Tampons after nasal septum surgery

What is septoplasty and indications for it?

The main cause of a deviated nasal septum is uneven growth of bones and cartilage. This entails frequent colds, sinusitis, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases. Thanks to the operation, the septum can be given the desired shape. There are several types of medical interventions that achieve stable positive results.

Unsuccessful operation - what to do?

If surgery is unsuccessful, you should immediately contact a plastic surgery specialist. In addition, who performed the operation, if the complications that arose were not his fault, or to anyone else who is trustworthy and has a license to carry out this kind of manipulation.

Defects may appear as:

  • Excessive narrowing of the arch of the bones.
  • Incomplete removal of deviated nasal septum.
  • Deformation of nasal cartilage.
  • Weak or too strong excision and reduction of the wings of the nose.

Septoplasty today is a popular and relevant surgical procedure. Recommendations for the operation itself and the conditions under which it will take place can be prescribed exclusively by the doctor, based on the conclusions made during the preliminary examination and taking into account the goal pursued by the patient.

Source: beautyexpert.pro

Types of surgery

There are 2 main methods: surgical endoscopic and non-surgical laser. Classic surgical intervention is used infrequently and has several varieties.

Modifications of submucosal resection

Now experts offer the following gentle surgical options:

  1. Partial resection. The main part of the cartilage tissue remains intact, the areas of deviated septum are removed.
  2. Redressation of the septum. The cartilage is separated from the perichondrium on one side, and 4 incisions are made to impart plasticity. The curved area is broken, it is brought into the correct position, which is then fixed.
  3. Circular resection. A quadrangular flap is isolated in the cartilage, a circular cut is made and a strip around it is removed to achieve increased plasticity.
  4. Resection-reimplantation. After isolation, the cartilage plate is cut into several sections, and then the septum is given the correct shape. The pieces of cartilage tissue are then returned to their place and fixed.


If the endoscopic method is used for septoplasty, access to the cartilage is made through the nasal cavity. Depending on the patient’s individual indications, both general and local anesthesia can be performed.

An incision is made on the mucous membrane, and through it the cartilage tissue is first corrected, and then the nasal septum is directly installed with the displacement of its cartilage and bone fragments. Special absorbable sutures are used to close the incisions.

The duration of this operation is approximately an hour; further hospital stay is not required. In most cases, patients are discharged within 24 hours after septoplasty. After the operation, the patient is given tampons made of silicone or plastic; they must be worn for 1-2 days. You can begin work after two weeks, subject to postoperative restrictions.


If septoplasty is performed with a laser, the procedure takes no more than half an hour and does not require further hospital stay for the patient. After heating to the desired temperature, the cartilaginous part of the septum is fixed with silicone tampons, which can be removed after a day.

Despite the obvious advantages of this method over surgery, it has one significant limitation: it can only be used when the cartilaginous part of the septum is curvature and provided that it has no physical damage.

Rehabilitation and recovery

This operation does not imply a long recovery period, but at first the patient loses his ability to work. A sick leave after septoplasty is issued for up to 10 days (depending on the complexity). The basic functions of the nose and its normal appearance are restored after 3 months, and then the success of the operation can be judged. The final result is visible after a year.

The nasal splints and external sutures are removed within 10 days. Turundas after endoscopic surgery are not removed for a day or longer (up to 72 hours). They do not allow breathing through the nose, which often leads to dry mouth and headaches.

Consequences after septoplasty

Inability to breathe through the nose due to swelling of injured tissues. This swelling subsides within 10 days and breathing is gradually restored.

Pain in the first 7–10 days after surgery. It can be relieved with painkillers, but without non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin in the composition, so as not to cause bleeding.

Any medications (in case of illness), dietary supplements or supplements within two weeks after surgery must be agreed with your doctor.

Fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, and bloody mucus from the nose disappear with the restoration of breathing.

Impaired sensitivity of the tip of the nose and upper front teeth. This effect may last for several months, this is normal.

By the third week after surgery, these unpleasant consequences disappear.

Postoperative regimen

Includes several recommendations:

  • Do not strain, do not lift weights.
  • Don't blow your nose.
  • Do not lower your head too much when washing, doing gymnastics or household chores.
  • Avoid overheating in the sun.
  • Do not overcool, minimize the risk of colds and infectious diseases.
  • Do not use glasses or put pressure on the bridge of your nose.
  • Sleep on a high pillow (and at first half-sitting).
  • Wear clothes that are completely unbuttoned in the front, so as not to accidentally injure your nose when putting it on over your head.

Possible complications

Complications after septoplasty are rare. This usually occurs due to the patient’s violation of the preparation for surgery and recovery after it. But there are also medical errors due to insufficient qualifications or the complexity of the operation.

Such complications include:

  • Bleeding. This usually happens due to incorrect behavior during the rehabilitation period.
  • Hematoma under the lining of the nose, because of this, its function and appearance may take longer to recover.
  • Damage to nerve endings. Then the sensitivity of the nose, teeth and sense of smell may not be restored.
  • Aesthetic deterioration of the shape of the nose.
  • Changes in voice and hearing.
  • Perforation of the septum, which can cause bleeding or other problems.
  • Abscess or suppuration of the septum, infectious inflammation of the nasal sinuses.
  • Fibrin clots and adhesions in the nose that block the lumen.
  • In 10% of patients, the aligned septum becomes deviated again due to “cartilage memory.”

You should consult a doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • with difficulty breathing;
  • with continuous bleeding;
  • with severe pain (especially when it is not relieved by medications);
  • with fever, chills or fever.

Preparation for the procedure

As with any other surgical procedure, prior examination and preparation are necessary before septoplasty. Urine and blood tests are taken, the presence of antibodies to HIV infection and hepatitis is determined, and blood clotting time is determined.

A fluorography and electrocardiogram are performed, and an examination is performed by a general practitioner. In addition to the necessary tests, it is recommended to conduct a computed tomography scan, which will help the specialist more accurately understand the condition of the sinuses and cavities.

Such intervention is unacceptable in case of exacerbation of an infectious disease, as well as within two weeks after recovery. For women, the operation is not possible during menstruation and immediately after its completion.

A week before the intervention, you must stop taking any medications that can affect blood clotting, as well as NSAIDs. It is strictly forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages or medications containing alcohol.

Male patients are advised to shave their mustache before surgery.

The operation takes place in the otolaryngology department, in a hospital setting. Immediately before the procedure, you should not eat. After the septum correction is completed, you may need straws for liquids (drinking in the usual way temporarily becomes difficult), balm or chapstick to moisturize the tissues and protect them from possible drying out.

Side effects – what are they, how long should they last, how to eliminate them?

Will your nostrils begin to breathe soon?

Non-breathing, blocked or poor breathing in one or both nostrils is the most common complaint after nasal surgery. When does the operated olfactory organ begin to breathe, how many days after plastic surgery will this happen? The timing of breathing recovery is always individual. In some patients, difficulty breathing in and out may persist even after a month.

The early rehabilitation period lasts three weeks - this is the same time after which breathing is restored in 75% of patients, and the nose can already breathe quite freely. Ideally, breathing should return to normal a few days after septoplasty.

During this time, breathing is always difficult and no emergency measures need to be taken; it is enough to strictly follow the rehabilitation plan prescribed by the doctor. To make your nose breathe faster, you can periodically:

  1. instill vasoconstrictor drops;
  2. apply cooling compresses.

Crusts - how to remove them?

This side effect is not pathological. Within two weeks you should:

  1. Gently lubricate the crusts on the mucous membrane with Vaseline, peach oil or butter;
  2. Irrigate the nasal cavity with sprays as prescribed by the doctor.


The appearance of bruises under the eyes after septoplasty can be considered normal. They go away in 2-3 weeks. Most often, after 10 days it is quite possible to go to work, masking the bruises with foundation.

Swelling – when will it go down?

It is a natural symptom and normal for two weeks after the intervention. If the swelling has spread to the entire face and a week after the operation there is no tendency to reduce it, then we are talking about a serious complication.

Edema can be caused by:

  • eating hot food;
  • taking a hot bath;
  • washing with hot water;
  • sleeping without a pillow.

How to relieve swelling? The following manipulations will help:

  1. Maintaining bed rest.
  2. Applying compresses with ice.
  3. Taking medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Humidifying the air in the room where the patient is.


This may be a reaction to anesthesia. The headache can even hurt simply from the excitement and overexertion suffered before the operation.

In this case, a different treatment regimen is selected and antihistamines are prescribed.

During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to avoid provoking factors that can cause headaches, namely:

  • stress;
  • physical activity;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Discomfort in the throat

Pain in the throat is the result of minor damage to the mucous membrane. After 2-3 weeks they should go away. As prescribed by your doctor, you can:

  1. use softening lozenges;
  2. irrigate the oral cavity with special healing sprays.

The operation site hurts

Pain after surgery is absolutely natural and, nevertheless, it should subside within a week after the intervention. During this time, the patient takes painkillers.

It is acceptable to maintain mild discomfort. If after a week the pain does not go away, this is a signal that a pathological process is occurring in the body and you should seek advice from a specialist.

Temperature - how long does it remain normal?

The patient may have a fever for several days after surgery. Normally, it should not rise above 38 degrees.

A high temperature that persists for a week indicates the development of an inflammatory process. The cause of high temperature may be otitis or sinusitis , which the patient had even before septoplasty, inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses, or rotavirus infection.

In this situation, you should not take antipyretic drugs on your own; you should definitely consult a doctor.


Surgery is almost always carried out with the help of premedication - pain relief by administering a sedative. The area of ​​the operation is treated with vasoconstrictors and painkillers.

The planned operation is performed under local anesthesia, but sometimes under general anesthesia. This is acceptable if the patient has no contraindications and may be required for extensive interventions.

Classic septoplasty is performed as follows:

  1. An incision is made into the mucosa and perichondrium. It is done from one side, from the inside of the nasal cavity.
  2. The quadrangular cartilage is exposed, the mucous membrane and perichondrium are peeled off on the reverse side. Most of the cartilage is then removed, allowing access to the bony area.
  3. The periosteum is peeled off, and bone ridges and spines are removed using forceps or a chisel. In some cases, resection of the bony area of ​​the septum is performed.
  4. The previously separated elements are pressed against the frame of the septum and fixed with tampons or turundas in the middle position. In some cases, self-absorbing sutures are applied; in more complex situations, external plaster application is possible.

See also

What to do for sinus pain without a runny nose, how to treat it?


Endoscopy can be used to minimize surgical trauma and increase the effectiveness of intervention. On the endoscope monitor, the surgical area is enlarged several times, which reduces the risk of complications and reduces the required number of incisions.

If you choose a procedure using a laser, then there are 2 options for the technique:

  1. Laser septochondrocorrection. In this case, only the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum is corrected. This procedure does not completely correct the curvature of the organ. The problem area of ​​the cartilage is heated with a laser to achieve maximum plasticity, and then it is given the correct shape. This is a bloodless and virtually painless operation that is performed on an outpatient basis.
  2. Laser septoplasty. Its scheme is similar to classical resection, but the usual scalpel is replaced by a laser. This approach minimizes blood loss and shortens the recovery time after surgery.


Rhinoplasty is the correction of an acquired or congenital deformity of the nose. Surgical intervention is performed for curvature of the nasal septum after injury, as well as for cosmetic purposes to correct the shape of the nose.

After surgical correction of the nose, special tampons are inserted into the nostrils. Many patients are very afraid to take them out because they believe that the procedure will be painful. However, this is not always the case.

After any surgical intervention, the body needs time to recover. As for rhinoplasty itself, it involves damage to the soft tissues, as well as the cartilage and bone frame of the nose as a result of corrective manipulations. All this inevitably affects its appearance and main function. Gradually the condition returns to normal. The final result of the operation largely depends on how “smooth” the rehabilitation is.

First stage of rehabilitation

The healing process takes place in several stages. The first, the most difficult, lasts about a week. The patient experiences discomfort: it is difficult to breathe, it is inconvenient to wash and brush your teeth, your slightly open mouth constantly dries out. In addition, bruises, hemorrhages, and swelling appear on the face. For many, a problem is also the fact that immediately after surgery, turundas are inserted into the nostrils.

I've had to deal with people who were more afraid of the extraction procedure than the surgery.

Functions of the turund

To begin with, I want to draw your attention to the fact that turundas do not provoke unpleasant sensations, but minimize them. It is special tampons that prevent blood from flowing directly into the patient’s throat on the first night. They are the ones who hold back the swollen tissues, preventing them from completely closing the nasal passages.

And modern turundas smell good. They are impregnated with a special oil that moisturizes the nasal mucosa and promotes regeneration. The oil softens the seams, so that blood and ichor do not accumulate on them.

Unfortunately, you cannot keep turundas in your nose for a long time and you have to fight blood crusts in other ways. One or two days is the period during which you will need to endure a little discomfort.

The sensation depends on the quality of the tampons

It is noteworthy that turundas come in different varieties: from the simplest and cheapest, made directly in the operating room, to high-quality and expensive ones. Perhaps this is what explains the variety of stories about rehabilitation after rhinoplasty. In some of them, turundas are given more space than the operation itself, while in others these devices are not even remembered. I care about my patients and therefore I use only high-quality turundas. It doesn't hurt to take them out at all.

Physiological features of skeletal development, polyps, and facial injuries are the most common provocateurs of a deviated nasal septum. This problem is diagnosed in the vast majority of patients (>80%) who have complaints of difficulty breathing, chronic otitis media, frequent exposure to colds and regular bleeding. Septoplasty is the surgical correction of irregularities, removal of excess growths of cartilage and bone tissue.

Complications after surgery

When the operated tissue layers grow together, the septum becomes smooth. But despite the effectiveness of the classical type of surgery, it is rarely used. This has the following consequences:

  • high risk of scarring during tissue fusion (this leads to the need for repeated surgery);
  • excessive mobility of the septum immediately after the intervention;
  • the risk of a collapse of the nasal bridge due to the almost complete removal of the supporting part of the septum;
  • heavy bleeding, perforation of the septum due to the high invasiveness of the operation;
  • hematoma of the nasal cavity;
  • the likelihood of an abscess (if an infection gets into the wound).

Perforation of the septum

If the perforation is small in size, its presence can be recognized by increased dryness of the nasal mucosa and whistling sounds when breathing. If the hole is large, the following symptoms may appear:

  • changing the shape of the nose;
  • painful sensations;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • chronic nasal congestion;
  • bleeding;
  • formation of crusts on the mucous membrane;
  • watery or purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

If the perforation appears in the anterior part of the nasal plate and affects the cartilage tissue, the occurrence of symptoms is observed more often. If it affects bone tissue and is small in size, it often does not manifest itself in any way, and only a doctor can detect it during an examination.

Perforation after septoplasty causes swelling, persistent nasal congestion and breathing problems. This causes a person to breathe through the mouth, which in turn leads to the following consequences:

  • penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the body, leading to the development of various diseases;
  • getting into the respiratory tract, unwarmed air can provoke inflammation;
  • the body's protective functions are weakened;
  • a pronounced nasality appears, the usual timbre of the voice changes;
  • Deformation of the facial skeleton may occur.

Difficulty breathing, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation. This is fraught with various pathological conditions requiring medical intervention. The high risk of developing health problems necessitates urgent treatment of perforation.

There are 2 types of therapy:

  1. Conservative methods. They are used in cases where the size of the perforation is insignificant and the pathology is asymptomatic. The main treatment measures are aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa using ointments and rinsing with saline solutions. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, often for local use. Also, to eliminate perforation, silicone plates are used, placed in the hole and ensuring normal breathing. They are installed under local anesthesia, and once a year they are removed and disinfected.
  2. Operative methods. They involve the use of a graft created from the patient's own tissue. The transplanted tissue is attached to the cartilaginous septum using sutures. A special material is applied on top to provide protection from drying out and speedy healing. After the operation, cotton swabs are placed in the sinuses.

One nostril can't breathe

Septoplasty almost always leads to temporary breathing problems. In the first days after surgery, severe swelling persists. In most cases, it goes away completely within a week, even if the intervention was strong. But in some situations, slight swelling persists for a long time and can spread to only one nostril. If this happens, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to rule out the possibility of perforation.


After the operation, the patient may experience a runny nose for some time. This is due to disruption of the normal functioning of the mucous membrane. This phenomenon is temporary and goes away on its own. To speed up recovery, you can take the following steps:

  • indoor air humidification;
  • UHF therapy;
  • taking medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • use of nasal drops and sprays.

See also

What devices are there for rinsing the nose, the benefits and harms of rinsing


Nose sank

In some cases, excessive removal of cartilage tissue leads to sagging of the nose. After conducting an external examination of the nose and septum, the doctor will be able to diagnose this problem and prescribe restorative procedures.

A subsidence of the nose can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased dryness of the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • partial or complete loss of the sense of smell and taste;
  • frequent nasal discharge in the absence of any ENT diseases and inflammatory processes.

This defect is eliminated through additional surgical intervention. In this case, attention is paid not only to the septum, which underwent surgery with complications, but also to other areas of the nose that were subject to deformation as a result of septoplasty.

The passage in the nostril has narrowed

There are two reasons why the nasal passage may narrow:

  • severe swelling;
  • insufficient removal of cartilage tissue of the septum.

In the first case, drug rehabilitation is carried out to speed up the removal of edema. In the second, a repeat operation is required to correct the septum and increase the lumen.


An increase in temperature after septoplasty may indicate an inflammatory process or infection. In this case, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as possible, since inflammation can spread to other tissues and slow down the recovery process after surgery.


Bleeding is often observed in the case of classical surgery or surgery using an endoscope. The injured mucous membrane secretes blood and ichor, and such manifestations are not dangerous . But if frequent nosebleeds do not stop 1.5-2 weeks after surgery, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice. It may be a more severe injury that requires surgery.

Crusts in the nose

The appearance of crusts on the surface of the nasal mucosa is the most common consequence of septoplasty and does not pose a threat. To get rid of dry nose and quickly restore the functions of the mucous membrane, it is enough to follow hygiene measures and regularly moisturize the nasal cavity.

Snoring while sleeping

The main reason for snoring is the narrowing of the nasopharynx. In the first days after septoplasty, as long as swelling persists, snoring should not cause concern. With a decrease in swelling, this symptom should subside.

The nose has become crooked

Anatomical changes in the structure of the nose can lead to its curvature, which leads to disruption of natural breathing. This complication can be caused by deformation of the nasal cartilage, incomplete tissue removal, too weak or strong excision of the wings of the nose. This problem is solved by repeated surgery to correct the defects.

Nose hurts

Painful sensations in the nose often appear after classical surgery, and they can persist for two weeks. If the pain does not subside after this period, it may be a perforation, which must be diagnosed by a specialist.


Swelling is a normal consequence of septoplasty, especially if it was performed with a scalpel rather than a laser. Depending on the complexity of the operation, swelling may persist from one to three weeks.

How long should intranasal splints remain in the nasal passages?

Even the most modernized tampons or stents can cause discomfort in the patient. No one likes having a foreign object in their body. Therefore, most patients are interested in how long they need to wear the structure. The inserts should remain in the nasal cavity in the first days after rhinoplasty. Most often they are removed two days after the operation.

Note! Removing tampons on your own can have an extremely negative impact on the course of the rehabilitation period. Only your attending physician can control this process.

This is why it is important for the first days after nose correction to be under the supervision of a doctor.

Recovery period

For some time in the postoperative period, the patient has to breathe through his mouth. Then, after removing the turunda, nasal breathing is gradually restored. This may take up to 2-3 weeks for the swelling to subside. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow all doctor's instructions.

Active rehabilitation

The active rehabilitation period after septoplasty lasts about a week while the main swelling subsides. But the most important from the point of view of care are the first days, during which the patient must remain completely at rest.

You should not talk a lot, make sudden movements, drink hot drinks or eat solid food.

If stitches were placed, they will gradually dissolve on their own. During the operation, the doctor must numb the site of the intervention, and with the cessation of the anesthetics, minor discomfort always appears, which gradually subsides.

Restoring breathing

Normal breathing is restored gradually. To speed up this process, you can resort to moisturizing drops and rinses, and maintain optimal air humidity.


If rehabilitation proceeds without complications, there is no need for physiotherapeutic procedures. If there are indications for their implementation, then this can be done no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the operation. Physiotherapy is aimed at restoring nasal sensitivity and accelerating the resorption of bruises. In most cases, doctors prescribe microcurrents, electrophoresis, ultrasound or darsonvalization.


After septoplasty, especially performed with a laser, the patient quickly returns to normal life.

Important! In the first weeks after the intervention, it is important to avoid active physical activity, sunbathing, hot baths, and any sports that can lead to facial injury.

The main prohibition after surgery involves complete cessation of smoking for at least 10-14 days. It is important to maintain hygiene and promptly clean the nasal cavity from secretions. The patient's diet should be rich in fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Is it possible to use drugs to restore breathing?

Even before rhinoplasty, your plastic surgeon will give you a list of medications to take care of your nasal cavity after surgery. As a rule, it contains drops or sprays based on sea salt, softening and regenerating ointments, etc.

Unauthorized use of means to facilitate nasal breathing is strictly prohibited!

Particularly dangerous at this stage are topical vasoconstrictor drugs, so beloved by many people (based on xylometazoline, naphazoline and other components).

Remember that self-medication can lead to unpredictable and irreversible consequences, and will never help you in the long term.

What can and cannot be done?

After any surgical intervention, a person’s usual life activities are limited to a certain list of prohibitions. Whether to comply with them or not is a decision that the patient himself makes. However, we should not forget about possible complications if medical prescriptions are not followed. We invite you to look at each point in detail.


Can I drink champagne and beer after surgery? Alcohol is strictly prohibited during the first two months. Even low-alcohol drinks, such as beer or champagne, lead to disturbances in the hemodynamic system.
Such processes impair the blood supply to the nasal septum, which is so necessary for its recovery in the period after surgery.

How long can you wear glasses?

Eyeglasses or sunglasses should not be worn during the first month after surgery. The pressure they put on the nasal septum can lead to its recurrence. Buy lenses and wear hats with a visor.

Is it possible to blow your nose?

It’s definitely not possible, otherwise nosebleeds may occur, which will be quite difficult to stop. Yes, and a deviated septum may return.

It is recommended to introduce restrictions on carnal pleasures at least for the first two weeks. In the future, it is not only allowed, but even recommended. The hormones released after orgasms improve the functioning of the circulatory system and reduce pain even in the nose.

How to sneeze?

Sneezing is an involuntary process that simply cannot be stopped. It is recommended to avoid allergens and acute respiratory diseases. Otherwise, nosebleeds may occur.

How to sleep, why not on your side?

You must sleep strictly on your back with the head end of the bed raised. Changing your sleeping position can cause the septum to shift, which may require further surgery. It is recommended to adhere to a special sleeping position for at least three weeks.

Is smoking allowed?

Of course not. Nicotine has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system. Blood circulation is disrupted in the nasal septum, which can lead to serious complications (including an abscess). Vapes and hookahs are also prohibited.


When can you play sports? For the first two weeks, any physical activity and bending the body forward are prohibited.
In the future, you can resort to light warm-ups, avoiding sudden head movements. Active sports are allowed to be practiced after one and a half months. However, before going to the gym, consult your doctor.

Is it allowed to wash your hair?

Hair washing is allowed 5-7 days after surgery. You need to wash your hair while standing, avoiding tilting your head forward. Be careful not to get the bandages wet.

Do they do rinsing?

Is it possible to rinse the nose after septoplasty and how to do it? Rinsing the nose helps remove crusts from the mucous membrane and existing blood clots. It is recommended to wash it at least once a day. You need to use special solutions that are freely sold in pharmacies.

How to prepare for septoplasty?

It all starts with an examination by an ENT doctor, during which the doctor asks the patient about symptoms, examines the nasal cavity, assesses the presence and degree of curvature of the nasal septum, and determines the need for surgical treatment.

Usually no special preparation is required for the operation itself. If you are taking any medications, tell your doctor about them. Some of them may need to be stopped for a while, for example, drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and anti-clotting agents. If you are allergic to any medications, you should also tell us about this in advance.

If you smoke, you will need to abstain from cigarettes two weeks before surgery, otherwise you may increase the risk of severe bleeding. Women should not undergo septoplasty in the immediate days after their period: they must wait at least 10 days.

If the operation is planned to be performed under general anesthesia, then after dinner the day before and on the day of the intervention you should not eat or drink anything.

Preoperative examination includes x-rays, ECG, general blood and urine tests, tests for syphilis and HIV, and blood clotting tests.

Take care of yourself, book your surgery now

Possible complications: from swelling to perforation of the nasal septum

Surgery for a deviated nasal septum is a tissue-traumatic procedure, so some deterioration in the patient’s condition is expected. Supervision of his well-being by a doctor allows him to provide psychological support to a patient who is worried about his health. Experienced stress or insufficient care of the nasal cavity after surgery can be expressed by the body in the following complications:

  • Bleeding. It is stopped with turundas soaked in hemostatic and antiseptic agents.
  • Edema. For this reason, nasal breathing is difficult in the first weeks after removal of special tampons.
  • Bruising. The complication is temporary and extremely rare, since the surgeon does not touch the external tissues.
  • Feeling of numbness in the tip of the nose and upper front teeth. During the operation, the nerve endings going to the gum area are affected. Sensitivity is restored within 2 months.
  • Green discharge. May be a consequence of ARVI, local inflammation or sinusitis. The latter is accompanied by pressure in the sinuses, headaches, and congestion in the ears.
  • Infection. Insufficient care of the postoperative field will lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. Consequences of local inflammation: redness, swelling, pain and abscess (purulent discharge);
  • Synechiae. They cause nasal congestion several weeks after septoplasty. Synechiae are adhesions between the walls of blood vessels that block the lumen of the nasal passages. Symptoms: snoring, dry mouth, nasal congestion, nasal tone.
  • Perforation of the nasal septum. The complication occurs due to a malnutrition of the cartilage tissue. Symptoms: whistling when breathing, a pronounced feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx, purulent discharge is possible.
  • Deformation of the nose (recession of its back). A consequence of inaccurate work by a rhinosurgeon or perforation of the septum.
  • No positive result. Poor breathing and frequent nasal congestion are reasons for a new examination. Neglecting medical recommendations and prohibitions can cause a slight curvature of the nasal septum after septoplasty.
  • Partial or complete loss of smell. It may be a consequence of an individual reaction of the body, surgeon errors or damage to the mucosa.

These complications are discovered during the rehabilitation period. Some of them can only be eliminated through a new operation. Compliance with medical recommendations and proper preparation for septoplasty will minimize the risk of these problems occurring.

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