Komarovsky treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children under one year of age Komarovsky video

ARVI - what is it?

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a large group of diseases that arise as a result of viruses affecting the epithelium of the respiratory system. The manifestation of the acute form occurs within 3-5 days, a day or two after the onset of the disease. With ARVI, parts of the respiratory system are damaged.

As a result of complications, damage to the respiratory system is possible. This can provoke the development of pneumonia, tracheitis, and bronchitis. All children go through this stage; it is necessary to strengthen children's immunity.

Causes of ARVI in children

Doctor Komarovsky ARVI in a child

Acute respiratory viral diseases occur when viruses that produce foreign RNA enter the body. These include RNA-carrying influenza viruses (A, B, C), adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses, para-influenza. Metapneumoviruses, coronaviruses, bocaviruses and enteroviruses also cause damage.

Many ARVI pathogens are transmitted from the carrier by airborne droplets (saliva or mucus) or through household contact. The frequency of the disease in children is due to an unformed response - the presence of a low level of acquired immunity, regular contact with sick children, and lack of immune protection. Due to ARVI, children do not have time to develop their own immunity, while the risk of other viral infections entering the body remains.

There are many factors influencing the development of ARVI in children. About 70% of all diseases occur during periods of sharp cold (October) and warming (March-April). It is also possible that the disease may develop due to intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the fetus or a poor environment.

Signs and symptoms of ARVI in children

Doctor Komarovsky ARVI treatment

The first manifestations of ARVI symptoms begin with loss of appetite, drowsiness, headache or general malaise. As the disease progresses, the temperature may rise, weakness and lethargy may occur, and nausea may occur. In addition to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, fever and chills may appear.

If a child has green snot due to an acute respiratory infection and how to quickly cure it, our article will help.

In most cases, viruses infect the mucous membranes of the respiratory system (oropharynx, nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea). The etiology of the pathogen varies, and secondary manifestations of the disease (damage to the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart or brain) are also possible.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation in the form of laryngitis, tracheitis or conjunctivitis. As a result of swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes, the following symptoms may occur:

  • runny nose, which at first presents as colorless liquid discharge;
  • sneezing;
  • cough, at the beginning of the disease is often dry;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain and redness in the throat.

For comparison with other types of acute respiratory infections, influenza is considered the most severe in the course of the disease. At the first symptoms, the child’s body temperature rises to 38-40 °C. At this time, children feel weak and complain of headaches and malaise.

In acute respiratory infections, the cause of the disease is not identified, since the treatment regimen remains unchanged. The doctor’s treatment method begins with collecting the child’s medical history, he is sent for tests, the doctor listens to the lungs through a stethoscope, and examines the throat. In the fight against an infectious disease, the epidemiological situation of the area in which the patient lives plays an important role.

How to treat ARVI: 10 rules from Dr. Komarovsky – kolobok.ua

If a child gets sick and there is no way to seek specialized medical help, articles from the Internet come to the rescue. But not all information is reliable.

Therefore, I would like to hear the expert opinion of a specialist in this field. For several years now, Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, a pediatrician and doctor of the highest category, has been educating parents in the upbringing, development and health of their children.

Regarding the treatment of ARVI in children, Komarovsky has his own approach.

Komarovsky: a cold is

The doctor believes that a cold is an acute respiratory viral infection, characterized by the body’s reaction to a virus that it is trying to dislodge.

Children are more likely to get sick than adults because their bodies are weaker and more susceptible to constant attacks of the virus. Children who are in crowded places or attending kindergartens are at increased risk .

The properties of ARVI include the following:

  • entry of the virus into the body of children through airborne droplets;
  • the causative agent of the disease is a virus;
  • respiratory organs are damaged;
  • rapid development of the disease.

It turns out that curing colds in children is not easy, because not all medications prescribed for adults can be recommended for children.

How to help your child: doctor advises

First you need to create unfavorable conditions for viruses:

  • low temperature (20-22 degrees),
  • high humidity (50-70%).

To do this, you need to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. It will also be easier for the baby to breathe, and to prevent him from freezing, he needs to be dressed warmly and covered with a blanket.

The main remedy for the treatment of respiratory viral infections is drinking plenty of fluids, and the more, the better. These should be saline solutions (Regidron, Humana electrolyte, Orasan, etc.), which can also be prepared at home.

You need to drink in small sips, if possible, in small sips. A sign of normal rehydration therapy is urination once every 3 hours.

Important! The child must breathe freely; for this, salt agents must be used. Drops are preferred, because the spray can damage the nasal mucosa in infants.

As a rule, starting from 2 years of age, treatment of ARVI is more targeted and effective, since the child can explain what is bothering him. One of the factors contributing to the development of the disease is hypothermia. Accordingly, older children can tell their parents whether they should dress warmer.

Source: https://mpractika.ru/simptomy/lechenie-orvi-komarovskij.html

Treatment of ARVI according to Komarovsky

ARVI in children treatment Dr. Komarovsky

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky made a huge contribution to the prevention and prevention of viral diseases. To the question “How and with what to treat a cold?” he gives the answer “Nothing!” Even a child’s weakened body can cope with a cold within 3 to 5 days. At this time, the immune system will produce antibodies that will protect it from further attempts to become ill.

The current marketing ploy is trying to attract buyers to increase the turnover of goods. But none of the manufacturers talks about the quality of the drugs, because their effect has not been clinically tested. This information makes many people doubt the healing properties of advertised medications. As E.G. says Komarovsky “There are practically no cures for viral infections.”

The same rule applies to homeopathic medicines (“Ocillococcinum”, “Viferon”, “Anaferon”). According to the doctor, the pills inside are just a “dummy” and they are in no way effective. Prescribing such drugs makes the work of the doctor and parents easier. He prescribes medication for them, the parents are happy that they are treating the child, the baby drinks pills (they contain only water and glucose), he calmly recovers due to the fight of his immunity against the virus.

The doctor believes that folk medicines do not affect the blocking of viral DNA reproduction. Useful medicinal plant materials will make you feel better, but will not help in the fight against infection.

Also, according to Komarovsky, the microclimate conditions of the premises play an important role in the rehabilitation of children. It is important to maintain the temperature and humidity of the room to avoid drying out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

What Komarovsky says

Photo 4Dr. Komarovsky, a famous children's doctor, calls cough an essential attribute of health . A person must cough because this is the only way to clear phlegm from the lungs and bronchi naturally.

One of the common causes of cough in children is a runny nose. This is more typical for very young children (up to 3-4 years old), because they do not yet know how to blow their nose and it is generally difficult for them to clear their nose. Mucus from the nose gradually descends into the lungs and provokes a cough reflex.

Important! The main task of doctors and parents is not to cure a cough, but to make it productive. To do this, it is necessary to prevent the mucus from drying out and thickening.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, parents should never independently give their baby drugs that suppress cough . This can only be done if the cough is working against the body and:

  • becomes unproductive
  • exhausting,
  • provokes inflammation,
  • temperature.

But only the attending physician who conducts regular observations can determine the stage of development of the disease and choose the optimal actions.

Treatment of ARVI in children with medications

how to treat ARVI Dr. Komarovsky

Treatment of ARVI in children is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a pediatrician. The child must take the necessary measures to prevent complications and treat the disease. To do this, the following actions are recommended: adherence to bed and drinking regime, minimize physical activity, periodically stay in the fresh air and take antiviral, analgesic and pathogenetic drugs.

With constant treatment, improvement is observed within 3-4 days, and the child’s recovery ranges from 7 to 10 days.

General recommendations for the treatment of ARVI in children

Doctors also recommend rules aimed at speedy recovery of children:

  • maintaining room temperature. Temperature support is needed to prevent hypothermia. The normal temperature is 20 °C;
  • air humidity. Air humidity should be from 55 to 70%. To regulate air humidity, you can use heating devices (in case of high humidity) and special humidifiers (in case of low humidity);
  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises every day;
  • increase the amount of fluid consumed to restore water balance.

Medicines for ARVI in a child

Doctor Komarov flu and ARVI

To prevent infectious diseases, there are medications or herbal decoctions. Before using each drug, parents should read the instructions. The dosage of the drug is also taken into account, since poisoning may occur in the child.

Antiviral agents

Drugs in this group are used in accordance with the age category.

for newborns :

  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Leukocyte interferon;
  • Aflubin;
  • Grippferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Vibrukol and others;

Children from one to two years old:

  • Cytovir-3;
  • Immunal;
  • Ozeltavimir;
  • Orvirem;
  • Tamiflu.

Medicines for children from three years of age :

  • Alpyrazine ointment;
  • Flacoside;
  • Engystol;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Kagocel et al.

Children from six to twelve years old :

  • Amiksin;
  • Levomax;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Remantodine.

All drugs have the proper therapeutic effect.

Cold drops

nasal drops for runny nose for children

For nasal congestion, use nasal drops “Nazivin” or “Nazol baby”. If the child has a very thin discharge, the drops are contraindicated for use. In this case, it is necessary to frequently rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt; you can use Aquamaris.

Note: Monitor how often you use nasal drops. They have a vasoconstrictor effect, which is addictive. Therefore, they should be used no more than 4-5 days. You need to pay attention to the composition of the drops, since the names of the drugs are different, but the same substance.

Cough preparations

Komarov cough

The onset of the disease occurs in combination with a dry cough. At this moment, it is necessary to provide the child with the necessary medications to thin the sputum in a timely manner. Drugs for eliminating dry cough include Lazolvan, Codelac Broncho, and Hexoral aerosol.


This group of drugs is used only for special complications. Antibiotics have positive and negative effects: the first is that they destroy bacterial flora, but the main feature is that they reduce human immunity. A greater danger arises in children when their body is fighting a viral infection.

However, in 2020, not all antibiotics are publicly available. The fact is that there is a regulation banning most drugs that destroy bacteria. Therefore, if you suspect your child is developing complications due to a bacterial infection, immediately seek help from the clinic. Only a doctor will make the correct diagnosis and decide whether to prescribe an antibiotic or not.

The most effective and less toxic antibiotics include drugs from the macrolide group. Their use is permitted for children over six months of age.

Note: Consult your physician before use.

Antibiotics are aimed at treating inflammation of the hearing organs and respiratory system by bacteria. These include the following medications:

  • Roxithromycin;
  • Spiramycin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Midecamycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Josamycin et al.

Temperature during ARVI in children

Temperature during ARVI in children

To lower a high temperature, the use of the effective medication “Ibuprofen” or its analogues is more advisable. But it should be noted that not all similar drugs are suitable for the children's age category. For infants up to one year old, rectal suppositories - "Cefekon D" - are suitable. The price of the drugs is quite cheap, so every parent can buy them.

Komarovsky about ARVI and fever in children

Acute respiratory viral infections ( ARVI ) are the most common diseases - up to 90% of all cases of infectious diseases. Everyone gets sick with them - some more often, others less often, but everyone. More often in winter (viruses are much more active at this time), in summer - less often, but they still get sick. Symptoms of ARVI depend, first of all, on where and in what part of the respiratory tract the virus caused the most severe inflammatory process. There are many scary medical words to describe this place. RHINITIS - damage to the mucous membrane of the nose, PHARINGITIS - damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, NASOPHARINGITIS (nose and pharynx at the same time), TONSILLITIS (tonsils), LARINGITIS (larynx), TRACHEITIS (trachea), BRONCHITIS (bronchi), BRONCHIOLITIS (the smallest bronchi - bronchioles) . By combining these words (tonsilopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.), readers may well not only become familiar with medical terminology, but also use the information received for personal gain. It’s one thing to tell your boss at work that you or your child had ARVI , and quite another to tell them about nasopharyngotonsillitis. Considering the general belief that the severity of the disease is directly related to the incomprehensibility of the diagnosis, you are guaranteed the sympathy of your superiors. The symptoms of ARVI are well known to everyone, if only because a person who has never had ARVI At first you feel unwell , but an increase in body temperature , runny nose and cough do not take long to appear. “I have a cold ,” the man declares with conviction. It is in this regard that I would very much like to explain the difference between such concepts as “ got a cold ” and “got infected,” since the meaning of the often used word “ cold ” is actually not known to everyone. So, let's look into the explanatory dictionary: COLD 1. Cooling to which the body has been subjected. 2. Illness caused by such cooling (cold). The main conclusion from this definition is that a cold , as a rule, has nothing to do with ARVI . In the nose, in the throat, and in the bronchi there is a sufficient number of microbes (not viruses, but bacteria) that cause diseases (the same pharyngitis and tonsillitis), while the body’s defenses are weakened, which is facilitated by hypothermia , increased sweating, and walking barefoot, excessive physical activity, drafts, cold water. And getting sick with ARVI means getting infected from an already sick person. And about one more medical term that everyone is familiar with - ARZ , which stands for acute respiratory disease . If the doctor is convinced that a runny nose , cough and fever ARVI , already known to us . However, the reason for the same cough and runny nose is not entirely clear or there is simply no time to figure it out (50 people a day at the clinic and 30 house calls). In this situation, it is very convenient to talk about acute respiratory infections , since the concept of “ acute respiratory disease ” combines acute respiratory viral infections , colds , exacerbation of chronic nasopharyngeal infections, and bacterial complications of acute respiratory viral infections . Almost all manifestations of a respiratory viral infection - fever , runny nose , cough , refusal to eat - are ways the body fights the infectious agent. An increase in body temperature is the most typical manifestation of not only ARVI , but also any infectious disease. The body thus stimulates itself, producing substances that will fight the pathogen. Each person is individual and tolerates fever differently. Some go to work at 39 degrees, while others pass out at 37.5. Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations regarding how long you should wait and after what number on the thermometer scale you should begin to save yourself. The main thing for us is the following. When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air. Two mandatory actions: 1. Drink plenty of fluids - so that you have something to sweat. 2. Cool air in the room. If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small. Attention! When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. The skin temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs increases. And this is extremely dangerous! You cannot use so-called “physical cooling methods” at home: heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor’s visit, you can, because before (before physical cooling methods) doctors prescribe special medications , which eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. At home, you need to do everything to prevent spasm of skin blood vessels. Therefore, cool air, but warm enough clothes. The higher the body temperature , the more intense the sweating, the more you need to drink. The optimal drink is dried fruit compote, which contains many essential substances, for example, potassium, which is very (!) necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, especially at high temperatures. Tea with raspberries dramatically increases the formation of sweat. Therefore, you must be sure that you have something to sweat with, which means that before raspberries you should drink something else (the same compote). If you don’t want compote, but want something else, remember: it’s better to drink any liquid you agree to drink (mineral water, herbal decoctions, viburnum, rose hips, currants, etc.) than not drink at all. There are, and quite often, situations when an increase in body temperature is poorly tolerated. In some diseases of the nervous system, high body temperature can trigger seizures, especially in children. And, by and large, a temperature above 39 degrees, which lasts for more than an hour, has no less negative effects than positive ones. In all the situations described (I repeat: 1. Poor temperature tolerance; 2. Concomitant diseases of the nervous system; 3. Body temperature above 39 degrees), it makes sense to use medications. Let us note right away: the effectiveness of any medicine decreases, and the likelihood of adverse reactions increases significantly if the above two main tasks are not solved (the proper drinking regime is not ensured and the air temperature in the room is not reduced). Two drugs are optimal for use at home: paracetamol (synonyms: Tylenol, Panadol, Eferalgan) and ibuprofen (Nurofen, Brufen). Regarding paracetamol and ibuprofen, I would like to note the following: these drugs, on the one hand, are very safe, and on the other, moderately effective. In case of any serious infection, it is not possible to achieve a significant reduction in body temperature . This is why paracetamol and ibuprofen should always be in the house, because they help people correctly assess the severity of the disease: if after taking the temperature the temperature has dropped, then with a high degree of probability we can conclude that you have nothing terrible (more terrible than ARVI). But if there is no effect from taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, then it’s time to hurry up and not put off seeing a doctor. A runny nose is most often a manifestation of a viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further - into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (in human language it is called “snot”), which is in huge quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. The main task is to prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, clean cool air and a sufficient amount of liquid consumed internally. If the mucus dries, you will breathe through your mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them. When the room temperature is above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. You can help yourself by moisturizing your nasal passages with drops that make the mucus more liquid. The simplest and most accessible remedy is saline solution (available in all pharmacies). This is plain water with a little salt added. It is impossible to overdose it, so drop 3-4 drops into each nostril quite calmly at least every half hour (if the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can make some semblance of saline solution yourself - add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of boiled water , to be more precise - 9 grams). A very good drug is ectericide - an oily liquid that has weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering the mucous membranes with a thin layer, prevents them from drying out. Never, under any circumstances, drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! It is unacceptable to use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin, nazol) for a common (viral) runny nose . At first it becomes very good - the mucus disappears, and then it becomes very bad - swelling of the nasal mucosa begins. It manifests itself like this: the snot has stopped running, but nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (“you can’t breathe”). And to make it feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is protection. It will go away on its own if you don’t interfere, but help. These medications were invented to treat a completely different runny nose - not infectious, but allergic. Now about the cough. cough at least sometimes . The body thus cleanses the lungs of mucus that accumulates in them. It cannot be otherwise, because a person breathes not the cleanest air. In case of any diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, the amount of mucus increases - it is necessary to clean the bronchi and neutralize viruses and bacteria. And the body removes accumulated mucus (called sputum) by coughing . As with the nose, the main thing is to prevent the mucus from drying out - still the same cool air and drink. cough suppressants (glaucine, libexin, tusuprex, broncholitin) without a doctor’s instructions! And if it’s really unbearable, then use drugs that affect the sputum (making it less thick) and increasing the contraction of the bronchi. A cough , no matter what it is, always allows you to wait for your local doctor and consult. The main, very comforting and very optimistic conclusion: in the overwhelming majority of cases, the body of a normal person is quite capable of coping with a viral infectious disease without any outside help. And our main task is not to interfere with the body! Always remember: the number and severity of complications, as well as the duration of the illness, are closely related to the amount of medications you use. The more beautiful pills you eat, the more beautiful bottles, ampoules and syringes you will buy later when you treat complications.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, ancestors have studied medicinal plants to obtain useful substances from them that help with acute respiratory infections. Traditional medicine contains many tips to help cure a patient from a disease, including ARVI.

Herbal remedies are used to eliminate colds. This treatment is prohibited for children under five years of age.

The experience of our grandparents has shown that methods such as:

Hot tea with ginger and honey. This tea with a specific taste and aroma will help the child get back on his feet faster. Each component contains medicinal substances (vitamin C and terpenes) that have bactericidal, expectorant, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Making tea is quite simple; to do this, peel the ginger root and chop it into cubes or on a grater. The whole mass is placed in a mug and filled with boiling water.

tea from orvi

You should not immediately add lemon and honey, as at high temperatures the beneficial substances are destroyed. It is better to add honey and lemon 7-10 minutes after cooking.

Tea made from raspberry leaves, oregano and chamomile flowers. To prepare, take 5 grams of oregano, 10 grams of chamomile flowers and 5 grams of pre-dried raspberry leaves. Mix and add 500 ml of boiling water. The tea is steeped for about one hour. The drink should be taken warm after meals, 50 ml. The beneficial property of raspberries is to remove toxins from the body through sweating.

A decoction of rose hips has beneficial properties. It is infused for over 10 hours so that it gives off its color and nutritional elements. Place a certain amount of fruit in a container (about 100 grams) and pour boiling water over it. It is advisable to prepare it in the evening so that it can be used in the morning. If the broth has a sour taste, add a little sugar or honey.

Flu in children: symptoms and treatment Komarovsky

With the arrival of cold weather in Ukraine, the season of infectious and viral diseases began. Influenza remains one of the most dangerous and unpredictable diseases for children year after year. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky named the first symptoms and signs of the flu. According to Dr. Komarovsky, recognizing the flu is quite simple - a sudden increase in temperature.

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Dr. Komarovsky: How to treat ARVI in a child?

Flu and ARVI are respiratory diseases, but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of diseases have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to differentiate them on this basis alone.

The flu is usually more severe than just ARVI, that is, the symptoms are more pronounced and intense.

A cold usually starts with a runny or stuffy nose and usually does not lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia, other bacterial infections, or heart or kidney problems.

Influenza can often cause very serious complications. ARVI and influenza have a large number of symptoms, so the exact name of the disease can be found out with the help of special studies that are carried out in laboratory conditions. However, there are some differences between the symptoms.

Typical symptoms of influenza: fever, increased body temperature, weakness, chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or whole body pain, headache.

With ARVI, these same symptoms are usually milder, and it is the damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract that is most pronounced, which is manifested by a profuse runny nose or nasal congestion, notes Dr. Komarovsky’s website.

At the first symptoms, you need to stay home, so as not only not to infect others, but also to get treatment in time. To do this, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Don't self-medicate! To prevent further spread of infection, the sick person must be isolated from healthy people, preferably in a separate room.

Under no circumstances send sick children to kindergarten, school, or cultural events. For proper treatment, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor and take medications in a timely manner.

In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - this can be hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral waters.

You need to drink more often and as much as possible. Communication with someone who has the flu should be limited, and when caring for them, use a medical mask or gauze bandage.

Due to the ongoing seasonal spread of acute respiratory viral infections, the Department recommends following personal prevention measures for influenza and ARVI, not allowing self-medication in case of illness, being attentive to the health status of your children and not sending them to organized children's groups in case of illness, notes the Rospotrebnadzor Office for Orenburg region. How to distinguish between ARVI and influenza? Advice from Dr. Komarovsky and Rospotrebnadzor Masha Nikolskaya.

flu, health, healthcare, society, advice.

ARVI or flu? Symptoms and syndromes ARVI Flu Onset of the disease is sudden gradual Fever is usually rare Body aches are usually minor Chills quite often rarely Sneezing from time to time often Stuffy nose from time to time often Sore throat from time to time often Heaviness or pain in the chest, cough often from mild to moderate Headache often rare What to do if you have the flu?

When coughing and sneezing, the patient should cover his mouth and nose with a tissue or tissue. The room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaning carried out as often as possible, preferably using disinfectants that act on viruses. Connect with. Notification of.

Dr. Komarovsky spoke about the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI

Remember the most important thing: the tactics of your actions are completely independent of the name of the virus. This is seasonal flu, swine flu, elephant flu, pandemic flu, it’s not flu at all - it doesn’t matter.

The only important thing is that it is a virus, that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and that it affects the respiratory system. If you and your child come into contact with the virus and you do not have protective antibodies in your blood, you will get sick.

Antibodies will appear in one of two cases: either you get sick, or you get vaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you will not protect yourself from viruses in general, but only from the influenza virus.

How to distinguish between ARVI and influenza? Advice from Dr. Komarovsky and Rospotrebnadzor

ARVI is the most common infection on the globe. It is impossible to fully take into account the true incidence. Almost every person suffers from ARVI several times to 15 times or more per year, mainly in the form of mild and subclinical forms. ARVI is especially common in young children.

Children in the first months of life rarely get sick because they are in relative isolation and many of them retain passive immunity for months, received transplacentally from the mother in the form of IgG. However, children in the first months of life can also suffer from ARVI, especially if they are in close contact with sick people.

The reasons for this may be weak transplacental immunity or its complete absence, prematurity, primary forms of immunodeficiency, etc.

Dr. Komarovsky named the first symptoms of influenza in children: predict and avoid complications




VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Flu and its types – Doctor Komarovsky – Inter

Source: https://agro-plant.ru/boli/gripp-u-detey-simptomi-i-lechenie-komarovskiy.php

How to quickly cure ARVI in a child?

how to quickly cure ARVI

It is impossible to quickly cure any disease, since the main work in treatment is performed by our body. We can only speed up this process by supporting it with medications and strengthening the immune system.

Before complex treatment, you should find out whether the child really has ARVI or another disease. In such cases, it is better to take the child to the doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis.

To speed up your child’s recovery, follow the rules of patient care. The atmosphere in which a child is located is important for the body. It is also necessary to isolate him from healthy children, avoiding transmission of infection to other people. Bed rest is an important element necessary to avoid physical overexertion.

It will allow you not to waste the necessary energy, directing it to destroying the infection. Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids. At high temperatures, children's bodies overheat, losing large amounts of water. To prevent dehydration, provide your child with sufficient fluids.

Note: Do not rush to lower the temperature immediately. An increase in temperature is a natural response of the body to the penetration of foreign viruses and bacteria. It helps the body cope with infection by releasing antibodies.

For quick recovery, use antiviral drugs - Rimantodine or Cytovir. Even a doctor will not wish for a complete recovery, but medications can prevent or reduce the risk of complications.

How to distinguish ARVI from acute respiratory infections: Komarovsky answers

Bed rest is the key to successful treatment

Dr. Komarovsky quite often encounters acute respiratory diseases in children. The doctor claims that acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections are often perceived by most people as one pathological process. However, these are completely different diseases that need to be identified.

The doctor claims that ARVI is a viral infection that affects various parts of the respiratory tract. The occurrence of a pathological process can be diagnosed against the background of exposure to a variety of viruses:

  • PC virus
  • Rhinovirus
  • Parainfluenza virus

The symptoms of the pathological process directly depend on what virus caused the disease.

Rhinitis affects the mucous membranes of the nose, laryngitis affects the larynx, pharyngitis affects the pharynx, nasopharyngitis affects the nose and pharynx, tonsillitis affects the tonsils, tracheitis affects the trachea, etc.

When ARVI occurs, patients complain of feeling unwell. After a short time, the body temperature rises. The person also experiences a runny nose and cough.

The doctor notes that ARVI cannot be correlated with a cold. The appearance of a pathological process is observed against the background of infection from another person.

Cough and runny nose can occur for other reasons. When these symptoms occur, most children are diagnosed with acute respiratory infections, since this concept includes not only acute respiratory diseases, but also the common cold. With this pathology, body temperature rises. This suggests that the human body is trying to cope with the disease on its own.

With acute respiratory infections, a runny nose may occur, which should be treated with drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect. To treat this symptom, it is recommended to use Ectericide, which is an oily liquid. The medicine is characterized by the presence of disinfectant properties, which helps speed up the process of treating pathology. A runny nose is a normal protective reaction to viruses that enter the human body.

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With acute respiratory infections, patients may be diagnosed with the development of cough. It helps protect the lungs from mucus. In order to eliminate the possibility of drying out of sputum, it is recommended that the child be provided with plenty of fluids and cool air. To combat a cough, it is necessary to use medications whose action is aimed at liquefying mucus.

The doctor claims that the duration of treatment, as well as the possibility of developing complications, directly depends on the quality of medications and the correct selection of treatment.

How to treat ARVI in an infant?

SARS in a baby

When treating children under six months of age, parents should know that extreme caution must be exercised, as infants have very weak immunity. If your baby shows signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will examine your child and give you the following treatment instructions.


A viral infection appears immediately after entering the body. Usually a person begins to feel its symptoms immediately, on the first day. In order to begin treatment correctly, you need to diagnose the correct disease, since often the symptoms of the disease are very similar to the symptoms that appear with the flu. However, there are also differences.

Intoxication during acute viral infection has less acute manifestations. Among them:

Temperature less than thirty-eight degrees; There is a refusal to eat. The reason for this is a sore throat. Loose stools. Cough and runny nose. Traditionally, the course of respiratory infections is divided into three stages, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms.


The symptoms are bad. As a rule, there are unpleasant sensations in the ENT organs.


This period is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Dry barking cough;
  2. Severe pain in the throat and throughout the body;
  3. Fever, but not higher than thirty-eight.


This stage occurs in two cases. Either appropriate treatment has been carried out, or the patient has phenomenal immunity. In any case, the following signs are characteristic of the recovery period:

  1. Frequent wet cough;
  2. Copious secretion of sputum;
  3. A large amount of mucus in the nasal cavity;
  4. Temperature drop.

If all the symptoms coincide, then we proceed to the procedures. Let's consider the treatment method offered by a famous doctor.

Treatment of ARVI in infants and children according to Komarovsky’s method

By cold, most parents usually understand acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. There is no person in the world who has never suffered from this disease. These diseases are among the most common; people get sick with them more often in winter, less often in summer. The cause of the disease is viruses, of which there are more than fifty varieties.

Children are usually susceptible to colds more often than adults. This does not depend at all on the child’s immunity. The immune system only affects the severity of the disease and the possible recovery time. Symptoms of the disease in children are similar: cough and sore throat , nasal congestion, general malaise and fever.

Many parents have developed behavioral stereotypes according to which children must be given pills in order to overcome the manifestation of the disease. In most cases, the child’s body will cope with the disease on its own ; you just need to provide it with all possible help.

When children's body temperature rises to 38 degrees, parents should not bring it down . After all, this is the main sign that the body is resisting viruses. Prescribing medications at this time can negatively affect the baby’s immunity.

When the temperature rises above 38 degrees during ARVI, Komarovsky recommends giving children paracetamol as an antipyretic. Its main function is temperature normalization.

Komarovsky is also a big opponent of children taking antibiotics, because they are designed to help treat bacteria, not viruses. He believes that antibiotics should be taken if the baby is sick with bronchitis or pneumonia.

According to the famous pediatrician, treatment of children should take place under the constant supervision of a doctor, and parents should listen to his recommendations.

Indications for hospitalization

ARVI symptoms and treatment

If you notice that the disease cannot be treated, be sure to hospitalize the child in a health care facility. Transfer from outpatient to inpatient treatment is necessary for a complete examination and identification of the causes of the complication. Many people refuse to hospitalize their children without realizing how important it is.

Firstly, the hospital is equipped with special equipment for a complete examination of the patient. Secondly, not everyone has people living at home who could inject a child. Thirdly, isolation of an infected baby is necessary for the safety of other residents.

Transfer to inpatient treatment is also possible in emergency cases. This occurs with complications of the respiratory tract, manifested in the form of shortness of breath and respiratory arrest. Mandatory hospitalization for the development of otitis and encephalitis. This is due to the danger of bacteria progressing to the brain.

Doctor's advice for treatment

First of all, the doctor advises to soberly assess the situation and not to stuff the child with unnecessary medications in a panic. In most cases, a strong body copes with ARVI and flu on its own. Already on days 2-3, our immune system produces enough interferon to cope with the virus. During this period, it is important for parents to create suitable conditions for a quick recovery. First of all, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky recommends preparing the child’s room.

The room should be with a minimum of dust collectors (carpets, voluminous curtains, soft toys), cool and ventilated. This will minimize irritants that cause coughing. Air humidity should be maintained at 50% -60%. The temperature should be on average about 18-20 °C, and the child should be dressed warmly. The next important point is sufficient fluid intake. The less children drink when they have a cold, the greater the likelihood of complications such as sinusitis, bronchitis and sinusitis.

If we talk about the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, then it is symptomatic in nature and allows you to cope with the unpleasant signs of the disease. One of the first symptoms that appears during a cold is fever. This is a clear sign that an infection has entered the body and it is actively fighting it. Dr. E. O. Komarovsky believes that bringing down a fever below 38-38.5 ° C while feeling normal is a real crime.

At temperature, the protein interferon begins to be actively produced. If you start to relieve the fever in the first hours, then ARVI will proceed sluggishly and for a long time. It is important to monitor the child’s behavior and condition. If he feels well, then it is enough to provide plenty of drinking regime. When the thermometer shows high values ​​and the child has a headache or fatigue, then you can resort to drug treatment.

It is recommended that paracetamol be used to reduce the temperature of children with ARVI and influenza. Doses and forms of release depend on the age of the baby. It is also important to monitor the further condition. If the readings are above 39 °C or in case of repeated cases of increase, you should call a doctor for specialized consultation and assistance.

The next unpleasant symptom of a cold is acute rhinitis or runny nose. Mucus in a child’s nose forms as a response to the appearance of harmful viruses. The main task of parents is to prevent this mucus from drying out. For a runny nose, Dr. E. O Komarovsky advises drips of pharmaceutical saline solution into your nose.

Such instillations are indicated even for the youngest children under 1 year of age. You need to drip frequently (every 2-3 hours) 2-3 drops. You can prepare a saline solution yourself by taking 1 liter of boiled, cooled water and 1 teaspoon of table salt. This product thins mucus well and helps it come out quickly and painlessly. After such therapy, you may not need vasoconstrictor drops. By the way, they should be used only in extreme cases, when nasal breathing is very difficult or completely absent.

Cough is another symptom of a cold that requires special attention. Here you need to follow the same principle as with a runny nose. The main thing is to prevent the sputum from drying out. This can be achieved with cool, moist air and plenty of fluids.

It is strictly forbidden to suppress a cough without specific instructions from a doctor. It is strongly not recommended to use bronholitin, libexin, or tusuprex for self-treatment of cough in children at home.

If you remove the spasm that causes coughing, mucus will remain in the upper respiratory tract, which can cause complications in the future. If a child has a severe wet cough, in which it is difficult for him to cough up phlegm, thinning medications should be used. Lazolvan, mucaltin, bromhexine are suitable for this purpose. Severe coughs can also be treated with inhalations.

In the treatment of ARVI and influenza, it is important to follow an integrated approach. You need to remember about proper nutrition, daily routine and auxiliary medications that help the body cope with a cold as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. Quite often, pediatricians prescribe calcium gluconate along with other medications. It helps cure cough and runny nose.

It helps keep the child's blood vessels in good shape and reduces their permeability. Calcium gluconate is often present in complex preparations that fight ARVI and influenza. Calcium gluconate restores capillary blood circulation and prevents the negative impact of the virus on the cardiovascular system. Most often, calcium gluconate is prescribed to children with signs of rickets.

Despite the fact that calcium is one of the most important macroelements in our body, it should be used with caution in treating children. You cannot treat flu and colds with calcium gluconate on your own. Only an experienced pediatrician will be able to determine the real needs of the body and calculate possible risks. Calcium gluconate has a number of contraindications and side effects. An overdose of calcium gluconate can lead to the formation of stones and other unpleasant consequences.

Measures to prevent ARVI

The cold is a well-known disease. Annual statistics show that the average incidence in Russia in children reaches 20-30%. Of these, schoolchildren and preschoolers make up 30-40%.

To prevent the occurrence of viral infections, special measures must be taken:

  • walk with children in the fresh air more often;
  • limit children's visits to institutions where infected children are located;
  • wear masks indoors with family members with acute respiratory infections;
  • reduce the use of public transport with children;
  • After contact with a patient with acute respiratory infections, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

To prevent frequent diseases, routine vaccinations are carried out in children and schoolchildren. It allows the disease to manifest itself in a mild form, reducing the risk of becoming severe. It is important to monitor the development of viral diseases in children in order to prevent them in time. Vaccination can reduce the incidence of illness in a group of children with existing acute respiratory infections.


Preventive measures according to Komarovsky include:

  1. During periods of increased morbidity, it is prohibited to be with children in crowded places.
  2. When communicating with people, children need to keep their distance.
  3. Due to the increased concentration of viruses in enclosed spaces, children are advised to spend more time outdoors.
  4. During times of greatest danger, children are advised to wear masks.
  5. Constant wet cleaning of the room, especially the child’s room. This should be done not only during periods of illness, but all year round.
  6. The recommended temperature in the room is no higher than 20-22 degrees, and humidity is no less than 40%.
  7. It is necessary to regularly protect the mucous membranes: rinse the mouth, instill the nose with saline solution.
  8. Constantly wash your hands with soap.
  9. Parents are responsible for providing their children with a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables.

There are no medications that are completely capable of preventing viral infection. Only preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of contracting them.

By following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, parents will be able to help their children get sick less often, and in case of colds, recover quickly, and without any complications during the course of the disease.

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