Is it possible to get tested for a runny nose and cough?

The cold is a fairly common disease that occurs in the autumn-spring period and can be widespread. Its causes are hypothermia, viruses or a decrease in the body's defenses.

The main signs of the disease are cough, nasal congestion and high body temperature.

A fairly common question is whether it is possible to take blood tests if you have a cold. The need for laboratory tests is determined by the attending physician.

A blood test helps to identify the nature of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Why donate blood if you have a cold?

Colds can occur in different ways. It depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the factors causing the disease. The main cause of a cold is infection by viruses or bacteria.

In one case, only minor symptoms may appear - cough or runny nose. In another, there is a serious deterioration in a person’s health – a strong increase in body temperature, difficulty breathing, etc.

When examining the patient, the doctor identifies accompanying symptoms and, depending on the severity of the disease, determines whether it is possible to take a blood test for a cold. Laboratory diagnostics helps to understand how to treat the patient.

In addition, the study helps to assess the overall picture of a person’s health:

  • determine the intensity of the inflammatory process based on the level of leukocytes and ESR;
  • determine the nature of the infection, the type of bacteria or virus that caused the disease;
  • identify an allergic reaction;
  • evaluate the functioning of the immune system.

Is it possible to do tests and donate blood if you have a cold - indications and contraindications

The cold is a fairly common disease that occurs in the autumn-spring period and can be widespread. Its causes are hypothermia, viruses or a decrease in the body's defenses.

The main signs of the disease are cough, nasal congestion and high body temperature.

A fairly common question is whether it is possible to take blood tests if you have a cold. The need for laboratory tests is determined by the attending physician.

A blood test helps to identify the nature of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Why donate blood if you have a cold?

Colds can occur in different ways. It depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the factors causing the disease. The main cause of a cold is infection by viruses or bacteria.

In one case, only minor symptoms may appear - cough or runny nose. In another, there is a serious deterioration in a person’s health – a strong increase in body temperature, difficulty breathing, etc.

When examining the patient, the doctor identifies accompanying symptoms and, depending on the severity of the disease, determines whether it is possible to take a blood test for a cold. Laboratory diagnostics helps to understand how to treat the patient.

In addition, the study helps to assess the overall picture of a person’s health:

  • determine the intensity of the inflammatory process based on the level of leukocytes and ESR;
  • determine the nature of the infection, the type of bacteria or virus that caused the disease;
  • identify an allergic reaction;
  • evaluate the functioning of the immune system.

Preparation highlights

Conducting laboratory research requires certain preparation. Compliance with the rules allows you to increase the accuracy of the results and avoid the influence of certain factors that may affect their reliability.

Before donating blood for research, you must follow these rules:

  • stop taking medications. They have a strong influence on the composition of the blood, which will lead to distortion of the examination results. If there is an urgent need to take any medicine, you should inform your doctor;
  • The study is usually carried out on an empty stomach. The most suitable time of day is morning. If a different time is appointed, then it should be noted that the test must be taken 5-6 hours after eating. The day before, you should limit the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, as well as salt, spices and confectionery;
  • On the eve of the study, you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

Blood tests for colds

Colds are very common diseases. Laboratory tests are often used to diagnose and select effective treatment methods for colds.

A blood test during the development of a cold is one of the most important studies; it helps to establish an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results of this study, the type of pathogen, the stage of development of the pathology is determined, and the general health of the patient is assessed.

For any respiratory disease, general blood and urine tests are required. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe biochemical and other types of tests.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test allows you to evaluate its qualitative composition. Thanks to this, the general condition and functions of the internal organs of the human body are assessed. The study allows us to identify certain pathologies in the initial stages. The sample for this test is taken from a vein only.

A mild form of ARVI has practically no effect on the analysis parameters. However, as the disease progresses to a severe form and the inflammatory process develops, some abnormalities may appear.

Blood biochemistry for colds is prescribed by the attending physician in case of a sharp deterioration in health. The results of this analysis help to obtain a more accurate picture of your health status and select effective treatment.

Is it possible to take a routine biochemical blood test if you have a cold to detect other diseases? In such a situation, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the therapy being performed.

Some medications taken during the treatment of a cold may affect the reliability of the results.

If a biochemical analysis must be carried out, then the doctor must know about the medications being taken and take into account the possible effect of this when interpreting the results.

Is it possible to do a blood test for hormones if you have a cold?

Hormonal pathologies are diagnosed in many people. Such patients require constant use of medications and periodic testing of hormone levels.

Colds always come unexpectedly. What to do if a person has a cold, but he needs to control his hormonal levels? Is it possible to take a hormone test if you have a cold?

It has been scientifically proven that a cold does not affect the results of a blood test for thyroid hormones. Thus, there are no special contraindications for conducting such studies.

But taking some medications can distort hormonal levels. When taking certain medications, the production of certain types of hormones may be blocked, which affects the results of the study.

In each specific case, the possibility of conducting examinations for hormones during the development of a cold is determined by the attending physician based on data on the general health of the patient and the prescribed therapy. The best option is to conduct examinations a few weeks after you feel better.

Is it possible to donate blood if you have a cold?

A fairly common question is: is it possible to donate blood during a cold? If you have a cold, the donor is strictly prohibited from donating blood.

He needs to make a full recovery and undergo examination to confirm that he is free of the disease.

Donor blood is usually transfused to seriously ill people. Their immunity is very weakened, and the body is not able to fight the infection on its own.

An infusion of donated blood from a person with a cold will lead to an even greater weakening of the immune system and serious consequences. In such a situation, it is better to find other donors.

In addition, a decrease in blood volume in the donor’s body leads to a decrease in his immunity, which can cause deterioration in his health. Donating blood is allowed no earlier than 3-4 weeks after you feel better.


Incorrectly selected therapy will not only not improve the patient’s well-being, but can also significantly worsen it. In some situations this causes serious complications and consequences.

It is laboratory tests that make it possible to assess a person’s health status and choose the most effective treatment methods depending on the type of causative agent of the cold.

However, a cold in some cases can distort the results of an examination that is carried out for diagnostic purposes or to assess the effectiveness of treatment for another disease. For example, it is not recommended to donate blood for hormones during the development of a cold. Such diagnostics should be carried out after feeling better.


Preparation highlights

Conducting laboratory research requires certain preparation. Compliance with the rules allows you to increase the accuracy of the results and avoid the influence of certain factors that may affect their reliability.

Before donating blood for research, you must follow these rules:

  • stop taking medications. They have a strong influence on the composition of the blood, which will lead to distortion of the examination results. If there is an urgent need to take any medicine, you should inform your doctor;
  • The study is usually carried out on an empty stomach. The most suitable time of day is morning. If a different time is appointed, then it should be noted that the test must be taken 5-6 hours after eating. The day before, you should limit the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, as well as salt, spices and confectionery;
  • On the eve of the study, you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

Blood tests for colds

Colds are very common diseases. Laboratory tests are often used to diagnose and select effective treatment methods for colds.

A blood test during the development of a cold is one of the most important studies; it helps to establish an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results of this study, the type of pathogen, the stage of development of the pathology is determined, and the general health of the patient is assessed.

For any respiratory disease, general blood and urine tests are required. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe biochemical and other types of tests.

Taking a blood test for colds

The appearance of a cold is often associated with unfavorable factors and infection. The disease can occur in mild, moderate and severe form, it can cause complications or more severe pathologies.

Symptoms of colds include: sore throat, runny nose, cough, weakness and malaise, headaches, etc. In such cases, doctors usually write a referral for blood and urine tests.

Their results help in making a diagnosis and determining the causes of the disease, especially if the cold has developed against a background of weakened immunity or exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Is it possible to take a blood test if you have a cold?

A blood test for colds is not only possible, but also necessary; it helps confirm the diagnosis and establish the general condition of the patient’s body. You should donate blood as soon as possible after receiving a referral for testing.

Quick results will allow you to make a more accurate diagnosis and better select the necessary course of treatment. A blood test can determine which pathogen caused the disease and what stage it is at. You can also find out the severity of the disease.

During acute inflammation, the number of leukocytes increases significantly, and during the recovery period it begins to decrease.

In addition, the results of the analysis can determine the presence of a secondary bacterial infection, which often joins the viral one, complicating the course of the disease. In this case, different treatment is required.

All of the above applies to donating blood on the direction of a doctor whom a person has consulted about a cold. If he wants to undergo examination before surgery or determine the level of hormones in the body, then he needs to wait for recovery. Because otherwise, the results of the analysis will be distorted and uninformative, and this, in turn, can lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

It is especially worth mentioning about donors. Since donor blood must be as safe as possible, you cannot donate it if you have a cold or their symptoms. Any signs of illness are considered a contraindication for donating blood. Permission is given no earlier than a month after complete recovery from the disease.

Recommendations for preparing for blood donation

In most clinics, blood collection is carried out in the morning. On this day before the procedure, you cannot eat, only a glass of plain water is allowed.

People who smoke should remember that the last cigarette must be smoked at least two hours before donating blood.

Before the procedure, you should not take any medications, alcoholic beverages or traditional medicine. Physiotherapy and x-rays are also best done after the procedure.

If the patient has to donate blood during the daytime, then you need to remember that the procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach. In the morning you can have breakfast, but only low-fat and unsweetened dishes, for example, porridge without sugar and butter, a bun, an apple or unsweetened tea.

The last meal should be no earlier than 1 to 3 hours before the procedure. At the same time, it should be light, excluding fatty, fried and sweet foods. If blood is donated for biochemical testing, then at least 5 hours must pass after breakfast before donating blood.

The day before the analysis, you should give up fatty, spicy and fried foods, as well as coffee, tea and chocolate. Alcohol is also contraindicated in any form. Substances contained in these products may interfere with test results.

It is worth paying attention to the position of the body during the procedure. So, if a person stands, his levels of cholesterol, creatine and other substances will be slightly increased. Therefore, blood is usually donated in a sitting, semi-sitting or lying position. Before the procedure, you must also avoid physical activity.

An immunological blood test is allowed only 10-15 days after complete recovery. The results of such an analysis can also be affected by taking antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamin preparations, and immunomodulators. If you have a high temperature, you should postpone donating blood for a while.


Mantoux for colds

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How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold

Is it possible if you have a cold?

Why is a cold dangerous?


General blood analysis

A general blood test for a cold can be called a necessary study. If a severe form of a cold develops, accompanied by a serious deterioration in the general condition, it is mandatory to be prescribed.

The research is very informative and is carried out in the shortest possible time. A sample of material for general analysis can be taken either from a vein or from a finger. The results of the analysis help assess a person’s health status and identify the presence of inflammation.

During the analysis, the main indicators are determined. Each parameter has its own established norm of values. With the development of a certain disease, a deviation from these norms is revealed.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test allows you to evaluate its qualitative composition. Thanks to this, the general condition and functions of the internal organs of the human body are assessed. The study allows us to identify certain pathologies in the initial stages. The sample for this test is taken from a vein only.

A mild form of ARVI has practically no effect on the analysis parameters. However, as the disease progresses to a severe form and the inflammatory process develops, some abnormalities may appear.

Blood biochemistry for colds is prescribed by the attending physician in case of a sharp deterioration in health. The results of this analysis help to obtain a more accurate picture of your health status and select effective treatment.

Is it possible to take a routine biochemical blood test if you have a cold to detect other diseases? In such a situation, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the therapy being performed.

Some medications taken during the treatment of a cold may affect the reliability of the results.

If a biochemical analysis must be carried out, then the doctor must know about the medications being taken and take into account the possible effect of this when interpreting the results.

Is it possible to get tested if you have a cold?

Whether you can donate blood if you have a cold depends on the type of disease—infectious or bacterial. It is also determined based on the type of laboratory test that needs to be carried out.

A cold is a common human respiratory disease that varies in severity and symptoms present. This category includes various pathologies that have similar manifestations: cough, rhinitis, sore throat, increased body temperature. To clarify the nature of the disease, examinations are prescribed, so the doctor decides whether it is possible to donate blood for a cold.

Why are tests needed?

Treatment of a cold requires diagnostics, for which laboratory tests are prescribed. This makes it possible to plan further therapy. Conducting clinical tests makes it possible to:

  • Assess the level of inflammatory activity by assessing the number of leukocytes, as well as ESR;
  • Determine which form of the disease is viral or bacterial;
  • Identify the presence of an allergic form of pathology and clarify the degree of activity of the immune system.
  • Without this, it is impossible to carry out proper treatment, so the patient’s condition may worsen. The fact is that viral and bacterial forms of diseases are similar, but they have different natures and are treated in different ways. So, if you treat viral pathologies with antibacterial agents, it will not bring results, just like treating bacterial diseases with antiviral agents.
  • Whether it is possible to take tests for a cold is decided by the doctor, who determines the need for a particular laboratory test. To make a diagnosis, a general blood test is used;
  • The question of whether it is possible to take a biochemical blood test if you have a cold is determined by the requirement to obtain a complete picture of the patient’s health status in order to clarify other indicators. This study identifies concomitant diseases and eliminates the development of complications;
  • In case of reduced immunity, an immunological blood test is prescribed, according to which therapy is adjusted.

Hormone analysis

There are situations when such diseases arise at an inconvenient moment. Many people do not know whether it is possible to donate blood for hormones during a cold so that its presence does not distort the test results. Scientists have found that the presence of respiratory pathologies does not affect changes in hormonal levels in the body.

However, whether it is possible to take hormone tests for a cold is additionally determined by the medications taken. Thus, the use of antibiotics or antiviral medications does not blur the clinical picture, but dietary supplements, as well as other such drugs, can change the indicators.

For example, taking Dopamine reduces the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the body. At the same time, the production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland increases if anti-ulcer medications are taken.

Therefore, due to the use of such drugs for therapy, the doctor determines whether hormones can be taken for a cold based on the patient’s health condition and the time when the medication was stopped.

Typically, the waiting period after completion of treatment before testing is 10-15 days.

Donating blood

If you have a cold, you are prohibited from donating blood and you must wait until the signs of pathology are eliminated and confirm your recovery with tests. The reason is that diseases reduce the quality of the donor material, through which the patient may be harmed during transfusion. In addition, a decrease in the amount of blood in a diseased body reduces the level of immunity.

It is recommended to become a donor only after a month after recovery, in order to eliminate the negative impact on the person to whom the blood will be given.

Is it possible to do a blood test for hormones if you have a cold?

Hormonal pathologies are diagnosed in many people. Such patients require constant use of medications and periodic testing of hormone levels.

Colds always come unexpectedly. What to do if a person has a cold, but he needs to control his hormonal levels? Is it possible to take a hormone test if you have a cold?

It has been scientifically proven that a cold does not affect the results of a blood test for thyroid hormones. Thus, there are no special contraindications for conducting such studies.

But taking some medications can distort hormonal levels. When taking certain medications, the production of certain types of hormones may be blocked, which affects the results of the study.

In each specific case, the possibility of conducting examinations for hormones during the development of a cold is determined by the attending physician based on data on the general health of the patient and the prescribed therapy. The best option is to conduct examinations a few weeks after you feel better.

Features of performing a blood test for influenza

A blood test during colds is an important diagnostic test. With its help, you can determine the diagnosis and general condition of a person. It is recommended to take the test immediately after receiving a referral from a doctor. The accuracy of diagnosis of the disease, the choice of treatment tactics and the correction of the selected treatment depend on the timeliness of obtaining data.

Using a blood test, it will be possible to determine what exactly the patient is infected with. Each pathogen has very specific indicators. In addition, the specialist will be able to determine the stage of development of the disease.

  1. With a strong increase in the level of leukocytes, an inflammatory process can be detected. If, in the case of repeated analysis, this indicator has decreased significantly, we can judge the beginning of the recovery process.
  2. In addition, a blood test will show whether the viral infection has transformed into a bacterial one. This process occurs quite often if a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations and does not receive the required therapy. Thanks to a blood test, it will be possible to adjust the treatment and undergo timely rehabilitation.

The results of blood tests are usually ready within the next day. In some situations, data can be obtained within a few hours. This service is usually provided in private laboratories.

Is it possible to donate blood if you have a cold?

A fairly common question is: is it possible to donate blood during a cold? If you have a cold, the donor is strictly prohibited from donating blood.

He needs to make a full recovery and undergo examination to confirm that he is free of the disease.

Donor blood is usually transfused to seriously ill people. Their immunity is very weakened, and the body is not able to fight the infection on its own.

An infusion of donated blood from a person with a cold will lead to an even greater weakening of the immune system and serious consequences. In such a situation, it is better to find other donors.

In addition, a decrease in blood volume in the donor’s body leads to a decrease in his immunity, which can cause deterioration in his health. Donating blood is allowed no earlier than 3-4 weeks after you feel better.

Urine test for colds: Is it possible to take it, Interpretation of results

In the life of every person, a situation is possible when there is a referral for a urine test and urine collection needs to be done in the coming days, but a cold has arisen. At the same time, the prescribed diagnosis was not associated with ARVI pathology.

Is it possible to take

Is it possible to take a urine test if you have a cold? If the purpose of examining a patient is precisely to establish the fact of the development of inflammation in the body, then what is revealed as a result of urine tests?

For colds and acute respiratory viral infections, a general urinalysis (UCA) makes it possible to determine the severity of the infectious process, since severe inflammation and complications greatly change the indicators.

When collecting urine for analysis, all rules must be followed. If the genitals are not washed enough, an excess of leukocytes will be detected in the test sample. They directly indicate an inflammatory process in the body. The permeability and filtration of the kidneys changes, leukocytes penetrate into the urine.

Interpretation of results

Interpretation of the analysis results with confirmation of a cold is carried out according to several indicators:

  • transparency (in case of influenza, cloudy due to the many epithelial cells and leukocytes in the sample);
  • density (the indicator shifts with kidney inflammation or diabetes, but does not change with ARVI and influenza);
  • protein (for a cold, up to 1 g is determined, which indicates a fever and an infectious process);
  • blood cells (an increase in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes during microscopy of dry urine residue indicates bacterial and purulent complications, tumors in the body).

Mild forms of colds change urine parameters slightly.


It should be remembered: if the test is prescribed by a doctor for reasons other than a cold, then you should refrain from collecting and examining urine until complete recovery. Indicators usually recover 5-7 days after all symptoms of the disease disappear.

A general urine test is a laboratory test, the results of which are the main diagnostic indicator for most diseases, since urine contains more than 150 chemical compounds.

The processes of urine formation begin in the kidneys: special formations - nephrons - filter the blood from waste products, forming urine. Next, waste products accumulate in the renal pelvis and enter the bladder.

The entire process of formation and excretion of urine is called diuresis. The daily diuresis of a healthy person averages from 1.5 to 1.8 liters, depending on the air temperature, food and liquid consumed, and the time of day.

Also, the volume of daily urine changes under the influence of pathological processes in the body:

  • the presence of diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus and some renal pathologies leads to increased fluid secretion (so-called polyuria);
  • stones in the urinary system lead to a decrease in the volume of diuresis (oliguria);
  • advanced forms of renal failure and blockage of the urinary tract can cause a lack of urination (anuria).
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