Treating a runny nose at home

FUF of the nose and throat: the essence of the procedure

The essence of the healing process is that short waves of the ultraviolet spectrum have a beneficial effect on the body affected by viruses. In addition, the flow provokes the production of biologically active radicals and destroys the protein structures of pathogens. There are several wavelengths:

  • 180-280 nm have bactericidal, mycocidal and antiviral effects;
  • 254 nm causes lethal mutations of bacteria and viruses, in which they lose the ability to reproduce. They have a particularly active effect on the pathogens of diphtheria, tetanus, and dysentery.

Indications and contraindications

Endonasal electrophoresis with calcium chloride in the nose, as well as with any other medications, is prescribed strictly according to indications. These include the following clinical situations:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa in the form of acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • pathology of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis, etc.);
  • bacterial or viral infection of the pharynx (pharyngitis), inflammation of the tonsils.

In these situations, endonasal electrophoresis makes it possible to accelerate the penetration of drugs directly into the site of inflammation, bypassing the systemic bloodstream.

It is important to note that this technique, despite the high level of safety of the procedure, has certain contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • decompensated diseases of internal organs, including the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • fever;
  • acute infectious processes of any localization, for example, those associated with gynecology, skin infections, etc.;
  • pregnancy and any of its complications (toxicosis, eclampsia);
  • allergic reactions to medications used.

In all of these cases, it is not recommended to administer any medications endonasally, including the need to avoid electrophoresis with onion juice. It is better to choose another method of therapy for which there are no contraindications.


The indications for prescribing CF are numerous and multifaceted. Due to the high effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure, the course is prescribed to both young children and the elderly.

The appointment of KUF is carried out exclusively by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and diagnostics. Indications in the field of ENT are as follows:

  1. Pain syndrome due to acute neuritis;
  2. Various stages of bronchitis;
  3. Low resistance to infectious diseases;
  4. Pharyngitis;
  5. Sinusitis, rhinitis (runny nose);
  6. Therapy for sore throat, rehabilitation for chronic tonsillitis;
  7. Otitis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear segment.

How is it carried out?

The specifics of the procedure depend on where exactly the source of the disease is located.

FUF irradiation of the nose is performed on the patient while sitting, with his head slightly tilted back. Using a special nozzle, a medical professional inserts the wave emitter to a shallow depth into each nostril in turn.

Treatment of the throat using CUF is also carried out in a sitting position, with the head slightly tilted back. Irradiation of the posterior wall of the throat of the tonsils or adenoids is carried out using an ENT mirror, which allows the rays to be reflected and directed to the lateral surfaces of the throat and larynx.

The photo shows a physiotherapeutic procedure for FUF of the throat and nose

Endonasal electrophoresis with calcium chloride

For diseases in adults and children, a physiotherapeutic procedure such as electrophoresis is sometimes prescribed.

It involves the impact on the body of electrical impulses that are generated by a special device.

Under the influence of direct current, a therapeutic effect is achieved through the simultaneous administration of drugs through the skin or mucous membrane (depending on the site of exposure).

Indications for electrophoresis on the nose

There are no time restrictions on repeating the course of electrophoresis. It is prescribed for the following ENT diseases:

  • Rhinitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Otitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Frontit

Electrophoresis may be prescribed during the postoperative rehabilitation period. This procedure is also prescribed for the treatment of dental, eye, skin, cardiovascular diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.

The use of physiotherapy in the treatment of ENT diseases:

Contraindications and restrictions

There are relative and absolute contraindications to electrophoresis.

In the first case, the doctor evaluates the therapeutic value of the prescribed treatment over the general condition of the patient. This applies to pregnant women, children under 2 years of age and hypertensive patients. Absolute contraindications are:

  1. Poor blood clotting
  2. Temperature above 38 degrees
  3. Electrical intolerance
  4. Active form of tuberculosis
  5. Mental disorders
  6. Liver and kidney failure
  7. Built-in pacemaker
  8. Severe heart failure
  9. Oncology

Electrodes cannot be installed if the integrity of the skin is compromised. Women who have their menstrual periods will have to wait until the procedure is completed.

The procedure is not performed for frequent nosebleeds. If there are contraindications of any group, the doctor weighs the pros and cons individually for each patient.

An effective procedure for the treatment of vasomotor and allergic rhinitis

After suffering from ARVI in the winter, I was left with a runny nose that did not want to go away. After suffering from insomnia for three weeks due to a stuffy nose, I went to see an ENT specialist.

I did not experience any other symptoms other than nasal congestion and runny nose. During the examination, the doctor diagnosed “allergic rhinitis”, but because...

It was impossible to do an allergy test (according to the doctor, they are done during remission), the official diagnosis in the chart was “vasomotor rhinitis.”

First, at home, I washed my nose to free the nasal cavities from mucus. So, I came to the physical therapy room with a bottle of chloride and the firm intention of getting better. The nurse laid me on the couch on my back and asked me to wait.

Having prepared two “turunda” flagella, 15 cm long, from a bandage and soaked them in chlorine, she “injected” half of them into my nostrils, telling me to breathe through my mouth. Next, they applied a palm-sized plate on a wire, wrapped in a damp cloth cover, to the area of ​​my back just above between the shoulder blades.

The second plate, a small one, was wrapped in a piece of thick polyethylene, the free ends of the turunda were wrapped there and pressed under the nose. Then the nurse turned on the device, a metallic taste appeared in my mouth, the process began. I held this structure with my finger for ten minutes, after turning it off, it is recommended not to remove the flagella from the nose for another 10-15 minutes, i.e.

because the medicine continues to work. It is not recommended to go out into the cold air immediately. In general, not counting waiting in line, the process took half an hour.

So I did ten procedures in two weeks, with a break for the weekend.

I felt the effect after the first procedures. I think the integrated approach had an impact; washing is also very important. The nasal congestion went away and I started hearing smells again.

The nurse said that the final result will come two weeks after the end of the course. And indeed, this time has passed, I breathe freely, only sometimes I wash my nose for prevention.

According to my assumptions, the cause of the allergy could be cellulose. Because I was sick with ARVI, I constantly used paper tissues. With treatment, the infection went away, but the irritation remained.

Well, the second option for the appearance of allergies is that at that time our apricots and almonds were blooming, the flowering ended, the runny nose disappeared.

Doctors often prescribe a physical procedure such as electrophoresis. What it is? How does this product work?

Medicinal electrophoresis is a therapeutic method that combines the effect on the body of direct current and a medicinal substance administered through it. The medicine penetrates into the required area and accumulates in the so-called skin depot, where the medicine can remain for up to 15 - 20 days

. This ensures that the medicine enters the body even after the completed course of electrophoresis.

Advantages of drug electrophoresis over other methods of drug therapy:

1. Using the electrophoresis method, a high concentration of a medicinal substance can be created at the site of the disease without saturating the entire body with it


2. Medicines introduced into the body using direct current do not cause adverse reactions.

, and the current itself has a desensitizing (anti-allergic) effect.

3. Long lasting

medications at the site of inflammation.

4. Administration of drugs using electrophoresis is painless,

not accompanied by damage to the skin and mucous membranes (not injection).

5. The duration of the procedure for children is from 5 to 10 minutes


6. The procedures are carried out using special equipment available in the physiotherapy room.

7. Well tolerated by patients

, carried out lying on the couch.

The electrophoresis method allows one or two medicinal substances to be introduced into the site of inflammation.

The choice of electrophoresis technique and procedure parameters, the required medicinal substance, concentration, and amount of solution is selected by the physiotherapist.

Very often, endoaural (intra-auricular) and endonasal (in the nasal cavity) electrophoresis is performed in children. Special turundas soaked in medicine are inserted into the ear canal or lower nasal passages. This allows the medicine to be delivered directly to the site of inflammation.

This procedure is very effective for nasal diseases.

(rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, vasomotor rhinitis), ear diseases (tubotitis, hearing loss, catarrhal otitis). 10-15 procedures are prescribed per course. Electrophoresis procedures can be performed directly on the maxillary sinuses, adenoids, and submandibular lymph nodes.

Mothers of children prone to allergic reactions should take note of this method.

Thus, electrophoresis procedures are used for almost all diseases and are one of the effective treatment methods.

What you need to know

Therapy through the use of CUF is an amazingly effective physiotherapeutic procedure, which, when used correctly and under the constant supervision of a physician, brings enormous benefits to the body.

Its prescription as a therapeutic or preventive course is made exclusively by the doctor on a strictly individual basis. It is recommended for children from a very early age; KUF has no contraindications during normal pregnancy, does not affect lactation and does not complicate symptomatic diseases in elderly patients.

No special preparation is required for FFA; you just need to undergo a set of diagnostic measures in a medical institution. Therapy can also be carried out at home, having a quartz apparatus with an established special range. Details of use should be studied according to the attached instructions and obtain advice from the treating ENT doctor.

Endonasal electrophoresis for the nose: with calcium chloride, hydrocortisone

For diseases in adults and children, a physiotherapeutic procedure such as electrophoresis is sometimes prescribed.
It involves the impact on the body of electrical impulses that are generated by a special device.

Under the influence of direct current, a therapeutic effect is achieved through the simultaneous administration of drugs through the skin or mucous membrane (depending on the site of exposure).

The essence of the procedure

The physiological procedure is performed using a device. It has a hole for the electrode marked “+” and “-”, buttons that regulate the strength of the supplied current and the time of the procedure.

These can be the following devices: Pobeda, Elfor, Elfor Prof. More modern models have a display and digital indicator. Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the body:

  1. The severity of inflammation is reduced
  2. Swelling is eliminated
  3. Pain syndrome decreases
  4. Stimulates the production of substances with biological activity
  5. Toned muscles relax
  6. Calms the nervous system
  7. Blood circulation improves
  8. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration
  9. Defenses are activated

Due to the electric current emitted by the device, medications are converted into ions that receive a charge and penetrate the skin. This is how the bulk of the medicine is delivered to the body.

The remaining portion enters the lymph and blood. Positively charged ions relieve inflammation, relieve pain and soothe.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends not only on the medicine used, but also on factors such as:

  • Patient's age
  • Current strength
  • Properties of the drug in which medications are diluted
  • Drug dosage and concentration
  • The size of the charge received at the output
  • Electrode installation location
  • Duration of exposure
  • Individual susceptibility to the procedure

Electrophoresis is carried out only by a medical professional who has experience in installing and configuring equipment. There are devices that are a little simpler and can be used at home. They are accompanied by instructions that must be strictly followed during the procedure.

How is endonasal electrophoresis performed in the nose:

Methodology of the procedure

The classic way to conduct electrophoresis is through the skin. The areas of the body where electrodes are supposed to be installed must be healthy and not have moles, lesions or inflammatory lesions on the surface.

Medicines are applied to 2 sterile gauze, one of them is connected to the plus, the other to the minus. These pads are then applied to the skin and secured with weights or bandages.

Electrodes are attached to the tissue, after which the device is started.

The current strength is adjusted individually for each patient. Throughout the procedure, it is gradually adjusted upward. The patient feels a slight tingling sensation at the connection points. If itching, pain or burning occurs, the procedure should be stopped.

The duration of exposure to electrophoresis is from 10 to 15 minutes. For children this time is halved. The average course of physiotherapy treatment takes 2 weeks of daily visits or sessions every other day (depending on doctor’s prescriptions).

There are no time restrictions on repeating the course of electrophoresis. It is prescribed for the following ENT diseases:

  • Rhinitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Otitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Frontit

Electrophoresis may be prescribed during the postoperative rehabilitation period. This procedure is also prescribed for the treatment of dental, eye, skin, cardiovascular diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.

The use of physiotherapy in the treatment of ENT diseases:

Medicines used

Various drugs are used for physiotherapeutic procedures. Each of them has its own therapeutic effect on the patient’s body. It can be:

  1. Calcium Chloride. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, replenishes calcium deficiency and has a hemostatic effect.
  2. Diphenhydramine. Has an analgesic sedative effect. Calms and relaxes smooth muscles. Used for allergic rhinitis.
  3. Lidaza. Breaks down hyaluronic acid, which takes part in scar formation. Reduces swelling.
  4. Hydrocortisone. Glucocorticosteroid - used in the treatment of diseases of an allergic nature.
  5. Novocaine. Has a local anesthetic effect.
  6. Ampicillin. Used for otitis and sinusitis. It has a bactericidal effect on a large number of infectious agents.
  7. Nicotinic or aminocaproic acid. It has a vasodilating effect and improves blood circulation.
  8. Streptocide. Prescribed for infectious diseases of the ENT organs, helps suppress the growth of pathogenic environments.
  9. Humisol. Has a pronounced adaptogenic effect. Relieves inflammation and relieves pain.

The clinic employee who is responsible for carrying out the procedure knows which drugs to connect to the minus and which to the pluses. Some medications can be connected to either pole (Lidaza, Humisol). The doctor prescribes medications taking into account the clinical picture of the patient.

Benefits of the physiotherapy procedure

Administering medications in this way reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions from them to zero. Electrophoresis is a painless procedure.

A small amount of medication delivered to the body in this way has an effective therapeutic effect and significantly speeds up the healing process.

The drug is delivered directly to the site of inflammation, which is impossible with drug treatment.

Administration of the drug through electrophoresis allows it to have a positive effect on the body for a long time - up to 3 weeks. Even if you are allergic to certain drugs, administering them in this way reduces the risk of a backlash.


When prescribing the procedure, the patient’s physical and mental condition is assessed. It is not recommended to carry it out during pregnancy, but if there is an urgent need for it and all the risks are assessed below the achieved effect, then a prescription is carried out. It is not recommended to perform the procedure on a child under 2 years of age.

Electrophoresis is not prescribed for patients with elevated body temperature. If all the rules of the procedure are followed, then there will be no adverse reactions in the absence of direct contraindications. You should be prepared for the fact that red spots (hyperemia) remain at the site of contact of the electrodes, which quickly disappear without outside intervention.

Contraindications and restrictions

There are relative and absolute contraindications to electrophoresis.

In the first case, the doctor evaluates the therapeutic value of the prescribed treatment over the general condition of the patient. This applies to pregnant women, children under 2 years of age and hypertensive patients. Absolute contraindications are:

Electrodes cannot be installed if the integrity of the skin is compromised. Women who have their menstrual periods will have to wait until the procedure is completed.

The procedure is not performed for frequent nosebleeds. If there are contraindications of any group, the doctor weighs the pros and cons individually for each patient.

The value of electric shock

The value of electrophoresis is that it can significantly speed up recovery. In this case, the patient receives the maximum therapeutic effect from the medicine with minimal contact with it. This is one of the safest methods of transporting drugs directly to the site of inflammation.

Reviews about the independent use of electrophoresis:



The procedure is carried out in a medical institution in a specially adapted room - a room or office. At home, it is necessary to carry out procedures in a clean, well-ventilated room.

  • When starting work, you should turn on the device and leave it on for 3-5 minutes to set the required radiation intensity. To turn it on and off, special safety glasses must be used.
  • The device is installed on a table; the patient must sit on the chair required for the procedure so that its height does not require strain and does not cause discomfort.
  • Radiation is carried out under the supervision of a nurse, especially if it is necessary to use additional ENT instruments.
  • The duration of the session is chosen by the attending physician and is carried out according to an increasing pattern from 15 to 25 - 30 minutes. Depending on the task, the course consists of one or three biodoses.

What procedures are indicated?

Many people are interested in: what procedures are indicated for sinusitis? Doctors note that there are quite a lot of them. And each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account.


Water therapy is one of the most popular methods. Moreover, it is inexpensive and accessible, because water is always at hand. Washing, inhalation, steam baths - there can be many options.

The simplest is to use water with sea salt to rinse the nasal passages. This manipulation allows you to dilute the exudate accumulated in the nose and wash it out of the nose. Along with it, pathogenic bacteria also come out. Thanks to this simple procedure, the sinuses are cleared, nasal breathing is restored, the pressure in the nose drops, and the headache stops. You can do it at home, or you can do it in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. The selection of a drug is carried out based on the severity of the situation.

In hospitals, oil, dry and alkaline inhalations are also often used as hydrotherapy. You can use a nebulizer at home. You can only perform the procedure when there is no temperature.

Hydrotherapy for sinusitis also includes showers and foot baths. Despite the fact that the nose is far from the feet, there is a direct connection in the body between all organs and systems. Therefore, to speed up reactions, warming up the feet is often used.

Mud therapy

People used to ride on dirt back in tsarist times. Entire resorts specialized in mud therapy. They had a healing effect, drew out toxins and waste, warmed, etc.

For sinusitis, warm applications to the bridge of the nose, as well as warming poultices, are prescribed. They release hydrogen sulfide or an iodine component, due to which blood circulation in the tissues begins to improve and the process of removing stagnant mucus from the nose is activated. It is noted that after the procedure it immediately becomes easier to breathe, pain subsides, and sleep becomes better.

The procedure is performed as follows. Warm mud is applied to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses for 15-20 minutes (it is better to heat it in a water bath). The course is designed for 10-12 procedures. In parallel with mud therapy, drug therapy should take place. They can also combine two physiotherapy methods, for example, magnetic therapy is additionally prescribed to speed up and enhance the effect.

Using this option, the following effects are noted:

  • tension in tissues and muscles is relieved;
  • spasms go away;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is relieved;
  • the secretion is liquefied;
  • microbial activity decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened.

After such therapy, a side effect may occur - skin irritation. Contraindications to mud therapy include: heart and vascular diseases, increased sensitivity of the body, acute infectious processes, hypertension, open tuberculosis, etc.

Treatment with electric currents

The use of currents of varying intensity is widely practiced in modern medicine. With their help, you can receive impulses faster and cause improved blood circulation, which, in turn, ensures rapid healing and relief of inflammatory processes. There are many options for current therapy for sinusitis.

UHF therapy: indications and contraindications

UHF therapy is an effect on the source of inflammation using ultra-high frequencies. During the procedure, an electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency is created. Its main task is to generate electric currents of minimal strength in the treated area. During the procedure, the patient feels only pleasant warmth. But at the same time, the radiation itself helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow. It also has an additional effect, which destroys all pathogenic microorganisms. With the help of currents, the outflow of mucus improves and the likelihood of toxins being absorbed into the blood is reduced.

Before carrying out such a procedure, study the list of contraindications. UHF is not recommended for those who:

  • have a pacemaker;
  • severe mental illnesses have been diagnosed;
  • there is a tendency to bleed;
  • acute heart attack was diagnosed;
  • pre-infarction and post-infarction states are noted;
  • there are common diseases from the severe category;
  • acute febrile conditions.

Also, you should not practice this method in the presence of systemic blood diseases, cancerous tumors, aortic aneurysm, or constant hypotension.

Indications for UHF can be any form of the disease. But this option is especially effective for acute sinusitis, as well as for its forms such as exudative or chronic.

The procedure time is about 15 minutes, the course is 5-15 days depending on the severity of symptoms. The procedure is performed using a special device - it can be either stationary or portable.


EHF is a method that uses a low-frequency electromagnetic field. This option is usually used locally. With the help of such therapy, a pronounced stimulating effect on the human immune system is ensured. In addition, the procedure allows wounds to heal.

EHF gives a pronounced analgesic effect.

The number of procedures, as well as the duration of the session, is determined by the doctor.


Electrophoresis is one of the popular procedures used to treat inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. Represents the movement of a medicinal solution under the influence of current. Electroplating is usually used. By connecting currents, deep penetration of drugs into the area of ​​inflammation is achieved.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

Like any therapeutic technique, FUF has its positive and negative sides. The obvious priorities of the ultraviolet method include stimulation of vitamin D, vital for the body, development and thickening of the epidermis, and production of melanin.

Thanks to the course of treatment, urocanic acid accumulates and forms in the body, damaged DNA fragments are restored, replication is normalized, and enzymes necessary to neutralize unbound oxygen are formed.

Negative factors and consequences are few, however, FFA can cause the following complications:

  1. Damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  2. Aging effect from light flux;
  3. Radiation burn of mucous membranes;
  4. Possible long-term development of oncological processes.

Usually, all these unpleasant moments arise from improper and unprofessional handling of the device, as well as from self-medication.

Indications, benefits and harms of the procedure:

Electrophoresis for sinusitis and runny nose: how does it work and is it possible?

Such a physiological procedure as electrophoresis for sinusitis helps in complex treatment to quickly recover from the disease.

This manipulation for vasomotor rhinitis helps to attenuate the inflammatory process and reduces swelling of the respiratory organs. It also relieves headaches and increases the resistance of the human body.

Exposure to electric current improves blood flow and reduces the risk of complications.

What are the benefits of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is a highly effective means of improving well-being in case of sinusitis. Thanks to this procedure and a small amount of medicine delivered to the site of infection, healing can be significantly accelerated.

Administration of the drug using electrophoresis has a long-term (about 20 days) positive effect on humans. Even if you are allergic to certain drugs, entering them into the body reduces the likelihood of a reaction.

During the procedure, several medications can be administered simultaneously. Medicines can remain in the body for a long period. The action of electric current increases the degree of sensitivity of the body, even if the dosage of the drug was small.

Electrophoresis can be done for adults and children with ENT diseases. The manipulation gives the following results:

  • inflammatory processes stop;
  • swelling and pain in the affected areas decrease;
  • tissues are restored and the immune system is strengthened.

The advantages of electrophoresis also include a reduced risk of drug side effects. Therefore, to the parents’ question: “Can the baby undergo this procedure?” - doctors boldly say yes.

Electrophoresis is even used during pregnancy, since drugs enter the human circulatory system more slowly than with other methods of drug use. The current helps reduce the dose of the drug, and this is a great advantage of the method in relation to the developing fetus. During this procedure, the tone of the uterus may decrease, which has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

The essence of the method

In various medical sources, the electrophoresis procedure is called differently: ionotherapy, iontophoresis, microelectrophoresis.

It is performed using a device that contains a digital indicator and display. And older models are equipped with a hole for an electrode and a button. Thus, the current strength and the period of manipulation are regulated.

The electric current produced by the device transforms the liquid form of drugs into ions. This is how medications penetrate the skin, blood and lymph.

Cations (positively charged) act as a calming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Ions with a negative charge relax muscles, activate metabolic processes, and act as a vasodilator.

The effectiveness of electrophoresis depends on the following factors:

  • the medicine used, its dosage;
  • patient's age;
  • current strength and charge value at the output;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • individual sensitivity to manipulation.

The equipment used to carry out electrophoresis varies in complexity. Typically, the session is conducted by medical professionals who have experience in installing and configuring devices.

At home they use devices of simpler designs, but at the same time follow the instructions.

When is the procedure used?

A course of iontophoresis is carried out for a number of diseases. Calcium electrophoresis is done most often. It is included in the course of treatment of ENT organs. Gives a positive result when:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis (including vasomotor);
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • front.

Electrophoresis is also prescribed for the treatment of problems with the spinal column, in dentistry, pediatrics, the postoperative period and for skin ailments.

How does manipulation happen?

Electrophoresis on the nose is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce inflammation. This physiological manipulation is prescribed by a specialist for many ailments related to the nose.

Endonasal electrophoresis is prescribed to a child only from the age of three.

As already mentioned, the affected area is exposed to electric current. If this is a procedure with calcium chloride in the nasal passages, then the doctor will warn that this drug can sometimes irritate the mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce blood pressure. But this phenomenon is rarely observed.

The result of the procedure using calcium gluconate is an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. The manipulation is carried out like this:

  1. The doctor first rinses the passages by instilling saline solution into the nose.
  2. Turundas are then made from cotton wool, moistened in calcium chloride and placed in each nostril.
  3. The first electrode in the form of a small plate is wrapped in polyethylene, the free ends of cotton wool are inserted there and pressed near the nasal passages.
  4. The second plate is fixed on the spine in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae.
  5. Turn on the equipment and set the current to 2 mA.

The manipulation lasts 15–20 minutes for adults and children, but 8 minutes is enough for a child under 1 year old. The course of therapy should be 10–20 procedures.

An effective treatment is electrophoresis for a runny nose. With this procedure, swelling of soft tissues is reduced and blood flow is restored, which will help to quickly deal with snot.


Despite the wide range of uses and excellent therapeutic effect, CUF has a number of categorical contraindications. Procedures are not prescribed

  • With increased sensitivity of mucous membranes;
  • Against the background of a mental or nervous illness;
  • Nephropathy, hepatitis, porphyria in any phase of the course;
  • In the presence of callous ulcers of the stomach and intestinal tract;
  • Acute form of cerebral blood flow disorders;
  • With hypocoagulation syndrome;
  • In the acute period of myocardial infarction.

Before carrying out treatment with short ultraviolet waves, it is necessary to determine the patient’s level of individual radiation tolerance. If during the procedure a person’s general condition worsens, it is necessary to stop the course and replace CUF with other treatment methods.

How to use KUF to treat diseases of the ENT organs:

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to carry out a health procedure:

  • Children under two years of age
  • In case of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, renal system, NS
  • In the presence of excessive susceptibility to drugs
  • Injury to the skin where electrodes are placed
  • If purulent foci with an actively ongoing inflammatory process are detected
  • For intolerance to electric current
  • For signs of dermatitis
  • In case of excessive bleeding
  • For severe symptoms of intoxication
  • In the presence of oncopathologies
  • For bronchial asthma.


Nowadays, medicine uses the most advanced achievements of science, innovative technologies are being introduced and developed. Nevertheless, physiotherapeutic treatment is still popular today and is in demand as an addition to the complex of therapy for a wide variety of diseases.

KUF is very popular for infectious and viral pathologies of ENT organs. Ultraviolet radiation destroys viruses, has a bactericidal effect and stops the worsening of inflammatory processes. The procedure is used in various fields of therapeutic and preventive medicine, as well as in cosmetology.

Ultrahigh frequency therapy

>Ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF) is the therapeutic effect of a high-frequency electric field on inflamed tissue. UHF is prescribed to patients as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic procedure.

UHF has a useful feature - during the procedure, the concentration of calcium ions in the inflamed area increases, due to which the connective tissue forms a kind of protective barrier around it, and toxins are absorbed into the blood much more slowly. The described feature makes it possible to include UHF in therapy for purulent ENT diseases.

The sessions are painless. They are carried out using special plates without direct contact with the body. A gap of 1 to 3 cm remains between the skin and the plates. Under the influence of heat, tissue metabolism accelerates and inflammatory infiltrates resolve.

For diseases of the ENT organs, UHF therapy is carried out in short courses. The course includes from 2 to 5 procedures, after which the doctor prescribes magnetic therapy or other types of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Laser therapy is the effect of a monochrome beam of light of a certain wavelength on the site of inflammation. The effect of the laser depends on the wavelength and irradiation power - from therapeutic anti-inflammatory to use in surgical treatment.

Laser therapy as a treatment method has existed for more than 40 years and during this time has proven its effectiveness in a variety of areas of medicine, including otolaryngology, and continues to develop and improve.

Laser radiation, penetrating into tissues, enhances metabolic processes, activates local immunity, stimulates blood and lymph circulation, and has an antimicrobial effect.

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