Drops for runny nose for children: for infants up to one year and newborns, children from one year old, for 2 and 3 years

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Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna

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During cold season, children most often suffer from acute viral infections. The reason for this is weak immunity, which is not always able to resist pathogenic bacteria. A characteristic sign of a cold in children is a runny nose, nasal congestion, and impaired nasal breathing. The symptoms of rhinitis are especially difficult for infants whose nasal passages are too narrow and even minor inflammation, swelling, disrupts the baby’s breathing, he refuses to eat, sleeps poorly, and is often capricious. The appearance of a runny nose in young children always alarms parents, causes concern and becomes a reason to contact a pediatrician.

The standard treatment for runny nose in children is the use of nasal drops, but when using such drugs for infants or preschool children, you need not only to choose the right drug, but also pay attention to the doses of the active ingredient that are present in a particular topical drug. The pharmacological industry provides quite a lot of topical medications that allow them to be used for children from 1 year old, but the choice of drops should still be entrusted to a pediatrician. Seeing a doctor if a child has a runny nose is the right step for caring parents, since only a specialist can recognize the cause of rhinitis, select the most effective treatment, and give useful recommendations for caring for the nasal mucosa. Before considering nasal drops for children from the first year of life, you need to know for what reasons rhinitis may appear and how to recognize its nature?

A little about the runny nose

A runny nose is one of the traditional symptoms of the nasopharynx, but in medicine it is considered only as the body’s reaction to a particular irritant. In young children, a runny nose (rhinitis) can appear for several reasons, so before carrying out therapeutic measures or buying nasal drops, it is important to determine the main etiological factor.

The following reasons can cause a runny nose in children:

  • Viral infection.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Fungal pathogens.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Congenital pathologies of the nasopharynx.

For children, a runny nose is dangerous because, as a result of a stuffy nose and swelling, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth, which increases the risk of infection entering the respiratory tract. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of a runny nose in children are very similar. In the first days of the illness, the child has copious nasal discharge, then congestion may appear, the snot becomes thick, nasal breathing is impaired, swelling and inflammation are present. In addition to disorders of the nasal mucosa, the child may have other symptoms indicating a particular disease.


Types of runny nose

The presence of nasal discharge in a baby has various causes and consequences. Some arise simply as a reaction to something, others as a result of the activity of pathogenic organisms. According to its origin, a runny nose can be:

  • Allergic - appears due to allergens. They can enter the body from the environment, for example, dust or through mother's milk (food allergens).
  • Physiological - occurs immediately after childbirth, while the body gets used to breathing and the functioning of the mucous membrane is improved.
  • Infectious - caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses.
  • Vasomotor - improper functioning of the vessels of the nasal mucosa.

To accurately determine what type of runny nose your baby has, you need to show him to a pediatrician and undergo an examination. This will help not only to establish the cause of the child’s snot, but also to undergo timely and correct therapy.

What nasal drops can be used for a runny nose? There are the following groups of drugs:

  1. Preparations based on saline solutions.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.
  3. Hormonal sprays.
  4. Sprays to thin thick nasal discharge.
  5. Drops and sprays with antibiotics or antiseptics (including silver-based).
  6. Antiviral local drugs.
  7. Combined preparations, including emollients, which contain essential oils.
  8. Drops that will thicken copious liquid snot.
  9. Homeopathic medicines.
  10. Drops and sprays with an immunomodulatory effect.
  11. Nasal drops for allergic rhinitis.

Types of nasal drops

For children after the first year of life, doctors most often prescribe drops for the common cold, which contain a calculated dose of the active ingredient. Sprays and aerosols are not recommended for children under 5 years of age, since the process of injecting them into the nasal passages increases pressure, which can lead to damage to the eustachian tube and the development of otitis media. Any drug used to treat rhinitis contains instructions for use, which allows parents to become familiar with the composition, mechanism of action, indications, dosages and other important information.

Cold drops for children are divided into several types, each of which has a specific mechanism of action.

  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiviral.
  • Vasoconstrictors.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Antiallergic.

Any of the drugs used to treat rhinitis in children has its own composition and principle of action, and therefore must be used strictly according to indications. With the right choice of nasal drops, the effect of their use will be quite rapid, and the risk of complications will be minimized.

Drops for the common cold for children over 3 years old - article on the topic.


Some treat nasal congestion by instilling special antibiotic drops. Such medications are most often used if a child suffers from purulent mucus located in the sinuses. To choose the most effective remedy, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular antibiotic drugs.


After the first symptoms of purulent rhinitis appear, many people take the medicine Polydex. These nasal drops for children over 1 year of age for a runny nose include neomycin and polymyxin, which help get rid of bacteria in the nasal cavity and eliminate inflammation. Polydex should not be used by people who do not have a tympanic septum. This can cause damage to the vestibular and auditory systems. Also, people with intolerance to one of the components from the composition should avoid drops.

To restore the condition of the mucous membrane, the baby should put 3-4 drops into the nostrils every day. The procedure is carried out three times a day for a week.


Sofradex are good drops that can be used to relieve swelling and completely clear the sinuses of accumulated pus. Some experts recommend using Sofradex during the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The fact is that the liquid contains dexamethasone, which has an antipruritic and antiallergic effect. Sofradex also contains neomycin, which can destroy all bacteria and viruses in the nose.

Before using the product, you should consult your doctor so that he can determine the optimal duration of treatment. If you take Sofradex for too long, side effects may occur. The most common include itching and burning in the nose, drying of the mucous membrane.

The drops are used six times a day, with 1-2 drops of the drug instilled into each nostril.


Isofra drops are used to treat children over two years of age. This product is distinguished by its antimicrobial properties. It contains framycetin, which accelerates the restoration of the mucous membrane and helps to quickly get rid of snot. If Isofra is given to children 2 years of age and younger, side effects may occur. In such cases, the child's skin may become covered with a rash, and severe itching will appear in the nasal cavity.

To achieve the best results when using Isofra, it is recommended to determine the optimal dosage. Drops must be instilled at least three times a day. If rhinitis does not cure within 10 days after starting to use the drops, then you can stop taking Isofra.

Antibacterial nasal drops from 1 year

For bacterial runny nose or persistent rhinitis, it is recommended to use antimicrobial nasal drops. These drops contain antibiotics, so they can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. Such drugs do not act on viruses or allergens, only on bacterial flora. Nasal drops that contain antibiotics can be used by children under 1 year of age and under 5 years of age only as prescribed by a doctor and only in cases where a runny nose does not go away for a long time. Bacterial rhinitis can be recognized by symptoms such as prolonged nasal congestion, thick nasal discharge that has a green or yellow tint. This type of rhinitis is characterized by fever, cough and other symptoms of body intoxication. In the treatment of bacterial rhinitis, infants may be prescribed nasal drops such as:

  1. Pinosol.
  2. Isofra.
  3. Protargol.

For more detailed information, see this article - Isofra instructions for use for adults and children.

Infants should use drops with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Starting from 2 years, the list of such drugs increases. The doctor may prescribe Bioparox, Polydex and other topical nasal antibiotics. Nasal drops with an antibacterial effect have a systemic effect on the nasal mucosa, that is, they act not only on the symptoms, but also on the very cause of the disease.

Moisturizing drops for babies

Such means are considered the safest.
The main purpose of such products is to effectively cleanse the nose of crusts, allergens, and dust. With the help of this category of drugs it is possible to make thick mucus more liquid. The products are prepared on the basis of saline solution or sea water. They are completely harmless and can be used even for newborn babies. An overdose of such drugs is completely excluded. Therefore, they can be used for a long period of time. Doctors advise using moisturizing agents to rinse every 2 hours. You can use a maximum of 4 drops per procedure.

Otrivin baby

This drug is made on the basis of an isotonic salt solution.
Its pH value is close to the natural environment of the liquid, which is secreted by the nasal mucosa. This substance helps cleanse and moisturize the respiratory system and helps relieve congestion. Therefore, the product can be used for allergic and cold pathologies. 2-3 drops are injected into each nasal opening. The frequency of the manipulation is determined by the doctor. It is important to consider that before instillation, the baby should clear his nose. Thanks to this, the drug is absorbed much better.

Aqualor baby

This is another substance that is used to eliminate the inflammatory process, strengthen local immunity, moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa.
The product can be used for babies from birth. The drug is made on the basis of sterile sea water, which contains many useful components.

The substance can be used for hygienic purposes. Indications also include ARVI, adenoiditis, influenza, and sinusitis. Each bottle contains 15 ml of product. The medicine should be administered 1 drop up to 4 times a day. Thanks to its natural composition, the substance can be used for a long time.

We recommend how to properly rinse your nose with Aqualor.


Another remedy that can be used for a runny nose. The medicine is an analogue of Aqualor. Aquamaris has a number of positive effects:

  • restores the structure of the mucous membrane;
  • activates local immunity;
  • normalizes mucociliary clearance;
  • stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium;
  • relieves swelling;
  • improves mucus removal;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • copes with pathogenic microflora.

Aquamaris is recommended for use in children over 7 months of age for inflammation, infectious processes, and adenoiditis. It is also used after operations on the respiratory organs, for dry mucous membranes and other types of rhinitis.

The product is administered 2 drops into each nasal opening. It should be used up to 3 times a day. The drug is usually well tolerated. However, in rare cases, children develop allergies.

Cheap analogues of Aquamaris for children.

Vasoconstrictor drugs in the nose

A common group of drugs used to treat the runny nose includes vasoconstrictor drugs in the nose, which act symptomatically, allow you to quickly eliminate congestion, relieve tissue swelling, inflammation, thereby reducing mucus production, and restoring nasal breathing. Such drops most often contain phenylephrine or oxymetazoline. These medications can be used for no more than 5 days. Children from 1 year of age need to use drugs at a dose of 0.125%, 0.01% or 0.5% of the active substance. Nasal drops for children with a vasoconstrictor effect have many contraindications, so they can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. The following medications are most often used in therapy:

  1. Nazol Baby.
  2. Tizin 0.5.
  3. Nazivin 0.01%.
  4. Otrivin 0.5.

Nasal drops from the group of vasoconstrictor drugs can be used for any type of rhinitis, but not more than 5 days.

Pharmacy products

There is no doubt that pharmacy counters offer a fairly wide range of various products intended for use in treating runny noses in infants. But despite all the attractiveness of purchasing miracle drugs that can help, it is recommended to first seek advice on a specific issue from an ENT specialist or a pediatrician, due to the fact that each child may have a strictly individual reaction to a particular drug. In principle, it is possible to divide them into groups according to the type of drug and at the same time study them in more detail.

Moisturizing drops

The main reason for using medications of a particular series is the need to eliminate mucus that has thickened or even turned into crusts in the nose, along with the bacteria, allergens and dust it contains. Due to the fact that the basis of moisturizing preparations are usually saline solution and purified sea water, they are quite safe and at the same time, their use is permissible even for a child under one year old.

An overdose of drugs of this class is virtually impossible, so the potential duration of administration is quite long, which allows parents to worry less about the baby’s health. In general, pediatric experts recommend rinsing a baby’s nose with moisturizing drops no more than once every two hours, while the amount of product used should be limited to four drops per nostril, and if used for a runny nose, two drops should be instilled at least four once a day.

It will also be interesting: Treating colds competently: how to use Ingaron nasal drops

In addition, rinsing procedures before using essential medications are not only not prohibited, but also help to increase the effectiveness of most drugs prescribed into the nose.

If we consider which drugs from the moisturizing category are the most popular for use and prescription for children under one year of age, it is possible to indicate the following range of products:

  • Otrivin-Baby;
  • Aqualor-Baby;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Salina;
  • Physiomer;
  • Saline solution.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Vasoconstrictor drops help to quickly get rid of nasal congestion, as their name implies, by affecting the blood supply system of the mucous membranes. Accordingly, with a reduced blood supply, goblet cells reduce the production of mucus, which gives such a pronounced healing effect. However, drops of a specific type only temporarily relieve the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the cause.

The use of vasoconstrictor agents is quite limited, and the use of such drops for infants is recommended strictly after prescription by the attending physician.

Application is quite simple: during the day, the baby should instill one drop into each nostril, distributing the doses according to the principle - morning, afternoon, evening. But even such a schedule is considered too frequent, since even a slight excess of the norm is an overdose with serious consequences (vomiting and convulsions).

The most applicable means in this group can be designated:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazivin (children's drops);
  • Nazon-Baby;
  • Rinazolin (children's drops).

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs administered to a child’s nose are used only in cases of runny nose of viral origin. It is possible to specify Interferon as the most applicable active ingredient for drops of a specific group. In addition to cases of viral rhinitis, the drug can be prescribed, due to underdeveloped immunity, to newborns as a preventive medicine. It is recommended to use drops with a two-hour break, and no more than 5 times a day.

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Common antiviral drugs are:

  • Interferon;
  • Grippferon;
  • Nazoferon.

As an alternative to drops, it is possible to dilute Interferon yourself - it is sold in ampoules in powder form. The recipe is quite simple - you need to dilute the contents of the ampoule by 2 ml. water (boiled or distilled).

Antihistamine drops

For allergic rhinitis, it is recommended to use drugs with an antihistamine effect. Such drugs allow you to block histamine receptors and relieve signs of allergic rhinitis. With this type of rhinitis, there is frequent sneezing, itching in the nose, congestion, and copious mucous discharge. Unlike a viral or bacterial runny nose, with allergies the body temperature is normal. Among the nasal drops with antiallergic effects, the following can be noted:

  1. Vibrocil.
  2. Histimet.
  3. Zyrtec.

To achieve a good therapeutic effect, when taking nasal drops for allergies, you need to identify and eliminate contact with the allergen.

Antiseptic drugs

Antiseptics primarily belong to the group of drugs that are intended to treat runny noses of bacterial etiology. Use in pediatrics occurs when the discharge is of a purulent type, that is, the child’s snot is thick, greenish-yellow in color. The main effects that medications of a particular type can provide are: drying of the mucous membranes, relieving inflammatory swelling, removing mucus and having a bactericidal effect.

The use is quite limited, since if the standards specified by experts are exceeded, they can lead to burn damage to the mucous membrane and irritation of the upper respiratory tract. The most used are:

  • Protargol (a drug containing silver ions);
  • Albucid (originally eye drops).

Antibiotic drops

Drops containing antibiotics can be used to treat rhinitis exclusively of a bacterial nature, but unlike antiseptic drugs, their effect is much broader, since they are able to eliminate bacterial disorders, not only in the nasal cavity, but also in nearby tissues. Most often they are prescribed in cases of acute runny nose turning into sinusitis. Among the variety of drugs of a specific type, it is possible to name the following:

  • Isofra;
  • Polydex;
  • Bioparox.

Homeopathy for children

Homeopathic medicines are not recognized by modern traditional medicine, however, their harmfulness is not a proven fact; they are considered harmless. But at the same time, some experts agree that the use of a specific class of funds can have a general strengthening effect in combination with others.

Due to the content of some plant extracts in their own composition, they can actually produce some immunomodulatory effects and, accordingly, help in the treatment of a small child.

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Typically, homeopathic remedies for the common cold suggest using the following drugs:

  • Edas-131;
  • Euphobium compositum;
  • Delufen.

Moisturizing nasal drops from 1 year

In the treatment of rhinitis of any origin, it is recommended to use moisturizing nasal drops, which help rinse the mucous membrane and cleanse it of viruses, bacteria and allergens. Such preparations most often contain sea water, saline or isotonic solutions. They have no contraindications and can be used for children under 1 year of age. Moisturizing preparations are not addictive and are well tolerated. Using such drops for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, you can thin mucus, increase local immunity, and cleanse the mucous membrane of viruses, allergens and bacteria.

  1. Aquamaris.
  2. Humer.
  3. Salin.
  4. But - salt.
  5. Marimer.

For small children, it is necessary to use drops for rinsing. It is recommended to instill 2–3 drops of any of the drugs into each nasal passage up to 4 times a day.

Recommended reading: Aloe for a runny nose.


To cure colds and get rid of bacterial rhinitis, it is recommended to use special antiseptics to treat runny nose in children 3 years old. With their help, you can completely get rid of bacteria in the nose and slow down the development of viruses and fungi. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these products in more detail in order to choose the most effective drops for a runny nose.


To clear snot from the nose, children over 1 year of age are recommended to use special children's runny nose drops Okomistin. The medicine contains benzyldimethyl, with which you can completely get rid of bacteria in the sinuses within 10 days. Okomistin is used not only to treat rhinitis, but also for diseases caused by fungi, adenoviruses and the herpes virus. Before using the drops, it is recommended to make sure that miramistin, which is part of the drug, is normally tolerated.

Children over 12 years of age should use Okomistin at least five times a day, and children under 12 years of age should use it 4 times. At one time, 3-4 drops are instilled into each nasal passage.


Sometimes parents use the drug Octenisept to treat their children for congestion. With its help, you can rinse the maxillary sinuses and completely clear the nostrils of accumulated thick mucus. In most cases, Octenisept is well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes side effects such as a slight burning sensation in the nose and an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth appear.

Before using Octenisept, you should not use other medications for the common cold that contain iodine. The simultaneous use of such drugs can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane.

It is not recommended to instill pure Octenisept into the nostrils. During treatment, the product should be mixed with boiled water in a ratio of one to six. Then the prepared solution is instilled into the nose daily for about 10 days.

See also

Review of the best nasal drops for chronic rhinitis



Some claim that the best remedy for snot is Dioxidin. Such drops are not recommended for use in children under one year of age, as they do not tolerate this medicine quite well.

During the treatment of a runny nose, a weak 1% solution of Dioxidin is injected into the nostrils. No more than 85 ml of the drug should be used daily. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of nasal congestion. If you have a severe runny nose, you should take Dioxidin for at least a week.

After use, the temperature may rise, dizziness, severe chills and a burning sensation in the nose. If the above side effects occur, you should gradually reduce the dose or stop taking Dioxidin altogether.

Antiviral drugs for the common cold

In the first days of a cold, it is recommended to use antiviral nasal drops, which have a positive effect not only on the first signs of a runny nose, but also help stimulate the body’s immune forces. The composition of such drops includes leukocyte interferon, which has the ability to suppress viruses, prevent their reproduction and spread into deeper tissues. Some drugs with an antiviral effect can be used in children from birth, used not only for therapeutic but also for preventive purposes.

  1. Grippferon.
  2. Alfarona.
  3. Laferobion.
  4. Interferon.
  5. Nazoferon.

You can use any nasal drug from the antiviral group for no more than 5–7 days. A good effect from taking them will be if treatment is started in the first days of the disease.

Nasal drops for newborns: what they are and how to use them correctly so as not to cause harm

Infants are susceptible to infection with various colds, which are almost always accompanied by congestion and difficulty breathing. A newborn should definitely undergo treatment, because congestion interferes with normal sleep and eating.

In addition, phlegm can fall into the lungs and cause bronchitis. When a child has a cold, parents immediately begin to think about how and how to properly treat rhinitis in a newborn, so as not to further harm their health, and what cold drops to choose for infants.

Groups of nasal medications for infants

Drops of the following medicinal groups are allowed into the nose of children:

  • moisturizing, or otherwise isotonic solutions;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antiviral;
  • homeopathic.

Isotonic solutions

They help clean the baby’s nose, thin out the mucus in it, softening the crusts. These drugs can be used from birth; they have no side effects or risks of overdose.

The solutions are effective for bacterial and viral infections and allergies.

They are used at any stage of the lesion: at the beginning - they perfectly moisturize the nose, at the height of rhinitis - they allow you to wash away secretions, relieve swelling, clean the nose and facilitate breathing. Recommended medications for children are:

  • Salin is a saline solution with auxiliary substances in its composition.
  • Quix is ​​a product based on sea water, thanks to which it relieves swelling even faster, reduces inflammation, and resists allergy symptoms and damage from viral and bacterial agents. Quix is ​​a first aid solution for a runny nose in a small child. It relieves congestion very quickly.
  • Aqualor Baby - made from sea water, it works well for rhinitis in young children, prevents bacteria from penetrating from the nose to other organs.
  • Humer is a medicine made with sterile sea water, intended for daily care of the nasal cavity of a child from infancy.

Isotonic solutions are used once every 2 hours, at a dose of 3–4 drops. There is no time limit for use.


These are effective congestion medications. For newborns, nasal drops quickly relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, normalizing breathing processes and well-being. Such medications are prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. The most effective ones that are suitable for infants include:

  • Xylometazoline. Instill 1 - 2 drops into each nostril, children's solution concentration is 0.025%. Congestion is eliminated for about 6 - 8 hours, as the product has a prolonged action.
  • Phenylephrine. This drug for congestion is only allowed for children after 6 months. At a dose of 0.125%, 1-2 drops are dripped into the nasal passage, no more than once every 4 hours.
  • Nazol Baby is an analogue of Phenylephrine from another manufacturer. The drug quickly removes swelling of the mucous membrane, normalizes patency and breathing.

When using vasoconstrictors, parents should take into account the main errors in treatment:

  • It is prohibited to use nasal drops for newborns in a concentration intended for adults;
  • Do not drip more often than every 4 hours;
  • It is forbidden to drip more than 2 drops into one nostril;
  • the products will work more effectively if you first rinse with an isotonic solution and clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that vasoconstrictors can dry out the nasal mucosa and provoke an overdose. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased heart rate;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased excitability and moodiness.

Doctors recommend using vasoconstrictor nasal drops for infants for a runny nose only at night so that the child can get a good night's sleep.


These drugs can improve the functioning of local immunity; they are especially effective for runny nose of viral origin. The sooner you start using immunomodulators, the easier the course of ARVI.

Infants are usually prescribed Derinat. But improvement cannot be noticed immediately, but only on the 5th day of the disease.

Some doctors believe that such drugs have no effect, and a runny nose goes away on its own after 5 days.


If it is definitely determined that the cause of a runny nose and congestion is an allergy, then the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. But this is only an addition to the main therapy.

First of all, the cause of the pathology is diagnosed and eliminated. It can be dust, household chemicals, clothing dyes, soft and fabric toys, food, etc.

The most famous drugs in this group are: Suprastin, which is prohibited for children under 1 month, and Fenistil.

Antiviral drops

For prolonged rhinitis, the doctor prescribes antiviral nasal drops for infants containing interferon. These include Aflubin and Interferon. Such remedies will help reduce the activity of the virus, slow its spread and prevent consequences.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial agents are often used to treat a runny nose, but they are prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis of the infant's condition. For therapy there must be indications - confirmation of a bacterial infection.

A visual symptom of bacterial damage to the nasal cavity is greenish and yellow snot, which may be accompanied by pus discharge.

Effective drops are Isofra.

But the drug is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age; it is prescribed to them only for serious indications.


Such drops for the runny nose for infants help reduce inflammation and swelling due to viruses or allergies. They are most often used for exacerbations and for prevention. Euphorbium Compositum is recommended for newborns.

Which drops are prohibited for newborns?

There are many reasons that provoke rhinitis with congestion in children. Physiological congestion often develops immediately after birth, but after some time it goes away on its own. Subsequently, ARVI, colds, and hypersensitivity become the causes of a runny nose. But it is permissible to use drops for newborns for a runny nose after such treatment is approved by a doctor.

Vasoconstrictors are strictly prohibited for self-treatment. If you do not follow the instructions, they cause severe harm to the child.

When a doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drugs, then only those containing phenylephrine as the main substance. Only a doctor correctly determines the causes of the pathological condition and selects nasal drops.

Self-medication is very dangerous for the baby.

The most popular products for newborns

  • Euphorbium Compositum is a homeopathic preparation with complex action with excellent anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antihistamine characteristics. Drops can be used not only for a runny nose, but also to prevent damage to the nasal cavity by pathogenic microorganisms. At the first symptoms of acute rhinitis, the drug is injected into each nostril 2 or 3 times a day, 5 drops.
  • Nazivin is a drug for nasal instillation for children; it is made in Germany and contains oxymetazoline. The drug helps to accelerate the restoration of breathing through the nose, it eliminates secretions, and does not act for long. Children's concentration of drops is 0.015 ml, drop one drop into the nostril no more than 4 times a day. In case of an overdose, the risk of side effects increases - a burning sensation in the nose, a general deterioration in health, manifested by lethargy and anxiety, and increased regurgitation.
  • Protargol is an enveloping and cauterizing drug based on silver proteinate. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Protargol helps well with purulent sinusitis, otitis media and rhinitis. Silver ions slow down the spread of pathogenic microbes. The drug is prescribed 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day after thoroughly cleansing the nasal cavity. The course of therapy is no longer than 2 weeks.

Precautions during treatment

When treating a runny nose in newborns, basic precautions should be taken:

  • In a child under 1 year of age, the nasal passages are very narrow, the auditory tube is short, wide, and the mucous membrane is more sensitive. In this regard, you need to clean your nose as carefully as possible and use drops.
  • For newborns, the nose is not washed in the literal sense of the word; saline solutions are only instilled into it: 2 - 3 drops in each passage.
  • It is forbidden to drip plain water into the spout. Requires saline solution. When preparing it yourself, you need to follow the proportions: take a small spoon of salt for one liter of boiled water. Highly concentrated solutions can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

Nasal drops for a newborn should be prescribed by a pediatrician after examining the child. There is no need to follow the recommendations of friends or the advice of a neighbor. Treating a child is a big responsibility. Only a doctor can help prevent

  • The use of sprays is prohibited. So the solution is supplied under high pressure, as a result of which it can enter the middle ear and cause otitis media. There is also a risk of developing laryngospasm, when liquid enters the wall of the pharynx through the nose. As a rule, the instructions for sprays indicate that they are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.
  • It is prohibited to use oil products. The cilia of the mucosal epithelium stick together due to the oil composition. Because of this, drainage and natural cleansing in the nose are disrupted, and inflammation develops.
  • It is forbidden to clean the spout with cotton swabs due to the risk of injury. To do this, you should use cotton pads.
  • It is important to monitor the doses of nasal medications. You need to drip as much as the doctor prescribes or as recommended in the instructions. An overdose is more dangerous due to drying of the mucous membrane and the development of addiction.
  • Use vasoconstrictors with caution. Uncontrolled treatment with them provokes chronic diseases and allergic rhinitis in the future.
  • It is prohibited to use antibacterial drops unless prescribed by a specialist. They have no effect on the volume of mucus in the nose and do not relieve swelling. They will only help if bacterial rhinitis is diagnosed.
  • Preparations containing streptomycin are prohibited.

It should also be noted that pediatricians are against treating newborns with traditional medicine recipes.

Children remain predisposed to allergies to such recipes. Aloe, propolis, carrot juice and other folk medicines are not recommended.

Nasal drops for a newborn should be prescribed by a pediatrician after examining the child. There is no need to follow the recommendations of relatives, friends or the advice of a neighbor. Treating a child is a big responsibility.

Only a doctor should provide qualified assistance in preventing the consequences of diseases in the future.

You can find even more useful articles about ENT diseases on the website https://lor-uhogorlonos.ru/

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/59f9a0235a104fe1e0d6eaf6/5b051274a815f1b1f4384b89

List of effective drugs

The range of nasal drops for children under 1 year of age and after the first year of life is quite large, but still, when choosing any drug, you need to consult a doctor and study the instructions for use. In practice, doctors and many parents trust the following medications most of all:

  1. Aquamaris is a popular children's drops for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis of various etiologies. The use of drops allows you to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. The drug is one of the safest products that have no age restrictions. Children are recommended to instill 2–3 drops into the nose, 3–4 times a day.
  2. Nazol Baby is a vasoconstrictor drug based on phenylephrine. The use of drops makes breathing easier, relieves swelling, inflammation, and restores nasal breathing. Any type of rhinitis can be an indication for the use of drops. Children over 1 year old are recommended to put 2 drops into the nose, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 – 5 days.
  3. Vibrocil is an effective drug with vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effects. Vibrocil drops can be used by children from birth. The effect of use will be noticeable within 5 – 10 minutes after instillation. The medicine is also available in other forms, but for young children only nasal drops can be used.
  4. Protargol - nasal drops with pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug contains a colloidal solution of silver. Intended for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis in children. Children are recommended to instill 2 drops 2 – 3 times a day. The therapeutic course consists of 5 days.
  5. Derinat is a safe and effective drug for the treatment of rhinitis in children. The drug has anti-inflammatory and local immunostimulating effects. During an acute period of a runny nose, it is recommended to instill 2–3 drops into the nose, three times a day.
  6. Otrivin is one of the fast-acting drugs from the group of vasoconstrictor drops. Can be used by children from the first months of life. It is recommended to use 1 – 2 drops in each nasal passage, 2 times a day. Therapy should not exceed more than 5 days.
  7. Grippferon is an antiviral drug for the treatment of runny nose in the first days of illness. The use of drops allows you to increase immune strength, suppress the growth and aggressiveness of viruses. Can be used by children from birth. It is enough to administer 1 – 2 drops, 3 – 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days. For prevention purposes – 3 days.


Vasoconstrictor drops for children 2 years of age are often used during the treatment of colds or congestion. Such drops for the treatment of a runny nose in a child help to reduce the size of the nasal vessels and completely get rid of swelling. Such remedies can be used not only for the treatment of rhinitis, but also for its prevention.

Before using vasoconstrictor drops, it is necessary to study in more detail the list of the most effective drugs.

Nazol Baby

To cure nasal congestion, you can use the drug Nazol Baby. This product contains phenylephrine, which improves nasal breathing by eliminating swelling, constricting blood vessels and clearing the nasal cavity of mucous secretions.

These drops should be used very carefully for children over 3 years of age, as they have side effects. Some patients complain of pain in the mucous membrane, arrhythmia and severe dizziness. To prevent such complications from appearing after taking the drops, you need to correctly determine the dosage.

For children from 2 to 5 years old, the drug should be used 3-4 times a day. At one time, at least three drops of Nazol Baby are instilled into each nasal passage. For older children, these nasal drops are instilled five times a day.


When you have a runny nose, it is recommended to use Sanorin, with which you can quickly get rid of even rhinitis with complications. It is better not to give Sanorin to a newborn in the first months of life. The drug is recommended for the treatment of children over one year of age.

The drug contains components that promote the expansion of the ducts of the paranasal sinuses and the narrowing of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the nasal cavity is cleared of bacteria and mucus accumulations.

Before you drop Sanorin into your child’s nose, you need to decide on the dosage. For children under six years of age, two drops of the drug are poured into each nostril daily. For teenagers, the dosage is increased to 3-4 drops at a time.

Lazolvan Rino

To get rid of snot in children over six years old, it is recommended to use Lazolvan Rino drops. The main component of this product is tramazoline hydrochloride. After contact with the mucous membrane, this substance begins to reduce swelling, clear the cavity of snot and gradually normalize breathing.

See also

Can there be a fever with allergic rhinitis, and its causes?


Before giving such vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose to children, you need to make sure that they are suitable for the child. After all, some babies may have increased sensitivity to the components due to the composition of the drug, which leads to the appearance of an allergic rash. Therefore, before using Lazolvan Rino, you should consult your doctor.

To get rid of rhinitis, it is enough to instill 2-3 drops of the product daily. If the drug was not prescribed by the attending physician, then the course of treatment should not last more than 5-8 days. Long-term use of Lazolvan Rino can lead to an overdose, which can cause a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in body temperature.

Sialor Reno

You can clear snot from your child’s nose using the medicine Sialor Rhino. This product contains oxymetazoline, which reduces swelling of the mucous membrane. Thanks to the vasoconstrictor effect of Sialor Rino, nasal breathing can be normalized 5 days after starting to use the drops.

Before using nasal drops, you need to decide on the dosage of the medication. Sialor Rhino is instilled daily three times a day. In this case, two drops of liquid should be poured into each nasal passage.

If you exceed the dose, complications may occur. Some patients complain of severe sneezing, dry throat and a burning sensation in the nose. Also, the above complications may appear if a person has an intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Rules for instilling drops in children

Nasal drops for a runny nose are easy to use, but to achieve a good therapeutic result, the procedure must be carried out correctly.

  1. Before using nasal drops, you should wash your hands with soap.
  2. To clear the nasal passages of mucus and dry crusts, you can use a baby aspirator or cotton wool pads soaked in saline solution.
  3. The child should be placed on his back, his head should be slightly elevated.
  4. Slightly turn the child's head to the left and instill the drug, wait 1 minute, instill the drops into the right nostril, turning the head slightly to the right.
  5. After instillation, the child should be picked up with his head slightly tilted forward, this will help prevent the medicine from getting into the throat.

After instillation, the bottle of medicine must be tightly closed, placed in a cardboard box and left until the next instillation procedure.

How to bury correctly

When all the necessary consultations have already been completed and the drops have been purchased or made at home, it is necessary to carry out the instillation procedure. Of course, most parents can consult a pediatrician on a specific issue, but the classic way to put drops in a baby’s nose is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to warm the drops before use. This can be done by placing the bottle in warm water.
  2. The child must be placed on a horizontal surface face up.
  3. The child's head is raised and, using a pipette, the medicine is instilled into one of the nasal passages.
  4. The wing of the nose is pressed with a finger, after which the head must be lowered.

To instill the second nostril, the procedure is repeated exactly. With this method of application, the child does not swallow the medicine, and accordingly, the effect extends only to the nasal mucosa.

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