What medications can pregnant women take for a cold?

Viruses: mother and child are at risk. Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

The arrival of cold weather almost always marks the beginning of the cold season. As a result, at this time the concentration of viruses in the air increases significantly. That is why pregnant women are recommended to, if possible, reduce the number of visits to public transport, shops and other crowded places. But if, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the disease and the pregnant woman fell ill with ARVI or influenza, you should not delay treatment and let the situation take its course. A viral disease is not only discomfort, although it also causes a lot of trouble. Even a banal “cold” can cause serious harm to the health of the baby that a woman is carrying. In addition, a suddenly activated herpes virus can also cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother. Among the main threats that viruses pose are:

  • Failure of pregnancy (miscarriage, premature birth) or threat of failure (leakage of amniotic fluid prematurely).
  • Pathologies of the placenta.
  • Infection of the membranes.
  • Deviations in the development of the baby.
  • Fetal blood infection.
  • Intrauterine death of a child.

The consequences of the “work” of the virus can be very serious. Therefore, special antiviral drugs have been developed to combat the disease. Taking a number of antiviral drugs during pregnancy is unacceptable, but there are also those that can be treated while expecting a baby.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Indications for starting antiviral therapy

When the first symptoms of a viral infection appear (general malaise, runny nose, fever to subfebrile levels), do you need to immediately look into the medicine cabinet in search of medicine? Of course not. But it is worth knowing a number of signs indicating that you cannot do without drug therapy.

  • Change in skin color.
  • The appearance of sputum.
  • Coughing.
  • Chest pain, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath even at rest.
  • High fever lasting more than 3 days.
  • Hypotension.

In addition, you should not refuse to visit a doctor, even if you have independently diagnosed yourself with a “common cold.” Special attention should be paid to topical anti-inflammatory drugs. They are effective and “work” exclusively at the site of application, without entering or practically not entering the systemic bloodstream. Self-prescription of an antiviral drug during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. In addition to the fact that a number of medications are unacceptable for use by women in this position, only a doctor can select not only the medications necessary, taking into account the course of the disease, but also their dosage.

What to do if your throat hurts?

A sore throat can be due to various reasons. This includes an incipient sore throat, swollen tonsils, pharyngitis, and chronic tonsillitis. Only a doctor will identify the true cause and prescribe an effective treatment method. Any throat sprays containing alcohol, as well as tinctures, such as propolis, are not recommended for use during pregnancy. But aerosol preparations Ingalipt and Hexoral are allowed for almost the entire duration of the term. Solutions of Chlorhexidine and Miramistin for rinsing the mouth will quickly help get rid of uncomfortable sensations.

Additional remedies that will reduce pain in the throat include a warm infusion of chamomile, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, Lugol's solution for lubricating the throat, Lizobakt and Laripront lozenges (can be dissolved several times throughout the day) and inhalations with tea tree oil. Essential oil can also be used to create a gargle solution.

If you have a cold, you shouldn’t let the disease get worse and expect that everything will go away on its own soon. It is doubly dangerous for a pregnant woman to get sick, because she jeopardizes not only her own health, but also the health of her baby. Many medications are prohibited from taking while pregnant, but there is still an impressive list of safe medications that effectively fight colds and ARVI.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

If you were unable to resist the attack of viruses, and the cold still overtook the expectant mother, you should not delay treatment. At different stages of pregnancy, the list of approved medications may include more or fewer medications.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 1st trimester

Insidious viruses can overtake a woman at the very beginning of the journey called pregnancy. At this time, it is especially difficult for the female body, because colossal changes occur to it, caused by the emergence of a new life, and here microbes and viruses are also added. Special medications are designed to help the expectant mother. What antiviral drugs during early pregnancy will be safe for the little man in the womb?

  • Paracetamol, as well as its analogue - Panadol. An effective antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug that pregnant women can take without fear at any time while expecting a baby.
  • Safe antiviral agents that can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy - Oscillococcinum, Grippferon, Aflubin.

Oscillococcinum, Aflubin - homeopathic remedies. When treating with homeopathy, it is important to remember several important points: the medication must be taken strictly according to the prescribed regimen; the effect of the drug is reduced to zero when drinking coffee, mint (including using mint toothpaste).

Grippferon (analogue - Nazoferon) is an antiviral drug that also has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. There are no contraindications for use by pregnant women, even when expecting a baby.

  • Aqua Maris and Pinosol will help you cope with rhinitis (runny nose), a faithful companion of ARVI.

Aqua Maris is a sterile solution of sea water, which is available in the form of sprays and drops. The microelements with which the liquid is saturated normalize the functioning of the mucous membranes, increase local immunity, and help eliminate excess mucus from the nasal passages.

Pinosol - anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drops of plant origin. The essential oils included in its composition effectively fight microbes and restore the mucous membranes of the nose.

  • Sinupret is a combination product of plant origin. If the inflammatory process affects the paranasal sinuses, purulent rhinitis occurs, or a cough bothers you, Sinupret will help to effectively cope with the disease. For adults, the drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. Expectant mothers are prescribed tablets, since the drops are an alcohol infusion, which is not recommended for pregnant women. The herbs included in the medicine eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes, improve drainage of the nasal sinuses, fight viruses, and relieve inflammation.
  • For inflammatory processes in the throat, Lugol's solution and chlorophyllipt in the form of sprays, Tantum Verde, can be prescribed. The action of the drugs is local and highly effective. Doctors' opinions regarding the safety of using these medications vary, so be sure to consult with your doctor before starting therapy.

Everyone knows from childhood that if you get sick, you must take ascorbic acid to improve your immunity. For expectant mothers, this rule works with restrictions, since it is necessary to monitor the consumption of vitamin C - its excess is undesirable.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

By the 14th week, the female body has already become accustomed to working in a new way, which is why mothers get sick less often during this period. But sometimes even at this time a cold cannot be avoided. And here medications can help a woman cope with the disease. What antiviral drug can be used during pregnancy for those who have already entered the 2nd trimester? Medicines approved for use in the 1st trimester are, of course, still relevant and can be used by women from the 14th to the 27th week of pregnancy. In addition to them, new drugs are being added.

  • Viferon candles. Rectal suppositories have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulate the immune system. The medication copes well not only with the flu virus, but also with herpes.
  • Interferon drops. The medicine is instilled into the nasal passages or sprayed into the air. This drug is used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of ARVI.
  • Bromhexine will help overcome a cough. The medicine is not recommended for use in the 1st trimester, and later can be chosen as a means of therapy.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

Starting from the 28th week, the 3rd trimester begins. The baby is already fully formed. The list of drugs that can be used at earlier stages remains the same, but their dosage can be slightly increased, moving from a preventive to a therapeutic dose. Also during this period, antibacterial therapy is allowed if there is a need for it (in some cases, a bacterial infection is added to a viral infection). Lazolvan can be used for cough. Why not earlier - because studies were carried out only on patients whose pregnancy was 28 weeks or more.

Such drugs as Doctor Mom, Mucaltin, although they are of natural origin, do not have studies confirming their safety for pregnant women. Taking Ergoferon, an antiviral agent that stimulates the production of interferon, is also not recommended. The medicine is available in the form of tablets that must be dissolved. Clinical studies on pregnant women were also not conducted in this case.

How to get rid of a runny nose?

A stuffy nose, heavy breathing, and constant snotty nose can be a big problem for an expectant mother who needs a lot of oxygen for the proper development of her baby.

Vasoconstrictor drops, so beloved by many in winter, are prohibited for pregnant women. They speed up the baby's heartbeat.

Cold medications for pregnant women that are good for relieving a runny nose and do not have a harmful effect on the baby:

  • Pinosol;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Nazivin;
  • Derinat.

Special salt solutions are also very good at relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa, which are excellent for rinsing and cleaning.

Half a teaspoon of salt dissolves in 200 ml of warm boiled water. It is important not to oversalt, otherwise you can dry out the mucous membrane. It is enough to rinse your nose just a couple of times a day. 3-4 times will be more than enough.

You can also make homemade drops that will help you recover faster and get rid of a runny nose in a short time. Dissolve a couple of drops of iodine in half a glass of water and add just a little salt, about a fifth of a teaspoon. Apply 2 drops at a time 3-4 times a day.

Antiviral drugs prohibited for use by pregnant women

A number of medications aimed at combating viruses and related problems that they can cause (fever, pain, bacterial infection) are not prescribed to women in “special situations.” The reason is the negative impact of drugs on the developing baby. These include:

  • Remantadine, Groprinosin. These antiviral drugs during pregnancy are prohibited for use in any trimester.
  • Antibacterial drug Tetracycline, as well as its derivatives - Levomycetin, Streptomycin. The use of such medications is strictly contraindicated during any weeks of pregnancy.
  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a commonly used antipyretic. In addition, the medicine successfully eliminates pain. This medication is not suitable for use by pregnant women.
  • Analgin is a good remedy for headaches, but not for expectant mothers. The use of the medicine by this category of women is prohibited.
  • You should not resort to warming procedures in the form of mustard plasters, physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated, and you should not steam your feet.
  • If the temperature exceeds 39.5°C, this is a reason to call an ambulance.

Doctors' opinions regarding such common antiviral immunomodulator drugs as Anaferon and Arbidol vary. The whole point is the lack of clinical trials of these drugs on pregnant women (studies were carried out only on animals). The mechanism of action of medications is to stimulate the production of interferon, thanks to which the body’s cells become immune to viruses. The use of these drugs is not contraindicated, but if possible, preference should be given to other drugs.

How to treat a cold in pregnant women?

During pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to the prevention of ARVI. If you have contracted a viral infection, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics on your own; moreover, antibacterial agents have absolutely no effect on viruses.
  2. Do not use antipyretics if the body temperature does not rise above 38ºC.
  3. Avoid physical activity, especially in the first days of illness.
  4. Drink plenty of warm drink in the form of tea with lemon, raspberry or honey. However, you need to monitor the amount of fluid to avoid swelling, and the amount of sugar consumed.
  5. Eat easily digestible foods and limit your intake of heavy fatty foods (preferably soups, vegetables and fruits).
  6. During this period, it is advisable to avoid contact with other members of your family and stay separately in a well-ventilated room.
  7. At elevated temperatures, cold compresses and rubdowns are allowed. Do not use alcohol for wiping.
  8. For sore throat, gargle with soda or salt solutions, herbs and inhalation.

Doctors advise turning to them for advice and help in any course of the disease, however, visiting a clinic, especially during periods of epidemics, increases the risk of deterioration in well-being.

By following the instructions, you can relieve the signs of the disease yourself. If there is no improvement within three to four days, or the condition worsens, you should call a doctor.

A doctor must be called in the following cases:

  • deterioration after recovery or a new wave of fever;
  • increased symptoms of the disease, the appearance of cough, purulent sputum;
  • lack of effect from taking an antipyretic drug when the temperature is above 39ºC;
  • general serious condition: loss of consciousness, the appearance of convulsions, difficulty breathing or the appearance of shortness of breath, vomiting in combination with headache (medicines for pregnant women for headaches are described here), swelling, rash on the body.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Treating a cold without medication

Depending on the severity of symptoms, the duration of pregnancy and based on an assessment of the woman’s general condition, in some cases drug therapy can be left as a “back-up option”, and the main emphasis can be placed on traditional medicine. But remember that such a decision should be made exclusively by a doctor! In any case, natural herbs and berries will be a good addition to complex therapy when treating with drugs.

  • Berry fruit drinks, herbal teas with mint and lemon balm will help increase the body's resistance.
  • Radish is an excellent remedy not only for treatment (radish with honey is an indispensable “dish” for coughs), but also for the prevention of colds. The root vegetable strengthens the immune system, increasing its resistance to viruses.
  • Cranberries have an equally beneficial effect on the body’s defenses. Pour boiling water over them, add a spoonful of honey and the healing drink is ready.
  • Inhalations with boiled potatoes, especially if you add chamomile, eucalyptus or sage, will also help fight viruses.
  • Tea with linden or raspberry is a good remedy for fever caused by an increase in temperature.
  • Thermopsis herb (available in tablet form) and coltsfoot infusion will help get rid of cough.

When turning to traditional medicine, it is important to remember that, starting from the second half of the 2nd trimester and before childbirth, the likelihood of edema increases. Therefore, fluid intake should be controlled.

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