Otrivin baby drops, instructions for use of the complex for infants

Unfortunately, a cold and its main companion, a runny nose, do not pay any attention to age. At a very early age, in children under one year old, this phenomenon also occurs very often. And a child suffers from a runny nose, perhaps even more than an adult. nasal congestion at least temporarily . But the child cannot do this yet. Due to the mucus in the nose, he cannot sleep and eat normally, and therefore becomes moody.

What is the Otrivin Baby aspirator and its equipment

Some parents use rubber bulbs to clear their baby's nose. But this method is unsafe; you can damage the mucous membrane and very thin nasal septums. And in order to make the process of clearing the nose safe, nozzle ejectors were created . The Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator is one of the most popular such mechanisms.

What makes the Otrivin Baby nozzle aspirator safer than rubber bulbs and aspirators with an electric pump is that the process of cleaning the nose is under the control of the mother. She herself decides with what force to draw in the contents of the nasal passages. Also safe is the material from which the nozzle ejector is made – plastic and silicone . The aspirator consists of four parts, these are:

  • a rounded transparent tip that is easily inserted into the nasal passage without damaging it. And transparency allows you to control how much liquid has entered the device.
  • the housing in which this liquid is collected also contains a gasket that prevents mucus from penetrating further into the nozzle ejector.
  • forty-centimeter bendable tube,
  • a mouthpiece through which the parent sucks mucus from the child’s nose.

The tip and gasket are replaceable elements of the aspirator, so after each use they must be replaced and used ones must be disposed of. There are three of them in total in the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator kit. But this does not mean that after the replacement parts have run out and the nozzle ejector itself needs to be thrown away. You can purchase them separately. Replacement tips and gaskets are sold in packs of 10.

Considering that the Otrivin aspirator and its components are not so cheap, some parents manage to reuse replacement parts by washing them thoroughly. But I would like to warn you right away that this can lead to a new infection . Therefore, it is better not to risk the child’s health and do as written in the instructions for use.

What is the need to use

The nasal passage in newborns and infants is very narrow, so its blockage causes difficulty breathing, which is manifested by excessive restlessness, severe crying, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and the inability to fully suck the breast or bottle. In this regard, the child swallows more air, causing flatulence, which is manifested by colic in the intestines.

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Due to the fact that infants do not have a mouth breathing reflex, the situation becomes significantly more complicated. In this case, the baby may develop oxygen starvation and the activity of the central nervous system may be disrupted. If rhinitis occurs quite often in infancy, not only the physical, but also the psycho-emotional development of the child suffers significantly.

Even an ordinary runny nose can cause the development of serious pathologies of the ENT organs, which are difficult to treat in young children. The Otrivin nozzle ejector is specially designed to effectively clear the nose of accumulated mucus, thereby ensuring normal nasal breathing. The Otrivin Baby system should be used in combination with other auxiliary products, which include drops.

Main characteristics:

  • Used in children under two years of age
  • Hygienic
  • Fast
  • Very comfortably.

How to use the Otrivin Baby aspirator

Before telling you how to use this nozzle ejector, it should be said that it has only one task - to cleanse the nasal passages of a child of the first and second year of life from mucus. Indications for its use are

  • rhinitis of different types,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • other diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

The device is quite easy to use. After reading any instructions for use, mom will be able to assemble it or replace replacement parts. And the Otrivin Baby aspirator is used as follows. If the child is still very tiny and does not know how to hold his head up on his own, he needs to be picked up and his head tilted back slightly . And if the baby is already 6-7 months old and can hold his head up on his own, you can simply sit him on your lap.

The mother clamps the mouthpiece with her lips, and the second end with a rounded tip is inserted into the child’s nasal passage. Do not push it too deep, as this will cause discomfort and pain to your child. It can also cause injury to the mucous membrane.

Inhale evenly, even as hard as you can, trying to ensure that all the liquid contents of the child’s nose get into the removable housing . Don't be afraid that snot will end up in your mouth; the gasket located in the body will protect you from this. After you have finished cleaning one nostril, do the same with the other. If there is a lot of mucus and you feel that the tip and gasket are clogged, you should replace them with new ones.

After use, the Otrivin Baby nozzle ejector should be thoroughly rinsed, and the replacement parts should be disposed of, replacing them with new ones.

Instructions for use of Otrivin Baby, spray dosage

The spray is intended for intranasal administration after preliminary clearing of mucus from the nasal cavity (if any).

The frequency of use is from 2 to 4 times a day; if necessary, the number of procedures can be increased. For infants and children under 6 years of age, the instructions recommend 1 injection into each nasal passage 1-2 times a day. Should not be used more than 3 times a day.

The duration of continuous use is no more than 10 days.

Otrivin Baby spray can be administered in any position. After opening the bottle, you should do the first test spray until a homogeneous stream appears.

Place the tip vertically in the nasal opening and press on its base. For the second nasal passage, repeat the procedure in a similar way.

special instructions

Children under 6 years of age should use Otrivin Baby under adult supervision.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Otrivin Baby spray:

  • Local reactions: with frequent and/or prolonged use - irritation and/or dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, hypersecretion of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, burning, tingling in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, sneezing. Rarely – swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Systemic reactions: rarely - palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, headache, vomiting, insomnia, blurred vision, allergic reactions. With long-term use in high doses - nausea, depression.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Otrivin Baby spray in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Severe atherosclerosis.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Atrophic rhinitis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Surgical interventions on the meninges (history).


  • Diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including: ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris.


Increased side effects, in particular increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and sometimes confusion may occur.

Using drops to cleanse the nose

To achieve the best effect, Otrivin aspirator is recommended to be used in conjunction with Otrivin Baby drops. Or rather, with saline solution, which not only helps to clear the nose, as stated in the instructions for use, but also has a preventive effect. The solution contains:

  • purified water,
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate,
  • sodium chloride 0.74%,
  • macrogol glyceripricinoleate.

These drops help moisturize the nasal mucosa and the cleansing process with the Otrivin Baby aspirator becomes noticeably more effective.

How to use an aspirator

How to use Otrivin baby aspirator

This is a device that helps remove mucus from your baby's nasal passages. The device is harmless and can be heat treated, unlike electric aspirators.

  1. Lay the baby on his back, tilting his head down slightly. Next, take the drops and place one or two drops of Otrivin into the child’s left nostril.
  2. Now lower the nozzle into the same nostril and take the mouthpiece into your mouth. Pull the mucus into the nozzle, but do it carefully, without sudden movements, so as not to scare the baby.
  3. Replace the nozzle with a new one, and do the same with the other nasal passage. Pre-drop a couple of drops of Otrivin Baby into it.

The procedure is performed 3–4 times a day until all symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Before use, you should consult a pediatric ENT specialist.


Otrivin for children is a nasal spray or drops. The drug is prescribed for nasal congestion in children and adults. It provides only a temporary relief effect, so I use Otrivin in combination with other drugs. However, the drug makes breathing easier, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The product should not be used for more than 10 days in a row. Treatment in young children (under 6 years of age) should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Price from 219 to 538 rub.

When your baby has nasal congestion, it is necessary to remove accumulated mucus as needed. Before the procedure, you should rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution (drops).

  • 1 milliliter of spray includes 10.5 mg of natural sea salt solution (no preservatives).
  • 1 dropper bottle with drops contains 0.74% sodium chloride.
  • Additionally: sodium hydrogen phosphate, macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, purified water, sodium phosphate.

Release form

The hygiene product Otrivin Baby is produced in the form of a spray of 20 ml in bottle No. 1 per package and in the form of drops in dropper bottles of 5 ml No. 18 per package. Also, an aspirator Otrivin Baby is produced, designed to get rid of nasal secretions - a snot suction device for children.

Cleanses nasal cavities.

Sea water included in the spray and sodium chloride included in Otrivin Baby drops are effective cleansers for newborns and infants used to remove nasal secretions associated with rhinitis (runny nose).

The causes of a runny nose in infants and young children are varied and are often not associated with infectious processes.

The immaturity of many internal systems and organs, characteristic of newborn children, including the ciliated epithelium lining the nasal passages, often leads to disorders of the evacuation ciliary function.

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The insufficiency of this function often causes the accumulation of dust and viscous mucus in the nasal cavity, the formation of hard crusts, breathing problems and the formation of a favorable atmosphere for the development of various infections.

The nasal passages of infants are quite narrow and their partial or complete blockage causes difficulty or impossibility of nasal breathing, which, in turn, is expressed by restlessness, crying, poor appetite and sleep in the child, and also leads to difficulty in sucking milk, swallowing air and development of flatulence and colic.

This situation for newborns is complicated by their lack of a mouth breathing reflex, which is formed only by 6 months of life, which can lead to oxygen starvation and disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

With frequent and prolonged rhinitis at this age, both psycho-emotional and physical development may suffer. Also, serious complications of the ENT organs begin with a common runny nose, including inflammation of the middle ear, mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses, otitis media, sinusitis and sinusitis.

It is for the removal of children's nasal secretions that the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator (nozzle suction) was created, which, in combination with cleansing drops or spray, perfectly copes with the manifestations of a runny nose in children from the moment of their birth.


Before purchasing the nasal aspirator Otrivin Baby, she used a rubber bulb to clean her baby’s nose, which he was simply afraid of. As soon as he saw her, he began to cry. Therefore, I decided to find another remedy - more painless and safe. After reading reviews of other mothers on the Internet, I decided to try Otrivin Baby. And I’m glad that I wasn’t mistaken. Indeed, it makes the process of cleansing your nose easier. It’s a pity that replacement nozzles and gaskets for it are expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the nozzles by boiling, and replace the foam rubber in the gaskets. When there is no foam rubber, I use cotton wool.

Tatyana, Saransk.

I bought the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator on the advice of my friend, when my five-month-old son developed a runny nose. Previously, she was saved by other means, for example, flagella, but the use of this device immediately showed how effective it is. After all, after the first use, the nozzle became full of green mucus that was in the baby’s nose. And now I only use it to clean my child's nose. And I solve the problem with replaceable nozzles, which are expensive, by simply boiling them and replacing the foam rubber.

Anastasia, Orekhovo-Zuevo.

How hard it is for our little ones because they don’t yet know how to cough and blow their nose. Because of this, every cold turns into a problem for themselves and their parents. However, we solved this problem with the help of the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator. The child’s nose can be cleared quickly and easily if you also drip Otrivin moisturizing drops first. The only negative is the expensive attachments. But this can also be solved by disinfecting yourself.

Ekaterina, Krasnodar.

As we can see, the reviews about the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator are positive and our people have found a way to solve the problem with the high cost of nozzles. Whether it is worth doing this is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But it is worth noting that some pediatricians recommend doing this. But still, the instructions for use warn that repeated use of nozzles and pads can cause exacerbation of infections .

Components of the Otrivin baby complex line

The Otrivin baby treatment complex consists of drops with replaceable nozzles and a spray. Also in the line of this drug you can purchase an aspirator (nozzle ejector - a special transparent tube with a filter and tip), which will make life much easier for the baby and, accordingly, his parents.

Drops for rinsing the nose are produced in dropper bottles (5 ml), and there are 18 such bottles in a package. The drops for irrigating the mucous membrane of the baby’s nose include disinfected isotonic saline liquid without stabilizers (saline solution). In addition, sodium chloride 0.74%, sodium hydrophostat, sodium phosphate, macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate (Cremophor RH40), purified water. Does not contain stabilizers.

Otrivin baby nasal spray contains such an effective substance as sea salt; no preservatives are used.

The system for suctioning accumulated mucus in children is a device that includes a transparent tube, a special filter, a central body, a tip, and a mouthpiece.

The main active component of the Otrivin complex is xylometazoline. This substance has a balanced pH, thanks to which patients with sensitive nasal mucosa tolerate treatment with Otrivin well.

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Additional components include: hypromellose and sorbitol. They additionally moisturize dry mucous membranes.

The composition of the spray with eucalyptus and menthol also includes eucalyptol and levomenthol. They create a feeling of freshness and have a cooling effect.

If you use the drug in a strictly specified dosage, then it practically does not enter the general bloodstream. Local action lasts up to 8 – 10 hours.

Mode of application

For hygiene of the nasal mucosa and prevention of diseases of the nose and nasopharynx for children under 1 year of age and older, Otrivin Baby drops
are used intranasally, 2-4 rinses in each nasal passage daily (more can be done if necessary).

One dropper bottle should be separated from the rest, open the bottle by turning the cap clockwise.

Nasal rinsing in a young child is carried out in a lying position. Turn the child's head to the side. You must first clear the nasal cavity of mucus. The solution is instilled into each nasal passage sequentially, pressing lightly on the bottle (introduce a few drops or more if more thorough cleansing is required). The child should be seated after a few seconds if necessary. Excess solution and mucus should be removed from the nasal cavity. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. The bottle is closed by pressing the cap. To remove mucous discharge from the nose in children, it is recommended to use the Otrivin Baby Aspirator

with replaceable nozzles.

To maintain hygiene, one bottle should only be used for one child.

The contents of the dropper bottle should be used within 12 hours after first opening.

special instructions

You should not use
Otrivin Baby
if you have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients listed in the composition.

Otrivin Baby

should be stored at room temperature, avoiding heating. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

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