What to do if a child has a stuffy nose, but no snot?

Why does the baby sniffle and grunt without snot?

When a little person sniffles and grunts simply while inhaling and exhaling, there may be no reason to worry.
A little person's breathing is much more frequent than that of an adult. You and I breathe 16 times per minute, and the baby breathes 40 times. He may snore in his sleep and his breathing may be uneven. His mucous membrane is not developed, it is swollen, his nasal passages are narrow. Gradually everything will return to normal and he will breathe normally. Why is my nose clogged but there is no snot? The reasons may vary. Diseases in which this occurs:

  1. Allergic rhinitis occurs without snot. The baby may react to house dust, flowering plants, and animal fur. The doctor will advise you to give your pet to friends, do daily cleaning of the premises, and not go to the dacha until the plants stop flowering. If your baby is allergic to food, you should follow a certain diet.
  2. Inflammation of the adenoids. It rarely occurs in infants, but you should see a doctor who can make a diagnosis.
  3. Congenital pathologies of the nasal passages. Read about this above.
  4. Sinusitis. This disease, which consists of inflammation of the nasal sinuses, occurs as a complication after influenza, ARVI, measles and other infectious diseases. Infants suffer from ethmoiditis, a type of sinusitis. It causes inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses. The disease is quite difficult to treat. It is difficult for the baby to tolerate.

In most cases, snoring or grunting of a child is the norm, due to the structural features of his nasal passages

Types of snoring in cats

Well, we have already established that snoring is a respiratory noise of a pathological nature that can manifest itself during sleep in an animal

. In turn, such snoring or wheezing is of the following type:

Wet snoring from a cat

Wet or bubbly snoring can be heard both when the animal inhales and exhales. In order to hear such a wheeze, there is no need for special equipment, and it is clearly audible, even if you are at a distance from the animal.

Cat's rattling snoring

Crackling or crepitating snoring is heard during the expiratory phase and occurs when the alveoli, which have stuck together, straighten.

Dry snoring in a cat

It can be clearly heard during the exhalation phase, and if special equipment is used, it can also be detected during the animal’s inhalation. This type of dry snoring occurs as a result of narrowing of the trachea or bronchi.

Inspiratory snoring

Inspiratory snoring or stridor is breathing accompanied by additional noises, hissing and whistling. As a rule, the result of such an “orchestra” is a significant narrowing of the space in the upper respiratory tract of the animal.

Why is it important to breathe through your nose?

The air that an infant breathes must be cleaned, humidified and warmed. All this happens when he breathes well through his nose. Otherwise, the little man may get ARVI. The statement also applies to adults, but it is especially important for a baby to breathe through the nose.

If the baby is not yet 6 months old, then in his mouth the cartilage of the larynx moves back with the tongue, making it very difficult to breathe through the throat. With a clogged nose and mouth breathing, a lack of oxygen may begin. This negatively affects the functioning of the baby’s body. From this it is clear that during illness it is important to provide the nose with the opportunity to breathe.

Drainage and filtration functions are impaired when the nasal mucosa is swollen and congested. This leads to the unhindered growth of pathogenic microflora, which can cause an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, adenoids, and middle ear.

The most obvious problem with congestion is difficulty feeding. It is difficult for the baby to suck milk, he suffocates. As a result, he does not eat the required amount of milk, loses weight, cries, and worries. Developmental delays occur, since the increase in the baby’s weight plays an important role in its growth.

Causes of snoring in babies

The result of a child sniffling for a long period of time, both while awake and during sleep, can be disturbances in vital processes. For example, due to a constant lack of oxygen, intracranial pressure may increase or the functioning of the central nervous system may go wrong. In addition, due to a stuffy nose, children experience discomfort while eating, they lose weight, which leads to a lag in average development indicators. Therefore, it is very important to establish the reasons that influenced the occurrence of the problem.

In most cases, the cause of snoring during sleep is a runny nose. Despite the fact that in the first days there may be no visual manifestations of a runny nose, the nasal mucosa is already swelling and causing breathing problems. The baby’s immune system is still fragile, so this symptom can lead to serious complications. Often this reason is typical for a newborn, who spends most of his time in a horizontal position. The irritated mucous membrane secretes mucus and accumulates in the nasopharynx. Therefore, the baby begins to grunt with his nose.

A common cause of snoring is also considered to be too dry and warm air in the room. Because of this, the mucous membrane dries out and crusts form. Crusts block the free passage of air and the release of mucus that forms. Basically, after a few months, the formation of the nasal cavity ends and the problem disappears. However, constant monitoring of this symptom will help to avoid negative consequences.

An explanation for why a child breathes poorly through his nose may be the manifestation of allergic reactions.

Allergies, causing swelling of the nasopharynx, are not always accompanied by specific secretions - snot. A stuffy nose can also be caused by a disease such as sinusitis, in which mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, making it difficult for the baby to breathe.

Parents are especially concerned about adenoids, which interfere with normal breathing both during wakefulness and during sleep.

Enlarged tonsils most often result from a history of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. The presence of adenoids can negatively affect a child's health, including hearing loss. Other consequences of enlarged tonsils are an improperly formed chest, disproportion of facial bones and teeth, and anemia.

If your baby constantly sniffles, he may have polyps. They are benign formations on the mucous membranes. Polyps block the nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe. The presence of polyps can lead to headaches and fatigue. Often, polyps and adenoids are removed through surgery.

The cause of wheezing can also be congenital pathologies such as a deviated nasal septum or too narrow nasal passages. Curvatures also become the result of injuries that lead to the formation of hematoma and swelling of the nasal septum.

The fact that a child is sniffling may indicate the presence of a foreign object in the nasal cavity. It is often impossible to see it with the naked eye. Therefore, if you have such suspicions, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases that cause a child to snore

Symptoms of diseases that may cause a child to sniff:

  • Difficulty nasal breathing (breathing through the mouth);
  • Nasal discharge (runny nose);
  • Snoring with holding your breath during sleep (obstructive apnea);
  • Hearing impairment with frequent otitis media;
  • Cough in the morning, due to mucus draining from the back of the throat;
  • Drowsiness with increased fatigue, as well as irritability and decreased activity with adenoids in children;
  • Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and diseases of the nose, as well as the underlying respiratory tract.


Increased mucus formation, and as a result, grunting in the nose, can be caused by several reasons:

  • physiological runny nose of infants;
  • cold runny nose;
  • dry air in the nursery;
  • allergic reaction to dust, pet hair, pollen, household chemicals;
  • teething.

Normally, part of the mucus formed evaporates, and part flows into the pharynx and is swallowed. But if the air in the room is dry, the liquid from the mucus evaporates too quickly, and the nasal secretions thicken. Thick, viscous mucus complicates the self-cleaning of the nose, accumulates and “clogs” the nose. A number of factors contribute to the accumulation of mucus, including the baby’s lack of mobility and his constant position in a horizontal position.

Runny nose

The first thought that comes to parents if the baby snorts is a runny nose. At the same time, it is rarely taken into account the fact that a runny nose is a symptom, not a disease, and it appears under the following conditions:

  1. The infection is viral, less often bacterial.

Indeed, a runny nose caused by a respiratory infection is accompanied by increased mucus production, which is why the child cannot breathe freely through his nose and grunts. At the same time, the patient also experiences other symptoms of a cold - sneezing, coughing, redness of the throat, increased body temperature.

  1. Physiological runny nose.

It happens that a child at 2 months old grunts, but he has no other symptoms of the disease - the baby is cheerful and active, the temperature is normal. In this case, do not worry - most likely, you are faced with a physiological runny nose. Newborns, as well as children under 3 months, have a moister mucous membrane than adults. There may be so much mucus that it looks like a runny nose. However, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the disease and does not require any treatment. At the age of two to three months, the functioning of the mucous membrane is normalized, and the physiological runny nose disappears.

  1. Allergic rhinitis.

Allergies are often congenital, so the fact that allergic rhinitis can be diagnosed in an infant should not be surprising. What can cause an allergy? In fact, the children's room is full of potential allergens - pet hair, dust (or rather, the ubiquitous dust mites), and household chemicals that mom used to wash the floors or wash the bed linen. With allergic rhinitis, a large amount of liquid transparent mucus is released from the nose, the child often sneezes, his eyes turn red, and watery eyes are observed.

Mucus stagnation

If an infant grunts through his nose, but almost no snot flows, it is very likely that it accumulates in the deep parts of the nasal cavity. The baby is unable to blow his nose, and even the mother cannot remove the mucus with the help of an aspirator. How to help a child?

The baby spends almost all the time in a horizontal position (lying down). This is the first factor that complicates the flow of mucus from the nose. Turn the child on his stomach, on his side, while he still does not know how to do this on his own. When feeding, hold it so that the head is raised - this not only makes nasal breathing easier, but also prevents milk from entering the nasopharynx (which is often the cause of grunting after feeding).

The second reason for stagnation is dry air. Remember that humidity of 50-70% is favorable for the respiratory tract (at an air temperature of 18-22C).

Dry crusts in the nose

If the baby wheezes through the nose, or you hear sniffling and whistling from the nose, most likely dry crusts have accumulated in the nasal passages. The reasons for this are still the same - dry air, lack of ventilation, dusty room, overuse of the heater, rare walks with the child.

To make your child's breathing easier, drip his nose with saline solution or saline nasal drops, such as Aqua Maris, Salin, etc., and then remove the softened crusts. They can be removed from the anterior parts of the nose with a damp cotton swab (use cotton swabs with a limiter) or a cotton swab or gauze pad. The posterior parts of the nose should not be penetrated. Apply moisturizing drops several times a day, and the crusts deep in the nose will come off on their own.

Postnasal drip syndrome

Mothers often complain that their baby’s nasal wheezing intensifies in the morning and is also accompanied by a cough. At the same time, it is not possible to remove the mucus with an aspirator, as if it was sitting very deep. In this case, postnasal drip syndrome may be suspected.

Postnasal drip syndrome is a pathological phenomenon in which mucus formed in the nasopharynx flows into the throat and accumulates on the back wall of the pharynx, causing inflammation.

Its symptoms:

  • grunting in the nose at night and in the morning;
  • cough after waking up;
  • redness of the throat;
  • restless sleep;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, sore throat (unfortunately, only older children can talk about this).

The root cause of postnasal drip syndrome is one - a runny nose, of any type (allergic, infectious - it doesn’t matter). Normally, mucus from the nasopharynx flows both out and in - into the throat, but it should not accumulate on the walls of the pharynx. And here, again, it is necessary to mention the dryness of the air - it is this factor that provokes thickening of the mucus, causing it to hang on the back wall of the nasopharynx, causing a sore throat, coughing and grunting in the nose.

Who should I turn to for advice?

Calling a local doctor is one of the most reasonable and correct measures that parents should take if they have a stuffy nose. However, not every mother will be satisfied with the pediatrician’s recommendations, and it is unlikely that she will want to give her baby drops that will be prescribed, especially after reading the ingredients and side effects.

Many people start looking for answers on the Internet, watching Dr. Komarovsky’s video lessons and reading forums. Unfortunately, even the advice of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, who knows how to treat snot in children, does not always help one hundred percent. Without a personal examination, the doctor has no idea what happened to the child.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to treat a runny nose in newborns and children under one year old only under the supervision of a pediatrician. Without its prescription, hormonal, antibacterial and vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be used. In case of otitis, sinusitis or adenoiditis, an otolaryngologist should treat the baby’s snot, and in case of allergies, an allergist.

There are several reasons for a runny nose in a newborn. Rhinitis may be

  1. Infectious,
  2. Allergic,
  3. Physiological,
  4. Caused by a congenital malformation of the respiratory organs.

The content of the article

How to help a child?

When a child’s nose is stuffy and there is no snot, Komarovsky first advises parents to clean the mucous membrane of the crusts that have accumulated in it. To do this, you can use an aspirator or special drops for washing the mucous membrane, which you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare yourself.

  1. Room hygiene. The room where the child is should always be fresh and cool. Many pediatricians say that the room temperature should be from 18 to 20 degrees, and humidity up to 70%. Parents should buy a thermometer that can monitor these indicators; they also need to carry out wet cleaning every day, ventilate the room, but avoid drafts.
  2. Walks. If the child does not have an increase in body temperature, then if the nose is stuffy, you need to walk outside. Walking in the fresh air will help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and improve nasal breathing. An exception for walks may be frosty or windy weather, as well as increased sensitivity to allergens during the flowering period.
  3. Drink plenty of warm drinks. Getting enough fluid will help prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. Warm drinks can include tea, fruit juice, dried fruit compotes, and milk.
  4. Folk remedies. Can be used only in cases where the child does not have hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the recipe. There are many folk methods that can be used for nasal congestion without snot, but not all of them can be used for children. Before using any product, you should consult your doctor. The safest option is to warm the wings of the nose with boiled eggs, but if you suspect sinusitis, you should avoid this procedure.
  5. Drops for nasal congestion for children. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used for congestion without a runny nose, but Komarovsky advises using such drugs only in cases where other means do not bring the desired result. In addition, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect can be used for no more than 5 days: “Galazolin”, “Vibrocil”, “Otrivin”, “Nazivin” and others. The use of such drugs will help relieve swelling and improve breathing for several hours.
  6. Inhalations. Olin is one of the effective ways to relieve nasal congestion. Inhalation procedures can be carried out using certain medicinal solutions or using herbal decoctions and essential oils. If a child is allergic to such components, you can use regular 9% sodium chloride, Decasan or alkaline water.

All of the above methods will help relieve a child of nasal congestion when there is no snot, but their use in the vast majority will not eliminate the main cause, but only temporarily improve the child’s well-being, so in order to get the best possible results, you need to identify the main cause.

A timely visit to a doctor will help determine the cause. If there is a need for treatment, then the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy that will help eliminate the main etiological factor, thereby relieving the baby of nasal congestion and eliminating possible complications.

Causes of snoring in a child during sleep

If the child’s anatomical structure of the nasal passages is normal, and his room has a comfortable and humid climate, then the cause of night snoring should be associated with pathological processes. You should not make a diagnosis yourself; you need to seek help from specialists. There are dangerous causes of snoring in children:

  • Nasal congestion. Babies suffering from this pathology may wheeze or snore at night. If congestion is not treated, the runny nose will develop into a chronic form, and in the future it will cause the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, allergic reactions and other diseases.
  • Colds, allergic rhinitis and other diseases of the ENT organs. After suffering from colds, viral infections or allergic reactions, swelling and narrowing of the soft mucous tissues in the throat persist. The tonsils also remain enlarged, as a result of which the channels for air passage narrow.
  • Foreign object. The presence of a bead, button, piece of food or other mechanical obstruction in the nasal passage does not allow the baby to breathe normally.
  • Adenoids. One of the main causes of snoring in children . Inflamed adenoids cease to have a protective function, so the baby is constantly in a state of illness.
  • Deformations of the craniofacial structure. They can be congenital or acquired. They lead to narrowness of the lumen of the pharynx, which provokes night snoring.
  • Malocclusion. A common cause of snoring, caused by the fact that during sleep with the body in a horizontal position, the uvula comes into contact with the root of the tongue, blocking the path to air, which causes characteristic sounds.
  • Apnea syndrome (short-term cessation of breathing during sleep). Children born prematurely are susceptible to this phenomenon. With obstructive apnea, the airways become narrowed or completely blocked, and with central apnea, the baby stops breathing altogether. Mixed pathology combines both groups.
  • Obesity. Leads to an increased load on all organs. Accumulated fat narrows the nasal passages, leading to snoring.
  • Epilepsy. There is a type of pathology that may go unnoticed, since it manifests itself only in a dream. The disease is called “Rolandic epilepsy”. It is diagnosed in children from 2 years of age. Symptoms of the disease are cramps on one side of the face, affecting the pharynx and tongue. During an attack, which lasts about 3 minutes, the child’s salivation increases, which provokes obstruction of the airways, causing snoring. As a rule, Rolandic epilepsy goes away with age, but requires mandatory medical supervision.

The child snores in his sleep, there is no snot

If the baby snores, but there is no snot or other signs of a cold, then this may indicate drying out of the mucus in the nose. As a rule, unpleasant sounds appear closer to the morning. In this case, parents need to improve the microclimate in the children's room: remove soft toys, carpets and other objects that collect dust. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning 2-3 times a week and ventilate the baby’s room 3 times a day.

How to clean your baby's nose?

Previously, it was recommended to clean the nose periodically, regardless of the child’s condition. Now some doctors have a different opinion. The fact is that in the nose there are special cilia on the epithelium of the mucous membrane. They themselves clean the newborn’s nose, removing dust and excess mucus from the mucous membrane.

If the climate in the apartment is too hot, crusts form in the nose. They will not disappear on their own. How to remove them? From a cotton pad you need to roll a tube suitable in size for a small nose. One end should be slightly wider than the other. Then moisten the tube with lukewarm boiled water and stick it into your nostril.

Sometimes the mucous membrane is cleaned better by moistening cotton wool with vegetable oil, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. Peach oil, olive oil, almond oil and so on are suitable.

If mommy was unable to completely remove the mucus from her nose, you can drop a few drops of saline solution or a special pharmaceutical preparation into it.

The baby has a stuffy nose but no snot flowing and snores how to treat

If a baby or newborn has a stuffy nose, you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor should examine the child and find out the causes of difficulty in nasal breathing. It is strictly forbidden to use nasal vasoconstrictor drops without a pediatrician's prescription.

Nasal congestion in a baby only at first glance seems “banal.” Newborns and infants should be closely monitored by medical professionals. Perhaps the cause of a stuffy nose lies in improper care or is physiological in nature. But it’s still better to clarify this issue with your doctor.

If the baby’s nose does not breathe, then there is no complete humidification, cleansing, or warming of the inhaled air. Such a baby will get ARVI more often. But there are other, even more serious consequences of difficult nasal breathing.

  • For a baby, normal nasal breathing is extremely important. Because he is not yet physiologically mature for full mouth breathing. In infants up to 6 months, the tongue pushes the cartilage of the larynx back and blocks the movement of air. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, which negatively affects the overall development of the body. It is important to know about this and try to resume normal nasal breathing as soon as possible.
  • Neurological disorders. Hypoxia can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure and dysfunction of the central nervous system. A baby with difficulty breathing through the nose is capricious and sleeps poorly.
  • Complications in ENT organs. Swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion impairs filtration and drainage functions, which leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and inflammation of the middle ear, adenoids, and paranasal sinuses.
  • Weight loss. If the baby does not breathe through his nose, feeding turns into torture - the baby cannot suck without interruptions because he is suffocating. As a result, the baby becomes restless, eats poorly and does not gain the required body weight. And this entails a number of other dangers in infancy.

It is important to determine the reasons that caused nasal congestion in an infant. This will help take adequate measures to provide assistance.

  • Physiological formation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. After birth, the mucous membrane forms within approximately 2-3 months. During this period, its swelling persists, the regulation of mucus is disrupted (either too much of it, or too little), and crusts quickly form in the nose.
  • ARVI. One of the first respiratory symptoms is a runny nose. The snot can be liquid and flow from the nose, then nasal breathing becomes difficult, but still persists. Or there may be thick snot, then the baby has a stuffy nose, the baby grunts, sniffles, and gets nervous during feeding. Read more about the treatment of a runny nose in a baby in our other article.
  • Dry and hot indoor air. This is especially true during the heating season, when in most residential premises the air temperature rises above 22 °C and the humidity averages 30%. These parameters are especially harmful for the delicate and sensitive mucous membrane of the nasopharynx of infants. With such air in the nose, the mucus quickly dries out, crusts form, which make nasal breathing difficult.
  • Overheat. Infants have not developed a thermoregulation system: infants quickly freeze and quickly overheat. A child who is dressed too warmly sweats excessively. This leads to frequent drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  • Nasal congestion during teething. During the process of teething, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nasopharynx swells, becomes easily permeable, and inflamed. Also during this period, the child’s immunity is weakened, and it is easier for him to catch ARVI, runny nose and all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, during the teething period, it is recommended to limit the baby’s contact with other people to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Household allergens. They have been talked about a lot lately, but few parents attach great importance to room hygiene. In everyday life, people are surrounded by various types of allergens. This is also house dust in which dangerous mites live. These include household chemicals, washing powders, hygiene products, and animal hair.
  • Pathologies of the nasal passages. Congenital anomalies and narrowing of the nasal passages are fortunately rare. However, they also cannot be excluded. One of the most common congenital pathologies is the closure and fusion of the choana (exit from the nose into the nasopharynx). In this case, complete or partial nasal obstruction occurs.

The breathing rate in babies is up to 40 times per minute (for example, in an adult – 16 times per minute). Babies breathe arrhythmically, besides they sniffle and even snore. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, which is explained by swelling and narrowness of the nasal passages. Many mothers are worried when their infant grunts. But in most cases, the answer is comforting: the baby will grow up, the nasal passages will expand, and the baby will breathe silently and rhythmically.

Why does a baby have a stuffy nose but no snot? This is one of the current, frequently asked questions. There may be several reasons.

  • Allergic rhinitis. The absence of snot may indicate an allergic reaction in the baby. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is caused by flowering plants. Constant nasal congestion can be caused by household allergens, as well as food allergies.
  • Congenital pathologies. Nasal congestion without snot can be associated with various abnormalities of the nasal passages and nasopharynx, which were mentioned above.
  • Inflammation of the adenoids. Adenoiditis in infants, although in rare cases, still occurs. Only examination and special diagnostics can confirm this diagnosis.
  • Sinusitis. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses occurs as a complication after ARVI, influenza, measles, and bacterial infections. In newborns and infants up to one year old, ethmoiditis occurs - a type of sinusitis in which the ethmoid sinus becomes inflamed. The disease progresses and is difficult to treat.

If you have persistent nasal congestion, without signs of acute respiratory viral infection, you should consult an allergist-immunologist.

Previously, cleaning the nose was on the list of mandatory and daily hygiene procedures. Today you can find the opposite opinion: once again, do not touch the nose at all if it breathes normally. Even if the baby grunts, this does not mean that the procedure needs to be carried out immediately. After all, the mucous membrane is a self-cleaning system. Tiny cilia grow on the epithelium of the nasal mucosa, which push out dust and excess mucus. If the air in the room is sufficiently humid and cool, the mucous membrane does an excellent job of cleansing.

In dry and hot air, crusts immediately form in the baby's nose. They can only be removed mechanically. How to do this correctly?

  1. A piece of cotton wool needs to be twisted into a tube (turunda, flagellum) about 5 cm long.
  2. One end of the turunda should be wide, and the other narrower.
  3. Lightly moisten a cotton tube with boiled water.
  4. Using the narrow end, insert the turunda into the nasal passage, carefully turn it and pull it out.
  5. If one turunda is not enough, you need to use the next one.
  6. For the other nostril we make a new seal and do the same.
  7. If the nasal passages are blocked by dried mucus, you need to drop 2 drops of saline solution into the nostril, and then clean the nasal passage with a cotton swab.

Instead of boiled water, you can use pharmaceutical saline solutions or prepare them yourself at home. Turundas can also be moistened with boiled vegetable oil (olive, peach, almond and others).

  • Use cotton swabs to clean your nose. They are long and wide enough for small noses. They can injure the mucous membrane and disrupt the structure of the nasal passages.
  • Use concentrated saline solutions. To prepare a homemade solution, you need 1 liter of boiled water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Concentrated solutions can burn and dry out the mucous membrane.
  • Spray your nose with aerosols. These drugs are not suitable for young children. Under pressure, the sprayed liquid from the aerosol will enter the middle ear through the auditory tube, which can cause otitis media. Also, small children should not rinse their nose, they can only instill it.
  • Maintain the depth of entry into the nasal passages. It should not exceed more than 2 cm.

Treatment methods

What to do if a child snores due to a cold or runny nose? First of all, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the underlying cause of rhonchopathy.

Means and preparations

If it has been established that difficulty breathing and snoring during sleep were caused by nasal congestion and accumulation of mucus in its passages, then rhonchopathy is combated in the following ways:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs are used . Such products are used to reduce the volume of mucous masses and facilitate breathing. You can use drops and sprays for no more than 5-7 days, since such medications dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and are addictive. To treat children under one year of age, you can only use drops; before use, you must consult a doctor. From the age of 2 months you can use Nazol Baby, from the age of 1 you can use Otrivin for children, from 2 years old you can use Sanorin. The safest vasoconstrictor for a child is Vibrocil, which is available in the form of a spray and drops. It has not only a vasoconstrictor, but also an antihistamine effect. Vibrocil acts on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages as gently as possible and does not cause swelling. This drug, compared to other drugs of similar action, can be used for much longer - up to 2 weeks.
  2. Carry out washing procedures . In this way, you can achieve effective cleansing of the nasal passages from mucus and dried crusts. After rinsing, nasal breathing becomes much freer. In addition, the protective properties of the mucous membranes are increased. To rinse the nasal passages when snoring in children, Aqua Maris, Dolphin, and Aqualor are prescribed.
  3. Antibacterial therapy is carried out . This method of treatment is required only for complicated rhinitis. For the treatment of a runny nose, local antibiotics are prescribed - drops, ointments, sprays. Drugs such as Polydexa, Bioparox, Isofra have an antibacterial effect. Medicines of this type are used only as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.


If a child suffers from snoring caused by a runny nose and cannot sleep properly, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. In this case, the following are effective:

  • laser therapy;
  • ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • ultraviolet therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.


Sometimes, when a child snores weakly in his sleep due to nasal congestion, folk recipes for snoring are used. These treatment methods can only be used after consultation with a doctor:

  • instillation of sea buckthorn oil into the nasal passages. 3-4 drops per nostril are enough;
  • gargling with a herbal decoction. To prepare, you need to take a tablespoon of oak bark and medicinal calendula flowers. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the plant mixture, cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours, then filter through cheesecloth. Gargle with the resulting infusion after meals, as well as before bedtime;
  • drops from fresh vegetables. You need to squeeze the juice out of fresh beets and drop 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. Repeat manipulations 2-3 times a day.

Nasal septum. curvature

Why can a child grunt? There can be many reasons. But if, after consultation with a doctor, it was diagnosed that there is a need for surgical intervention, there is no need to panic. This anomaly in structure is observed quite often.

The doctor will prescribe medications to ease the baby’s breathing and recommend the age at which the operation is most favorable. It is worth noting that even with this problem, the following measures are necessary: ​​regular wet cleaning, ventilation and compliance with a certain air temperature must be constantly monitored.

Causes of nasal congestion without snot

Nasal congestion can occur for several reasons, but in any case with this condition, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which causes difficulty breathing. In children, the structure of the nasopharynx is slightly different from that of adults. Their nasal passages are slightly narrowed, so when even slight inflammation or swelling appears, nasal breathing is disrupted.

This physiological feature often leads to the fact that the child sleeps with his mouth open, which occasionally frightens parents. Physiological nasal congestion is most often present in newborns or infants, but as the baby grows, the problem will disappear, and it is enough for parents to properly and regularly care for the nasal cavity, which will help improve breathing and quickly adapt to the air environment.

Very often, nasal congestion in a child without a runny nose can be the result of microclimatic conditions in the room where the baby sleeps. When the air in the room is dry, the nasal mucosa will dry out, which will lead to congestion. Another reason for congestion without snot is a runny nose, which can appear only a few days after the congestion itself.

This condition is typical for viral or bacterial infections. However, in addition to the congestion itself, parents may observe other symptoms: increased body temperature, cough, and only a few days later a runny nose with mucous discharge from the nasal cavity may appear. In addition to the main reasons, there are others that can provoke nasal congestion without snot:

  1. Nose injury.
  2. Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.
  3. Congenital anomalies of the nasal passages.
  4. The presence of a foreign body in the nasal mucosa.
  5. Polyps (adenoids).
  6. Inflammatory oropharynx.
  7. Drug-induced rhinitis.
  8. Side effects of drugs.
  9. Allergic “posterior” rhinitis or conjunctivitis.

Very often, nasal congestion without snot discharge may indicate a sluggish disease or the result of an incompletely cured disease. In infants, congestion may be present during teething. It is during this period that the baby’s immunity significantly decreases, so parents need to avoid contact of their child with sources of viral or bacterial infections.

This symptom can also appear with a disease such as sinusitis, when purulent secretions accumulate in the maxillary sinuses, the mucous membrane swells, congestion is present, but there is no snot. In some cases, such a symptom may be present as a result of long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops, to which addiction quickly develops, and their withdrawal causes swelling of the mucous membrane with subsequent congestion.

It is important for parents to take a closer look at the clinic itself, along with which congestion occurs. If there are no accompanying symptoms, but the child’s nose is stuffy and there is no snot, you need to show the child to a doctor who can identify the cause, give parents useful recommendations, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Signs and types of snoring

If your animal has difficulty breathing unexpectedly, you should go to the veterinary clinic.

The doctor will ask a lot of questions, so take a history of your breathing disorder along the way. It consists of the following points:

  1. Age;
  2. Food (homemade food or feed);
  3. Animal activity and lifestyle in general;
  4. Underweight or overweight (each breed has its own norms);
  5. Duration and frequency of snoring, as well as when it occurs (during inhalation or exhalation);
  6. Do the mucous membranes change during sleep or after it;
  7. Have there been any injuries (especially to the head and muzzle);
  8. Associated symptoms and any changes in behavior.

Alarming symptoms include high fever, decreased appetite and apathy, as well as vomiting and loose stools.

It will also be good if you have already identified the type of snoring. It is quite possible to do this without medical equipment, the main thing is to be able to understand them. There are 4 types in total.

TypeWhat is it characterized by?
DryAn inexperienced person will only be able to notice this type when exhaling. It is very similar to hissing and indicates swelling of the bronchi or narrowing of the arteries.
Wet or bubblySounds are heard both during inhalation and exhalation, similar to “overflowing” or the collapse of bubbles. This type of snoring is accompanied by increased volume; you can hear it even if you are in another room. It indicates the presence of sputum.
Crackling snoring (creptating)Appears at the moment of exhalation, as a result of the straightening of the stuck together alveoli.
InspiratorySounds like a whistling or hissing sound. Experts associate it with swelling of the airways.

A correctly identified type of cough will help a specialist quickly make a diagnosis and begin treating the animal.

Tips for parents

In his television programs, Dr. Komarovsky always gives parents useful and invaluable advice that helps them not only properly care for their child, but also eliminate possible risks of illness. In order to prevent nasal congestion in a child, adults should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When equipping a children's room, you need to buy a thermometer to measure the temperature and humidity in the room.
  2. Daily wet cleaning in the room where the child is.
  3. Newborns and infants need to clean the nasal mucosa of crusts every day. To do this, you need to buy an aspirator or a medical bulb.
  4. Nasal rinsing. At the first signs of impaired nasal breathing, you need to rinse the mucous membrane several times a day, using special saline solutions: Salin, Aquamaris, Humer and others. Such drops can be used by children from birth.
  5. Monitor your immune system. Proper nutrition and frequent walks in the fresh air will strengthen the body's defenses.
  6. Avoid self-medication if the nature of nasal congestion is unknown.

By following basic child care rules, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of nasal congestion, thereby saving your child from this unpleasant symptom.

How to treat a child if he constantly sniffles without snot?


Eliminating external causes that influence an unpleasant symptom is much easier than dealing with a pathological condition.

The most important rule is to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room where the child is:

  • Air humidity should be between 50-70%.
  • Air temperature: 18-22˚С.
  • Daily wet cleaning.
  • Ventilate the room several times a day.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane

If the nasal mucosa dries out, you can use the following medications:

  1. Aqualor.
  2. Aquamaris.
  3. Humer.
  4. No-Sol.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops can dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity when used for a long time (Nazivin, Naphthyzin). To avoid this side effect, it is recommended not to use these drops for longer than 5 days. Together with them, you need to use drops that contain oils, and rinse your nose with sea water.

Changing body position

To prevent mucus from the nasal cavity from flowing down the back wall during sleep, it is necessary to change the horizontal position of the child’s body during sleep. To do this, raise the head of the bed in which the baby is located.

In order to avoid drying out the mucous membrane while the child is awake, it is recommended to use the following medications:

  1. Aquamaris.
  2. Aqualor baby.
  3. Salin.
  4. Dolphin.

If you suspect this diagnosis, the child must be seen by an ENT doctor.

. He will prescribe treatment to relieve the inflammatory process. In more advanced cases and/or relapses, surgical intervention is indicated.

Allergic reaction

Typically, eliminating the allergen leads to a significant improvement in general condition. The child stops sniffing even without medication. In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

Changing the nasal septum

This pathology requires additional examination methods.

These include:

  • Rhinoscopy.
  • Diagnostic endoscopy.
  • Computed tomography.

Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed, usually surgery.

Treatment options

If a newborn has a runny nose (rhinitis), the condition has worsened, cold symptoms, allergic manifestations, and sniffling have appeared, the baby needs urgent help.

Before the pediatrician arrives, you can rinse your nasal passages with saline. Since the baby does not know how to blow his nose on his own, you need to suck out the accumulated thick mucus with a special device - a nasal aspirator or a baby rubber bulb. Try to give your baby enough water to drink so that the body’s water-salt balance is not disturbed and the snot becomes less viscous.

A newborn should gently clean his nose to remove mucus in the morning and evening with a cotton swab soaked in baby oil or Vaseline.

Characteristics of allergic rhinitis


Allergic rhinitis is a common occurrence in modern life. Newborn babies may also be susceptible to this disease. Diagnosis will be aided by taking into account the following factors:

  • in addition to the glassy mucous nasal discharge, the child is bothered by sneezing;
  • There may be a dry cough or difficult to separate sputum, difficulty breathing;
  • the presence of a rash accompanied by itching cannot be excluded;
  • The duration of a runny nose in newborns can be 1 month.

Taking an anamnesis can also help in diagnosing this pathology.

Indeed, the presence of allergies in one of the parents increases the risk of a similar condition in the child by up to 40%. If both parents suffer, then up to 70%.

In this case, it is necessary to analyze the situation in which the runny nose appeared. Is this due to the introduction of new complementary foods, the appearance of a pet in the house, a new pillow, or the condition worsens while walking in the fresh air.

A runny nose in a newborn, combined with grunting, occurs with the following pathology:

  • congenital anomaly of the development of the respiratory system, formed in utero (for example, a deviated nasal septum),
  • tumor process,
  • when a foreign body enters the nasal passages.

Moreover, the appearance of these sounds can occur without a runny nose.

Characteristics of infectious rhinitis

If a child has an increase in body temperature, is capricious or lethargic, and the nasal discharge has acquired a yellowish tint, then a pediatrician’s consultation is urgently needed, because in this case the presence of an infectious process in the body cannot be ruled out.

The most common cause of infectious rhinitis is viruses. The clinical picture develops acutely. The child's condition worsens, the temperature rises, and a cough may develop.

Since a runny nose is only a symptom, and in some cases a physiological process, in order to develop the right tactics, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis.

Characteristics of physiological runny nose of a newborn

The most common cause of the development of a runny nose in newborns is a physiological process due to the fact that the child’s body gets used to existing in new conditions. He felt warm and moist in his mother's body.

Room conditions are characterized by greater dryness. In order to protect the nasal mucosa from drying out, a larger volume of secretion is produced.

Passing through the narrow nasal passages, air and the resulting mucus can cause sounds similar to grunting. Over time, when the respiratory organs reach their development and the child’s body gets used to new living conditions, these symptoms will disappear.

A runny nose in a newborn that persists for 2 weeks forces a closer examination of the situation. Namely, we can talk about a physiological runny nose if the child feels healthy. He is active, eats well, sleeps, and the discharge from his nose is insignificant, in the form of translucent mucus.

What should you avoid?

  1. You cannot clean your baby's nose with cotton swabs. They are too wide and long. In addition, they are hard, and the baby’s mucous membrane is tender. There is a danger of injuring her.
  2. Aerosols should not be used to restore breathing. They are not intended for infants. An aerosol that enters the middle ear will cause otitis media. The nostrils can only be instilled, and not with drops, but with olive oil or saline solution.
  3. Don't make the saline solution too concentrated. They will burn and dry out the mucous membrane. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. The water should not be hot. Drops can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Read on our website which drops are prescribed for infants.
  4. When cleaning, it is necessary to maintain a depth of entry into the spout of no more than 2 cm.

If a baby has a stuffy nose, what should you do? See a doctor, he will make a diagnosis. For ARVI, the pediatrician will prescribe medication and children's vasoconstrictor nasal drops. If a child has a domestic allergy, if he overheats or the climate in the apartment is unsuitable, parents must take action themselves.

The conclusion from the above can be formulated as follows. A child may sniffle and grunt simply due to lack of moisture in the room. This reason is easy to eliminate, Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this. If the cause is more serious - influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, a complication after an illness, an allergic reaction, a pathological structure of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow his recommendations. To find out how serious the cause of grunting is, you need to visit a doctor.

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How can I help my baby?

Sniffling while there is no snot is a fairly common phenomenon. To avoid complications and reduce the child’s discomfort, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations. It is very important that in the room where the newborn is located, the air is sufficiently humidified and fresh, and its temperature does not exceed 18-22°C. During the heating season, the air is especially dry, so it is recommended to place containers with water near radiators and heaters. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

You can make breathing easier for children by moistening the nose with saline solutions: Aquamaris, No-Sol, Humer and others. Containing sea water, such solutions relieve swelling of the nasopharynx and help remove mucus. It is recommended for infants to put 2 drops into each nasal passage, but rinsing the nose of children under one year of age is prohibited. 5 minutes after instillation, the mucus is carefully removed with an aspirator or a flagellum made of gauze or bandage.

To avoid injury to the baby's nose, it is strictly forbidden to use cotton swabs to remove mucus. For this purpose, it is advisable to use cotton swabs 5 cm long; they can be placed in the nose no deeper than 2 cm. Each nasal passage should be cleaned with a new swab. Before use, they must be moistened in boiled water, saline or boiled olive, almond or peach oil.

If you suspect that the baby is sniffling due to allergic reactions, you need to do the following:

  • remove possible allergens from the room;
  • clean the premises without using chemicals;
  • remove bedspreads, curtains, blankets, which accumulate large amounts of dust;
  • wash your baby’s clothes only with baby powder;
  • If you have a pet, give it to friends for a while.

Thus, the reasons for sniffing without discharge can be quite varied. Among them we can distinguish more and less dangerous ones. However, parents often cannot independently determine the cause. In this case, in order to avoid negative consequences, you need to contact a specialist who will not only make a diagnosis, but also prescribe competent treatment or recommend preventative measures.

For almost all parents, the health of their children comes first. And when a baby gets sick, all the efforts of the relatives are aimed at his speedy recovery. But what to do in a situation where the appearance of complete health is preserved: no runny nose, no cough, no fever - and the child sniffles?

Why is congestion without snot dangerous?

When a child has a stuffy nose, but there is no snot, it is difficult for him to breathe, the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the brain is disrupted, which can cause headaches, increased fatigue, and irritability. The child refuses to eat, has trouble falling asleep, and often wakes up in his sleep. In addition, with prolonged congestion, the development of diseases of the ENT organs increases significantly:

  1. Sinusitis.
  2. Otitis.
  3. Adenoiditis.
  4. Bronchitis.
  5. Tracheitis.

All of the above diseases pose a certain danger to the child’s health, so it is necessary to exclude their development and combat nasal congestion in the first days.

This is not only not advisable, but also impossible!

  • Place breast milk in your nose. The myth about the benefits of milk in the fight against a runny nose and difficulty breathing has long been debunked: when milk dries, it forms crusts, which further interfere with normal breathing.
  • Use vasoconstrictor drops unnecessarily. Not only is it harmful to constrict blood vessels, but it also becomes addictive to them.
  • Use an aspirator to suck out mucus (not snot). The more often mucus is sucked out, the more it appears.
  • Inhalations. They are needed only in the treatment of acute respiratory infections without complications and fever. With a physiological runny nose, inhalations lead to the “lazy nose” effect.
  • Refuse to bathe for fear of worsening the child’s condition.

If there is no fever, runny nose or cough, difficulty breathing is not a reason to cancel water procedures

. A warm bath will have a relaxing effect, dilate blood vessels, and the baby will breathe easier.

In addition, bathing is also hardening, and therefore prevents real runny nose and colds.

On average, the child's respiratory system becomes relatively adapted to the outside world, and physiological breathing problems leave the baby.

But sometimes the process can take up to a year.

You should not refuse observation from a pediatrician and ENT specialist; this will allow you to track possible complications in time and reassure young parents.

When a newborn grunts, a young mother often does not know what to do, because any condition of their baby that is unusual for young parents causes panic attacks. First of all, in such a situation you should calm down. There are several reasons why a newborn grunts, they can be pathological or physiological. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with them all to understand whether it is dangerous or not.

Features of treatment

Treatment of the disease directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. Treatment may include medications or surgery.

If parents notice the pathology for the first time, then they need to ventilate the room, as well as wet cleaning.

It is recommended to monitor the optimal humidity level.

The ideal option is special air humidifiers. If they are absent, you can hang the laundry on radiators or place a container of water in the room. Read more about optimal humidity for children.

If the cause of snoring is the formation of crusts on the mucous membrane, then they can be eliminated with the help of special medicinal products, which are based on sea salt.

Medicines must be instilled into each nostril 2-3 times. After a certain time, it is necessary to clean the baby’s nose. Cotton buds are used for this.

If the cause of pathology in a newborn is incomplete formation of the larynx organ, then in this case nothing needs to be done. The pathological process can go away on its own within 6 months

. To rule out other diseases, it is necessary to show the baby to a doctor.

A fairly common cause of this pathological condition is regurgitation of a baby after breastfeeding.

. In this case, you just need to hold the baby upright for 10 minutes. This will allow air to escape from the stomach, the entry of which is observed during breastfeeding.

If a child is diagnosed with a runny nose, then vasoconstrictor drops can be used.

The use of medications should only be carried out if the child is not breathing through his nose. A doctor's consultation is required first.

With the help of medications, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. It is impossible to cure the disease with these medications. The use of medications should be carried out for no more than three days.

This is because they can be addictive.

Therapy for allergies

Nasal congestion in infants can be diagnosed due to an allergic reaction.

To eliminate this cause, all possible allergens are excluded from the baby’s life.

Pets must also be removed from the apartment.

The cause of the symptom may be congenital pathologies.

Their exclusion is carried out by routine examinations by specialists. If the baby develops wheezing, which is accompanied by anxiety, then he should be taken to an ENT specialist for examination.

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