Is it possible or not for a dry cough?

Many pathologies of the respiratory organs are accompanied by a painful cough. Moreover, regardless of whether it is dry or wet, the patient tries to get rid of this unpleasant symptom as soon as possible. In pharmacies you can find many medicines that will help cure a cough in a short time, including ACC. The medication can be prescribed for both dry and productive cough . ACC with a dry cough increases the volume of mucus produced and promotes its removal, and with a wet cough it helps to easily remove mucus from the respiratory organs.

General characteristics of the drug

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug ACC in several doses and forms. There is also a long-acting drug that cannot be taken more than 2 times a day . In pharmacies you can find the following forms of the drug:

  • soluble cough tablets;
  • solution for inhalation;
  • powder, which when diluted in water produces a drink;
  • sweet syrup. This form of medication is convenient to prescribe for the treatment of cough in a small child;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

The active component of these dosage forms is acetylcysteine. In addition, each type of drug differs in some auxiliary components. Thus, the granules, among other things, contain citrus flavoring, the soluble tablets contain blackberry flavoring, and the syrup contains cherry flavoring.

ACC can be prescribed for both non-productive and wet coughs. The acetylcysteine ​​contained in the drug promotes the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. When taking ACC, the patient must drink a lot, in this case the effect of the drug is enhanced, and the sputum is cleared well.

The effect of this drug has not yet been fully studied . Acetylcysteine ​​has a pronounced mucolytic, expectorant and antioxidant effect. Recent studies have shown that this substance can effectively remove toxic substances from the body. However, ACC is most often used for wet and dry coughs to facilitate sputum discharge. This medication is able to thin thick mucus and then gently remove it from the respiratory organs. Among other things, acetylcysteine ​​has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

ACC can be prescribed for the treatment of both adults and children of various ages. In the latter case, the required dose is calculated by the attending physician.

Composition and properties

ACC release forms:

  • soluble effervescent tablets;
  • sweet syrup, convenient form for babies;
  • solution for injection (i.v., i.m.);
  • dry powder for obtaining a medicinal composition by diluting with water.

Depending on the form of release, the composition of the product may differ:

  • The solution contains: flavoring, ascorbic acid, sucrose.
  • Syrup contains: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cherry flavor, sodium carmellose.
  • In tablets: lactose anhydride, blackberry flavor with vitamin B, anhydride, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, ascorbic acid.

Acc will help with coughs, both wet and dry, with a quick transition to the reproductive phase and the beginning of sputum discharge.

ACC contains acetylcysteine ​​(an active component), which acts on the mucous membrane of the throat and quickly removes mucus from the lungs.

Excretion from the body is carried out mainly through urine. The rate depends on the degree of kidney function.

The main advantages of this medication:

  • liquefaction of sputum with removal from the bronchi;
  • releasing the respiratory tract from accumulated toxins;
  • protecting the mucous membrane from the destructive effects of free radicals;
  • increased secretion production;
  • destruction of bonds between water molecules in sputum with the ability to stop the inflammatory process, the transition of a strong dry cough to a wet one, thanks to the acetylcysteine ​​in the composition.

The drug has an antioxidant, expectorant, and antibacterial effect. It also helps greatly in removing sputum containing particles of blood and pus.

Self-medication is excluded. ACC can be used for therapeutic (preventive) purposes only as prescribed by a doctor. The waiting period for the drug to take effect may vary. It all depends on the symptoms present and the stage of development of the underlying disease. Taking the medication incorrectly can cause side effects.


When taking ACC for a cough, you can notice a positive result just an hour after the initial dose . Most often, doctors prescribe granules for making a solution and original soluble tablets to patients with cough. Such medications are considered more convenient to use. You can start taking one or another form of the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor, since they have different effects on the respiratory organs.

Syrup with acetylcysteine ​​will quickly help eliminate cough in chronic lung pathologies, and a special solution for inhalation is very effective for laryngotracheitis.

The drug is prescribed by doctors for pathologies of the respiratory organs, which are accompanied by various types of cough, namely:

  • bacterial and viral pneumonia;
  • bronchitis of various types;
  • cystic fibrosis and asthma;
  • various types of sinusitis;
  • otitis.

ACC for bronchitis and pneumonia is prescribed only as part of complex therapy. In this case, in addition to ACC, antibiotics and medications of other groups are often prescribed.

Most often, ACC is prescribed for a productive wet cough. This medication can also be used for unproductive coughs, but only if the patient has already taken medications to thin out too thick sputum. The viscous mucus in the respiratory organs has already liquefied, and the cough has become productive. Otherwise, ACC will have no effect on an exhausting dry cough.

For dry coughs, people are usually prescribed ACC Long, but only in combination with drugs that help thin the mucus.

When prescribing ACC for children with a dry cough, you should immediately tell the parents that the treatment will give a noticeable result if the drinking regime is observed , and in addition to this drug, the child will take syrups based on licorice root or medications containing ambroxol.

How does ACC work when coughing?

Even in a healthy person, mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, this is especially noticeable in the morning, when the body has been in a horizontal position for a long time. The secretion performs a protective and cleansing function. But during illness, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the body tries to remove bacteria and viruses through the active production of mucus, which in this case is already called sputum.

If the resulting mucus has a very viscous consistency, it is very difficult to remove from the body, causing a lot of discomfort to the patient. The drug ACC for cough has a special effect on sputum. It reduces its viscosity, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

This effect is achieved due to the presence of special components in the drug that affect the disulfide bonds of sputum, which are responsible for its thickness and composition. As a result, a dry, non-productive cough becomes wet with copious mucus production.

After starting to take ACC, you may feel like your cough is getting worse. In fact, this effect only has a positive effect on the speed of recovery. The cough, which initially bothers you greatly, becomes less noticeable and goes away completely over time.

The anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce the inflammatory process. This prevents the likelihood of complications from decreasing.


Not all cases can be treated with ACC. It is contraindicated to take the medication if:

  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • coughing up sputum mixed with blood;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • septic;
  • hepatitis;
  • special sensitivity to the ingredients in the drug.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be prescribed only in special cases when there is no alternative . In this case, the expected benefit for the expectant mother should be higher than the possible harm to the child.

It is strictly forbidden to start taking the drug without a doctor’s recommendation, even if there are no contraindications!

Indications and contraindications

Before using ACC, it is better to consult a doctor: what form of release to choose, since each has certain indications and contraindications. Tablets are most often prescribed for:

  • sinusitis (acute, chronic);
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis (viral, tuberculosis, infectious);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung abscess due to inflammation, decay of lung tissue with accumulation of purulent contents;
  • pneumonia;
  • dry, unproductive cough to thin sputum.

If you are worried about a dry, paroxysmal cough, then for more effective therapy, your doctor may recommend an analogue – ACC long. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to take additional antitussives.


  • allergy to acetylcysteine;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum to avoid irritating the mucous membrane;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • liver and kidney failure due to the possible accumulation of active components of ACC in the cells of the liver and kidneys.

Pregnant women should only take the medication if the potential benefit outweighs the possible harm. During lactation, taking the drug is prohibited due to the release of active components through breast milk.

How to take the medicine

The dosage of ACC depends not only on the person’s age and the severity of the disease, but also on the type of drug. All types of ACC have a certain daily dosage .

ACC 100 can be given to children almost from birth. Children under 2 years of age are prescribed a medicine of 50 mg three times a day. A soluble 100 mg tablet is divided in half and then diluted in 0.5 cups of water.

From 2 to 5 years old, the child drinks the medicine 4 times a day, a single dose is 100 mg. Children over 6 years old drink ACC 200 three times a day.

ACC Long can be prescribed to patients over 14 years of age. The daily dose is 600 mg, taken at a time. The effervescent tablet is dissolved in water and drunk immediately after meals.

You need to understand that if the prepared medicine could not be drunk for some reason, then it should be taken no later than a couple of hours after dilution. If more time has passed, then prepare a fresh medicinal drink.

ACC 200 can only be taken in the form of an aqueous solution. It is prescribed to children who are already six years old. You can consume 2 sachets per day, which are previously diluted in warm water. Adolescents over 14 years of age and adult patients consume a whole sachet of pre-diluted drug three times a day.

The powder for the solution can be diluted in water, iced tea, your favorite juice or cooled compote . The powder for preparing the solution is poured with clean water up to the line marked on the bottle, and then mixed well, after closing the lid. After taking the medicine, be sure to drink enough water or other drink, in which case the effectiveness of the treatment will be higher.

If ACC does not help with cough at all for 4-5 days, then you need to consult a doctor; the dose may need to be adjusted. The minimum course of treatment is 5 days, but if necessary, therapy can last up to six months.

Infants can dilute ACC in water and then give it through a bottle with a nipple.

Dosage of the drug in sachets

The medicine "ACC" for dry cough can be given not only to adults, but also to children. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage. Adolescents over 14 years of age, as well as adults, can be given 200 milligrams of a drug containing the main component of 100 or 200 milligrams 2 to 3 times a day. You can also take the medicine “ACC” 600 once a day.

Experts recommend giving children aged 6–14 years “ACC” (200 and 100) with orange flavor. In the first case, the drug should be given twice a day, and in the second - three times.

The medicine "ACC" for dry cough can be given to children aged 2 - 6 years. It is best to use a drug containing 100 milligrams of the main component for treatment, 2 to 3 times a day.

Features of treatment for pregnant women

During pregnancy, women's immunity is greatly reduced, which is why the incidence of respiratory infections increases. To treat pregnant women, doctors select medications that will not have a negative effect on the fetus. The effect of ACC on pregnant women has not yet been fully studied, but based on the fact that it is prescribed to infants, expectant mothers can also take this medicine . The dose of medication for this group of patients is determined by the doctor.

If alarming symptoms appear while taking the drug, stop treatment and contact a medical facility.

ACC is a highly effective remedy for wet and dry coughs, which can also be purchased at a low price. The form and dose of the medicine is selected by the doctor individually, but more often they prescribe soluble tablets and packaged powder for preparing a healing drink.

Contraindications and side effects

ACC should not be taken:

  • with pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with renal failure;
  • for hepatitis and peptic ulcers;
  • in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Expectorants such as syrups, tablets, traditional medicine methods can be found here.

The drug should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. A specialist can prescribe it both for the treatment of the disease and for prevention.

The drug, like other drugs, may manifest itself differently depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Possible side effects such as:

  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • stomatitis;
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions in the form of rash or itching.

Cost from 550 rub.

Are there any analogues of the drug?

The main analogue of the drug is ACC Long.

There is no significant difference in price when purchasing ACC or ACC Long. It all depends on the existing markup of the pharmacy chain. The cost also varies depending on the amount of substance in the packaging tube or box (effervescent tablets or packets of powder).

In cases where the drug is not available at the pharmacy, it can be replaced. An excellent analogue of ACC is Acestine.

For dry cough, excellent substitutes with a mucolytic effect are Mukosol, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Lazolvan.

There are other substitutes:

  • Linkas;
  • Mukonex;
  • Atsestad;
  • Solvin.

It is not advisable to add ACC cough medicine to the treatment regimen. This drug works more effectively only if it is not combined with other drugs aimed at thinning the mucus in the bronchi. The occurrence of sputum stasis can be life-threatening for the patient.

When used together with drugs that have a vasodilating effect (such as nitroglycerin), the effectiveness of the latter increases, which adversely affects human health.

When combined in a treatment regimen with at least one bronchodilator, synergism may occur.

It is strictly prohibited to combine with Penicillin, Amphotericin, Cephalosporin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin.

ACC for cough is an effective remedy and also relatively inexpensive. They are used much more often than other expectorants due to the speed of action.

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