How to gargle with furatsilin for sore throats and colds

Furacilin: composition, properties and treatment benefits

Furacilin solution is an effective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of sore throat.

Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that is available in the form of tablets or an alcohol solution. The main active ingredient of the drug is nitrofural. Furacilin is used for external treatment of wounds and postoperative sutures, as well as for gargling.

The drug is most effective for bacterial infections, so it is often prescribed for sore throats, especially purulent ones, boils, purulent wounds, burns, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, bedsores, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid).

Gargling with Furacilin for sore throat gives good results, inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and relieves inflammation, but such a serious disease is treated comprehensively; Furacilin alone may not be enough. The drug acts on microbial cells, penetrates inside and stops their division, which allows the antibiotic (for sore throat) to more effectively eliminate the bacterial infection. Furacilin is very effective against coccal bacteria, which are most often the causative agents of purulent tonsillitis.

The use of Furacilin for angina has many advantages:

  • Safety. The drug is absolutely safe even for children and pregnant women if the rules of use are followed. Furacilin is not always recommended to be taken orally; it is completely safe for rinsing and can be used when the use of other medications is limited.
  • Low price. The cost of the drug is much lower than many sprays and antiseptics for the throat. At the same time, the drug is consumed economically, the diluted solution can be stored.
  • Possibility of complex treatment. The use of Furacilin does not exclude treatment with other drugs, provided the time interval is observed.
  • Efficiency. Furacilin, at a relatively low cost, is one of the most effective drugs in the treatment of sore throat and purulent inflammation. Its spectrum of action is quite wide; it quickly destroys a large number of bacteria, fungi and even viruses.
  • Stimulation of local immunity. When exposed to mucous membranes, Furacilin increases local immunity.
  • Easy to use. Using Furacilin solution is very simple; no special devices or measuring cups are required.

Sore throat - causes and signs

Sore throat, fever and redness of the tonsils are signs of a sore throat.

Sore throat is an infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils. The disease is usually bacterial in nature. The causative agents of sore throat are streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci.

For angina, antibacterial therapy is prescribed, as well as various topical agents such as Furacilin, to destroy bacteria directly on the mucous membrane of the throat. Various local medications help stop the spread of infection and prevent complications of the disease such as abscesses, sepsis, and bleeding from the tonsils.

Sore throat has many varieties: lacunar, catarrhal, follicular.

Furacilin is effective for all types of sore throat.

Sore throat is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • A sore throat. With a sore throat, a sharp pain in the throat is noted, which increases significantly when swallowing. Sometimes the patient notes a change in voice, wheezing, and the inability to eat or swallow even liquids.
  • Temperature increase. Sore throat, as a rule, is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees. At the same time, weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue appear.
  • Headache. Headaches often accompany tonsillitis. The head may hurt due to swelling, due to elevated temperature, and also due to toxicity in the body.
  • Redness of the throat. With a sore throat, the throat and tonsils become bright red; purulent plaque or small pustules may form on the tonsils themselves. The lymph nodes under the jaw may become enlarged and painful upon palpation.

Manifestations of sore throat may vary depending on its type. If you have a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle hourly with solutions of disinfectants to prevent such a complication as necrotizing tonsillitis (infected tissue begins to die on the tonsils).

Treatment of angina is always complex. In addition to gargling, lozenges, sprays and aerosols, and broad-spectrum antibiotics are often prescribed. When the temperature rises, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. If tonsillitis occurs frequently, it can become chronic, and then tonsillitis will occur with every decrease in immunity. Chronic tonsillitis leads to damage to the tonsils, which is treated surgically.

Furacilin tablets for gargling

Furacilin is a powerful antiseptic that acts locally and is of a synthetic nature.

In European countries, this medicine is practically not used anywhere, as it is considered old and ineffective.

In our country, the medicine is in demand and quite often doctors prescribe it for therapy:

  • various types of wounds on the skin;
  • inflammatory process in the mouth;
  • sore throat.

It is when gargling that you notice how quickly the medicine is able to eliminate dangerous microbacteria.

Positive changes in the patient’s condition can be seen after just one use. The medicine inhibits gram-positive/negative microbacteria.

So, this medicine is effective for sore throat, which is caused by bacteria, which leads to pathology in 99%.

In addition, the medication is dangerous for fungal organisms.

The medicine can be used by both adults and children, but only as prescribed by the attending physician, therapist or pediatrician.

Rinsing with furatsilin: preparation of solution and rinsing procedure

The procedure for gargling with Furacilin solution

For the best effect when using Furacilin, you must follow certain rules and not exceed the dosage. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using the drug.

There are certain standards for preparing the solution and using Furacilin:

  • To prepare a solution of Furacilin, it is advisable to use tablets rather than an alcohol solution, but it can also be useful if there are pustules on the tonsils, since alcohol will remove pus more effectively.
  • One tablet of Furacilin must be thoroughly crushed. This can be done without removing it from the blister. The powdered tablet is diluted in 100 ml of clean water. This is the optimal dose at which the effectiveness of the drug will be maximum.
  • The prepared solution is poured into the mouth in small portions, the head is thrown back, and bubbling sounds are made. There is no need to try to swallow Furacilin for the best effect. For angina, it is the tonsils that are important to treat, not the pharynx.
  • You need to gargle in this way for 2-3 minutes, 4 times a day for at least 5 days. The effect may appear within a couple of days, but it is not advisable to interrupt treatment.
  • It is recommended to use all diluted 100 ml of solution per day. This is the optimal dose for treating sore throat. If you cannot gargle at home, you can take the solution with you in a small bottle.

Video on how to properly prepare Furacilin solution from tablets:

The best antibiotic for purulent sore throat for children and adults

The prepared Furacilin solution can be stored for 24 hours. To do this, you need to put it in a cool and dark place and preferably cover it with a lid. You can store the solution in the refrigerator. You cannot gargle with a cold solution; it must be warmed to room temperature before use.

If the solution has deteriorated due to improper storage (for example, in a warm place), this will be noticeable by the changed color.

The color of the solution will turn brown. This solution must be poured out and diluted with a fresh one. Gargling will be more effective if you gargle with a solution of baking soda before using Furacilin. Soda will clean the surface of the tonsils and enhance the effect of Furacilin.

You can add a couple of drops of calendula alcohol tincture to the Furacilin solution for sore throat. This will enhance the antimicrobial effect and speed up recovery.

Contraindications and side effects

Furacilin has a minimum of contraindications and practically does not cause side effects

Furacilin is considered a safe drug, the side effects of which are practically reduced to zero.

Contraindications include:

  • Hypersensitivity. An allergic reaction can manifest itself in a burning sensation and skin rash.
  • If there are areas of bleeding in the throat or tonsils, it is not recommended to use Furacilin.
  • Furacilin should not be taken orally by people with renal failure, during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects are extremely rare. According to doctors, even ingestion of the drug does not pose any particular danger. It is believed that a couple of Furacilin tablets accidentally taken by a child are not dangerous. There is no need to rinse the stomach.

You can use the drug as a gargle even during pregnancy and lactation, since it is not absorbed and does not enter the blood.

How to prepare a rinse solution?

Furacilin is sold in pharmacies in different forms:

  • paste;
  • ointment;
  • aqueous 0.02% solution;
  • alcohol 0.67% solution;
  • pills;
  • powder.

For rinsing, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution (concentration 1 to 5,000), which is sold in ready-made form, but you can make such a product yourself.
To do this, you need to dissolve five tablets of the drug in a liter of water.

Attention! Furacilin does not dissolve well in liquids, so such tablets must first be crushed into powder, and the resulting mixture must be diluted only with warm water, stirring it for several minutes.

After the solution has acquired a homogeneous consistency, it is recommended to additionally strain it through gauze, since undissolved furatsilin crystals may remain in the liquid, causing a burn to the oral cavity if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

If a certain amount of solution remains after rinsing, it can be stored in the refrigerator for the next two days , but the product must be disposed of if it turns brown.

Analogues of the drug

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to cure a sore throat solely by gargling. It is necessary to treat the source of inflammation with antibiotics.

In case of individual intolerance to Furacilin, it can be replaced with other antiseptic drugs, for example:

  • Miramistin also has no side effects or contraindications. It can be used to treat sore throat in children and pregnant women. You can make a solution for rinsing or irrigate the throat using a special nozzle. It is convenient to take a bottle of Mirimistin with you to irrigate anywhere. This drug destroys almost all pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi. It even affects bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
  • Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is also effective for sore throats, but peroxide cannot be called completely safe. In case of overdose, it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. For the same reason, immediately after gargling with a peroxide solution, it is necessary to gargle again with a solution of herbs, which makes the gargling process longer.
  • Along with Furacilin, for sore throat it is recommended to gargle with a solution of Chlorhexidine. It is also a strong antiseptic that destroys bacteria and viruses and relieves inflammation. The drug is available in the form of tablets, solution, and aerosol. For gargling for adults, the drug does not need to be diluted; for children, Chlorhexidine is diluted in a ratio of 1:2.

Treatment of sore throat in children 3 years old: types of sore throat and features of their treatment

Comments (5)

  • Alik

    07/20/2018 at 14:31 |
    Furacilin has long been held in high esteem; we always have it in our home medicine cabinet and we consider this medicine to have a good effect and, most importantly, not expensive compared to modern medicines.


    Expert Marina Rusetskaya

    08/30/2019 at 01:32 pm |

    Alik, furatsilin is not the best drug for gargling.

    Firstly, the drug has an unpleasant taste, which in some patients provokes vomiting.

    Secondly, approximately 95% of pathogens have developed resistance factors to furacilin. Today, it is specially added to the nutrient media on which bacteria are grown.

    It is for this reason that it is better not to use furatsilin solution for gargling.

    Regarding the cost of the drug, there is a more affordable remedy to which microbes do not develop resistance and which can be prepared at home at any time.

    Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water and gargle.


  • Julia

    12/18/2018 at 04:29 |

    And for example, I have a reverse reaction if I start gargling (((That’s why I use only pharmaceutical products, such as Sage from NaturProdukt. I tolerate taking this product well, the taste is really specific, but I like it. And my throat goes away, and for me this is very important.


  • Expert Marina Rusetskaya

    08/30/2019 at 01:37 pm |

    Yulia, it should be noted that furatsilin solution is also a pharmaceutical product, although not the most effective.

    Can you clarify what you mean by the phrase “there is a backlash?”

    The fact is that the whole point of gargling as a procedure is the mechanical removal of microorganisms and their metabolic products from the surface of the oral mucosa.

    The more often the patient gargles, the faster the inflammation stops (passes) and the person recovers.

    True, furatsilin is used as a “food product” for pathogens and the deterioration of your health may be due to this.

    It is also possible that you gargle at fairly large intervals.


  • Olga

    07.11.2019 at 11:19 |

    Julia, I understand you perfectly. The same thing happens to me myself. True, after reading your review, I decided to buy Sage from Natur Product. I tried these lozenges for a sore throat, and I liked their effect so much, even despite their specific taste, that now I use this remedy all the time for a sore throat.


  • Features of using the product during pregnancy and lactation

    Expectant mothers often face such a problem as a sore throat: gargling with Furacilin during pregnancy is allowed, and this procedure is considered absolutely safe.

    The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages (no more than 20 mg of the product per 100 ml of water) and take precautions when using Furacilin for a sore throat:

    • do not swallow the solution;
    • if side effects occur (burning, itching), stop rinsing immediately;
    • Be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using Furacilin in your situation.

    When used externally, Furacilin is absolutely safe for expectant mothers and the fetus.
    When used externally, Furacilin is absolutely safe for expectant mothers and the fetus.

    Furacilin works great for dry throat and in nursing women. The drug helps out in conditions where most drugs are prohibited. The only contraindication for Furacilin is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

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