Is it possible to remove a tooth if you have a runny nose or a cold?

Is it possible to treat teeth with a runny nose?

During the period of colds, the human body becomes vulnerable to external irritants. The logical conclusion follows from this that any dental procedures will harm an already weakened body.

In addition to general weakness, there are also several reasons why a visit to the doctor should be postponed even if your health has improved slightly:

  • the possibility of pathogenic microflora entering the body as a result of weakened immunity;
  • a dental procedure can cause open wounds in the mouth through which infection can enter the body;
  • taking analgesics can negatively affect the body affected by the virus;
  • a person with a runny nose will not be able to stay in the dentist’s chair for a long time.

In addition to the above arguments, there is also the possibility that the patient can infect the dentist and nearby people. Everyone decides for themselves whether to go to the dentist or not during such a period, however, first of all, you need to focus on curing the underlying disease.

Despite this, having a cold does not prohibit you from visiting the dentist. The decision must be made based on your own state and feelings. If you have a strong fever, aches and general weakness, a trip to the dentist should be postponed until the condition improves.

In some situations, specialist help is required immediately. For example, acute toothache can cause illness. This also applies to periodontitis, gumboil, in which there is significant swelling of the cheek. In any case, the question of the need to remove a tooth should be decided together with a therapist and dentist.

Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold?

Published in category: Dental diseases

Teeth, Treatment

Viral diseases, such as flu and colds, tend to start when you least expect them. And viruses are not at all worried about the fact that you have an appointment with the dentist.

Fever, runny nose, weakness, headache, but there’s no way to postpone tomorrow’s visit? Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during colds.

Before accurately answering this question, it is necessary to firmly understand that any disease is a stressful situation for the body, which means it significantly weakens its protective functions, forcing the immune system to work beyond its capabilities.

Impacts on teeth, as well as any interference in a functioning organism from the outside, represent a stressful situation. It, superimposed on the already weakened immunity due to the virus, can cause complications, the outcome of which is quite difficult to predict. Of course, not everyone will develop complications, but if we are talking about health, then it is better not to take risks.

In addition to the general weakening of the body, there are other reasons why you should postpone a visit to the doctor, even if your tooth hurts, until you have completely recovered:

  • Due to weakened immunity, the body is more easily susceptible to infections, and pathogenic organisms from the oral cavity can penetrate deeper without much hindrance.
  • Dental manipulations often lead to the formation of open wounds, which also serve as excellent entry points for the infectious process.
  • Drugs with an analgesic effect do not always work well on an organism weakened by a viral disease.
  • If you have a cold that is accompanied by a runny nose, it is difficult to stay in the dental chair for a long time with your mouth open.
  • Cough is a frequent accompaniment of a cold, which also does not contribute to successful manipulations with the oral cavity.
  • During dental treatment, you can infect your dentist.

If you take into account everything that is said above, then it is still better to postpone going to the dentist until you recover.

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are not a strict contraindication for treating diseased teeth, although dental procedures during their course are extremely undesirable.

Sometimes dental treatment during a cold is necessary. Such situations include:

  • Rapid development of the inflammatory process.
  • Acute and progressive purulent inflammation.
  • High probability of flux development.

Treatment for a cold on the lip

The herpes simplex virus, according to research, lives in the bodies of 90% of people. The virus usually appears when the immune system is weakened, due to stress, or hypothermia.

People often wonder whether it is possible to treat teeth if they have a cold on the lip, and some patients are completely sure that there is nothing wrong with small bubbles and they will not interfere with the dentist. This is mistake.

For diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and caries, as well as during tooth extraction, a cold on the lips is a strict contraindication for manipulation.

Most medical procedures in the oral cavity lead to mechanical damage to tissue, and in this case the virus easily penetrates inside. As a result, a disease such as herpetic stomatitis develops, in which not the lip, but the entire oral cavity is covered with wounds.

Sometimes toothache makes you want to climb the wall, but dental procedures are prohibited due to a viral disease. In this case, you can use one of the methods below to relieve the pain. Do not forget that the choice of method is best agreed with your doctor.

  • Use of painkillers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) relieve not only pain, but also fever and inflammation. A doctor will help you choose a drug.
  • Tablets or candies containing menthol. Similar candies or tablets are placed under the tongue. As it dissolves, the anesthetic effect of menthol appears and the pain becomes less noticeable.
  • Rinsing with a solution of soda. Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture. Baking soda begins to relieve pain after an hour, but at least three rinses are necessary.
  • Rinse with decoctions and infusions. There are many recipes for various decoctions and infusions suitable for rinsing for toothaches. The most widely known are sage decoction, ginger root infusion, and thyme leaves in infusion.
  • Compresses and applications. Compresses and applications can be made from geranium leaves, which are first rubbed in the palms. Cotton swabs soaked in dental drops or a piece of propolis are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Using onions and garlic. These plants not only improve immunity, but also reduce inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Treatment of colds Sometimes, if a tooth hurts, it is enough to cure the cold itself.
    Naturally, viral diseases are not a reason to forget about the rules of oral hygiene. Rinsing your mouth with medicinal decoctions after taking pills, tea, or mixtures will not only help get more medicine into the body, but also help cope with toothache.

You can remove teeth and perform other dental procedures for a cold, although this is extremely undesirable. The virus is not a complete contraindication. Doctors usually advise you to think about your own health and postpone visiting the dentist to avoid complications.

Is it possible to have a tooth removed during a cold?

The main risk when removing a tooth is the possibility of infection of the open wound. Normally, a healthy immune system prevents this. If you have a runny nose, an extra load on the immune system is extremely undesirable, so the doctor’s task, in addition to carefully removing the tooth, is also to carry out certain measures:

  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity - treatment of the entire mucous membrane, herpes wounds, cracks on the lips and other possible sources of infection.
  2. Treatment of the wound with bactericidal preparations upon completion of the procedure.
  3. Prescription of antibacterial agents.
  4. Selection and prescription of medications aimed at strengthening the body’s protective functions, activating and regenerating tissues.

Upon completion, it is important to monitor the general condition, since pain or high temperature may indicate both symptoms of the disease and signs of a developing inflammatory process.

Tooth extraction for ARVI

The main danger when removing a diseased tooth from a patient with a cold is possible infection of the open wound.

Normally, local immunity and the balance of healthy and pathogenic microflora prevent this.

During an illness, an additional burden on the immune system is undesirable, so the doctor’s task is not only to be as careful as possible, but also to carry out the following measures:

  • carry out disinfection of the oral cavity (in this case, not only mucous membranes are treated with antiseptics, but also herpes wounds, cracks on the lips and other possible sources of infection);
  • treat the wound after removal with bactericidal agents;
  • prescribe antibacterial drugs;
  • select and prescribe medications that help strengthen the immune system, activate and regenerate tissue.

After tooth extraction, you need to carefully monitor your general condition, since temperature can be both symptoms of the disease and signs of developing inflammation. Normally, on the third day after the intervention, swelling and pain should decrease. If it doesn’t get better, but on the contrary, it becomes more inflamed, an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, you need to urgently consult a dentist.

A blood clot should form in the wound after tooth extraction, which plays an important role in healing. It cannot be moved, so it is forbidden to rinse your mouth and throat, suck lozenges or tablets, or drink hot tea.

Modern methods of tooth extraction are low-traumatic, and the use of the latest antiseptics allows you to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum. If the doctor considers it advisable to remove a tooth due to a cold, you can be sure that the risk of complications is minimal.

Complications after dental treatment with a runny nose

After the dentist’s manipulations, a viral disease will increase the risk of introducing various types of infections into the body. This can significantly worsen the patient's condition and lead to complications from colds or dental diseases.

Complications after a cold can be of the following nature:

  • pneumonia - fever, severe wet cough;
  • sinusitis - difficulty breathing through the nose, pain in the sinuses, nasal congestion;
  • otitis - ear congestion, sharp, shooting pains;
  • meningitis - headache, nausea, fainting.

If symptoms are present, consultation with a specialist is required who will prescribe the necessary tests and determine the appropriate treatment.

Complications associated with dental problems:

  • Swelling - the first few days after the doctor’s intervention, this condition is quite normal. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, you need to see a dentist.
  • Pain is a natural reaction to damage to the nerves around the teeth and subsides over time.
  • Bleeding can occur due to improperly performed surgery, so it is better to carry out an immediate examination.

Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold?

A cold can become an obstacle to the implementation of plans at any time of the year, and visiting the dentist is no exception. If you have any doubts about the possibility of dental treatment, contact your doctor; a qualified specialist will help you make the right decision. Any disease is stressful for the body, accompanied by a decrease in immunity, slowing down the healing process. Dental treatment during ARVI can cause a sharp deterioration in health.

What to do

This issue is resolved on a case-by-case basis. It all depends on the person's condition. If you have a high fever and your nose is so stuffy that it’s difficult to breathe, then you won’t be able to go to the dentist. All you have to do is call the doctor, report your problem and ask what to do with your sore tooth until you recover.

You should not visit the dentist if you have a cold for the following reasons (provided that the tooth does not hurt to such an extent that it is no longer possible to wait):

  1. As a rule, during a cold the immune system weakens and it is better not to make any interventions, even in terms of teeth.
  2. During illnesses, bacteria accumulate in the mouth, which can get into the wound during dental treatment. During the process of infection, an inflammatory process may begin.
  3. Sitting in the dentist's chair for more than an hour is unbearable when your nose is stuffy, your throat is sore, you have a constant desire to sneeze or cough, and at the same time your head is pounding.
  4. Each dental treatment is a small stress for the body, and when it is weakened by a cold, unnecessary stress is not desirable.
  5. It is worth thinking about the doctor himself, because he is a human being, therefore, like everyone else, he runs the risk of contracting an infection from you. Have pity on the doctor and wait out the cold period at home.

What to do if you have a dental cold? It happens that toothache occurs against the background of a cold, and then the teeth begin to react to hot, cold, sweet or salty foods. In this case, it is recommended to consult a dentist. After collecting anamnesis, he will recommend taking vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. You may need potassium and vitamin D3 supplements. All this will strengthen tooth enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

In some cases, the help of a neurologist may be needed. This is due to neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, which passes through the area where teeth grow. Only this doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Features of the disease

There is a widespread misconception about the safety of colds for an adult; most people disdain the need for bed rest and limiting exercise until complete recovery. When the first signs of ARVI appear: sore throat, nasal congestion, treatment should begin, ideally under the supervision of a qualified specialist. Complications after a cold are common: kidney and heart diseases. After the first signs, a cough, runny nose begins, the temperature rises, and the disease develops rapidly. Many suffer from a cold “on their feet”, doing their usual things, visiting public places, limiting themselves to taking modern medications that do not cure, but relieve symptoms.

Visiting the dentist if you have a cold

There is no consensus regarding the possibility of dental treatment for colds; doctors act according to the circumstances. For example, acute toothache is the basis for immediate treatment. In certain situations, the patient does not want to reschedule a visit to the doctor; clinic staff have the right to refuse to provide services in order to prevent infection of other patients.

Explanations from a qualified specialist will help you make the right decision and cancel your planned visit to the dentist. Dental treatment is accompanied by the risk of injury to the gums; wounds are a “road” for infection. In addition, painkillers can become a cause of deterioration of well-being during ARVI. A cough and runny nose are an obstacle to the dentist’s manipulations; the patient cannot stand it with his mouth open for a long time. Pauses have a negative impact on the quality of treatment; in addition, the possibility of infection of the doctor cannot be ruled out.

In what cases should a visit to the dentist not be postponed?

There are times when staying at home is unbearable. This could be severe pain in a tooth that cannot be relieved, or a gumboil that has caused the cheek to swell to incredible sizes. In this case, despite the cold, it is worth visiting the dentist.

But even under these circumstances, dental treatment for colds in the form of their removal is not carried out. No surgeon will agree to this scam. You will ask why? This is due to the fact that various pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the mouth, and when a tooth is removed, they will easily penetrate into the open wound, causing an inflammatory process. Therefore, while expecting relief after a pulled out tooth, you may end up with an even bigger problem in the form of various complications.

Another reason for emergency intervention by a dentist is an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, when the temperature has risen precisely for this reason. In this case, it is not only possible to treat teeth, but also necessary.

Exceptional cases of dental treatment for colds

In certain situations, dental treatment for ARVI is inevitable. Often a cold is accompanied by the development of fluxes, which are a serious threat to the entire body. Pus is a real danger to the patient’s life; fluxes should be treated in the early stages to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences to a minimum. If possible, the doctor tolerates tooth extraction; an open wound is a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and microbes; in addition, the healing process is delayed due to weakened immunity.

Viral diseases are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, headaches; patients take antipyretics and painkillers, which are not always compatible with drugs used in dentistry. The patient must inform the doctor about the medications he is taking.

The acute stage of a cold lasts on average 3-4 days, subject to the doctor’s recommendations, bed rest, and proceeds without complications. Both the patient and the doctor are interested in rescheduling a planned visit to the dental clinic. The patient recovers in comfortable conditions, medical workers are protected from bacteria and viruses. If it is impossible to postpone treatment, the specialist takes additional precautions and ventilates or quartzizes the room after the appointment.

If necessary, the dentist will provide assistance, for example, installing a temporary filling until the patient fully recovers. Often, after visiting the dentist during an acute respiratory viral infection, the patient experiences pain in the tooth area; the body’s reaction goes away after a few days. Periodic visits to the dental office are a rule that patients must follow, regardless of age or employment. Preventative dental examinations will eliminate the need to make a responsible decision during an exacerbation of a cold.

Why do teeth hurt when you have a cold?

The occurrence of toothache during a cold infection occurs due to the following reasons:

  • due to rhinitis, pressure increases in the nasal sinuses, reflected by pain in the teeth;
  • taking medications that contain various acids and vitamin C, which have a negative effect on the enamel, causing its destruction;
  • drying of the oral mucosa leads to the emergence and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which are a source of pain;
  • constant weakness makes a person forget about hygienic brushing of teeth, as well as rinsing them after eating. As a result, grains of food remain in the interdental space, which is the cause of caries and other dental diseases. A common symptom of such pathologies is toothache;
  • A cold often provokes inflammation of the fifth pair of cranial nerves (trigeminal nerve). In this case, many suffer from pain in the teeth;
  • A stressful state of the body can also cause such a symptom.

Is it possible to visit the dentist during a cold or acute respiratory viral infection?

A cold or acute respiratory viral infection is not a direct contraindication for visiting the dental office, however, in this case it is recommended to postpone a planned trip to the doctor.
Any intervention, even shallow tooth filling, is a burden on the body. More complex manipulations, such as removing a nerve, tooth or cleaning canals, are considered full-fledged operations, after which the human defense system directs all its forces to restore the injured area. At the same time, during the period of illness, the immune system is already busy fighting the virus, and additional stress can lead to complications. In addition, with ARVI and colds, viruses from the oral cavity and respiratory tract have a high chance of getting into open wounds formed during the treatment of caries.

During the procedure, dentists often use a variety of painkillers or local anesthesia. A weakened body may react poorly to the medications received. The dosage has to be increased, which in turn has an extremely negative effect on human immunity.

Another factor that you should pay attention to before visiting the dentist is acute rhinitis (runny nose). During a long stay in the dental chair, the patient is forced to breathe mainly through the nose, which causes discomfort to the patient and greatly complicates the doctor’s work.

Is it possible to treat a tooth with herpes on the lips?

Visiting the dentist with herpes on the lips is not a good idea. If the pain is acute and cannot be tolerated, it makes sense to wait a week from the moment the blister appears until a dry crust forms. In this phase, it is safer to treat teeth both for the person suffering from herpes and for other patients. You should not visit the dentist when you have herpes on your lips. The doctor will refuse to see you and will only give recommendations for relieving symptoms. He will not be able to provide medical assistance, since herpes on the lip is a contraindication for dental intervention. In such cases, the tooth can only be treated with oral medications and traditional medicine. This will temporarily relieve the symptoms of pain and make life easier for the patient, but will not eliminate the problem completely. Initially, you need to eliminate the viral disease, and then go to the dentist.

Why not?

Reasons why you should not go to the dentist with herpes:

  • the possibility of infecting other patients in the clinic;
  • spread of the virus to other affected areas;
  • severe weakening of the body's immune system due to dental intervention.

With a herpetic viral infection, as with chickenpox, you can infect people in contact with the patient, or transmit it through shared objects.

Herpes infection spreads very quickly through the mucous membrane. It is impossible to remove a tooth and avoid the appearance of a wound, because of this the risk of the virus entering the operation site and into the bloodstream is very high. The dental treatment procedure itself has a high impact on the human immune system, weakening it. If herpes appears, this is already a signal that the body’s defenses have been greatly weakened and with an additional decrease the effect can be disastrous. In addition, the virus lives in the external environment for a very long time, and even with enhanced sterilization it is very difficult to get rid of it. To avoid transmitting the infection to other clinic visitors, doctors refuse help to patients with a viral vesicle.

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In what cases is dental treatment allowed?

However, there are situations when it is impossible to do without treatment. If a person with a cold is bothered by an acute toothache that cannot be relieved with painkillers, a trip to the doctor is justified. Pain means that inflammation has begun in the oral cavity, and there is a risk of flux formation. Such a condition cannot be ignored, otherwise the situation may become critical and life-threatening for the patient. If such a situation arises, the doctor will completely treat the mouth with antiseptic agents in order to avoid infection from entering the formed wounds.

An integrated approach to the problem - delete or wait

Here the issue is resolved together with the therapist: it is necessary to remove the tooth and include antiviral drug therapy, taking painkillers in order to relieve the general symptoms of a cold, and to prevent infection from getting into the wound after tooth extraction. At the same time, the intake of immunostimulants and vitamin complexes is added to help the immune system overcome the painful condition and accelerate the improvement of the general condition.

The therapist and dentist jointly resolve the issue

Problems that the therapist and dentist solve together:

  • strengthening the patient's immunity
  • antiviral therapy
  • antibacterial treatment of the wound after tooth extraction
  • disinfection of possible wounds and cracks in the oral mucosa
  • protecting the dentist himself from contracting a virus or infection

Growth on the inside of the cheek: signs, causes, treatment

Dental tissue deteriorates quickly, and if there is a question about further installation of an implant, then the wound after tooth extraction must be kept clean and healthy so that the mucous membrane is not damaged by microbes. Therefore, it is imperative to remove the tooth, taking precautions against infection of the wound, despite minor manifestations of a cold. After all, while waiting for treatment for a cold, caries damage can spread to neighboring teeth, which is very undesirable for the general condition of the teeth.

How to eliminate toothache during a cold?

So, if you decide to delay visiting the dentist until you recover, you can use one of the following methods to eliminate toothache:

  • Take painkillers. Modern remedies, along with pain relief, help reduce inflammation and lower body temperature.
  • You can put a menthol tablet under your tongue. Menthol has an analgesic effect and helps relieve pain.
  • Rinse your mouth with baking soda solution. The procedure must be repeated at least three times
  • Application of compresses - a lotion of herbal decoctions that relieve inflammation is applied to the diseased tooth.
  • Work hard to treat colds or ARVI, because often they are the cause of aching toothache, which is why after recovery the painful symptoms disappear.

Regardless of whether the toothache has gone away after complete recovery or not, it is imperative to schedule a visit to the dentist. Any pain symptoms are a sign of inflammation in the oral cavity, which require surgical intervention by a specialist.

Ways to relieve toothache

Before you begin treatment for toothache during an acute respiratory viral infection, you should consult a dentist to determine whether you can treat your teeth during a cold or not. If your doctor does not recommend visiting the dental office if you have a fever, you can take a pain reliever or use one of the following options:

  1. Mouth rinse . You should rinse your mouth with a saline or soda solution. The manipulation is repeated several times a day. Such mixtures have antibacterial properties, so they will help prevent the spread of infection. To reduce the inflammatory process, you can prepare a sage decoction.
  2. Ginger . It is necessary to apply a piece of peeled ginger root to the sore tooth.
  3. Menthol dragee . It should be placed under the tongue. When the dragee dissolves, an anesthetic effect will appear.
  4. Furacilin solution . It is recommended to rinse your mouth at least three times a day. If your gums are swollen, you need to prepare a solution of salt and soda.

Additionally, attention should be paid to the treatment of colds. As soon as the symptoms of ARVI pass, the dentist will be able to see the patient. If you still cannot reduce the toothache, or it only gets worse, you should contact your doctor. The dentist will advise you on dental treatment options during a cold.

Is it possible to go to the dentist with a cold on the lips?

Cold sores on the lips, or herpes, are not always accompanied by a general painful condition of the body, so when planning a visit to the dentist, some people do not pay attention to the appearance of a small pimple on the lip.
However, one should not be so negligent about this disease. Pimples on the mucous membrane indicate the presence of a virus in the body, for which the ideal place is a warm, moist environment - the oral cavity. Mechanical intervention entails the formation of open wounds. During or after the doctor’s work, the infection will most likely get to the damaged area. This threatens with such negative consequences as stomatitis, purulent inflammation of the gums and other troubles.

Herpes also indicates that a person’s immunity is reduced, which means that any painkillers will have a weak effect. To carry out manipulations, you will have to increase the dosage, which has negative consequences for the entire body.

It is important to remember that even after cleaning dental instruments, there is still a risk of infecting the next patient with herpes. You should not endanger your body and the health of other people. However, not a single qualified dentist will undertake dental treatment for a person with herpes.

Is it possible to treat teeth for a cold when you are sick? Based on all of the above, you should remember the need to monitor the condition of your oral cavity and visit the dentist on time so that unpleasant situations do not arise during colds and viral diseases. When the situation develops in such a way that the pain does not allow you to endure it, you need to warn your doctor about your condition and strictly follow his recommendations.

  • The first argument in favor of why caries cannot be treated for a cold is that you can infect the attending physician. Such a trip to the dentist can result in a serious illness for the latter and in the absence of medical care for many of his patients.
  • Going to a specialist if you have a cold is associated with the risk of complications. The fact is that during a cold the body is weakened and more vulnerable to infection. When you are sick, your internal strength goes into fighting the symptoms of a cold and is no longer enough to repel other attacks. Surgical procedures in the dental chair lead to increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • The effect of an anesthetic on the body during illness is unpredictable. The patient may suddenly become ill in the chair, making further treatment impossible.

Should you go to the dentist when you have a cold?

There are no direct contraindications to the treatment of caries during ARVI. However, a qualified doctor will tell you that dental procedures can cause complications. Therefore, the question of the advisability of visiting a dentist is open. Here are some pros and cons that will help you decide whether it is worth treating your teeth if you are sick?


  • The first argument in favor of why caries cannot be treated for a cold is that you can infect the attending physician. Such a trip to the dentist can result in a serious illness for the latter and in the absence of medical care for many of his patients.
  • Going to a specialist if you have a cold is associated with the risk of complications. The fact is that during a cold the body is weakened and more vulnerable to infection. When you are sick, your internal strength goes into fighting the symptoms of a cold and is no longer enough to repel other attacks. Surgical procedures in the dental chair lead to increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • The effect of an anesthetic on the body during illness is unpredictable. The patient may suddenly become ill in the chair, making further treatment impossible.


  • A timely visit to the dentist will help avoid complications associated with the disease. Sometimes it is acceptable to suffer a slight cold in the chair in order to preserve the tooth or pulp inside it.
  • A visit to the dentist is justified if the patient has serious dental diseases: periodontitis, gumboil, purulent and inflammatory processes. If you have one of these ailments, as well as acute “shooting” pain, you should immediately eliminate their causes.

Treatment of caries with a runny nose

Separately, it should be said about the treatment of caries with a runny nose. Here, to the above arguments “against”, another one is added: the need to sit with your mouth open and head thrown back for an indefinite period of time. Evaluate your options carefully before agreeing to this.

The best solution would be to ask the doctor himself for advice. Together with the patient, he will determine how urgent the assistance should be. The decision depends on a single criterion: which of the diseases is more serious - a cold or a dental one.

READ IN DETAIL: first aid for dental emergencies

The influence of temperature on the quality of dental treatment

Temperature is a natural reaction of the body to the inflammatory processes occurring in it. The intensified fight against infection, to which all internal resources are directed, often causes the mercury column to rise to alarming levels. Should you go to the dentist if you have a fever when your body temperature reaches 37-38 degrees? You can find the answer to this question by listening to your body and understanding why the temperature is elevated.

If the cause of the increase in temperature is the flu or ARVI, it is better to reschedule the visit to the doctor and rest at home, giving the body the opportunity to recover. However, it is worth remembering that the cause of a temperature jump can also be pathological processes in the oral cavity, for example, the formation of a cyst or deep caries. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tooth extraction during ARVI

Unlike standard dental surgery, removing a diseased tooth is a last resort. The question of whether it is possible to postpone the operation until the patient has fully recovered or whether the tooth needs to be pulled out immediately must be decided especially carefully. First of all, the doctor must assess the general clinical picture of the patient and decide whether the severity of the cold is so great as to postpone surgery.

Any unreasonable delay in tooth extraction can seriously affect the patient’s health, so you cannot delay. As the carious cavity grows, it not only aggravates the pain in the tooth requiring extraction, but also affects the neighboring ones. A tooth that needs to be removed is a breeding ground for pathogens and infections in the oral cavity. It is these microbes that can cause many of the symptoms of ARVI, and therefore it is not advisable to delay the procedure.

In other cases, the question of the advisability of tooth extraction in the presence of a cold should be decided jointly by the therapist and the dentist. After consultation, doctors will set a day for surgery and suggest effective antiviral measures that need to be taken immediately after tooth extraction. Therapy includes taking medications, immunomodulators, and painkillers. Additionally, care must be taken to eliminate the general symptoms of a cold and to prevent infection of the wound left after tooth extraction.

Treatment for a cold on the lip

The herpes simplex virus, according to research, lives in the bodies of 90% of people. The virus usually appears when the immune system is weakened, due to stress, or hypothermia.

People often wonder whether it is possible to treat teeth if they have a cold on the lip, and some patients are completely sure that there is nothing wrong with small bubbles and they will not interfere with the dentist. This is mistake.

For diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and caries, as well as during tooth extraction, a cold on the lips is a strict contraindication for manipulation.

Most medical procedures in the oral cavity lead to mechanical damage to tissue, and in this case the virus easily penetrates inside. As a result, a disease such as herpetic stomatitis develops, in which not the lip, but the entire oral cavity is covered with wounds.

What complications can there be?

As mentioned above, the presence of a viral disease weakens the body and makes it vulnerable to various types of infections that can be acquired after the doctor’s manipulations. This causes a risk of deterioration of the patient’s condition and complications of both colds and dental diseases.

The table below shows the symptoms of the most common of these complications:

Complications after a coldComplications after dental disease
Pneumonia. Characteristic symptoms: a sharp increase in temperature and cough with sputum. Edema. Swelling for the first 1-3 days after dental surgery is normal. A longer period is a reason to consult a doctor.
Sinusitis. Characteristic symptoms: sinus pain, difficulty breathing, chronic nasal congestion. Pain is a normal reaction of the body to damage to the periodontal nerves, which gradually begins to subside. You need to monitor the dynamics.
Otitis. Characteristic symptoms: ear congestion, shooting pain. Bleeding. Severe bleeding can be caused by an incorrectly performed operation, therefore an additional emergency examination of the patient is required.
Meningitis and arachnoiditis. Characteristic symptoms: frequent fainting, headaches, sometimes nausea. Pus. The presence of pus in the oral cavity means an urgent need for additional examination.

If one or more symptoms are detected, it is better to consult a specialist. If the condition is satisfactory, you can get by with a telephone consultation. Most likely, the doctor will set a day for the tests necessary to identify or exclude the presence of pathologies. If the condition is acute and the symptoms increase, the best solution would be to call an ambulance.

Is it possible to treat caries or remove teeth during a cold with a runny nose and fever?

Should you go to the dentist when you have a cold?

  • The first argument in favor of why caries cannot be treated for a cold is that you can infect the attending physician. Such a trip to the dentist can result in a serious illness for the latter and in the absence of medical care for many of his patients.
  • Going to a specialist if you have a cold is associated with the risk of complications. The fact is that during a cold the body is weakened and more vulnerable to infection. When you are sick, your internal strength goes into fighting the symptoms of a cold and is no longer enough to repel other attacks. Surgical procedures in the dental chair lead to increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • The effect of an anesthetic on the body during illness is unpredictable. The patient may suddenly become ill in the chair, making further treatment impossible.

Treatment of caries with a runny nose

The best solution would be to ask the doctor himself for advice. Together with the patient, he will determine how urgent the assistance should be. The decision depends on a single criterion: which of the diseases is more serious - a cold or a dental one.

The influence of temperature on the quality of dental treatment

If the cause of the increase in temperature is the flu or ARVI, it is better to reschedule the visit to the doctor and rest at home, giving the body the opportunity to recover. However, it is worth remembering that the cause of a temperature jump can also be pathological processes in the oral cavity, for example, the formation of a cyst or deep caries. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tooth extraction during ARVI

Any unreasonable delay in tooth extraction can seriously affect the patient’s health, so you cannot delay. As the carious cavity grows, it not only aggravates the pain in the tooth requiring extraction, but also affects the neighboring ones. A tooth that needs to be removed is a breeding ground for pathogens and infections in the oral cavity. It is these microbes that can cause many of the symptoms of ARVI, and therefore it is not advisable to delay the procedure.

What complications can there be?

The table below shows the symptoms of the most common of these complications:

Once I had to remove a wisdom tooth during a sore throat. I’ve read articles on the Internet that say the therapist and dentist should decide together. I went to the therapist, and she looked at me like I was a fool. He says, here’s a prescription for a sore throat, and let the dentist deal with your teeth.

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