Should you steam your feet with mustard if you have a cold?

Often, when we have a cold, we think of this traditional folk medicine, like mustard. It gained its popularity due to its strong medicinal properties, as well as due to the various ways of its use.

Mustard is a medicinal plant that grows mainly in Egypt and Asian countries. Usually its seeds are used in folk medicine: the powder obtained from them has a warming effect and, as an additional and sometimes the main remedy, can cure a variety of colds.

During colds, mustard helps with coughs, runny nose and sore throat. It is widely used as a warming and also irritating agent that stimulates blood circulation. You can eat it, soak your feet with mustard, pour it into your socks at night - in all cases, it has a healing effect on the body for both adults and children.

Do not forget that self-medication often leads to complications or the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Therefore, before you start using the tips listed below, it is better to consult a doctor, especially when it comes to treating a child.

How to hover your feet correctly

If you are planning to soak your feet with mustard, we recommend that you follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare mustard powder (available at your pharmacy or grocery store).
  2. Prepare a basin, a towel, woolen socks, a warm blanket or blanket.
  3. Heat the water to a temperature of 40-45 degrees.
  4. Pour water into a basin so that it covers the height of your ankle.
  5. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder into the water and mix thoroughly until it dissolves.
  6. Carefully (so as not to get burned) lower your feet into the basin for half an hour. When cooling, add hot water to keep the temperature constant.
  7. Cover yourself with a blanket and relax.
  8. After 30 minutes, remove your feet from the water, dry them well, put on warm socks and lie down under a warm blanket.

Soaking your feet with mustard is just one of many ways to use this herb to treat colds at home. Below we will look at other popular folk recipes. Additionally, read the article “Vodka with honey for colds.”

Soaring feet without water

Taking hot baths is an effective, but not the only way to steam your feet. The same effect can be achieved with dry mustard powder and two pairs of socks. The latter should be made of natural material (cotton, bamboo, fine wool).

For the procedure, you need to preheat the socks using an iron, hair dryer, or simply placing them on the radiator. Then, just before going to bed, wash your feet and rub them thoroughly. Put one pair of socks on your feet, and pour two tablespoons of dry mustard into the second pair and pull them directly over the first pair, after which you can go to bed under a warm blanket.

When exposed to heat, mustard will begin to release essential oils, which will provide a mild healing effect. The main advantage of this method of warming the legs is that it can be used when regular hot baths are contraindicated due to various diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, as well as in the presence of skin rashes.

This procedure gives good results precisely due to the duration of exposure to mustard powder. It is not recommended to take off socks throughout the night, otherwise the desired therapeutic effect may simply not occur. You should also not neglect the instructions, wearing only those socks that contain mustard powder, because... this may cause burns to the skin of your feet.

During the cold season, traditional medicine recipes acquire special significance. They are effective, simple and safe if the recommendations are followed exactly. All this can be said about hot foot baths with mustard, with which you can not only shorten the recovery time, but also prevent the development of the disease itself.

Bath with mustard

You can not only steam your feet with mustard, but also take a bath with the addition of mustard powder. Preparing such a bath is extremely simple: add 5 tablespoons of powder to hot water (in small portions to avoid the formation of lumps), and stir thoroughly. It is necessary to take a bath for no more than 20 minutes, also adding hot water periodically. After the procedure, be sure to take a shower to wash off any remaining powder from the skin. To achieve a better effect, you can add sea salt or a few drops of essential oil to the bath.

Mustard baths for children

In the absence of contraindications, children of any age can soar their feet with mustard. Until the age of 5 years, you need to be especially careful - do not confuse the concentrations, temperature, and do not overexpose it longer than prescribed.

How to properly steam your child’s feet with mustard for a dry cough and runny nose:

  • prepare water at a temperature of 38 °C;
  • pour into a bowl;
  • 3-4 liters of water require ¼ tbsp. dry mustard powder;
  • exposure time – 10–15 minutes;
  • the procedure should be carried out before bedtime;
  • the required volume of water is determined according to the same principle as for adults - the legs should disappear to the level of the ankles.

To speed up recovery from a cold, you can steam your feet with mustard, essential oils and herbal decoctions. To obtain benefits, it is important to maintain the concentration of active ingredients and not exceed the exposure time.

Have you ever soaked your feet with mustard? For what diseases did the procedure have a positive effect? What else can you add to the bath? Share the information with your friends and acquaintances - it may be useful.

Mustard powder is a proven folk remedy for the first signs of a cold. Almost everyone has soaked their feet in a bath with this spice at least once. But to achieve a therapeutic effect, this must be done according to all the rules.

Adding mustard powder to socks

This method is widely used in the treatment of runny nose. Pour mustard into socks and put them on (children under 3 years old are recommended to wear thin socks on top to avoid direct contact with the skin). On top of this, it is advisable to wear 1-2 pairs of woolen socks to enhance the effect. After this, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket and go to bed (at least for 1–2 hours). It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the first three days of illness. Please note that it is better to choose socks from natural materials (cotton, wool).

Soaring feet with a runny nose

Do you feel like you're starting to get sick? Do you feel weak, body aches, chills, or even have a runny nose? It's time to take action and one of the folk remedies that helps to cope with the ailment may well be a mustard bath.

To kid

  • relieves swelling and inflammation of mucous membranes;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • accelerates the process of liquefaction and removal of mucus;
  • Helps stimulate the body's natural defenses and improve immunity.

Runny nose in children

How to do the procedure correctly is described at the beginning of the article. The sequence of actions is standard, only the time and dosage of mustard differ. After steaming, do not forget to give your child warm milk with honey and butter (preferably ghee).

For an adult

Soaking feet with mustard for a runny nose is also useful for adults. You only need to do the procedures at the first symptoms of illness. Treating rhinitis in an advanced stage with foot baths is ineffective.

  • anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of essential oils, antioxidants, and vitamins in mustard;
  • warming effect;
  • impact on reflex zones in the feet;
  • increased blood flow;
  • increasing local immunity.

Runny nose in adults

But mustard baths should not be considered a panacea for colds and respiratory infections. They need to be combined with other medical procedures prescribed by the doctor.


For compresses, they use either mustard plasters, well-known to many, or not so popular cakes with mustard.

Mustard plasters for colds are recommended to be placed on the patient’s chest, back and feet. The duration of this therapeutic procedure is 20–30 minutes. However, if a strong burning sensation occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Mustard plasters are special sheets of paper with mustard powder applied to one side. You can buy them at the pharmacy at a very affordable price of about 15 rubles per pack.

Flatbreads are also sometimes used for compresses. To prepare mustard cakes, you need to mix sunflower oil, flour, mustard powder and honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be placed on clean gauze. This lozenge can also be applied to the patient’s back or chest. The duration of the flat cake compress is 2 hours. Most often, mustard cakes are used to treat coughs caused by bronchitis or pneumonia.

Additionally, we recommend that you read the article “Folk Remedies for Colds.”

Mustard baths are contraindications.

  • Often, colds and coughs can be accompanied by high fever, so when you have a fever, you should absolutely not steam your feet.
  • For scratches, wounds and cracks in the skin.
  • Hot foot baths are contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to mustard or are allergic to it.
  • If the baby is less than a year old, mustard baths are contraindicated.
  • It is contraindicated for women to hover their legs during menstruation.
  • For rashes and allergic reactions on the skin.


Mustard has proven itself to be an effective remedy that helps both adults and children cope with colds. However, there are a number of contraindications:

  1. Mustard should not be used at elevated body temperatures.
  2. Any medical procedures using this plant should not be carried out on children under one year of age.
  3. If mustard comes into direct contact with the skin, severe burning or even burns are possible. Before performing similar procedures on your child, make sure that he does not have an allergic reaction to the plant.
  4. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use mustard for colds; it can harm the pregnant child and even cause a miscarriage.
  5. Such treatment should be avoided for open wounds and skin diseases.

How to steam your feet with mustard correctly - useful tips

Benefits of the procedure and indications for use

A warm foot bath provokes blood flow to the skin, and by stimulating blood circulation, deep warming is realized.

If the patient coughs, it makes it easier for him to expel sputum.

Mustard has always been used in folk healing methods.

Its beneficial properties were recognized even by official medicine, as a result of which such a pharmacological product as mustard plasters appeared.

The hot spice deeply warms the body and stimulates recovery.

Indications for the procedure:

  • sore throat, dry cough;
  • temperature rise to low-grade levels not higher than 37.5°C;
  • feeling of weakness, weakness;
  • with a runny nose

Thus, everyone can use foot baths to relieve the first signs of a cold.

In addition, not only symptomatic, but also therapeutic effects are realized, which is due to the properties of mustard itself.

The sooner therapeutic measures are taken, the higher the chance of blocking the development of the disease.

Benefits of mustard for feet

In folk medicine, mustard is often used for feet for colds. Traditional medicine recognizes the medicinal effects of the spice. Mustard powder can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of mustard plasters. In this article we will tell you how to steam your feet with mustard for colds using dry powder.

soaring your feet with mustard: harm and benefit
Mustard baths are used for colds

In order to answer the question - is it possible to steam your feet in mustard, let’s take a closer look at the benefits this procedure has on the body. Warming your feet with mustard helps quickly eliminate the first symptoms of colds. The procedure is effective for sore throat and runny nose.

Mustard has bactericidal, antimicrobial and warming effects. Hot foot baths with mustard stimulate blood circulation and promote rapid penetration of active substances through the pores. This procedure has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Can pregnant women take mustard?

A pregnant woman should be very careful about proper nutrition. She can take (orally) mustard in small quantities. Mustard has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother. If you are intolerant or allergic to this product, you should not take it. Under no circumstances should a woman's legs be soared while she is expecting a baby. It will be better if you pour dry powder into a sock.

Health to you!

In the article we discuss how to steam your feet with mustard. We will tell you about the benefits and contraindications to the procedure. You will learn how to properly soar feet with mustard for adults and children, and how often this can be done.

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