How can you quickly get rid of ARVI?

ARVI is the most common disease throughout the world. Today there is not a single person who is not familiar with the symptoms of the disease, treatment and consequences of ARVI. All age categories are susceptible to it: children, adults, incl. pregnant women, elderly people. And not because pharmacology is unable to cope with its task, which is to search for new medicinal substances that can effectively cure infections.

Rather, on the contrary, pharmacology alleviates the symptoms of the disease, promoting a speedy recovery of the body. It is completely pointless to rely on it because... The body of each of us is unique and requires an individual approach in everything, incl. treatment of ARVI. All we have to do is rely on our strengths, skills, common sense and think about how to quickly cure ARVI in the comfort of home. After all, houses and native walls help!

In most cases, ARVI enters the human body in two ways: airborne, i.e. by inhaling the same air as a sick person and oral, i.e. kissing, shaking hands, hugging and touching contaminated surfaces.

susceptible to ARVI

  • Upper respiratory tract:
      nasal cavity;
  • pharynx;
  • epiglottis.

In the early stages of the disease, symptoms of ARVI manifest themselves in the form of a runny nose, frequent sneezing, sore and sore throat, and dry cough.

  • Lower respiratory tract:
  • bronchi;
  • lungs.

In subsequent stages of the disease, ARVI manifests itself in the form of chills, headache, aches, weakness, and increased body temperature.

Provided there are no other complications, the symptoms listed above can be successfully treated at home using proven, cheap remedies. Otherwise, a doctor’s consultation is required so as not to miss the disease entering the chronic stage.

Symptoms of the disease

ARVI makes itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • sore and sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • body aches;
  • cough;
  • general weakness;
  • lacrimation and pain in the eyes;
  • elevated body temperature.

During the course of the disease, laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), rhinitis (runny nose) develop, and complications such as sore throat, bronchitis, and tracheitis are also common. In severe cases, pneumonia or sinusitis may occur.

Treatment of ARVI in children

It is known that a child in the first months of life does not suffer from ARVI and this is due to minimal contact, physical isolation from other people and the immunity that he receives from his mother at birth. Children in the first years of life are most susceptible to the disease (up to 10 times a year), which is associated with visiting child care institutions (nurseries, kindergarten, school). Subsequently, the child acquires immunity and gets sick much less often.

An indicator that a child is sick may be: temperature, lethargic mood, tearfulness. Temperature measurements, which can be taken rectal (for children under 5 years old) or a regular thermometer, will help you verify this. If the temperature stays above 380C for more than two days, you should call a doctor. Self-medication is not appropriate in this case!

Before the doctor arrives, the following will help reduce your temperature:

  1. wet wipes, which will cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin and cool it by evaporating moisture on the skin;
  2. warm herbal teas, compotes from frozen fruits or dried fruits, pure still water without sugar;
  3. frequent ventilation of the room.

How to quickly cure ARVI in children

Secrets of effective and quick treatment of influenza and ARVI in children at home

How to quickly cure influenza and ARVI in a child. Is it possible to do without potent drugs? Caring parents often ask their family doctors these questions. Children's illnesses always cause great concern among loved ones. In addition, they want to get their son or daughter back on their feet faster and not use a lot of harmful medications. Many people have known about how to cure ARVI using traditional methods since childhood. Tea with lemon, raspberries, onions, garlic, hot milk with honey - these are just some of the components of home therapy for colds. Recovery will come faster if you add a few more components, which will be discussed below.

"Aflubin" knows how to quickly cure the flu

Of course, a young body is able to overcome any cold. Aflubin, a natural drug that can be given to children from birth, will help him with this. It completely safely activates the child’s immune defenses, destroys infectious agents and significantly reduces the duration of the disease. Manufacturers of the drug thoroughly studied questions about how to treat ARVI in children and adults, how to reduce unpleasant cold symptoms. The knowledge gained formed the basis of Aflubin.

More air and moisture

Almost every person knows how to treat the flu with medications, but few know about the necessary climatic conditions of the patient’s room. Frequent airing of the nursery should become a mandatory procedure for parents who are worried about how to quickly cure influenza and ARVI. If the air in the room is humid and not very warm, the child will feel much better. His nasal congestion and dry cough will disappear.

An increase in body temperature is the body's fight against viruses

Fever is one of the main symptoms of a cold. To the question of how to treat ARVI, many people have one answer - take antipyretic drugs. This is not always true. The temperature rises due to complex processes that are part of the protective reactions of the immune system.

Of course, if the thermometer shows numbers above 38.5, action must be taken. Parents want to know how to quickly cure influenza and ARVI in their baby, but they do not always listen to the advice of doctors. Mothers suppress low temperatures or do not pay attention to high fever. These actions can lead to undesirable consequences.

The right diet will help with colds

A sick child usually refuses to eat, and this is completely normal. The body itself knows how to cure the flu. To make it easier for him, it is better not to give the patient large amounts of protein foods, as well as fatty broths. The ideal option is to drink plenty of fluids, eat vegetables and fruits. The child needs to drink compotes, fruit drinks, and herbal teas. If he does not have allergies, then the diet should include citrus fruits, as well as other foods rich in vitamin C.

The secret of how to quickly cure influenza and ARVI in a child is to follow these simple rules. And the use of Aflubin for therapeutic and preventive purposes will help the body resist viruses.

Quick treatment of ARVI in children and adults

More than a billion cases of acute respiratory viral infections occur every year. A lot of gloomy people and a lot of handkerchiefs! But what is ARVI? The term means an acute illness causing the following symptoms:

  • cough
  • headache
  • loss of appetite
  • It feels like someone has filled your head, nasal and sinus passages with lead. An increase in temperature in adults is rare, but often in children with colds.

    What is a good treatment for ARVI?

    Good news: there is actually a cure for the common cold. It's called time. For a certain period of time, the body fights the cold virus and you recover. There is no real need to treat symptoms of infection. You should focus on alleviating them and supporting your immune system.

    What about zinc? There was a lot of buzz around this metal when one study found that zinc lozenges helped reduce infection rates. Other studies have not confirmed this. Again, consuming zinc does not make the condition worse, but it does leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

    The same goes for vitamin C and echinacea - they won't harm you, but there is little evidence that these remedies speed up recovery from a cold. The good news is, no matter what you do, colds almost always get better.

    How to treat ARVI

    Thus, the emphasis of treatment should be on reducing symptoms, which is not difficult. Tips on what to do if you get sick:

  1. Take care of yourself - rest and eat right. Your body is working hard to get better, give it all the help it needs. You don't have to lie in bed all day, but you shouldn't strain yourself.
  2. Relieve symptoms - cough, pain and fever medications alone or in combination. Antihistamines, found in many medications, are not very good for treating ARVI, although they will help you sleep more peacefully. Read labels and choose medications that suit your symptoms.
  3. Moisturize – Using a humidifier and saline nasal spray will soften mucous membranes and make it easier to clear your nose. This will reduce the likelihood of developing bacterial infections, sinusitis and ear infections.

You may have heard of recent recommendations not to use cold medicines on young children. This is not because they are dangerous, but because no studies have shown that these remedies actually help children. If these drugs pose even a very small risk, they should not be used. Do not give them to children under 2 years of age.

When to worry

Sometimes a cold can become a more severe infection and require antibiotics. Be careful around young children who have a severe cough, this is a sign of serious viral infections.

You can never go wrong by going to the doctor. Just don’t insist on prescribing antibiotics. With a virus, you run the risk of developing bacterial resistance.

Common myths about ARVI

You may have heard a number of stories about the disease in question that are not true:

  1. You won't get ARVI if your feet are cold by going to bed with wet hair or going outside without a jacket. No matter how many mothers and grandmothers claim the above, it simply is not true.
  2. Fasting does not help treat colds and fever. Just eat healthy no matter how you feel.
  3. Drinking extra fluid, more than you want, will simply make you urinate more often. Just drink enough to stay hydrated.
  4. Green snot does not mean you should take antibiotics. The mucus in the nose in most colds eventually turns green.
  5. Bronchitis is a term that describes inflammation in the airways leading to the lungs. Doctors use this term for patients with a wet cough. Most often, bronchitis is of a viral nature; it does not require antibiotics.

Folk remedies for ARVI

A viral infection of the nose and throat is relatively harmless, but causes irritating symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, chest and sinus congestion. A cold can be the result of a number of viruses with varying symptoms.

When the virus is in the air, it is very easy to catch a cold. When you sneeze and cough, infected particles fly into the air, making them easy to inhale and spread the infection further. Vaccination does not always help, since the number of viruses that cause colds is high, plus their countless mutations during the cold season. Hand washing and face masks are good prevention measures, although they are not always possible.

The best cure for ARVI

No cure for a cold? At least there are very good home remedies for coughs and colds! Apple cider vinegar, baking soda, zinc, garlic, and a wide range of other natural antibiotics and household remedies to prevent and speed up recovery from infection.

The most popular means:

Tips for home, health and life.

01/14/2015 &harr 2 comment(s)

How to quickly and inexpensively cure ARVI in a child

Hello my dear! Today we’ll talk about a very relevant topic, at least for me. I think it will be useful for many of you. Of course, I did not discover America; all information is available in open sources. Nevertheless, no one canceled the experience)))

My eldest daughter recently started going to kindergarten. And then came OH HORROR! We began to get sick constantly and always, and not only get sick, but also infect everyone in the household. As a result, my youngest daughter and I visited the infectious diseases hospital three times in three months of her life! For the first time in my life, I learned what obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis and much, much more are.

We spent a lot of money on medicine! One trip to the pharmacy cost at least 1500-2000 rubles. How to save money on medicines and quickly cure my girls stood out to me. And then inspiration came to me! Everything is just outrageous! And so everything is in order.


First, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the child really has an acute respiratory viral infection. If you are unable to do this, consult your doctor.

The main signs of ARVI in children are:

  • runny nose
  • a sore throat
  • increase in body temperature
  • cough
  • weakness and moodiness
  • I would like to note that these are only the main and obvious symptoms. Since acute respiratory viral infections are caused by more than 200 constantly mutating viruses (namely viruses, not bacteria and microbes), no antimicrobial drugs will help. I'm talking about antibiotics now.

    It’s another matter if the baby’s weakened body has contracted a complication in the form of a bacterial infection (sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis media, and so on), then antibiotics are necessary. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

    Secondly, provide all the necessary conditions for a quick recovery. To do this, humidify the air in the apartment. The ideal option is to buy a humidifier. But if you don’t have it or you can’t buy it, don’t be upset. For example, I successfully use a sprayer. I do this often, almost every hour. It’s very good to add a few drops of fir oil to the water. The smell in the apartment is like a forest))). Plus additional inhalation. After all, fir oil has long been known for its healing properties in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ventilate the room frequently. Fresh air is useful not only during illness, but we often forget about it. It is especially good to do this before bed. Walking during ARVI is not contraindicated if there is no fever.

    Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to a quick recovery. If a child has no appetite, it’s not a problem; it’s a problem if he doesn’t drink. Cook compotes, make fruit drinks, juices, tea with raspberries. Herbs have a healing effect on the body: chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, and chest packs for coughs. Remember that a child’s body is very unpredictable; an allergy that has never existed may suddenly appear.

    I advise you to watch a video with the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky. He has a very modern approach to the treatment of ARVI in children. He substantiates all his words and gives clear definitions. All mothers need to know everything that is discussed in the video in order to properly treat their children.

    So, it's time to talk about medications for the treatment of ARVI.


    At first, I bought all kinds of expensive and inexpensive drugs, hoping that the advertising told the truth and a speedy recovery for my girls was just around the corner. How naive I was! Unfortunately, it did not immediately dawn on me that to successfully treat a cold, you only need a small set of medications, and not the most expensive ones.

    A runny nose can be easily treated with saline solution. I use it to wash my nose. You can also make it yourself. For a liter of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of salt, ideally sea salt, but if you don’t have it, it’s okay. Salt helps relieve swelling and disinfect the nasal cavity. It is absolutely safe and is used even to treat newborns. Sold in any pharmacy at a cheap price. How do I rinse my children's noses? I instill half a pipette of saline. solution into each nasal passage, wait 5 minutes and suck out the nozzles using the Otrivin Baby aspirator. Next, I instill healing drops (Pinosol, Protorgol, Isofra - only for green snot). Before going to bed or if there is severe nasal congestion during the day, I use Rinostop for children. There is no difference from its analogues, and it costs much less. It is very important to keep your feet warm.

    Green snot is another question. In this case, I buy a drug that is not cheap, but effective - Isofra (local antibiotic). Helps literally in 1 day. But the entire course of treatment MUST be completed (7 days).

    Treatment for red throat is also not difficult. An excellent helper for me is an inexpensive and natural drug - Chlorophyllipt (oil base). It consists of eucalyptus extract and has pronounced antimicrobial properties. The only side effect can be an allergy. The second indispensable assistant is Miramistin. Pharmacies sell its analogue, several times cheaper, under the name Chlorhexidine. If a child starts coughing due to a sore throat, then I make the following drink: take a glass of hot milk, add a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. I mix everything until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Milk should be drunk in small sips.

    Things are different with cough treatment. Errors are not allowed here. As you know, cough can be dry and wet (productive and non-productive). And each of them requires its own approach. As a rule, a dry cough turns into a wet cough after a few days. If the sputum does not come out well, I give Ambroxol according to the instructions. Inhalations with physical help well. solution. For this we have a nebulizer. I advise everyone to buy it. The thing is simply irreplaceable. Onion juice is a good remedy for coughs. If there is a lot of phlegm, then I give breast milk, licorice root in syrup or marshmallow root. I would like to note that all my actions are only suitable for the treatment of ARVI without complications. If they cannot be avoided, then I use more serious treatment. Bronchicum syrup is an excellent anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, antimicrobial agent of plant origin.

    I lower the temperature if it rises above 38.5. I use Nurofen.

    Recently, I have completely given up immunostimulants, such as Anaferon, Viferon, and so on. They do not have independent clinical studies, and their effectiveness has not been proven. Instead, you can give your baby echinacea extract (the same Immunal, only cheaper), honey, propolis. Don't forget about oxaline ointment either. It is suitable not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of runny nose, both in adults and children.

    Treatment of ARVI in children is quite troublesome and expensive. We, parents, cannot escape sleepless nights and whims. But if you have sufficient knowledge, then no viruses will overcome or ruin your mood.

    I hope my tips will be useful to you. I kiss everyone and look forward to your responses!

    How to quickly cure a viral infection?

    If you feel slightly unwell and your body temperature has risen, most likely you have become infected with ARVI. Viral infection is the most pathogenic, so it is usually the cause of hyperthermia. Later, a bacterial infection may also join it. But this will already be considered a complication (sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop), which is difficult to cure.

    Forms of ARVI

    Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) unite a large group of similar diseases with the same type of symptoms and predominant damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, nose and paranasal sinuses. This general group includes diseases such as:

  • flu
  • parainfluenza
  • adenovirus infection
  • and respiratory syncytial infection.
  • Symptoms of a viral infection

    The symptoms of a cold are:

  • acute onset of illness
  • hyperthermia (not always found)
  • chills
  • headache
  • muscle pain,
  • a sore throat
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • pain in the eyes
  • sneezing
  • general malaise
  • decreased ability to work.
  • How to cure a cold quickly?

    Doctors warn that there is no panacea for ARVI that would be able to cure a cold in a few days. If a person catches a viral infection, it will take some time for special cells to be produced that will stop its reproduction in the body and destroy it. The patient’s task is to help the body do this as quickly as possible.

    First aid for ARVI

    If you suspect the first symptoms of a cold, you first need to call a doctor and take a sick leave to stay in bed.

    You cannot go to work to avoid complications and infect others. This is the most important condition for effective and quick treatment!

    To treat ARVI, the patient should be provided with rest. The body signals that it is time to take a break and lie down. Sometimes a few days of quiet time are enough to completely get rid of a mild cold.

    If you expect quick treatment of ARVI, drink more fluid, preferably alkaline water, such as Borjomi, because viruses are afraid of an acidic environment. To heal, choose still water. Drinking plenty of fluids will help quickly eliminate toxins produced by viral activity from the body. In addition to still water, you can drink fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, tea with lemon. If you are feeling very unwell, you are shivering, and your temperature has risen above 38 degrees, then you are suffering from infectious intoxication.

    In this case, a proven folk remedy – raspberry tea – will help. It is absolutely harmless, so this treatment is recommended for everyone, even expectant mothers and small children. To make tea with raspberry jam, you need to dilute a few teaspoons of jam into a glass of freshly brewed tea. To prepare a drink from dried raspberries, pour a cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the fruit and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour.

    How to prevent the development of the disease at an early stage?

    ARVI can be prevented at an early stage of the disease. It is believed that for this it is necessary to take a loading dose of ascorbic acid. In the first three days you need to take 1000 mg several times a day. Then the dose will need to be reduced by 2 times.

    Some doctors believe that this is useless, others consider this measure justified. In any case, there is no harm in taking vitamin C!

    For a quick recovery from ARVI, doctors recommend taking hot foot baths. To cure the disease, add 30 grams to a container of hot water. mustard powder. Scientists have noticed that there is a connection between the biologically active points of the foot and the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, since the foot is a powerful reflexogenic area of ​​the human body. This also explains the fact that a person gets sick very quickly if he gets his feet wet. To cure a patient, it is necessary to ensure that the room where he is located is well ventilated. Clean and cool air will facilitate rapid treatment. The room where the patient is located should have high humidity. Dry air helps dry out mucus, while treatment of ARVI involves ensuring its natural outflow.

    If possible, purchase a humidifier. If not, replace it with hanging wet sheets or placing a bowl of water next to the bed. You can nullify the effects of a cold and alleviate your condition with the help of remedies that you will probably find at home. You can drip salt water into your nose by first dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in 1 tablespoon of heated boiled water. This will help the nasal mucosa stay moist and help remove mucus.

    Instilling vasoconstrictor drops into the nose helps prevent sinusitis and relieve swelling.

    Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops can lead to chronic rhinitis and constant nasal congestion.

    Inhalations will help treat a runny nose and sore throat.

    Important! Inhalations can be done only with a break of 1-1.5 hours.

    Gargling with infusions of medicinal herbs, such as sage or chamomile, will help get rid of a sore throat. You can also gargle with baking soda. The main thing is to do it often. For a viral infection, it is useful to massage the chest, back and neck (the area above the shoulder blades). It is also recommended to do inhalations with the addition of a few drops of fir oil per manipulation.

    Remember! Small children should not do such inhalations!

    What will the doctor prescribe?

    The doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. They will help relieve pain and reduce body temperature.

    There is no need to try to reduce the temperature at the very beginning of the disease. With its help, the body fights the development and reproduction of viruses. But this does not apply to small children and patients with convulsive syndrome!

    For the flu, the doctor may also prescribe antiallergic drugs, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They will help cope with swelling of the mucous membranes and nasal congestion. New generation antihistamines do not cause drowsiness. If you have a cough, your doctor will prescribe you appropriate medications to help you cope with it. The main goal of cough treatment is to make the sputum thin enough so that the patient can cough it up.

    If expectoration is difficult, you can use special drugs - such as mucaltin, ACC and broncholitin.

    Remember! Drinking warm liquid thins mucus, so drinking plenty of fluids will help relieve your cough!

    There is no need to self-medicate and self-prescribe medications that reduce the cough reflex, because this can lead to dangerous consequences.

    Advice! You should not attribute antibiotics to yourself!

    Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only when complications caused by bacteria occur. Antibiotics are useless against viruses. In addition, they can harm the body. Uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs can lead to the emergence of resistant bacteria.

    Antiviral drugs - benefits and harms

    Drug treatment of an acute viral infection, if it is not accompanied by complications, usually consists of symptomatic therapy, that is, relieving the symptoms of the disease (as mentioned above). The effectiveness of antiviral drugs has been virtually unproven. Arbidol - this drug is used in the treatment of ARVI only in the post-Soviet space.

    No full clinical trials have been conducted on this drug, that is, its effectiveness has not been proven. If you believe the advertising, Viferon rectal suppositories help quickly cure ARVI. In fact, the drug only works when administered parenterally, and it also has numerous side effects. Other antiviral drugs, such as cycloferon or thymogen, also have few clinical trials, so it is advisable not to use them when treating children. Drugs such as rimantadine and Tamiflu have been proven to be effective, but they are used only for influenza.

    Following our recommendations will not cure you instantly, but it will shorten your illness by several days and also avoid serious complications.

    This is interesting:

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  • September 10, 2020
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    Treatment of ARVI in adults

    The best and most effective way to treat ARVI is not to waste time. The sooner treatment is started, the easier and faster the disease recedes. The most correct and justified thing would be to stay at home for a few days and use folk remedies in the treatment of ARVI:

    1. Bed rest, rest and sleep;

    2. Ventilate the room several times a day;

    3. Daily wet cleaning (with vinegar);

    4. At temperatures above 38.50C, wet wipes with vinegar ;

    5. Instillation of the nose and gargling with a solution of sea salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of boiled water) several times a day;

    6. Frequent drinking of warm drinks:

    • teas with: lemon, honey, ginger, raspberry, currant, cranberry jam;
    • herbal decoctions from: linden flowers, chamomile, rose hips, marshmallow roots, licorice, coltsfoot leaves, plantain, lemon balm, peppermint;
    • compotes from fresh frozen fruits and berries;
    • dried fruit compotes.

    7. Steam inhalations with:

    • medicinal herbs (eucalyptus, peppermint, pine buds, spruce);
    • essential oils (lemon, orange, tangerine, lime, tea tree, cypress, juniper, pine, thuja, fir);
    • garlic and onions;

    Contraindications to steam inhalation may include: high blood pressure, heart and pulmonary failure.

    8. Massage:

    • chest in a circular motion;
    • points above the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows);
    • bases of the wings of the nose;
    • temporal region.

    9. Rubbing:

    • ears - will ensure blood flow to the internal organs, for which the five nerves passing through them are responsible.
    • feet and palms – stimulates the work of all organs and systems, mobilizing the body to fight infection;

    10. Homeopathic remedies - do not have side effects, have an effect on the symptoms of the disease, as well as infections and viruses that cause the disease.

    11. Walking in the fresh air activates the symptoms of the disease, stimulating the body to better demonstrate protective reactions.

    The main thing is to avoid mistakes

    Treatment of ARVI in children 2 years of age is prescribed by a pediatrician. Parents need to always remember this so as not to make common mistakes. So, what should you absolutely not do?

    • Self-medicate, especially when it comes to the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe such medications, taking into account the symptoms and condition of the child.
    • Reduce temperature if it is below 38.5 degrees. Fever is a natural protective reaction of the body, and it is not recommended to suppress it without good reason. You can take an antipyretic if the baby does not tolerate the temperature well or suffers from a neurological disease. In other cases, it is better to give the baby more to drink.
    • Rub the child with vinegar or alcohol, apply mustard plasters and jars, and use herbs. These products in the wrong concentration can cause burns or provoke an allergic reaction. In the treatment of ARVI in children 2-3 years old, you can safely use chamomile and fennel, but only if there is no allergy to them.
    • Stop taking medications as soon as the baby feels better. In this case, the treatment will be incomplete. The viral threat will not pass, but will become less active. The result will be a return of the disease a few days after the apparent recovery.
    • Ignore the risk of secondary infection. Under the influence of viruses, the nasopharyngeal mucosa is damaged and becomes more vulnerable to bacterial and fungal attacks. Therefore, treatment of ARVI in children 3 years of age must be supplemented with drugs with a reparative effect. Only a healthy mucous membrane prevents infection from spreading lower into the respiratory tract!

    Treatment of ARVI in pregnant women

    A natural fact during pregnancy is a decrease in immunity. Therefore, pregnant women are more susceptible to colds than others. Dangerous periods are considered to be the early stages of pregnancy, during which the risk of miscarriage increases due to the penetration of a viral infection into the body.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor. Hospitalization of pregnant women is a last resort and is indicated only by the attending physician. Typically, for ARVI, pregnant women are treated at home using traditional medicine methods:

    1. Complete rest and limitation of movements;
    2. Preference for dairy and plant products;
    3. Ventilation of the room and wet cleaning;
    4. Gargling with saline solutions, herbal decoctions;
    5. Rinsing the nose with saline solutions;
    6. Warm teas from herbs, citrus fruits, vegetable decoctions.

    Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from:

    • hover legs;
    • take hot baths;
    • use antibiotics and medications without a doctor’s prescription.

    You should approach the choice of medicinal herbs responsibly so as not to provoke allergic or other undesirable reactions and not harm the fetus.

    How to cure ARVI in a child: my scheme

    First, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the child really has an acute respiratory viral infection. If you are unable to do this, consult your doctor.

    The main signs of ARVI in children are:

    • runny nose
    • a sore throat
    • increase in body temperature
    • cough
    • weakness and moodiness

    I would like to note that these are only the main and obvious symptoms. Since acute respiratory viral infections are caused by more than 200 constantly mutating viruses (namely viruses, not bacteria and microbes), no antimicrobial drugs will help. I'm talking about antibiotics now.

    It’s another matter if the baby’s weakened body has contracted a complication in the form of a bacterial infection (sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis media, and so on), then antibiotics are necessary. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

    Secondly, provide all the necessary conditions for a quick recovery. To do this, humidify the air in the apartment. The ideal option is to buy a humidifier. But if you don’t have it or you can’t buy it, don’t be upset. For example, I successfully use a sprayer. I do this often, almost every hour. It’s very good to add a few drops of fir oil to the water. The smell in the apartment is like a forest))). Plus additional inhalation. After all, fir oil has long been known for its healing properties in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ventilate the room frequently. Fresh air is useful not only during illness, but we often forget about it. It is especially good to do this before bed. Walking during ARVI is not contraindicated if there is no fever.

    Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to a quick recovery. If a child has no appetite, it’s not a problem; it’s a problem if he doesn’t drink. Cook compotes, make fruit drinks, juices, tea with raspberries. Herbs have a healing effect on the body: chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, and chest packs for coughs. Remember that a child’s body is very unpredictable; an allergy that has never existed may suddenly appear.

    I advise you to watch a video with the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky. He has a very modern approach to the treatment of ARVI in children. He substantiates all his words and gives clear definitions. All mothers need to know everything that is discussed in the video in order to properly treat their children.

    So, it's time to talk about medications for the treatment of ARVI.


    ARVI is an annoying and unpleasant fact in our lives. We can reduce the number of diseases, make their course less long and depressing. First of all, it is a healthy way of life, which involves:

    • sports and physical education;
    • rational nutrition with a gastronomic variety of dishes and balance in the system: proteins-fats-carbohydrates;
    • giving up bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption);
    • hardening of the body (rubbing, dousing), etc.;
    • avoiding hypothermia and overheating;
    • reducing stressful situations and bringing them to a minimum;
    • a mandatory recovery period, which is accompanied by rest and sleep;
    • positive emotions and good mood.

    With this set, ARVI will not visit your body for a long time! You will receive joy and pleasure from life!

    Causes of influenza in children

    No matter how widespread the myth about the cold may be, first of all it should be clarified that you do not get the flu from walking without a hat and getting your feet wet. Hypothermia as such does not provoke the disease, but it increases the chances of infection: cold causes spasm of small blood vessels and does not have the best effect on the functioning of the immune system.

    Influenza is a viral disease, and the influenza virus spreads quickly and has a high degree of virulence (variability). The influenza virus mutates almost every year, and it is almost impossible to develop stable immunity to it - even if you have already had the flu this season, nothing prevents you from catching it again if you encounter a different strain of this virus. This is why flu vaccinations have to be carried out annually.

    Influenza epidemics occur every year in the autumn-winter period, and pandemics covering the whole world occur every 15–20 years.

    It is very easy to get the flu. Most often, it is transmitted from person to person through airborne droplets - all it takes is someone sneezing near your child. But this virus can also be transmitted through household means (dirty hands, etc.). The virus itself is unstable and can be easily destroyed with any household antiseptic or detergent, but such hygiene standards are maintained only at home

    And children themselves, who have not fully grasped the importance of hygiene, often wash their hands irregularly, like to exchange toys, drink from the same glass, etc., which only increases the risk of getting sick.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In the first 2–3 days after infection, the child feels well, there are no signs of illness. But as the virus spreads in the body, the condition worsens sharply. Usually the onset of influenza in children is acute, it begins with a sudden increase in temperature to 39 o C and even 40 o C (this is especially typical for children under 5 years of age). Chills, muscle pain and aching joints, headache appear; a dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat may also be present. Due to intoxication, appetite decreases and vomiting may begin. The toxins released by the virus destroy capillaries, leading to nosebleeds or a rash. Sometimes toxic damage affects the central nervous system, leading to delirium, convulsions, and hallucinations.


    As mentioned earlier, influenza is transmitted through airborne droplets. Therefore, you can become infected by being just a couple of meters from a sick person. The influenza virus attaches to the epithelium lining the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx, and from there it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, the disease may be:

    • Light.
    • Moderate weight.
    • Heavy.
    • Hypertoxic.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what a child is sick with. Flu and ARVI have similar symptoms, but unlike an acute respiratory viral infection, the flu begins suddenly.

    Moderate symptoms

    Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of moderate flu. In just a few hours, the child's condition deteriorates greatly. He becomes lethargic, whiny, restless, the temperature rises to thirty-eight to forty degrees and stays at this level for two to three days. In addition, the child suffers from headaches, aches in the muscles and joints.

    On the second day, these symptoms are accompanied by a sore throat and dry cough. Nasal congestion may occur. But a runny nose is not typical for the flu. When examining a child, the doctor may see fluctuations in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. The blood vessels become brittle, causing small hemorrhages and nosebleeds to appear on the body. Other characteristic symptoms of swine flu are abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Symptoms in severe stage

    With severe influenza, symptoms of intoxication are pronounced. Against the background of an elevated temperature that does not subside for a long time, the child may experience hallucinations, bleeding from the nose and gums.

    Young children are very susceptible to neurotoxicosis, which manifests itself as headaches, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and meningismus.

    Severe forms of influenza are often accompanied by complications. The hypertoxic form of influenza is very dangerous for children. It is very difficult and can lead to infectious-toxic shock. Often there may not even be catarrhal symptoms. Death may occur due to pulmonary edema or heart failure several hours after the onset of the disease.

    Treatment of ARVI

    Symptomatic treatment


    Treatment for a child with a cold is different from treatment for an adult. Antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants, and expectorants, alone and in combination with each other, are marketed as agents that relieve cold symptoms. However, several clinical trials of these drugs have been conducted in infants and children and have not found any benefit in infants and children.

    An FDA advisory panel does not recommend
    the use of these drugs in children younger than six years of age.
    We agree with this recommendation because these medications have not been shown to be effective or safe in this age group. For children over 6 years of age, cold remedies may pose fewer risks but also still lack evidence of effectiveness.
    The only exception to this rule is a drug from the group of antihistamines - diphenhydramine, which may have a slight positive effect (drowsiness) in children with ARVI older than 12 months. However, there are other possible side effects of this antihistamine, including agitation, slow breathing, and hallucinations. Thus, after consultation with a doctor, a parent can decide to treat a child older than 12 months with diphenhydramine, taking into account, however, that the benefits of such therapy are small and other side effects are possible.

    Parents can give acetaminophen (paracetamol) to a child who experiences discomfort from a fever during the first few days of a cold. Ibuprofen (Nurofen) can be given to children older than six months. Aspirin should not be given to a child of any age under 18 years of age. There is no benefit from these drugs unless the child is experiencing discomfort from fever, or if the temperature does not exceed 38ºC, in which case antipyretics are not required. Parents should discuss with their doctor when and how to treat fever.

    Humidifying the air can reduce symptoms of congestion and runny nose.

    Parents should encourage their child to drink enough fluids, but do not consume more than normal amounts. Children often have a decreased appetite when they have a cold, and may eat less than usual. If an infant or child completely refuses to eat or drink for an extended period of time, parents should consult a doctor with the child.

    Antibiotics are not effective in treating colds.

    They may be needed if a viral infection is complicated by a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection, pneumonia, or sinusitis. Parents who think their child has a bacterial complication should contact their pediatrician.

    The use of antibiotics without indications can lead to the development of flora resistance to antibiotics, as well as the development of side effects, such as allergic reactions.

    Additional information about the dangers of using antibiotics without indication:

    Herbal medicine and alternative treatments

    include taking zinc supplements, vitamin C, and herbal remedies such as echinacea, which are marketed as treatments and preventatives for colds. None of these drugs have been proven effective in clinical studies and their use is not recommended.

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