Is it possible to steam a child with a cough and runny nose?

It is important not to miss the time when the child is just beginning to show the first signs of a cold. It is easier to defeat the disease at the very beginning. Someone rushes to the pharmacy to buy pills, someone trusts only traditional methods of treatment, and someone combines the first and second options because they want to choose the most effective method of treatment for their baby
One of the traditional methods of fighting colds, which parents resort to, is the leg guy
. How does a hot foot bath affect the body? What do doctors say and who to believe? How to properly soar a child's feet?

Should you steam your baby's feet at the first sign of a cold?

Is it good to float your feet?

To the question of whether it is possible to hover your legs, there is a clear answer - not only is it possible, but it is necessary. This procedure does not require much effort or expensive means, and therefore has gained a special place among means of combating various diseases of the upper respiratory tract and skin. However, it should be carried out wisely, otherwise you can get unpleasant results in the form of a burn or a sharp deterioration in your condition. Doctors often recommend steaming your feet when the first, most minor symptoms of a cold or flu appear.

Why do legs float?

A hot bath, in which it is recommended to steam your feet, helps to dilate blood vessels by increasing the overall body temperature. The outflow of blood from the head, neck and chest organs (nose, trachea, bronchi) allows for faster blood circulation. Thanks to this process, protective blood cells (leukocytes, lymphocytes) can quickly rid the body of infection. The procedure helps reduce swelling of the nose and sinuses and helps restore breathing. In addition, heating the active points on the feet has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses.

You can resort to this traditional method of treatment for the following conditions:

  • dry irritating cough;
  • runny nose;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • calluses and corns;
  • hypothermia;
  • fungus and other diseases of the skin and nails.

How often can you soar your feet?

There are no special instructions from specialists on the frequency of the procedure for warming up the feet in hot water. For colds, you can steam your feet daily or every other day. You should not steam your feet more than once a day, so as not to worsen your health.

It is very important to carefully monitor the water temperature and the concentration of additives. A solution that is too hot and saturated can do a disservice to the body and cause unpleasant consequences, which will be very inappropriate for a raging cold.

To start steaming your feet at home, you need to prepare the following items:

  • container (basin, bucket, bathtub);
  • hot water (not higher than 39 degrees);
  • a ladle or mug for pouring boiling water;
  • medicinal additives (mustard, salt, essential oils or decoctions);
  • towel (preferably made from natural materials);
  • warm socks (woolen, terry).

When you shouldn't soar your feet

Although this procedure is considered absolutely harmless, doctors always draw patients’ attention to several contraindications in which they should not hover their legs:

  • If the body temperature is above 38 degrees, it is prohibited to carry out the procedure, because it can be hazardous to health.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from steaming their feet, because hot water can cause uncontrolled contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or miscarriage.
  • The use of steaming for varicose veins is contraindicated, since the blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases, which can become dangerous for the body.
  • In case of cardiovascular diseases, the procedure can provoke an increase in the frequency of heart contractions, although sometimes for hypertension, doctors recommend hot baths to reduce blood pressure in the head (the procedure can only be performed under the supervision of a specialist and in the absence of heart problems).
  • It is forbidden to steam your feet during menstruation, because hot water can cause uterine bleeding.
  • People with allergies should choose a hot bath additive responsibly.

Is it possible to steam your feet with a runny nose?

Soaring your feet when you have a runny nose can significantly help reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. Blood, rushing to the heated feet, leaves the membrane of the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe through the nose and eliminating its congestion. In this case, secretion is noticeably reduced and high-quality regeneration of the epithelium occurs, which reduces the possibility of infection.

Thus, the thermal procedure in the form of placing the feet in hot water does not cause harm in case of a runny nose. Its ability to ensure the outflow of blood from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity contributes to significant relief of the patient’s condition.

How to properly hover a child's feet

Proper preparation of water is important in this procedure. The temperature should not be higher than 38-40 degrees! Even if it seems to you that the water is slightly warm, do not deviate from this rule. This is the optimal temperature for a small child, which gives the desired effect, and the heart does not receive additional stress.

As a container in which the legs will be steamed, it is better to take a bucket rather than a basin. This way, both your foot and ankle will warm up. Before use, rinse the container with water and baking soda, then place a linen towel on the bottom. It creates a light massage effect, as a result the legs warm up well. Pour water into a container and add two or three tablespoons of mustard, stir and place your feet there.

Two to three minutes after the start of steaming, add more hot water. Remember the temperature! It should be no higher than 40 degrees. The steaming lasts 5-10 minutes, during which time you can lightly massage the baby’s legs. Such baths can be taken no more than three times a day!

After steaming, be sure to rinse and rinse your feet with clean water, wipe dry and put on natural cotton socks. How to properly bathe a baby, see here. Then place the baby under the blanket. To keep your baby warm, it is better to take a bath before bed. In addition, such a procedure calms and relaxes, which also contributes to a full and sound sleep.

Inhalations for a runny nose

Effective treatment of runny nose in children

  1. To carry out this procedure, you need to pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Now reduce the heat and add one tablespoon of baking soda.
  3. Cook for a few minutes, stir and turn off.
  4. Place a saucepan in front of the child, cover him with a warm blanket, along with the saucepan.
  5. Now the baby should breathe deeply through his nose.
  6. Don't forget to give your child a handkerchief, as this warming will begin to release all the mucus from the nose, thus clearing it.
  7. The procedure takes about 10 minutes.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

When performing hot foot baths for a child, it is important to follow all the rules of the procedure. If you ignore the recommendations of specialists, the child may develop a fever and increase body temperature (along with signs of febrile syndrome)

There is also a high probability of complications from the vascular system and heart, so a child’s legs need to be soared according to certain rules.


It is very important to check the temperature of the water used so as not to increase the stress on the heart. Even if the water seems warm to mom, it is important to adhere to the existing temperature standards recommended by pediatricians

The water temperature for steaming children's feet should be no more than:

  • from 1 to 3 years - 38-40°C;
  • from 3 to 5 years - 44°C;
  • from 5 to 12 years - 45-50°C;
  • over 12 years - 55°C.

After the water has been prepared, add the product that will be used to treat the disease, mix and lower the child’s feet into the container. You can lay a thick linen towel on the bottom of the pelvis - it will create a massage effect, increase the effectiveness of the procedure, and also prevent a fall if the child accidentally stands up while taking a bath.

Advice! In order for the child to be able to withstand the entire procedure, it is important to distract him with something. You can sit next to him and read him fairy tales or play some board game (drawing, modeling, etc.)

In this case, a container with water should be placed under a special children's table.

If the child does not show interest, you can come up with some kind of game or fairy tale, for example, “How Feet Take a Bath,” but this option is only suitable for young children.

During the procedure

No special actions are required from parents during the procedure, other than monitoring the water temperature. If the liquid in the basin cools quickly, it is necessary to add hot water in small portions until it reaches the desired temperature again.

You cannot use boiling water for these purposes, as you may accidentally burn the child’s skin.

The duration of vaping is from 15 to 25 minutes.

What to do after vaping

When removing calluses, cracks and corns, before putting on socks or tights, you need to lubricate the skin with any fat-based baby cream (creams with panthenol and lactic acid are good).

Important! After soaring the legs, the child should remain in bed for 30-40 minutes. You cannot go outside for 1.5-2 hours after the procedure

The ideal option would be to steam your feet before going to bed.

Useful tips for parents

In order for medicinal baths with mustard for a runny nose to bring the maximum therapeutic effect, parents need to follow some rules:

  1. Carry out foot baths when the first signs of a cold appear.
  2. You can do such procedures as a preventative measure after a child has become cold or hypothermic.
  3. During the cooking process, monitor the water temperature, which should not exceed 37 - 40 degrees.
  4. Strictly observe the amount of mustard powder. Increasing the recommended dose may cause skin burns or irritation.
  5. If your body temperature is elevated, do not take baths. They increase blood circulation, therefore, after such procedures, temperature readings may rise.
  6. Don't leave the child alone.
  7. Perform the guy's legs for no more than 10 - 15 minutes. For the first procedure, 5 minutes is enough.
  8. After taking foot baths, you need to put warm socks on your feet and place the child under a warm blanket.
  9. It is better to carry out medicinal mustard baths before bedtime.
  10. For procedures, you do not need to throw mustard powder into boiling water, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties.

In addition to the mustard baths themselves, a child with a cold should be given other medications that will have a symptomatic effect on one or another sign of the disease. It is imperative to rinse your nose with saline solutions, you can perform inhalations, or instill the nose with vasoconstrictor drops. For a wet cough, it is recommended to take expectorants and mucolytics, and for a dry cough, antitussives.

After the foot treatment with mustard for a runny nose, the child can be given warm tea or milk with butter, which will warm the body from the inside, speed up the removal and dilution of mucus in the sinuses and respiratory tract. Despite the fact that many people treat the symptoms of a cold quite calmly, one must remember that sometimes even a banal ARVI can provoke quite dangerous complications in a child. Therefore, the sooner parents take treatment measures, the greater the chance of successful recovery. Treatment of cold symptoms with mustard powder is a fairly effective and affordable remedy, but still, before using such a recipe for a child, you need to make sure that it will not harm him.

Rinsing the nose for a runny nose

Nasal rinsing

The procedure for rinsing the nose when a child has a runny nose is also very effective, as it helps remove bacteria from the surface of the mucous membrane. To rinse the nasal cavity, you can use regular table salt, or you can prepare a decoction of chamomile or sage.

For the procedure, you need to purchase a special jug, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can use the most ordinary deep bowl for this. The rinsing liquid should be sucked in through the nose and released through the mouth into a sink or other container.

Attention! After the rinsing procedure, you do not need to immediately start dripping into your nose, as there is a strong secretion of mucus. You need to make sure that the child sits quietly for at least 10-15 minutes and regularly blows the contents of his nose.

If the child is still very small and cannot blow his nose on his own, then to remove mucus from his nose, use a small rubber bulb, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

However, rinsing your nose with this same bulb or syringe is strictly prohibited. The fact is that with strong pressure, the jet can enter the ear canal, which directly connects to the nasal canal.

Remedy for colds: how to steam your feet with mustard

Mustard has excellent healing properties for all kinds of colds. Only very patient people can warm up with mustard plasters. But anyone can soar their feet with mustard, even a small restless child. In this case, the effect will be almost the same. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom claims that the legs and throat are closely interconnected.

Useful properties of mustard

Steaming your feet with mustard is easy and simple. Mustard has a number of benefits.

  • It's always at hand.
  • It's inexpensive.
  • Has an excellent warming effect.
  • Mustard essential oils are natural antiseptics.

Mustard powder has been actively used in medicine and cosmetology for a long time. Under the influence of irritants contained in mustard powder, nerve endings on the skin are stimulated, capillaries dilate, and blood circulation and metabolism of the whole body reflexively increase.

How to properly make mustard foot baths?

Begin the procedure at the first sign of a cold. You can steam your feet if you have a cough, runny nose or low fever (37-37.5 °C). Water is poured into a wide basin at a comfortably hot temperature (up to 40 °C). Dissolve mustard powder at the rate of one tablespoon per liter. Lower your legs into the basin and steam for 15-20 minutes, periodically adding hot water. At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet dry with a warm towel and put on woolen socks. It is advisable to steam your feet with mustard at night before bed.

Women are advised to combine business with pleasure. Mustard does a great job with calluses and corns. After steaming, rub your heels with pumice stone and lubricate with softening foot cream.

The baths are repeated for several days until the signs of a cold disappear. To enhance the effect for runny nose and respiratory diseases, add a few drops of fir or eucalyptus essential oil to the water. In this case, they receive double benefits: warming and inhalation. It is also useful to add a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, oregano, lemon balm. While warming up, you can drink herbal tea, a decoction of rose hips, linden or oregano.

For those who like to do everything on a maximum scale, it is recommended to take a communal bath with mustard. The water temperature should be between 38-40 °C. You should not lie in such a bath for more than 10 minutes, and after the procedure, do not forget to rinse your body with warm water and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Hovering a child's feet

It is usually not recommended to soak feet with mustard for a child under five years of age. But this is more likely due to the difficulty of motivating the baby rather than to any contraindications. In any case, follow these rules:

  • Explain to your child the usefulness and pleasure of this procedure.
  • Keep your baby busy with an interesting activity while his feet are steaming.
  • The duration of the procedure for children is shorter than for adults. 10-15 minutes is enough.
  • After the procedure, you should not cool the child, especially his legs.
  • An allergic reaction to mustard is possible, especially if you are prone to diathesis. Remember, during warming up the child should not experience any unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, you need to abort the procedure.

If the baby cannot sit quietly for even ten minutes, then we warm his feet with mustard in socks. The powder can be poured into thick cotton socks, and terry or woolen socks can be worn on top. You can leave your child in this form overnight or let him run around the apartment for several hours. The main thing is that the powder does not get wet, otherwise severe irritation of the delicate baby skin may occur.

When should you not warm your feet?

Steaming your feet with mustard and generally doing warming procedures is not recommended for:

  • Varicose veins, thrombosis, and other problems with blood vessels in the legs.
  • Pregnancy. There are no direct contraindications to the use of mustard during pregnancy, but doctors still recommend refraining from any temperature exposure.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Trophic ulcers, skin lesions, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Common blood diseases.
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation.
  • High body temperature.
  • High blood pressure.

The procedure for warming your feet with mustard in the initial stage of a cold works great. To enhance the effect, while taking a bath, drink a hot decoction of rose hips or other medicinal herbs, and when finished, put on warm socks and go to bed. In a few days the discomfort will go away.>

Foot bath recipes

To enhance the healing effect, feet are steamed not only in hot water, but also with the addition of various additives. A very common method is treatment with potassium permanganate. This substance has the ability to relieve inflammation and wound healing. To prepare a bath with potassium permanganate, dissolve enough powder in water so that it turns pink. You cannot put your feet in the water until all the potassium permanganate crystals have dissolved, otherwise a burn cannot be avoided.

It is no less useful to add medicinal decoctions of those herbs that are used in inhalation solutions for rhinitis to foot baths. These include sage and mint, calendula, string, St. John's wort and chamomile. A decoction is prepared by boiling one hundred grams of the dry plant in 400 milliliters of water. Leave for about forty minutes and pour into the bath during the warming procedure.

You can add apple cider vinegar to a warming bath, a few tablespoons per liter of water. For children, the amount of vinegar should be reduced. Keep your feet in water with this addition for no more than fifteen minutes. To soften the effect of a vinegar bath, it is a good idea to add glycerin to the water.

How to steam your feet with mustard for a runny nose

At the initial stage of colds, as well as ARVI and flu, doctors almost always recommend hot baths with the addition of mustard. Soaking your feet in such a solution helps to quickly cope with phlegm discharge when coughing, sore throat and runny nose, as well as suppress the development of the disease.

It is recommended to properly steam your feet with mustard as follows:

  • pour hot water into the basin (no more than 40 degrees);
  • add a few tablespoons of dry mustard;
  • warm your feet for at least half an hour;
  • maintain the water temperature by periodically adding boiling water;
  • After warming up your feet, rub them with a soft towel and put on wool socks;
  • lie down under a blanket and drink warm tea made from medicinal herbs;
  • By carrying out such procedures for several days, two or three times, you can avoid further development of the disease.

Combined mustard baths

To enhance the effect of a medicinal home remedy, we can recommend the use of some additives that can help increase the healing ability of a mustard bath.

  • It’s a good idea to add medicinal herbal decoctions of chamomile/rose hips to a mustard bath, up to 150 milliliters for one-time use.
  • In addition to mustard, you can add baking soda to the bath to obtain a warming effect of greater depth.
  • Careful addition of essential pine and citrus oils will also add a significant therapeutic effect and make the bath more aromatic. Eucalyptus essential oil will serve as an excellent inhalation agent when steaming your feet.

How to hover a child's legs?

Modern mothers understand that medications, in addition to their medicinal properties, also have side effects. Therefore, they do everything possible to avoid the use of medications for such a common cold in children. When the disease is just beginning, it can be easily dealt with using “folk methods” if you act in time. The way to hover a child’s legs is especially helpful. This procedure increases blood circulation and activates the body's protective properties. If you soak children's feet during the first days of illness when they have a runny nose, it will go away quite quickly. You may even be able to avoid nasal congestion. Steaming your child's feet when coughing is also useful, especially if you add aromatic oil (from eucalyptus, fir or cedar) or special herbal mixtures for the respiratory system to the water. This way you will also receive inhalation.

How to properly soar a child's feet?

Every mother should know that it is possible to hover a child’s legs only in the absence of elevated body temperature. If you break this rule, you may end up with a fever that is not easy to control.

Is it possible to steam children's feet with mustard? Of course yes. This is the most common method. You will need a deep basin, mustard, hot water, a terry towel and warm socks made of natural material. Initially, the water in the basin should not be hotter than 37 degrees, so that the child does not experience discomfort when dipping his feet into the basin. When he gets used to it, add a couple of mugs of hotter water (but not higher than 40 degrees) into the basin.

Is it possible to steam a child for 10 minutes like an adult? In no case. 4 minutes is the maximum permissible time. Longer vaping puts too much stress on the baby's heart.

When time has passed, you need to wipe your feet dry with a terry towel and put on socks. It's good if you steam your feet before bed. Put your child to bed immediately. If you are still far from sleep, you should definitely lie in bed for at least 10 minutes, covered with a blanket.>

For what diseases can you soar your feet?

There is a list of diseases for which you can steam your feet with mustard, herbs or essential oils.

Don't wait for the disease to make itself known. If you or your child have been exposed to severe hypothermia and know that you can easily get sick, immediately soak your feet with mustard.

And after this procedure, approximately 20-25 minutes after its completion, you need to drink warm tea with lemon and natural bee honey.

A man hovers his feet in a solution of mustard powder

Colds. If you are already sick, it doesn’t matter. As already noted, for colds, both in adults and children, mustard helps tremendously!

Cough, bronchitis

Ailments accompanied by a dry or wet cough. Mustard, helping to thin out and remove phlegm naturally, will help cope with this problem.

Sore throat and ARVI

ARVI, ailments of a bacterial nature that cause symptoms almost similar to those observed with a cold. The healing effect of steaming your feet with mustard will not take long to appear.

Other diseases

It can be used in other cases: for insomnia, for calluses and cracks on the feet, for problems with joints, and so on.

In all these, as well as some other cases, mustard shows its positive effect on health. But baths can help not only with it in the cases listed above. What else can be used as an active ingredient in similar procedures?

Using mustard for colds, coughs, runny nose

Of the 40 types of mustard, three are used for medicinal purposes: white, black and Sarepta. The latter is known as Russian. This is what they mean when they talk about mustard powder. The product is made by grinding pre-defatted seeds.

Mustard powder

The burning powder irritates the nerve endings, stimulating blood microcirculation. As a result, the body warms up, activating protective functions. That is why when you have a cold, it is useful to pour mustard into your socks, add it to the bath, and make compresses.

Mustard for coughs: baths, compresses and other remedies

Deep heating in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs makes breathing easier and accelerates the discharge of sputum.

For the procedure, you can purchase special plasters or mustard plasters. When the surface is wetted with warm (35–45ºC) water, essential mustard oils begin to release. They dilate blood vessels, increase tone, and reduce pain. Mustard plasters are used at the first symptoms of bronchitis.

Mustard plasters

The session time for an adult is 15 minutes, for a child over 3 years old - no more than 5 minutes. Remains of mustard should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and the skin should be wiped dry with a towel.

A significant disadvantage of the pharmaceutical product is frequent side effects in the form of rashes, skin irritation, and burns.


An alternative to mustard plasters is a cough compress with mustard and honey. It provides a long-lasting mild thermal effect. Unlike mustard plasters, the compress can be used for coughs in children and pregnant women (strictly after consulting a doctor!). They make it in the form of a flat cake.

For preparation you will need:

  • dry mustard;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • liquid honey (if the product is candied, it should be dissolved in a water bath).

Mix all ingredients in equal quantities, roll into a flat cake and steam it. The mass should be warm, but not scalding. It must be wrapped in natural fabric.

It is important to choose the right place for heating. For bronchitis, a lozenge is placed on the chest in the projection of the bronchi

For pleurisy, pneumonia - on the back in the scapular area.

The patient is wrapped warmly. The cake is kept until it cools completely.

For bronchitis, you can use another folk recipe - a compress based on mustard, honey and oil:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of prepared table mustard, honey and vegetable oil;
  • Lightly beat the cabbage leaf until the juice appears;
  • apply mustard-honey mass to one side of the leaf;
  • apply to the chest in the bronchi area, cover with woolen cloth on top.

This compress is kept for no more than 60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse off the remaining mass with warm water.

Good to know:

  • The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect of mustard allows it to be used as a useful spice during viral epidemics.
  • You can eat mustard for a cold in small quantities. It is good to add it as a seasoning to dishes.
  • Mustard relieves headaches, removes toxins, and improves immunity.
  • Due to possible problems with falling asleep, you should not eat mustard at night.
  • It is not recommended for preschool children to eat mustard.

Mustard for a runny nose

Mustard powder only helps with a runny nose caused by a cold. Its signs:

  • liquid transparent mucus;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • general weakness with low-grade body temperature.

To warm up the sinuses, you can use mustard-honey cake. During the procedure, eyes should be protected with cotton swabs soaked in warm tea leaves. Activation of lymph and blood flow will facilitate the secretion of mucus and speed up recovery.

Baths with dry mustard

Foot baths help with sore throat, dry cough, the first signs of flu and ARVI. Mustard is good as a preventative.

Soaring feet

For the procedure, you need to prepare a deep basin: it is advisable to immerse your legs in water up to knee level. Pour warm water (38–40°C), add 2–3 tablespoons of dry mustard.

It is necessary to soar your feet for at least 30 minutes for an adult and no more than 15 minutes for a child over 3 years old. Be sure to monitor the water temperature to avoid cooling. If necessary, add warm water throughout the session.

At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet dry, then put on wool socks.

Positive effects of going to the sauna for a cold

It is impossible to deny the enormous positive effect of a steam room in a bathhouse for a person with an acute respiratory infection and a runny nose caused by this disease. So, bathhouse:

  1. Promotes increased blood circulation;
  2. Accelerates metabolic processes in areas of inflammation;
  3. Stimulates the immune system (interferon in the body is produced more easily and in large quantities at elevated temperatures, which is why, in fact, during ARVI, the body increases body temperature);
  4. Stimulates the removal of accumulated mucus from the nose and coughing it up.

In addition, due to the high humidity, the air in the bath helps to thin the mucus in the lower respiratory tract and increases the productivity of the cough if a runny nose occurs in parallel with bronchitis or pneumonia.

It is also useful to read: How to choose folk remedies for a runny nose for a child

It is not surprising that going to the bathhouse has long been considered the best method to overcome a runny nose. In reality, everything is not so simple.

Girl in the bath
You shouldn’t go to the bathhouse with a runny nose and friends - this is incorrect in relation to friends who may become infected

Benefits of mustard for colds

Mustard contains a lot of essential oils, which is the reason that the main effect of this plant is irritant. The main part of them is in the seeds, which is why they are mainly used both in cooking and in folk medicine; for this they are dried and crushed.

When treating colds, only dry mustard is used, and in cooking, whole grains and oil are also used.

The bitterness and smell of the plant are given by oils, among them allyl mustard, which has good penetrating ability. When it comes into contact with the skin, it causes irritation and blood flow.

This leads to vasodilation and improved blood supply, which is very useful for hypothermia. Mustard also stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The benefits of baths and other procedures include long-term effects, biochemical processes spread throughout the body, blood flow improves and blood vessels dilate, which promotes a speedy recovery.

For colds, mustard has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. This is facilitated by the active substances contained in it. The seeds of the plant contain:

  • vitamins of group B, A, D, E;
  • micro- and macroelements: iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese;
  • organic acids: oleic, linoleic, etc.;
  • sulfur-containing glycosides.

How to warm your feet with mustard - rules for using foot baths

  1. Water temperature. Depending on what goal is set, the temperature is selected. For a softening bath that prepares your feet for a pedicure and removal of dead skin and calluses, the water should be hot. Warm water is used for therapeutic baths.
  2. Quantity. Ideally, three to five liters. There is no need to immerse your feet in water up to your knees; this can be hazardous to your health.
  3. Duration. A quarter of an hour is enough to soften the skin, and the substances added to the water have had their effect. Leaving your feet for too long is also harmful.
  4. Supplements You shouldn’t even overuse regular salt, so as not to dry out or injure your skin. Stick to the recipes if you want to get the expected results.

After a foot bath, you should always treat your feet with pumice, then wipe dry and apply a nourishing rich cream. You can wear socks.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - pour hot water into a basin, pour in mustard powder and sit and steam your feet. But in order for the procedure to be beneficial, you need to follow certain recommendations. They relate to the temperature of the water, the amount of mustard, and the time during which you will steam your feet.

  1. It is good to use essential oils: eucalyptus, conifers (especially cedar and fir), citrus fruits, menthol, lavender. 3 drops of oil per 1 liter of hot water is enough.
  2. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, rose hips. For one bath, it is enough to take no more than half a glass of this supplement.
  3. To enhance the warming effect of mustard, mix it with baking soda in equal proportions.

Adding herbs and oils also gives an inhalation effect, which is very useful for coughs and runny nose.

To carry out the procedure, you will need a container for water (preferably a small basin), a thermometer, a terry towel, woolen socks and the main ingredient of the bath - mustard powder.

How to warm your feet with mustard:

  1. Pour hot water into a basin up to your ankles. Then add mustard powder and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. While you keep your feet in the water, you need to cover yourself with a blanket or put on a warm sweater.
  3. The water will cool down during the procedure; you need to add it periodically. It is good if one of the family members does this so that the patient is not distracted.
  4. After waiting the allotted time, rinse your feet with warm water, rub dry with a towel and put on woolen socks - they retain heat better and help preserve the effect of warming up longer.

It is useful to warm up from the inside while steaming your legs. Drink linden tea with honey, rosehip infusion, herbal teas made from chamomile or lemon balm.

How much mustard do you need for one bath? The “more is better” option will not work - excess mustard powder will not bring any benefit. Do not forget that the spice has the property of burning the skin, so the procedure may not be very pleasant.

Usually adults are recommended to take 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of water. The concentration of spice in baby baths should be 2 times less. If you decide to warm up your baby for the first time, take 15 g of powder for the entire volume of liquid. Double the amount of seasoning if the child tolerates the trial procedure well.

Mustard powder

This point is also important - you need to know exactly how long to steam your feet using mustard powder.

The child needs less time - from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on age.

The best thing you can do after taking a mustard bath is not to lose the warming effect achieved by the procedure.

Therefore, after conscientiously serving the allotted time, quickly rinse your feet, dry them thoroughly with a terry towel, put on warm (preferably woolen) socks and go to bed. Let someone close to you bring you a cup of hot herbal tea; it’s a good idea to add honey, ginger, and lemon to the drink.

Recipes for children and adults

You can soar your feet at any convenient time.
But it is advisable to select moments when after the procedure there is no need to go outside , exposing the steamed limbs to a stronger influence of external temperature (this is especially important in the cold season).

For the procedure, adults can add decoctions of the following herbs to hot water :

  • mint;
  • sage;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • mustard.

Stay up to date! Any of these herbs in dried crushed form in the amount of one and a half tablespoons is first brewed in a glass of boiling water.

And after half an hour, the finished composition can be added to foot baths.

Additionally, with such products, you can add essential oils of fir, pine, cedar or eucalyptus (10 drops each) to a bowl of water.

The duration of the procedure for adults can be unlimited, and the number of steamings per day is selected at the discretion of the patient.

For the treatment of children, notes Komarovsky , such remedies are also relevant, but it is necessary to control the water temperature.

In the case of children, the water should not exceed 40 degrees so that the child does not experience pain.

For small children, you can first massage their feet , and place a hard terry towel on the bottom of the pelvis to passively influence the active points of the feet.

For your information! For regular foot baths, the water temperature should initially be no more than 40 degrees, but after a couple of minutes, when the child gets used to it, you can add three more cups of hot water.

additional products are used for foot baths they must be added in accordance with the following rules :

  1. When adding mint or sage (other products are not recommended, as they can cause irritation and allergic itching), the herbs must first be ground and boiled. A tablespoon of herb is poured with water and brought to a boil, after which the composition can be poured into a basin of water.
  2. Essential oils of mint, fir or eucalyptus should be added in an amount of no more than 2-3 drops . Such oils affect not only the feet: there is also an inhalation effect, since the vapors of these substances end up in the child’s lungs in any case. And it contributes to additional treatment of cough and nasal congestion.

You should know! For children, the duration of the procedure should be from 5 to 10 minutes (the younger the child, the less time is required).

At any age, after steaming your feet , you need to rinse your feet with water and wipe them dry.

After this, put on cotton socks (children can wear wool socks over them).

Next, you need to lie down under a warm blanket for at least 20 minutes and not go outside for at least an hour.

Summing up

So, to sum it up, we can say: children can definitely soak their feet in mustard

But it is necessary to pay special attention to nuances, for example, the temperature of the water and the child’s mood. Never force the procedure

If a child cries, then instead of a beneficial effect you will get the exact opposite. Due to stress, your child's immunity will begin to decline and you will notice a rapid rise in body temperature. Before the procedure, you should also make sure whether your child has any contraindications to such treatment, and it is best to consult a pediatrician for consultation. Most importantly, if treatment with mustard does not give the desired effect, then start using other medicinal methods of treatment.

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