A constantly stuffy nose is a common phenomenon and is not always associated with colds or a common runny nose.
The feeling of constant congestion prevents us from living a full life and working efficiently. Often leads to various diseases.
A terrible condition when you feel that your nose is constantly stuffy and there is not enough air. At the same time, there may be a headache that interferes with normal thinking and living a full life, and facial pain.
Constant sneezing and watery eyes can frighten others. There doesn’t seem to be a runny nose, but I constantly want to blow my nose. This condition can cause serious complications, so you need to understand the cause as quickly as possible and begin timely treatment.
The main causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose
Important: nasal congestion may be associated with a serious illness, so we advise you to urgently consult a specialist.
There are various reasons:
- Consequences of various injuries.
- Congenital defects.
- Entry of foreign bodies.
- Polyps.
- Adenoids.
- Allergic reactions.
- Colds.
- Rhinitis.
Let's look at it in detail.
With colds, nasal congestion is one of the first symptoms. It may take 2-3 days to fix the problem.
When you have sinusitis, the first symptom is also nasal congestion.
Pain appears in the bridge of the nose and frontal region. Watery eyes are also a sign of sinusitis.
Nasal congestion in the morning
Sometimes it happens that when you wake up in the morning, your nose is stuffy and it’s hard to breathe. At other times this problem does not exist.
Most often this happens due to heating devices that dry out the air in the room.
You can cover the radiators in the bedroom with a wet cloth at night.
If this does not help, be sure to contact a specialist.
Nocturnal nasal congestion
It happens that the nose is stuffy only at night.
Doctors believe that this is most often caused by an allergic reaction. If you are not an allergy sufferer and have never had an allergy, still get tested for the irritant.
Allergies can appear at any time, in any person. Regardless of age, gender, the lifestyle you lead, the scope of your activity.
Vasomotor rhinitis
It may appear from irritating odors.
Nasal congestion can occur from:
- tobacco smoke;
- smell of medicines;
- varnish;
- paints;
- icy air, etc.
The symptoms of such a runny nose are slightly different from ordinary congestion.
Often, a severe runny nose with copious amounts of clear mucus is the main symptom.
Sneezing and a feeling of a lump in the throat are also signs of vasomotor rhinitis.
Constantly stuffy nose without runny nose
If the situation is more serious, and the congestion is continuous, the cause needs to be looked for deeper and not put off a visit to an otolaryngologist.
A doctor can diagnose the following problems:
- polyps;
- anatomical curvature of the nasal septum;
- failure in the endocrine system.
The first two reasons are eliminated surgically, and the second involves the appointment of additional tests and hormonal therapy.
If congestion has been haunting you for several weeks, do not be patient - contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
to the content?
Why does dry nose occur?
The causes of dryness can be different:
- high use of hormonal drugs;
- large use of vasoconstrictor drops;
- poor climatic conditions;
- dry air from a heater or air conditioner;
- thermal or chemical burn;
- injuries;
- rhinitis;
- may be side effects of medications taken;
- old age (some people begin to thin the mucous membrane);
- allergy;
- frequent blowing your nose;
- dry air;
- dust;
- stress;
- smoking;
- alcohol;
- frequent rhinitis.
How to treat it?
Before starting treatment, you need to create favorable conditions to facilitate breathing, such as:
- you need to ventilate the room;
- humidify the air;
- introduce spicy foods into your diet;
- sleep with your head held high;
- drinking plenty of water;
- inhalation.
You can be treated:
- traditional methods
- with the help of medications
- massages
- through surgery
Traditional methods of treating congestion
Treatment with honey and honeycombs
- Scientists have proven that chewing honeycombs in the morning can cure nasal congestion. You need to chew honeycomb for 10 minutes before breakfast.
- Peeled and washed beets need to be grated, then squeezed out the juice. Then measure out 2.5 teaspoons of juice and add a spoonful of honey. Mix thoroughly. Place 5 drops in each nostril.
- Honey drops are good for sensitive nasal mucosa. Take a spoonful of honey and 2 tablespoons of warm water, stir until completely dissolved. Apply 7 drops three times a day.
- Honey with horseradish can also help. Squeeze out the juice, take half a spoon, add ten tablespoons of juice, mix thoroughly. This composition is used for lubrication.
- Peel the onion and chop it. Take sixty milliliters of boiling water, cool it slightly, take three tablespoons of onion and a spoonful of honey, add to the water. Strain through gauze or bandage. Used for rinsing or as drops up to 5 times a day. 6. Take two spoons of honey and add one spoon of mint oil. Used for lubrication.
Treatment with aloe
Scarlet is a unique plant used for treatment. It is not addictive. The juice of this plant has healing, antiviral and antiseptic properties.
You need to take the lower leaves, they are the most fleshy.
- Wash the leaves and let them dry.
- We take a thin cloth, wrap the leaves in it and put it in the refrigerator.
- After twelve hours we take out the leaves.
- We cut off the spines that are on the sides of the leaves.
- Cut and grind until you get a homogeneous mass.
- Squeeze out the juice.
The juice is stored for up to 2 weeks in glass containers in a cool place.
Attention! the juice can cause burns or irritation of the mucous membranes; it must be diluted with honey or water.
- Do not use for pregnant women (may cause uterine contractions)
- Use carefully for people with hypertension and heart failure (juice increases blood circulation)
- in some cases may cause an allergic reaction.
More about aloe – Aloe – medicinal properties and contraindications
Treatment with carrot juice
It does not cause irritation or burns to the mucous membranes, so it can be safely used by children, pregnant women and allergy sufferers.
You need to choose bright, elastic carrots.
- We wash and clean it.
- Juice can be obtained using a grater or juicer.
- Then squeeze through gauze.
- For an adult we dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1, for a child 1:2.
- We drip the nose every three hours.
Important! Carrot juice is used only freshly squeezed!
Treatment with beet juice
Beetroot juice is not addictive and does not cause allergies. Helps dilate blood vessels and also reduces swelling of the mucous membrane.
- Wash the beets thoroughly.
- Remove the skin in a thin layer.
- Pour boiling water over it.
- Juice can be obtained using a juicer or a fine grater.
- If you use a grater, then squeeze out the grated beets using gauze.
- Pour the juice into a glass container, do not cover it with a lid, and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
- The juice is diluted with water 1:1 and we bury it in the nose a couple of times a day, 3-5 drops.
Treatment with sea salt
- We take water, one glass,
- add a pinch of salt and a drop of iodine.
- We bury the nose twice a day.
Treatment with egg heating
- You need to hard boil a couple of eggs.
- Wrap them in soft cloth.
- You need to apply eggs on both sides of your nose.
- Heat until the eggs have cooled down.
You can use eggs more than once by heating them in boiling water.
We also recommend reading: What are some remedies for nasal congestion without a runny nose?
Stuffy nose at night: causes of blocked nostrils during sleep
A runny nose is a common and unpleasant accompaniment of a cold, but it should be understood that this is more a positive than a negative phenomenon.
If you have a runny nose, it means that the body is fighting the infection and actively getting rid of its pathogens - bacteria or viruses - removing them along with the mucus.
But if there is no runny nose, but your nose is always stuffy, there is a serious cause for concern. A variety of reasons can cause nasal congestion without a runny nose, and none of them should be ignored.
If the nose is stuffy all the time, the quality of sleep is disturbed, the person does not rest fully, becomes lethargic and irritable.
With constant nasal congestion, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, and this invariably affects the patient’s performance and mental activity. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the causes of this phenomenon and eliminate it.
Why your nose gets stuffy at night - the main reasons
If you don’t have a runny nose, but your nose gets stuffy during a night’s sleep, the following factors may explain why this happens:
- The air in the apartment is too dry. This happens especially often in the winter season, when heating radiators are running, or in the summer heat. Insufficiently humidified air contributes to drying out of the mucous membrane. At the same time, it can not only block your nose, but also make your throat sore.
- Allergic reactions. If your nose is stuffy during a night's sleep but there is no runny nose, the reason may be an allergy, for example, to the filling of a pillow, blanket or mattress, or to the fur of a pet that likes to sleep next to you. In this case, the nose is not stuffy all the time, but only when in contact with an allergen irritant.
- The initial stage of acute respiratory infections. Dryness of the nasopharynx is one of the symptoms of an incipient cold. At first, the nose may become stuffy during sleep, then mucous discharge from the nose, sore throat, chills, and headaches appear.
Why my nose gets stuffy at night, but there is no runny nose, has been established. For several other reasons, the nose can be stuffy all the time, and not just in a dream, why this happens will be discussed below.
The most common cause is developing sinusitis. During sleep, with sinusitis, often only one nostril is blocked; during the day, nasal congestion can move to the other or both nostrils.
In addition to a stuffy nose, the patient suffers from severe headaches that can spread to the ears, back of the head, and neck. Often, sinusitis is accompanied by conjunctivitis, photophobia, and pain behind the eye sockets, which increases when looking to the side or up and decreases if you take a horizontal position.
If there is no discharge, it means that the mucous membrane is inflamed and swollen to such an extent that the thick secretion simply does not have access to exit. This is very dangerous; with such symptoms, you often have to make punctures to pump out pus from the sinuses.
Also, a constantly stuffy nose occurs with polyps in the nose and adenoids, a deviated nasal septum, congenital or acquired after injury or surgery.
In any case, it is recommended to visit a doctor, get examined and correct the situation as quickly as possible.
What to do if there is no runny nose, but your nose is stuffy
Methods for eliminating nasal congestion are determined by the reasons that caused it. If the indoor air is too dry, you should purchase a humidifier. Now they are not so expensive; in online stores you can find quite affordable models that operate almost silently and will not interfere with night sleep.
If it is not yet possible to purchase a humidifier, and nasal congestion at night bothers you very much, you should humidify the air with improvised means. You can simply place pots or buckets of water in the room before going to bed. Or in the evening before going to bed, hang wet towels or sheets on the backs of chairs, cabinets and radiators.
Local moistening of the nasal mucosa is also recommended: before going to bed, you can drip saline solution first into one nostril and then into the other. Saline solution is available at the pharmacy in large bottles or ampoules, but it is easy to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in a liter of warm boiled water.
A solution prepared by yourself can be stored for no more than a day. It can be used not only for instillation, but also for rinsing the nose: first, liquid is injected from a rubber bulb or a special teapot into the right nostril, while the head must be tilted so that it flows out of the left. Then repeat the procedure with the second nostril.
In case of allergies, you must first identify the irritant and then eliminate it - as a rule, nasal congestion disappears by itself if there is no contact with the allergen. Try changing your pillow, blanket, bed linen - sometimes fabric dye can cause allergies. Pay attention to indoor plants or decorative flowers in bouquets.
Very often, a stuffy nose at night is due to the fact that a houseplant is blooming in the bedroom, or there is a bouquet of flowers by the bed. This does not mean that now you need to get rid of all flowering indoor plants or stop loving lilies and roses, just at night the vase or pot of flowers needs to be moved to another room or to the balcony.
Acute respiratory infections or acute sinusitis, which also provoke nasal congestion, are treated with medications prescribed by a doctor after examination and diagnosis, or surgically.
Only surgery will help get rid of adenoids and polyps - folk remedies and air humidification are powerless in this case.
What else can cause nasal congestion?
Dry air in the apartment, allergies, colds or anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx are not the only reasons that can cause nasal congestion at night. It is noted that residents of the metropolis often complain about this symptom. This is explained by constant inhalation of air polluted by automobile exhausts and emissions from industrial enterprises.
Modern man quickly adapts even to poor environmental conditions, therefore, being constantly in a big city, he may not feel any discomfort. But if he leaves the metropolis for several weeks - for example, goes to a resort or just out of town - then upon returning he may experience nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing.
Treatment in this case is not required; usually the symptoms disappear after a few weeks, when the body again adapts to “usual” conditions. Alcohol and nicotine have a similar effect, disrupting blood circulation and causing swelling of the nasopharynx.
Another reason is the abuse of nasal drops and vasoconstrictor sprays. If you use these medications for longer than the recommended period, the natural functions of the nasal mucosa will be disrupted and a reverse reaction will occur - your nose will become stuffy.
Sometimes the nose is blocked due to a foreign body accidentally entering the nostril. However, the patient may not even be aware of this. Therefore, if nasal congestion has been bothering you for more than two weeks and cannot be eliminated by any means, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The video in this article will help you learn how to deal with nasal congestion.
Health care
Nasal congestion can be the cause of various diseases, so you need to promptly contact a specialist.
You need to contact an ENT specialist and an allergist.
An ENT specialist and an allergist will examine you and send you for tests:
- blood;
- urine;
- skin;
- They will take a throat swab;
- sputum;
- A chest x-ray will be performed.
When the cause of the disease is identified, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment.
Why does my nose get stuffy at night?
Sinusitis. Nasal congestion at night can be a sign of a disease such as sinusitis. Since the head lies motionless during sleep, nasal mucus does not flow down the back wall of the larynx, so it overlaps and stuffs up the nose.
Cold. Perhaps your nose is stuffy at night due to a common cold. You should drink more warm herbal infusions, and also use saline solutions to rinse your nose. To make breathing easier at night, you can turn on an aroma lamp with the addition of essential oils (orange, pine needles, tea tree) before going to bed.
Allergy. Often your nose gets stuffy at night due to allergies to objects that surround you at night. The cause of an allergic reaction could be a pillow, flowers or dust - analyze what exactly is causing nasal congestion at night.
The nose also gets stuffy at night for the following reasons:
- adenoids;
- polyps;
- respiratory tract infection;
- deviated nasal septum.
To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should consult an otolaryngologist. Early diagnosis of the disease will prevent the development of serious complications.
Why shouldn’t you rely on vasoconstrictor drops?
Vasoconstrictor drops are used for severe runny nose to ease breathing.
They constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing the secretion of mucus from the nose.
With prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, a number of problems can arise.
- Drops drip into the nose, but the blood vessels narrow in different organs.
- Vasoconstriction also occurs in the brain, causing headaches. Which cannot be eliminated with conventional drugs.
- It can also cause vascular spasms in the heart. This can lead to heart attacks and coronary heart disease.
What to do if a child constantly has a stuffy nose, but there is no snot?
Nasal congestion in children without a runny nose can be caused by various factors and diseases.
First, you need to clean the mucous membrane with special rinsing drops, which you can buy at the pharmacy.
- Ventilate the room daily.
- Wet cleaning should also be done every day.
- Maintain the room temperature between 18-20 degrees.
- If the child does not have a temperature, then you need to walk with the child outside every day.
- Give warm tea and warm milk more often.
If congestion remains within two to three days, immediately contact your pediatrician to determine the cause of nasal congestion in the child and to prescribe the correct treatment.
Nasal congestion without snot as a symptom of illness
Above we have already discussed the most common causes of nasal congestion. Determining the type of congestion will help you more accurately diagnose the illness your body is signaling.
Constant nasal congestion
There is no hint of a runny nose, but the nose is not breathing! Neither drops, nor air humidification, nor folk remedies help. Causes of chronic nasal congestion: nasal polyps, deviated septum, hormonal problems, environmental situation.
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Be sure to see a doctor!
"Night" nasal congestion
If you regularly have a stuffy nose at night, pay attention to the microclimate in your bedroom and your body position during sleep.
To humidify the air in the room (especially important during the heating season), place vessels with water in the bedroom, hang wet sheets, and spray the curtains with a spray bottle before going to bed. Newborn babies react especially acutely to dry air.
If nasal congestion during sleep is accompanied by snoring, try changing your position and choosing an orthopedic pillow.
Also, the cause of nighttime nasal congestion may be an allergy to linen mites or a feather pillow.
If you have difficulty breathing through your nose at night and have a dry cough, this may be a sign of acute sinusitis. See a specialist!
"Morning" nasal congestion
A common complaint. Among the possible reasons: too dry air, allergies and the most unpleasant thing - the onset of sinusitis. A constantly stuffy nose in the morning may also indicate the presence of vasomotor rhinitis.
If humidifiers and changing pillows and mattresses do not help, be sure to visit an otolaryngologist.
My nose is constantly stuffy... What should I do? The first thing that comes to mind is to blow your nose more often. Yes, our body wants to quickly get rid of the “traffic jam” that prevents us from breathing normally. But when we begin to blow our nose frequently and forcefully, the already inflamed vessels in the nasal mucosa swell, making breathing even more difficult.