Rhinorus instructions for use

Analogues of the drug according to ATC codes:


Rhinorus: spray and drops. Instructions for use. Reviews and prices

As a local treatment for ENT diseases and viral infections, doctors often use a vasoconstrictor drug such as Rhinorus drops.
Due to the presence of several dosage forms, the medication is approved for use in children and adults.

Despite the high clinical effect, the medicine has a number of contraindications and limitations, which will also be covered in this article.

Indications for use

The instructions for the drug Rinorus contain the following indications for use according to which it is used:


For a runny nose, which is one of the manifestations of an acute respiratory tract infection. Rhinitis in this case most often appears on the 2-3rd day from the onset of the disease and is characterized by nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge and lacrimation. The etiological factors are rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses of types 1, 2 and 3, adenoviruses, etc.


For acute rhinitis of an allergic nature. The disease is characterized by seasonality, the appearance of severe rhinorrhea, itching in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and lacrimation.


For sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses can be an independent disease or a complication of acute rhinitis, otitis. In addition to nasal discharge, patients complain of severe headache, congestion and fever.


For acute otitis media. The medicine in this case is part of complex therapy and reduces swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.


Eustachitis is an inflammatory lesion of the auditory tube, which is often complicated by otitis media. It manifests itself as hearing loss, a feeling of fluid in the ear and congestion.


Rhinorus: composition of the drug and medicinal properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride, which in Latin is written as Xylometazoline hydrochloride.

Being a strong decongestant, the drug has a stimulating effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors.

Thanks to this mechanism, the exudative component of inflammation decreases and local swelling decreases. As a result, the upper parts of the respiratory tract are freed, and the patient feels relief due to the restoration of nasal breathing.

In addition, the active substance of the drug suppresses the secretion of mucus by the cells of the ciliated epithelium covering the entire nasopharynx. As a result, the amount of secretions is reduced, and the nasal passages are cleared of excess mucus and crusts.

After contact with the mucous membrane, the medicine begins to act within 15 minutes, and its effect lasts for 7-8 hours, which determines the frequency of administration.

For the drug with the INN, Xylometazoline, no studies have been conducted to study its pharmacokinetics. However, according to clinical experience, under certain conditions it can enter the systemic circulation and provoke systemic effects. Source: nasmorkam.net Auxiliary ingredients include:

  1. Benzalkonium chloride;
  2. Edetate disodium;
  3. Sodium hydrogen phosphate;
  4. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  5. Eucalyptus oil.

The last ingredient has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, which has a positive effect on reducing swelling and destroying pathogenic agents on the epithelial lining of the nose.

Price. How much does it cost at the pharmacy?

Release formPackageManufacturerPrice
Drops 0.05%, 10 mlSynthesis AKOMP, Russia70 rub.
Drops 0.1%, 10 mlSynthesis AKOMP, Russia29 rub.
Spray 0.05%, 20 mlSynthesis AKOMP, Russiafrom 65 rub.
Spray 0.05%, 10 mlSynthesis AKOMP, Russiafrom 67 rub.

Release form

The local vasoconstrictor drug is available in several convenient forms, which makes it universal in use.

Rhinorus with eucalyptus is found in the form of a nasal spray with 0.05% and 0.1% concentrations of xylometazoline.

In addition to the above components, it contains isotonic sodium chloride solution, glycerin, macrogol, purified water and sorbitol. The spray is sold in plastic bottles of 20 and 10 ml, which have a spray nozzle.

Another frequently used dosage form, especially in childhood, is nasal drops. The medicine is also available with 0.1% and 0.05% concentration of the active substance.

Therefore, one milliliter of drops corresponds to 1 mg or 500 mcg of xylometazoline hydrochloride. The drug is contained in a 10 or 5 ml plastic bottle equipped with a dispenser cap or a dropper stopper. The bottle itself and the accompanying annotation are placed in a cardboard package.

There is also a 1% gel containing 1 mg of the main component in 1 gram. In addition, it contains glycerol, propylparaben, propylene glycol, carbomer, ethanol and water.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Not everyone can be prescribed Rinorus; the instructions for use contain the following information regarding contraindications:

  • arterial hypertension syndrome in adults and children;
  • severe atherosclerotic damage to peripheral vessels;
  • history of paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrophic form of rhinitis;
  • open- and closed-angle glaucoma;
  • any stage of pregnancy;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland, occurring with hyperthyroidism;
  • history of surgical interventions on tissues and membranes of the brain;
  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • for spray - children under 6 years old, for drops - children under 2 years old.

An absolute contraindication for use is also treatment with medications such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

If the rules of use and dosage are not followed, the risk of various adverse reactions increases.

With prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, the development of vasomotor or allergic rhinitis, the appearance of arterial hypertension and polypous growths are possible.

Other systemic reactions may include headaches, bradycardia, decreased visual acuity and concentration. Sometimes patients complain of feeling unwell, nausea, and the urge to vomit.

Thus, the drug must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor and only for a short course specified in the instructions, taking into account all contraindications.

Rhinorus spray: instructions for use

0.1% Rinorus spray is prescribed only to adults and children over 6 years of age, one injection into the left and right nasal passages up to three times a day. If necessary, the administration can be repeated, provided that there are no more than two injections at a time.

0.05% spray with eucalyptus oil is approved for children from two years of age. One injection is prescribed once or twice a day after preliminary toileting of the nasal cavity.

Special instructions state that the medicine should not be administered more than three times a day and no longer than 7 days without any break.

The rules of use are as follows: before use, the bottle should be gently shaken and pressed a couple of times until a good “cloud” of medicine appears.

After this, insert the tip of the bottle into the right nasal passage with your left hand and press once.

You should inhale only through your nose and it is advisable to keep the bottle vertical as much as possible. The same procedure should be done with the opposite nasal entrance.

Rhinorus nasal drops: method and dosage

0.1% Rhinorus nasal drops are used in adults and children over six years of age. Instill two or three drops of the solution three to four times a day.

Children over two years old are administered one or two drops of the drug no more than twice a day. The duration of such therapy should not exceed 5 days.

Rhinorus for children instructions: from what age?

Children's age is not a contraindication to the medication, but it can only be used from the age of two. Children under one year of age should choose another approved medicine (for example, Vibrocil).

Directions for use: Initially, it is necessary to toilet the child’s nasal cavity using clean water and a cotton swab, and only after that the solution can be dripped.

Administer one or two drops maximum three times a day. To do this, it is advisable to turn the child’s head first to the left and then to the right side, so that the substance gets into the paranasal sinuses.

Rhinorus during pregnancy: how to use

The instructions for the drug state that pregnant women should not use this drug, since the possible harmful effects on the child have not been sufficiently studied.

During lactation, with extreme caution, you can only use drops with a 0.05% concentration of the substance or a 0.05% spray in minimal doses and for a course of no more than five days.


In case of uncontrolled long-term use, symptoms may appear indicating an overdose of the drug.

They mainly consist of an increase in systemic pressure, a decrease in heart rate, worsening rhinorrhea, nausea and vomiting. [ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1]


Many people wonder which drug is better: a vasoconstrictor or not. In case of heavy discharge and signs of allergic rhinitis, the drug of choice is Rinorus vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

However, there are analogues that may be somewhat cheaper, but no less effective:

  • Otrivin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Xylene, Xylometazoline;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Naphthyzin, Nazivin.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to store the bottle with the drug only in a dark and dry place that will not be accessible to the child, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ℃.

The maximum shelf life is 3 years for spray and 2 years for drops.

Thus, this drug copes well with any manifestations of rhinitis and is approved in childhood.

When used correctly, it does not cause adverse reactions, and its widespread availability in pharmacies makes it accessible and often purchased.


We tried Rhinorus nasal spray recently when my children got sick. I have three of them. You understand that if one child has a cold, the rest will catch the disease, as if in a chain. This happened on the weekend, when clinics are closed. Therefore, without waiting for an appointment, I had to self-medicate.

I usually use folk remedies, but not for a runny nose. I tried giving homemade elixirs to children, but there was always little effect. After that, I prefer to buy a good anti-congestion spray and not bother. Last time I bought Rinorus. The drug relieves congestion well. One bottle was enough for all three.

I am pleased. I recommend. Svetlana, 38 years old

I bought both in the form of a spray and in the form of drops. But most often I took drops. I think they are more effective than sprays. Moreover, both methods are very effective. By the way, the medicine is inexpensive. This is its most important advantage. After treatment, I did not experience any addiction. There were no unpleasant sensations during use either. Evgeniya, 27 years old

I had severe sinus congestion. I couldn't concentrate on important things, I had bad sleep. I found out from the pharmacist at the nearest pharmacy what budget drugs are available. The assortment turned out to be meager.

However, I was not mistaken in my choice. This product made my breathing easier in the first minutes after using it. One irrigation was enough. Itching and headaches did not bother me. I was completely cured in four days.

Andrey, 33 years old

Rinorus nasal drops cost a penny, but they help very well. Ten minutes after taking the product, I began to breathe much easier. The action lasted for several hours. After a couple of days, I took the medicine only at night. The treatment period was a total of five days, no more. The bottle is used up quickly, but its price is low. Tatyana, 42 years old

Not long ago I suffered from a runny nose. For me, nasal congestion is the worst thing that can happen. I have long been convinced that nothing can cure this disease. Fortunately, manufacturers produce products that relieve symptoms. To make it easier to breathe, I buy different sprays.

They are easy to use and help if you choose a reliable company. The last two times I was saved by rhinorus. He helped me out well. It didn’t hurt your pocket and made your breathing easier for the whole working day and all night. It is better not to use it more than two or three times a day. Otherwise, the product can be addictive.

Alexander, 45 years old

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Source: https://lechim-gorlo.ru/nasmork/rinorus-sprey-i-kapli-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-otzyvy-i-tseny

Release form, composition and packaging

Nasal drops 0.05% in the form of a clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid.

1 ml
xylometazoline hydrochloride500 mcg

Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride (sodium chloride), disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (disodium edetate), sodium phosphate monosubstituted dihydrate (sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate), sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-hydrate (sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate), eucalyptus leaf oil (eucalyptus oil ), water d/i.

5 ml - polyethylene dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs. 10 ml - polyethylene dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.

Nasal drops 0.1% in the form of a clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid.

1 ml
xylometazoline hydrochloride1 mg

Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride (sodium chloride), disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (disodium edetate), sodium phosphate monosubstituted dihydrate (sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate), sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-hydrate (sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate), eucalyptus leaf oil (eucalyptus oil ), water d/i.

5 ml - polyethylene dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs. 10 ml - polyethylene dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.

Side effects

Side effects of treatment with drops include:

  • Local reactions: long-term and too frequent use causes severe irritation, dry nasal cavity, burning, sneezing, paresthesia, hypersecretion. Less commonly, severe swelling of the nasal mucosa may occur.
  • Systemic reactions: headache and vomiting, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, sleep problems, blurred vision, depressive states.

If the dosage of the drug is higher than recommended, the medicine will affect the ability to drive vehicles. Also, in case of an overdose, it is prohibited to perform potentially dangerous work that requires high concentration.


  • arterial hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • surgical interventions on the meninges (history);
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 6 years of age (for nasal drops 0.1%);
  • children under 2 years of age (for nasal drops 0.05%);
  • hypersensitivity to xylometazoline.

Do not use during therapy with MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

The drug should be prescribed with caution for diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris of functional class III-IV, prostatic hyperplasia, and during lactation.


According to the instructions, Rhinorus drops have the following indications for use:

  1. Rhinitis. It becomes one of the very first symptoms of acute respiratory infections. As a rule, it manifests itself fully within 2–3 days from the moment of infection and is characterized by congestion, copious discharge of mucus, and tearfulness. This condition is provoked by rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, adenoviruses, etc.
  2. Allergic acute rhinitis. Typically, the pathology manifests itself seasonally and is characterized by itching, rhinorrhea and lacrimation.
  3. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. This inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses can be a complication of rhinitis, otitis, or develops as an independent pathology. Patients additionally complain of headaches and high fever.
  4. Acute otitis media. The drug is part of a complex treatment and helps to effectively reduce swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx. Eustachitis, which is often complicated by otitis media. The disease is characterized by hearing loss and ear congestion.
  5. Carrying out rhinoscopy.
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