For what cough can you take ACC?

ACC for cough is a safe mucolytic drug that can be used by adults and children from a certain age. A product with a duration of action of up to 12 hours helps well with productive cough with sputum production and dry cough caused by a cold, inflammatory condition in the bronchi and lungs. The effect is observed within 1 hour after taking the medication. If you combine it with other medications and follow a water-drinking regime, i.e. If you drink more clean water, it is quite possible to achieve complete recovery in a matter of days.

Composition and properties

ACC release forms:

  • soluble effervescent tablets;
  • sweet syrup, convenient form for babies;
  • solution for injection (i.v., i.m.);
  • dry powder for obtaining a medicinal composition by diluting with water.

Depending on the form of release, the composition of the product may differ:

  • The solution contains: flavoring, ascorbic acid, sucrose.
  • Syrup contains: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cherry flavor, sodium carmellose.
  • In tablets: lactose anhydride, blackberry flavor with vitamin B, anhydride, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, ascorbic acid.

Acc will help with coughs, both wet and dry, with a quick transition to the reproductive phase and the beginning of sputum discharge.

ACC contains acetylcysteine ​​(an active component), which acts on the mucous membrane of the throat and quickly removes mucus from the lungs.

Excretion from the body is carried out mainly through urine. The rate depends on the degree of kidney function.

The main advantages of this medication:

  • liquefaction of sputum with removal from the bronchi;
  • releasing the respiratory tract from accumulated toxins;
  • protecting the mucous membrane from the destructive effects of free radicals;
  • increased secretion production;
  • destruction of bonds between water molecules in sputum with the ability to stop the inflammatory process, the transition of a strong dry cough to a wet one, thanks to the acetylcysteine ​​in the composition.

The drug has an antioxidant, expectorant, and antibacterial effect. It also helps greatly in removing sputum containing particles of blood and pus.

Self-medication is excluded. ACC can be used for therapeutic (preventive) purposes only as prescribed by a doctor. The waiting period for the drug to take effect may vary. It all depends on the symptoms present and the stage of development of the underlying disease. Taking the medication incorrectly can cause side effects.

What is the power of the drug ACC for dry cough?

ACC is:

  1. Mucolytic agent;
  2. Bronchosecretolytic agent;
  3. A derivative amino acid agent, due to which the viscosity of sputum changes, has a thinning effect.

As a result of taking the drug, the volume of sputum increases, which, when liquefied, detaches from the walls of the bronchi and is expelled during coughing, turning a dry cough into a wet cough.

In addition, it simultaneously restores the protective function of the mucous membrane in the respiratory organs, which is why also considered As soon as the dry cough turns into a wet one, excess mucus is expelled in the form of sputum - this is the first sign that the patient is getting better.

  1. ACC is an excellent fighter against purulent sputum, so the drug is an indispensable remedy in the treatment of purulent sore throat, advanced bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, otitis and other diseases of the bronchi, lungs and ENT organs.
  2. In addition to the above benefits of ACC, it is also an excellent antioxidant and detoxifying drug used to treat ARVI. In these cases, ACC acts as an antidote that treats pharmacological poisoning.
  3. And one last thing. ACC increases the protective function of the immune system, increases susceptibility to antibiotics, facilitating their effect on the body, in particular on the functioning of the bronchi. The main feature when using the drug is to observe the interval between taking it and not exceed the permissible dose of a single dose of the drug.

Indications and contraindications

Before using ACC, it is better to consult a doctor: what form of release to choose, since each has certain indications and contraindications. Tablets are most often prescribed for:

  • sinusitis (acute, chronic);
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis (viral, tuberculosis, infectious);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung abscess due to inflammation, decay of lung tissue with accumulation of purulent contents;
  • pneumonia;
  • dry, unproductive cough to thin sputum.

If you are worried about a dry, paroxysmal cough, then for more effective therapy, your doctor may recommend an analogue – ACC long. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to take additional antitussives.

The drug (powder) is prescribed for types of cough caused by colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza).


  • allergy to acetylcysteine;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum to avoid irritating the mucous membrane;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • liver and kidney failure due to the possible accumulation of active components of ACC in the cells of the liver and kidneys.

Pregnant women should only take the medication if the potential benefit outweighs the possible harm. During lactation, taking the drug is prohibited due to the release of active components through breast milk.

ACC action speed

ACC, entering the body, instantly penetrates the cellular structure of mucus, alleviating the patient’s condition an hour after taking it . Its effect does not stop for 4-5 hours in acute forms of dry cough and a day after the transition of a dry cough to a wet cough.

That is, at the moment when, with the help of ACC, the viscosity of sputum has decreased, when the process is shifted, the effect of the ACC drug does not stop during the day, which makes it possible to reduce its intake to 1-2 times a day. This is very convenient and, most importantly, effective in cases where we are talking about the little ones: children and even infants, who always react painfully to any medicine, being capricious, driving their parents to stressful despair.

Directions for use and dosage

It is important to observe the dosage, especially for children, taking into account age, weight, and severity of the body’s condition.

For adults daily dose:

  • tablets – up to 500 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • powder – 1 sachet 2-3 times.

Children over 2 years old – 1/2 tablet by dissolving in clean water (1 glass).

Daily dosage for wet or dry cough:

  • from 2-5 years – 100 mg 3-4 times;
  • from 6 years – 600 mg 3 times;
  • from 14 years old – 600 mg per session.

On a note! For children over 14 years of age, ACC Long is recommended with a dose of 600 mg per session, mainly after meals.

The duration of therapy depends on the type of cough: dry or wet. A productive cough is cured faster than a dry cough. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. In advanced cases – up to 6 months.

Can children take ACC and at what age?

You can take the drug at any age. It is prescribed even to the smallest patients - one-year-old babies and even newborns. The main thing is the correct dosage, which should not exceed 50 mg per day, three times a day. For children from two to five years of age, the drug intake is increased to 4 times a day, no more than 100 mg at a time. From six years old, you can take no more than 600 milligrams three times a day. But for dry cough in children over 14 years of age, it is better to take ACC Long up to 600 milligrams at a time.

The ACC tablet dissolves in warm water, turning into a miraculous syrup with a pleasant smell and taste, a portion of which should be drunk at one time. If the finished product cannot be drunk immediately, its potency is not lost within two hours. This means that freshly prepared syrup can be drunk in small portions no later than two hours after its preparation.

A dry, hacking cough in a child is a fairly common problem in children with any cold. Its main task is to remove phlegm. The drug successfully copes with this task, improving the condition and accelerating the healing process.

ACC is an excellent fighter against the appearance of sputum, which occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the bronchi or lungs. Sputum, accumulating, worsens the general condition due to the fact that the excess amount of mucus produced cannot come out on its own, provoking a cough reflex due to the cohesion of the bronchi.

Side effects

Cases of side effects are observed in cases of drug overdose and serious dysfunction of internal organs. Among the negative consequences are the following:

  • itching, swelling, blisters on the body;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • abdominal pain in the abdomen;
  • increased heart rate.

Itching and rash on the body can be caused by analogues of the medication: ACC 200, ACC Long.

For which cough is it better to take ACC?

The medication is recommended mainly for wet coughs to facilitate breathing and accelerate the removal of mucus from the bronchi (lungs). But, judging by patient reviews, ACC is also effective for dry cough. Helps to move into the wet active phase.

The benefits of ACC will be greater if taken according to indications, since, for example, the drug is unlikely to be effective in relieving cough spasms. The action of the active components of the drug is aimed at combating mucus if it accumulates directly in the respiratory cavity. Sputum begins to settle on the walls of the bronchi. Due to excessive density (viscosity), it can no longer move out naturally, which provokes the appearance of paroxysmal coughing.

ACC helps to enhance the process of movement of mucus to the outside, and thanks to the amino acid (cysteine) in the composition, it influences the consistency and structure of accumulated mucus, transforming it into a more diluted state. The drug causes mucus to come off from the walls of the bronchi and begins to push out accumulations from the respiratory tract, thereby healing the mucous membrane and helping to restore its protective reactions.

ACC, as a medicine, perfectly dilutes purulent accumulations, therefore it is recommended to be taken together with antibacterial agents for complex therapy. Acetylcysteine ​​in the composition is an excellent antioxidant, therefore it not only actively affects sputum, but also suppresses the invasion of viral infection (regardless of the etiology).

The medicinal ACC perfectly eliminates cough spasms and flu symptoms. It is recommended that children be given a well-digested, sweet-tasting syrup. The drug helps with both wet and dry – non-productive cough. The main thing is to follow the dosage and frequency of taking the medication, drink more fluid for better coughing up of mucus and increased effectiveness. If complex cough treatment is carried out, it is recommended to maintain an interval between doses of other medications with a duration of 2 - 2.5 hours.

Acc for wet cough

Treatment Treatment of a disease accompanied by cough should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Therapy should be started at the first signs of the disease. Unfortunately, there is no “golden pill” that can save you from all troubles. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, as well as its symptoms and increasing the body’s defenses. The regimen of a sick child should be gentle, but you should not significantly limit the motor activity of a small patient. Movement improves the cleansing of the bronchi from accumulated mucus and speeds up recovery. If a child wants to play, play with him; of course, these should not be overly active games (running, jumping, etc.), quieter games are preferable. It is useful to pick up an infant more If your baby refuses to eat, don’t force him, but offer him light but high-calorie food: jelly, jelly, warm milkshake, fruit puree. It doesn’t matter if the baby eats less than usual for 2-3 days. But you definitely need to drink a lot. The liquid improves the removal of toxins from the body, helps to liquefy and remove phlegm. Prepare your child’s favorite drinks, juices, offer to drink them from a funny sippy cup or through a straw, while playing, give your baby something to drink. The main methods of treating cough in children with ARVI are measures aimed at liquefying and removing sputum. For better sputum discharge, it is necessary to humidify the air in the room where the child . During the cold season, in a room with central heating, you can put a damp towel or sheet on the radiator. But it is better to use a special electrical device - an air humidifier. Now there is a huge selection of drugs that help reduce viscosity (mucolytic drugs) and improve expectoration (expectorants) of sputum. Which ones should you prefer? For a cough that appears against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, expectorants of herbal origin

: decoctions
of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, elecampane
(they are prepared in a water bath in accordance with the instructions),
black radish juice with honey, plantain juice, anise and thyme fruit extract
This group also includes thermopsis preparations, marshmallow, licorice
, and
essential oils
ivy leaves
have proven themselves well .
The active principles of the listed herbal remedies are alkaloids and saponins - substances that make bronchial mucus more liquid, increase its quantity, enhance bronchial contraction and promote expectoration of sputum. But the importance and capabilities of herbal preparations should not be overestimated. Their effect is short-lived, frequent doses of small doses are necessary, because increasing a single dose causes nausea and vomiting. In addition, drugs in this group can significantly increase the volume of sputum, which young children are not able to cough up on their own, which leads to a significant disruption of the drainage function of the bronchi a child’s cough does not become wet on the 3-4th day of illness difficult, it is necessary to begin treatment with modern synthetic mucolytic drugs
has proven itself well .
The drug well and quickly dilutes sputum, pus, mucous discharge from the nose, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Special forms have been developed for preschool children - ACC-100.
The drug dissolves easily in water and has a pleasant taste.
The duration of the course depends on the nature and course of the respiratory tract disease and is 3-14 days for acute pathology, 2-3 weeks for chronic diseases. If necessary, courses of treatment can be repeated. One of the best mucolytics of the new generation is ambroxol
Ambroxol thins mucus well and has a more pronounced expectorant effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and strengthens local immunity. An important feature of this drug is the ability to increase the content of surfactant in the lungs - a substance that maintains the surface tension of the lungs and improves their distensibility, which indirectly improves expectoration of sputum. It is possible to use ambroxol from the first months of a child’s , even in premature infants. The duration of treatment ranges from 1 to 3-4 weeks, depending on the effect and nature of the process. The well-known BROMHEXINE
also dilutes sputum well, improving its evacuation.
The drug is relatively inexpensive, has children's forms, but is inferior in effectiveness to acetylcysteine
There are drugs that have not only a mucolytic effect, but also restore the normal activity of the cells of the bronchial mucosa that produce secretions. They are called mucoregulators
Among the drugs in this group, the best known are those based on carbocysteine
However, while taking them, the child may develop a tendency to constipation. Particular attention should be paid to antitussive drugs,
means that suppress the cough reflex. The need to suppress cough in children is extremely rare. Moreover, if a child increased production of viscous secretions, the use of an antitussive drug can significantly worsen the drainage function of the bronchi, increase the likelihood of secondary infection, and aggravate respiratory failure. Antitussive drugs include drugs of central action that affect the cough center of the brain (narcotic - CODEINE
and non-narcotic -
) and peripheral drugs that block nerve endings in the mucous membranes of the tracheobronchial tree (
The prescription of antitussive drugs (non-narcotic!) may be justified in cases where a child has a painful dry cough , leading to vomiting, chest pain, sleep and appetite disturbances, for example, with whooping cough. You should refrain from using them on your own. Also, only a doctor can decide on the advisability of using combination drugs,
which include, among other things, antitussive components (
They are often contraindicated for preschoolers. And the use of combined drugs containing ephedrine
) is possible only in rare cases of the production of copious liquid sputum, because
ephedrine has a “drying” effect. Considering that inflammation is the main mechanism in the development of respiratory diseases accompanied by cough, anti-inflammatory drugs
certainly have a positive effect.
), which indirectly improves sputum discharge,
has been successfully used as an anti-inflammatory drug for acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children of any age Antibiotics
are not always used for
cough Only a doctor can decide the advisability of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and some other types of therapy for cough in children
The same remark applies to drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi - bronchodilators
If cough is a manifestation of bronchial obstruction (narrowing), for example, in bronchial asthma, inhaled forms of short-acting β2-agonists ( SALBUTAMOL, VENTOLIN
), anticholinergic drugs (
) or a combination thereof -
, as well as theophyllines
short-acting ( EUPHYLLIN
In pediatric practice, in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by cough, various methods of drug delivery can be combined.
So, along with the use of tablets and syrups, inhalations have been used in the treatment of respiratory organs since ancient times. During inhalation, the drug directly affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, respiratory muscles and nerve endings, which helps to liquefy sputum, reduce bronchospasm, and stop coughing . Steam inhalation is the simplest and most effective treatment method that can be done at home. Steam inhalations are effective only for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Thus, inhalation of a solution of sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda; 4 teaspoons per 1 liter of water) or alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi will help with unproductive, obsessive cough in children [2].
It is necessary to strictly observe safety measures when carrying out inhalation, never leave the child unattended
Inhalations with boiling water are CONTRAINDICATED for children. For a child under one year old, the water temperature during inhalation should be no more than 30°C, and for older children - 30-40°C. Water at the required temperature is poured into a kettle with a narrow neck. Make a funnel out of cardboard and put it on the spout of the teapot. Check the temperature of the steam on yourself and begin the procedure, duration – 1-3 minutes, 1-2 times a day. Currently, in medical practice there is an increasing interest in carrying out inhalation therapy using nebulizers (from Latin - fog, cloud) - ultrasonic and compression inhalers that generate an aerosol cloud consisting of microparticles of the inhaled solution. The advantages of nebulizer therapy include: an easy to perform inhalation technique, the ability to perform the procedure on infants and young children (via a mask), delivery of a higher dose of the inhaled substance in a short period of time and ensuring its penetration into poorly ventilated areas of the bronchi. The total volume of the inhaled substance is 3-4 ml (if necessary, the drug is diluted with saline), the inhalation time is 5-7 minutes. It should be remembered that the nebulizer is best used in children with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Massage
In the complex treatment of
cough in children at home, a light massage of the chest (patting and tapping movements are especially good to improve mucus discharge) and reflexogenic zones (for example, feet) can be recommended. Carrying out a massage with herbal balm ( DOCTOR MOM, BRONCHICUM
) will increase its effectiveness.

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