the otolaryngologist can judge how long ago the disease has developed. According to Dr. Komarovsky, yellow snot indicates that a period of recovery has begun. Many other pediatricians share the same point of view. Increased mucus production is evidence that the child's body is actively fighting infection. The secretions contain substances that act as a neutralizer for viruses.

    Why does a child develop green snot?

    The likelihood that a child will begin to develop green snot increases significantly if the child attends child care institutions (kindergartens, clubs, child development centers). Each organism is characterized by its own microflora located on the surface of the mucous membrane, therefore, during the adaptation period, reactions appear in the form of mucus produced in the nasopharynx.

    Dr. Komarovsky says that yellow snot appears in a child after respiratory diseases develop in the body. When the body is weakened by viruses, pathogens begin to develop several times faster, so treatment of a runny nose should occur in a timely manner, after a doctor’s prescription.

    Why does yellow snot appear?

    Secretory discharge from the nose is normal. The liquid composition released from the nose protects the upper respiratory tract from adverse external factors, purifying the air of impurities. Mucus acts as a barrier to dust and other pollutants.

    Together with snot, dead cells and pathogenic microflora are removed. In this way, the body gets rid of excess biomaterial. However, secretory secretions in large quantities can cause children significant discomfort. Their increase is the body’s reaction to the development of inflammatory processes or exposure to an allergen.

    Thickening and yellowish coloration of snot indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

    The nasal passages do not have time to get rid of a large amount of mucus, which can flow into the trachea, enter the bronchi or lungs. The situation is aggravated by the fact that pathogenic microbes begin to multiply and the disease progresses. The child’s well-being will one way or another begin to deteriorate, and a trip to the doctor in such cases is inevitable.

    If the snot is green: advice from Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of children's runny nose

    “Reading” snot First, you need to understand that snot during a runny nose is a completely normal phenomenon. And in general, nasal discharge is a defensive reaction, and it doesn’t matter whether it started in a child or an adult.

    By the color of the discharge, you can unmistakably determine whether the child is sick or not. So, if the snot is clear, then there is no flu or runny nose. The child simply began a defensive reaction in response to an epidemic wandering somewhere nearby. In this case, there is no treatment and there cannot be any.

    Saline vs. runny nose

    But if the nasal discharge is cloudy with a greenish tint, the child is definitely sick. But even in this case, you shouldn’t immediately add a lot of unknown drugs. It’s enough to buy just one - saline solution. Moreover, you don’t even have to go to the pharmacy - this drug can be made at home.

    Boil a liter of water, cool it and add a spoonful of regular table salt. After stirring everything well, pour the prepared water into some container. Use this solution to rinse your nose as often as possible.

    Addition to treatment

    In addition, give your child foods containing vitamin C, or purchase it in concentrate form at the pharmacy. In addition, he should drink as often as possible. It doesn’t matter whether it’s tea, juice or plain water - any liquid will do. Also, be sure to make sure that the child is wearing warm clothes and the air in the room is moderately humidified.

    Dr. Komarovsky once again reminds us that we shouldn’t mindlessly run to the pharmacy. They can sell you anything there, but you most likely will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Take the doctor's advice and your child will recover quickly.

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    How and with what to treat yellow snot in a child?

    It is advisable to use proven traditional medicine recipes:

    1. Inhalations. It is quite possible to get rid of yellow snot from a runny nose using essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, pine needles, thuja and medicinal chamomile. The aroma of essential oils can be diffused using an aroma lamp. Treatment will be effective if you do inhalations with their addition.
    2. Nasal rinsing. Literally with any runny nose, rinsing with saline solution helps. To prepare it, dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. sea ​​salt. The nose is washed several times a day.
    3. Instillation of natural drops.

    Traditional recipes for nasal drops

    A decoction of medicinal herbs is ideal for young children To prepare the drops, you need to take a teaspoon of the dry mixture and pour 250 grams of it. boiling water The broth should steep for 30 minutes, after which it should be strained. Apply 4 drops into the nose 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

    For those who are older , juice from onion and garlic, mixed with sea buckthorn oil and with the addition of bee honey, is quite suitable as drops. All components are taken in equal proportions. It is recommended to use such drops no more than twice a day. When using them, you may feel a slight tingling sensation in the nose. However, the therapeutic effect occurs literally on the third day after starting to use this product. The medicine is an excellent antiseptic and quickly relieves inflammation.

    For the treatment of children at any age, the optimal solution is drops of aloe and Kalanchoe juice. These house plants have a place in any home. Medicinal drops quickly cope with colds and help strengthen children's immunity. To achieve an effective effect, it is enough to drop 3 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day.

    Pharmacy nasal drops

    In addition to folk remedies, the pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of nasal drops designed to treat a runny nose of any etiology.

    The most popular drugs for children are:

    Pharmacy drops should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, after making a diagnosis and determining the stage of the disease.

    In some cases, the drops contain antibiotics. Such treatment is required when nasal discharge becomes more abundant, thicker, and acquires a rich color.

    With a more complicated course of the disease, the snot becomes orange or has an intense yellow color. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician , since many drugs cause side effects and the drops may need to be replaced with others.

    The use of drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect for the treatment of thick snot is not advisable. Such drops and sprays are not effective in this case: they dry out the nasal mucosa and can cause irritation.

    Folk remedies

    Komarovsky suggests treating green snot in a child with folk recipes. The doctor believes that if the discharge has taken on a green tint, it means that dead neutrophils are accumulating in it - and this is a sign that the baby’s own defenses are working well.

    Recipes for folk remedies against green runny nose:

  • Carrot and beet juice are natural antiseptics. Application: instill juice into the nose, diluted 1:1 with boiled water, 2-3 drops several times a day. At 2 years old, green snot in a child is treated by drinking additional pure juice, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Chamomile and calendula drops. Preparation: take 50 g of dried chamomile and calendula flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil, rosemary, and 20 drops of olive oil to the cooled broth. Application: instill into the nose 2-3 times a day.
  • Pure aloe and kalanchoe juice. It is used to treat green snot in a child when he is already 3 years old. Application: drop into the nose 2-3 times a day.
  • Green snot in a child is treated with folk remedies, for example, rinsing the nose:

  • A solution of sea salt with iodine. Preparation: take a glass of warm water, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. sea ​​salt, add 1 drop of iodine. Application: rinse your nose 1-2 hours after instillation of any drops. Any rinsing, following a couple of hours after instilling the drops, quickly relieves the baby of thickened mucus.
  • Infusion of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. Preparation: take 1 tbsp. l. each herb, mix them. Take 50 g from the mixture, add 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then strain. Use: as a solution for rinsing the nose.
  • A solution of fresh aloe juice in warm water. Preparation: take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. juice, stir. Use: as a rinsing solution.
  • How exactly to treat green snot in a child using folk remedies is recommended by healers and herbalists. They advise using the products in alternation, so it will be clear which of them is most effective and quickly helps the baby.


    To prevent the occurrence of yellow snot in a child, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, including walks in the fresh air, hardening procedures and proper nutrition. The child's diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, which are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.

    In addition, children need to be provided with adequate sleep and sufficient physical activity. It goes without saying that the child needs proper care: hypothermia and overheating in the sun should not be allowed. In the winter season, children should be dressed warmly, and in the summer they should not be overtired.

    Baby has snot for a month

    There are cases when a simple clear runny nose develops into more serious diseases. This is due to self-treatment and parents’ refusal to see a doctor. Many parents are not even alarmed that the child has had snot for a month and no enviable progress towards recovery has been observed.

    There are several reasons why snot does not stop within a month:

    • Overdose of vasoconstrictor drops. When treated independently, the drops were taken for more than 7 days, as a result, addiction occurred and the child developed chronic otitis media or sinusitis.
    • Vasomotor swelling of the nasal mucosa led to the formation of polyps.
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, the accompanying symptom of which is a runny nose.

    It is no longer worth postponing a visit to the pediatrician, and now also to the ENT specialist, since the refusal of appropriate treatment by specialists has caused various complications that should be eliminated immediately.

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