Cough ointment for children under one year of age

Indications for the use of cough ointments

Children under one year of age (otherwise called “babies”) are defenseless both from other people and from viruses. It is not uncommon for a child to start coughing as a result of a prescribed vaccination. The main indications for the use of ointments are:

  • non-acute, quickly treated respiratory diseases;
  • nasal and ear congestion;
  • colds;
  • general malaise without fever;
  • dry and wet cough, constant sneezing.

During this period, children undergo a series of preventive vaccinations to develop immunity. A small person suffers most of the complex diseases in childhood. The main sign is coughing, sneezing, fever, constant crying and screaming of the child. Manufacturers of therapeutic, preventive and warming ointments recommend:

  1. Before self-medication and purchasing ointment, you should consult a specialist.
  2. Before using the drug, you should read the instructions on contraindications, side effects and the general dosage of the drug.

The points must be followed, because ignoring them can lead to even greater morbidity, which can develop into complications. They will be much more difficult to cure than a common acute respiratory viral infection. Babies cannot protect themselves on their own, so parents should take care of them, consulting with experienced doctors and listening to their words, not forgetting the instructions of the ointment.

Treatment for colds on the face

How to get rid of herpes on the face? Which ointment for colds on the face is most effective? Modern medications can quite successfully and efficiently eliminate all manifestations of a cold on the face. There are many drugs on the pharmacy market that can reduce redness and the number of ulcers on the skin. Unfortunately, there is still no drug in the world that can permanently eliminate herpes.

How to get rid of a cold on your face? First of all, this is due to the herpes virus, since when a person is initially infected with herpes, they attach to the Deoxyribonucleic acid of the body's cells, and are subsequently copied as part of the cells during division. Further, the cold is in a latent form, sometimes manifesting itself - thereby flowing into an acute one.

The action of most drugs is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the acute form of the disease. The most effective drugs against herpes, intended for the treatment of various viral diseases, which include acyclovir . Such drugs prevent the proliferation of microbes, thereby eliminating the appearance of ulcers and wounds. There are 2 types of antiviral drugs: topical and oral . For example:

  1. Zovirax.
  2. Acyclovir.
  3. Famvir.
  4. Allomedine.
  5. Fenistil Pentsivir.

Valiciclovir is used not only for first-degree herpes, but also for the treatment of other diseases associated with the herpes virus. It is more effective in treating colds on the face and cheek than Acyclovir. Reduces the likelihood of transmitting the virus through sexual contact and contact of saliva with mucous membranes. If the appearance of a cold on the face is accompanied by itching and burning, then it is necessary to treat with drugs containing: tetracaine, novocaine. And if you have a fever, you can use Ibuprofen. When treating a cold on the face, in addition to medications, it is important to use vitamins and herbal medicine.

If a cold on the face appears once, then the best way to eliminate herpes is to use ointment with acyclovir. This drug should be used for several days, the ointment should be applied once every 2-3 hours to the damaged area of ​​the skin.


Treatment should begin immediately when the first signs of herpes appear. In most situations, these steps will help prevent blisters and ulcers from forming at the site of redness. The course of use of the ointment is 5 days; you can read the instructions for use of the drug.

Composition of ointments

The composition of most medicinal ointments is such that it is hypoallergenic. Ointments for children will not harm a child if he is allergic to oils and certain chemical elements:

  • Camphor is a substance with a strong, characteristic spicy odor. The mask acts as a tonic effect for the respiratory tract and center, stimulates the basic functions of the circulatory system;
  • Levomenthol is a menthol intended to cool the body and lower the child’s temperature. The ointment is used as an anti-inflammatory, soothing element. Does not harm the body;
  • Badger or other substances - (fats) that prevent heat from leaving the body;
  • Thymol is a component of levomenthol and is used for its antiseptic effect and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Oils. They differ due to smells, medicinal properties and overall effects. Nutmeg, turpentine, and eucalyptus oils are added to cough ointments;
  • Other elements present in individual ointments for children under one year of age and adults.


Indications for use

These medications are prescribed at the first symptoms of colds :

Mucus with wet cough, runny nose.

Doctors often prescribe warming ointments for coughs and colds for children, since they safely and effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms and promote the migration of a dry cough into a wet one, which makes the patient feel better.

According to the mechanism of action, these products are similar to compresses and mustard plasters . The substances in their composition irritate biological receptors and activate the flow of arterial blood to the bronchi and trachea.

Most medications in this dosage form are intended for children over two years of age, but there are those that are suitable for infants.

How do cough medications work?

To treat different types of cough, three groups of drugs with different active ingredients are used:

  1. Antitussives. Suppress cough. They are used during dry paroxysmal severe cough, whooping cough in order to alleviate the child’s condition. The active ingredients of such drugs are: sodium butamirate, glaucine hydrochloride, oxeladin.
  2. Mucolytics. They dilute mucus, reduce its elasticity and viscosity. Prescribed for dry, non-productive cough (with sputum difficult to separate), usually in combination with expectorants. Active ingredients: ambroxol, carbocisteine, bromhexine.
  3. Expectorants. They are prescribed for a wet cough in a child to facilitate the separation of sputum by increasing its quantity and accelerating its movement through the respiratory tract. As a rule, extracts of medicinal plants are used. Babies may experience allergic reactions to some types of herbs, so expectorants should be used with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

A baby under the age of one year cannot be given solid dosage forms, so drugs for such children are available in the form of syrups or drops. In addition to oral medications, inhalations through a nebulizer, as well as compresses and rubbing are done.

Medicines vary in their effects. Antitussive drugs affect the central nervous system, suppressing the activity of certain brain centers that control the cough reflex. Such drugs are rarely prescribed to children under 12 months of age, since many of them depress respiratory function.

Anti-cough drugs are also classified according to their composition. On this basis, funds are divided into:

  • herbal preparations;
  • medications that contain artificially synthesized components;
  • combination drugs.

Effect on the children's body

Not all drugs are approved for young children. Most often, for colds, severe coughs and runny noses, medications such as turpentine ointment, Doctor Mom and Vicks are used.

Turpentine ointment helps relieve inflammation and has a distracting effect. It is indicated for bronchitis to treat cough. Please note that it is contraindicated at high temperatures.

Doctor Mom is based on natural active ingredients, so it is safe for children. Can be used as a standalone remedy in the early stages of the disease or in combination with other drugs in later stages.

Vicks ointment has a local irritating effect, which helps to quickly overcome a cough. It can be used for children over two years of age.

A category such as warming ointments for children can only be used in the absence of elevated temperature. They usually contain turpentine and essential oils. They are applied to the neck, chest and back. Then the child needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket and put to bed.

Warming ointment for colds for children and adults

The cold is a disease that requires a serious approach and proper treatment. A doctor called to your home will help you choose safe treatment, which includes medications, traditional medicine recipes, and warming ointments. They have a beneficial effect on colds and are applied after hypothermia to prevent ARVI. You can use them during the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections. The compositions of warming agents are similar, and they have the following effects:

  1. diaphoretic;
  2. warming;
  3. antiseptic;
  4. improve blood circulation.

Correct application of cold ointment: take a small portion and apply to clean skin of the chest, legs and back.

The product helps relieve pain and tension that occurs at high temperatures. Medications applied to the chest and back relieve pain and reduce nasal discharge. Massage with these products removes toxins from the body and improves blood circulation.

Frequently prescribed drugs

For coughs, runny noses, and other manifestations of colds, the following remedies are often used in children:

    Doctor Mom. For colds, many people choose this medication. It contains camphor, menthol, nutmeg and eucalyptus oils.

The product has a local irritant effect, increases blood circulation, and provides a warming effect. Apply the composition to the chest and back in the area between the shoulder blades .

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, in case of damage to the skin, for children under two years of age. Price - from 142 rubles.

Dr. Theiss ointment. Acts like the previous medicine. Eucalyptus in its composition helps warm the body and acts like inhalation, evaporating active substances and allowing them to enter the nasopharynx.

The drug is applied to the chest and back. After application, you need to wear something warm or lie under a blanket to improve the result.

Some components can cause allergies, so use is not recommended for children under two years of age. Costs from 237 rubles.

Turpentine ointment. A turpentine-based composition promotes the death of pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammation and pain.

Can be used for children from one year old. Until this age, the decision must be made by a doctor. The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the chest, back, and heels before bedtime once a day. It is better to start using it at the first manifestations of the disease - runny nose, sore throat.

This will help prevent the spread of infection and kill viruses at their inception. Price - about 17 rubles.

Vicks Active Balm. Can be used for runny nose and sore throat. Contraindicated for children under three years of age.

The drug contains eucalyptus oil, menthol, camphor. Apply to the chest for a runny nose, and on the neck for a sore throat. The cost is about 120 rubles.

Pulmex Baby. This medication can be used at any age. It is applied to infants once a day, to children over three years old - twice. Includes rosemary and eucalyptus oils, Peruvian balsam.

Indicated for acute lesions of the upper respiratory tract. Rub a thin layer into the center line of the back and chest. After application, you need to wrap the child with something warm. Costs approximately 120 rubles.

Roztiran. Approved for use by children and adults. Contains oils of fir, menthol, eucalyptus, nutmeg, thymol, camphor.

Quickly relieves symptoms of colds, relieves headaches, improves immunity and helps strengthen the body. It is recommended to use before bedtime. Price - 90-100 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment. Used to treat wet cough. The warming effect is not very pronounced. Castor oil, birch tar, and xeroform, which kill viruses, bacteria, and infections, can achieve results.

Used for compresses on the back and chest, which can be kept for up to three hours. Do not do it longer, otherwise skin burns may occur. The cost is about 40 rubles.

Proper use of warming ointments for colds for children

To alleviate the body's condition during a runny nose and cough, the ointment is applied with massage movements to the patient's chest , without affecting the left side of the chest - the location of the heart. You can rub the area between the child's shoulder blades. And rub the baby’s feet and heels, especially for colds caused by coughing.

Regarding applying the product to the wings of a child’s nose with a runny nose: some pediatricians advise using this method, while another category of doctors has a negative attitude towards this, due to the possible contact with the patient’s mucous membranes.

Choice depending on age

When choosing a warming ointment for children for coughs and runny noses, it is important to consider the age of the child , since most products have limitations:

    Up to a year. Most formulations are contraindicated for children under one year of age, since their skin is delicate and the medicine can injure it.

But still, sometimes doctors prescribe products in this form of release, but recommend mixing them with baby cream.

The doctor may prescribe medications such as Badger, Doctor Mom, Zvezda balm, Pulmex baby.

Up to two years. Many cough medications and ointments are also contraindicated for children aged 1 to 2 years. Doctor Mom, Pulmex Baby, and the homeopathic remedy Bryonia, intended for rubbing, may be prescribed.

From two years. Children over two years old can be prescribed Pulmex Baby, Doctor Mom, Doctor Theiss ointment, Equabal balm and other medications approved by a doctor. At this age, the list of medications that can be used will be wider than for infants.

School age children. At school age, most compounds are allowed in the absence of an allergic reaction and individual intolerance. The doctor may prescribe Doctor Mom, turpentine and Vishnevsky ointment, Vicks, Zvezdochka and other drugs appropriate for the age category.

On our website you can learn about the indications and contraindications for the use of such ointments for children:

Nystatin - to combat candidiasis and other fungal diseases.

Methyluracil - for the treatment of skin pathologies in children.

Levomekol - to eliminate purulent wounds and severe burns.

Types of ointments for bronchitis

Ointment Doctor MOM® Phyto effectively relieves the symptoms of a cold or ARVI, which is due to the action of carefully selected components, which:

  • increase blood circulation in areas where the ointment is applied. This “diverts” blood from inflamed and swollen tissues, making breathing easier;
  • relieve pain. Light irritation (warming) has a reflexogenic effect, which helps to alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms such as headaches and muscle pain;
  • eliminate nasal congestion. Due to the presence of esters of medicinal plants in the ointment, it relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa and, accordingly, eliminates congestion.

Standard treatment of colds is reduced to the use of tablets and syrups, but they put a strain on the internal organs: liver, heart, kidneys. So for minor manifestations of a cold or an early stage of the disease, doctors recommend using cough ointments.

Each of them includes components whose main function is heating. The composition is designed to maintain a warming effect for a long time. Range of applications:

  • For colds,
  • For bronchitis in adults and children.
  • Flu.

Any respiratory disease requires comprehensive treatment. Warming agents are applied to the chest area, most often to the back. The effect is felt after a couple of minutes; the warming components increase blood circulation, thereby speeding up metabolism. The immune system begins to actively participate in the fight for the health of the body.

If the disease is in the initial stages of development, then the use of ointments will help with recovery and relieve the initial but also residual symptoms of the disease.

When using the product, it is possible to slow down the progression of the disease, accelerating the healing process. The effect is similar to the effect of mustard plasters, but with more gentle and long-term use.

The biggest plus for a cough rub is that it prevents the cough from becoming chronic. Often the composition contains some components that additionally affect the body:

  • As an anesthetic that affects nerve endings. This helps the body to distract itself from pain by enhancing the warming effect.
  • Some components, like turpentine, can provoke the body to increase the production of mediators, which helps the body recover faster.
  • Another component is menthol. It has an analgesic effect, as a result, ointment for rubbing when coughing reduces pain during illness.

The age that requires a more careful approach to the choice of medications is children under one year old. Choosing a cough ointment for children under one year of age requires an individual approach.

The main component that limits the list of possible remedies is the presence of camphor oil. This component seriously strains the heart, so you should carefully review the composition.

The following warming agents are suitable for children under two years of age:

  • Pulmex Baby.
  • Eucabolus,
  • Bear, badger and goat natural fats.

Drugs taken orally have a more pronounced effect than local ones, since they have high bioavailability. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they are absorbed into the blood. Ointments are external agents. When the medicine is applied to the skin, the therapeutic activity of the active substances is lower than when used internally, only a small part of them enters the bloodstream.

Cough ointment

Sometimes in mild cases the use of local drugs is sufficient, but mainly external agents are used as an auxiliary method of treating cough. They are effective if a warming, distracting, analgesic or anti-inflammatory local effect is required.

The active components of the ointment enter the bloodstream only in small quantities, so this dosage form is safe and is often used in the treatment of cough in children. The drug does not directly affect the causative agent of the disease, but it can speed up recovery and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which inflammation develops in the tissues of the bronchial tree. Characteristic manifestations of the disease are severe cough, fever and shortness of breath.

To eliminate the risk of complications, it is important to begin treatment for the disease as early as possible.

One of the methods of treating bronchitis in adults and children is rubbing ointment on the chest and upper back. Such warming procedures are used as additional treatment. By rubbing it is possible to liquefy the mucus accumulated in the bronchi.

Many ointments for bronchitis have a warming effect. The rubbing process generates heat, resulting in increased blood circulation. This process helps to liquefy mucus and facilitate easy removal of the bronchi.

With this treatment, it is easier for the patient to cough, and after the mucus is removed, breathing normalizes. An improvement in the condition will be noticeable in the morning if you rub the medicine directly at night.

The anti-bronchitis rub contains essential oils (this can be eucalyptus oil or menthol) that enter the respiratory tract. Under their influence, the lumen in the bronchi expands, and the cough becomes easier.

The components that make up the warming drug penetrate deeply into the epidermis and increase body temperature. After the action of the warming drug, coughing attacks are reduced, and sputum comes out more easily.

The main active components of rubbing ointments for bronchitis can be:

  • animal origin – snake or bee venom, fat;
  • plant origin - essential oil of eucalyptus, pine and other plants, turpentine.

This or that type of medicinal product for rubbing for bronchitis is prescribed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the tolerability of the active ingredients.

Warming ointment for bronchitis has a healing effect due to the content of natural ingredients in it. Proper use of the drug gives good results in the treatment of adults and young patients.

Since such drugs act locally, they are considered safe compared to other forms of medication.

When using them, it is possible to quickly get rid of diseases of the respiratory system.

Pharmacy ointments

Warming pharmaceutical ointments for bronchitis have a comprehensive effect on the entire body. They can relieve the symptoms of the disease.

There are several well-known types of drugs that are highly effective and can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. Turpentine ointment increases blood movement. It has an antiseptic effect. The composition is easily absorbed and has a pronounced smell. Immediately before application, the medicine must be mixed with a fatty cream in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Doctor Mom is a medicinal product made using natural ingredients. It is considered the safest. Active components (menthol and eucalyptus) can warm, relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment does not warm, but helps relieve swelling. The drug contains tar, which has an antiseptic effect, reduces inflammation and helps thin mucus in the bronchi.
  4. “Asterisk” is a well-known remedy that promotes the rapid removal of sputum. After its use, the cough becomes softer, pain in the head and chest is eliminated, and nasal breathing is restored.
  5. Vicks Active Balm contains essential oils that easily penetrate the respiratory tract. Due to the influence of active components, tissue swelling is reduced, nasal breathing improves and sputum is thinned. After using this drug, the patient is no longer bothered by a night cough.
  6. Bryonia is a homeopathic ointment that helps relieve dry cough. The active ingredients of the drug accelerate the process of mucus discharge, reduce inflammation and strengthen the body's defenses.
  7. Traumeel ointment is a homeopathic medicine made from herbal ingredients. Despite the fact that this remedy is not warming, it can relieve swelling and inflammation of tissues, reduce pain, and strengthen the immune system.
  8. Theraflu Bro is a drug that reduces coughing attacks, restores nasal breathing, eliminates the inflammatory process and stimulates the discharge of sputum.

Since each of the above remedies has its own characteristics, only a doctor who takes into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient can prescribe them for the treatment of bronchitis.

Homemade ointment

In addition to pharmacy warming ointments used for bronchitis, adults can use rubbing ointments made independently. There are many different recipes, for preparation you can use propolis, honey, milk, animal fat.

The following effective recipe for preparing a folk remedy is recommended:

  • put 0.5 kg of goat fat in a container and pour in alcohol tincture of propolis (20 ml);
  • These ingredients are lightly mixed and placed in a water bath. It should be heated until the alcohol evaporates from the composition. You can smell it;
  • the resulting mixture is stopped heated, cooled and used for grinding.

It is advisable to carry out therapeutic procedures 2-3 times a day.

Warming ointments for bronchitis should be used carefully, following medical recommendations.

  1. The medicinal ointment is applied to the chest (avoiding the heart area), between the shoulder blades, and on the heels.
  2. For better rubbing effectiveness, it is better to do it at night. After this, the patient is dressed warmly and put to bed.
  3. Before going to bed, you can drink a hot drink made from brewed herbs.

The basic rule should be adhered to: warming medications can be applied to the patient’s body only if there is no fever.

The technique for using the rubbing product looks like this:

  • The drug is applied with rubbing movements; do not press on the body;
  • it is important to avoid exposure to the heart area and mammary glands;
  • You can put cotton wool on top of the treated area of ​​the body or dress the patient after the composition is absorbed;
  • the person who did the rubbing should wash their hands thoroughly.


Each of the medications has a number of contraindications described in the instructions.

Drugs with a warming effect are contraindicated:

If there are lesions, rashes, or wounds on the skin.

In case of liver and kidney failure.

In the presence of individual intolerance to the component.

The presence of essential oils in the composition is prohibited for children under two years of age.

For diseases and damage to the skin (we will talk about wound healing ointments in this article).

Recommendations for parents

In order for the chosen remedy to work and not provoke adverse reactions, you need to take into account the features of its correct use.

You need to rub it in the evening before going to bed. After completing the procedure, dress your baby in warm pajamas, wrap him in a warm blanket and put him to bed.

Typically the formulations are applied to the chest, back, soles and heels. Under no circumstances should they be rubbed into the area of ​​the heart and nipples.

You can move your hands from bottom to top or clockwise.

Rubbing should not be carried out even with a slight increase in temperature.

Ointments are an excellent way to eliminate cough, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold and speed up recovery. Use them as prescribed by your doctor and take into account the specifics of their use.


For a runny nose:

BE SURE to suck out snot and mucus as best you can.

nozzle suction or a simple blower. Remember to close one nostril with your finger. And one more rule that I really want to put almost in the title:

NEVER use bulbs (nozzle suckers), sprays or the like to put drops in your child’s nose. In babies, the Eustachian tube is still very short and the fluid directed by the jet easily gets there, causing inflammation of the middle ear or otitis media. So, let's help the nose breathe:

1. One of the most effective remedies for a runny nose is four drops of Kalanchoe juice in each nostril - you don’t need to suck anything out, you can sneeze everything out with a mighty sneeze;

2. One drop of Vitaon in the nostril;

3. Drizzle mother's milk into the nose; (this is what we used)

4. Massage the points along the edges of the wings of the nose as often as possible;

5. You can instill a solution of sea salt; it relieves swelling of the mucous membrane well, and also disinfects. If you don’t have it, then you can prepare something similar: a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water + 1-2 drops of iodine. After salt, you must definitely breastfeed. (used when they finished breastfeeding and began to drip a vasoconstrictor after washing with saline solution - Vibrocil, for example)

6. Dilute beetroot juice with water 1:1 (a powerful thing. Test it on yourself before giving it to your child. It is possible that you will need to dilute it a little more), and use it carefully, because if the mucous membrane is inflamed or there are wounds, it can bake . Drip 3-4 times a day. (methods with juice were not used) 7. When the baby is sleeping, put a napkin moistened with eucalyptus oil (a few drops) in the crib. This is a kind of inhalation. Snot won't interfere with sleep.

8. Carrot juice should be diluted 1:1. You can drip at least after half an hour (not used)

9. Every hour, rinse the spout with saline solution, half a pipette at a time. Then pull out all the remains with a nozzle suction and lubricate the nose with peach oil so that the mucous membrane does not dry out. (I won’t say anything about oil, the idea of ​​rinsing the nose in our case is so that the snot doesn’t go down)

10. Instill a few drops of thuja oil 2 times a day. (haven't tried)

11. Parsley juice. We ground the parsley with a pestle, and then put the whole mass into cheesecloth and squeeze it out, you get a little liquid. Place 1-3 drops into each nostril. After 30 minutes there is no snot. True, then green boogers come out of the nose. Bury for at least 2 days. (we haven’t tried it... but they talked a lot about the power of “green juice” in yoga classes - they recommended giving kids juice almost from the first days)

12. Drip liquid balm “Star” onto your socks. On your toes so that it doesn’t get into your mouth and at the same time there is inhalation. Well, the same thing - a couple of drops on a napkin and over your pillow at night. Carefully! Menthol is dangerous for young children at high concentrations (above 5-7%). Zvezdochka has a menthol concentration of 10%, so small children should not eat it. And in a concentration of 2.6% (Tom\`s of Maine balm) it can be used, but not on mucous membranes or internally. And apply a little. Do not smear near the mucous membranes and in no case inside the nose, but above the nostrils, where the sinuses are located, when the child is already sleeping, so that he does not accidentally lick or smear it on the mucous membranes. I literally applied a drop at a time on both sides of my nose. And on the chest more, but without rubbing, then I put on a closed bodysuit with a neck. That was enough.

13. Another remedy for a stuffy nose. Cottage cheese compress. Only you need real cottage cheese, so crumbly, and not flowing out of a pack. The cottage cheese is heated, we heated it in a steam bath, it is laid out on gauze, wrapped, and placed on the bridge of the child’s nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it fits tightly around the nose.

14. Rinse the nose with herbs. This herbal collection "Elekosol" is for sale. Brew as written and rinse your nose with this (you can dilute it 1:1 with Borjomi, releasing its gases). You place the baby on its side and the nostril that is closest to the bed and rinse it. Then we turn and another.

15. Homeopathic remedy called Euphorbium. Children under 1 year of age are administered 1–2 drops of a 0.01% solution of the drug into each nasal passage 2–3 times a day. (we used euphorbium for treatment - I didn’t notice any particular effectiveness)

16. Rinse 3-4 times a day with soda solution or chamomile solution. after rinsing, drip dioxidin into the nose (sold in ampoules in pharmacies), the drug does not irritate the mucous membrane, is very cheap and treats lingering snot very well.

17. Instill the nose with Ectericide, 2 drops every 2 hours.

18. Drops \"DERINAT\" 4 times a day, one drop in each nostril. The annotation says: the drug has an immunomodulatory effect at the cellular and humoral levels. Activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity. Stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. etc. and so on. No contraindications have been identified. No side effects observed

19. Nazivin is a baby (he collects snot) and after a few minutes it becomes very easy to suck them out.

20. Drink this infusion - 3 hours of rose hips, 1 hour each of chamomile, nettle and St. John's wort, mix and 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water and in a thermos for 4 hours. Of course, if there are no allergies.

21. At the beginning of the disease, the baby develops a runny nose. When young children have a runny nose, they do a nasal toilet almost before every feeding. First, use wicks with a soda solution (one teaspoon of soda per glass of water) to clear the nasal passages of mucus, and then instill one or two drops of breast milk. Mother's breast milk contains all the protective substances that a person produces throughout life. If the mother does not have milk, then you can drip one or two drops of warm vegetable oil. To avoid complications, it is better to rinse your nose with wicks soaked in a soda solution. A runny nose is most often a manifestation of a viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (in human language, mucus flowing from the nose is called snot), which is in huge quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. The main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, clean cool air and a sufficient amount of liquid consumed internally. If the mucus dries, the child will breathe through the mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them. When the room temperature is above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. You can help your child by moisturizing the nasal passages with drops that make the mucus more liquid. The simplest and most accessible remedy is saline solution (available in all pharmacies). This is plain water with a little salt added. It is impossible to overdose, so drop 3-4 drops into each nostril completely calmly at least every half hour. (If the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can make some semblance of saline solution yourself, add one teaspoon of salt to one liter of boiled water, or, to be more precise, 9 grams). A very good drug is ectericide, an oily liquid that has weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering the mucous membranes with a thin layer, prevents them from drying out. For the same purpose, you can use oil solutions of vitamins E and A (tocopherol and retinol). There is no point in dripping both ectericide and vitamin solutions more than once every 2 hours (1-2 drops), it is logical to combine them with saline solution, there are no side effects. I emphasize once again if the room has warm and dry air, it is very, very difficult to prevent the mucus from drying out, no matter what you do. Therefore, for any illness, you must first answer the question: what to breathe? and only then what to treat. Never, under any circumstances, drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! It is unacceptable to use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin) for a common runny nose. At first, the mucus disappears very well, and then the swelling of the nasal mucosa begins very badly. It manifests itself like this: the snot has stopped running, and nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (you can’t breathe). And to make it feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is protection. It will go away on its own if you don’t interfere, but help. These medications were invented to treat a completely different runny nose, not infectious, but allergic. For example, a neighbor came to show off her Persian cat, and your nose began to run (this is not from delight, but from an allergy to cats). This is where naphthyzin is just right, although it’s better to kick the cat out (you can leave the neighbor).

(From the book by E. Komarovsky “The beginning of your child’s life. For dads and moms”, Kharkov, 1996)

22. Cut the onion in half, wrap it in gauze and hang it on the stroller (crib) in which the child sleeps, making sure that the onion does not touch it.

23. Infuse garlic in oil and drip into the spout. Check it out for yourself. In general, you need to be careful with garlic - it’s easy to burn the mucous membrane. (I wouldn't risk it)

24. Runny nose - drops from 1 tsp. milk + 1/4 tsp. honey + 5 drops of onion – drop 2-3 drops into the nostril, often. Clear liquid flows from the nose - instill warm Borjomi frequently. Standing green snot - Colorgol or Protargol.

25. Instill Interferon into the nose.

26. You need to warm up your nose

27. To begin with, Salin (just instill. No need to suction. ). drops are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

28. Children's medicine Triaminic - it clears the nose well, helps with cough very quickly, the child sleeps very well at night, it also brings down the temperature. (America) but the doctor explained that it acts as a “snot thickener” and as soon as the snot stops flowing like a stream and becomes more or less thick, you need to stop drinking it, because otherwise you can get sinusitis.

29. Aromatherapy also helps a lot. Two drops of eucalyptus oil on a napkin and hang it at the head of the crib. You just have to be careful at first - there are allergies to such things. In general, you need to be more careful with aromatherapy with children.

30. Decongestant drops special children's drops (America)

31. Sometimes mucus accumulates in the nose during the night, preventing the baby from breathing and sucking? You can lay it on your stomach. While he fidgets there for half an hour, his nose will clear at least partially, just collect

What are the medicines for colds?

This disease refers to respiratory diseases of a viral or bacterial nature. There are various drugs available to treat them.

They can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. the first group should include all medications that are used to relieve symptoms of the disease;
  2. the second group will include antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulatory drugs.

Colds should be treated with both medications. Their choice should be made by a doctor, based on medical history, symptoms and causes of the disease, and the results of examinations.

Symptomatic treatment

It is believed that the body is able to fight any infection on its own. But when the body temperature rises, the muscles ache from pain, the head is dizzy, the eyes are watery, the nose is stuffy, then there is no desire or strength left for this fight.

Therefore, symptomatic drugs, despite their secondary role in treatment and the inability to influence the cause of the disease, are very important.

These include:

  • antipyretics and painkillers;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antihistamines;
  • secretolytics and mucolytics;
  • general strengthening vitamins.

All of these drugs, or only some of them, may be needed for treatment. It all depends on the symptoms you have.

How to reduce the temperature and relieve pain?

You can reduce the temperature and eliminate headaches and muscle pain with the help of analgesics (paracetamol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nurofen, aspirin, etc.).

All of them act as antipyretics, i.e. they reduce body temperature no lower than normal, affecting the thermoregulatory department in the hypothalamus.

The duration of the fever period does not decrease. Various paracetamol-based drugs act in the same way:

The list is very long and the price range is impressive considering you can buy plain paracetamol and get the same effect.

Fighting colds

When you have a runny nose and difficulty breathing through your nose, the first thing that comes to mind is to drip vasoconstrictor drops into your nose to breathe freely.

There are different means for this:

  • xylometazoline,
  • phenylephrine,
  • oxymetazoline.

Often pharmaceutical companies take any of the listed substances as a basis and create a new product with a commercial name. But the instructions must indicate one of the listed active ingredients.

Therefore, if you purchase a vasoconstrictor drug, you should not buy into advertising and a new name; you can buy an equally effective remedy for a more modest price.

But vasoconstrictor drugs do not cure, but only temporarily relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. An incipient runny nose should be treated with antiviral or antibacterial drops.

There are also solutions for rinsing the nasal mucosa that improve secretion and emollients. By contacting an otolaryngologist, you can choose the most suitable drops for you.


Many well-read patients question the effect of antihistamines against the common cold. But doctors continue to stubbornly prescribe them to alleviate the condition. Moreover, they do not prescribe the newest, newly released drugs, but the simplest first-generation antihistamines.

This is due to the fact that they, having a large number of contraindications and side effects, have a positive effect on the patient’s condition. This justifies the choice of doctors.


1. For a deep cough, you can apply a mustard wrap: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, tbsp. spoon sunflower butter, a spoonful of mustard, a spoonful of flour (there may be more spoons to suit the size). Bring all this to a boil, smear it on a cloth and place it on the back and right side of the chest (not with the mixture, but with the side of the cloth), wrap it with a towel on top. You can even do it at night.

2. Pour hot coarse salt (heated in a frying pan) into a rag bag (about 12x7 cm) with a rope for tying. Wrap it in some more rags and place this flat rectangle on the chest diagonally in the direction from the left shoulder to the right armpit and wrap it to the body with something warm and long, like a scarf (like a bandoleer crosswise). The child can walk like this for an hour or two. Then remove the salt and leave the scarf for some time for warmth.

3. Onion juice. chop the onion, put it in a jar, add sugar (you can replace sugar with honey if there is no allergy), the released onion juice - it is sweet - give the baby a drink (a teaspoon). Soothes cough very well.

4. Children's medicine Triaminic - it cleans the nose well, helps with cough very quickly, the child sleeps very well at night, it also brings down the temperature.

5. For coughs, brew coltsfoot (bought in a natural food store) and drink a little, but often.

6. Drink chamomile tea (you will have to sweeten it with fructose).

7. Turn on the hot water in the bathroom and close the door. The bathroom takes 15-20 minutes to heat up. Fill about 10 cm of water into the bathtub. Then take the eucalyptus tincture and spray it onto the walls in the shower. Go into the bathroom with your baby (undressed) and breathe as much as you can. The child then needs to be dried, wrapped and warm. For acute respiratory infections, cough, runny nose.

8. Inhalations. brew herbs in a saucepan (such as chamomile, marshmallow root, fennel), cover with a blanket and sit as long as you can.

10. Apply Dr. Theis' balm with eucalyptus to the chest, back, and leave it open near the bed to breathe.

11. Rub the chest and back with Vitaon (at worst, with Bronchicum, but it’s sticky)

12. Drainage massage for better sputum separation:

— put the child on his back, from below from the sides (covering the ribs with his palms) and stroke him up to the center (towards the neck). — place on the stomach, rubbing from bottom to top (palms move upward in a circular motion parallel to the spine). Can be done while the child is standing or sitting. You can be in the position in which you manage to catch the client), most often carrying everything in your arms in a column, with one hand. Then we pat the back from bottom to top.

— we hang the child over the knee (butt up) and tap the back from the butt to the head, quite intensively.

— like any massage, we start and end with light strokes, the main part is quite noticeable. But pat on the back with the whole family in all free time.

13. It is also quite obvious that in order to liquefy macrota, there must be liquid in the body - that is, you need to drink plenty of water, preferably something warm and sour.

14. If the cough is dry, then you can inhale with soda three times a day. Draw a hot bath, pour a couple of tablespoons of soda, draw steam into the bath itself and sit there with the child for ten to fifteen minutes. But if it’s wet, then you don’t need soda.

15. Dr. Taisa’s plantain mixture helps a lot.

16. Wrapping up. Spread the breast with a thin layer of honey and top with a cabbage leaf. You can wrap it up, but you can only wear a T-shirt and pajamas.

17. Lazolvan? cough syrup.

What can you give to a child from two months to a year for a wet cough?

Those drugs that are available only in tablet form are prohibited for use in early childhood. For example:

  • glaucine hydrochloride (Glauvent tablets);
  • prenoxdiazine (“Libexin”).

A safe and acceptable form for children is drops and syrups with a low concentration of the active substance. Typically, drops and syrups for infants are diluted in water, tea or juice.

Some syrups cannot be used until two years of age or older, for example, the antitussive drug “Bronholitin”, “Gerbion” syrup for dry and wet coughs, “Erespal” syrup. Until two years of age, antitussive drugs containing narcotic substances: codeine and dextromethorphan are contraindicated for use.

The tablets are intended for adults and older children. However, pediatricians, despite the restriction in the instructions for up to a year, consider it possible to give some tablets based on extracts of medicinal herbs to babies earlier.

Such tablets include “Mukaltin”, which contains marshmallow extract. The daily dose for a child under one year of age should not exceed two tablets. At one time, half a tablet is given, previously dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water.


Drops "Codelac NEO" (Russia). Active ingredient: butamirate. For children from two months, 10 drops 4 times a day.


  • drops "Panatus" (Slovenia);
  • drops "Sinekod" (Switzerland).

Stoptussin drops (Czech Republic, Israel). Active ingredient: sodium butamirate in combination with guaifenesin. Children weighing less than 7 kg are given 8 drops 3-4 times a day orally, children weighing 7-12 kg 9 drops 3-4 times a day orally.

Means for converting a dry cough into a wet one

Bromhexine syrup 4 mg/5 ml (Russia). Active ingredient: bromhexine. Children under 2 years of age: 2 mg (2.5 ml) 3 times a day.

Analogs: Bromhexine 4 Berlin-Chemie solution (Germany).

Solution for oral administration and inhalation "Ambrobene" 7.5 mg/ml (Germany, Israel). The active ingredient is ambroxol. For children from birth to two years of age, 1 ml orally three times a day. Children under two years of age: for inhalation, 1 ml of solution mixed with saline according to the instructions, once or twice a day.

Analogues: oral solution "Bronchoxol" 7.5 mg/ml (Russia).

Ambrobene syrup 15 mg/5 ml (Germany, Israel). The active ingredient is ambroxol. Children from birth to 2 years: 2.5 ml twice a day (15 mg ambroxol per day) after meals.


  • syrup "Bronchoxol" 3 mg/ml (Russia);
  • Lazolvan syrup 15 mg/5 ml (Germany, Spain);
  • Flavamed syrup 15 mg/5 ml (Germany);
  • syrup "Halixol" 30 mg/10 ml (Hungary).

Syrup "Mukosol" 250 mg/5 g (Israel). The active ingredient is carbocisteine. The normal daily dose of carbocysteine ​​for children is considered to be 20 mg/kg body weight, distributed 2-3 times. For children under 3 years of age, the dose is determined by the doctor depending on body weight.

Granules for the preparation of ACC syrup 100 mg (Germany). The active ingredient is acetylcysteine. Allowed from 10 days of age under medical supervision. Children under two years of age are allowed to take no more than one to one and a half sachets (100-150 mg) in one day, divided into 2-3 doses.

We suggest you read: Is it possible to drink cleansing tea during pregnancy?


  1. Syrup "Bronchipret" 50 ml (Germany). Ingredients: thyme herb extract, ivy herb extract. Children from 3 months to 12 months: 10-16 drops 3 times a day.
  2. Syrup “Licorice Root” (Russia). Based on licorice root extract. Children under two years old: 1-2 drops three times a day.
  3. Dry cough medicine for children (Russia). Based on dry plant extracts. Dissolve the contents of the package in 1 tbsp. l. boiled water. Give 15-20 drops to children under one year of age.
  4. Ammonia-anise drops (Russia). Active ingredients: anise oil, ammonia solution. Children under one year old: 1-2 drops three to four times a day.
  5. Syrup "Bronchicum S" (Germany). Based on thyme herb extract. For a child from 6 months to 12 years - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day.
  6. Syrup "Prospan" (Germany). Based on ivy leaf extract. Approved for use by infants from birth. 2.5 ml of syrup twice a day is recommended.

Cough in a child - advice from a pediatrician to parents

As a rule, cough in 1-month-old children is associated with an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. In such cases, medications for treatment are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. When prescribing mucolytic drugs, the severity of the cough reflex is taken into account, since in premature infants and those with neurological disorders, their use can cause stagnation of sputum in the bronchi and aggravate the course of the disease.

Some therapists recommend giving Stodal homeopathic cough syrup, which has no age restrictions. However, as practice shows, the effect of its use is questionable. Like all homeopathic remedies, this syrup has a very low concentration of active ingredients and is able to “treat” only due to the “placebo” effect, which is simply not yet possible at such an early age.

  • It is necessary to determine the cause of the cough (bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis).
  • Indicate the type of cough (wet, dry, with fever).
  • Increase the volume of fluid consumed.
  • Use antitussive drugs in drops “Panatus”, “Sinekod” (strictly as prescribed by a doctor) for a severe dry cough. Prescribed from 2 months of age, 10 drops - 2 r. per day.
  • For a wet, strong cough, expectorants and mucolytic drugs are used (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Thermopsis, Flavamed). Age restrictions and recommended doses are described above.
  • The chest is rubbed with warming substances (badger fat).

The cough itself is not an indication for antibiotic therapy. If it is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the bacterial nature of the disease is assumed. In such cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Infants are prescribed injectable antibiotics, as well as drugs in the form of a suspension. Most antibiotic suspensions are contraindicated in children under 6 months of age. Amoxacillin, Amoxiclav, and Sumamed are considered relatively safe. The dosage is prescribed depending on the complexity of the infectious disease and the child’s weight.


1. Bath for 15-20 minutes. Get into the bath every time it goes beyond 39. The water temperature is 37. gr. It is not necessary to get colder to avoid vasospasm. And the temperature drops exactly one degree, and the child relaxes and is distracted. At night, take a bath with anti-inflammatory herbs (calendula, chamomile).

2. homeopathic suppositories "Viburkol"? to relieve fever and pain, they are weak but harmless.

3. At a temperature, it is recommended to dress the child as lightly as possible.

1.Aflubin + rub with eucalyptus ointment at night

2. Propolis tincture works great! Dilute a few drops in water and give it to drink, and it’s also good to anoint the neck with the same propolis before going to bed. Tested many times: it works very quickly and efficiently!

3. If your neck hurts badly, then no one has canceled the old grandfather’s method - eggnog, hot milk with butter (you can use eggnog). In principle, drinking hot water reduces discomfort

4. Warm drink from a bottle to irrigate your throat. (Not a sippy cup or a cup, but a bottle).

5. Recently, with the permission of our ENT specialist, we have been using homeopathic lozenges Homeovox (Boiron laboratory) for laryngitis and loss of voice; another good homeopathy drug is Angin-Heel (manufactured by Heel). A good natural antiseptic is honey in a comb, unless, of course, the child is allergic to honey (the wax must be chewed like gum for a while). The ENT specialist did not advise us to use Inhalipt and similar drugs, as they irritate the mucous membranes even more.

Ibuprofen is not recommended for up to a year without medical supervision. Author: yaAlyo ( For infants, the main problem with colds is adequate drinking with clean water to normally dilute the mucus. In order for the mucus to drain well, you need to do a massage: sit comfortably, put the baby on your knees, lift the leg where there is no head on tiptoe, and make tapping movements moving towards the head. About five minutes. Then massage in a circular motion along the back in a clockwise direction, tapping again. About 15 minutes between feedings, 4-5 times a day. All statements on the topic: why does a child need clean water during breastfeeding?? I leave without comments. everyone has the right to their opinion

I am against all the newfangled types of natural hip-durnip teas: household chemicals that cause multiple allergic reactions.

If the temperature rises to 38C, this is a reason to remember Nise (paracetamol and derivatives such as eferalgan cause many allergies). It is better for such a baby to take a quarter of the tablet and grind it into powder, mix with milk or formula and give it from a spoon - the syrup contains a pineapple additive.

Mucus in the nose: it’s good to drip a warm saline solution (can be diluted with warm water - it will be warm and not too salty), a couple of drops into each nostril once an hour. Having raised two children, I am deeply convinced that the best way to remove mucus from your child’s nose is with your mother’s mouth - pull, spit out and that’s it. There really was a case of a huge bruise - I don’t know how hard you need to suck :))) Carefully suck out the mucus from the nose with your mouth: hold the head so that your index fingers cover the ears, one large finger closes one nostril, and put your mouth on the second and pull it in a little. If you see that the situation is getting worse, do everything possible to humidify the air and mucus of the child: wet sheets on the radiator and crib, drinking water, nose drops, open windows, if the apartment is hot - go outside, into the shade. The worst thing is the baby overheating! You need to be aware that a lack of fluid leads to acetonomia, and this is very bad, this means resuscitation and IVs. Therefore, if the child does not want the breast, drink 1-2 ml of warm boiled water every 5-10 minutes with a syringe without a needle on the inner surface of the cheek. Don't go to bed - it's dangerous! Drink it all night - it’s hard, but in two or three days the child will be completely healthy. At temperatures above 38C there may be convulsions. It's better to give some credit than to bite your elbows later


Causes of cough in infants

What can a baby do for a cough? This question worries many.
When children get sick, it is always worrying. Young parents are very worried about their baby, because he cannot say what hurts. Before turning to specialists, parents themselves try to understand the causes of the child’s illness. Young children get sick often, and catching colds is very easy. You can’t do without a specialist in this matter.

Cough symptoms

It is quite easy to recognize a wet cough in an infant, but sometimes it can be difficult to recognize a dry cough. During teething, the baby actively salivates, which means he may choke and cough.

Parents get used to the child's occasional coughing and may miss a dry cough. Therefore, if you notice that your child is coughing more often without drooling, you should contact your local doctor for advice.

The newborn’s body is not yet strong enough, and the condition can deteriorate very sharply. Self-medication can cause exacerbation.

It is quite easy to recognize a wet cough in an infant.

It is much easier for an adult to clear his throat. Firstly, he understands that this will lead to improvement, and secondly, the coughing tremors are much stronger.

A small child is not able to cope with coughing on his own, so you need to direct your actions to ease the cough and remove sputum.

Water is very beneficial for newborns, and parents bathe their baby every day. But the question arises: is it possible to bathe a baby when he has a cough? Bathing will benefit a sick baby. It is especially good if you bathe your baby in herbal decoctions. Thyme has a strengthening effect.

You can also add 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil to the bath - the pleasant aroma will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s recovery, creating an inhalation effect. Eucalyptus oil has a number of beneficial properties, one of which is the production of ozone.

This oil not only heals, but also protects others from infection.

Having steamed, it will be easier for the child, as his phlegm will come out faster. Before bathing, you need to make sure that the baby does not have a temperature. If you have recently knocked it down, then, of course, you should not steam in the bathroom, so as not to provoke its increase. The temperature in the room where the baby will be after taking a bath should be within normal limits so as not to overcool the body.

Bathing will benefit a sick baby

You shouldn’t start changing clothes right away; you need to let the baby dry out completely. If, for some reason, the passage rooms are poorly heated, or there is a strong temperature difference, then you can bring the baby bath into the room where the child will be in the future.

Massage for coughs

Is it possible to massage a baby when they have a cough? It’s not even worth asking this question: it’s not only possible, but necessary. You need to lay the child on your feet so that the head is slightly lowered - this will make coughing easier.

You can place a thin pillow or diaper under the baby’s belly, that is, you can also create a head-down position. A percussion massage is performed - light tapping movements with the fingers towards the head.

We will not be able to ask the baby to clear his throat, but we need to create conditions for him to cough reflex. To do this, you can press on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

Important! You should not do such procedures immediately after eating. You can also make circular movements with your palm on the back, warming it and preparing it for the massage. You can rub with special warming ointments only from 6 months, and provided that there is no fever.

Massage for coughs in infants is necessary

It must be remembered that the area of ​​the baby's papillae and heart cannot be subjected to warming procedures. You need to rub the baby's chest, back and feet. Afterwards, wrap the child well. Doctors recommend doing a massage before bed.

Is it possible to rub a baby when he/she coughs? You already know. But there is an important exception. If you also want to make compresses, then you need to place them only in the chest area, or only on the back. Warming on both sides can cause pneumonia. Mustard plasters can be bought at the pharmacy. But they are not recommended for babies under 4 months of age.

You can apply different compresses at home. For example, a compress of honey. Flour is added to honey and a stiff dough is kneaded, rolled into a flat cake and placed on the baby’s chest or back. You can also use mashed potatoes as a warming element.

You can apply a compress of honey

Rules to follow when applying a compress:

  • take a thin diaper and fold it in several layers;
  • apply a warming agent to it (honey cake, mashed potatoes, if you decide to use essential or camphor oil as a warming element, then you need to apply it directly to the skin and insulate it with a compress);
  • cover with the same diaper (this can be one large diaper folded like a book);
  • wrap cling film around the body for insulation;
  • Apply the last layer of gauze or diaper.

Is it possible to give inhalations to infants when they cough? There are many methods of so-called home inhalation for adults, which are recommended by traditional medicine. But it’s better not to experiment on children, because inhalation of hot steam can negatively affect the baby.

Firstly, children do not understand what they want from them, and they begin to struggle or simply wag their arms and legs. One awkward move and hot water can spill directly onto the baby, and inhaling steam over potatoes can cause a burn on the delicate skin of a newborn’s face. These options are extremely dangerous.

It is better to resort to more civilized methods.

Inhalation of hot steam may adversely affect the baby

Pharmacies sell various inhalers and nebulizers, which are much more effective and safer than the above-mentioned procedures.

Five minutes in this room will be enough. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a day.

Various herbs are used to combat cough.

Is it possible to give chamomile to a baby for a cough? Chamomile contains many useful substances, thanks to which the decoction has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative and diaphoretic effect, so using it when coughing will have a beneficial effect on the child’s well-being. The decoction should be unsaturated, and it is recommended to give it at night. Chamomile can also be used for passive inhalation.

Chamomile contains many useful substances, thanks to which the decoction has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative and diaphoretic effect.

A decoction of coltsfoot has a good expectorant effect. The product can be used from the age of two, so you need to consult a pediatrician about the dosage and the possibility of treatment with such a decoction. Licorice, marshmallow and elecampane will be a good help in the fight against cough.

Many people from their childhood remember such a plant as parmelia herb, but they don’t know whether it can be given to infants for coughs. This herb has astringent, bactericidal and antiseptic effects, which are very important for colds and coughs.

A decoction of coltsfoot has a good expectorant effect.

The baby’s mobility should not be limited. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to roll over, crawl or stomp on his own, depending on his age, so the phlegm will not stagnate and will come off more easily. If there is no fever, even if the baby has snot and cough, you can walk outside. After all, the most important treatment for the respiratory tract is fresh air.

Advice! If your home is located in a polluted area of ​​the city, then during your illness it is better to move outside the city or to another cleaner place. If there is wind or low temperature (-10°C or lower), going outside should be postponed.

The most important treatment for the respiratory tract is fresh air.

The walk can last from 15 minutes to 3 hours. It all depends on the weather and the condition of the child. If the baby is sleeping and nothing bothers him, then the walk can last a long time. When asked whether it is possible to walk with a baby when they have a cough, doctors answer that it is possible. Walks are necessary, but not to the detriment of the health of the child and mother.

We suggest you read: Massage for a 2 month old baby at home: how to do general and strengthening

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to the action of physical, chemical, organic irritants. The cough can be acute or chronic (lasting more than 2 months). There are also dry and wet (wet) coughs.

A dry cough in a child may occur when it is impossible to evacuate viscous sputum. In young children, such a cough can result in vomiting, which will lead to overstrain of the larynx. A dry cough in infants can occur during feeding, if the child has choked, or during teething, which is accompanied by increased production of saliva.

The cause of a baby's cough may be teething; in this case, he does not need any cough medicine.
Cough in children of the first year of life can appear with the development of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Other symptoms may be absent; in some cases, cough is accompanied by nasal congestion, fever, redness of the eyes, throat, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.

  • The heated salt is poured into a rectangular rag bag. Place it on the baby's chest and wrap it in a scarf. Avoid the location of the heart. A child can be with warm salt for 2-3 hours. The recipe is applicable to children aged 6 months and older.
  • They give the child tea made from chamomile or coltsfoot. Can be used by children from 2 months.

List of cough medicines for infants (what can be given to a child from birth)

When a cough occurs in infants, young and inexperienced parents grab their heads and don’t know what to do. The physiological peculiarity of newborns is that they are characterized by immaturity of the respiratory muscles, and therefore a pathology of cough drainage is observed. In such a situation, any parents wonder what to do to stop the child from coughing and what can be given to infants for cough so as not to harm them.

Attention! Before giving medications to newborn babies, you should consult your doctor! This review is for informational purposes only.

The entire process of treating cough in very young children should be reduced to providing the child with a regime of cool and moist air, and above all, drinking plenty of fluids, which helps eliminate pathological loss of fluid in the baby’s body.

However, in modern conditions it is difficult to deny the achievements of medicine in the field of pharmacological cough remedies. So, what cough medicines can be given to an infant.

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